EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#334: Uses foreign race as the sacrificial offering

Asked to open.】 【求张。】 My humanity hero's spirit, imperishable noble spirit, when obtains the sacrificial offering, today, decided as the day of my Xuanhuang Town permanent throughout time invariable sacrificial offering, in July 15, was the Great Wall hero's spirit sacrifice, Heroic Spirit Festival, sacrificial offering hero's spirit, naturally cannot be short of the sacrificial offering. The foreign race skeleton in this battlefield, is the sacrificial offering.” “我人族英灵,浩气长存,当得到祭祀,今日,定为我玄黄镇永久亘古不变的祭祀之日,七月十五,为长城英灵祭,英灵节,祭祀英灵,自然不能少了祭品。这战场上的异族尸骸,就是祭品。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, looks in hero's spirit that on Iron-Blood Great Wall appears, in the heart also has one to be moved. These are warrior that the humanity survival falls from the sky, common people, being worth anybody respecting. 易天行深吸一口气,看着在铁血长城上浮现出的英灵,心中也生出一丝感动。这些为人族生存而陨落的战士,百姓,值得任何人尊敬。 Without them , there would be no present Xuanhuang Town. 没有他们,就没有现在的玄黄镇 Shuā!! 刷! The voice falls, on Iron-Blood Great Wall naturally blooms a layer|one level rich iron-blood divine light, like surging tides covers the entire battlefield. 话音一落,铁血长城上自然绽放出一层浓郁的铁血神光,如潮水般覆盖整个战场。 In the battlefield, as can be seen, ogre, gnoll, and even is the scorpionkin race and other foreign race corpses, in in a moment, was covered by the ray, changes into blood light, goes toward Iron-Blood Great Wall. 战场上,可以看到,一名名食人魔,豺狼人,乃至是蝎人族异族尸体,都在一刹那间,被光芒笼罩,化为一道道血光,朝着铁血长城而去。 Appears on Iron-Blood Great Wall, these foreign race corpses, change into city wall bricks in abundance, integrates in Iron-Blood Great Wall, is only, the colors of these city wall bricks, are actually dark-black, on these dark-black city wall bricks, remains faint trace foreign race remains will. Contains to humanity resentment qi, the complaint. Various unwilling killing read. Condenses is the dark-black city wall bricks. Integrate in Iron-Blood Great Wall. 出现在铁血长城上,那些异族尸体,纷纷化为一块块城砖,融入到铁血长城中,只是,这些城砖的颜色,却是暗黑色,在这些暗黑色的城砖上,同样残留着一丝丝异族的残留意志。蕴含着对人族怨气,怨念。各种不甘的杀念。凝聚出的都是暗黑色的城砖。一块块融入到铁血长城中。 Condenses in original bright red iron-blood city wall bricks. 凝聚在原先一块块鲜红的铁血城砖中间。 Such dark-black city wall brick, gathering in, some foreign race strength qi and blood enormous, a body can condense several city wall bricks. Integrates, entire Iron-Blood Great Wall, starts to extend at the visible speed outward, expands unceasingly. 这样的暗黑色的城砖,一块块汇聚其中,有些异族的实力气血庞大,一具身体就能凝聚出好几块城砖。融入其中,整个铁血长城,以肉眼可见的速度开始向外延伸,不断扩张。 3000 meter, 4000 meter, 5000 meter, 6000 meter!! 三千米,四千米,五千米,六千米!! After all foreign race corpses completely by devour, Iron-Blood Great Wall has turned into dark red, the length is the 6000 many meters. Has a Great Wall scale and imposing manner. 当所有异族尸体全部被吞噬后,铁血长城已经变成暗红色,长度达到六千多米。已经具有一种长城的规模与气势。 Kills! Kill! Kills!!” “杀!杀!杀!!” Slaughter extinguishes humanity, extinguishes kills humanity, mankind will be our blood feed.” “屠灭人族,灭杀人族,人类将是我们的血食。” Unwilling, how I will die in the hand of mankind. I am unwilling.” “不甘,我怎么会死在人类的手中。