EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#328: crushed jade

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Swift and fierce crushed jade lance intent bursts out in battle lance. 易天行并没有退缩,手中光芒一闪,青铜战矛已经握在手中。振臂间,战矛朝着石棍一矛轰了过去。在战矛上,能看到,有九枚白玉般的星辰在闪烁。凌厉的碎玉矛意战矛中迸发。 Size contrast between battle lance and stone stick, seriously is nothing comparability. It seems like an elephant to be the same to an embroidery needle. Chopsticks with toothpick general contrast. But in the imposing manner on battle lance sending out, is less inferior than stone stick. 战矛石棍之间的大小对比,当真是没有任何可比性。就好像是一头大象跟一根绣花针一样。筷子跟牙签一般的对比。但在战矛上散发出的气势,却丝毫不比石棍要逊色。 Ding!! 叮!! hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! On battle lance stars glitter unceasingly, lance intent swarm like surging tides. Make lance intent continuous, Berserk is incomparable. In fleshly body the 90,000 jin (0.5 kg) immense strength, and even is in battle lance obtains a Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower grotto-heaven world Power of Heaven and Earth in addition to hold. Gathers lance intent. Fuses together, lets the battle lance hitting the target strength, goes to the astonishing situation. 战矛上一枚枚星辰不断闪烁,一股股矛意如潮水般蜂拥而出。让矛意连绵不绝,狂暴无比。肉身九万斤的巨大力量,乃至是战矛内得到鸿蒙天帝塔一座洞天世界天地之力加持下。汇聚矛意。融合在一起,让战矛中的力量,达到惊人的地步。 battle lance and stone stick shell together, the strength of erupting, is not unexpectedly inferior. 战矛石棍轰击在一起,爆发出的力量,竟然毫不逊色。 battle lance and stone stick collapse simultaneously. 战矛石棍同时崩开。 The immense strength, all around city wall, the building, shakes completely crashes. The ground presents fissures, seems like, shocking. 巨大的力量,将四周的城墙,房屋建筑,全部震得崩塌。地面出现一道道裂痕,看起来,触目惊心。 pēng pēng pēng!! 砰砰砰!! On the stone giant face was wooden, stone stick in the hand probably was light, if did not have the thing to be the same, toward Yi Tianxing crazy brushed, every struck makes the landslide cracks in the earth. The stick law is not the least bit off unexpectedly, every strikes, own force superiority, displays the pinnacle, the earth yellow ray that on stone stick spills over, lets the stone stick weight, hard heavy to fearful situation. 石巨人脸上毫无表情,一根石棍在手中就好像是轻如无物一样,朝着易天行疯狂的抽打下去,每一击都令山崩地裂。棍法竟然丝毫不差,每一击,都将自身的力量优势,发挥到极致,石棍上泛出的土黄色光芒,让石棍的重量,坚硬沉重到可怕的地步。 Compared with stone giant, Yi Tianxing is not inferior. 石巨人相比,易天行丝毫不逊色。 battle lance has the Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower in addition to hold, strength, own lance intent, gathers together in addition, every strikes the strength of erupting, not the least inferior to the stone giant. Moreover, the body slightly has the small advantage. 战矛鸿蒙天帝塔的加持,本身的力量,加上自身的矛意,汇聚在一起,每一击爆发出的力量,丝毫不比石巨人逊色。而且,身躯小有小的好处。 In square inches, 在方寸之间, The step fluctuates, flexible incomparable. 步伐变幻,灵活无比。 Brandishes battle lance unceasingly, toward the stone giant whole body vital point bombardment in the past. 不断挥舞战矛,朝着石巨人周身要害轰击过去。 Broken Jade Lance Method shows unceasingly, other Broken Jade Lance Method hitting the target styles, show unceasingly. One regarding the sensibility of crushed jade lance intent, continually promote to grow at the visible speed. 碎玉矛法不断展现,碎玉矛法中的其他招式,更是不断展现。自身对于碎玉矛意的感悟,以肉眼可见的速度不断提升增长。 Broken Jade Lance Method Scarlet Jade is like a Sun's Fire Banning Immortals!! 碎玉矛法赤玉如日火焚仙!! bronze battle lance brandishes unceasingly, looks has officers and soldiers in the battlefield unceasingly, common people falls from the sky, dies in the foreign race hand, the heart hitting the target anger pours into to battle lance in thoroughly, integrates in crushed jade lance intent, looks stone stick that pounds again. A lance straight bang. 青铜战矛不断挥舞,看着在战场中不断有将士,百姓陨落,死在异族手中,心中的怒火彻底灌注到战矛中,融入到碎玉矛意中,看着再次砸过来的石棍。