EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#333: Is willing to be buried in Great Wall

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... Asked a monthly ticket. 【求张月票。 Net. 网. This, was past Yi Tianxing when Great Catastrophe, gained heaven and earth rare treasure. 这一条,就是当年易天行大灾变时,获取的天地异宝 In the past after obtaining, deeply could not hide. 当年在得到后,就一直深藏不出。 Because, this Iron-Blood Great Wall, needs to come the casting with the endless flesh skeleton, the flesh skeleton that it needs was really too much, the flesh skeleton of average person, flesh, can only change into a small city wall brick. City wall brick that strength powerful cultivator, can turn into, the quantity will be more, the strength is stronger, the strength in the flesh containing are more, the city wall brick that condenses are more. 因为,这一条铁血长城,需要用无尽的血肉骸骨来铸造,它所需要的血肉骨骸实在是太多了,普通人的血肉尸骨,一身血肉,只能化为一块小小的城砖。实力强大修士,所能化成的城砖,数量就会更多,实力越强,血肉中蕴含的力量越多,凝聚出的城砖就更多。 Moreover, most starts, comes the casting by the military personnel flesh, can condense inextinguishable will. 而且,最开始,由军人的血肉来铸造,更能凝聚不灭意志 Before this is Yi Tianxing, will gather these dying in battle the reasons of soldier body. 这就是易天行之前会收取那些战死者的士兵尸体的原因。 Gathers is not soul, but is actually they before death inextinguishable will. Condenses in the flesh, condenses on city wall, to a certain extent, this is another new life. As the years fluctuate, these will everlasting inextinguishable. 收取的不是灵魂,但却是他们生前不灭意志。凝聚在血肉中,凝聚在城墙上,在某种程度上,这是另外一种新生。随着岁月变幻,这些意志不朽不灭 Originally has not planned to take quickly. 本来没有打算如此快拿出来。 However, this time even Supreme Artifact Illustration takes, that Iron-Blood Great Wall also has no. Happen to can give everyone to read together thinks. Together sustenance. In mankind, since the ancient times, has to be laid to rest, thought of returning home. 不过,这次连至尊神器图都已经拿出来了,那铁血长城也没有什么不可。正好可以给予所有人一道念想。一道寄托。人类之中,自古以来,就有着入土为安,落叶归根的念头。 Always, dying in battle officers and soldiers, the corpse vanished in his hands does not see. Also for a long time, will become a suspicion. 一直以来,战死的将士,尸体都在他手中消失不见。长久以来,也会成为一种猜疑。 Such being the case, that has a frank and sincere talk. Their skeleton flesh, cast present Iron-Blood Great Wall. Sees this Iron-Blood Great Wall, is similar to sees the beforehand ally, the friend, brothers. 既然如此,那就开诚布公。他们的尸骨血肉,铸就了现在的铁血长城。看见这座铁血长城,就如同看见以前的战友,朋友,兄弟 Moreover, this hidden danger, is no one is also willing to use own flesh to come casting Great Wall after all. 而且,这也有一种隐患,毕竟不是谁都愿意用自己的血肉来铸造长城 At this moment, looks at Great Wall to stand erect in the distant place, stands tall and erect. iron-blood aura that disperses. Protects will. 此刻,看着长城屹立在远处,高耸而起。散出的铁血气息。守护意志 I know, without passing through everyone's wish, the agreement of everyone common people, utilizes their skeletons, the flesh, casts Iron-Blood Great Wall, this is my acting willfully, unfair. But today puts out this Iron-Blood Great Wall, I have planned to have a frank and sincere talk. Gives opportunity that chooses one time, the irrelevant morals, the irrelevant public opinion, only depends on own wish.” “我知道,没有经过大家的意愿,诸位百姓们的同意,就运用他们的尸骨,血肉,来铸就铁血长城,这是我的一意孤行,有失公允。