我不甘心啊。” These dark-black city wall bricks integrate in Great Wall, immediately, from these city wall bricks, emits black resentment qi, is not soul, is actually the intense complaint, unwilling killing intent. Remains in flesh hitting the target will. 这些暗黑色的城砖一融入到长城中,顿时,从那些城砖中,冒出一道道黑色怨气,不是灵魂,却是强烈的怨念,不甘的杀意。残留在血肉中的意志 Gathers together, exudes to shout, as if must want the disintegration entire Iron-Blood Great Wall. 汇聚在一起,发出一声声嘶吼,似乎要将整座铁血长城都要崩碎。 Kills!!” “杀!!” But at this moment, these hero's spirit, actually reveal the ice-cold color, brandishes weapon, toward these complaint bombardments in the past, complaints was routed, routed at the same time, is unrestrained/no trace of politeness went by hero's spirit devour. 而此刻,那些英灵,却露出冰冷之色,挥舞兵器,朝着那些怨念轰击过去,一道道怨念被击溃,击溃的同时,更是毫不客气的被英灵吞噬进去。 After absorption complaint, as can be seen, the hero's spirit body becomes more concise. The aura that lends is stronger, dark-black city wall brick, was covered by faint trace bloody, corrodes unceasingly, exaggeration. 吸收怨念后,可以看到,英灵的身躯都变得更加凝练。散发出的气息更强,暗黑色的城砖,也被一丝丝血色所覆盖,不断侵蚀,渲染。 Emits together black qi on the dark-black city wall brick, will be routed by hero's spirit fast, after the disintegration, pouches within the body. The body becomes more concise, these black qi, the complaint, them, is the medicine of big making up. 暗黑色城砖上冒出一道黑气,就会被英灵快速击溃,崩碎后,吞进体内。身躯变得更加凝练,这些黑气,怨念,在他们而言,就是大补之药。 dark-black city wall, when hero's spirit devour these resentment qi, routs complaint killing intent, at the visible speed has transform, conducts transform toward bloody. This process is not slow. Once turns into bloody thoroughly, that will become a part of Iron-Blood Great Wall thoroughly. Unlike other humanity warrior common people the city wall brick does not have again. But this need time. 一块块暗黑色城墙,在英灵吞噬那些怨气,击溃怨念杀意时,以肉眼可见的速度发生蜕变,朝着血色进行蜕变。这种过程不慢。一旦彻底变成血色,那就会彻底成为铁血长城的一部分。与其他人族战士百姓所化的城砖再无不同。但这需要时间 Iron-Blood Great Wall, only then at this moment, has large quantities of humanity warrior inextinguishable will, even has hero's spirit to station, can refine the absorption foreign race flesh skeleton thoroughly, changes into oneself to use. Turns into the most solid cornerstone. 铁血长城,只有在此刻,拥有大批人族战士不灭意志,甚至是有英灵驻留,才能彻底炼化吸收异族血肉骸骨,化为己用。变成最坚实的基石。 If Eternal Continent really has saṃsāra, that hero's spirit devour these resentment qi, read remnantly, can expand soul body. Is good regarding later saṃsāra.” “若永恒大陆真的有轮回,那英灵吞噬这些怨气,残念,可以壮大魂体。对于以后轮回有好处。” Yi Tianxing looks on Iron-Blood Great Wall, many hero's spirit suppress the devour complaint unceasingly the picture, in the heart secretly mutters said. 易天行看着铁血长城上,诸多英灵不断镇压吞噬怨念的画面,心中暗自沉吟道。 Iron-Blood Great Wall cannot forever storage their hero's spirit soul. 铁血长城不能永远的储存他们的英灵魂魄 Once exceeds certain time limit, will present very big trouble, has the immense consequence. 一旦超过一定时限,就会出现很大的麻烦,产生巨大的后果。 But is only stay 1~2 years, actually completely, so long as have the thing of sustenance on the line, even soul body is stronger, will also obtain a big advantage when saṃsāra. 