EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#337: 1 big ritual

If Jia Xu such top strategist, the intelligent talent, is quite astonishing. 贾诩这样的顶尖谋士,智慧才情,都是相当惊人。 Some Village Construction Decree in hand, if not establish village, this seemed somewhat thought-provoking. 建村令在手,若是不建立村寨,这就显得有些耐人寻味了。 Village Construction Decree I have . Moreover, is silver Village Construction Decree.” During the Jia Xu backhands, presents Village Construction Decree that is glittering the silver-white ray, obviously, this was already already the thing that obtained. But has not actually established village. 建村令我有,而且,还是白银建村令。”贾诩反手间,出现一枚闪烁着银白色光芒的建村令,显然,这是早就已经得到的东西。但却没有建立村寨 My Jia Xu biggest merit, had self-knowledge.” Jia Xu said with a smile: I self-examined that the strategy wisdom is not under anybody. However, has not actually become the human lord ability, without controlling an ability of influence, making me supply ideas, handles the government affairs, if I establish village, in village, town this rank, but can also be competent. But if achieves a true city, even is place of county, a big stretch of area, goes beyond in my area of competence.” “我贾诩最大的优点,就是有自知之明。”贾诩笑着说道:“我自问谋略智慧不在任何人之下。不过,却没有成为人主的才能,没有掌控一个势力的能力,让我出谋划策还可以,打理政务也可以,我若建立村寨,在村寨,城镇这一级别,还可以胜任。可要是达到真正的一城,甚至是一郡之地,一大片疆域,就超出我的能力范围之内。” Since establishes the influence, was actually doomed the topest level, that established, good that might as well did not construct. Oneself could not become the topest strength, that assistance was capable of becoming grand lord of Eternal Continent topest influence, personally testimony this process. Believes, this is the quite interesting experience.” “既然建立势力,却注定成不了最顶尖的层次,那建立,还不如不建的好。自己成不了最顶尖实力,那就辅佐有能力成为永恒大陆最顶尖势力的雄主,亲自见证这种过程。相信,这是相当有意思的经历。” Jia Xu look tranquil sues to say. 贾诩神色平静的诉说道。 Oneself cannot achieve, a that assistance enlightened ruler, the testimony enlightened ruler establishes the top influence, blesses humanity, this is he wants. Oneself do not become the influence the main material, that does not establish village simply. 自己做不到,那就辅佐一位明主,见证明主建立起顶尖势力,庇佑更多人族,这就是他想要的。自己不是成为势力之主的材料,那就干脆连村寨都不建立。 Has been wandering around, with ominous beast monster preying, while cultivate, observes nearby village, whether nosing has enlightened ruler who can assist. Until hears Xuanhuang Town to after foreign race has the war, just now found here. Witnesses the Xuanhuang Town astonishing inside information strength. 一直在四处游荡,一边与凶兽怪物搏杀,一边修炼,观察附近的村寨,查探是否有着可以辅佐的明主。直到听到玄黄镇要跟异族发生大战后,方才找到这里。亲眼目睹玄黄镇的惊人底蕴实力。 Can build such inside information in so short time. In the innermost feelings, Jia Xu is also has an admiration to Yi Tianxing. 能在如此短时间内打造出这样的底蕴。在内心中,贾诩也是对易天行有着一丝钦佩。 divine machine crossbow, tally arrow, white bone war arrow, the shield, and even is large quantities of talisman, powerful arrow tower, magic tower. A each article, lets his clear seeing, this Xuanhuang Town potential, what kind of astonishment, this time war ended particularly, wins, brought what advantage can be, that is one a leap that is inconceivable, entire Xuanhuang Town will welcome not a unimaginable rise and growth. 神机弩,符箭,白骨战箭,盾牌,乃至是大批的符箓,强大箭塔,魔法塔。一件件,都让他清楚的看出,这玄黄镇的潜力,何等的惊人,尤其是这次的大战结束,战而胜之,带来的会是什么样的好处,那是一次难以想象的飞跃,整个玄黄镇都将迎来一次无法想象的崛起与成长。 Such influence does not join decisively, that was not his Jia Xu. 这样的势力不果断加入,那就不是他贾诩了。 Had self-knowledge, knew the onset and retreat, had the resolution, the ability and wisdom was extraordinary, the talent was astonishing. Really in Three Kingdoms, can like a fish in water top strategist worthily in the feudal lord.” Yi Tianxing also exudes one to acclaim in the heart secretly. “有自知之明,知进退,有决断,才智超绝,才情惊人。果然不愧是在三国中,能够在诸侯中如鱼得水的顶尖谋士。”易天行在心中也不由暗自发出一声赞叹。 