EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#336: Question and answer

This issue is not better to reply. 这个问题更加不好回答。 The range that this issue involves was really big, to had the too much variable. Even, now says anything, may is only empty talk that's all, the impracticality of if saying, that without doubt, will leave behind the false outer space in the future lord monarch heart, impression that can only display one's eloquence, naturally, good that if replied, that without doubt, own position can attach great importance. 这个问题涉及到的范围实在是太大了,大到其中拥有太多的变数。甚至,现在说什么,都有可能只是一种空谈而已,要是说的不切实际,那无疑,会在未来主君心中留下假太空,只会耍嘴皮子的印象,当然,要是回答的好,那无疑,自身的地位才能都会得到重视。 Now the heaven and earth big change, is completely different from world that everyone occupied, all mankind civilization Royal Dynasty, do not exist completely, Myriad Worlds Fuse, brought , is not only endless boundless Vast heaven and earth. Similarly also brings all kinds of ominous beast monster, innumerable foreign race. Our mankind is also only in Eternal Continent multifarious race hitting the target one.” “如今天地大变,已经跟所有人原先所居住的世界完全不同,所有人类文明王朝,全部不复存在,万界融合,带来的不仅是无边无际的浩瀚天地。同样也带来各种各样的凶兽怪物,无数异族。我们人类也只是永恒大陆万千种族中的一个。” When the young bookworm first says: Although heavenly dao limits almighty that these arrive, is unable to intervene the multifarious race the battle battle, but my humanity, most people are feeble, initially brings forth the accident, with these savage foreign race monster, naturally degenerated into blood feed, slaughters recklessly. This one tribulation, has accomplished our humanity to be at the opposite with most foreign race. The humanity situation, very|10 points is it can be said that worrying. The future aspect, is quite surely difficult. This is tumultuous times. This tumultuous times may continue to count the 10 year, on 100 year, even is longer, finally branches out the victory and defeat strong and weak. Decides on the area. The approach will be steady.” 白面书生当先开口说道:“虽然天道限制那些降临的大能,无法出手干涉万千种族的厮杀争斗,但我人族,大部分人都是身体羸弱,初逢变故,与那些凶残异族怪物而言,自然被沦为血食,肆意屠戮。这一劫,已经造就我们人族与大部分异族都将处在对立面。人族的处境,可以说是十分堪忧。未来的局面,必定极为艰难。这是一种乱世。这种乱世有可能会持续数年,上年,甚至是更久,最终分出胜负强弱。定出疆域。才会趋近平稳。” In his opinion, this is the tumultuous times, seems like the chicken duck dog to place in a basket, does not get one, bites to death several, will not be tranquil, more impossible safe being together. 在他看来,这就是乱世,就好像是鸡鸭狗放在一个笼子里,不打上一架,咬死几个,是不会平静下来,更加不可能平安的相处。 Present Eternal Continent, is the tumultuous times. 如今的永恒大陆,就是乱世。 The life that one tumultuous times that attacks mutually, fall from the sky every day, counts by the millions upon millions idea. This is one type reshuffles the frigid process. Everyone is avoidless, humanity cannot avoid, cannot hide. 相互攻伐的一种乱世,每天陨落的生灵,都是数以亿万计。这是一种重新洗牌的惨烈过程。谁都无法避免,人族更加避不开,躲不掉。 Such time, is brutal, is bloody. Being doomed is powerhouse saves, the weak one stops. 这样的时代,是残酷的,是血腥的。注定是强者存,弱者湮。 heaven and earth situation issue, only fears that now no one can say can understand clearly, even is even if only looks at a heaven and earth corner/horn, still Smoke and mirrors, the heaven and earth situation, does not have the rule, the myriad things frost day competition freedom. myriad races goes on a punitive expedition against, the mutual steamroll, powerhouse saves, the weak one falls. Any race, has to become the Hegemon opportunity and qualifications. If Wu worthy bro said, this is tumultuous times, in the tumultuous times, cannot see any heaven and earth situation. But my Jia believes that situation only in oneself.” 天地大势这种问题,如今只怕没有任何人能够说可以洞悉,甚至是就算只看天地一角,也是雾里看花,天地大势,就是没有规则,万物霜天竞自由。万族征伐,相互碾压,强者存,弱者陨。任何种族,都有成为霸主的机会与资格。如吴贤弟所说,这是一个乱世,乱世中,是看不到任何天地大势的。