EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#340: Clouds and Mist fate aperture

hōng hōng hōng!! 轰轰轰!! Neat sounds of footsteps resound before barrack, are stepping the same step, is treading the same rhythm, directly before the Mo Xie (demon scorpion) and other scorpionkin race car(riage) in underground cave entrance long-range raid in the past. Completely by stance forward running wildly of cross country. 一道道整齐的脚步声在军营前响起,迈着相同的步伐,踏着一样的节奏,直接朝着魔蝎蝎人族车里的地下洞口前奔袭过去。完全是以越野跑的姿态向前狂奔 Yi Tianxing works as first before, Wu Yong also follows close on. 易天行当先在前,吴用也紧跟在后。 Such war, Wu Yong as military counselor strategist, is naturally impossible to miss such war. 这样的大战,吴用身为军师谋士,自然不可能错过这样的战事。 30,000 army, is crashing in one after another underground. 三万大军,鱼贯着冲进地下。 Goes, is a slender immense underground walk. If normally, when the Xuanhuang Town thorough casting becomes supreme artifact, underground will also turn into part of city, digs to go through in the underground ground, does not have the means to enter town. The present is only the embryo, when will not stop, to go through thoroughly, can achieve to open access. 一进去,就是一条修长巨大的地下通道。若是正常情况下,等到玄黄镇彻底铸造成至尊神器的话,地下也将变成城池的一部分,打洞穿行于地下地面,是没有办法进入城镇的。现在只是胚胎,才不会彻底阻拦,穿行时,还是可以做到畅通无阻。 In an instant, 30,000 army has vanished from the ground does not see. 转眼间,三万大军已经从地面消失不见。 Really has the war to happen, that tunnel, is the underground walk that scorpionkin race unearths, before had the army to go to investigate, now looks like, should found the scorpionkin race trail, dispatches army to go to exterminate these scorpionkin race odd/surplus evil directly.” “果然是有大战发生,那处地洞,是蝎人族挖掘出来的地下通道,之前就有军队前去探查,现在看来,应该是找到蝎人族的踪迹,直接调遣大军前去剿灭那些蝎人族余孽。” Walks, we also go together. Has the war, kills the foreign race opportunity, how cannot let off. scorpionkin race hit half remnant. Even if competent, definitely cannot resist attacking of 30,000 army.” “走,我们也一起前去。有大战,杀异族的机会,怎么都不能放过。蝎人族已经被打的半残。哪怕是有实力,也肯定抵挡不住三万大军的攻伐。” Having cultivator fully is exciting saying. 修士满是兴奋的说道。 This is the direct engagement, once arranges battle formation, does not know that what fearful picture that can be, if misses this opportunity, if next time wants to see again how long has not known to wait for on.” Some people shout excitedly said. “这是正面交战,一旦摆下战阵,不知道那会是一种什么样的可怕画面,要是错过这次机会,下次要想再次看到,还不知道要等上多久。”有人兴奋的呼喊道。 The large quantities of cultivator subconscious starts flushed toward the underground cavern. 大批修士下意识的开始朝着地下洞穴冲了进去。 Saw appearance that in Xuanhuang Town so wages a war, where cannot guess that this has a war to happen. 一看到玄黄镇中如此大动干戈的模样,哪里会猜测不到这是有一场大战要发生。 Thinks that is also so, before foreign race attacked to kill Xuanhuang Town, now gets strength back, how can not going back also well. 想想也是如此,之前异族攻杀玄黄镇,现在缓过劲来,怎么能不会好好的还回去。 The underground channel, was not narrow, has to have earth attribute fate aperture cultivator to expand the channel before , here, itself had been dug up, the width of development, can definitely hold 10 officers and soldiers also to enter, did not come under any influence in inside rapid shuttle. Tunnel that scorpionkin race unearths, must hold army to go through, where naturally impossible small to go. 地下的通道,并不算狭窄,有拥有土属性命窍修士在之前就已经将通道扩大了一些,并且,这里,本身就被挖开过,拓展的宽度,完全可以容纳将士同时进入,在里面迅速穿梭而不受到任何影响。蝎人族挖掘出的地洞,也要容纳大军穿行,自然不可能小到哪里去。 Wang Dahu guides in front, in the tunnel leaves leeway the mark. 王大虎在前面带路,地洞中留有标记。 Currently also has soldier to monitor. 现在还有士兵在监视着。 lighten body goes forward.” 轻身前进。” When Wang Dahu hints soon close, Yang Ye orders fast. 王大虎示意即将靠近时,杨业快速下令道。 