EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#331: Unity is strength

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... first times war, no matter foreign race or mankind, have not prepared, lacks to the true sensibility of war. 第一次战争,不管是异族还是人类,都没有准备,缺乏对战争的真正感悟。 Is just like the true command, will not easily fall into by oneself to the danger absolutely, regarding the command, takes the lead very importantly, but oneself are living, is more important, living, is one living the flag, can affect the war, once the body falls, regarding army attack immense, may make soldier and general turn into sorrow soldier/weapon inevitably, but after sorrow soldier/weapon, collapses. 就好比是真正的统帅,绝对不会轻易让自身陷入到危险当中,对于统帅而言,身先士卒很重要,但自身活着,却更重要,活着,就是一面活着的旗帜,能影响战局,一旦身陨,对于大军的打击必然巨大,或许会让手下兵将变成哀兵,可哀兵过后,就是崩溃。 Brought consequence, might be considered as ruination. 带来的后果,堪称是毁灭性的。 In the battlefield, slaughters the sound to vanish unceasingly. 战场上,厮杀声不断消失。 Large quantities of foreign race fall from the sky one after another, basic(ally) cannot escape from the slaughter of archer. 大批异族接连陨落,根本逃不出弓箭手的屠杀。 wū wū wū!! 呜呜呜!! In Xuanhuang Town, large quantities of common people look at the destroyed house, various buildings, are being slaughtered, the incomparable pitiful compatriot of dying, officers and soldiers, having the female cannot bear heart hitting the target be sorrowful, exudes a sobbing wail. 玄黄镇中,大批百姓看着被摧毁的房屋,各种建筑,在厮杀中,死的无比凄惨的同胞,将士,有女子忍不住心中的悲痛,发出一阵呜咽哭泣声。 This sadness, can infect. 这种悲伤,是可以传染的。 Let large numbers of females sob in a low voice, the man is stronger, but at this moment, looks at the ally who died in battle, brothers, is in the vision with tears. In the person of dying in battle, there is a person who they knew, before having, together eats meal to chat, boasts to give free reign to the imagination the future acquaintance. Now sees these familiar faces, turns into the ice-cold corpse, well uping that heart hitting the target sad intent is unable to contain. 让大批女子低声哭泣起来,男人更坚强,但这一刻,看着战死的战友,兄弟,也是目光中含着泪。战死的人中,有他们认识的人,有之前还在一起吃饭聊天,吹牛畅想未来的熟人。现在看到这些熟悉的面孔,一个个变成冰冷的尸体,心中的悲意就无法遏制的涌上心头。 Dying in battle officers and soldiers, the common people quantity, by counting thousand over ten thousand calculated. 战死的将士,百姓的数量,是以数上万来计算。 Regarding Xuanhuang Town, this is a hard victory. Although wins, actually pays the heavy price. 对于玄黄镇而言,这是一次惨胜。虽然胜利,却付出沉痛的代价。 Our families/home, made into the ruins.” “我们的家,都被打成废墟了。” Uncle Li died, he perishes together with foreign race, has not given us Xuanhuang Town to lose face. Later could not see that Uncle Li smiled to me.” 李叔死了,他是跟一名异族同归于尽,没有给我们玄黄镇丢脸。只是以后再也看不到李叔对我笑了。” ......... ......... Twittering in the battlefield, in town resound. 一声声呢喃在战场,城镇中响起。 Dying in battle external cultivator were also many. Here, they similarly are the humanity heroic deeds. 战死的外来修士同样不少。在这里,他们同样是人族英烈。 Huang Chengyan arrives at side Yi Tianxing, hinted with the look. In entire Xuanhuang Town is grievous, eventually is not the good deed. At this moment, is innermost feelings emptiness, most loses the vacant time. 黄承彦来到易天行身旁,用眼神示意了一下。整个玄黄镇中充满悲伤,终究不是什么好事。这一刻,更是内心空虚,最为失落茫然的时候。 Also most needs the time of mental pillar/backbone. 也是最需要精神支柱的时刻。 This point, Huang Chengyan understands, Yi Tianxing also is very naturally clear. 这一点,黄承彦懂,易天行自然也很清楚。 Looks at a stretch of filled with grief battlefield, mounts also surviving city wall step by step, invisible imposing manner sending out naturally. 看着一片悲怆的战场,一步步登上还残存的城墙,一股无形的气势自然而然的散发出来。 No matter at any time, Yi Tianxing's every action and every movement, as before are the matter that everyone most pays attention, sees him to mount city wall, vision unconscious gatherings. 不管在任何时候,易天行的一举一动,依旧是所有人最为关注的事情,看到他登上城墙,一道道目光不自觉的汇聚过来。 