EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#322: Eating Heaven fate aperture

battle intent shoot up to the sky. Pen interest pavilion wWw. biqUgE. info 一道道战意冲天而起。笔@趣@阁wWw。biqUgE。info Gathers in the battlefield, changes into inextinguishable intent. 汇聚在战场中,化为不灭意 The battle intent gathering, fills the entire battlefield, this battle intent, like an invisible strength, lets in the battlefield, all humanity, officers and soldiers, feeling cannot help but a powerful strength in addition holds on oneself. 战意汇聚,迷漫整个战场,这种战意,如同一股无形的力量,让战场中,所有人族,将士,都不由自主的感觉到一股强大的力量加持在自己身上。 battle intent soars to the heavens, fiend qi like the sea, battle intent can add holds in officers and soldiers, on common people, making within the body battle power rise suddenly doubled and re-doubled, never expected that battle intent will really have this marvelous function. Really, on this world is filling too much unknown, waits for us to discover.” 战意冲天,煞气如海,战意可以加持在将士,百姓身上,让体内战力成倍暴涨,没想到战意竟然会有这种奇妙的作用。果然,这个世界上充满着太多的未知,等待着我们去发现。” Master Lu the eye of qi-gazing can actually see to flood in in the sky battle intent, after gathering together, changes into bloody halo, falls on each common people and respectively on officers and soldiers. Although everyone was covered by battle intent halo together, has this battle intent halo, acts, the strength of erupting, is almost sudden rises in varying degrees, is increasing doubled and re-doubled. 鲁师望气之眼却能看到充斥在虚空中战意,汇聚在一起后,化为一道道血色光环,分别落在每一名百姓将士们身上。虽然每个人只是被一道战意光环所笼罩,有这道战意光环在,出手时,爆发出的力量,几乎都是不同程度的暴涨,是成倍的递增。 This before, has not thought. 这在以前,是没有想到的。 ancient people marches to go to war, powerful and strength of army, often observe through the overall morale, a supporting agriculture militia force, if morale like rainbow, that with irresistible force, even if facing the regular armies can directly confrontation preying, even can win, quite powerful astonishing. That is the morale inspiration, own strength erupts, the potential upwells. 古人行军打仗中,一只军队的强大与实力,往往都是通过自身整体的士气来观察,一支农民军,要是士气如虹,那就会势如破竹,哪怕是面对正规军都能直接交锋搏杀,甚至能战而胜之,相当的强悍惊人。那就是士气鼓舞,自身的力量爆发,潜力上涌。 Otherwise, when the ancient times, these split the farmer army that passed, how possibly to defeat the regular army. 要不然,在古代时,那些剖通的农民军,怎么可能打败得了正规的军队。 The disparity on imposing manner, can spread out in strength. 气势上的差距,能拉开实力上的距离。 At the present, let alone, in the town/subdues common people, almost everyone has cultivation base, each one is cultivator, battle power that under this increase, erupts, is fearful on very|10 points, slaughters together with scorpionkin race army, give-and-take that hits unexpectedly. 而今,更别说,镇上百姓,几乎人人都有修为,个个都是修士,这一增幅下,爆发出的战力,就十分可怕,跟蝎人族大军厮杀在一起,竟然打的有来有往。 Moreover, in the town/subdues in the common people hand also has weapon. 而且,镇中百姓手中也不是没有兵器 Before the war, Yi Tianxing has made one prepare various weapon, places in the wooden crate, in the event of the war, in the town/subdues common people, can receive various weapon from the wooden crate directly, inside has sword and spear war sword. Even is large quantities of talisman. 早在大战前,易天行就已经让人准备好各种兵器,放在木箱中,一旦发生大战,镇上百姓,可以直接从木箱中领取各种兵器,里面有刀枪战剑。甚至是大批的符箓 Many common people compared to other weapon, instead for the thing that oneself usually use familiar skilled, has not received weapon, instead with the shovel hoe, often plays more astonishing effect role directly. It seems like quite strange. 只是,很多百姓相对于其他兵器,反而更对自己平时使用的物件更加的熟悉熟练,没有领取兵器,反而直接用铁锹锄头,往往起到更加惊人的功效作用。看起来相当的诡异。 Battle song such as crazy, the battle drum sound reverberates in in the sky like heavenly thunder. 战歌如狂,战鼓声如天雷般在虚空中回荡。 Háo!! 嗥! In in the sky, in the Gold Péng mouth exudes sharp severe howl. 