EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#323: The black light photo dies

This fate aperture regarding double-headed ogre, simply is most perfect fate aperture divine ability. Pen | Interest | Pavilion www. biquge. info enables him to be able unscrupulous eating, eats, eats. Keeps eating, anything can eat. Moreover, but can also taste different flavors. Even the metal, the ore can taste the flavor. For example. The scarlet copper mine stone, eats, one type seems like eating the chicken feeling. 这道命窍对于双头食人魔来说,简直就是最完美命窍神通。笔|趣|阁www。biquge。info让他可以肆无忌惮的吃,吃,吃。不停地吃,任何东西都可以吃。而且,还能品尝出各种不同的味道。连金属,矿石都能品尝出味道。比如。赤铜矿石,吃起来,就有一种好像是在吃鸡肉般的感觉。 kā bēng kā bēng. 嘎嘣嘎嘣的。 Just tally arrow was the ice is crisp, the flavor was quite good. 刚刚的符箭就是冰爽可口,味道极为不错。 Shoots again!!” “再射!!” No hesitates, archer open the bow and arrow again, in war arrow jumping unrestrained/no trace of politeness the hand shoots. Moreover, this time, shoots not only only has tally arrow, crossbow bolt that divine machine crossbow sends out. 没有任何迟疑,一名名弓箭手再次拉开弓箭,将手中战箭毫不客气的迸射出去。而且,这一次,射出去的不仅仅只有符箭,还有神机弩所发出的弩箭 Crowded before far ultra, the strength of implication is stronger, inside is pouring into powerful true qi. Make the destructive power stronger. 密集的远超之前,蕴含的力量更强,里面更是灌注着强大真气。让破坏力更强。 Delicious.” “好吃。” The double-headed ogre actually opens the mouth, will blot out the sky pounding arrow rain that again sweeps across to come, once again swallows down. That picture, looks very fearful. Even, exudes the murmur in his mouth. One full is the look that tastes. 双头食人魔却再次张口,将铺天盖地席卷而来的砸箭雨,又一次吞了下去。那画面,看起来很可怕。甚至,在他口中还发出赞叹声。一副满是回味的神色。 Interesting, is really anything dares to eat. Throws rune bomb.” “有意思,真是什么都敢吃。扔符文炸弹。” Yi Tianxing puts down the hand hitting the target drumstick, eyes is profound, ordered decisively. 易天行放下手中的鼓槌,眼眸深邃,断然下令道。 Throws!!” “扔!!” Order. 一声令下。 Dark rune bomb have thrown fast. 一枚枚黑乎乎的符文炸弹已经快速扔出去。 double-headed ogre saw, the giving way to traffic meaning does not have, the opens the mouth one swallows toward front again. Eats in the import. 双头食人魔看到,却一点避让的意思都没有,再次张口朝着前面一吞。吃进口中。 pēng pēng pēng!! 砰砰砰!! This swallows, even can hear, at fierce explosive sound that in that exudes, has the flame twinkle, rune bomb gather together, explodes, that destructive power, is extremely terrifying. Top Divine Sea Realm powerhouse, exploded meeting a cruel death. 这一吞,甚至能听到,在那口中发出的剧烈爆炸声,有火光闪烁,一枚枚符文炸弹汇聚在一起,同时爆炸,那种破坏力,是极为恐怖的。一名顶尖的神海境强者,都会被炸的粉身碎骨。 But double-headed ogre closes up the mouth, can see, the mouth is a little as if crooked, corners of the mouth side stream saliva, no, is not considered as the saliva, said that is blood water does not have nothing. 双头食人魔将嘴巴合拢,能看到,嘴巴似乎有点歪,嘴角边流了点口水,不,不算是口水,说是血水也没有什么不可以。 But that crowded rune bomb lets his corners of the mouth side stream blood unexpectedly. 但那密集的符文炸弹竟然只是让他的嘴角边流点血。 