EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#335: to recommend oneself

This, is three treasures protecting heart pill, heaven and earth rare treasure that Great Catastrophe heaven and earth breeds was really too much, all kinds had, innumerable, pill medicine may be not infrequent, such pill medicine, was heaven and earth breeding, does not have any impurity, did not have a least bit the erysipelas. Some are only the purest efficacies, pure energy. 这一枚,就是三宝护心丹,那次大灾变天地孕育出的天地异宝实在是太多了,各种各样的都有,数不胜数,其中丹药可不在少数,这样的丹药,都是天地孕育,没有任何杂质,不存在一丝半点的丹毒。有的只是最纯粹的药力,精纯的能量。 Such pill medicine, at any time, lets the superior immortal pill big medicine that countless people pursue. 这样的丹药,在任何时候,都是让无数人追逐的无上仙丹大药。 Even is this is breeds by heaven and earth. The effect must be stronger than normal ten parts pill, the value is truly immeasurable. 甚至是这是由天地孕育而出。其功效比正常的十成丹还要更强,价值真正是无可估量。 three treasures protecting heart pill: By the bezoar, the dog treasure, the chicken treasure as the Lord medicine, the auxiliary ginseng, the spirit mushroom and other precious medicinal material, the refinement, has the powerful effect, can the healing injury, be able to drive out severe poison, even if the severely wounded frequency dies, can after taking, protect heart lineage/vein life force, and even restores within the body injury. Obtains life force. For the therapy wondrous medicines, dispels the poisonous wondrous medicines. 三宝护心丹:以牛黄,狗宝,鸡宝为主药,辅助人参,灵芝等珍贵药材,炼制而成,具有强大的功效,能治疗伤势,能驱除剧毒,哪怕是重伤频死,也能在服用后,护住心脉生机,乃至是修复体内伤势。获得一线生机。为疗伤圣药,祛毒圣药。 This pill medicine, almost can dispel among heaven and earth most severe poison, even if topest severe poison can suppress. The value is more precious. 这枚丹药,几乎可以祛除天地间大部分的剧毒,哪怕是最顶尖的剧毒都能压制。价值更加珍贵。 This pill medicine, actually does not have including a medicine fragrant, does not have the wonderful light all over the body, this is the property is completely reserved, characteristics that in the legend only then topest ten parts pill can have, has had the record in Foundation Pill Classic, such pill medicine. Was called spirit pill, immortal pill. could it be that... this is legend hitting the target immortal pill.” Wang Fengshan saw, in one's eyes reveals a panic-stricken color. “这枚丹药,竟然连一丝药香都没有,通体没有奇光,这是药性完全内敛,传说中只有最顶尖的十成丹才能具有的特征,在基础丹经中有过记载,这样的丹药。被称之为灵丹,仙丹难道这就是一枚传说中的仙丹。”王凤山看到,眼中露出一种惊骇之色。 Exudes one to call out in alarm, now he has started to involve the technique of pill say/way, starts to refine some ordinary pill medicine. Has the deep pharmacology to take inside information, compared with is ordinary beginning the apprentice who pill said does not know that was better on many times. The eyesight is not naturally bad. Moreover, the story is good, first time opens the mouth to say this three treasures protecting heart pill precious place. 发出一声惊呼,如今他已经开始涉及到丹道之术,开始着手炼制一些普通的丹药。有自身深厚的药理作为底蕴,比起普通初涉丹道的学徒不知道要好上多少倍。眼力自然不差。而且,阅历更是不俗,第一时间就开口道出这枚三宝护心丹的珍贵之处。 Such pill medicine, quality step is surely good. Definitely is extremely precious pill medicine, above also has does not dye abstruse of this world. This should from heaven and earth breed, but rare treasure immortal pill.” “这样的丹药,品阶必定不俗。肯定是极为珍贵的丹药,上面还有不染凡尘的玄妙。这应该是从天地中孕育而出的异宝仙丹。” Qiu Weiming also follows to approve the person of same belief. 邱未明也跟着赞同道。 Any pill medicine, its value, is uses, when most appropriate. With is valuable, keeps in the hand, is the useless thing.” Yi Tianxing gives a calm smile, without hesitation feeds in hand hitting the target three treasures protecting heart pill the Fu Hongxue mouth. “任何丹药,其价值,都是用在最恰当的时候。用出去,才有价值,留在手中,也不过是无用之物。”易天行淡然一笑,毫不犹豫的就将手中的三宝护心丹送进傅红雪口中。 pill medicine entrance. 丹药入口即化。 