虚空中,金鹏口中发出一声尖锐的厉啸声。 Only saw, in process that in slaughters with quetzalcoatlus, Gold Péng can say, becomes extremely pitiful, golden feathers unceasing falls, the body was torn the every large or small wound, the looked letting person is alarmed. The original god is towering, vanishes thoroughly does not see. Displaces, is resplendent is fierce. The unruliness on form fitting, has not actually abated. 只看到,在跟风神翼龙厮杀的过程中,金鹏可以说,变得极为的凄惨,一根根金色的羽翎不断的掉落下去,身上被撕裂出大大小小的伤口,看的让人触目惊心。原先的神峻,彻底消失不见。取而代之的,是灿烈。可身上的桀骜,却一点都没有消退。 Naturally, with quetzalcoatlus that on Gold Péng slaughters, similarly has various wounds. 当然,与金鹏厮杀的风神翼龙身上,同样出现各种伤口。 In situation that flame magic tower always locks, it not only could not kill Gold Péng, instead pestered together by magic tower and Gold Péng stubbornly. Including oneself was damaged one after another. In eyes, it may be said that becomes angry out of shame. 有一尊火焰魔法塔始终锁定的情况下,它不仅杀不了金鹏,反而被魔法塔金鹏死死纠缠在一起。连自身都不由的接连遭受损伤。眼眸中,可谓是恼羞成怒。 In battle intent that in the sky surges, covers unexpectedly similarly Gold Péng. 虚空中激荡的战意,竟然同样将金鹏笼罩进去。 But in battle intent near a moment of body. 而就在战意临身的一刹那 Gold Péng within the body spreads an explosive suddenly, with, golden light jumps to shoot like surging tides. golden Metal Wind are roaring, tears void, in golden light, was being slaughtered the golden feather that falls, grew at the visible speed . In an instant, proliferates the whole body, from top to bottom, transmits boundless qi and blood. 金鹏体内突然传出一声爆响,跟着,一道道金光如潮水般迸射而出。一股股金色金风在咆哮,撕裂虚空,金光中,原先在厮杀中掉落的金色羽翎,以肉眼可见的速度重新长了出来,一根根,一道道。转眼间,就遍布全身,浑身上下,传递出一股磅礴的气血 The entire body, collides in golden light unceasingly, fleshly body is expanding rapidly. 整个身躯,在金光中不断碰撞,肉身在飞速壮大。 It has achieved first step class nine, slaughters with quetzalcoatlus intensely, within the body qi and blood tumbles unceasingly, has achieved a critical point. Again then, is battle intent near the body, like crashing the last straw of camel, completely breaks rampart on realm. qi and blood eruption. Breaks second step realm forcefully. In the flesh sends out the powerful devour strength. 本身就已经达到一阶九品,又与风神翼龙激烈厮杀,体内气血不断翻滚,已经达到一种临界点。再然后,就是战意临身,如同压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,彻底打破境界上的壁垒气血喷发。硬生生破进二阶境界。血肉中散发出强大吞噬力。 All around heaven and earth origin qi floods into within the body like surging tides. Integrates in the flesh, derives pure qi and blood. These qi and blood are supporting fleshly body transform. The body to blowing the balloon of air/Qi was the same, expands rapidly. 四周天地元气如潮水般涌入体内。融入进血肉中,衍生出一道道精纯的气血。这些气血支撑着肉身蜕变。身躯跟吹了气的气球一样,飞速壮大。 During merely several breath, inflation to 100 many meters immense. Opens the wing, like obstructing a day of cloud. 仅仅几个呼吸间,就膨胀到一百多米巨大。张开羽翼,如同遮天之云。 In golden light that on the feather appears, compared with it previous, is richer, bloodline in within the body, compared with before, richer several points, making the imposing manner pressure that the body sent out more astonishing swiftly and fiercely. 在羽翎上浮现出的金光,比之先前,更加浓郁,体内的血脉,比之前,更浓郁几分,让身上散发出的气势威压都更加惊人凌厉。 Gold Péng, promote second step class one!! 金鹏,晋升二阶一品!! Although has a disparity in the build with quetzalcoatlus as before. But in the imposing manner, does not have the least bit to be inferior. Even is swifter and fiercer. The golden feathers like the sharp sword, the unceasing turnover the point, inborn have a King imposing manner. 虽然在体型上与风神翼龙依旧有所差距。但气势上,却丝毫没有半点逊色。甚至更加凌厉。一根根金色的羽翎如同利剑般,不断吞吐着锋芒,天生就有一种王者般的气势。 