EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#329: Heart of the Giant

Yi Tianxing feels, he regarding the sensibility of crushed jade lance intent, constantly emerges, appears in the mind, takes root to germinate fast, gathers in lance dao true symbol in within the body, can see impressively, in lance dao true symbol, that blood jade battle lance that on is condensed by crushed jade lance intent, appears impressively third sentence ancient seals. 易天行感觉到,自身对于碎玉矛意的感悟,不断涌现,出现在脑海中,快速生根发芽,汇聚在体内的矛道真符中,赫然可以看到,矛道真符内,那柄由碎玉矛意凝聚出的血玉战矛上,赫然浮现出第三古篆 Blood Jade Regretlessly Breaks The Lofty Heavens!! 血玉无悔碎天穹!! mutual destruction, breaks all lance intent to erupt from battle lance. 一股玉石俱焚,破碎一切的矛意战矛中爆发出来。 crushed jade lance intent, is truly complete. 碎玉矛意,真正完整。 Condenses complete crushed jade lance intent split second, in lance dao true symbol hitting the target that blood jade battle lance, starts to grow at the visible speed, one inch, two|tael inch, three cuns (2.5 cm). During merely several breath, entire crushed jade lance intent, grows to one foot directly, lance intent swift and fierce overbearing that sends out, miserable certainly regretless, only dead honorably to not live dishonorably. 凝聚完整碎玉矛意刹那,在矛道真符中的那柄血玉战矛,以肉眼可见的速度开始增长,一寸,寸,三寸。仅仅几个呼吸间,整条碎玉矛意,直接增长到一尺,散发出的矛意凌厉霸道,惨绝无悔,只为玉碎不为瓦全。 All regarding the sensibility of Broken Jade Lance Method in this moment, condenses to battle lance in thoroughly. 所有对于碎玉矛法的感悟在这一刻,彻底凝聚到战矛中。 Shuā!! 刷! At this moment, the battlefield, stone giant obviously can see. In the front, presents immense incomparable blood jade battle lance, on this blood jade battle lance, covers entirely the tiny fissure, proliferates entire battle lance, above appears nine stars that is glittering the white light. The a layer|one level bloody flame light covers battle lance. 在此刻,战场中,石巨人明显可以看到。在面前,出现一柄巨大无比的血玉战矛,这柄血玉战矛上,布满细小的裂痕,遍布整柄战矛,上面浮现出九枚闪烁着白光的星辰一层血色的焰光将战矛笼罩住。 It seems like one to know perfectly well general that must die, in the life final time, initiates the final charge to the enemy that the choice does not flinch as before. 就好像是一名明知必死的将军,在生命的最后时刻,依旧选择毫不退缩的向敌军发起最后的冲锋。 This charge, is the faith is the result. Has disregarded life and death. Beside the she war, does not have its thing again. 这种冲锋,是信念所致。已经将生死置之度外。舎战之外,再无它物。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! In a fierce bellow, the innumerable dust shoot up to the sky, all around changes into the stone vegetation, the construction, in abundance disintegration. 一阵剧烈轰鸣声中,无数灰尘冲天而起,四周化为石头的草木,建筑,纷纷崩碎。 The Yi Tianxing's body pounds layer on layer/heavily in the ground, the ground presents together the immense gulf, broken jet black war armor, slowly since the body dissipates, reveals fleshly body, can see, in the body presents fissures, probably soon thorough shatter porcelain. The blood infiltrates from the wound, seems like, shocking, most fearful is also not the semblance, in the body, a skeleton has the smashing bone fracture, the break. A bone does not know that breaks shatter many festivals, many. 