一矛笔直的轰出。 At this moment, on bronze battle lance, spills over the a layer|one level scarlet-red jade light, in this divine light, entire battle lance, changes into a round red glowing sun probably thoroughly, brings raging flame, takes itself as the nourishment, burns down heaven and earth, burns to extinguish fearful will of immortal Buddha. 这一刻,青铜战矛上,泛出一层赤红色的玉光,这层神光中,整柄战矛,好像彻底化为一轮红日,带着熊熊火焰,以自身为养料,焚烧天地,焚灭仙佛的可怕意志 This lance, contains the incomparable Berserk mighty force. 这一矛,蕴含着无比狂暴的伟力。 Saw in the battlefield, seems like round small Sun to hit together with stone stick. In this small Sun, transmits a dreadful angry flame, that is reckless, burns down fearful will of immortal Buddha. 在战场上看到,就好像是一轮小太阳正跟一根石棍撞击在一起。在这枚小太阳中,传递出一种滔天的怒焰,那是一种不顾一切,焚烧仙佛的可怕意志 Even if dies, I must change into flame by the body, burns to extinguish at present all enemies. 哪怕是死,我也要以身化为火焰,焚灭眼前一切敌。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! In a fierce bellow, terrifying small Sun blasts out loudly, erupts several times, the 10x terrifying destructive power, stone stick, and even is stone giant covers in scarlet inferno together. 一声剧烈的轰鸣声中,恐怖的小太阳轰然炸开,爆发出数倍,十倍恐怖破坏力,将石棍,乃至是石巨人都一起笼罩在赤色烈焰之中。 Can see, the stone giant layer after layer stone was twisted obliterates broken. Presents the disintegration the picture. Probably truncates the apple to be the same, making the body be twisted broken a layer|one level. Merely suddenly, the stone giant immense body reduced 1/3. 能看到,石巨人身上一层层的石头被绞碎磨灭。出现崩碎的画面。好像是削苹果一样,让身躯被绞碎一层。仅仅瞬息间,石巨人巨大的身躯就缩小了三分之一。 Seemingly makes people shocking. 看起来让人触目惊心。 This, in other cultivator by the battlefield was seen, in the heart is also flabbergasted secretly. 这一幕,被战场上其他修士看到,心中也不由暗自咋舌。 Good overbearing lance intent, this is rather break than bend, mutual destruction fearful lance intent, battle lance, forwards straightly, prefers death to humiliation, really overbearing.” “好霸道矛意,这是宁折不屈,玉石俱焚的可怕矛意,战矛,笔直向前,宁折不弯,果然霸道。” Good fearful destructive power, lance intent changes into scarlet sun, sweeps across heaven and earth. But that mutual destruction lance intent actually passes through throughout, indelible.” “好可怕的破坏力,矛意化为赤日,席卷天地。但那种玉石俱焚矛意却始终贯穿其中,不可磨灭。” This is two|tael monster is slaughtering simply, strength that the casual fist, a foot, erupts with thunderous general, extremely fearful astonishing, basic(ally) is irresistible. This destructive power, was too scary. Bumps into anything, anything will make into the fragment thoroughly.” “这简直就是怪物在厮杀,随便一拳,一脚,爆发出的力量都跟雷鸣一般,太过可怕惊人,根本就是不可阻挡的。这破坏力,太骇人了。碰到什么,什么就会彻底打成碎片。” In the battlefield looks at stone giant and Yi Tianxing, holds breath secretly cold air. 战场上看着石巨人易天行,都是暗自倒吸一口凉气。 Their battles, are as sincere as the meat, the strength of meeting the tough head-on with toughness collide simply. A nearly 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) strength of collides unceasingly, is the two|tael strip humanoid tyrannosaurus, created destructive power, it can be imagined, in slaughtered range, almost cannot see any complete construction. 他们的厮杀,简直就是拳拳到肉,硬碰硬的力量碰撞。十几万斤的力量不断碰撞,就是人形的暴龙,造成的破坏力,可想而知,厮杀的范围内,几乎看不到任何一座完好的建筑。 lance intent again concise transform, crushed jade lance intent becomes stronger. This stone giant is an excellent object who whets battle skill.” 矛意再次凝练蜕变,碎玉矛意变得更强。这石巨人是一名磨砺战技的绝佳对象。” In the Yi Tianxing heart has a thought secretly. 易天行心中暗自生出一丝念头。 Can see, in lance intent true symbol. 能看到,在矛意真符中。 blood jade battle lance stands erect, present blood jade battle lance, has reached three cuns (2.5 cm) length, illusory, but above, actually appears as before two|tael section ancient seals. 一口血玉战矛屹立,如今的血玉战矛,已经达到三寸长短,依旧虚幻,但在上面,却浮现出古篆 White Jade Without Flaws Illuminates the Nine Provinces. 