EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#330: Destiny Devour

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... Asked a monthly ticket.】 【求张月票。】 A side morale surges upward, a side despondency. 一方士气高涨,一方士气低落。 A low side, even the regular army, facing the farmer soldier who the morale surges upward, wants the rout in the same old way. Radical collapse. Can face leader, King falls from the sky, in fled situation, the rush, aggressive of foreign race army has been able to see a spot as before courageously. 低落的一方,就算是正规军,面对士气高涨的农民兵,照样要溃败。彻底崩溃。能在面对首领,王者陨落,逃离的情况下,依旧奋勇冲杀,异族大军的凶悍已经可以看出一斑。 foreign race similarly is the intelligent race, similarly will be full of wisdom, will fear, will fear. 只是,异族同样是智慧种族,同样有智慧,会恐惧,会惧怕。 Is seeing, powerful foreign race King, leader, falls from the sky one after another, now is struck to kill powerful stone giant. Heart hitting the target cannot contain frightened again, braved crazily, occupies Mind. 在看到,一尊尊强大异族王者,首领,接连陨落,现在连强大石巨人都被击杀。心中的恐惧再也遏制不住,疯狂的冒了出来,占据心灵 Flees the battlefield, immediately has second, third. 有一个逃离战场,立即就有第二个,第三个。 It seems like tarot card of avalanche to be the same, the chain-react, large quantities of foreign race do not have the fighting spirit again, turns around to turn around to retreat toward the battlefield outside. 就好像是崩塌的塔罗牌一样,产生连锁反应,大批异族再无斗志,转身掉头就朝着战场外溃逃出去。 Shoots!!” “射!!” But this situation, has not made officers and soldiers on Xuanhuang Town have any sympathy to pity. Stands on broken city wall, archer, Divine Machine Battalion officers and soldiers, war arrow, crossbow bolt jumps to shoot in abundance toward these foreign race. 但这种情况,并没有让玄黄镇上的将士们产生任何的同情怜悯。站立在残破城墙上,一名名弓箭手,神机营将士,纷纷将战箭,弩箭朝着那些异族迸射过去。 pū pū pū!! 噗噗噗!! Under turns around to retreat, the back was easily exposed in line of sight of shooter. Facing the well-trained shooter, such foreign race, probably the living target, in crowded arrow rain, has foreign race to be killed like the straw unceasingly. Pours in the pool of blood. 转身溃逃下,后背轻易就被暴露在射手的视线中。面对训练有素的射手,这样的异族,就好像是一个个活生生的靶子,密集的箭雨中,不断有异族如稻草般被射杀。倒在血泊中。 Bang!! 轰!! In the town/subdues, the position that Mo Xie (demon scorpion) is , the ground caves in suddenly, splits together cave entrance. 在镇上,魔蝎所在的位置,地面突然塌陷,裂开一道洞口。 Jet black altar appears. Below is large quantities of scorpionkin race warrior. 一尊漆黑的祭坛显现出来。下面是大批蝎人族战士 These scorpionkin race warrior take Mo Xie (demon scorpion), bringing altar to toward underground run away to depart. 这些蝎人族战士魔蝎带上,带着祭坛就要朝着地下逃遁离去。 Rests!!” “休走!!” Huang Chengyan witnessed, the opens the mouth exudes one to shout. Snow white ancient sword jumps to shoot again. Divides to cut toward that Demon God Altar. overwhelming righteous qi that in ancient sword contains with Power of the Demon God collision together, seems like ice and fire collision together, the layer after layer black fog is dissipating. 黄承彦目睹,张口发出一声断喝。一口雪白古剑再次迸射而出。朝着那座魔神祭坛劈斩下去。古剑中蕴含的浩然正气魔神之力碰撞在一起,就好像是冰火碰撞在一起,一层层黑雾在消散。 