Flavor is good, was spicy.” A double-headed ogre actually point does not care, cracks into a smile, vision actually ice-cold. “味道不错,就是辣了点。”双头食人魔却一点都不在意,咧嘴一笑,目光却越加的冰冷。 Unknowingly, he already fast close to city wall. 不知不觉中,他已经快速靠近城墙 From city wall, having the 100 meter is less. 距离城墙,只有米不到。 By its figure, only feared that could not want several breath, can kill under city wall directly, launched the attack to city wall, his build very|10 points immense, once acted, city wall may crash thoroughly. 以其身形,只怕要不了几个呼吸,就能直接杀到城墙下,对城墙发起攻击,他的体型十分巨大,一旦出手,城墙都有可能会彻底崩塌。 Only city wall that's all, wants to block me.” “区区一座城墙而已,也想挡得住我。” double-headed ogre sends out to sneer, forwards with stride. 双头食人魔发出冷笑,大步向前。 You must court death, I help you, my humanity, may not the light shame. Really thinks your foreign race can unscrupulous runs amuck in heaven and earth. Today, must use your flesh, casts my Xuanhuang Town illustrious prestige. Let world foreign race, does not dare the light shame my humanity people.” “你要找死,那我就成全你,我人族,不可轻辱。真以为你们异族就可以肆无忌惮的在天地间横行。今天,就要用你们的血肉,铸就我玄黄镇赫赫威名。让天下异族,再不敢轻辱我人族子民。” Yi Tianxing ice-cold looked that to double-headed ogre that sweeping across to come, unrestrained/no trace of politeness responds. 易天行冰冷的看向席卷而来的双头食人魔,毫不客气的做出回应。 Yin-Yang Scissors, kills!!” 阴阳剪,杀!!” black-white scissors appear sky over the battlefield instantaneously. 一口黑白色的剪刀瞬间出现在战场上空。 On this scissors, even can clear seeing, above dense and numerous appears tiny dragon scale. If can see two|tael strip black and white god jiāo in lying dormant. 这口剪刀上,甚至可以清晰的看到,上面密密麻麻的浮现出一道道细小的龙鳞。如能看到条黑白神沉睡 Áng!! 昂! On Yin-Yang Scissors the ray twinkle, in in the sky, changes into two|tael strip flood dragon. One black one white, on jiāo dragon being, transmits rich Power of Yin-Yang. This Power of Yin-Yang, can the clear feeling. 阴阳剪上光芒闪烁,在虚空中,化为蛟龙。一黑一白,龙身上,传递出浓郁的阴阳之力。这种阴阳之力,能清晰的感觉到。 two|tael said in the dragon's cry sound, as can be seen. Black and white flood dragon cuts the expansive sky at an exceptional pace, dragon being hovers, speed compared with before python, but also wants on quick several times to continue, mutually staggered, air-splitting, can see, black and white divine light is glittering. Among a blink, appear before the double-headed ogre body. 龙吟声中,可以看到。黑白蛟龙以惊人的速度划破长空,龙身游动,速度比之前在蟒蛇时,还要快上数倍不止,相互交错,破空时,能看到,黑白神光在闪烁。一眨眼间,就出现在双头食人魔身前。 Quickly, is unable to catch to the naked eye quickly. 快,快到肉眼无法捕捉。 Quickly to appearing split second, even if double-headed ogre feels panic-stricken. Clear feels an intense death aura from this two|tael strip black and white jiāo dragon being. This type felt that very|10 points is intense. 快到在出现的刹那,哪怕是双头食人魔都感觉到一种惊骇。清晰的从这条黑白龙身上感受到一种强烈的死亡气息。这种感觉十分强烈。 This is anything, flood dragon, I must eat you.” “这是什么东西,蛟龙么,我要吃了你们。” double-headed ogre has a scare, but actually without hesitation reacts. 双头食人魔吓了一跳,但却毫不犹豫的做出反应。 