everyone officers and soldiers, everyone common people, brothers sisters. Do not sob, Eternal Continent, does not need the tears.” 诸位将士,诸位百姓,兄弟姐妹。不要哭泣,永恒大陆,不需要眼泪。” Yi Tianxing puts out long air/Qi slowly, aspirates the sound, said loudly. 易天行缓缓吐出一口长气,吐气开声,大声说道。 Pours into the true qi voice to reverberate in the entire battlefield, making everyone hear, has a vibration. Here is Eternal Continent, only believes that the iron and blood, do not believe the tears. The tears can only weak, iron-blood can accomplish strongly. 灌注真气的话音在整个战场上回荡,让所有人听到,都不由的生出一丝震动。这里是永恒大陆,只相信铁与血,不相信眼泪。泪水只能让人软弱,铁血才能造就坚强。 city wall was broken, we can reconstruct, the homeland makes into the ruins, we can reconstruct. So long as we also stand here, that this lands, belong to our mankind, belongs to our Xuanhuang Town. So long as we are also living, where no matter, can build the new homeland.” 城墙被打破了,我们可以重建,家园打成废墟,我们可以再造。只要我们还站立在这里,那这片土地,就是属于我们人类,属于我们玄黄镇所有。只要我们还活着,不管在哪里,都能重新建立起新的家园。” My Xuanhuang Town, cannot grind, strikes not cross rock waste. Has so many officers and soldiers, common people is the security homeland is willing to give self up to go , the extravasated blood slaughters. With their flesh, received exchange for our A'Ning (peaceful). We have no reason not to live well. Not only need live, but also warrior that wants generation of substitute death to go, common people better going on living. Founds to belong to our mankind civilization.” “我玄黄镇,是碾不碎,击不跨的一颗顽石。有如此多的将士,百姓为保卫家园而甘愿舍身赴死,淤血厮杀。用他们的血肉,换取我们的安宁。我们没有什么理由不好好活着。不仅要活着,还要代替死去的战士,百姓更好的活下去。开创出属于我们人类文明。” Every single word or phrase, transmits a powerful faith, lets officers and soldiers and common people in low mood battlefield rises again unceasingly. In heart secretly mutters: Yes, the dead has passed, they to protect us died in battle. Should not be sad, must have their, better going on living. Has their ideal, constructs a better homeland. 一字一句,都传递出一股强大的信念,让战场上的将士百姓低落的情绪不断回升。心中暗自沉吟:是啊,死者已逝,他们是为了守护我们而战死。不应悲伤,更要带着他们的那一份,更好的活下去。带着他们的理想,建造出更加美好的家园。 This world, never believes the tears. 这个世界,从来不相信眼泪。 Only has the strength, only then oneself powerful, can protect all that oneself care about. 只有实力,只有自身强大,才能守护住自身所在乎的一切。 Broke Xuanhuang Town, we can reconstruct one, two|tael, three. Moreover, our future Xuanhuang Town, Xuanhuang City, is not here, but here.” “打破了一个玄黄镇,我们可以再建一个,个,三个。而且,我们未来的玄黄镇,玄黄城,不是这里,而在这里。” Yi Tianxing looks at front ruins, waves, only saw, who is glittering endless divine light appears in in the sky, on this divine light circulation , illusory ancient city appears in the sky impressively as can be seen. 易天行看着面前的废墟,一挥手,只看到,一张闪烁着无尽神光的古图出现在虚空中,这古图上神光流转,赫然间,可以看到,一座虚幻古城出现在天空。 Can see, this ancient city, basic(ally) does not have city wall, the unusual conditions, inside palace to tower, garret like rain. Has the crane to dance in the air, has spirit beast to go through, dragon-phoenix is a good omen, various inside dwelling place of celestial beings constructions, innumerable. The atmosphere is vigorous. Make people like immortal realm immortal city that seeing in the sincerity most yearns for same. 能看到,这座古城,根本没有城墙,浑然天成,里面宫殿耸立,阁楼如雨。有仙禽飞舞,有灵兽穿行,龙凤呈祥,里面各种仙家建筑,数不胜数。大气蓬勃。让人如同看到一片心中最向往的仙境仙城一样。 Even if Huang Chengyan and Master Lu and the others saw, god admires toward. 哪怕是黄承彦鲁师等人看到,也都不由的神思慕往。 Picture that appears compared with the space, beforehand Xuanhuang Town with is in the mountains and plains the pheasant is the same. 跟天上显现出的画面相比,之前的玄黄镇就跟是山野中野鸡一样。 This can be the city that we will survive in the future.” Together thought almost reappearing as if by prior agreement in the mind of everyone, even if these external cultivator is no exception. “这会是我们将来生存的城市么。”一道念头几乎不约而同的浮现在每一个人的脑海中,哪怕是那些外来修士也不例外。 Some feelings, that is true immortal city. 