EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#324: emptiness acts

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... Yin-Yang Mirror might be considered as top heaven defying divine ability, might, so long as illuminates, can control life and death, decides death instantaneously, so long as cultivation base realm, is unable to go beyond in the Yin-Yang Mirror range, is unable to surpass above Yi Tianxing own realm the too much level. Without suppressing divine soul true spirit rare treasure, was illuminated by Yin-Yang Mirror, that is almost hard to escape from the death fate. 阴阳镜堪称是一门顶尖的逆天神通,威力之强,只要照到,就能掌控生死,瞬间决定死亡,只要修为境界,无法超出阴阳镜的范围之内,无法超出易天行自身的境界之上太多层次。没有镇压神魂真灵异宝,被阴阳镜照到,那几乎就难以逃脱死亡的下场。 Yin-Yang Mirror contains Yin-Yang life and death the strength of law. 阴阳镜已经蕴含着一种阴阳生死法则之力。 Did not say, illuminates, soul divine soul will perish. 不是说,一照到,灵魂神魂就会灭亡。 But by the strength of Yin-Yang Mirror hitting the target death pure yin, soul true spirit of thorough seal its within the body. Bans to seal soul thoroughly, even is divides relation between soul and fleshly body, without the support of fleshly body, in soul all life force dissipations naturally, what replaces it is death yin gloom aura. That Power of Death, will rip the fragment its soul thoroughly. Before then, in this process, even can say, from the beginning, has not died. 而是会被阴阳镜中的死亡纯阴之力,彻底封印其体内的魂魄真灵。将魂魄彻底禁封,甚至是分割魂魄肉身之间的联系,没有肉身的支持,魂魄里面的一切生机自然而然的消散,取而代之的是死亡阴冷的气息。那死亡之力,会彻底将其魂魄撕成碎片。在这之前,这种过程中,甚至可以说,一开始,并没有死。 With the passage of time, soul divine soul thorough shatter, true death will fall from the sky. 只是随着时间的推移,魂魄神魂才会彻底破碎,真正死亡陨落。 Generally speaking, by life that the Yin-Yang Mirror photo arrives, so long as is not frightened out of one's wits at the scene, can rely on Yin-Yang Mirror to resurrect again, dies with the black surface photo, then illuminates with the wheat flour, can make the life under Yin-Yang Mirror resurrect. Naturally, this is needs in certain time limit, otherwise, within the body soul has vanished, even is frightened out of one's wits, that do not want to resurrect again. 一般而言,被阴阳镜照到的生灵,只要不是当场魂飞魄散,就可以再次凭借阴阳镜重新复活,用黑面照死,然后再用白面重新照一下,就可以让死在阴阳镜下的生灵重新复活。当然,这是需要在一定的时限之内,要不然,体内魂魄已经消失,甚至是魂飞魄散,那就别想再复活。 It seems like the present, if Yi Tianxing wants, pours can definitely again make him resurrect in ground double-headed ogre, lives. However, this matter Yi Tianxing is will not do absolutely. 就好像是现在,若是易天行愿意的话,倒在地上的双头食人魔完全可以再次让他复活,重新活过来。不过,这种事情易天行是绝对不会做的。 foreign race, so long as is the enemy, that died is true good foreign race. 异族,只要是敌人,那死了才是真正的好异族 Living, entirely damn. 活着的,通通都该死。 However, although Yin-Yang Mirror overbearing, but must display, similarly consumes immense, if some people of speeds are fast enough, can definitely avoid divine light that Yin-Yang Mirror jumps projects, had not been shone by divine light, is naturally impossible to let its death. 