EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#325: city wall broken

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... kā chā!! 咔嚓!! The frost star outside Frost Gnoll King body with pursuing souls sword collision together, a strength of frost star can instantaneously small Shan Feng (mountain peak) direct frozen, changes into the place of snow and ice thoroughly. Strength of implication, extremely overbearing. 冰霜豺狼王身外的冰霜之星瞬间就跟追魂剑碰撞在一起,一枚冰霜之星的力量能将一座小山峰直接冰封,彻底化为冰雪之地。蕴含的力量,极为霸道 But in this moment, in sword light of turnover by pursuing souls sword, a sword was actually broken out, cuts layer on layer/heavily on the body. 但在这一刻,却被追魂剑中吞吐的剑光,一剑劈开,重重斩在身上。 On Frost Gnoll King appears silver-white leather armor, kept off pursuing souls sword forcefully, only feared that this sword, can break out its sword thoroughly. But in the strength in the sword containing, makes the Frost Gnoll King under foot back up as before unceasingly backward. 要不是冰霜豺狼王身上浮现出一件银白色皮甲,将追魂剑强行挡了下来,只怕这一剑,就能彻底将其一剑劈开。但在剑中蕴含的力量,依旧让冰霜豺狼王脚下不断向后倒退。 sword intent!!” 剑意!!” The Frost Gnoll King complexion big change, exudes one to call out in alarm. 冰霜豺狼王脸色大变,发出一声惊呼。 In that war sword actually contains sword intent. This is not ordinary war sword, sword intent does not send out from Emptiness Childe, but sends out from that pursuing souls sword, that war sword, itself contains sword intent.” The Yi Tianxing eye pupil concentrates, says decisively. “那口战剑中竟然蕴含着剑意。这不是普通战剑,剑意不是从空虚公子身上发出的,而是从那口追魂剑上散发出来的,那口战剑,本身就蕴含着剑意。”易天行眼瞳一凝,断然开口说道。 That not sword intent from Emptiness Childe, but came from pursuing souls sword sword intent, that sword intent is the pursuing souls sword intent. Even can say that war sword, is the carrier of pursuing souls sword intent. The true source, is that says the pursuing souls sword intent. 那不是来自空虚公子剑意,而是来自追魂剑本身的剑意,那剑意就是追魂剑意。甚至可以说,那口战剑,就是追魂剑意的载体。其真正的本源,就是本身的那道追魂剑意。 In that treasure box contains nine war sword, what if pursuing souls sword implication is the pursuing souls sword intent, in other could it be that... eight war sword, what implication is another eight sword intent. If, that this treasure box, absolutely is not ordinary rare treasure, should be top rare treasure sufficiently. Grows, has the destroy the heavens, extinguish the earth powerful mighty force absolutely.” In the Yi Tianxing heart secretly mutters said. “那口宝盒中蕴含着九口战剑,若追魂剑蕴含的是追魂剑意,难道其他八口战剑中,蕴含的是另外八道剑意。若是真的,那这一口宝盒,绝对不是普通的异宝,应该足以位列顶尖异宝之列。成长起来,绝对有着毁天灭地般的强悍伟力。”易天行心中暗自沉吟道。 A character who the Emptiness Childe name, before letting he remembers, knows. 空虚公子的名字,让他想起以前所知道的一位人物。 could it be that... is really that Emptiness Childe, if real. That is potential extremely strong powerhouse.” In Yi Tianxing heart secret channel. Naturally, has no not the good thoughts regarding him. After all, now stands in the same battleline. 难道真的是那位空虚公子,若是真的的话。那可是一位潜力极强的强者。”易天行心中暗道。当然,对于他并没有什么不好的心思。毕竟,现在都是站立在同一阵线之中。 Is the ally, is fellow daoist. 是战友,是道友 So long as is not the enemy, that has the opportunity to become the friend. At least the present is a friend. 