EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#332: Iron-Blood Great Wall

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... Just about when that cyan bead absorbs, suddenly, underground splits an opening, black monster snake drilled, swallows down that cyan bead. 刚要将那枚青色珠子摄取过来时,突然间,地下裂开一道口子,一条黑色怪蛇钻了出来,一口就将那枚青色珠子吞了下去。 The net 0.1 turn head to sneak in again underground. In this process, simply is quickly like the lightning, offensive, basic(ally) responded without enough time, has vanished does not see. 网.一扭头再次钻进地下。这过程中,简直是快如闪电,让人唐突下,根本来不及反应,就已经消失不见。 Before was busy taking back Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower, had not detected that attended the meeting such a accident. 之前忙着收回鸿蒙天帝塔,没有察觉到会有这么一种变故。 Again reaction time, that strange toxic snake has vanished does not see. Could not find including internal qi. 再次反应时,那条诡异的毒蛇已经消失不见。连一丝气机都找不到。 Good strange toxic snake, suddenly internal qi could not even detect, quick astonishment, but can also from underground flee, the concealment figure, should not be ordinary toxic snake.” “好诡异的一条毒蛇,竟然连气机都察觉不到,度快的惊人,还能从地下遁走,隐匿身形,应该不是一条普通的毒蛇。” Yi Tianxing saw, knits the brows slightly. 易天行看到,微微皱眉。 In that cyan bead he can also feel, remains pure life severe poison. Now by toxic snake swallowing, will have what consequence, is very difficult to estimate. To chase down, without enough time, the concealment method of that snake had been equivalent, basic(ally) cannot feel any internal qi. To seek unable to look, steals away the cyan bead, does not know where escaped. 那枚青色珠子中他还能感觉到,残留着一种精纯的生命剧毒。现在被一条毒蛇给吞了,会产生什么后果,却是很难估算的。想要追杀,已经来不及,那条蛇的隐匿手段相当了得,根本感觉不到任何气机。要想寻找也无从找起,偷走青色珠子,已经不知道逃到什么地方去了。 About is only a cyan snake bead, was stolen away, Yi Tianxing has not cared. 左右只是一枚青色蛇珠,被偷走了,易天行也没有在意。 The mind places on Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower. 心神放在鸿蒙天帝塔上。 Only sees, after devour massive life severe poison, in these severe poison, contains rich Power of Life. In primal chaos space, was transformed Qi of Primal Chaos quickly, pours into to other 13 again locates in pagoda space. 只看到,在吞噬大量生命剧毒后,这些剧毒中,都蕴含着浓郁的生命之力。在混沌空间中,快被转化成混沌之气,再次灌注到其他十三宝塔空间之中。 Let pagoda space start to expand again fiercely. 宝塔空间再次开始剧烈扩张。 This severe poison is not every thing. devour refining up, the obtained Qi of Primal Chaos quantity are many. No matter other primal chaos space tower inside space, followed to increase surrounding area one li (0.5 km) range. Make pagoda inside information more abundant point. 剧毒不是凡物。吞噬炼化,得到的混沌之气数量不少。不管是混沌空间还是其他塔内空间,都跟着增加了方圆一里范围。让宝塔底蕴越加雄厚一分。 Looks at void, that supreme divine illustration under the gathering that the people hope, is indistinct, gives birth to mystical. As if starts to have a mysterious relation with Xuanhuang Town destiny. 虚空,那副至尊神图在民愿的汇聚下,隐约间,生出一丝神异。似乎开始与玄黄镇气运生出一丝神秘的联系。 Such being the case, that today, in this ruins, lays the powerful foundation for our Xuanhuang Town.” “既然如此,那今日,就在这废墟中,为我们玄黄镇奠定更加强大的根基。” Yi Tianxing in one's eyes flashes through wipes the extraordinary splendor, immediately the intention moves, urging this supreme artifact embryo to get down toward the ground steamroll. That picture, seems like a city base steamroll to get down. 易天行眼中闪过一抹异彩,随即心念一动,驱使着这张至尊神器胚胎朝着地面碾压下来。那画面,就好像是一座城基碾压下来。 On many common people faces subconscious reveals one with amazement. 不少百姓脸上下意识的露出一丝骇然。 But the embryo falls is too quick, 但胚胎落下来的度太快, basic(ally) moves aside without enough time, had fallen. That embryo seems like illusory, no matter bumps into the person or the object, the construction, was penetration easily in the past. Touches together with great earth, naturally integrates. Vanishes does not see. 