不过,阴阳镜虽然霸道,但要施展起来,同样消耗巨大,若是有人速度够快,完全可以躲开阴阳镜迸射出的神光,没有被神光照射到,自然不可能让其死亡 No, how leader could die. This not real.” “不,首领怎么可能会死。这不是真的。” leader dies in mankind hitting the target, breaks through the city, is leader revenges.” 首领是死在人类中的,攻破城池,为首领报仇。” Kills, cannot let off these mankind absolutely.” “杀,绝对不能放过这些人类。” double-headed ogre pours in the picture of ground, makes in large quantities of ogre hearts emerge the endless anger instantaneously, vision blood red, sends out to roar, áooo yelled. Falls into to one type thoroughly crazily. 双头食人魔倒在地上的画面,瞬间就让大批食人魔心中涌现出无尽的怒火,一个个目光血红,发出咆哮,嗷嗷大叫起来。彻底陷入到一种疯狂当中。 Kill! Kill! Kills!! 杀!杀!杀!! ogre has no reason again, 食人魔再没有任何理智, In their mind only then a thought that that is front mankind, massacres entirely, complete execute, is leader revenges. 他们的脑海中只有一个念头,那就是要将面前的人类,通通杀掉,全部斩杀,为首领报仇。 Lance!!” “矛!!” Frost Gnoll King witnesses double-headed ogre that strange pouring on the ground, falls from the sky thoroughly, in one's eyes reveals wipes the panic-stricken color, among the yawns, exudes one to shout. 冰霜豺狼王目睹双头食人魔就那么诡异的倒在地上,彻底陨落,眼中露出一抹惊恐之色,张口间,发出一声断喝。 gnoll draw out short flying lance from the back, these flying lance grasp in the hand, naturally transmits swift and fierce air/Qi. 一名名豺狼人纷纷从背后拔出一根根短小的飞矛,这些飞矛握在手中,自然传递出一股凌厉之气。 Shoots!!” “射!!” Together under Imperial Order. 一道敕令下。 flying lance cut void like lightning, shelled the past toward city wall on, the speed was extremely fast, on each flying lance, contained is being swift and fierce the point. Can hear the sharp sound air-splitting from the air. 一根根飞矛如闪电般划破虚空,朝着城墙上轰击过去,速度极快,每一根飞矛上,都蕴含着凌厉得锋芒。能从空气中听到尖锐的破空声。 several hundreds of thousands flying lance sweeps across to come, such as one dark clouds veil the heavens and dispel the sun. 数百上千飞矛席卷而来,如一片黑云般遮天辟日 Shield!!” “盾!!” officers and soldiers on city wall actually react in first time, shields stand erect unceasingly, keeps off before the body. On the shield, the ray flashes, the golden light circulation, changes into powerful defense. The flying lance bombardment on the shield, on the shield golden light glitters unceasingly, flashes on and off erratically, but does not have the disintegration. 城墙上的将士们却是在第一时间做出反应,一面面盾牌不断竖立起来,挡在身前。盾牌上,光芒一闪,金光流转,化为强大防御飞矛轰击在盾牌上,盾牌上金光不断闪烁,明灭不定,但却始终没有崩碎。 Whiz!! 嗖!! But at this moment, only hears, the extremely sharp sound air-splitting transmits together. 但就在这时,只听到,一道极为尖锐的破空声传来。 Only sees, ice-blue flying lance air-splitting, everywhere one visit, in the air starts to congeal like lightning ice crystal, even is flutters the snowflake, that flying lance, even can say, is condenses by strange ice crystal completely, can see the ancient texture from above, clear like colored glaze. 只看到,一根冰蓝色飞矛如闪电般破空,所到之处,空气中开始凝结出冰晶,甚至是飘出雪花,那根飞矛,甚至可以说,完全是由一种奇异的冰晶凝聚而成,能从上面看到古老的纹理,晶莹如琉璃。 Bang!! 砰!! This battle lance wields, appears on city wall rapidly, toward at the same time shield bombardment like lightning in the past. 这柄战矛一挥出,就迅速出现在城墙上,朝着一面盾牌闪电般的轰击过去。 