但今日拿出这条铁血长城,我就已经打算开诚布公。给予一次选择的机会,无关道德,无关民意,只凭自己意愿。” Yi Tianxing looks in silent Xuanhuang Town officers and soldiers and common people, says decisively. 易天行看着默然不语的玄黄镇将士百姓,断然开口说道。 In the spoken language does not have conceal(mask). Today he does not say, perhaps no one will say anything, 言语中丝毫没有遮掩。今天他不说,或许谁都不会说什么, Will actually form a needle in the heart imperceptibly, punctures together. After all, dead for big, moves others fleshly body rashly, this is the behavior that one type does not respect. 却会在心中无形中形成一根针,一道刺。毕竟,死者为大,贸然动他人肉身,这是一种不尊重的行为。 Now he must draw out this thorn. 现在他要拔出这一根刺。 Wields Xuanhuang Town these times, Yi Tianxing own breadth of spirit is also living to transform unceasingly. The vision and beforehand nature are entirely different. Looked is longer-term. 执掌玄黄镇这么些时候,易天行自身的气魄也在不断生转变。目光与以前自然大不相同。看的更长远。 Your Lordship does not need so, I to believe, these are officers and soldiers that to protect Xuanhuang Town died in battle, common people, can want own remnant body also to continue to protect everyone.” Huang Chengyan says. 主公无需如此,我相信,那些为守护玄黄镇而战死的将士,百姓,一定也会愿意自己的残躯还能继续守护大家。”黄承彦开口说道。 Yes, our Xuanhuang Town does not have the coward, each one is the courage and uprightness sons who dare ominous beast foreign race preying, before can assigning/life does not care, but also after will care dead the remnant body. If I died in battle, my Jia Yucun also rather buries under this Iron-Blood Great Wall. In order to protect humanity, but completely last strength.” Jia Yucun also stood, said loudly. “是啊,我们玄黄镇没有孬种,个个都是敢于凶兽异族搏杀的血性男儿,之前可以连命都不在乎,还会在乎死后的残躯么。若我战死,我贾雨村也宁愿埋葬在这铁血长城下。为守护人族而尽最后一份力。”贾雨村也站了出来,大声说道。 Does not need to talk too much, today, establishes the day of Iron-Blood Great Wall, today is the Eternal Calendar first year July 15. Comes the sacrificial offering to be since by me Xuanhuang Town establishes, officers and soldiers and common people that died in battle.” “无需多言,今日,是立下铁血长城之日,今日为永恒历元年七月十五。就由我来祭祀为玄黄镇建立至今,一路战死的将士百姓。” Yi Tianxing has not admitted, something, should be done must be done. 易天行并没有接纳,有些事情,该做还是必须要做的。 Stands on city wall, looks to distant place Iron-Blood Great Wall, among the looks a piece with deep veneration, dignified, puts out a voice slowly: Now, my Lord of Xuanhuang Town, Yi Tianxing, respectfully requesting heaven and earth to witness, the sacrificial offering my humanity died in battle hero's spirit.” 站立在城墙上,看向远处铁血长城,神色间一片肃然,凝重,缓缓吐出一段话音:“今,吾玄黄镇之主,易天行,恭请天地见证,祭祀我人族战死英灵。” The voice under the irrigation of true qi, transmission entire Xuanhuang Town, reverberates in the battlefield slowly. 话音在真气的灌注下,缓缓传递整个玄黄镇,在战场上回荡。 Entire battlefield immediately silence. 整个战场顿时一片肃静。 Vision scalding hot looks to Yi Tianxing. 