Snort!!” “哼!!” But at this moment, 但就在此刻, From Demon God Altar, together the transmission of cold hum/snort no indication. 魔神祭坛中,一道冷哼声毫无征兆的传递出来。 A lung strength however erupts from altar, collapses the fragment that Tongue Sword loudly. 一股肺然之力从祭坛上爆发,轰然间将那口舌剑崩成碎片。 Shuā!! 刷! Jet black eyes appears from altar slowly, the appearance of this only eyes, in a flash, an indescribable pressure sweeps across entire Xuanhuang Town like surging tides, all officers and soldiers, common people, felt pressed a thousand jin (0.5 kg) heavy burden directly. The body skeleton exudes soon the shatter resounding sound, has to plant to worship on bended knees directly in the feeling of ground. 一只漆黑的眼眸缓缓从祭坛上浮现,这只眼眸的出现,刹那间,一股难以言喻的威压如潮水般席卷整个玄黄镇,所有将士,百姓,都感觉到身上直接被压了斤重担。身体骨骼都发出即将破碎的脆响声,有种要直接跪拜在地上的感觉。 In the face of this pressure, all strengths, probably so insignificant. 在这威压面前,所有的力量,都好像是如此的微不足道。 Just liking the ants is ordinary facing great sea. 犹如蝼蚁面对大海一般。 This is anything, how an eye has probably the so fearful pressure. Merely one eye makes my basic(ally) unable to give birth to any heart of resistance. This disparity, was really big, to just like the difference of heaven and earth.” “这是什么东西,一只眼睛怎么可能拥有如此可怕的威压。仅仅一只眼睛就让我根本生不出任何抵抗之心。这种差距,实在是太大了,大到宛如天地之别。” I actually felt, so long as that eye looks at my one eyes, my thorough death, this is what eye, that is anything.” “我竟然感觉只要那只眼睛看我一眼,我就会彻底死亡,这是什么眼睛,那是什么东西。” How possibly to have such fearful monster. Is gods and demons.” “怎么可能有这么可怕的怪物。是神魔吗。” officers and soldiers, common people cried out in the heart secretly, large quantities of cultivator in one's eyes reveal the panic-stricken color. 一名名将士,百姓在心中暗自呐喊,大批修士眼中都露出惊骇之色。 Beforehand double-headed ogre, Cyan Python King, and even is the stone giant strength, is can see, now perhaps cannot compare, later not necessarily does not have the opportunity to pursue, in oneself understand in the range, pressure that but this eye transmits, is actually steamroll all, is too deep to see the bottom. 之前的双头食人魔,青蟒王,乃至是石巨人的实力,都是看得见的,现在或许比不上,以后未必就没有机会追赶上去,是在自身理解范围之内的,可这只眼睛传递出的威压,却是碾压一切的,深不见底。 This eye appears from altar, could it be that... this altar really can communicate dark hitting the target Demon God, making Demon God arrive.” “这眼睛是从祭坛上出现,难道祭坛真的可以沟通冥冥中的魔神,令魔神降临。” In the Yi Tianxing heart is also secretly imposing, felt that the everywhere pressure, heart hitting the target emerges with amazement like surging tides. This strength, is not Divine Sea Realm, and even is Fate Aperture Realm, Fate Illustration Realm can have. 易天行心中也是暗自凛然,感觉到无处不在的压力,心中的骇然如潮水般涌现。这种力量,已经不是神海境,乃至是命窍境,命图境所能拥有的。 Really must make a move, writes off entire Xuanhuang Town, is the easy matter. 真要出手,抹杀整个玄黄镇,都是轻而易举的事情。 huā lā la!! 哗啦啦!! But in a moment that eye presents, a more fearful picture presents in heaven and earth. 而就在那只眼睛出现的一刹那,一种更加可怕的画面呈现在天地间。 