Such talent can join Xuanhuang Town, that absolutely is big of advantage, immeasurable. 这样的人才能够加入玄黄镇,那绝对是好处之大,无可估量的。 Good, I can obtain Mr. Jia and Mr. Wu two|tael position great ability, seriously is even more powerful.” Yi Tianxing also says with a smile, in the spoken language, has admitted the two|tael person without hesitation. “太好了,我能得到贾先生吴先生位大才,当真是如虎添翼。”易天行也开口笑着说道,言语中,已经毫不犹豫的接纳人。 Truth that the talent of delivering, has not naturally pushed out. 送上门的人才,自然没有推出去的道理。 That is the matter that the fool can handle. 那是傻子才会做的事情。 Jia Xu pays a visit Your Lordship!!” 贾诩拜见主公!!” Jia Xu hears, immediately light smile bow the body was doing obeisance toward Yi Tianxing. This does obeisance, sets the status of rulers and ministers thoroughly. On behalf of the transformation of respective status. 贾诩听到,当即淡笑躬身朝着易天行拜了下去。这一拜,就是彻底定下君臣的名分。代表着各自身份的转变。 Wu Yong pays a visit Your Lordship!!” 吴用拜见主公!!” Wu Yong is also smiling bow the body to pay a visit to say. 吴用也是笑着躬身拜见道。 two|tael position mister no need to be overly courteous.” Yi Tianxing has not stopped this action, after their ritual, said hastily: In my Xuanhuang Town, does not have the too much courtesy. The present is the tumultuous times, in the tumultuous times, all rules had been broken, all customs should also conform to simplicity conform to simplicity.” 位先生无需多礼。”易天行并没有制止这一举动,在他们一礼后,连忙说道:“在我玄黄镇中,并没有太多礼数。如今是乱世,乱世之中,所有规则都已经被打破,一切规矩也都是该从简就从简。” In the heart also starts to ponder secretly, actually must arrange what position to them. 心中也开始暗自沉思,究竟要给他们安排什么样的位置。 Without doubt, the two|tael people are strategist one kind, but, the Wu Yong words, are good at using the strange plan clever trick. But cannot deny, he has the ability in processing government affairs. But Jia Xu, in its strategy, obviously exceeds plans. 无疑,人都是谋士一类,不过,吴用的话,擅长使用奇谋诡计。但不能否认,他有处理政务上的才能。而贾诩,其谋略上,明显胜过一筹。 Regarding the plan of Xuanhuang Town, should be able to play the enormous role. 对于玄黄镇的规划,应该能起到极大的作用。 Is pondering, Jia Xu said with a smile: ” Your Lordship, now in the tumultuous times, the population is most important. Since this time joins Xuanhuang Town, that is in Xuanhuang Town an member, as new comer, I was also Your Lordship prepared a big ritual. ” 正在沉思间,贾诩却笑着说道:”主公,如今乱世之中,人口才是最重要的。这次既然加入玄黄镇,那就是玄黄镇中一份子,作为一名新来者,我也为主公准备了一份大礼。” Does not know the big ritual that Mr. Wenhe said what does refer to?” Yi Tianxing also gives birth to a curiosity. “不知道文和先生所说的大礼指的是什么?”易天行也不由生出一丝好奇。 I once travelled for pleasure before everywhere, just when arrived at Eternal Continent, because the strength is mean, when ominous beast monster chases down, by a chivalrous person is rescued, is a Greenwood (Lulin) hero , directly when arrival, he is at with knockoff appears together, has not separated. In knockoff, has many common people, has original knockoff hitting the target common people, there are drew in afterward, arrived at this piece of heaven and earth hitting the target vagabonds common people. The quantity is not infrequent. At that time before I left, at least has over ten thousand.” “我之前曾四处游历,刚刚降临永恒大陆时,因为实力低微,被凶兽怪物追杀时,被一名义士所救,是一名绿林豪杰,,在降临时,他是直接与自己所在的山寨一起出现,并没有分离。在山寨内,有着不少的百姓,有原先的山寨中的百姓,也有后来收拢,降临这片天地中的游民百姓。数量不在少数。当时我离开前,至少已经有上万名之多。” Moreover, this fort lord daughter, is only, after arrival, heaven and earth changes, to defend the protecting mountain stronghold, was wounded by ominous beast, is seriously injured, until now remains unconscious as before. If Your Lordship has the means to treat and cure his daughter. my Jia is confident, can convince them to descend the mountain together, brings common people, joins our Xuanhuang Town.” “而且,这位寨主还有一位女儿,只是,在降临后,天地大变,为了守护山寨,被一头凶兽击伤,身受重伤,至今依旧是昏迷不醒。若主公有办法救治其女儿的话。