目光灼热的看向易天行 „Since my humanity, from Myriad Worlds Fuse, has derived Eternal continent, innumerable common people degenerate into ominous beast, monster, in the foreign race mouth blood feed, in the jungle, in the wilderness, in the plain, countless white bone, witnesses my humanity pitiful circumstances. Now has the humanity warrior, the rising spiritedly unwilling courage and uprightness, filled with fury, is bathed in blood to prey, with the ominous beast bloody battle, slaughters with monster, encounters with the foreign race flesh. Cruentation great earth, the horizontal corpse is boundless. Opens place of humanity multiplication. Overcomes the base industry of my Xuanhuang Town. Let my humanity common people have the place to stick an awl.” “我人族,自万界融合,衍生永恒大6以来,无数百姓沦为凶兽,怪物,异族口中血食,丛林中,荒野中,平原中,累累白骨,见证我人族悲惨境遇。今有人族勇士,奋起不甘血性,满腔怒火,浴血搏杀,与凶兽血战,与怪物厮杀,与异族血肉交锋。染血大地,横尸苍茫。开辟一处人族繁衍之地。打下我玄黄镇的基业。让我人族百姓有立锥之地。” humanity heroic soul ......., strong!!” 人族英魂.......,壮哉!!” Wish my humanity hero's spirit, will to exist forever, eternal everlasting.” “愿我人族英灵,意志长存,万古不朽。” Every single word or phrase, making officers and soldiers common people in battlefield, the mind vibrate, in the mind recalled before , the difficult situation of experiencing, the suffered tribulation, arrives at the present step by step, establishes the present to be able with foreign race to slaughter, moreover Xuanhuang Town that wins. This feelings, are more profound. 一字一句,让战场上的将士百姓,心神震动,脑海中回想起之前所经历的艰难处境,遭受到的磨难,一步步走到现在,建立起现在能够与异族厮杀,而且还战而胜之的玄黄镇。这种感触,越加深刻。 Some people follow to shout: Wish my humanity hero's spirit, will to exist forever, eternal everlasting.” 不由的,有人跟着呼喊起来:“愿我人族英灵,意志长存,万古不朽。” Wish my humanity hero's spirit, will to exist forever, eternal everlasting.” “愿我人族英灵,意志长存,万古不朽。” Unknowingly, no matter officers and soldiers, is common people, and even is external cultivator, unconscious follows to shout. In heart a piece with deep veneration. 不知不觉中,不管是将士,还是百姓,乃至是外来修士,都不自觉的跟着呼喊起来。心中一片肃然。 shuā shuā shuā!! 刷刷刷!! Iron-Blood Great Wall vibrates, in blood light, can see impressively, officers and soldiers, the common people form appears from Iron-Blood Great Wall, on these forms, disperses certainly strong battle intent, frigid killing intent, throughout inextinguishable. 铁血长城震动,一道道血光中,赫然可以看到,一名名将士,百姓的身影从铁血长城中浮现,这些身影身上,都散出一股绝强的战意,惨烈的杀意,始终不灭 This is anything, why I saw Great Uncle Li. Before Great Uncle Li, did not die in battle.” “这是什么,为什么我看到了李大叔李大叔之前不是战死了吗。” I saw Daniu (big ox), Daniu (big ox) I remember when is when with ominous beast slaughters died in battle, but, he is great, before dying in battle, but kills several ominous beast one after another.” “我看到了大牛,大牛我记得是在跟凶兽厮杀时战死的,不过,他是好样的,战死前,可是接连杀死好几头凶兽。” That is Old Qin, I remember, he uses the shovel to pat foreign race warrior. But also died in battle heroically. These, could it be that... is their soul.” “那是老秦,我记得,他用铁锹拍死过异族战士。但也英勇战死了。这些,难道是他们的魂魄。” At this moment, in the battlefield many people cannot bear screams. 这一刻,战场上不少人忍不住出一阵惊呼声。 The vision stares stubbornly on Iron-Blood Great Wall, is very clear, this is not false , had died in battle before, now can actually see their forms, this inevitably is their soul, the ghost. 目光死死盯在铁血长城上,很清楚,这都不是假的,是真的,之前已经战死,现在却能看到他们的身影,这必然就是他们的魂魄,鬼魂。 