As can be seen, around that only eyes, no indication appears the golden iron chains, these iron chain uploads dispatch powerful the strength of law, such as a big net, covers that only eyes suppression, the golden lightning appears from in the sky together, the bang to that only eyes, in eyes bursts out together black divine light, may under the collision, the lightning break open divine light like the bolt of white silk, shells directly on eyes. 可以看到,在那只眼眸四周,毫无征兆的浮现出一条条金色的铁链,这些铁链上传递出强大法则之力,如一张大网般,将那只眼眸镇压笼罩在内,一道金色的闪电从虚空中出现,轰向那只眼眸,眼眸中迸发出一道黑色神光,可在碰撞下,闪电已经如匹练般破开神光,直接轰击在眼眸上。 Snort, heavenly dao.” “哼,天道。” In that black eyes was torn together the fissure forcefully, the black bloodstain infiltrates together from eyes. 黑色眼眸中硬生生被撕裂出一道裂痕,一道黑色的血迹从眼眸中渗透出来。 Immediately, black eyes vanishes in altar directly. 随即,黑色眼眸直接消失在祭坛中。 black eyes vanishes, the golden iron chain that then appears from in the sky follows to go into seclusion not to see. It is not does not exist, but does not have the means to see with the naked eye again. 黑色眼眸消失,那从虚空中浮现的金色铁链跟着隐退不见。不是不存在,而是已经没有办法再用肉眼看到。 Banning that this heavenly dao left behind initially seals, does not allow to exceed the Law Manifestation Realm level powerhouse to intervene the myriad things to revolve, slaying.” Yi Tianxing secretly mutters, floods among the pressure in heaven and earth already without a trace that vanishes. Banning of heavenly dao seals, cannot be defied. “这就是当初天道留下的禁封么,不允许超过法相境层次的强者出手干涉万物运转,杀伐。”易天行暗自沉吟,充斥在天地间的威压已经消失的无影无踪。天道的禁封,是不容挑衅的。 Myriad Worlds Fuse, the multifarious race gathers together, with slaughtering to contend true heaven and earth protagonist.” The thought naturally appears in the mind together. 万界融合,万千种族汇聚一堂,用杀戮来角逐出真正的天地主角么。”一道念头在脑海中自然浮现。 However, now thinks that these obvious some are too early. 不过,现在想这些明显有些太早。 Under just accident, the battlefield changed thoroughly. Large quantities of foreign race flee the battlefield, scorpionkin race brings severely wounded Mo Xie (demon scorpion), from underground leaves directly fast. 刚刚的变故下,战场彻底发生变化。大批异族逃离战场,蝎人族带着重伤的魔蝎,直接从地下快速离开。 The entire battlefield is filling slaughtering as before. Many officers and soldiers groups of three or squads of five, complexion ice-cold to fleeing foreign race initiates chases down. foreign race, fall on the battlefield unceasingly. 整个战场依旧充满着杀戮。不少将士三五成群,脸色冰冷的对逃离的异族发起追杀。一名名异族,不断倒在战场上。 Áng!! 昂! At this moment, the astonishing roar resounds in in the sky together. In the roar, brings a dragon's cry sound. 就在这时,一道惊人的吼声在虚空中响起。吼声中,带着一种龙吟般的响声。 In in the sky, presents a strange picture impressively. 虚空中,赫然呈现出一副奇异的画面。 Seeing that this scene, even all officers and soldiers and common people can be clear about. 这种景象,就算是所有的将士百姓都能清楚的看到。 Sky over Xuanhuang Town, golden fish-dragon shoots up to the sky, occupies in in the sky, fish-dragon is the 3~4 zhang (3.33 m), golden dragon beard flutters against the wind, two|tael only eyes transmits the exciting color. 玄黄镇上空,一条金色鱼龙冲天而起,盘踞在虚空中,鱼龙足足有三四丈长,金色龙须迎风飘荡,眼眸传递出兴奋之色。 But outside battlefield, then can see, similarly appears several fearful forms. 而在战场外,则可以看到,同样显现出几尊可怕的身影。 