EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#339: Begins the outbreak of war

From the beginning, that Army Soul Stele only has one zhang (3.33 m) high. Must use the blood thoroughly incarnadine, is actually not that easy matter, the blood that Army Soul Stele derives, can only be blood hitting the target essence, must slaughter massive ominous beast, monster, and even is the life can make Army Soul Stele obtain transform, thoroughly incarnadine. Moreover, in this process, can only hunt and kill by barrack hitting the target soldier military personnel. 一开始,那块军魂碑只有一丈高。要用鲜血将之彻底染红,却不是那么容易的事情,军魂碑汲取的鲜血,只会是鲜血中的精华,要屠戮大量的凶兽,怪物,乃至是生灵才能让军魂碑得到蜕变,彻底被染红。而且,这过程中,只能由军营中的士兵军人去猎杀。 Hunts and kills personally, just now can be absorbed by Army Soul Stele. 亲手猎杀的,方才能被军魂碑所吸收。 Once enters in barrack, can the giving birth mark naturally. Was approved by Army Soul Stele. 一旦进入军营之中,就会自然而然的生出印记。被军魂碑所认可。 Although is only one zhang (3.33 m) high Army Soul Stele, must dye blood-red thoroughly, only feared that at least must hunt and kill over ten thousand, even is several tens of thousands ominous beast foreign race can achieve. barrack, to go on an expedition to slaughter to exist. 虽然只是一丈高的军魂碑,要彻底染成血红色,只怕至少都要猎杀上万,甚至是数万凶兽异族才可以做到。军营,就是为了征战杀戮而存在。 This point, has not made Yi Tianxing be surprised. 这一点,并没有让易天行感到惊讶。 barrack is goes on an expedition the four directions the base, what training leaves is the soldier of slaying. Hunting all living things. Really anticipated that barrack grows transform that produces.” 军营就是征战四方的基地,培养出的是杀伐之兵。狩猎众生。真期待军营成长起来产生的蜕变。” Yi Tianxing nods secretly, hesitates twittering was saying. 易天行暗自点点头,沉吟着呢喃道。 The sudden appearance of barrack, causes a vision to gaze on Xuanhuang Town. However, sees change that barrack appears. Also shows the look that is unalarmed by strange sights. 军营的突然出现,也在玄黄镇上引起一阵目光注视。不过,看到军营显现出的变化。也都露出见怪不怪的神色。 Good grand barrack. This barrack unusual conditions, a point does not have the air/Qi of axe carving . Moreover, the imposing manner of sending out is extremely strong, just like peerless ominous beast, making one see, is awestruck with deep veneration. Fills somber air.” “好一座雄伟的军营。这军营浑然天成,一点都没有斧琢之气,而且,散发出的气势极强,如同一尊绝世凶兽一样,让人看到,肃然生畏。充满肃杀之气。” This should be heaven and earth rare treasure. With Hidden Classics Pavilion, Connect to Heaven Pavilion, does not know that this barrack has what uniqueness, should have the enormous impact on military personnel.” “这应该又是一件天地异宝。跟藏经阁,通天阁一样,就不知道这军营有什么奇特之处,应该会对军人产生极大的影响。” Good, many rare treasure constructs, such construction the more better, are more, inside information on our Xuanhuang Town is stronger. This is the rare treasure construction of training army, later the army on our Xuanhuang Town definitely will become powerful.” “太好了,又多一件异宝建筑,这样的建筑越多越好,越多,我们玄黄镇上的底蕴就更强。这可是培养军队的异宝建筑,以后我们玄黄镇上的军队肯定会变得更加强大。” Discussions resound unceasingly. 一道道议论声不断响起。 Looked that becomes to the barrack vision especially different, many people look to the Yi Tianxing's vision, has a worship and frantic color. Witnesses Xuanhuang Town constantly to grow becomes stronger, that worship and respect from the heart intense. 看向军营的目光都变得格外不同,不少人看向易天行的目光中,带着一种崇拜与狂热之色。亲眼目睹玄黄镇不断成长变得更强,那种发自内心的崇拜与尊敬就越加的强烈。 pēng pēng pēng!! 砰砰砰!! At this moment, only saw, rapid sound of footsteps is transmitting rapidly, a war armor Wang Dahu half step overshot toward city wall, on his face, brings a joy, a dignity. 就在这时,只看到,一阵急促的脚步声正在飞速传来,一身战甲王大虎正快步朝着城墙上冲了上来,在他的脸上,带着一丝欣喜,一丝凝重。 Your Lordship!!” 主公!!” After rushing to city wall, Wang Dahu said on great shout immediately. 冲上城墙后,王大虎立即就大声呼喊道。 Dahu (big tiger), has any critical matter.” 