贾某有信心,可以说服他们一起下山,带着百姓,加入我们玄黄镇。” Jia Xu said slowly, among the looks full is self-confident. 贾诩缓缓说道,神色间满是自信。 Unexpectedly such matter.” Yi Tianxing has not thought that Jia Xu gives back to him to bring such pleasant surprise. In heart also secretly great happiness. “竟然还有这样的事情。”易天行也没有想到贾诩还给他带来这样的惊喜。心中也不由暗自大喜。 In tumultuous times anything most important, the population is most important, be only the sufficient population, can make an influence obtain sufficient growing strong. Real growth. Walked is farther. 乱世之中什么最重要,人口最重要,只有充足的人口,才能让一个势力得到充足的发展壮大。真正的成长起来。走的更远。 At the beginning of the tumultuous times so many population, now have not wanted by ruin, that quantity will be definitely more, if can join Xuanhuang Town, that is a harvest of immense, regarding expanding oneself, it can be said that has the direct advantage. 在乱世之初就已经有那么多的人口,现在只要不被毁灭,那数量肯定会更多,要是能加入玄黄镇,那就是一种巨大的收获,对于壮大自身,可以说是有着直接的好处。 In my hand has the therapy wondrous medicines, from the heaven and earth big change heaven and earth rare treasure that breeds. rare treasure Moon Well, can the healing injury. Physician Qiu and Physician Wang have started the technique of cultivate refine pill, can refine therapy pill medicine. Believes that must cure his daughter is not what difficult matter. So long as that fort lord is willing to join Xuanhuang Town, some pill medicine I will not be parsimonious.” “我手中有疗伤圣药,是从天地大变时就孕育出的天地异宝。还有异宝月亮井,可以治疗伤势。还有邱大夫王大夫已经开始修炼炼丹之术,可以炼制出疗伤丹药。相信要治愈他女儿不会是什么难事。只要那名寨主愿意加入玄黄镇,一些丹药我也不会吝啬。” The Yi Tianxing decisive opens the mouth said. 易天行果断的开口说道。 Any treasure does not have the importance that the population comes. The population is destiny, is the foundation. 什么宝贝都没有人口来的重要。人口就是气运,就是根基。 Em, good, that my Jia this goes to Mu Family Fort, knockoff distance here is not too far, in half a month, should be able to return.” Jia Xu nods nods, said directly. This is he must take to the Xuanhuang Town gift on first meeting, similarly is a merit. appropriate that naturally must make. “恩,那好,那贾某这就前往穆家寨,山寨距离这里不算太远,在半个月内,应该可以返回。”贾诩颔首点点头,直接说道。这是他要带给玄黄镇的见面礼,同样是一笔功绩。自然要做的妥妥当当 Goes personally, can the matter making. 亲自前往,才能将事情给做成了。 Rather in the process of migration, encounters ominous beast monster, and even is foreign race, causes the unnecessary damage.” After Yi Tianxing hesitates slightly, in the hand the ray flashes, puts out crystal stone, this is Bronze Grade crystal stone. Implication energy purer enormous. But at this moment, in inside, has the silver-white together mark. Is glittering unceasingly smoothly, handed over, said: This is a Coordinate mark. When you arrive knockoff, after having been answered, once decides to return, this crystal stone crumb, will present together the Space Gate projection directly. When the time comes, so long as enters in the Space Gate projection, can shuttle void, return to Xuanhuang Town directly, I will give a welcoming dinner for the mister reception in the town/subdues. When the time comes, the mister is in my Xuanhuang Town chief military counselor.” “未免迁移的过程中,遭遇凶兽怪物,乃至是异族,造成不必要的损伤。”易天行微微沉吟后,手中光芒一闪,拿出一枚晶石,这是一枚青铜级晶石。蕴含的能量更加精纯庞大。但此刻,在里面,却有着一道银白色的印记。不断闪烁着光滑,递了出去,道:“这一枚是一份坐标印记。等你抵达山寨,得到答复后,一旦决定返回,直接将这枚晶石捏碎,就会出现一道空间门投影。到时候,只要进入空间门投影中,就可以直接穿梭虚空,返回玄黄镇,我会在镇上为先生接风洗尘。到时候,先生就是我玄黄镇中首席军师。” Space Gate not only can direct transmission, but can also condense together the Coordinate mark, gives others, the belt/bring, so long as does not surpass in the surrounding area 10,000 li region, after the crumb, can form the projection, has the relation, opens Space Gate directly, conducts transmission. 空间门不仅可以直接传送,还可以凝聚出一道坐标印记,交给其他人,带到只要不超过方圆万里的区域中,捏碎后,就能形成投影,产生联系,直接打开空间门,进行传送 However, the transmission method of this type of exceptional gauge, needs to consume the enormous strength of far ultra imagination. 