而贾某认为,大势只在自身。” The Jia middle age calm opens the mouth said: Wants oneself powerful, the heaven and earth situation nature gathering to come. The heaven and earth situation, with the struggle, is struggling to assign/life with ominous beast monster, struggles to transport with multifarious foreign race, the life and transports/fortunes in the hand, the heaven and earth situation naturally comes in waves. In tumultuous times, so long as powerful, one step first, then step by step first. In the multifarious carp competes to leap the dragon gate opportunity. Leading the field. The foundation is heavy, the population is the itself.” 贾姓中年神情自若的开口说道:“只要自身强大,天地大势自然汇聚而来。天地大势,在与争,与凶兽怪物争命,与万千异族争运,命与运在手,天地大势自然滚滚而来。乱世之中,只要自身强大,一步先,则步步先。万千鲤鱼中争夺跃龙门的机会。独占鳌头。根基为重,人口为本。” The heaven and earth situation, is the tumultuous times. 天地大势,就是乱世。 In the tumultuous times, powerhouse for the king, the weak one is the food, this is bare naked jungle law. The law of the jungle, nothing more than such as is. 乱世之中,强者为王,弱者为食,这就是赤果果的丛林法则。弱肉强食,不外如是。 Even, this time, Eternal Continent, Myriad Worlds Fuse, without protagonist, all depends on own strength. You, you are protagonist. This is the outstanding heroes rises together simultaneously, time of Pride of Heaven contention. 甚至,这一次,永恒大陆,万界融合,没有主角,一切全凭自身的实力。你强,你就是主角。这是群雄并起,天骄争鸣的时代。 Can understand clearly the Eternal Continent heaven and earth true meaning, this two|tael position, is not an average person, this eyesight, mental, far unusual person.” “能洞悉永恒大陆天地的真谛,这位,都不是普通人,这份眼力,心智,都远超凡人。” Yi Tianxing nods secretly. 易天行暗自点点头。 Said that wants the inquiring heaven situation, he was says that's all, but actually wanted to listen to them really to have the talent, the false had the talent. If even the present situation cannot look, even if there is ability, is still limited. 说要问天地大势,他不过是开口说说而已,只是想要听听他们究竟是真有才,还是假有才。若连如今的局势都看不出来,那就算是有才能,也是有限。 Good that at present the two|tael person, the young bookworm says, the Jia middle age actually looks is farther. 眼前人,白面书生说的不错,贾姓中年却看的更远。 The people all are drunk I to awake alone, this is top talent has the vision that mental. 众人皆醉我独醒,这是顶尖贤才才有的眼光,心智。 Doesn't know the two|tael position mister Gao given name?” Yi Tianxing asks with a smile. “不知道位先生高姓大名?”易天行笑着开口询问道。 „my name is Wu, single-character personal name uses the character.” The young bookworm gives a calm smile, to say slowly. “我姓吴,单名一个用字。”白面书生淡然一笑,缓缓说道。 „my name is Jia, single-character personal name boasts the character, character Wenhe.” Jia middle age calm saying. “吾姓贾,单名一个诩字,字文和。”贾姓中年神情自若的说道。 Knowledgeable Star Wu Yong, Toxic Scholar Jia Xu.” 智多星吴用,毒士贾诩。” In Yi Tianxing heart secretly imposing, the vision concentrates, who this two|tael person is, it may be said that likes thunder reverberating in one's ears. No one is the fuel-efficient lamp. 易天行心中暗自凛然,目光不由一凝,这人是谁,可谓是如雷贯耳。谁都不是省油的灯。 Wu Yong, in Water Margin ranks third Heavenly Spirits, Knowledgeable Star, number-one military counselor of Liangshan water. 吴用,水浒传中排名第三天机星,智多星,梁山水泊的头号军师 Moreover, learned, thoroughly understands the skill in fine arts and in military arts, wise, often compares oneself to others by Zhuge Liang, said that number intensification mister, is calledKnowledgeable Star „. Is the family school professor in the wealthy person family/home, lives pretty, surface white Xuchang, the good causes the two|tael flat copper chain, became friends with Chao Gai since childhood, took by strategy Damingfu Liang Zhongshu to offer the long-lived 100,000 to pass through the birthday outline to Cai Jing with Chao Gai and the others, to avoid the government authorities seizes, but Shangliangshan, for knockoff runs secret military counselor. 而且,满腹经纶,通晓文韬武略,足智多谋,常以诸葛亮自比,道号“加亮先生”,人称“智多星“。在财主家任门馆教授,生得眉清目秀,面白须长,善使条铜链,与晁盖自幼结交,与晁盖等人智取了大名府梁中书给蔡京献寿的十万贯生辰纲,为避免官府追缉而上梁山,为山寨掌管机密的军师 Liangshan almost all military actions are orchestrated by him single-handedly. It can be said that Liangshan can expand to threatening the Great Song situation, his merit is noticeable. Otherwise, one group of military people, how possibly achieve that step. 