大虎,是不是有什么紧要的事情。” Yi Tianxing sees the look on Wang Dahu face also to guess correctly, definitely is the accident sentiment, otherwise, is impossible so to rush to itself in front of anxiously. 易天行看到王大虎脸上的神色也猜出,肯定是出了什么事情,要不然,不可能如此急切的赶到自己面前。 However, Wang Dahu they should the ruins in cleaning up town/subdues, sweep clear the battlefield and so on, could it be that... bumps into what treasure, presents what accident. 不过,王大虎他们应该是在清理镇上的废墟,清扫战场之类的,难道是碰到什么宝物,还是出现什么变故。 Your Lordship, I bring a number of officers and soldiers before, awakens earth attribute fate aperture cultivator, pursues following earth dao that scorpionkin race evacuates, wanted to have a look to find their trails, investigated some news. Although these scorpionkin when departure, underground earth dao most destruction, will smash. But was traced some trails by us in the same old way, pursues, discovers an important matter.” 主公,之前我带着一批将士,还有一些觉醒土属性命窍修士,顺着蝎人族撤离的地道追赶过去,想要看看能不能找到他们的踪迹,探查到一些讯息。虽然那些蝎人在离开时,将地下的地道大部分破坏,捣毁。但照样被我们追查到一些踪迹,追赶过去,发现一件大事。” Wang Dahu returned to normal qi and blood in lower part, said fast. 王大虎平复了一下体内的气血,快速说道。 Any matter.” The Yi Tianxing eye pupil concentrates, asks. “什么事情。”易天行眼瞳一凝,开口询问道。 These scorpionkin race are away from our Xuanhuang Town not far position, digs out big piece of underground space . Moreover, in inside, but also is imprisoning large quantities of mankind common people. At that time I looked at one, where mankind was dense and numerous. The quantity is extremely numerous, perhaps has more than tens of thousands, nearly 100,000 quantity. Sees with one's own eyes, has mankind to be killed by these scorpionkin, regards blood feed, eats directly.” “那些蝎人族在距离我们玄黄镇不远的位置,挖出一大片地下空间,而且,在里面,还囚禁着大批的人类百姓。当时我看了一眼,哪里的人类密密麻麻。数量极多,恐怕有不下好几万,十几万的数量。亲眼看到,有人类被那些蝎人杀死,当成血食,直接吃掉。” Moreover, these scorpionkin race were still discussing, must regard these people are the sacrificial offering, is used for sacrificial offering Demon God. Perhaps or how long must begin. officers and soldiers basically doesn't that these scorpionkin race warrior quantity too much, I bring contends sufficiently, therefore, I return in first time, the news reported that reported Your Lordship.” “而且,那些蝎人族还在商议,要将那些人当成是祭品,用来祭祀魔神。要不多久恐怕就要动手了。那些蝎人族战士数量太多,我带的将士根本不足以抗衡,所以,我在第一时间就返回,将消息禀报主公。” Wang Dahu fast saying, among the looks reveals an excitement. 王大虎快速的说道,神色间露出一丝激动。 This is the major discovery, in underground actually has about 100,000 mankind to be imprisoned. Significance that represents, was really big. 这可是重大发现,在地下竟然有着十万左右的人类被囚禁。这其中所代表的意义,实在是太大了。 Unexpectedly so many mankind was imprisoned by scorpionkin race, but must bring sacrificial offering Demon God.” “竟然有那么多的人类蝎人族囚禁,还要拿来祭祀魔神。” Yi Tianxing hears , the mind shakes at the scene, this discovery was really important. 易天行听到,也不由当场心神一震,这个发现实在是太重要了。 This inside the thing of implication, was really big. 这里面蕴含的东西,实在是太大了。 So enormous a number of mankind, once can rescue, integrates in Xuanhuang Town completely, value that has, simply is not unimaginable, the brought development, is unable to estimate. 如此庞大的一批人类,一旦能够解救出来,全部融入到玄黄镇中,那产生的价值,简直就是无法想象的,带来的发展,更是无法估量的。 At that time, entire Xuanhuang Town, will enter to one type thoroughly expands the stage of development rapidly. 那时候,整个玄黄镇,都将彻底进入到一种飞速壮大发展的阶段。 No matter for the Xuanhuang Town future, to rescue these mankind common people, in knowing this news situation, Yi Tianxing has no thought of ignoring. 不管是为了玄黄镇的未来,还是为了解救那些人类百姓,在知道这个消息的情况下,易天行都没有任何置之不理的念头。 General Yang.” 杨将军。” Yi Tianxing made people look Yang Ye. 易天行让人将杨业找了过来。 Now our in the hand can also participate in the fight some officers and soldiers altogether many.” “现在我们手中还能参与战斗的将士一共有多少。” Not hesitant, asks directly. 没有犹豫,直接开口询问道。 