白玉无瑕耀九州 Scarlet Jade is like a Sun's Fire Banning Immortals!! 赤玉如日火焚仙!! Each, transmits certainly strong lance intent, condenses in this blood jade battle lance, lets a blood jade battle lance faint trace growth naturally, becomes more concise. This means that crushed jade lance intent becomes stronger. The change of crushed jade lance intent had/left one type much. If hot burns down itself, burns to extinguish will of decidedly immortal Buddha. Even if dies, will not flinch absolutely half step. 每一句,都传递出绝强的矛意,凝聚在这口血玉战矛中,让血玉战矛自然而然的一丝丝增长,变得更加凝练。这意味着,碎玉矛意变得更强。碎玉矛意的变化多出了一种。如火般焚烧自身,焚灭仙佛的决然意志。哪怕是死,也绝对不会退缩半步。 Broken Jade Lance Method, only has three styles. 碎玉矛法,只有三式 final style, then yes: Blood Jade Regretlessly Breaks The Lofty Heavens!! 最后一式,则是:血玉无悔碎天穹!! Hǒu!! 吼! The stone giant body reduces 1/3 under lance intent. But had not caused heavy losses as before, body yellow light emerges, originally the shatter body, grew at the visible speed again. 石巨人身躯在矛意下缩小三分之一。但依旧没有被重创,身上黄光涌现,本来破碎的身躯,再次以肉眼可见的速度重新长了出来。 After restoring, first time, saw, stone giant lifts the foot to tread toward the ground fiercely. This treads, is centered on its body, the a layer|one level earth yellow ray transmits like surging tides to four sides all directions. 一恢复后,第一时间,就看到,石巨人猛地抬脚朝着地面一踏。这一踏,以其身躯为中心,一层黄色的光芒如潮水般向四面八方传递出去。 A fearful picture presents at present. 一种可怕的画面呈现在眼前。 Nearby land turns into the a layer|one level hard stone, broken vegetation, changes into stone carving vegetation. The trees also turn into the stone, with building that the trees manufacture, in the flash, turns into the stone. 附近的土地都变成一层坚硬的石头,残破的草木,化为石头雕刻般的草木。树木也变成石头,用树木制作出的房屋建筑,也在一瞬间,就变成石头。 Some humanity were affected, the body turns into a bedstone resembles immediately, foreign race also so, turns into the ice-cold stone. Lifelike, in usually, perhaps it can be said that a marvelous sight, but here, is actually extremely the terrifying matter. 人族被波及到,身体立即就变成一座石像,异族也是如此,变成冰冷的石头。栩栩如生,在平时,或许可以说是一种奇观,但在这里,却是极为恐怖的事情。 fate aperture petrify!! 命窍石化!! This divine ability in the stone giant hand, may be called savage simply, foot treads, petrify divine light jumps to shoot, everywhere one visit, all life, must turn into the stone completely. That divine ability speed very|10 points is astonishing, sweeps across to come, does not have any dead angle. 这门神通石巨人手中,简直就是堪称凶残,一脚踏出,石化神光迸射而出,所到之处,一切生命,全部都要变成石头。那神通的速度十分惊人,席卷而来,没有任何死角。 first time will leave its recent Yi Tianxing entire body to cover. 第一时间就将离其最近的易天行整个身躯覆盖在内。 yellow light circulation. 黄光流转。 Can see, on Yi Tianxing, the flesh has started becomes stiff, becomes ice-cold. A strange strength infiltrates toward the whole body flesh. 能看到,在易天行身上,肌肤已经开始变得僵硬,变得冰冷。一股诡异的力量朝着周身血肉中渗透进去。 dīng dīng dīng!! 叮叮叮!! within the body black ding is vibrating unceasingly, qi and blood shuttle back and forth in the flesh like surging tides, must obliterate that Power of Petrification suppression, but Power of Petrification very|10 points is strange, under the impact of qi and blood, rock-solid. Motionless does not swing, how regardless of qi and blood attacks, throughout is corroding the flesh firmly. That inside contains one type to all change into the ice-cold stone the fearful aura. 体内黑鼎在不断震动,一股股气血如潮水般在血肉中穿梭,要将那石化之力镇压磨灭,但石化之力十分诡异,在气血的冲击下,坚如磐石。不动不摇,不论气血如何冲击,始终坚定的侵蚀着血肉。那里面蕴含着一种要将一切化为冰冷石头的可怕气息。 That is law, that is dao rhyme. 那是法则,那是道韵 Any divine ability, is development of Heaven and Earth Law. This is can with the basic(ally) reason that martial dao true intent compares favorably with. 任何神通,都是一种天地法则的展现。这是能与武道真意媲美的根本原因。 Even if within the body boundless qi and blood, makes the body be alleviated by the petrify process merely. 