梁山几乎所有的军事行动都是由他一手策划。可以说,梁山能够壮大到威胁大宋的地步,他的功劳是不可忽视的。要不然,一群武夫,怎么可能做到那一步。 The strategy wisdom, the vision, is outstanding. What a pity, followed lord monarch is not human lord, the mud does not hold the wall. Meets total defeat, suffers the misfortune. Cannot deny, his ability, strategy, in history, belongs to upper class strategist. 其谋略智慧,眼光,都是出类拔萃。可惜,跟随的主君不为人主,烂泥扶不上墙。才会折戟沉沙,遭受厄运。不能否认,他的才能,谋略,在历史之中,也是属于上等谋士 But Jia Xu is extraordinarier. In Three Kingdoms End of Han, might be considered as one of the topest strategist. The wisdom is astonishing, during the life, the strategy is famous for the strange plan sinisterly. Acting is the wonderful , poisonous and casual together scheme, can mix the world wind and cloud. 贾诩更加了不得。三国汉末之中,堪称是最顶尖的谋士之一。智慧惊人,一生之中,谋略都是以奇谋毒辣而著称。出手可谓是奇、很、毒、随便一道计谋,都能搅动天下风云。 In the past the 18 road feudal lord besieged Dong Zhuo, after the war, Jia Xu offered suggestions to send out to seal/confer Zhao, the imperial conferment world feudal lord, the feudal lord manor Bingzhou sealed Youzhou, Youzhou sealed Xuzhou. Various imperial decree, let the world feudal lord directly, oneself killed, the thorough worldwide chaos, the will of the people fluctuates, exhausts Great Han (big person) last origin qi, enters the tumultuous times thoroughly. The scheme, lets world collapse Luan together, it may be said that is country in disorder Toxic Scholar. 当年十八路诸侯围攻董卓,大战之后,贾诩献计发出封诏,敕封天下诸侯,将并州的诸侯封地封到幽州,将幽州的封到徐州。各种诏令,直接让天下诸侯,自己就杀了起来,彻底天下大乱,人心浮动,耗尽大汉最后一丝元气,彻底进入乱世。一道计谋,就让天下崩乱,可谓是乱国毒士 This scheme, Jia Xu when offering suggestions, is together impossible not to know words that this scheme really implements. What consequence will have, but this, offered as before, it can be imagined, he displayed the scheme, disregarded all consequences. Moreover, in strategist, his fate is actually best one, it can be imagined, his wisdom is extraordinary. Not is only the intelligence quotient, but also is extraordinary that emotional quotient. 这一道计谋,贾诩在献计时,不可能会不知道这道计谋真的实施的话。会产生什么样的后果,可偏偏这样,依旧献出去了,可想而知,他施展计谋,是不计后果的。而且,在谋士之中,他的下场却是最好的之一,可想而知,他的智慧何等超绝。不仅是智商,而且是情商上的超绝。 Before, how Yi Tianxing has not thought that come can be this two|tael individual. 在之前,易天行怎么都没有想到,来的会是这个人。 Heart hitting the target emerges joyfully like surging tides. 中的欣喜如潮水般涌现。 He was feeling that until now Xuanhuang Town lacked top strategist, after without thinking of this war, really had the so shocking great ability to deliver . Moreover, was to recommend oneself, oneself delivered, making him have to plant like having a dream the same feeling. 他正感觉到如今的玄黄镇缺少顶尖的谋士,没想到这次大战之后,竟然就有如此惊世大才送上门,而且,还是毛遂自荐,自己送上门来,让他不由的有种如同做梦一样的感觉。 Originally is Mr. Wu, Mr. Jia face to face, if Yi Tianxing offends, but also please do not blame.” “原来是吴先生,贾先生当面,易天行若有得罪,还请勿怪。” Yi Tianxing said fast, on the face the smiling face lets the person such as the bath spring breeze, felt intimate with. 易天行快速说道,脸上笑容让人如浴春风,感觉到一阵亲近。 Where, my Jia is also only one wants now in Town Head Yi this Xuanhuang Town, asks for country idler that's all of title with little power.” On the Jia Xu face reveals wipes the sincere, gentle opens the mouth said: Not before my Jia but the Toxic Scholar hearsay does not dare to admit in me.” “哪里,现在贾某也只是一位想要在易镇长玄黄镇中,讨个一官半职的乡野闲人而已。”贾诩脸上露出一抹正色,平和的开口说道:“不会因为贾某以前毒士的传闻而不敢接纳于我吧。” In the spoken language, on the face receives favor not the startled look throughout. 言语中,脸上始终一副荣宠不惊的神色。 History is only the history, now Myriad Worlds Fuse, all lives, all it can be said that welcome new life time. No matter how, in this world, to welcome new life before time, new course. In the past was not the shackles, in the future is us, belonged, now on Eternal Continent everyone, even was each race. Before Mr. Jia how, even if obtains the name of Toxic Scholar, is to your one praise. Here, is a new life. Can choose the future that oneself want.” “历史只是历史,如今万界融合,所有生灵,皆可以说是迎来一次新生。