根本来不及躲闪,已经落了下来。那胚胎就好像是虚幻的一样,不管是碰到人还是物体,建筑,都是轻易的穿透过去。与大地碰触在一起,自然而然的融入进去。消失不见。 Others cannot feel, the Yi Tianxing clear feeling an indescribable change is actually living in Xuanhuang Town. 别人感觉不出,易天行却清楚的感觉到一种难以言喻的变化正生在玄黄镇中。 This embryo integrates great earth, has no difference from great earth, but Supreme Artifact Illustration before by mind essence and blood, sacrificial refining has become lifebound extreme treasure general existence, most essential is, Supreme Artifact Illustration cannot by Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower devour. both sides lives in peace with each other. Now the embryo integrates in great earth, covers Xuanhuang Town. 这胚胎融入大地,与大地没什么区别,可至尊神器图在之前就已经以心神精血,祭炼本命至宝一般的存在,最关键是,至尊神器图不会被鸿蒙天帝塔吞噬两者相安无事。如今胚胎融入大地中,覆盖玄黄镇 in a moment, feels, original Destiny Heavenly Pond, integration naturally to embryo, meeting hall, is the town head mansion together and embryo fuses together, perfect agrees with. both sides is connected with Yi Tianxing internal qi, fusion together of instinct. 一刹那间,就感觉到,原先的气运天池,自然而然的融入到胚胎中,连带着议事厅,也就是镇长府邸一起与胚胎融为一体,完美契合。两者都与易天行气机相连,本能的融合在一起 Moon Well, two|tael place arrow tower, two|tael place magic tower, Connect to Heaven Pavilion, Hidden Classics Pavilion. These rare treasure construct, in first time, integration of instinct arrives, becomes part. 还有月亮井,箭塔,魔法塔,通天阁,藏经阁。这些异宝建筑,都在第一时间,本能的融入到其中,成为其中一部分。 internal qi is connected, making several rare treasure constructions bloom simultaneously radiant divine light. Several rare treasure internal qi strange interconnection together. 气机相连,让几尊异宝建筑同时绽放出璀璨的神光。几件异宝气机都诡异的相互连接在一起 However, these phenomenon, vanish in an instant does not see. 不过,这些异象,转眼间就消失不见。 Father, this embryo is the best embryo of casting Xuanhuang Town, Destiny Heavenly Pond and embryo agrees with extremely. Even converge destiny is quicker, is stabler. Once the casting comes out, is potentially promising . Moreover, in town/subdues original rare treasure construction, at this moment, integrates in the embryo, is connected with the immortal city embryo, can wield their mystical thoroughly. source is connected with the embryo. Once the casting has immortal city, immortal city transform, rare treasure will also follow transform. It does not affect their evolution potential.” In this moment, Starnet true spirit, the Xinghai (star sea) sound resounds in the mind, in her spoken language, disclosed that rouses. “父亲,这座胚胎是铸造玄黄镇的最好胚胎,气运天池与胚胎极为契合。连汇聚气运的度都更快,更加稳固。一旦铸造出来,潜力无穷,而且,镇上原先的异宝建筑,此刻,都融入进胚胎中,与仙城胚胎相连,才能彻底挥出它们的神异本源已经与胚胎相连。一旦铸造出仙城,仙城蜕变,异宝也会跟着蜕变。本身并不影响它们的进化潜力。”在这一刻,星网真灵,星海的声音在脑海中响起,在她的言语中,也透露出一丝振奋。 heaven and earth rare treasure is innate breeding lives, the intelligence that the instinct has, making them make the most appropriate choice in first time. Direct and supreme artifact embryo fusion together, source is connected. if one suffers, all suffers if one prospers, all prospers. 天地异宝都是先天孕育而生,本能具有的灵性,让它们在第一时间做出最适当的选择。直接与至尊神器胚胎融合在一起,本源相连。一损俱损一荣俱荣 It can be said that when making this choice, these rare treasure with future Xuanhuang Town, Xuanhuang City, are bound by a common cause thoroughly, inalienable. 可以说,在做出这种选择时,这些异宝就与未来的玄黄镇,玄黄城,彻底休戚相关,不可分割。 Good, Xinghai (star sea), how long could not want, your coverage scope will definitely expand several times to continue.” “好,星海,要不了多久,你的覆盖范围必然会扩大数倍不止。” Yi Tianxing hears, nods secretly. 易天行听到,也是暗自点点头。 The rare treasure construction fuses together with the embryo, this is also the matter that he loves. 异宝建筑与胚胎融为一体,这也是他喜闻乐见的事情。 