只要不是敌人,那就有机会成为朋友。至少现在是朋友。 At the present it seems like, Emptiness Childe obviously is a good helper. 而今看来,空虚公子明显是一位不错的帮手。 Again how comes a sword.” “再来一剑如何。” Although pursuing souls sword does not have to strike to kill Frost Gnoll King thoroughly, but Emptiness Childe actually not slow not anxious revealing wipes the happy expression, counts on the fingers, flies again a war sword ball, flies the midair, 追魂剑虽然没有彻底击杀冰霜豺狼王,但空虚公子却不缓不急的露出一抹笑意,屈指间,再次将一口战剑弹飞出去,飞上半空, war sword rapid enlargement, chops to cut toward Frost Gnoll King in first time. 战剑迅速放大,并且,在第一时间就朝着冰霜豺狼王劈斩过去。 This war sword appears, powerful Iron-Blood Fiend Qi tears the expansive sky like surging tides, probably in the battlefield, ten thousand army slaughters together general, has the sound of slaying to resound unceasingly. 这一口战剑出现,一股强大铁血煞气就如潮水般撕裂长空,好像在战场中,万军厮杀在一起一般,有杀伐之音不断响起。 breaking army sword!! 破军剑!! This impressively is breaking army sword, lends the rich slaughtering aura, sword intent vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 这一口赫然就是破军剑,散发出浓郁的杀戮气息,剑意纵横。 kā chā!! 咔嚓!! This sword, seems like peerless battle skill that general sends out. bloody sword light, sweeps away heaven and earth. Swiftly and fiercely to letting Frost Gnoll King feels intense death aura. The mind is jumping crazily. 这一剑,就好像是一名将军发出的绝世战技血色剑光,横扫天地。凌厉到让冰霜豺狼王感觉到一股强烈的死亡气息。心神在狂跳。 Damn, but also come.” “该死,还来。” Frost Gnoll King cursed one secretly, gripped battle lance, has not regarded it is the flying lance bang goes out, the attainments that but in the hand, toward the war sword bang in the past, battle lance in his hands, exposed were not unexpectedly low. Unexpectedly wonderfully to peak bang to war sword. 冰霜豺狼王暗自咒骂一声,握住战矛,没有将其当成是飞矛轰出去,而是拿在手中,朝着战剑轰过去,战矛在其手中,展露出的造诣竟然一点都不低。竟然妙到巅峰的轰向战剑 battle lance and war sword collide, breaking army sword intent and Power of Cold Ice collision together. 战矛战剑碰撞,破军剑意寒冰之力碰撞在一起 Almost first time, terrifying internal qi, makes all around ground by Power of Cold Ice frozen. The cold ice battle lance strength is good, may in front of breaking army sword intent, as before seem inferior, cut off at the scene. Divides to cut again on the body. The frost star is unable to prevent continually, but, was blocked by that silver-white leather armor as before. 几乎第一时间,恐怖气机,就让四周地面被寒冰之力所冰封。寒冰战矛的力量不俗,可在破军剑意面前,依旧显得逊色,被当场斩断。再次劈斩在身上。连冰霜之星都无法阻挡,只是,依旧被那件银白色皮甲所挡住。 Comes a sword again!!” “再来一剑!!” Counts on the fingers, third war sword high in the sky flies, broken space, transmits fearful will that seizes mortal form extinguishing soul. 屈指间,第三战剑凌空飞起,破空间,传递出一种夺魄灭魂的可怕意志 This sword, snatching mortal forms sword. 这一剑,夺魄剑 Three war sword, pursuing souls sword, snatching mortal forms sword, breaking army sword. 三柄战剑,追魂剑,夺魄剑,破军剑 Sends out swift and fierce sword intent, under the control of Emptiness Childe, three sword simultaneous/uniform flying, such as kills like lightning toward Frost Gnoll King unceasing attacking, thoroughly flying sword flexible displays the pinnacle with the point. 