但只是逗留一两年,却完全可以,只要自身有寄托之物就行,甚至魂体越强,在轮回时也会得到不小的好处。 Once the limit is seven years, if seven years not saṃsāra is reincarnated, will be detained world of the living, does not become ghost cultivator, will encounter other cataclysm. In the legend, the hell has ghost messenger yin soldier, to seize these is detained world of the living not to go to the saṃsāra ghost to exist. As for Eternal Continent whether has world of the dead, has saṃsāra, even if Yi Tianxing is also clear. 一旦的极限是七年,七年若不轮回转世,就会滞留阳间,不是成为鬼修,就是会遭遇其他劫难。传说中,地府有鬼差阴兵,就是为了抓捕这些滞留阳间不前往轮回的鬼魂而存在。至于永恒大陆是否有阴间,是否有轮回,哪怕是易天行也清楚。 This is not the region that he can involve now. 这已经不是他现在所能涉及到的区域。 Therefore, Yi Tianxing most Hope is these hero's spirit stations in Iron-Blood Great Wall for seven years, then goes to saṃsāra, the regenerate manner. Starts the new life. In this process, the sacrificial offering, the sacrificial offering is year after year unceasing, seven years of time, makes their heroic soul sufficiently more concise. When saṃsāra can obtain a bigger advantage, similarly can make Iron-Blood Great Wall suppress to fuse the speed of foreign race skeleton to be quicker. 所以,易天行希望的就是这些英灵铁血长城中驻留七年,然后前往轮回,再生为人。开始新的一生。在这过程中,年年祭祀,祭品不断,七年的时间,足以让他们的英魂变得更加凝练。轮回时能得到更大的好处,同样可以让铁血长城镇压融合异族尸骸的速度更快。 It may be said that is happy, is good. 可谓是皆大欢喜,都有好处。 Also, even if heroic soul saṃsāra, this Iron-Blood Great Wall hitting the target inextinguishable will, exists forever as before. 再说,哪怕英魂轮回,这铁血长城中的不灭意志,依旧长存。 If possible, Yi Tianxing Hope with the foreign race skeleton, builds Iron-Blood Great Wall. The future war, will not be absolutely few. 若有可能,易天行希望异族的尸骨,堆砌出一座铁血长城。未来的战争,绝对不会少。 Good Iron-Blood Great Wall, my humanity hero's spirit, everlasting, throughout time inextinguishable.” Huang Chengyan full is saying of sigh. To a Iron-Blood Great Wall bow the body ritual, is worshipping slightly distantly. “好一座铁血长城,我人族英灵,万古长存,亘古不灭。”黄承彦满是感叹的说道。对着铁血长城微微躬身一礼,遥遥祭拜。 humanity hero's spirit, from, when worships.” 人族英灵,自当祭拜。” External cultivator also toward a Iron-Blood Great Wall bow the body ritual, the look with deep veneration, worships sincerely. 就连外来修士也都是朝着铁血长城躬身一礼,神色肃然,真心祭拜。 Great Wall everywhere one visit, is my Xuanhuang Town territory.” The Yi Tianxing vision is profound, puts out together the voice slowly. 长城所到之处,就是我玄黄镇领土。”易天行目光深邃,缓缓吐出一道话音。 Iron-Blood Great Wall in it place, is the humanity territory. Is the place of humanity multiplication. Only if Great Wall were broken through, by ruin, otherwise, this point, will certainly become the fact. 铁血长城所在之地,就是人族疆土。是人族繁衍之地。除非长城被攻破,被毁灭,要不然,这一点,必将成为事实。 Elderly Huang, is supported to wait a while to clean up by you town/subdues the ruins. Takes inventory military personnel that in this war falls from the sky again, the common people actual amount, lists the list, the list burning down sacrificial offering, inscribes above Iron-Blood Great Wall. Their names, with Great Wall together everlasting. Accepts the later generation to look at reverently, worship. This is the honor that they should enjoy.” 黄老,就由你来支持等一会清理镇上废墟。