不管以前如何,在这个世界,都将迎来一次新的生命,新的历程。过去不是枷锁,未来才是属于我们,属于,如今永恒大陆上每一个人,甚至是每一个种族。贾先生以前如何,哪怕是得到毒士的称呼,又何尝不是对你的一种赞誉。在这里,就是一段新的人生。可以选择自己想要的未来。” Yi Tianxing hears, saying of not caring at all. 易天行听到,毫不在意的说道。 His Cao Zhengchun can accept, do not say that is Jia Xu. The reputation was considered as anything. Person who has scruples the reputation, that does not have self-confident that's all to oneself, cannot control such talent self-confidently, will be afraid itself to be suppressed by the subordinate. Will not have the face, will seize power wait/etc.. That is mediocre person that's all. 他连曹正淳都能接受,更加不要说是贾诩。名声算得了什么。顾忌名声的人,那不过是对自身没有自信而已,没有自信能够驾驭得了这样的人才,害怕自己会被属下压制。会没面子,会被夺权等等。那不过是庸才而已 Does not know why Mr. Jia will choose my Xuanhuang Town, chooses my Yi Tianxing.” “不知道贾先生为何会选择我玄黄镇,选择我易天行。” Yi Tianxing inquired again, vision looking straight ahead in the past, looked to that pair of tranquil eyes. 易天行再次询问道,目光直视过去,看向那双平静的眼眸 Because only then surrounding area 10,000 li of Xuanhuang Town in nearby this, has the rise, becomes humanity holy land, gives the humanity Hope ability. In surrounding area 10,000 li, humanity village is not infrequent, but can be so rapid, breaks through to become town, actually only then Xuanhuang Town . Moreover, town/subdues hitting the target inside information, other compared with village, surpass too much, destiny is astonishing. The strength is extraordinary, most has Hope to resist foreign race, the attack of ominous beast monster. Most has the opportunity, becomes a side Hegemon potential.” Jia Xu saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “因为只有玄黄镇在这附近方圆万里之中,有着崛起,成为一处人族圣地,给予人族希望的能力。方圆万里内,人族村寨不在少数,但能如此迅速,突破成为城镇的,却只有玄黄镇一处,而且,镇中的底蕴,比起其他村寨,超出太多,气运惊人。实力超绝,最有希望抵挡住异族,凶兽怪物的侵袭。最有机会,成为一方霸主的潜力。”贾诩毫不客气的说道。 Direct transparent reason that said itself chooses Xuanhuang Town, chose the Yi Tianxing's reason. Has not concealed own intention. If not for there is this potential, he will not easily offer services. 直接明了的说出自己之所以选择玄黄镇,选择易天行的原因。一点都没有掩饰自身的意图。若不是有这种潜力,他是不会轻易投效的。 This point, a Yi Tianxing point does not care, if oneself have not attracted the strength and inside information of opposite party, how that possibly gathers the talent. 这一点,易天行一点都不在意,要是自身没有吸引对方的实力与底蕴,那怎么可能招揽人才。 Without Phoenix Nest Tree, how to bring in really phoenix. This is the same truth. 没有梧桐树,怎么引来真凤凰。这是同一个道理。 With all due respect, by the Mr. Jia ability and wisdom, the ability, in Village Construction Decree this rare treasure hand should not lack, why Mr. Jia have not established village, becomes lord of the side, oneself lead humanity common people to survive, opens a side humanity paradise. By the Mr. Jia ability, this should be very simple matter is right.” Yi Tianxing appears puzzled. “恕我直言,以贾先生的才智,能力,建村令这种异宝手中应该不会缺少,为什么贾先生没有自己建立村寨,成为一方之主,自己带领人族百姓生存下来,开辟一方人族乐土。以贾先生的能力,这应该是很简单的事情才对。”易天行浮现出一丝不解。 Regarding such talent, own destiny, is absolutely impossible unable to obtain Village Construction Decree, regarding establishing village, becomes a side influence, blesses common people, oneself expand, oneself become the lord of influence. This should quite have the matter of seduction. 对于这样的人才,自身的气运,绝对不可能会得不到一枚建村令,对于建立村寨,成为一方势力,庇佑百姓,自己壮大,自己成为势力之主。这应该是相当具有诱惑的事情。 Since this point from present Eternal Continent, establishes does not know that many village, can understand clearly. After all, as long as there is the person of talent, no one's frame of mind will lower. Will feel oneself cannot an achievement cause, rushes to the superior prestige. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 这一点从现在永恒大陆上,建立起的不知道多少座村寨,就可以清楚的明了。毕竟,但凡有才之人,没有谁的心气会低。会觉得自己不能成就一番伟业,闯下无上威名。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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