有种感觉,那才是真正的仙城 However, as the phenomenon fluctuates, in an instant, all phenomenon all dissipate. Displaces, is immense illusory divine illustration, seems like, probably a illusory platform. Is a ancient city ground. 不过,随着异象变幻,转眼间,所有的异象全部消散。取而代之的,是一张巨大虚幻神图,看起来,好像是一座虚幻的平台。是一座古城的地基。 ancient city illusory. Letting the person has to exclaim in surprise secretly. 古城虚幻。让人不得不暗自惊叹。 This, is an embryo of superior divine city, has the endless possibility, although is only the embryo, but I believe that so long as everyone works as one, certainly can the casting have shock and awe eternal peerless divine city. Will certainly become my humanity big holy land. Dragons Battle in the Wild, its blood Xuanhuang (Dark-Yellow), my Xuanhuang Town, does not fear any powerful enemy, even in the multifarious skeleton, still wants the casting to leave belongs to our superior divine city.” “这一座,就是一座无上神城的胚胎,具有无尽的可能,虽然只是胚胎,但我相信,只要大家齐心协力,一定可以铸造出一座震慑万古的绝世神城。必将成为我人族的一大圣地龙战于野,其血玄黄,我玄黄镇,不惧任何强敌,就算是在万千尸骨中,也要铸造出属于我们的无上神城。” Yi Tianxing is pointing at void Supreme Artifact Illustration, says decisively. 易天行指着虚空至尊神器图,断然开口说道。 Every single word or phrase, attacks above Mind of everyone. 一字一句,抨击在每一个人的心灵之上。 immortal city scene that before does not know many are artificial, sees, felt that shocked and yearned, when hearing, will have in the future the possibility casting has such divine city, heart beats fiercely, the blood upwells, the complexion becomes red. 不知道多少人为之前看到的仙城气象,感到震惊与向往,在听到,未来自己有可能铸造出那样的神城时,心脏就不由的剧烈跳动起来,血液上涌,脸色都变得通红。 Good, we can certainly the casting have superior immortal city that just saw. Builds humanity holy land. Xuanhuang Town destroyed, we can heavy make one to be better newly-built. perfect.” “太好了,我们一定可以铸造出刚刚所看到的无上仙城。打造出人族圣地玄黄镇毁了,我们可以重新建造出一座更好的。更加完美的。” Really is the anticipation, does not know that such superior immortal city, actually wants how long to be able the casting to come out. Where is our forever homelands.” “真是期待啊,不知道这样的无上仙城,究竟要多久才能铸造出来。哪里将会是我们永远的家园。” Does not know how such immortal city must be able the casting to come out, now is also only embryo that's all. Does not know that needs anything, even if I am lose everything must on completely one be my strength.” “不知道这样的仙城要怎么才能铸造出来,现在还只是胚胎而已。不知道需要什么东西,我哪怕是倾家荡产也要尽上一份属于我的力量。” common people officers and soldiers regarding space that are also only the embryos, now does not have the phenomenon, appears simpler immortal city city base to give birth yearned, reveals the color of anticipation. as if (similar) in in one's eyes, had seen future that mystical immortal city. 一名名百姓将士对于天上那座还只是胚胎,现在没有异象,显得更加朴实的仙城城基生出向往,露出期待之色。仿佛眼中,已经看到了未来那座神异仙城 In their hearts, had recognized that is future Xuanhuang City, homeland that from now on live. Even builds humanity holy land. 在他们心中,已经认定,那就是未来的玄黄城,今后自身居住的家园。甚至是打造成人族圣地 Unknowingly, invisible wishpower continuous from each officers and soldiers, the common people body sends out. Directly toward that Supreme Artifact Illustration gathering in the past. A faint trace, one continuously. This is the people hopes. 不知不觉中,一股股无形的愿力源源不断的从每一名将士,百姓身上散发出来。直接朝着那副至尊神器图汇聚过去。一丝丝,一缕缕。这是民愿。 Indistinct within, entire vice- divine illustration became clear several points. illusory was short of several points, are many a sincerity. 隐约间,整副神图都变得清晰了几分。虚幻都少了几分,多出一种厚重。 People are willing to gather, unity is strength!!” “民愿汇聚,众志成城!!” Master Lu saw, the complexion changes, muttered. 鲁师看到,脸色一变,喃喃自语道。 