易天行的身躯重重砸在地面,地上出现一道巨大的深坑,一身残破的漆黑战甲,缓缓从身上消散,露出肉身,能看到,身躯上出现一道道裂痕,好像即将彻底破碎的瓷器。鲜血从伤口中渗透出来,看起来,令人触目惊心,最可怕的还不是外表,在身体中,一身骨骼更是出现粉碎性的骨折,断裂。一节骨头不知道破碎断裂成多少节,多少段。 This damage, at any time, is the fatal injury. 这种损伤,在任何时候,都是致命的伤势。 Even if undying, must paralyze forever in the bed. 哪怕是不死,也要永远瘫痪在床。 By Yi Tianxing's fleshly body, even is Dark Armor fate aperture has even stimulated to movement, changes into war armor covers the body at the same time, caused heavy losses as before, it can be imagined, that stick falls, the produced destructive power is fearful. 易天行的肉身,甚至是连玄甲命窍都已经催动,化为战甲覆盖身躯的同时,依旧被重创,可想而知,那一棍落下来,产生的破坏力何等可怕。 Good fearful brute force, contains powerful gravity in stone stick, my fleshly body is powerful, there is Dark Armor fate aperture defense, only fears other cultivator, a stick will make into the muddy flesh, pounds blood mist. However, to me, so long as gives me time, can rapidly restore. How does not know my lance result. Broken Jade Lance Method, mutual destruction, fuses together, 9x erupts, Berserk like the fire, destroys the hardest defenses.” “好可怕的蛮力,在石棍中还蕴含着一种强悍的重力,要不是我的肉身强悍,又有玄甲命窍防御,只怕其他修士,一棍就会被打成肉泥,砸成血雾。不过,对于我来说,只要给我时间,就可以快速恢复。不知道我的那一矛结果如何。碎玉矛法,玉石俱焚,融为一体,九倍爆发,狂暴如火,无坚不摧。” On Yi Tianxing full is the appearance of blood, seems like has no difference like a blood person. But in this process, qi and blood continuous swarms from the black hole, sneaks in the flesh, wounds start to heal at a rate of Inhuman. The shatter skeleton, under qi and blood warm and nourish, heals continually unceasingly, restoration. Reconnects together. 易天行身上满是鲜血的样子,看起来如同一尊血人没什么区别。但在这过程中,一股股气血正源源不断的从黑洞中蜂拥而出,钻进血肉中,一道道伤口非人开始愈合。连破碎的骨骼,都在气血温养下,不断愈合,恢复。重新连接在一起 Unknowingly, an arm has been able to move, waves, a roast chicken grasps in the hand, puts near mouth, the big mouth gobbles up, eats, is not only the chicken, even the bone chews the powder dust together, gobbles up together. 不知不觉中,一只手臂已经可以动弹,一挥手,一只烧鸡抓在手中,放近嘴边,大口吞吃起来,吃起来,不仅是鸡肉,连骨头都一起嚼成碎末,一起吞吃下去。 Eaten at the same time, within the body Gourmet Cell and even is the Food cauldron natural start revolution. Strengthens the gourmet hitting the target essence strength, supplemented fast one consume, injury, heals at the visible speed. 吃下去的同时,体内美食细胞乃至是食鼎都自然的开始运转。汲取美食中的精华力量,快速补充自身消耗,身上的伤势,以肉眼可见的速度愈合。 These said to be long, is actually only in an instant matter. 这些说起来长,实则只是转眼之间的事情。 body refiner powerful lies in powerful and the resilience fleshly body. 炼体士强大就在于肉身的强悍与恢复能力。 However, sits in the big hole the big mouth gobbles up the gourmet picture, compared with the battlefield, how as if to have the inexplicable being out of sorts feeling. 不过,就这么坐在大坑中大口吞吃美食的画面,跟战场相比,似乎怎么都有种莫名的违和感。 But at this moment, no one will actually care about these. 但这一刻,却没有谁会在意这些。 Only saw, immense stone giant stands erect as in the distant place, the entire body such as a hill is the same, ice-cold heartless. In the chest, impressively, presents together fierce cave entrance, 只看到,巨大石巨人依旧屹立在远处,整个身躯如一座小山一样,冰冷无情。在胸口,赫然,出现一道狰狞的洞口, In this cave entrance, can see that the blood jade ray is glittering. Good overbearing lance intent.” 