散发出凌厉的剑意,在空虚公子的控制下,三剑齐飞,如闪电般朝着冰霜豺狼王不断的攻杀过去,彻底将飞剑的灵活与锋芒发挥到极致。 Is besieging the opposite party like three peerless sword traveler simultaneously. 如同三名绝世剑客同时在围攻对方。 When each war sword launches the attack, does not have any indication, all around, the attack speed is extremely fast, even if Frost Gnoll King, under the war sword attack, raise the left, block with the right, in battles, puts out battle lance again, two|tael battle lance brandishes unceasingly, with that three war sword crashing collision together. Crowded sword light and lance image interlock unceasingly. 每一口战剑发起攻击时,都没有任何征兆,前后左右,攻击速度极快,哪怕是冰霜豺狼王,也不由的在战剑攻击下,左支右挡,在厮杀间,再次拿出一口战矛,战矛不断挥舞,跟那三口战剑激烈碰撞在一起。密集的剑光矛影不断交错。 What a pity, that three war sword attack speed was really quick, even if were battle lance defense is extremely strong, was found the slit flaw by war sword in the same old way, cut unceasingly on the body, on body that silver-white leather armor, the ray glittered unceasingly, started gloomily at the visible speed. Even on leather armor starts to present fierce sword-scar. Obviously, under attacks, the leather armor defense strength is even strong, is hard to be resisted as before. 可惜,那三口战剑的攻击速度实在是太快了,哪怕是战矛防御极强,照样被战剑找到缝隙破绽,不断斩在身上,身上那件银白色皮甲上,光芒不断闪烁,以肉眼可见的速度开始暗淡。甚至皮甲上开始出现一道道狰狞的剑痕。显然,在一次次的攻击下,就算是皮甲防御力再强,依旧难以被抵挡。 !! 噗!! breaking army sword punctures suddenly, breaks open defense, a sword penetrated the past from that silver-white leather armor unexpectedly, jabbed into the chest forcefully. 破军剑突然间刺出,破开防御,竟然一剑从那银白色皮甲上穿透过去,硬生生刺进胸膛。 blood light jumps shoots. 血光迸射。 The entire body, under the breaking army sword strength, was pierced the body, brings to fly the midair. 整个身躯,在破军剑的力量下,被洞穿身躯,带着飞上半空。 No!!” “不!!” Frost Gnoll King exudes a sad and shrill angry roaring sound, in the voice is unwilling completely. 冰霜豺狼王发出一声凄厉的怒吼声,话音中满是不甘。 pū pū pū!! 噗噗噗!! But when taking midair, immediately, pursuing souls sword, snatching mortal forms sword already continuously in unceasing thorn toward its body. Each sword tears the body, pierces the body, punctures fierce blood holes on the body, the blood spews out. 但在带上半空中时,立即,追魂剑,夺魄剑已经连续朝着其身躯上不断的刺过去。每一剑都撕裂身躯,洞穿躯体,在身上刺出一道道狰狞的血洞,鲜血喷涌而出。 in a flash, punctured the several tens of hundreds sword hole on the body merely. 仅仅刹那间,就在身上刺了数十上百个剑孔。 Blood incarnadine entire body. 鲜血染红整个身躯。 When falls to the ground, the body does not have together the good meat. That with is in deep sorrow is the same. Horrible to look. 等落到地上时,身上已经没有一块好肉。那就跟是万箭穿心一样。惨不忍睹。 But it does not have right away to fall from the sky, in eyes reveals one to be unwilling, voices the anger to exclaim: Soldiers, kill to me, unbreakable Xuanhuang Town, vows not to rest.” 但它却没有马上就陨落,眼眸中露出一丝不甘,发出怒吼道:“儿郎们,给我杀,不破玄黄镇,誓不罢休。” In ends the order after gnoll, immediately, sends out again shouts at together: Frozen!!” 