Among the yawns, whole piece big mouth enlarges again, changes into a immense incomparable big mouth. Vicious swallows down toward black and white flood dragon that sweeping across to come. Like immense black hole, transmits the intense devour strength, as if wants devour all. 张口间,整张大嘴再次放大,化为一张巨大无比的血盆大口。凶狠的朝着席卷而来的黑白蛟龙吞下去。如同一枚巨大的黑洞,传递出强烈的吞噬力,似乎要吞噬一切。 „To swallow my Yin-Yang Scissors, some were too rather naive.” “想要吞掉我的阴阳剪,未免有些太天真了。” Yi Tianxing saw, is actually reveals wipes to sneer. 易天行看到,却是露出一抹冷笑。 Present Yin-Yang Scissors is not before, tour of the immortal's grave, has become dark step divine ability from yellow step transform directly, this transform, it can be said that transform of basic(ally) nature. Of might, like the difference of heaven and earth. 如今的阴阳剪可不是之前,一次仙墓之行,已经直接从黄阶蜕变玄阶神通,这种蜕变,可以说是一种根本性的蜕变。威力之强,如同天地之差。 Perhaps in the yellow step time, the opportunity was swallowed, may achieve dark step divine ability, is true slaying divine ability, the delusion swallows, that is courting death absolutely, wishful thinking. 黄阶时候,或许还有机会被吞掉,可达到玄阶神通,还是真正的杀伐神通,妄想吞掉,那绝对是在找死,痴心妄想。 The one yin, one yang tail blends, innate casts black and white matches. 一阴一阳尾交融,先天铸就黑白配。 The male and female interlock good fortune merit, the dawn faints in Yin-Yang scissors. 雌雄交错造化功,晓昏阴阳一剪中。 In in the sky, as if has two|tael mysterious Heavenly Sound to reverberate. 虚空中,似乎有道神秘的天音在回荡。 kā chā!! 咔嚓!! Black and white flood dragon interlocks is cutting on that big mouth, kā chā, saw, big mouth that opens, just like Parting the Heavens, Opening the Earth Yin-Yang strange light, was cut unexpectedly together forcefully. 黑白蛟龙交错着剪在那张血盆大口上,咔嚓一声,就看到,那张开的大嘴,竟然被一道宛如开天辟地般的阴阳奇光中,硬生生被剪开。 blood light jumps shoots. 血光迸射。 „, My head.” “啊,我的头。” double-headed ogre sends out a pitiful yell, the immense big mouth one vanishes does not see. Only sees, on the double-headed ogre neck, a head was sheared impressively, even the brain fluid can look. Thorough shatter. 双头食人魔发出一声惨叫,巨大的血盆大口一下就消失不见。只看到,在双头食人魔脖子上,其中一颗脑袋赫然被从中剪断,连脑浆都能看的到。彻底破碎。 Presents the fearful picture. 呈现出可怕的画面。 basic(ally) is unable to describe astonishing point that which scissors erupt. 根本无法形容哪一剪刀爆发出的惊人锋芒。 double-headed ogre has a two|tael head, only feared, this scissors, can striking kill thoroughly. Strikes to be killed violently. 要不是双头食人魔颗脑袋,只怕,这一剪刀,就能彻底将之击杀。一击毙命。 Good fierce divine ability, even my divine ability can break open unexpectedly, is really fierce, but, you kill undying I. I am Undying Body.” double-headed ogre exudes one to sneer, the body emerges blood light, in the ray, the sheared head, grows at the visible speed unexpectedly again, in an instant grew. “好厉害的神通,竟然连我的神通都能破开,果然厉害,不过,你是杀不死我的。我是不死之身。”双头食人魔发出一声冷笑,身上涌现出一阵血光,光芒中,被剪断的脑袋,竟然以肉眼可见的速度再次生长,转眼间就重新长了出来。 Restores such as beginning. 恢复如初。 Seeming like, is quite strange. 看起来,相当诡异。 Kills undying one time, I kill again one time.” “一次杀不死,那我就再杀一次。” Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly, immediately without hesitation sends out the attack again. 