这洞口中,能看到血玉般的光芒在闪烁。“好霸道矛意。” stone giant is staring at Yi Tianxing, even can say, from beginning to end that vision drops down on him, until at this moment, just now puts out together the voice. 石巨人盯着易天行,甚至可以说,自始至终那目光就一直落在他身上,直到此刻,方才吐出一道话音。 Bang!! 砰!! Almost in the flash that the voice drops, saw, the blood jade ray from cave entrance of chest flashes through together, the lance intent radical eruption of terrifying, the stone giant immense body, by the visible speed direct disintegration, changes into fist sizes the stone fragments. Piles up, is the same like a hill. 几乎在话音落下的一瞬间,就看到,从胸膛的洞口中一道血玉光芒闪过,恐怖矛意彻底爆发,石巨人巨大的身躯,以肉眼可见的速度直接崩碎,化为一块块拳头大小的石头碎片。堆积起来,如同一座小山一样。 This time, even head together disintegration. 这一次,连头颅都一起崩碎。 overbearing crushed jade lance intent has destroyed its entire body thoroughly. 霸道碎玉矛意已经彻底破坏其整个身躯。 Under lance intent in erupt nine times, thorough disintegration its body. 矛意在九次爆发下,彻底崩碎其身躯。 What is that?” “那是什么?” In the middle of one pile of stones, impressively, appears a heart of ochre. This heart seems like extremely immense. But can see, above, has a wound, was pierced by lance intent. 就在一堆石头当中,赫然,浮现出一枚玄黄色的心脏。这枚心脏看起来极为巨大。但能看到,在上面,出现一道伤口,被矛意洞穿。 Now under the body collapse, reveals thoroughly. 如今身躯崩溃下,彻底显露出来。 This, impressively is real original source core Heart of the Giant of stone giant within the body. 这一枚,赫然就是石巨人体内的真正本核心巨人之心 Even can say, stone giant only vital point on this Heart of the Giant, the astonishing strength that inside contains, can be connected with great earth, even if breaks to break the foot, even is the head cuts off, so long as Heart of the Giant is still complete, can be again long. Is Origin of strength. 甚至可以说,石巨人唯一的要害就在这枚巨人之心上,里面蕴含的惊人的力量,能与大地相连,哪怕是断首断脚,甚至是头颅都被斩断,只要巨人之心依旧完好,就能重新再长出来。是力量的源泉 Similarly, this is the stone giant within the body most fatal key is also. 同样,这也是石巨人体内最为致命的关键所在。 Just under that lance, pierced Heart of the Giant unexpectedly forcefully, lance intent erupts, smashing body. A lance is killed violently. 刚刚那一矛,竟然硬生生洞穿巨人之心,矛意爆发下,粉碎身躯。一矛毙命。 This is also Yi Tianxing, changed others, without the powerful fleshly body strength, in the irrigation of Power of Heaven and Earth without Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower, powerful lance intent is the front, even if clear(ly) knows that stone giant vital point lies in the heart, is in the same old way impossible to defeat the heart. 这也就是易天行,换了其他人,没有强大肉身力量,没有鸿蒙天帝塔天地之力的灌注,强大矛意为锋,就算是明知道石巨人要害在于心脏,照样不可能击破心脏。 Was I wins eventually.” “终究是我赢了。” Yi Tianxing stood from the big hole slowly, arrives in front of that stone hill step by step, looks at these stones, broke unexpectedly, same is not the ordinary stone, inside has a stone that spills over the a layer|one level yellow ray, that is a hard incomparable everlasting rock waste. Each can exist forever in the years, such as rock waste, whatever the years river scrubs, actually motionless like rock waste. 易天行缓缓从大坑中站了起来,一步步来到那座石头小山面前,看着那些石头,竟然破碎了,一样不是普通的石头,里面有一种泛出一层黄色光芒的石头,那是一种坚硬无比的不朽顽石。每一块都能在岁月中长存,如顽石般任由岁月长河洗刷,却不动如顽石。 