Witnessed that Gold Péng transform enters the step, in quetzalcoatlus two|tael only eyes becomes a dignity immediately, that vision, is regards it thoroughly is the true opponent. But no longer is only the dispensable hindrance, from Yi Tianxing, has felt an intense threat. 目睹金鹏蜕变进阶,风神翼龙眼眸中顿时变得一片凝重,那目光,已经是彻底将它当成是真正的对手。而不再只是可有可无的阻碍,从易天行身上,已经感受到一种强烈的威胁。 That is the death aura. 那是死亡的气息。 Feels truly, once slaughters, Gold Péng has powerful strength that can make itself fatal. 真正感觉到,一旦厮杀起来,金鹏是有着可以让自身致命的强大实力。 Such opponent, if seriously does not treat, oneself will die. 这样的对手,若是不认真对待,自身会死。 Feels this point, quetzalcoatlus did not want to break through the blockade again, kills to the Xuanhuang Town thought that all attention stare completely on Gold Péng. Looks on a that only small golden body, in one's eyes brings the ominous offense and killing intent merely. 感觉到这一点,风神翼龙再没有想要冲破封锁,杀向玄黄镇的念头,所有的注意力全部盯在金鹏身上。看着那仅仅只比自身小上一圈的金色身躯,眼中带着凶戾与杀意 Gold Péng is not ordinary second step ominous beast, but is second step hitting the target King. 金鹏不是普通的二阶凶兽,而是二阶中的王者 This King, is not cultivation base realm, but is bloodline quality step, inborn honored, in the same step, there is an ability that the more step fights, has powerful battle power that suppresses the same step. 这种王者,不是修为境界,而是一种血脉品阶,天生的尊贵,在同阶之中,有越阶而战的能力,有镇压同阶的强大战力 It is also second step hitting the target King. 它也是二阶中的王者 King relative, Quetzalcoatlus King to Gold Péng's killing intent is unable again conceal(mask). As King, has the verbal command many ominous birds abilities inborn, if there is two|tael position King also to appear, is not a friend, that is a mortal enemy. Branches out life and death, can kill the true King dignity. 王者相对,风神翼龙王金鹏的杀意再也无法遮掩。身为王者,天生有号令诸多凶禽的能力,但一旦有王者同时出现,不是朋友,那就是死敌。分出生死,才能杀出自身真正的王者威严。 On quetzalcoatlus, lends earnest aura, its natural disposition is arrogant incomparable, before, even if gathers many ominous birds, actually, in the innermost feelings, basic(ally) has not looked at these ominous birds in the eyeground, cares. Even if by the zither music control of Cai Yan, in the heart is also only shamed angry, regarding Gold Péng, the stance of also by disdaining playing with. 风神翼龙身上,散发出一股认真的气息,它本性就是高傲无比,在之前,哪怕是汇聚诸多凶禽,其实,在内心中,根本就没有将那些凶禽看在眼底,放在心上。哪怕是被蔡琰琴音控制,心中也只是一种被羞辱的恼怒,对于金鹏,也是以一种不屑玩弄的姿态。 But now, it was earnest. 但现在,它要认真了。 Good battle song, a strength of battle song, arrives on 100,000 army sufficiently. In the battle song, inborn has one type to stimulate the mankind courage and uprightness strength, awakens the militant heart of humanity within the body from bloodline. The meaning of Fearless. In this, has to be the Yi Tianxing lord of a town unique charm. Changes a person, is not necessarily able to stimulate so intense battle intent.” “好一部战歌,一首战歌的力量,足以抵的上十万大军。战歌中,天生就有一种激发人类血性的力量,从血脉中唤醒人族体内的好战之心。无畏之意。这里面,同样有着属于易天行一镇之主的独特魅力。换一个人,未必就能激发出如此强烈的战意。” The Jia middle age muttered. 贾姓中年喃喃自语道。 Looked to the Yi Tianxing's vision is satisfied. 看向易天行的目光中越加的感到满意。 But this, makes all foreign race army feel angry thoroughly. 但这一幕,却彻底让所有异族大军感觉到一种恼怒。 The clear feeling, rises dramatically in the strength in the humanity officers and soldiers hand erupting directly. 清晰的感受到,在人族将士们手中爆发出的力量直接暴增。 Projected war arrow is swifter and fiercer fearfully. Let all foreign race feel moves mountains the pressure sweeps across. 射出的战箭更加凌厉可怕。让所有异族都感觉到一股排山倒海般的压力席卷而来。 Damn, can stimulate so intense battle intent unexpectedly. These humanity, cannot stay behind, must die entirely, in this battle song, to our foreign race that is hatred/enemy deep like the sea. It is not you dies is I perishes. Must break through this town.” “该死,竟然还能激发出如此强烈的战意。这些人族,一个都不能留下,通通都要死,这战歌中,对我们异族那可是仇深似海。已经不是你死就是我亡。