Then, a fearful picture appears at present. 而后,一种可怕的画面出现在眼前。 Only sees, under cold ice battle lance, the golden light probably frail bubble that on the shield appears is the same, at the visible speed, is at the scene stave. Stands officers and soldiers behind shield, even responded without enough time, is pierced the body by this battle lance. The pierced instance, the entire body appears a layer|one level ice crystal at the visible speed, entire body, at the scene frozen, changes into the ice sculpture. 只看到,在寒冰战矛下,盾牌上浮现出的金光就好像是脆弱的泡沫一样,以肉眼可见的速度,当场破碎。站立在盾牌后面的一名将士,连反应都来不及,就被这口战矛洞穿身躯。在被洞穿的瞬间,整个身躯以肉眼可见的速度浮现出一层冰晶,整个身躯,当场冰封,化为冰雕。 In pounding of flying lance hitting the target strength impact on the ground, the entire body is so the same as the ice piece, is split up. 飞矛中的力量冲击的砸在地上,整个身躯就这么跟冰块一样,四分五裂。 Thorough shatter. 彻底破碎。 terrifying cold qi goes out toward four sides all directions dissipation, making nearby people all feel an intense chill in the air. 恐怖寒气朝着四面八方散逸出去,让附近的人全都感受到一种强烈的寒意。 Good overbearing flying lance. Not only has the powerful piercing strength, but, but also contains terrifying Power of Cold Ice.” “好霸道飞矛。不仅具有强大的洞穿力,而且,还蕴含着恐怖寒冰之力。” On city wall, many cultivator changed the complexion at the scene. 城墙上,不少修士当场变了脸色。 Even the shield can pierce, its destructive power naturally is quite astonishing. 连盾牌都能洞穿,其破坏力自然是相当惊人。 thou and other foreign race, encroach upon my Xuanhuang Town, kills my common people, when its crime executes.” “汝等异族,侵犯我玄黄镇,杀我百姓,其罪当诛。” Huang Chengyan witnesses, goes forward one step, looks to Frost Gnoll King, the opens the mouth exudes one to shout. 黄承彦目睹,上前一步,看向冰霜豺狼王,张口发出一声断喝。 Shuā!! 刷! A white light glitters, only saw, snow white ancient sword jumps to shoot from the tip of tongue. Arrives in front of that Frost Gnoll King, a sword chops to cut, must behead it at the scene. Can in ancient sword, feel intense overwhelming righteous qi, is indistinct, has the heaven and earth situation. As if Power of Heaven and Earth gathers on ancient sword. A sword cuts, such as bolt of white silk across the sky. 一道白光闪烁,只看到,一口雪白的古剑从舌尖迸射而出。来到那冰霜豺狼王面前,一剑就劈斩过去,要将其当场斩首。能在古剑中,感受到一股强烈的浩然正气,隐约间,带着天地大势。似乎天地之力都汇聚在古剑上。一剑斩出,如匹练横空。 confucian dao fate aperture Tongue Sword!! 儒道命窍舌剑!! Kills!!” “杀!!” Frost Gnoll King saw, wants not to think, waves to hold battle lance, that flying lance lets go to depart immediately, such as flowing light bombardment on that ancient sword. 冰霜豺狼王看到,想都不想,一挥手就抓住一口战矛,那飞矛随即就脱手飞出,如流光般轰击在那口古剑上。 Ding!! 叮!! In a immense bellow, only sees, flying lance at the scene disintegration, but that ancient sword, collapses to fly similarly in in the sky, on ancient sword, can see, fierce fissures are spreading unceasingly, cover the entire sword blade, as if (similar) thorough shatter will be momentarily same. 一声巨大轰鸣声中,只看到,飞矛当场崩碎,而那口古剑,同样在虚空中崩飞出去,在古剑上,能看到,一道道狰狞的裂痕正不断蔓延,覆盖整个剑身,仿佛随时都会彻底破碎一样。 Seemingly makes people alarmed and afraid. 看起来让人惊惧。 