Delicate fragrance sending out naturally, the Fu Hongxue heart position, spills over a layer|one level rich life force, this life force, is centered on the heart, fast spreads to all around unceasingly, strength of the severe poison were scattered, vanishes into thin air thoroughly. 一股清香自然而然的散发出来,傅红雪心脏位置,泛出一层浓郁的生机,这股生机,正在以心脏为中心,快速的向四周不断扩散,一股股剧毒之力被驱散,彻底化为乌有。 This process, the speed not slow is not slow. But is actually continue conduct. 这种过程,速度不缓不慢。但却在持续进行着。 Mo Xie (demon scorpion) severe poison is not ordinary severe poison, but is the poison of heavenly scorpion. 魔蝎剧毒并不是普通的剧毒,而是天蝎之毒。 Almost is the poison of dying. 几乎是绝命之毒。 Quite overbearing, even if three treasures protecting heart pill must scatter, similarly needs certain time, but the life was definitely preserved. 相当霸道,哪怕是三宝护心丹要驱散,同样需要一定的时间,但性命是肯定被保住了。 Zhengchun!!” 正淳!!” master has what instruction.” Cao Zhengchun had said in the first time bow the body inquiry. 主人有何吩咐。”曹正淳已经在第一时间躬身询问道。 Brings back to this Fellow Daoist Fu the mansion, looks for a guest room to settle, looks after well, after awakens, said.” Yi Tianxing gives Cao Zhengchun Fu Hongxue, by his astuteness naturally it calm appropriate. “将这位傅道友带回府中,找一间客房安顿下来,好好照看,等到苏醒后再说。”易天行傅红雪交给曹正淳,以他的精明自然会将之安顿妥当。 Had not said, Cao Zhengchun has made one bring Fu Hongxue to leave. 没有多说,曹正淳已经让人带着傅红雪离开。 Fellow Daoist Bu, does not know that the interest joins Connect to Heaven Pavilion.” Yi Tianxing looks to front Bu Jingyun, opens the mouth to send out the invitation. A present Bu Jingyun strength is quite good. Most essential is, his within the body, contains martial dao true intent. Such cultivator, in same realm, does not have the means to regard its strength with the normal vision. 步道友,不知道有没有兴趣加入通天阁。”易天行看向面前的步惊云,开口发出邀请。眼前的步惊云一身实力可是相当不俗。最关键是,他体内,蕴含着武道真意。这样的修士,在同一境界中,是没有办法用正常的眼光去看待其实力的。 The Bu Jingyun natural talent potential, is also without a doubt. The character is extremely orphaned coldly. Can comply to invite, in the Yi Tianxing heart also lacks self-confidence. 步惊云的天资潜力,同样是毋庸置疑的。只是性格太过孤冷。会不会答应邀请,易天行心中也没有底。 „, This world was very big, I want to walk everywhere. Perhaps after feeling to be weary, will come back.” “不了,这个世界很大,我想四处走走。或许感到疲倦后,会回来。” Bu Jingyun shakes the head slightly, ice-cold saying. 步惊云微微摇头,冰冷的说道。 Also good, Eternal Continent, heaven and earth endless is boundless, outside world is perhaps more splendid, brutal. If felt tired, Xuanhuang Town welcome you to come back forever.” Yi Tianxing nods nods, has not given birth to anything is not quick, this and Bu Jingyun character is also same. The rejection is also normal. “也好,永恒大陆,天地无边无际,外面的世界或许更加精彩,也更加的残酷。若是感觉累了,玄黄镇永远欢迎你回来。”易天行颔首点点头,并没有生出什么不快,这与步惊云的性格也是相同。拒绝也是再正常不过。 Xuanhuang Town, I will not forget.” 玄黄镇,我不会忘记的。” Bu Jingyun nods the nod, not in the plan that Xuanhuang Town stops over, at the back of the long sword, walks toward outside step by step. The cloak flutters in the cool breeze. 步惊云颔首点头,并没有在玄黄镇逗留下去的打算,背着长剑,一步步朝着外面走去。披风在清风中飘荡。 The Yi Tianxing's vision has also been gazing at him, visits him to vanish in the line of sight end. This is Pride of Heaven that is shouldering the too much thing. 易天行的目光也一直注视着他,看着他消失在视线尽头。这是一名背负着太多东西的天骄 After leaving Xuanhuang Town line of sight, Bu Jingyun, then looked at behind one, in eyes flashes through complex, in the heart shakes the head saying: I for Heavenly Apparition Lonely Star, any with my concerned person and influence, will suffer the misfortune. Xuanhuang Town is the rare humanity gathering place, even may become humanity holy land. Cannot because of me, but suffers the misfortune. My life, being doomed wretched life, no, Junior Disciple Brother Feng. I here, you where 在离开玄黄镇视线后,步惊云,回头看了一眼后面,眼眸中闪过一丝复杂,心中摇头道:我为天煞孤星,任何与我有关的人与势力,都会遭受厄运。