易天行微微皱眉,随即就毫不犹豫的再次发出攻击。 Yin-Yang Scissors reappears in void, changes into two|tael strip black and white flood dragon, flood dragon across the sky, sweeps across again toward double-headed ogre, this time, the speed is faster, appears at the naked eye not seizable speed before the body, cuts around the middle toward ogre. 阴阳剪重新出现在虚空,化为条黑白蛟龙,蛟龙横空,再次朝着双头食人魔席卷过去,这一次,速度更快,以肉眼不可捕捉的速度出现在身前,朝着食人魔拦腰剪过去。 kā chā!! 咔嚓!! Yin-Yang Scissors cuts directly in his waist. 阴阳剪直接剪在其腰间。 But divine light glitters, only saw, fierce white bone war armor derives from its flesh impressively, on this white bone war armor, appears various lifelike ominous beast monster. Appears exceptionally fierce. Spills over the a layer|one level rich unusual brightness. 但一阵神光闪烁,只看到,一件狰狞的白骨战甲赫然从其血肉中衍生而出,这白骨战甲上,浮现出各种栩栩如生的凶兽怪物。显得异常的狰狞。泛出一层浓郁的宝光。 Yin-Yang Scissors falls on above, exudes the clear sound unexpectedly, does not have the means to break open this war armor. Even the Yin-Yang Scissors point cannot break, but makes war armor be cut a crack. Does not have the means to tear completely. 阴阳剪落在上面,竟然发出清脆的响声,却始终没有办法破开这件战甲。连阴阳剪的锋芒都破不开,只是让战甲被剪出一道裂缝。却没有办法完全撕裂。 Snort, trivial divine ability, how could breaks open my skeleton war armor. Broken!!” “哼,区区神通,岂能破开我的骸骨战甲。破!!” ogre face upwards to send out to sneer, one step treads, has arrived under city wall, in the hand immense wolf fang club brushes directly on city wall. 食人魔仰天发出冷笑,一步踏出,已经来到城墙下,手中巨大狼牙棒直接抽打在城墙上。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! On city wall appears talisman, these talisman are glittering golden light, changes into layer after layer to protect the shield. 城墙上浮现出一道道符箓,这些符箓闪烁着金光,化为一层层护盾。 But connects collapse under wolf fang club. Collapses the fragment unceasingly. 但都在狼牙棒下接连破灭。不断崩成碎片。 Pounds solid on city wall. 结结实实砸在城墙上。 The terrifying strength erupts from wolf fang club. 恐怖的力量从狼牙棒上爆发出来。 Big piece of city wall is swaying fiercely. As to crash instantaneously. In city wall has massive vine growth, becomes incomparable tenacious city wall. Only feared that this strikes, can avalanche that at the scene city wall pounds, changes into the fragment. 一大片城墙在剧烈摇晃。似乎要在瞬间崩塌。要不是城墙中有着大量的藤蔓生长,将城墙变得无比坚韧。只怕这一击,就能将城墙砸的当场崩塌,化为碎片。 „It is not good, this double-headed ogre strength strives to excel. If he continues to attack city wall, city wall will certainly crash.” “不好,这尊双头食人魔的力量好强。他要是继续攻击城墙,城墙一定会崩塌。” Draws back, shoves open to two|tael, with the bow and arrow, divine machine crossbow, shoots dead him.” “退,向边推开,用弓箭,神机弩,射死他。” By city wall of ogre attack on, everyone was avoided to side fast, in the meantime, large quantities of arrows, crossbow bolt, shot like lightning. What a pity, these attacks, double-headed ogre not cares a whoop, falls on the body, even war armor defense cannot break. 食人魔攻击的城墙上,所有人快速向旁边避开,同时,大批弓箭,弩箭,闪电般射了过去。可惜,这些攻击,双头食人魔丝毫不在意,落在身上,连战甲防御都破不开。 Bang! Bang! Bang!! 砰!