Even the ten thousand years years, cannot let this rock waste decency. It may be said that is the latrine pit hitting the target stone, is smelly and hard. 就算是万载岁月,都不能让这顽石风化。可谓是茅坑中的石头,又臭又硬。 But this thing, actually cannot refine divine weapon magic treasure with other materials. 可这东西,却不能跟其他材料炼制成神兵法宝 Is is not unsmeltable. 不是不能熔炼。 But is the characteristics of this everlasting rock waste is firm, everlasting. Actually cannot increase any ability to weapon magic treasure, because its essence is the stone, cannot promote any magic treasure quality step. With in the hand, was the refinement brick brings to pound the person at best together. 而是这不朽顽石的特性就是坚固,不朽。却不能给兵器法宝增加任何能力,因为它的本质就是石头,不能提升任何法宝品阶。拿在手中,充其量就是炼制一块板砖拿来砸人了。 Is same like the weak. 如同鸡肋一样。 Obtains these news after Wordless Heavenly Book, Yi Tianxing has not shut out, waves to feed in pagoda all everlasting rock waste. Received that yellow Heart of the Giant again together. 无字天书中得到这些讯息后,易天行并没有嫌弃,挥手间就将所有不朽顽石送进宝塔中。再将那枚黄色巨人之心一起收了起来。 Looks in the battlefield, has had the change of immense. 看战场上,已经发生巨大的变化。 Although the foreign race army quantity immense, may on Xuanhuang Town, slightly without occupying the winning side . Moreover, joining of these external cultivator, slaughter, one gives foreign race army to create the immense pressure. 异族大军数量虽然巨大,可在玄黄镇上,丝毫没有占到上风,而且,那些外来修士的加入,厮杀起来,一下就给异族大军带来巨大的压力。 archer, war crossbow soldier, continuously projects war arrow and crossbow bolt. Every acts one time, falls from the sky along with batches of foreign race in the battlefield. 弓箭手,战弩兵,更是连续不断的射出一根根战箭弩箭。每一次出手,都伴随着一批批的异族陨落在战场上。 In addition foreign race army hitting the target leader does not die, flees does not know the trace. The morale falls greatly. Even if quality step heart hitting the target crazy, was suppressed in the same old way gradually. The day chessboard of war is inclining toward Xuanhuang Town slowly. 再加上异族大军中的首领不是死,就是遁走不知所踪。士气大落。哪怕是品阶中的一股疯狂,也照样被渐渐压制。战争的天枰正在朝着玄黄镇慢慢倾斜。 Before 10,000 officers and soldiers that was led by Feng Yumo also joined the battlefield, slaughtered together with foreign race unceasingly. 之前由冯雨默带领的一万将士同样加入战场,不断跟异族厮杀在一起 The short weapons connect with, the flesh flies upwards. 短兵交接,血肉飞扬。 Audience officers and soldiers obeys orders, all foreign race, does not remain, kills without the amnesty.” “众将士听令,所有异族,一个不留,杀无赦。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, the opens the mouth sends out shouts at together, reverberates in the battlefield. 易天行深吸一口气,张口发出一道断喝,在战场中回荡。 War! War! War!!” “战!战!战!!” heavenly thunder is the drum, great earth is the grave, 10,000 li blood cloud illuminates the way.” 天雷为鼓,大地为墓,万里血云照征途。” Wilderness is ominous, foreign race is crazy, humanity since old times not shame.” “荒野凶,异族狂,人族自古不可辱。” Head may break, the blood may flow, the iron bone fights nine provinces loyally.” “头可断,血可流,铁骨忠魂战九州。” Hand grasps steel knife 99, the unbreakable foreign race oath continuous.” “手握钢刀九十九,不破异族誓不休。” Has a officers and soldiers opens the mouth of foot to put out the deep long howl, chops longblade that cuts facing scorpionkin race warrior, has not given way to traffic slightly, lifts the spear/gun, uses the whole body strength, pierces his heart longspear. One also cut off the body by longblade. Falls from the sky in the battle song sound. 