Now, great earth of under foot is great earth, the embryo integrates as before, like invisible, when starts the casting, can little condensation become the essence. 现在,脚下的大地依旧是大地,胚胎融入其中,如同无形,只有开始铸造时,才能一点点的凝聚成实质。 These, said to be long, is blinking actually that's all. 这些,说起来长,实则不过是在眨眼之间而已 Has carried out thoroughly. 就已经彻底完成。 That immortal city, vanishes to disappear.” “那座仙城呢,消失不见了。” I noticed that immortal city directly enters underground, could it be that... now in our under feet.” “我看到那座仙城直接进入到地下,难道现在就是在我们的脚下。” Just these rare treasure constructions had/left divine light, should be related with immortal city. We should be now tread to stand in immortal city.” “刚刚那些异宝建筑都出神光,应该跟仙城有关。我们现在应该是踏立在仙城之中。” Just that naturally impossible to be neglected. Brand marks in soul, hardly may be obliterated. The eternal life is hard to forget. Indistinct within, as if felt that becomes great earth of under foot somewhat is different. 刚刚那一幕,自然不可能被人所忽视。一个个烙印在灵魂中,几乎不可被磨灭。永生都难以忘记。隐约间,似乎感觉连脚下的大地都变得有些不同起来。 Does not need to be sad, hero's spirit that because died in battle, will protect everyone forever. From now, our Xuanhuang Town, no longer needs city wall. Their skeletons, the flesh, will change into we most solid Iron-Blood Great Wall.” “不必悲伤,因为战死的英灵,会永远守护大家。从此以后,我们玄黄镇,不再需要城墙。他们的尸骨,血肉,将会化为我们最坚实的铁血长城。” Yi Tianxing looks common people to the town/subdues, officers and soldiers, looked that to is planning to go to restrain the warrior skeleton military personnel. Suddenly says. 易天行看向镇上百姓,将士,看向正打算前去收敛战士尸骸的军人。突然开口说道。 Xuanhuang Town city wall had been destroyed, since were destroyed, that does not need to reconstruct again. If really the archenemy who comes unable to resist, even if there is city wall, does not help matters. He also has a better choice. 玄黄镇城墙已经被摧毁了,既然被毁了,那就没有必要再重建了。若是真的来了无法抵挡的大敌,就算有城墙,也无济于事。他还有更好的选择。 The voice falls, in the hand the ray flashes, can see impressively, illusory city wall appears in the hand, this city wall, is blood-red, disperses frigid fiend qi, battle intent. As if has inextinguishable faith gathering. 话音一落,手中光芒一闪,赫然可以看到,一条虚幻城墙出现在手中,这座城墙,是血红色的,散出惨烈的煞气,战意。似乎有不灭的信念汇聚其中。 On this city wall, the part is to condense the mature qualitative, each city wall brick, disperses the inextinguishable faith and inextinguishable battle intent. 在这城墙上,有一部分是凝聚成实质的,每一块城砖,都散出不灭的信念与一种不灭战意 What is this?” “这是什么?” city wall, why I think this city wall, the feelings of wish sobs, saw probably died in battle in the past in the battlefield hitting the target compatriot, the ally. Friends.” “一段城墙么,为什么我看着这段城墙,有一种想要哭泣的感觉,好像看到以往战死在战场中的同胞,战友。朋友。” I also felt, a probably respect cannot help but. I as if heard the sound of slaying.” “我也感觉到了,好像有一种不由自主的尊敬。我似乎听到了杀伐之音。” The thing that Yi Tianxing puts out again, captures everyone's attention in first time, this thing, can see, is city wall, is not very long, seems like, has an indescribable security sense. This is one type from the feelings of innermost feelings. 易天行再次拿出的东西,也在第一时间吸引所有人的目光,这东西,一眼就能看出,是一段城墙,并不是很长,看起来,却有一种难以言喻的安全感。这是一种自内心的感触。 very|10 points is intense. 十分强烈。 Huang Chengyan and Master Lu also completely curious looks, had not said that but anticipated secretly, after all, rare treasure that takes from the Yi Tianxing hand, always , there is nothing is ordinary. 黄承彦鲁师也都满是好奇的看着,却没有多说,只是暗自期待,毕竟,从易天行手中拿出来的异宝,一直以来,都没有什么是普通的。 Shuā!! 刷! Under hand hitting the target pocket-sized city wall in throws, high in the sky flies. Circles in the battlefield, everywhere one visit, only sees, the warrior skeletons, by an invisible strength ingestion, in suddenly, were changed into the bloody city wall bricks suddenly, sneaks on pocket-sized city wall, city wall brick accumulation build, city wall cares about the naked eye obvious grows. 