Big ogre, immense jackal-wolf, jet black heavenly scorpion. illusory toxic snake and illusory ominous birds. 一尊高大的食人魔,一尊巨大豺狼,一只漆黑的天蝎。一条虚幻毒蛇与一只虚幻凶禽 This is Spirit of Destiny.” “这是气运之灵。” In the Master Lu foreheads appears a dignity, says decisively. 鲁师眉宇间浮现出一丝凝重,断然开口说道。 How to appear Spirit of Destiny at this moment. could it be that... must plunder devour. My Xuanhuang Town has stabilized the victory, does not have the twists and turns again. Winner is King, defeated invader, this is must capture the fruits of victory.” “怎么会在这个时刻显现出气运之灵难道是要掠夺吞噬。我玄黄镇已经稳定胜局,再无波折。胜者为王,败者寇,这是要夺取胜利果实么。” Yi Tianxing similarly secretly surprised looks to void. 易天行同样暗自惊讶的看向虚空 However can actually the clear feeling the excitement and hope that from the golden fish dragon being upload dispatches. That is an intense impulsion that sees gourmet. 不过却能清晰的感受到从金色龙身上传递出的兴奋与渴望。那是一种见到美食的强烈冲动。 Áng!! 昂! After circling several, then without hesitating, when first toward giant python killing of that illusory in the past. Aggressive bites on giant python, that giant python seems like essence, qi, and spirit to be drained, basic(ally) could not revolt, was nipped the next bulk by fish-dragon at the scene, swallows down. This flesh gets down, on fish dragon being blooms immediately a layer|one level golden light, the body grows one inch fast. 盘旋几圈后,再没有迟疑,当先就朝着那条虚幻巨蟒扑杀过去。凶悍的一口咬在巨蟒身上,那条巨蟒就好像是精气神都被抽干,根本反抗不了,当场就被鱼龙咬下一大块,吞了下去。这一块血肉下去,鱼龙身上立即绽放出一层金光,身躯快速长出一寸。 As gobbles up continuously is conducting, fish-dragon also in unceasing strength. During merely several breath, swallows down giant python. After swallowing thoroughly, the fish-dragon's body is five zhang (3.33 m). 随着吞吃不断进行着,鱼龙也在不断的壮大。仅仅几个呼吸间,就将一条巨蟒吞了下去。彻底吞掉后,鱼龙的身躯达到五丈长。 With also plunges that only illusory ominous birds. 跟着,又扑向那只虚幻凶禽 ominous birds wants to revolt, but actually seems worn out, in an instant, was torn into shreds, swallows. The fish dragon being body is long. 凶禽想要反抗,但却显得有气无力,转眼间,就被撕碎,吞掉。鱼龙身躯再长。 fish-dragon plunges ogre again. 鱼龙再次扑向食人魔 That ogre is also aggressive, slaughters together with fish-dragon, but was actually suppressed enormously, after fish-dragon tears up half of bodies, unwilling exudes one to angrily roar, vanishes does not see. 食人魔也是凶悍,跟鱼龙厮杀在一起,但却受到极大的压制,被鱼龙撕掉一半身躯后,不甘的发出一声怒吼,消失不见。 Then, fish-dragon also plunges jackal-wolf, heavenly scorpion. 而后,鱼龙也扑向豺狼,天蝎 That jackal-wolf was eaten half, heavenly scorpion eats 1/3. 那条豺狼被吃掉一半,天蝎则是吃掉三分之一。 Then, jackal-wolf and heavenly scorpion follow to vanish do not see. 然后,豺狼天蝎都跟着消失不见。 In this process, the fish-dragon's body such as the air flush ball is the same, the radical inflation grows. 在这过程中,鱼龙的身躯如吹气球一样,剧烈膨胀增长起来。 Merely in a minute, is more than eight zhang (3.33 m), from nine zhang (3.33 m), is not remote. 仅仅片刻间,就达到八丈多,距离九丈,也已经不在遥远。 After fish-dragon gobbles up all Spirit of Destiny, well satisfied after sky over Xuanhuang Town circles several, in together the dragon's cry sound, again sneaks in Destiny Heavenly Pond. Is hidden does not see. 