玄黄镇是难得的人族聚集之地,甚至有可能成为人族的一处圣地。不能因为我,而遭受厄运。我的人生,注定孤苦一生,不,还有风师弟。我在这里,你又在哪里 On broken city wall, Yi Tianxing and Cai Yan are standing together, below, has fallen into one piece busily. 残破的城墙上,易天行蔡琰一起站立着,下面,已经陷入一片忙碌中。 Large quantities of common people, officers and soldiers, the fast battlefield cleanup, various weapon, the residual skeleton, ominous beast, the ominous birds corpse, had not been taken the sacrificial offering before, keeps in the battlefield as before, these ominous beast, on ominous birds, the whole body is the treasure. Each is a harvest of immense. 大批百姓,将士,都在快速打扫战场,各种兵器,残留的尸骨,凶兽,凶禽的尸体,之前并没有被作为祭品,依旧留在战场上,这些凶兽,凶禽身上,浑身都是宝。每一具都是一次巨大的收获。 These harvests, were also dispersing the haze of war imperceptibly. 这些收获,也在无形中驱散了战争的阴霾。 A lot of ruins goods were cleaned up. Various shatter constructions, in the face of the cultivator strength, must clean up, is quite fast. Everywhere is bustling, the many things waiting to be done scene. 大量的废墟物品被清理出去。各种破碎的建筑,在修士的力量面前,要清理起来,都是相当快速。到处都是一片热火朝天,百废待兴的景象。 Below has Huang Chengyan they to revolve in the direction, and does not have any confusedly. Systematic is conducting. 下面有黄承彦他们在指挥运转,并没有什么错乱。都在井井有条的进行着。 This is the war, the homeland that builds with great difficulty was broken most probably. This is everyone's painstaking care.” “这就是战争么,好不容易建立的家园就这么被打破了大半。这都是大家的心血。” Cai Yan looks at broken Xuanhuang Town, before the war compares, is a two|tael scene. The females somewhat are inborn sentimental, even if she is no exception. 蔡琰看着残破的玄黄镇,与大战前相比,已经是个景象。女性天生就有些多愁善感,哪怕是她也不例外。 „After ruin, was new life, the thing is broken, but can also reconstruct, these bottles of cans, but was the things, so long as the person still, other all can ruin. Moreover, I guaranteed, from now on, no foreign race can easily destroy new Xuanhuang Town, once constructs, that is supreme artifact, superior immortal city. At that time, is our true families/home.” 毁灭之后就是新生,东西被打破了,还可以再建,这些瓶瓶罐罐的,不过是身外之物,只要人还在,其他的一切都可以毁灭。而且,我保证,今后,没有什么异族可以轻易的摧毁新的玄黄镇,一旦建造起来,那就是一尊至尊神器,无上仙城。那时候,才是我们真正的家。” Yi Tianxing puts out a hand to pull up Cai Yan plain hand, assured saying. 易天行伸手拉起蔡琰素手,笃定的说道。 The supreme artifact embryo has integrated, then, the casting leaves again, is true immortal city. Once casts, nothing can from underground attack Xuanhuang Town. Does not have any strength can easily destroy such immortal city. 至尊神器胚胎已经融入进去,再接下来,铸造出的,就是真正的仙城。一旦铸成,没有什么东西可以从地下攻击玄黄镇。没有什么力量能够轻易摧毁那样的仙城 Em, I believe that Big Brother Yi can certainly achieve.” “恩,我相信易大哥一定能够做到。” Cai Yan nods nods, among the looks, believes completely. 蔡琰颔首点点头,神色间,满是坚信。 Wants the casting to have one to stand erect on Eternal Continent, faces directly multifarious foreign race superior immortal city, not only needs outstanding ability and grand vision, breadth of spirit outstanding grand lord, needs continuous talent fierce general. Can assist about, quicker growth. Builds humanity unparalleled holy land.” “要铸造出一座屹立在永恒大陆上,直面万千异族无上仙城,不仅需要有一名雄才大略,气魄超群的雄主,同样需要源源不断的贤才猛将。才能辅佐左右,更快成长。打造出人族无双圣地。” At this moment, the voice downloaded from city wall together. 就在这时,一道话音从城墙下传了过来。 The voice falls, only saw, a two|tael form has stepped onto city wall, arrives in front of Yi Tianxing. 话音落下间,只看到,道身影已经走上了城墙,来到易天行面前。 A middle-aged man, a young bookworm. Makings, enabling person one eyes to see, is not the common person. 一名中年男子,一名白面书生。身上的气质,让人一眼就能看出,不是寻常人。 Zhaoji lady, I had seen you, Cai Great Family thousand jin (0.5 kg). Is well-known the Luoyang talented woman. Four arts every kind are skilled, just that Hundred Birds Bow to the Phoenix, might be called shocking peerless. Fire imagination. This attainments, are make one praise to the heavens.” 