不过,这种非常规的传送手段,是需要耗费远超想象的庞大力量的。 Currently has Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower to be the backing, this type to project to open the method of channel, Yi Tianxing cannot achieve . Moreover, opens does not calculate, maintaining also needs the consumption of immense. Generally cultivator basic(ally) cannot support. 要不是现在有鸿蒙天帝塔作为后盾,这种以投影打开通道的手段,易天行自身都做不到,而且,打开不算,维持起来也是需要巨大的消耗。一般修士根本就支撑不住。 From is farther, the energy of consumption is bigger. 距离越远,消耗的能量就越大。 In surrounding area 10,000 li, is the limit that Yi Tianxing can support . Moreover, this is not only only own strength, but also needs to consume massive crystal stone to take the energy, in addition Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower heaven and earth Power of Source, can achieve. 方圆万里内,是易天行能支持的极限,而且,这还不仅仅只是自身的力量,还需要消耗大量的晶石作为能量,加上鸿蒙天帝塔天地本源之力,才能做到。 Others, do not even think about it. 其他人,想都不要想。 Good, many thanks Your Lordship bestows treasure.” Jia Xu hears, glitters regarding hand hitting the target crystal stone immediately wipes the bright, received with a smile. Has this thing , can definitely lossless comes back all common people belts. “好,多谢主公赐下宝物。”贾诩听到,对于手中的晶石顿时闪烁一抹亮光,笑着收了起来。有此物在,完全可以无损的将所有百姓带回来。 Buckle one, that is an invisible loss. 折损一个,那都是一种无形的损失。 Feng Yumo!!” 冯雨默!!” Yi Tianxing turns the head to under the battlefield cleanup Feng Yumo syllable without vowel I to shout. 易天行转头对着下面正在打扫战场的冯雨默开口呼喊道。 Subordinate in!!” “属下在!!” Feng Yumo steps onto city wall fast, bow the body inquires. 冯雨默快速走上城墙,躬身询问道。 Your right away takes inventory 300 elite officers and soldiers, takes 100 divine machine crossbow. Escorts Mr. Jia to go to outside the town/subdues, carries out quest.” Yi Tianxing opens the mouth to tell. “你马上清点出三百名精锐将士,带上一百神机弩。护送贾先生前往镇外,执行任务。”易天行开口吩咐道。 Yes, Your Lordship.” “是,主公。” Feng Yumo had not inquired slightly makes anything. Opens the mouth to comply to say directly. 冯雨默丝毫没有询问去做什么。直接开口答应道。 Even if you died in battle before, cannot make Mr. Jia receive any damage absolutely.” “就算你战死在前,也绝对不能让贾先生受到任何损伤。” Yi Tianxing nods nods, said again. 易天行颔首点点头,再次说道。 Asked Your Lordship to feel relieved, the subordinate will certainly die in front of Mr. Jia.” “请主公放心,属下一定会死在贾先生前面。” Saying that Feng Yumo is without hesitation. 冯雨默毫不迟疑的说道。 Jia Xu hears, has not prevented. 贾诩听到,并没有阻止。 Soon, Feng Yumo has gotten down fast, takes inventory 300 elite officers and soldiers, brought 100 divine machine crossbow, massive talisman, crossbow bolt, rune bomb wait/etc., various weapon, have it all. 不多时,冯雨默已经快速下去,清点出三百名精锐将士,带了一百神机弩,大量的符箓,弩箭,符文炸弹等等,各种兵器,一应俱全。 Afterward, Jia Xu did not hesitate again, under the soldier guard, left Xuanhuang Town directly. In an instant vanishes does not see. 随后,贾诩再没有迟疑,在士兵的护卫下,直接离开了玄黄镇。转眼间就消失不见。 Does not know that Mr. Jia can succeed.” Cai Yan muttered. in one's eyes also reveals the color of anticipation, regarding may be many, in the memory that Jia Xu she knows, Jia Xu that is top strategist. A Chapter 337 big ritual “不知道贾先生能不能成功。”蔡琰喃喃自语道。眼中也露出期待之色,对于贾诩她知道的可不少,记忆中,贾诩那可是顶尖的谋士。第337章一份大礼 At any time, has the extremely high appraisal. 在任何时候,都是有着极高的评价。 Was convinced by him personally, that chance of success was definitely big. 由他亲自去说服,那成功的几率肯定不小。 Relax, he is not the simple character, by his ability and wisdom, does not have the nine parts assurance, was impossible saying that this was a big ritual, how long could not want, our Xuanhuang Town should be able again to be many a large quantities of population.” “放心,他可不是简单的人物,以他的才智,不是有九成的把握,是不可能说这是一份大礼,要不了多久,我们玄黄镇应该就可以再次多出一大批人口。” Yi Tianxing said with a smile. 易天行笑着说道。 ( to be continued )). 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