鱼龙吞吃完所有气运之灵后,心满意足的在玄黄镇上空盘旋几圈后,在一道龙吟声中,再次钻进气运天池中。隐没不见。 destiny continuous toward the Destiny Heavenly Pond gathering in the past. 一股股气运源源不断的朝着气运天池汇聚过去。 Just revealed should be foreign race Spirit of Destiny. And has illusory, has just like real. illusory should be possible be gathers together temporarily, is not totally the conformity. It seems like the snake group, with ominous birds army. Under the deterrent of Cyan Python King and Quetzalcoatlus King, the conformity gathers forcefully, the reorganization forms an army, Spirit of Destiny that therefore, appears not only illusory, but, is strengthless.” “刚刚显露出的应该是异族气运之灵。其中有虚幻,有宛如真实的。虚幻应该有可能是临时汇聚在一起,并非完全整合。就好像是蛇群,和凶禽大军。都是在青蟒王风神翼龙王的威慑下,强行整合聚拢起来,整顿成军,所以,浮现出的气运之灵不仅虚幻,而且,毫无力量。” foreign race defeats, actually does not exterminate, destiny fish-dragon can only gobble up these foreign race part of destiny. The remaining part actually did not gobble up temporarily. This is a heaven and earth rule.” 异族是战败,却不是灭绝,气运鱼龙只能吞吃那些异族的一部分气运。残余的部分暂时却吞吃不了。这是一种天地规则么。” Even if this, destiny fish-dragon's expands, is still the harvest that a time is unable to estimate, saves big time. Once fish-dragon is nine zhang (3.33 m), can conduct transform. Only has the war, can so rapid capturing destiny. Expands itself. with war maintain war, is this.” “就算这样,气运鱼龙的壮大,也是一次无法估量的收获,节省大笔的时间鱼龙一旦达到九丈,就可以进行蜕变。只有战争,才能如此迅速的夺取气运。壮大自身。以战养战,莫过于此。” In the Yi Tianxing heart has a sensibility secretly. The war is so brutal. 易天行心中暗自生出一丝感悟。战争就是如此残酷。 Today what if defeats is Xuanhuang Town, that fish-dragon will also be carved up by other foreign race. Not to with wrong, only then wins and loses. 若今日战败的是玄黄镇,那鱼龙也会被其他异族所瓜分。没有对与错,只有胜与负。 This achievement, is only the hard victory.” “这次获胜,也只是惨胜。” Catches the eye to look, only sees, on Xuanhuang Town, the big piece region had made into the ruins in the war. city wall of avalanche, the collapsing building, everywhere is the corpse, the skeleton everywhere, great earth to split open. 抬眼看去,只看到,玄黄镇上,大片区域已经在大战中被打成废墟。崩塌的城墙,坍塌的房屋建筑,到处都是尸体,尸骨遍地,大地开裂。 This war, to Xuanhuang Town, the created destruction is absolutely big. 这一战,对玄黄镇而言,造成的破坏绝对不小。 Grasps the opportunity, strikes to kill to cause heavy losses to the foreign race leader King's words forcefully, created casualties definitely frigid. 要不是抓紧机会,强行击杀重创异族首领王者的话,造成的伤亡必然会更加的惨烈。 This is only the first time and major war of foreign race, later such war, will not be certainly few. The war makes one grow, next time, foreign race will not be necessarily able to give me to put to death the leader King's opportunity. Hits the man, captures the ringleader first. This time can win, very big factor is foreign race has not taken seriously the humanity strength truly.” “这只是第一次与异族发生的大规模战争,以后这样的战争,一定不会少。战争使人成长,下次,异族未必会给予我诛杀首领王者的机会。射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。这次能赢,很大因素是异族并没有真正重视人族的实力。” Yi Tianxing hesitation looking pensive said. 易天行若有所思的沉吟道。
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