再清点一下这次战争中陨落的军人,百姓的具体数目,列出清单,清单焚烧祭祀,铭刻于铁血长城之上。他们的名字,将与长城一起不朽。接受后人瞻仰,朝拜。这是他们应该享受到的荣誉。” Yi Tianxing looked at Xuanhuang Town, everywhere is the ruins, broken scene. The matter that must clean up, naturally has no need for him making a move personally. Huang Chengyan they are not good for nothing. 易天行看了一眼玄黄镇,到处是废墟,残破的景象。要清理的事情,自然用不着他亲自出手。黄承彦他们也不是吃干饭的。 Em, the subordinate knows.” “恩,属下知道。” Huang Chengyan nods nods, opens the mouth to comply to say. 黄承彦颔首点点头,开口答应道。 „The matter of battlefield cleanup conducts by the Myriad Treasures Hall management. Xue Jin, after you take inventory, the registration compiles a register. When the time comes I must examine.” Yi Tianxing looks at face astute competent Xue Jin , to continue to tell. “打扫战场的事情由万宝殿主持进行。薛金,你清点后,登记造册。到时候我要查看。”易天行看着一脸精明能干的薛金,继续吩咐道。 Your Lordship felt relieved, has me , a needle line will not be few.” 主公放心,有我在,一根针一根线都不会少。” Xue Jin is striking one's chest, self-confident saying. 薛金拍着胸脯,自信的说道。 I believe you.” Yi Tianxing nods nods, said slowly. “我相信你。”易天行颔首点点头,缓缓说道。 everyone comes to aid my Xuanhuang Town fellow daoist specially. Some many fellow daoist in the former battlefield, were bathed in blood to slaughter, dying in battle battlefield, other everyone, has striven, has preyed with foreign race. If everyone fellow daoist not anxiously departure. Can take a rest on my Xuanhuang Town temporarily. In the town/subdues, the everyone food and drink is not a problem. When must entertain everyone fellow daoist well. Shows the intention scantily.” “还有诸位特意前来援助我玄黄镇道友。有很多道友在之前战场上,浴血厮杀,战死沙场,其余的诸位,也都出过力,与异族搏杀过。若是诸位道友不急着离开的话。可以在我玄黄镇上暂作休息。在镇上,诸位的吃喝都不成问题。当要好好招待一下诸位道友。寥表心意。” Yi Tianxing looks to numerous external cultivator. They before , is bathed in blood to slaughter , helping kill foreign race, here, that is a friend. Naturally cannot treat unjustly them. 易天行看向一众外来修士。他们在之前,也都是浴血厮杀过,帮助杀过异族,在这里,那就是朋友。自然不会亏待他们。 If nothing else, the free activity, eats to the full to drink not to have the issue. 别的不说,自由活动,吃饱喝好还是没有问题的。 Lai He, this gives you Gourmet Hall to manage.” 赖贺,这个交给你们美食殿去办。” Your Lordship felt relieved, our Gourmet Hall puts certainly out the best cook, entertains everyone fellow daoist well.” Lai He is also self-confident saying. In the cook, his Gourmet Hall naturally does not pass on responsibilities. 主公放心,我们美食殿一定拿出最好的厨艺,好好招待诸位道友。”赖贺也是自信的说道。厨艺上,他美食殿自然是当仁不让。 Many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi.” “多谢易道友。” One crowd of external cultivator, toward a Yi Tianxing bow the body ritual, open the mouth to express gratitude in abundance. 一群外来修士,纷纷朝着易天行躬身一礼,开口道谢。 Fellow Daoist Yi, this Fellow Daoist Fu because of Mo Xie (demon scorpion) preying, was plotted, now in the body severe poison, has fallen into the stupor, does not know whether to have the law of rescuing.” At this moment, only saw, Bu Jingyun of black clothes actually supported by the arm stupor past Fu Hongxue to walk, the vision looked directly to Yi Tianxing. The opens the mouth said. 易道友,这位傅道友因与魔蝎搏杀,遭受暗算,如今身中剧毒,已经陷入昏迷,不知道能否有解救之法。”就在这时,只看到,一身黑衣的步惊云却搀扶着昏迷过去的傅红雪走了过来,目光直接看向易天行。张口说道。 