中的袖珍城墙在一抛之下,凌空飞起。在战场上盘旋,所到之处,只看到,一具具战士的尸骸,突然间被一股无形的力量摄取,在瞬息间,化为一枚枚血色的城砖,钻进袖珍城墙上,一块块城砖累积堆砌起来,城墙在意肉眼可见的度增长起来。 War! War! War!!” “战!战!战!!” Kills, even if dies, must kill foreign race, even the death, must draw a pad back.” “杀,哪怕是死,也要多杀一名异族,就算是死,也要拉一个垫背的。” Cannot draw back, I was common people, am our homelands, the family/home am destroyed behind one time, cannot be ruined the second time absolutely, foreign race, I did not fear, died also to collapse your tooth.” “不能退,我身后就是百姓,身后就是我们的家园,家已经被毁了一次,绝对不能被毁掉第二次,异族,我不怕,死也要崩掉你们一口牙。” For humanity, for dignity, cannot draw back absolutely. ominous beast how. Our humanity is not good to bully.” “为了人族,为了尊严,也绝对不能退。凶兽又如何。我们人族不是好欺负的。” Only saw, in city wall as if transmits resounding calls. As if can see, officers and soldiers slaughter in the extravasated blood. Can see that common people is killing the enemy courageously. 只看到,城墙中似乎传递出一道道高亢的呐喊。似乎能看到,一名名将士在淤血厮杀。能看到百姓在奋勇杀敌。 The forms of humanity martyrs are flashing before. 一名名人族先烈的身影在闪现。 The warrior bodies, the common people corpse, quick integration to city wall, is letting city wall unceasingly grow stronger, city wall bricks are condensed by the skeleton flesh. Becoming a part of city wall. 一具具战士的身躯,百姓的尸体,都在快的融入到城墙中,让城墙不断变强,一块块城砖由尸骸血肉凝聚。成为城墙的一部分。 These warrior and common people corpse, integrates in city wall unexpectedly, the body changes into city wall bricks. This city wall, with dying in battle humanity warrior, the common people skeleton casting came out.” “这些战士百姓的尸体,竟然都融入到城墙中,身躯化为一块块城砖。这条城墙,是用战死的人族战士,百姓的尸骨铸造出来的。” Before Your Lordship has said that dying in battle, had the home to return, does not need to bury, does not need to be sad, they have not left, their flesh skeletons, changed into city wall, their faith, always existed forever in city wall. Their will will never perish.” “以前主公说过,战死者,另有归宿,不需要安葬,不需要悲伤,他们没有离开,他们的血肉尸骨,化为城墙,他们的信念,始终长存于城墙之中。他们的意志永远不会灭亡。” If city wall can protect the homeland, protects Xuanhuang Town, protects humanity common people, after I die, is willing to bury in this city wall, changes into together city wall brick. Even if were I died, my flesh, will, is protecting humanity as before.” “若城墙能守护家园,守护玄黄镇,守护人族百姓,我死后,愿意葬于这座城墙之中,化为其中一块城砖。哪怕是我死了,我的血肉,意志,依旧在守护着人族。” Some officers and soldiers look at city wall, reveals color suddenly, muttered. 将士看着城墙,露出恍然之色,喃喃自语道。 officers and soldiers, the military personnel home to return, lies in the battlefield, the military personnel mission lies in the protection, if can let better going on living of humanity on this Eternal continent, they are willing with oneself flesh, to cast inextinguishable flesh Great Wall. This is another inextinguishable, even if oneself soul is not , can actually will exist forever. 将士,军人的归宿,在于战场,军人的使命在于守护,若能让人族在这永恒大6上更好的活下去,他们愿意用自己的血肉,铸就出一座不灭的血肉长城。这是另外一种不灭,哪怕自身灵魂不在,却能意志长存。 In an instant, in the battlefield, all mankind corpses, the flesh, integrates in Great Wall completely. 转眼间,战场上,所有人类的尸体,血肉,全部融入到长城中。 Shuā!! 刷! This Great Wall high in the sky flies. 这座长城凌空飞起。 Flies toward the distant place, appears above gorge directly, fell, falls on Shan Feng (mountain peak) directly, changes into one to have three zhang (3.33 m) immense city wall high, rolling, in an instant, covers nearby region. Along the Shan Feng (mountain peak) curve, extends unceasingly, has a 3000 meter length. Under fluctuating, like giant-scale city wall. 朝着远处飞去,直接出现在峡谷之上,落了下去,直接落在山峰上,化为一座高有三丈的巨大城墙,连绵起伏,转眼间,就将附近一片区域笼罩住。沿着山峰的曲线,不断延伸,足足有三千米长短。起伏下,如同一条巨型城墙 This is Iron-Blood Great Wall!! 这一条为铁血长城!!
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