在向豺狼人下完命令后,立即,再次发出一道断喝:“冰封!!” The voice falls, in body flesh, naturally emerges strange Power of Cold Ice, wound from top to bottom, rapid frozen, the blood on wound stops gushing out, appears at the visible speed outside the body, covers the body high and low, congeals ice crystal, at the scene frozen, changes into an ice sculpture. Meanwhile, talisman appears, wraps its body, changes into flow of light, vanishes rapidly does not see. 话音一落,身上血肉中,自然而然的涌现出一股奇异的寒冰之力,将浑身上下的伤口,迅速冰封起来,伤口上的鲜血都停止涌出,在身外以肉眼可见的速度浮现出,覆盖身躯上下,凝结成冰晶,当场冰封,化为一尊冰雕。与此同时,一枚符箓出现,将其身躯包裹住,化为一道流光,迅速消失不见。 Is separated from the battlefield. 从战场中脱离出去。 Unexpectedly, ran away decisively. 竟然,就这么果断的逃走了。 But before fleeing, actually unrestrained/no trace of politeness ordered all gnoll army, launched the attack toward Xuanhuang Town. Even if this gnoll army all falls from the sky, must bring the damage of immense to Xuanhuang Town absolutely. 但在逃离前,却毫不客气的下令所有豺狼人大军,朝着玄黄镇发起攻击。哪怕是这支豺狼人大军全部陨落,也绝对要给玄黄镇带来巨大的损伤。 Bang!! 砰!! Cyan Python King at this moment, has rushed to under Xuanhuang Town city wall thoroughly. The immense body, sweeps across to come, an invisible pressure on the steamroll toward city wall comes directly, gives birth to an invisible haze. 青蟒王已经在此刻,彻底冲到玄黄镇城墙之下。巨大的身躯,席卷而来,一股无形的压力直接朝着城墙上碾压过来,生出一种无形的阴霾。 A tail of immense brushes directly on city wall. 一条巨大的尾巴直接抽打在城墙上。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! Under the terrifying strength erupts, in front of the immense snake tail, city wall crashes at the scene. 恐怖的力量爆发下,在巨大的蛇尾面前,一段城墙当场崩塌。 In city wall officers and soldiers, common people, pulled out to fly by a immense strength. Pounds on the ground, some people five main internal organs (entrails) burst at the scene, the severely wounded frequency dies, some people were split up by a body of great strength bang directly, blasts out thoroughly. 城墙将士,百姓,更是被一股巨大的力量抽飞出去。砸在地上,有人当场五脏六腑破裂,重伤频死,有人直接被一股巨力轰的身躯四分五裂,彻底炸开。 Collapses the fragment. 崩成碎片。 In city wall, presents one to count the 10 meter immense gap. 城墙中,出现一段足足数巨大的缺口。 Opens the front door to lead to Xuanhuang Town directly. 直接打开通向玄黄镇的大门。 Army obeys orders, archer, Divine Machine Battalion, in city wall above, takes advantage of the advantage advantage completely, kills foreign race, longspearman, blade-shield soldier, gets down city wall, with foreign race upfront preying. Even if slaughters directly, my Xuanhuang Town officers and soldiers, not inferior any foreign race army.” “全军听令,弓箭手,神机营,全部驻留城墙之上,依仗居高优势,射杀异族,长枪兵,刀盾兵,下城墙,与异族正面搏杀。就算正面厮杀,我玄黄镇将士,绝不逊色任何异族大军。” Yi Tianxing witnesses the city wall avalanche, has not been surprised any. 易天行目睹城墙崩塌,并没有感到任何意外。 Scale extremely immense of foreign race attack, sweeps across to come, in the diplomatic clip, wants is not broken through difficultly. 异族侵袭的规模太过巨大,席卷而来,内外交夹,想要不被攻破都难。 The defense is only part of that's all. 防守只是一部分而已 Since city wall were broken, that Xuanhuang Town also has the courage and strength that fights. 既然城墙被破,那玄黄镇也不是没有一战的勇气与实力。 Shuā!! 刷! The voice falls, black-white Yin-Yang Scissors appears in the midair directly. And, first time changes into two|tael strip black and white flood dragon, interlocked to cut toward Cyan Python King around the middle. 话音落下,一口黑白色阴阳剪直接出现在半空。