Good, soul that these, truly are these died in battle officers and soldiers and common people that remain. 不错,这些,确实是那些战死的将士百姓残留下来的魂魄 This Eternal continent was just born, the situation is unknown, Iron-Blood Great Wall also has to let warm and nourish soul, stores up the soul ability, their flesh become Iron-Blood Great Wall part, oneself have the qualifications in being one of them. Naturally, so long as wants, they can be separated momentarily, goes to saṃsāra. Before all soul completely lying dormant in Iron-Blood Great Wall. 永恒大6刚刚诞生,情况不明,铁血长城也有让温养魂魄,储存灵魂的能力,他们的血肉成为铁血长城的一部分,自身就有资格驻留在其中。当然,只要愿意,他们随时可以脱离出去,前往轮回。之前所有的魂魄全部在铁血长城沉睡 Now, in the sacrificial offering sound, regains consciousness in abundance. 如今,在祭祀声中,纷纷苏醒。 In awakens split second, has made these soul understand that from the news that in Iron-Blood Great Wall gives until now situation, and even is the Xuanhuang Town present situation. On the face reveals the gratified color. 在苏醒的刹那,来自铁血长城中传递的讯息已经让这些魂魄都明白到如今的处境,乃至是玄黄镇的现状。一个个,脸上都露出欣慰之色。 Their sacrifice have not wasted, their blood have not sprinkled white/in vain. Their death, are meaningful. 他们的牺牲没有白费,他们的鲜血没有白洒。他们的死亡,是有意义的。 everyone heroic soul. Before my Yi Tianxing, without passing through everyone agreed, uses the everyone corpse skeleton arbitrarily, casting Iron-Blood Great Wall, this matter, is inappropriate, taking advantage of sacrificial offering hero's spirit that I do, to everyone said specially the sound was sorry. If everyone who does not want the flesh skeleton to change into the city wall brick, casting city wall. Performing to say, I thou and other skeletons, will take out. Properly burial. Does not need to worry that I will therefore be unhappy, by own flesh, casting Iron-Blood Great Wall, this is voluntary, is not the force. Moreover, in any event chooses, every year this day, sacrificial offering everyone hero's spirit.” 诸位英魂。我易天行之前,没有经过诸位同意,就擅自动用诸位尸身骸骨,铸造铁血长城,此事,是我做的不妥当,特此借祭祀英灵之即,向诸位说声抱歉。若是诸位有谁不愿意自身血肉骸骨化为城砖,铸造城墙。尽可说出,我会将汝等尸骸,重新取出。妥善安葬。无需担忧我会因此不喜,以自身血肉,铸造铁血长城,此为自愿,并非强迫。而且,不论如何选择,每年此日,都将祭祀诸位英灵。” Every single word or phrase, transmits a convincing faith. Let the person believe, these said that can certainly achieve, from the innermost feelings, did not say that's all. 一字一句,传递出一种让人信服的信念。让人相信,这些说出来,就一定能做到,是自内心,绝非是说说而已 Yi Tianxing these words, are from the innermost feelings. Whom really wants not to want, he will also take out their skeletons directly, the burial, they have bled for Xuanhuang Town properly after all, have paid the life warrior, Hero. 易天行这些话,乃是自内心。真要有谁不愿意,他也会直接取出他们的尸骸,妥善安葬,他们毕竟是为玄黄镇流过血,付出过生命的勇士,英雄 Is worth respecting!! 值得尊重!! Your Lordship is polite, I and other flesh skeletons, bury in great earth, turns into pile of loesses, was swallowed by wild beast ominous beast, buries basic(ally) not to have the significance, now humanity is difficult, my rather this flesh skeleton, can turn into together the city wall brick, a cornerstone, this is more meaningful, my flesh is Great Wall, forever is protecting Xuanhuang Town.” 