Death!!” “死!!” In the Yi Tianxing mouth exudes one to shout at again. 易天行口中再次发出一声断喝。 black-white Yin-Yang Mirror appears again in in the sky, black light sweeps across together toward Frost Gnoll King like the bolt of white silk. 黑白色阴阳镜再次浮现在虚空中,一道黑光如匹练般朝着冰霜豺狼王席卷过去。 Is this eccentric mirror.” “又是这古怪的镜子。” Frost Gnoll King felt that he stared at probably by toxic snake, instinct looked at one, when sees that Yin-Yang Mirror, in one's eyes reveals a color with amazement, how before double-headed ogre died, purity that he looks. Issued a license by this strange mirror, then completely cuts off life force, lies down on the ground, motionless. 冰霜豺狼王感觉到自身好像被毒蛇盯上,本能的看了一眼,看到那面阴阳镜时,眼中不由流露出一种骇然之色,之前双头食人魔是怎么死的,他可是看的一清二楚。就是被这诡异的镜子给照了一下,然后就彻底断绝生机,躺在地上,一动不动。 Where agrees lets fall to oneself on black light. 哪里肯让黑光落到自己身上。 Wants not to think, instinct grasped gnoll. 想都不想,本能的将身边一名豺狼人抓了起来。 Follows, toward threw that gnoll black light. 跟着,将那豺狼人朝着黑光扔了过去。 King!!” “王!!” That gnoll has not obviously thought Frost Gnoll King will also make such action, on the face completely stunned exudes screams. The body had been covered by black light. 那名豺狼人明显没有想到冰霜豺狼王还会做出这样的举动,脸上满是错愕的发出一声惊呼声。身躯已经被黑光所覆盖住。 Shuā!! 刷! After the black light photo arrives, on that gnoll face dull stares, with, the body becomes stiff, falls from the midair, does not have least bit life force again, the breath, has died a violent death. 被黑光照到后,那名豺狼人脸上一阵呆愣,跟着,身躯就变得僵硬,从半空中掉落下来,再没有半点生机,呼吸,已经死于非命。 Good overbearing mirror.” Frost Gnoll King holds breath cold air. “好霸道的镜子。”冰霜豺狼王倒吸一口凉气。 Quite ruthless, is really the instinct is cool, worthily is foreign race.” Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly, sneers is putting out together the voice. “好狠,果然是天性凉薄,不愧是异族。”易天行微微皱眉,冷笑着吐出一道话音。 Yin-Yang Mirror truly overbearing, but can only attack a life together black light, Frost Gnoll King keeps off the disaster with warrior, shines on that unlucky egg black light directly, finally, making that unlucky ghost fall from the sky, does not have to have the injury to Frost Gnoll King again, it can be said that an alternative decodes Yin-Yang Mirror method. 阴阳镜确实霸道,可一道黑光只能攻击一名生灵,冰霜豺狼王用身边的战士来挡灾,黑光直接照耀在那名倒霉蛋身上,最终,让那名倒霉鬼陨落,却没有再对冰霜豺狼王产生伤害,可以说是一种另类破解阴阳镜法门 So long as suffices to be ruthless, the side also has other lives to exist, can replace death. 只要够狠,身边还有其他生灵存在,就能代替自身死亡 Naturally, this is in the specific situation, if cultivation base is high, offensive, Yin-Yang Mirror similarly is virtually impossible to guard against. Puts in an appearance can decide life and death. 当然,这是在特定的情况下,若是修为再高,唐突下,阴阳镜同样是防不胜防。一个照面就能决定生死 Makes this childe ask for advice this Gnoll King's divine ability.” “让本公子来领教这位豺狼王的神通。” At this moment, the offensive voice resounds on city wall together. 就在这时,一道唐突的话音在城墙上响起。 Only sees, a white long gown, pale Emptiness Childe swung waved the hand the hitting the target fan, face self-confident saying. 只看到,一身白色长袍,脸色苍白的空虚公子摇了摇手中的扇子,一脸自信的说道。 