Altogether 30,000 name. Other did not die in battle, is seriously injured, temporarily is unable on the battlefield.” “一共还有三万名。其他不是战死,就是身受重伤,暂时无法上战场。” Yang Ye replied rapidly, was a famed general lead(er), had many to be possible regarding the hand in the soldier of war, naturally needs to know from A to Z. Otherwise, basic(ally) calculates that not zhang is qualified great general. When the Yi Tianxing inquiry, the lotus does not have hesitant, replied. 杨业迅速回答道,身为一名将领,对于手中有多少可战之兵,自然是需要了如指掌。要不然,根本算不仧是一名合格的大将。在易天行询问时,莲犹豫都没有,就回答出来。 Immediately gathers all officers and soldiers, first leads into barrack. Immediately reorganizes army, prepares the commodity, rune bomb, crossbow bolt, tally arrow, carrying as far as possible, but do not affect the operational capacity. After reorganizing, immediately set off. Along with me kills together underground.” “立即集合所有将士,先带入军营。立即整顿大军,准备好物资,符文炸弹,弩箭,符箭,尽可能的携带,但不要影响作战能力。整顿完毕后,立即出发。随我一起杀进地下。” The Yi Tianxing fast instruction said. 易天行快速吩咐道。 Yes, Your Lordship.” “是,主公。” Yang Ye hears, the opens the mouth complies. 杨业听到,张口就答应下来。 He also knows that underground has large quantities of mankind to be imprisoned . Moreover, the quantity, achieves 100,000 unexpectedly many numbers, no matter from what angle set off, is impossible to turn a blind eye, makes a move to rescue, simply is imperative. 他也知道地下有大批的人类被囚禁,而且,数量之多,竟然达到十万之多的数目,不管从什么角度出发,都不可能视若无睹,出手解救,简直就是势在必行。 basically doesn't needs other unnecessary choices. 根本不需要有其他多余的选择。 A character, war!! 一个字,战!! All officers and soldiers, put down in the hand all things, the barrack set!!” Yang Ye ordered fast. “所有将士,放下手中一切事情,军营集合!!”杨业快速下令道。 soldier put down the hand hitting the target matter, even if battlefield cleanup soldier also without hesitation hurries to toward barrack. Suddenly, saw, large quantities of soldier flood into barrack from four sides all directions. 一名名士兵纷纷将手中的事情放下,哪怕是打扫战场的士兵也都毫不犹豫的朝着军营赶去。眨眼间,就看到,大批士兵从四面八方涌入军营中。 That barrack looks not big, no matter but goes in many soldier, actually cannot see any picture outside. 那座军营看起来不大,可不管进去多少士兵,在外面却始终看不到任何的画面。 Entire barrack, looks like outside, was covered by piece of confusion fog. 整个军营,在外面看来,就是被一片迷雾所笼罩。 The order that in the town/subdues issues suddenly, lets in the town/subdues all of a sudden many common people, even is external cultivator is a curiosity, reveals the surprised color. 镇上突然发出的命令,一下子就让镇中很多百姓,甚至是外来修士都是一阵好奇,露出惊讶之色。 What's all this about, why all soldier in gather to barrack completely. Moreover, General Yang ordered directly. could it be that... is because barrack is the rare treasure construction, therefore planned that makes all military personnel go in together realizes personally. May also should so anxiously is not right.” Some people curious twittering said. “这是怎么回事,为什么所有士兵全部在向军营中集合。而且,还是杨将军直接下令。难道是因为军营异宝建筑,所以打算让所有军人一起进去亲自体会一下么。可也应该不会这么急才对。”有人好奇的呢喃道。 „It is not right, as if has somber air, I felt that a war coming aura, could it be that... will have what war to happen. Just General Yang seemed like by Your Lordship is called, then issued the order. could it be that... also had what foreign race to kill.” “不对,似乎有种肃杀之气,我感觉到一种大战即将来临的气息,难道又有什么大战要发生。刚刚杨将军好像是被主公叫上去的,然后就发出命令。难道还有什么异族要杀过来了么。” Some people actually reveal the different views. Felt when a war approaches somber air. 有人却露出不同的看法。感觉到一种大战来临时的肃杀之气 Interesting, it seems like that this Xuanhuang Town must have any big movement. could it be that... also has the foreign race preparation that anything does not keep eyes open to come to attack to kill Xuanhuang Town.” Emptiness Childe obviously feels one type soon the aura of war. Keen smells fiend qi. “有意思,看来这玄黄镇又要有什么大动作了。难道还有什么不长眼的异族准备前来攻杀玄黄镇。”空虚公子明显感觉到一种即将大战的气息。