All officers and soldiers are cultivator, everyone has cultivation base, after having been ordered, fast turn-around true qi, becomes by own footsteps light as a swan's feather. Walks in the ground, a sound does not have. By their abilities, must maintain this way, continues certain time sufficiently. 所有将士都是修士,人人都有修为,一个个在得到命令后,快速运转真气,让自身的脚步变得轻如鸿毛。在地面上行走,一点声音都没有。以他们的能力,要保持这种方式,也足以持续一定时间 Soon, has arrived at the end of cavern. 不多时,已经来到洞穴的尽头。 Can see. When soon approaches the end, on its hitting the target main road, directly separates a say/way branch road. Not following main road vanguard. 能看到。在快要靠近尽头时,其中的主道上,直接分开一条支道岔路。并没有顺着主道前行。 Wang Dahu carries off, is that channel of say/way, went round a distance. 王大虎带着走的,也是支道的那条通道,绕开了一段距离。 The main road is scorpionkin race unearths, where once approaches, obviously, the discovered probability is enormous, like this staggers the approach of main road, instead is the extremely intelligent approach. 主道是蝎人族挖掘出来的,一旦从哪里靠近,显然,被发现的几率极大,这样错开主道的做法,反而是极为聪明的做法。 Arrives at the branch road junction, immediately saw, one team of officers and soldiers are defending in front, the position of branch road junction is also quite covert. Sees Yi Tianxing already behind large quantities of armies, on faces reveals the color of great happiness. 来到岔道口,顿时就看到,一队将士正守在前面,岔道口的位置也极为隐蔽。看到易天行已经身后大批军队,一个个脸上都露出大喜之色。 Your Lordship, you look.” 主公,你看。” Wang Dahu points at outside was saying. 王大虎指着外面说道。 Big underground space, this underground by these scorpionkin race hollowing out. Actually causes such big piece of underground world.” Yi Tianxing searched to see the past, the first impression was big. “好大的地下空间,这地下都被这些蝎人族给挖空了。竟然弄出这么大的一片地下世界。”易天行探眼看了过去,第一印象就是大。 Appears at present, is piece of immense underground space, to taking a quick look around, has the distance in surrounding area not under 3~4. Must dig out such big region, absolutely is a quite fearful strength. Extremely mammoth project. 出现在眼前的,是一片巨大的地下空间,大到一眼看去,足足有方圆不下三四里的距离。要挖出这么大的区域,绝对是一种相当可怕的力量。极为浩大的工程。 Really is scorpionkin race, many humanity common people.” “真的是蝎人族,好多的人族百姓。” When looks fixedly at again, immediately sees, in this piece of underground space, can see impressively, large quantities of scorpionkin race warrior are gathering at all around, most central, is that jet black Demon God Altar, altar can communicate Demon God, this has witnessed, that strength. Yi Tianxing self-examined, really must face, will be suppressed instantaneously, basic(ally) does not have the ability of resistance. powerful is extremely fearful. 再次定眼看去时,立即就看到,在这片地下空间中,赫然可以看到,大批的蝎人族战士正聚集在四周,最中央的,就是那座漆黑的魔神祭坛,祭坛能沟通魔神,这是亲眼目睹过的,那力量。易天行自问,真要面对,瞬间就会被镇压,根本没有抵抗的能力。太过强大可怕。 Really is not the average person can resist. 实在不是一般人所能抗拒的。 These do not calculate, what is most fearful, under altar, presents massive poisonous scorpions unexpectedly, dense and numerous. Also does not know where this scorpionkin race from made, the variety was myriad oddities. Takes a quick look around, the scalp must tingle with numbness. Secretly scared. 这些不算,最可怕的是,在祭坛下面,竟然出现大量的毒蝎子,密密麻麻。也不知道这蝎人族是从什么地方弄来了,品种都是千奇百怪的。一眼看去,头皮都要发麻。暗自胆寒不已。 This is by one of five harmful things the person knows. 这是最被人所知的五毒之一。 Most astonishing, in this piece of underground space, is imprisoning large quantities of mankind unexpectedly, these mankind, wear what clothes has, has magnificently, there is a thick clothes linen, has old person, has the child, has the adult male, there are young woman. Was imprisoned together completely, is emaciated, thing that obviously, they eat, absolutely is not the good thing, is more impossible to be satiated with food and wine. Can maintain the life is good. 最惊人的,是在这片地下空间中,竟然囚禁着大批的人类,那些人类,穿着什么衣服的都有,有华丽的,也有粗衣麻布,有老人,有小孩,有成年男子,也有年轻女子。全部都被囚禁在一起,一个个都是面黄肌瘦,显然,他们吃的东西,绝对不是什么好东西,更加不可能吃饱喝足。