People hope, wishpower can make the embryo conduct transform toward real unexpectedly.” Yi Tianxing saw, in the mind flashes through together miraculous, muttered: „The casting supreme artifact material has the enormous limit, the conventional material basically doesn't possible casting to have top artifact, the precious material, is actually not able to gain massively. Wants a casting city, that simply is dream of a fool. However, if using Wishpower Bead as the material, not necessarily cannot the casting have superior divine city, supreme artifact. Wishpower Bead, is less inferior than any heavenly material, earthly treasure. Even is more precious.” “民愿,愿力竟然能让胚胎朝着真实进行蜕变。”易天行看到,脑海中闪过一道灵光,喃喃自语道:“铸造至尊神器的材料有着极大的限制,普通材料根本不可能铸造出顶尖的神器,珍贵的材料,却无法大规模获取。要铸造一座城池,那简直就是痴人说梦。不过,若是以愿力珠为材料,未必就不能铸造出一座无上神城,至尊神器愿力珠,不比任何天材地宝逊色。甚至更加珍贵。” Others cannot obtain, I can actually rely on Money Tree, money connects the whole world, gathers wishpower continuously, condenses Wishpower Bead. Perhaps from the beginning cannot the casting have the big city, but does not need now in a big way, so long as following continuous Wishpower Bead, can make immortal city expand unceasingly. immortal city that is condensed by Wishpower Bead, inborn can gather heaven and earth origin qi, cultivation speed inevitably one day, a thousand li.” “别人得不到,我却可以凭借摇钱树,钱通天下,源源不断汇聚愿力,凝聚出愿力珠。也许一开始不能铸造出多大的城池,可现在也不需要多大,只要后续源源不断的愿力珠,就可以不断的让仙城扩张。由愿力珠凝聚出的仙城,天生就能汇聚天地元气,修炼速度必然一日千里。” wishpower is anything, is obsession. 愿力是什么,是执念 Purest wishpower, that is inextinguishable obsession. Casts everlasting immortal city with inextinguishable obsession. Absolutely is most perfect one method. 最纯粹的愿力,那就是不灭执念。用不灭执念铸就不朽仙城。绝对是最完美的一种方法。 This discovery, in a difficult problem the heart completely solves instantaneously. 这个发现,瞬间就将心中一道难题彻底解决。 Casts superior divine city with Wishpower Bead, this is the most suitable my method. Other seek for the heavenly material, earthly treasure approach, to me, is impractical. With supreme artifact of Wishpower Bead casting, being not necessarily able more inferior than any divine material immortal valuable.” “用愿力珠铸就无上神城,这是最适合我的方法。其他寻找天材地宝的做法,对我而言,都不切实际。用愿力珠铸造的至尊神器,未必会比任何神料仙珍要逊色。” Among Yi Tianxing secretly mutters, has made the decision in the heart. 易天行暗自沉吟间,已经在心中做出决定。 Looks guides the people to hope together toward the Supreme Artifact Illustration gathering in the past. 看着一道道民愿朝着至尊神器图汇聚过去。 Turns the head to look again to the battlefield as in slow proliferation cyan poison mist. 再转头看向战场上依旧在缓慢扩散的青色毒雾 This terrifying severe poison that is erupted by Cyan Python King, naturally cannot leave alone. Once spreads again, that this piece of Xuanhuang Town must unable to preserve. 这由青蟒王爆发出的恐怖剧毒,自然不能放任不管。一旦再次扩散,那这片玄黄镇都要保不住。 severe poison that's all, but also cannot stump me, receives to me!!” 剧毒而已,还难不住我,给我收!!” Yi Tianxing waves, Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower has changed into flow of light, sneaks in the middle of that piece of cyan poison mist directly. 易天行一挥手间,鸿蒙天帝塔已经化为一道流光,直接钻进那片青色毒雾当中。 Goes, all around poison mist starts to tumble immediately fiercely, as if strength in agitation wind and cloud. Follows, vortex starts to form in poison mist together, under unceasing revolving, goes in the large quantities of poison mist crazy volumes. 一进去,四周毒雾顿时就开始剧烈翻滚,似乎有一股力量在搅动风云。跟着,一道漩涡开始在毒雾中形成,不断的旋转下,将大批毒雾疯狂的卷进去。 The original proliferation to poison mist of big region, starts to reduce at the visible speed. 原先扩散到不小区域的毒雾,以肉眼可见的速度开始缩小。 This process, very|10 points is astonishing. 这种过程,十分惊人。 In an instant, cyan poison mist that originally blots out the sky vanishes does not see. 转眼间,本来铺天盖地的青色毒雾就这么消失不见。 Ding!! 叮!! In instance of poison mist radical dissipation. Can see. A cyan bead falls near Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower. 就在毒雾彻底消散的瞬间。能看到。一枚青色的珠子掉落在鸿蒙天帝塔附近。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower changes into flow of light, enters within the body, suppresses in divine sea. 鸿蒙天帝塔化为一道流光,重新钻进体内,镇压在神海中。
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