Before its, appears impressively treasure box, in this treasure box opens slowly, can see impressively, in this treasure box, is putting nine treasured sword that impressively is glittering the cold light. These treasured swords seem very pocket-sized, reduction like chopsticks size, but is lifelike, can see, each contains different divine rhyme. 在其身前,赫然浮现出一口宝盒,这口宝盒中缓缓打开,赫然可以看到,在这宝盒中,赫然放着九口闪烁着寒光的宝剑。只是这些宝剑看起来都很袖珍,缩小的如同筷子大小,但却栩栩如生,能看出,每一口都蕴含着不同的神韵 Emptiness Childe swung the fan, while heaves a deep sigh saying: Yeah, is humanity, today sees foreign race to slaughter my humanity town, how could my Emptiness Childe stands by, although Town Head Yi the strength is unusual, as lord of a town, how could easily to intend to brave hardships and dangers, this jackal-wolf, is Fellow Daoist Yi does for somebody by this childe.” 空虚公子一边摇了摇扇子,一边摇头叹息道:“哎,同是人族,今日看到异族屠戮我人族城镇,我空虚公子岂能袖手旁观,易镇长虽然实力超凡,身为一镇之主,岂能轻易出手涉险,这头豺狼,就由本公子易道友代劳。” During the voices, actually basically doesn't and other Yi Tianxing complied to approve. Has seen front treasure box hitting the target nine war sword. 话音间,却根本不易天行答应赞同。已经看到面前宝盒中的九口战剑 immortal-executing sword, killing god sword, buddha-extinguishing sword, prostrating demon sword, subduing monster sword, chopping saints sword, pursuing souls sword, snatching mortal forms sword and breaking army sword. 诛仙剑杀神剑灭佛剑伏魔剑降妖剑斩圣剑追魂剑夺魄剑破军剑 Each sends out the a layer|one level strange different light. 每一口都散发出一层奇异的异光。 Revealed that these nine, is heaven and earth rare treasure. 显露出这九口,都是天地异宝 Goes!!” “去!!” Emptiness Childe counted on the fingers to shoot toward nine ancient sword hitting the target pursuing souls sword in the past. Whiz!! 空虚公子屈指朝着九口古剑中的追魂剑弹了过去。嗖!! pursuing souls sword air-splitting, inflates at the visible speed, turns into a normal war sword size, punctured toward Frost Gnoll King at a rate of Inhuman. 追魂剑破空,以肉眼可见的速度膨胀起来,变成一口正常的战剑大小,非人朝着冰霜豺狼王刺了过去。 This sword, pursues the character. 这口剑,有一个追字。 The speed is extremely fast, a appearance, internal qi locking of Frost Gnoll King. The twinkling appears in its front. 速度极快,一出现,就将冰霜豺狼王气机锁定。瞬息就出现在其面前。 Kills!!” “杀!!” Frost Gnoll King saw, the complexion is quite ugly, the body ray flashes, ice-blue halo appears outside the body together, three how ice-blue tiny stars regarding body rapid rotation. cold qi like tide. 冰霜豺狼王看到,脸色极为难看,身上光芒一闪,一道冰蓝色光环出现在身外,三枚咋冰蓝色的细小星辰围绕着身躯快速旋转。寒气如潮。 cold ice flying lance lets go to depart from the hand again. Bang to that pursuing souls sword. 一口寒冰飞矛再次从手中脱手飞出。轰向那口追魂剑 But the strange situation appeared. That pursuing souls sword as if (similar) intelligential, in a moment of collision, will soon turn round in the midair instantaneously. That flying lance flexible giving way to traffic in the past. Then the speed rises suddenly, a sword cuts on the body. 但诡异的情况出现了。那追魂剑仿佛有灵性般,在即将碰撞的一刹那,在半空中瞬间拐了个弯。将那口飞矛灵活的避让过去。接着速度暴涨,一剑斩在身上。
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