哪怕是体内磅礴的气血,也仅仅只是让身躯被石化的过程得到缓解。 However, in first time, in divine sea hitting the target lance dao true symbol, pure lance intent jumps to shoot, crushed jade lance intent enters in the flesh fast, toward attacking Power of Petrification crazy attacking in within the body kills. Changes into tiny blood jade battle lance, has probably impressive and magnificent army to be the same, launches the attack to Power of Petrification unceasingly. That rock-solid Power of Petrification, under the crushed jade lance intent impact. 不过,在第一时间,神海中的矛道真符中,一股精纯的矛意迸射而出,碎玉矛意快速进入血肉中,朝着侵袭到体内的石化之力疯狂的攻杀过去。化为一柄柄细小的血玉战矛,好像有千军万马一样,不断对石化之力发起攻击。那坚如磐石的石化之力,在碎玉矛意冲击下。 The fast disintegration, then, by the strength of impact qi and blood, was obliterated thoroughly. 快速崩碎,然后,被气血之力冲击,彻底磨灭。 lance intent attacks to kill, qi and blood sweeps across. In an instant, Power of Petrification were suppressed. 矛意攻杀,气血席卷。转眼间,一股股石化之力被镇压。 Good fierce petrify divine ability.” “好厉害的石化神通。” In the Yi Tianxing heart has an exclamation secretly. 易天行心中暗自生出一丝惊叹。 within the body condenses martial dao true intent, breaks open Power of Petrification by lance intent, only feared that fleshly body will turn into together the ice-cold stone shortly thoroughly. Naturally, if oneself strength is insufficient, even if there is martial dao true intent in the body, is still hard to break open this divine ability power. 要不是体内凝聚出武道真意,以矛意破开石化之力,只怕肉身会在顷刻间彻底变成一块冰冷的石头。当然,若是自身实力不足,就算有武道真意在身,也难以破开这种神通之力 These said to be long, is blinks actually. 这些说起来长,实则不过是眨眼之间。 A twinkling, is life and death fluctuates. 一眨眼,就是生死变幻。 But stone giant is without hesitation, in that a moment that Yi Tianxing stands rigidly, brandishes stone stick directly, a stick overhead pounds. 石巨人更是毫不犹豫,在易天行僵立的那一刹那,直接挥舞石棍,一棍子当头砸下来。 Under stone stick, void in turbulent, can not doubt, once were pounded, is either dead or wounded absolutely. 石棍下,虚空都在动荡,可以毫不怀疑,一旦被砸中,绝对是非死即伤。 When Yi Tianxing drives out Power of Petrification in within the body, gives way to traffic already without enough time. 等到易天行驱除体内的石化之力时,避让已经来不及。 You must fight, then on war, rather break jade then bend pottery. As humanity, when is indomitable spirit.” “你要战,那就战,宁为玉碎不为瓦全。身为人族,当顶天立地。” Looks has flooded in present immense stone stick, in the Yi Tianxing chest battle intent spouts at the scene, frigid killing intent unretentive eruption, even if dies, must die in the process of fight. 看着已经充斥在眼前的巨大石棍,易天行胸中一股战意当场喷出,惨烈的杀意毫无保留的爆发出来,哪怕是死,也要死在战斗的过程之中。 Even if the hopeless situation, must fight!! 哪怕是绝境,也要战!! Even the death, must send out itself strongly strikes. 就算是死,也要发出自身最强的一击。 In this moment, in the mind that blood jade battle lance as if (similar) was stimulated intensely, expresses the intermittent trembling cry, produces the intense resonance. 在这一刻,脑海中那柄血玉战矛仿佛受到强烈的刺激,发出阵阵颤鸣,产生强烈的共鸣。 Kill! Kill! Kills!! 杀!杀!杀!! War! War! War!! 战!战!战!! On blood jade battle lance that rich will as if (similar) integrates in the mind thoroughly. 血玉战矛上那股浓郁的意志仿佛彻底融入到心神中。 Bang!! 轰!! bronze battle lance under an instinct, wielded toward stone giant. 青铜战矛在一种本能下,朝着石巨人挥了出去。 Has not gone to resist that stone stick, but is straight toward the stone giant bang in the past. 没有去抵挡那柄石棍,而是笔直的朝着石巨人轰过去。 Trades the life by the life, mutual destruction!! 以命换命,玉石俱焚!! white jade does not have the flaw, crushed jade proving dao. 白玉无瑕,碎玉证道 Would rather die than surrender, prefers death to humiliation. 宁死不屈,宁折不弯。 This is Broken Jade Lance Method, when sets at the deathtrap then to live, wields the lance, surely must send itself in the deathtrap faith and determination. 这就是碎玉矛法,置之死地而后生,挥矛时,必定要有致自身于死地的信念与决心。
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