主公客气,我等血肉骸骨,葬于大地,也不过是变成一堆黄土,被野兽凶兽所吞食,安葬根本毫无意义,如今人族艰难,我宁愿这身血肉尸骨,能变成一块城砖,一块基石,这样才更有意义,我的血肉就是长城,永远守护着玄黄镇。” officers and soldiers heroic soul hears, immediately great shout said that among the looks, full is assured decidedly. 一名将士英魂听到,立即大声呼喊道,神色间,满是笃定决然。 Good, is willing by my flesh, to cast this inextinguishable Iron-Blood Great Wall. Even if the body dies, my flesh can protect this piece of great earth as before. The so valuable matter, how can be short of my one.” “不错,愿以我之血肉,铸就这不灭铁血长城。哪怕身死,我的血肉依旧可以守护着这片大地。如此有价值的事,怎么能少了我一份。” Has common people heroic soul also to say loudly. 百姓英魂也大声说道。 They rather own body, can become Iron-Blood Great Wall part, Great Wall inextinguishable, their will exist forever. Eternal everlasting. 他们宁愿自己的尸体,能成为铁血长城的一部分,长城不灭,他们的意志长存。万古不朽 This is the tumultuous times. 这是乱世。 In the tumultuous times, skeleton burying in great earth, who knows that the next quarter will drop in what ominous beast mouth, becomes food, buries, how long could not want, was white bone one pile, changed into loess that's all. How could with integrating Iron-Blood Great Wall, turns into the city wall brick, everlasting is better. 乱世中,尸骨埋葬在大地中,谁知道下一刻会落进什么凶兽的口中,成为一顿食物,安葬下去,要不了多久,也就是白骨一堆,化为黄土而已。岂能跟融入铁血长城,变成城砖,万古长存要好。 They rather bury in Great Wall. 他们宁愿葬于长城 No heroic soul makes the decision, must separate from Iron-Blood Great Wall the flesh. 没有任何英魂做出决定,要将血肉从铁血长城中分离出来。 Yes, we bury the skeleton, to repose in heart glorious memory, in order to sacrificial offering ancestors. Finally loess one cup, might as well integrates Iron-Blood Great Wall, not only can protect the later generation, but can also true everlasting inextinguishable, everlasting. Every year the sacrificial offering, can look at reverently the ancestors.” “是啊,我们安葬尸骸,是为了寄托心中美好的回忆,为了能够祭祀先人。最终不过黄土一杯,还不如融入铁血长城,不仅可以守护后人,还能真正不朽不灭,万古长存。每年祭祀,都能瞻仰先人。” „After I die, when must bury in Iron-Blood Great Wall.” “我死后,当要葬于铁血长城。” I, if died in battle, a remnant body, when changes into Great Wall, protects humanity.” “我若战死,一身残躯,当化为长城,守护人族。” Spoken language that many heroic soul from Iron-Blood Great Wall spread, countless people were touched, when looks immediately becomes to the Iron-Blood Great Wall vision different. Buries does not bury where, buries in Iron-Blood Great Wall, compared with being buried in great earth, is more valuable. 铁血长城上诸多英魂传出的言语中,无数人受到触动,看向铁血长城时的目光顿时变得不同。葬于何处不是葬,埋葬于铁血长城,比葬身大地,更加有价值。 The indistinct some uncomfortable heart all of a sudden was open on wide and open. 原先隐约有些不舒服的心一下子就豁然开朗。 Only felt, Yi Tianxing previously used humanity dying in battle rashly the skeleton casting Iron-Blood Great Wall matter is to one gracious gift of dying in battle, regarding officers and soldiers military personnel to high honor. 只感觉,易天行先前贸然用人族战死者的尸骸铸造铁血长城的事情更是对战死者的一种恩赐,对于将士军人的至高荣誉。 After I die, is willing to be buried in Iron-Blood Great Wall. 我死后,愿葬身于铁血长城 Together thought unconscious emergence in most officers and soldiers and common people mind, takes root, sooner or later meets the bud. 一道念头不自觉的出现在大部分将士百姓的脑海中,不禁生了根,迟早会芽。
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