能维持性命就已经算是不错。 Now, on their faces, is covering the a layer|one level rich frightened color, obviously, regarding own fate and destiny, appearing quite despairs and vacant. That cannot see the Hope vision. Everyone is numb. 如今,在他们的脸上,都笼罩着一层浓郁的恐惧之色,显然,对于自身的命运,显得极为的绝望与茫然。那是看不到希望的目光。所有人都已经麻木了。 When was imprisoned, some people have revolted, but final result, but was struck to kill, degenerates into the blood feed fate, any resistance, was easily suppressed again, these scorpionkin race are not ordinary ominous beast monster, but is the true intelligent race, has the wisdom, has life, has own character. basic(ally) will not give them any opportunity of escaping. 在被囚禁时,有人反抗过,但最终的结果,只是被击杀,沦为血食的下场,再任何反抗,都是被轻易镇压,这些蝎人族不是普通的凶兽怪物,而是真正的智慧种族,具有智慧,具有生命,具有属于自己的性格。根本就不会给他们任何逃脱的机会。 Moreover, eats to them, is some residual food left over, even the belly cannot fill, can only maintain life. Now, the person here, almost takes up the strength of weapon fight not to have continually, cannot discuss the resistance. That simply is not the matter that is possible to achieve, such circumstances, brought naturally is the endless despair and numbness. 而且,给他们吃的,都是一些残渣剩饭,连肚子都填不饱,只能维持生命。现在,在这里的人,几乎连拿起兵器战斗的力气都没有,更加谈不上去反抗。那简直就是不可能做到的事情,这样的境遇,带来的自然是无尽的绝望与麻木。 Good, has not thought that these mankind really have such strength inside information, the Xuanhuang Town strength is truly more than I expected beside, this time attacks Xuanhuang Town, lets my 100,000 army unexpectedly, cannot fall from the sky all of a sudden 50,000~60,000, particularly that damn rune bomb. In underground makes me lose over ten thousand army. Otherwise, is impossible to fall to this aspect.” “好,没想到那些人类竟然还有这样的实力底蕴,玄黄镇的力量确实超出我的预料之外,这次进攻玄黄镇,竟然让我十万大军,一下子陨落不下五六万之多,尤其是那该死的符文炸弹。在地下就让我损失上万大军。要不然,怎么也不可能落到这种局面。” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) pale standing before altar, saying of muttering: Is good when me has been ready, leaves behind the subsequent hand, mankind that these capture, but also kept half not to offer sacrifices, waited to present the accident, opportunity of staging a comeback. So long as offers sacrifices Demon God remaining mankind, Demon God will certainly help my evolution have several tens of thousands army again. Several tens of thousands scorpionkin race people. My scorpionkin race, will certainly become in this piece of heaven and earth, most powerful race.” 魔蝎脸色苍白的站立在祭坛前,喃喃自语的说道:“好在我之前就已经做好准备,留下后手,那些追捕到的人类,还留了一半没有献祭,就是等着出现变故时,还有东山再起的机会。只要将剩下的人类献祭魔神,魔神一定会帮我再次进化出数万大军。数万名蝎人族子民。我蝎人族,一定会成为这片天地中,最强大的种族。” In eyes, not only reveals wipes to be self-confident and frantic. 眼眸中,不仅露出一抹自信与狂热。 This faith, extremely firm. 这种信念,极为的坚定。 He believes, scorpionkin race can certainly grow strong in his hands, grows to truly stand erect the top race above myriad races. Can not fear any archenemy. But all these, must start from present group of mankind slaves. With their flesh, casts the scorpionkin race magnificent future. 他相信,蝎人族一定可以在他的手中发展壮大,真正成长为屹立在万族之上的顶尖种族。可以不惧怕任何大敌。而这一切,就要从眼前的这批人类奴隶开始。用他们的血肉,来铸就蝎人族辉煌的未来。 Prepares, gives me to bring to come up these mankind, offers sacrifices Demon God. Has the new clansman for our evolution.” “准备好,将那些人类给我带上来,献祭魔神。为我们进化出新的族人。” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) taking a deep breath, opens the mouth decisively, issues the order 魔蝎深吸一口气,断然开口,发出命令 These scorpionkin race quantity as before enormous, seeming like, having 30,000 are many . Moreover, looks at the aura, very|10 points is calm, should be elite . Moreover, has the scorpionkin race warrior inspection in the surrounding, flaw that nothing can discover.” “这些蝎人族数量依旧庞大,看起来,有不下三万多,而且,看气息,都十分沉稳,应该都是精锐,而且,在外围有蝎人族战士巡视,没有什么可以找出的破绽。” Wu Yong also takes a fast look around the following scene, in the mind is rotating the thought fast, said slowly. 