砰!砰!! wolf fang club pounds layer on layer/heavily on city wall. 狼牙棒重重砸在城墙上。 Sharp shake that city wall pounds, sways unceasingly. The innumerable fissures rapidly spread to all around. The speed of spread is extremely fast. 城墙砸的剧烈震荡,不断摇晃。无数裂痕快速向四周蔓延。蔓延的速度极快。 Death!!” “死!!” In the Yi Tianxing mouth sends out together the ice-cold voice. 易天行口中发出一道冰冷的话音。 The voice falls, only sees, in in the sky, appears impressively at the same time strange ancient mirror, black, white. Revolves in the midair, Qi of Yin and Yang fluctuates. 话音落下间,只看到,在虚空中,赫然浮现出一面奇异的古镜,一面黑,一面白。在半空中旋转,阴阳之气变幻。 Jumps to shoot from ancient mirror together black light directly. Covers toward double-headed ogre. 一道黑光直接从古镜中迸射而出。朝着双头食人魔笼罩过去。 This is anything.” “这是什么。” ogre saw, cannot bear exude one to call out in alarm. 食人魔看到,忍不住发出一声惊呼。 Wants the avoidance already without enough time, the body was covered by that say/way instantaneously black light. 想要躲避已经来不及,身躯瞬间就被那道黑光所笼罩。 Covered a moment, ogre felt within the body no indication emerges an intense ice to be cold. This chill in the air, transmits to come from soul directly. in a moment, spread to the entire body. 在被笼罩的一刹那,食人魔感觉到体内毫无征兆的涌现出一股强烈的冰寒。这种寒意,直接从灵魂中传递而来。一刹那间,就蔓延到整个身躯。 „It is not good!!” “不好!!” In the ogre heart has together the thought. Immediately feels, life force in within the body is dissipating rapidly. Vanishing into thin air. Again does not have any response, immense body, instinct toward ground but actually. 食人魔心中生出一道念头。立即感觉到,体内的生机在飞速消散。化为乌有。再没有任何反应,巨大的身躯,本能的朝着地面倒了下去。 Died, life force does not have, does not have pouring of indication on the ground. 死了,一点生机都没有,就这么毫无征兆的倒在地上。 Is killed violently at the scene. 当场毙命。 How like this, this is foreign race powerhouse, even without achieving Fate Aperture Realm, absolutely is top powerhouse of Divine Sea Realm level, talent is still astonishing, how dead suddenly.” “怎么会这样,这可是一尊异族强者,就算没有达到命窍境,也绝对是神海境层次的顶尖强者,天赋惊人,怎么会突然间就死了。” Is that ancient mirror, just shot together black light from ancient mirror, then, double-headed ogre died. This is anything, divine ability or rare treasure.” “是那面古镜,刚刚一道黑光就是从古镜中射出来的,然后,双头食人魔就死了。这是什么东西,神通还是异宝。” How when many people also in thinking to be coping with double-headed ogre, actually without thinking, he in together black light front, strange died, silence of dying, most essential is, how this is dies is hard to know. 很多人还在想着如何对付双头食人魔时,却没想到,他会在一道黑光面前,诡异的就这么死了,死的无声无息,最关键是,这是怎么死的都难以知道。 dark step realm Yin-Yang Mirror divine ability, has not really disappointed me. In the same step, does not have special divine ability, cannot resist the Yin-Yang Mirror might absolutely. Even ogre hitting the target leader, must die.” 玄阶境界阴阳镜神通,果然没有让我失望。在同阶之中,没有特殊的神通,是绝对抵挡不住阴阳镜的威力。就算是食人魔中的首领,也要死。” Yi Tianxing looks ice-cold pours in the corpse of ground, in the heart said secretly. 易天行看着冰冷倒在地上的尸体,心中暗自说道。
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