并且,第一时间化为条黑白蛟龙,交错着朝着青蟒王拦腰剪了过去。 This scissors, the entire battlefield was flooded by two|tael strip black and white flood dragon probably. 这一剪,整个战场都好像被条黑白蛟龙所充斥。 kā chā!! 咔嚓!! In clear sound, the Cyan Python King body was cut the two|tael section by scissors accordingly. 一声清脆的响声中,青蟒王的身躯应声就被一剪刀剪成段。 Hǒu!! 吼! Cyan Python King face upwards to exude one to roar, in sheared two|tael festival body, simultaneously blooms rich cyan light, the broken body will cover, the body of break, in the flash, starts to heal unexpectedly. 青蟒王仰天发出一声咆哮,被剪断的节身躯上,同时绽放出浓郁的青光,将残破的身躯笼罩住,断裂的身躯,竟然在一瞬间,开始愈合。 But what is strange, in the wound place, the black-white ray jumps to shoot suddenly, suppresses forcefully cyan light, rich Power of Life, was blocked actually. This is Yin-Yang Scissors remains Power of Yin-Yang in its body. Is preventing the healing of its injury. Must gather together, that must advance to obliterate forcefully Power of Yin-Yang that in the wound contains. 但诡异的是,在伤口处,黑白色的光芒陡然间迸射而出,硬生生将青光镇压下去,浓郁的生命之力,硬是被阻断。这是阴阳剪残留在其身躯上的阴阳之力。在阻止其伤势的愈合。要重新合在一起,那就必须要先行将伤口中蕴含的阴阳之力强行磨灭掉。 Otherwise ....... gave up any idea. 否则.......休想。 This is not ordinary Power of Yin-Yang, Yin-Yang Scissors is dark step divine ability, even the second step ominous beast body, can scissors shear directly, must obliterate residual Power of Yin-Yang, its difficulty, is not easily can accomplish absolutely. 这不是普通的阴阳之力,阴阳剪已经是玄阶神通,连二阶凶兽的身躯,都能一剪刀直接剪断,要磨灭残留的阴阳之力,其难度,绝对不是轻易就能办到的。 Especially, this is innate Power of Yin-Yang. 尤其是,这是先天阴阳之力 Might more intrepid overbearing. 威力更加强悍霸道 Kills!!” “杀!!” In the Yi Tianxing hand, flying lance appears, raises the arm, battle lance like meteor tearing expansive sky. The 90,000 jin (0.5 kg) terrifying strength , the complete irrigation in battle lance, appears in the Cyan Python King top of the head. 易天行手中,一口飞矛出现,振臂间,战矛流星般撕裂长空。足足九万斤的恐怖力量,全部灌注在战矛中,出现在青蟒王头顶。 !! 噗!! immense strength, what brought is the terrifying piercing strength. 巨大的力量,带来的是恐怖的洞穿力。 This lance, tearing its fleshly body, inserts in the head unexpectedly at the scene. But what enters is only part. 这一矛,竟然当场撕裂其肉身,插进头颅中。但进入的只是其中一部分。 The second step ominous beast powerful fleshly body as before terrifying in this way, even if flying lance is unable to pierce thoroughly. 二阶凶兽强大肉身依旧恐怖如斯,哪怕是飞矛也无法彻底洞穿。 Hǒu!! 吼! Cyan Python King ice-cold looks to Yi Tianxing, in that vision brings crazy, under angrily roars, among body wide and open cyan light rises suddenly. The start inflation of entire body no indication. 青蟒王冰冷的看向易天行,那目光中带着一种疯狂,一声怒吼下,身上豁然青光暴涨。整个身躯毫无征兆的开始膨胀。 The balloon that picture, gasifies probably is the same. Counts the 10x stance to inflate at several times. 那画面,就好像是充了气的气球一样。以数倍数十倍的姿态膨胀。 „It is not good, draws back, all officers and soldiers, draw back backward quickly, immediately puts out vajra tally, thick dirt tally, strengthens defense.” “不好,退开,所有将士,向后快退,立即拿出金刚符,厚土符,增强防御。” Yi Tianxing saw, in the heart emerges not a good thought. 易天行看到,心中涌现出一种不好的念头。
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