吴用也扫视着下面的情景,脑海中快速转动着念头,缓缓说道。 Even if in underground, these scorpionkin race have not lost proper is vigilant the heart, inspection soldier group after group. It may be said that is guards sternly, sneak attacks and so on, is very difficult to play the proper role. 哪怕是在地下,这些蝎人族也没有失去应有的警惕之心,巡视的士兵一批接着一批。可谓是守卫森严,偷袭什么的,是很难起到应有的作用。 Now some large quantities of mankind were imprisoned by scorpionkin race, I feared, if we kill, these foreign race will take risks, mutual destruction, starts to these common people directly, that is more than 100,000 common people, each is quite precious. Presents any casualties, is a loss. If cannot guarantee that their securities, this action is not the true success.” “现在有大批人类蝎人族囚禁,我怕要是我们杀出去,那些异族会铤而走险,玉石俱焚,直接对那些百姓下手,那可是十多万百姓,每一个都极为宝贵。出现任何伤亡,都是一种损失。若不能保证他们的安全,这次的行动也算不上真正的成功。” Yi Tianxing knits the brows to say slightly. 易天行微微皱眉道。 Some large quantities of common people in the scorpionkin race hand, he can definitely order to kill directly, slaughters directly does not fear, feared that feared Mo Xie (demon scorpion) this bastard for a penny and for a pound slaughters common people wantonly. 要不是有大批百姓蝎人族手中,他完全可以直接下令杀出去,正面厮杀也不惧怕,怕就怕魔蝎这混蛋会一不做二不休的大肆屠杀百姓 This is not he wants to see. 这就不是他想要看到的。 Naturally, if in not being able to find the situation of means that that can only choose attacks forcefully, can rescue many common people to rescue many, always compares offers sacrifices to give Demon God to be better by scorpionkin race completely. 当然,要是在找不到办法的情况下,那就只能选择强行突袭,能解救出多少百姓就解救出多少,总比全部被蝎人族献祭给魔神要好。 These foreign race, must take the person to come for the sacrificial offering, offers sacrifices. 这些异族,明显是要以人来为祭品,进行献祭。 This is Yi Tianxing is absolutely intolerable. 这是易天行绝对不能容忍的。 These common people, is my Xuanhuang Town precious wealth completely. How could to offer sacrifices to give the nonsense Demon God.” In the Yi Tianxing heart has together the thought secretly. Your Lordship, I have fate aperture divine ability together, can condense the bad fog, by my cultivation base realm, this bad fog can only continue about tea. Uses the full power, can cover entire underground space, so long as while this time, kills to imprison the humanity common people region, strikes to kill these foreign race, can intercept other foreign race thoroughly. I have observed, captivity position, close to a mountain wall. So long as kills nearby foreign race at the maximum speed, can definitely rescue most common people. Frees extra worries. ” “这些百姓,全部都是属于我玄黄镇的宝贵财富。岂能被献祭给狗屁的魔神。”易天行心中暗自生出一道念头。主公,我有一道命窍神通,可以凝聚大雾,以我的修为境界,这大雾只可以持续一盏茶左右。倾尽全力,可以覆盖整个地下空间,只要趁这个时间,杀进囚禁人族百姓的区域,将那些异族击杀,就可以彻底拦截住其他异族。我已经观察过,囚禁的位置,靠近一处山壁。只要以最快速度杀死附近的异族,完全可以救下大部分的百姓。解除后顾之忧。” Wu Yong says suddenly. 吴用突然开口说道。 His within the body also awakens together fate aperture. 他体内同样觉醒一道命窍 This fate aperture named Clouds and Mist!! 这道命窍名为云雾!! From the beginning, can only condense the bad fog, but the region that with the time passage, cultivation base deepens, condenses the bad fog that covers to be broader, after being certain extent, the bad fog that condenses even can have various fearful abilities. As for the present, the bad fog that condenses, can let cultivator in inside, is hard to see clearly all around scene. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 在一开始,只能凝聚出大雾,而随着时间推移,修为加深,凝聚出的大雾覆盖的区域更广,在达到一定程度后,凝聚出的大雾甚至能具有各种可怕的能力。就现在而言,凝聚出的大雾,可以让修士在里面,都难以看清楚四周的景象。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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