必须要攻破这座城镇。” The Frost Gnoll King eye pupil contracts fiercely, in the heart has a chill in the air secretly. 冰霜豺狼王眼瞳剧烈收缩,心中暗自生出一丝寒意。 Courts death, humanity on this/should obedient gives us, when blood feed.” “找死,人族就该乖乖的给我们当血食。” double-headed ogre also exudes one to angrily roar. 双头食人魔同样发出一声怒吼。 Carries wolf fang club, again not hesitant, started. 扛着狼牙棒,再没有犹豫,开始动了起来。 This moves, immediately sees, immense body, in ground fast running wildly. Every one step treads in the ground, the entire ground is vibrating, stays behind fierce immense footprints. 这一动,立即就看到,巨大的身躯,在地面快速狂奔。每一步踏在地面上,整个地面都在震动,留下一枚枚狰狞的巨大脚印。 Shoots!!” “射!!” On city wall, archer aim at double-headed ogre the arrow. war arrow cut void like lightning, quickly like lightning. like the rain, one covers double-headed ogre crowded thoroughly. 城墙上,一名名弓箭手纷纷将箭头对准双头食人魔。一根根战箭如闪电般划破虚空,快如闪电。密集如雨,一下就将双头食人魔彻底覆盖在内。 Hē!! 喝! The double-headed ogre under foot does not stop, forwards as before with stride. Looks that sweeps across tally arrow that comes toward oneself, on the face reveals the color of disdaining, a head, sends out big shout toward front, later opened fully that is the big mouth of fang. 双头食人魔脚下毫不停顿,依旧大步向前。看着朝着自己席卷而来的符箭,脸上露出不屑之色,其中一枚头颅,朝着前面发出一声大喝,随后就张开了那满是獠牙的血盆大口。 This, actually appears exceptionally terrifying. 这一张,却显得异常恐怖 That mouth, several times, count the enlargement of 10x unexpectedly, changes into a huge mouth, after opening, like together the immense black hole. Sweeps across war arrow that the front comes, swallows down forcefully. 那张嘴,竟然数倍,数十倍的放大,化为一张巨口,张开后,如同是一道巨大的黑洞。将面前席卷而来的战箭,硬生生一口吞了下去。 After swallowing, that big mouth just now restores such as beginning. 吞进去后,那张大嘴方才恢复如初。 Follows, the opens the mouth spouts foul air(qi). Has scarlet, has blue. As if can see faint trace sparks/Mars in the mouth. 跟着,张口喷出一口浊气。有赤色,有蓝色。似乎能在嘴边看到丝丝火星。 Really suffices the vigor!!” “果然够劲!!” double-headed ogre cracks into a smile, sends out says with a smile ferociously. 双头食人魔咧嘴一笑,发出狞笑道。 He ....... gave to eat these tally arrow unexpectedly completely.” “他.......竟然将那些符箭全部给吃了。” Makes a mistake, these tally arrow, any, has to strike to kill the Divine Sea Realm level the destructive power. Was actually swallowed down by his one. His mouth, how can become that greatly. This is not ordinary big mouth.” “有没有搞错,那些符箭,任何一根,都具有击杀神海境层次的破坏力。却被他一口吞下去了。他的嘴巴,怎么可以变得那么大。这不是普通的大嘴。” This should be some fierce divine ability, can put to count 10x unexpectedly to count 100x the mouth all of a sudden. Swallows all attacks, actually oneself have no damage, this outcome what's the matter.” “这应该是某种厉害的神通,竟然能一下子将嘴巴放到数十倍百倍。一口吞掉所有攻击,竟然自身还没有任何损伤,这究竟是怎么回事。” On city wall, many people saw, cannot bear holds breath at the scene cold air. 城墙上,不少人看到,忍不住当场倒吸一口凉气。 The strength that this double-headed ogre exposes, the first eye, makes one have one to shock merely secretly. war arrow that continuous fire goes out can swallowing down unrestrained/no trace of politeness, this ability, is savage is seriously incomparable. 这尊双头食人魔展露出的力量,仅仅第一眼,就让人暗自生出一丝震撼。连射出去的战箭都能毫不客气的吞下去,这种能力,当真是凶残无比。 devour all attacks of this divine ability absolutely impossible unlimited, but these tally arrow had not just achieved his limit that's all.” The Huang Chengyan eye pupil concentrates, says decisively. “这门神通绝对不可能无限制吞噬一切攻击,只是刚刚那些符箭并没有达到他的极限而已。”黄承彦眼瞳一凝,断然开口说道。 fate aperture Eating Heaven!! 命窍食天!! Once cultivate to pinnacle, this divine ability, even if can swallow down day after day. Uses the heaven and earth myriad things as the food, anything, will be his food, nothing will be unedible. 一旦修炼到极致,这门神通,就算是连天都能一口吞下去。以天地万物为食,任何事物,都将是他的食物,没有什么东西是不能吃的。
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