有断去一手一脚的将士张口吐出深沉的长啸声,面对一名蝎人族战士劈斩下来的长刀,丝毫没有避让,一抬枪,倾尽全身力量,将长枪洞穿其心脏。自身也被长刀斩断身躯。在战歌声中陨落。 Before dying, Fearless is regretless!! 死前,无畏无悔!! The battle song, is directing the road ahead for him. 战歌,在为他指引前路。 Kills! Kill! Kills!!” “杀!杀!杀!!” ominous beast is crazy, foreign race is strong, the son grasps the sword and spear, the blade is beheads the blade, the spear/gun to unite the god spear/gun. No matter the god and demon, the slaughter the side is I.” 凶兽狂,异族强,男儿握刀枪,刀是斩首刀,枪为戮神枪。不管神与魔,屠过方是我。” „The millennia everlasting industry, white bone dyes firmaments. For my humanity, therefore, hoping slaughter million spirit.” 千秋不朽业,白骨苍穹。为我人族故,愿屠百万灵。” Living to work as the manner to be outstanding, dying is also ghost hero, by my not extinguishing soul, fights the world peaceful.” “生当为人杰,死亦为鬼雄,以我不灭魂,战出天下宁。” Today the abandon(ed) thousand year amiable name, smiles to drink the myriad races blood, foot treads the white bone tomb, weak now not with my line, kills the enemy the million heart not to punish. Called the myriad races cutting tooth to hate, did not teach to have nothing scolds my enemy.” “今日抛弃年仁义名,笑饮万族血,脚踏白骨陵,软弱今不与我行,杀敌百万心不惩。宁叫万族切齿恨,不教无有骂我敌。” The battle song reverberates in the battlefield, cheers for the living, sees off the dead!! 战歌在战场上回荡,为生者助威,为死者送行!! officers and soldiers act boldly regardless of one's safety, dares the foreign race positive/direct blood to kill, killed is quicker, killed is more ruthless, in the common people heart Fearless, the foreign race also photo kills does not harm. External cultivator is the qi and blood tumbling of surging, to fight demented. 将士们奋不顾身,敢于异族正面血杀,杀的更快,杀的更狠,百姓心中无畏,异族也照杀不误。外来修士更是激荡的气血翻滚,为战癫狂。 In battle song within grows, dies in the battle song. 在战歌中生,在战歌中死。 The Vast battle song sound, making many foreign race warrior in battlefield, the complexion start changed, the heart hitting the target faith started to vacillate, each, like sword cutting on soul. 浩瀚的战歌声,让战场上的诸多异族战士,脸色开始变了,心中的信念开始动摇,每一句,都如同刀剑般切割在灵魂上。 Does not hit, royal capital not.” “不打了,王都不在了。” gnoll is pale, is listening to the battle song, in the as if (similar) entire battlefield, is the enemy, heart hitting the target swarms everywhere frightened. The heart is shivering, the morale dissipates thoroughly, exudes one to call out in alarm, turns around to turn around unexpectedly runs. 一名豺狼人脸色苍白,听着战歌,仿佛整个战场上,到处都是敌人,心中的恐惧不由蜂拥而出。心在颤抖,士气彻底消散,发出一声惊叫,竟然转身掉头就跑。 Flees toward the battlefield outside. 朝着战场外逃离出去。 , Has two|tael, has. 有一个,就有个,有更多。 Without leader, even is witnesses leader to fall from the sky in the battlefield, that fear, loses, like surging tides sweeps across Mind. Some foreign race heart hitting the target fighting spirits, have disintegrated thoroughly. 没有首领,甚至是亲眼目睹自身首领陨落在战场中,那种恐惧,失落,如潮水般席卷心灵。有些异族中的斗志,已经彻底瓦解。 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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