Yi Tianxing looked, in heart also secretly one startled, as can be seen, on the Fu Hongxue's face, has been covering a layer|one level light black qi, oneself have fallen into the stupor, the true qi revolution in within the body, resists the attack of severe poison self-confidently. 易天行看了过去,心中也不由暗自一惊,可以看到,傅红雪的脸上,已经笼罩着一层淡淡的黑气,自身已经陷入昏迷,体内的真气运转,自信抵挡剧毒的侵袭。 Before he also noticed that Fu Hongxue was plotted against by Mo Xie (demon scorpion), under struck, in the body severe poison , this severe poison was so violent. In so short time, has started to proliferate, causes the stupor. 之前他也看到傅红雪魔蝎暗算,一击之下,身中剧毒,没想到,这种剧毒如此猛烈。如此短的时间内,就已经开始扩散,致使昏迷。 Puts out a hand to build on the Fu Hongxue pulse, the beat of pulse is quite weak. 伸手搭在傅红雪脉搏上,脉搏的跳动极为微弱。 Qi of the True Dragon enters its within the body following meridian. Goes, immediately feels, black qi sweeps across to come rapidly, must rout true qi, corrodes. But Qi of the True Dragon very|10 points overbearing, where can allow that the toxicity corrodes itself, is roaring the rush in the past. The toxicity is also very strange, changes into jet black Mo Xie (demon scorpion) directly, unexpectedly with Qi of the True Dragon true dragon pesters together. Slaughters unceasingly. 一股真龙之气顺着经脉钻进其体内。一进去,当即就感觉到,一股黑气迅速席卷而来,要将真气击溃,侵蚀进去。但真龙之气十分霸道,哪里能容许毒力侵蚀自身,咆哮着冲杀过去。毒力也很诡异,直接化为一只漆黑的魔蝎,竟然跟真龙之气所化的真龙纠缠在一起。不断厮杀。 A scorpion tail brandishes unceasingly, pierces true dragon. Let the true dragon's body reduce unceasingly, body blasting open that but true dragon also pats a Mo Xie (demon scorpion) claw. Changes into the black toxicity. But, suddenly, crushed Mo Xie (demon scorpion) condenses again, even more maneating rush. 一条蝎尾不断挥舞,洞穿真龙。让真龙的身躯不断缩小,但真龙也将魔蝎一爪子拍的身躯炸裂。化为黑色毒力。可是,眨眼间,被击碎的魔蝎再次凝聚,甚至更加凶悍的冲杀过来。 In an instant, connects under the confrontation. 转眼间,接连交锋下。 Pours into is routed to true qi of Fu Hongxue within the body unexpectedly forcefully. 灌注到傅红雪体内的真气竟然被硬生生击溃。 Good overbearing severe poison, even my true qi did not scatter unexpectedly. Really fierce.” “好霸道剧毒,竟然连我的真气都驱散不了。真是厉害。” Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly, Mo Xie (demon scorpion) severe poison so will never be expected that fierce, severe poison, is really among heaven and earth hardest to deal with one existence, looks at a Fu Hongxue weaker aura, under shakes the head slightly, in the hand the ray flashes, puts out a jade bottle. 易天行微微皱眉,没想到魔蝎剧毒会这么厉害,剧毒,果然是天地间最难缠的一种存在,看着傅红雪越加微弱的气息,微微摇头下,手中光芒一闪,拿出一只玉瓶。 In the jade bottle the unusual brightness circulation, looks is not every. 玉瓶上宝光流转,一看就不是凡品。 The rare treasure quantity that I captured luckily before are many, inside also has this three treasures protecting heart pill. Otherwise, this severe poison I also really helpless.” Yi Tianxing turns on the jade bottle, inside reveals golden-yellow pill medicine. “幸好我之前抓取到的异宝数量不少,里面还有这一枚三宝护心丹。要不然,这剧毒我还真的无能为力。”易天行打开玉瓶,里面露出一枚金黄色丹药 The luster is reserved, could not detect including a medicine fragrant, seems like, has no difference from the ordinary pill. 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