敏锐的嗅到一丝煞气 Looks to Yi Tianxing, can feel, transmits killing intent on Yi Tianxing. 看向易天行,能感受到,在易天行身上都传递出一股杀意 This is not the common movement, definitely has the important matter to happen. 这可不是什么寻常的动作,肯定是有大事发生。 Big Brother Yi, I also go together. By my Immortal Phoenix Zither, should be able to help.” 易大哥,我也一起去。以我的仙凰琴,应该可以帮得上忙。” Cai Yan also heard the large quantities of mankind imprisoned news, in the mind appears immediately initially by the picture of xiongnu army captivity, the feelings of some shall be gratefuls as a personal favor, wanted to go. 蔡琰也听到大批人类被囚禁的消息,脑海中立即就浮现出自己当初被匈奴大军囚禁的画面,有种感同身受的感觉,也想要前往。 Does not use, this time is to go underground, you displayed Immortal Phoenix Zither before, within the body have the enormous consumption, now has not thoroughly restored, let alone, in Xuanhuang Town also needs you to assume personal command here, can make the will of the people stable. The function here, not going to the battlefield is more inferior.” Yi Tianxing has not complied, said directly: Let alone, scorpionkin race has hit remnantly, even Mo Xie (demon scorpion) caused heavy losses, carries 30,000 army, in addition has me, I do not believe that scorpionkin race also has lives in attacking of army what card in a hand can resist.” “不用,这次是前往地下,你之前施展仙凰琴,体内也产生极大的消耗,现在还没有彻底恢复,何况,玄黄镇中还需要你在这里坐镇,才能让人心安定。在这里的作用,不比前往战场要逊色。”易天行没有答应,直接说道:“何况,蝎人族已经打残,连魔蝎都被重创,携带三万大军,再加上有我在,我就不相信,那蝎人族还有什么底牌可以抵挡的住大军的攻伐。” In the spoken language, sends out an intense self-confidence. 言语中,散发出一种强烈的自信。 scorpionkin race in beforehand battle, the damage is absolutely small not. When the underground, was exploded one time by rune bomb ruthlessly, was fatal, afterward in the ground battle, even if were separated from the battlefield, quantity that can retain, only feared that most was still 1/3 numbers. 蝎人族在之前的厮杀中,损伤绝对小不到哪里去。在地下时,更是被符文炸弹狠狠的炸了一次,死伤惨重,后来又在地面战斗,就算是脱离战场,能保留住的数量,只怕最多也就是三分之一的数目。 He does not believe that depending on the scorpionkin race present remnants, but can also resist lives in attacking of elite army to kill. 他就不相信,凭蝎人族现在的残兵败将,还能抵挡的住精锐大军的攻杀。 Em, I wait for you to come back here.” “恩,我在这里等你回来。” Cai Yan hears, has not demanded, nods nods, the gentle voice said. 蔡琰听到,也没有强求,颔首点点头,柔声说道。 Relax.” “放心。” Yi Tianxing said with a smile. Embraces that softly, if the willow waist of boneless, takes into that tender body the bosom, closely supports. 易天行笑着说道。揽住那柔若无骨的柳腰,将那娇躯带进怀中,紧紧相拥。 hōng hōng hōng!! 轰轰轰!! Almost in a minute. Sees, in barrack, teams of armies was breaking down neatly. 几乎片刻间。就看到,在军营中,一队队的军队正整齐的垮了出来。 On each officers and soldiers, puts on neat war armor, grasps weapon, Divine Machine Battalion brings massive crossbow bolt. Various war weapon, fully equip on the body. somber air, sweeps across the four directions instantaneously. Let the air almost probably solidify thoroughly. 每一名将士身上,都穿着整齐的战甲,握着兵器,神机营更是带着大量的弩箭。各种战争兵器,全部装备在身上。一股肃杀之气,瞬间席卷四方。让空气都几乎要彻底凝固。 This picture, lets innumerable common people instantaneously, cultivator, secretly one cold, knows, really might be must have the war. This obviously prepares to rush to the battlefield stance, does not crack a joke absolutely. 这画面,瞬间就让无数百姓,修士,都暗自一凛,知道,真的有可能是要发生大战了。这明显是准备奔赴战场的姿态,绝对不是开玩笑的。 30,000 army neat line up in formation before. 三万大军整齐的列阵在前。 Yi Tianxing treads to stand in front of army formation, takes a fast look around officers and soldiers, does not have the unnecessary spoken language, turns around directly, exudes one to shout at: set off!!” 易天行踏立在军阵前面,扫视一名名将士,没有多余的言语,直接转身,发出一声断喝:“出发!!” ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) (未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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