昭姬姑娘,我曾经见过你,蔡大家斤。闻名洛阳的才女。琴棋书画样样精通,刚刚那一曲百鸟朝凤,堪称惊艳绝世。令人神往。这份造诣,已经是让人叹为观止。” The Jia middle-aged man looks to Cai Yan, suddenly said one. 贾姓中年男子看向蔡琰,突然笑着说了一句。 Small zither skill, is not worth mentioning.” Cai Yan light smile was saying. “小小琴艺,不足挂齿。”蔡琰淡笑着说道。 When the two|tael person comes up, Yi Tianxing has noticed them. Their elegant demeanors make the person impression think that is not profound difficultly. 人上来时,易天行就已经注意到他们。他们的风采让人印象想不深刻都难。 In the heart knows, this two|tael person, if not for retard, that is the true great ability, looks directly, this is plans to want to recommend oneself. 心中知道,这人,若不是白痴,那就是真正的大才,直接找上来,这是打算要毛遂自荐么。 In the heart is rotating the thought that on the face actually does not have any change, said slowly: „Is that two|tael position such talent fierce general!!” 心中转动着念头,脸上却没有任何变化,缓缓说道:“那位是不是那样的贤才猛将呢!!” Is talent, I said does not calculate, needing the Town Head Yi approval is.” Jia middle age tranquil saying. “是不是贤才,我说了不算,需要易镇长认可才算。”贾姓中年平静的说道。 Good, if you do not approve, even if we have the ability again, is unable to expose the slightest. However, has the talent to reveal, now humanity is difficult, faced with many foreign race ominous beast attacks. Every day has common people death to fall from the sky. We have to be on a thought of humanity completely strength. Therefore, this came rashly, opens the mouth to recommend oneself.” “不错,要是您不认可,那就算我们再有才能,也无法展露出分毫。不过,有才就要显露出来,如今人族艰难,面临诸多异族凶兽侵袭。每日都有百姓死亡陨落。我们也有想要为人族尽上一份力的念头。所以,这才贸然前来,开口毛遂自荐了。” Young bookworm face sincere saying. 白面书生一脸正色的说道。 Before coming, they have also exchanged, Xuanhuang Town in this war, common people and officers and soldiers, slaughters courageously, the scene that does not fear, deeply has shocked them, wish of instinct stays here, is humanity builds the pure land. Can multiply to live truly. inheritance heir. To strive. But must strive, the nature, finding Yi Tianxing was the best way. 在来之前,他们也交流过,玄黄镇在这次大战中,百姓将士,奋勇厮杀,毫不畏死的景象,已经深深震撼到他们,本能的想要留在这里,为人族打造出一方净土。真正可以繁衍生息。传承子嗣。想要出一份力。但要出力,自然,找到易天行才是最好的途径。 As for any looks, when meets. Has considered carefully. 至于任何找,在什么时候见面。都仔细考虑过。 Finally, the Jia middle age makes the decision directly, at this moment, appears in front of Yi Tianxing, shows the to recommend oneself stance directly. 最终,贾姓中年直接作出决定,就在此刻,出现在易天行面前,直接摆出毛遂自荐的架势。 Does not know how the two|tael position regards regarding the present heaven and earth situation.” Yi Tianxing inquired one meaningfully. “不知道位对于现在的天地大势如何看待。”易天行意味深长的询问了一句。 This obvious, is setting the topic to test them. 这显然,是在出题考他们了。 Since wants the wheat ear to offer to volunteer, that must put out the real skill, must not have the truly learned and genuinely talented. to recommend oneself, that is joke that's all, brings contempt upon oneself. His impossible casual anything person two|tael sentence, without hesitation makes to make good use, such, entered the system person to be able regarding before is not unfair. 既然想要麦穗自荐,那就要拿出真本事,要没有真才实学。毛遂自荐,那就是一个笑话而已,自取其辱。他不可能随便什么人上来说句,就毫不犹豫的做出重用,那样,对于之前进入体系的人岂不是会不公平。 Although on this world and no so-called fair. 虽然这个世界上并没有什么所谓的公平。 The Jia middle age and young bookworm hears, the body inspires simultaneously, in heart secretly imposing. This issue, is not good to reply. Also knows, this reply, will be deciding in the Yi Tianxing heart hitting the target position. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 贾姓中年与白面书生听到,身躯同时一振,心中暗自凛然。这个问题,可不是那么好回答的。也知道,这次的回答,将会决定着自身在易天行中的地位。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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