EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#326: draw a blade

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... Sought the subscription to recommend, had the monthly ticket comes one. Net 【求订阅推荐,有月票的来一张。网 The vision that Cyan Python King in one's eyes reveals is extremely cut-throat, crazy, full is decidedly and fierce. 青蟒王眼中流露出的目光太过凶狠,疯狂,满是决然与狰狞。 How in own Regenerate fate aperture does not have the means to restore to damage presently rapidly, after the body of cutting off heals, immediately knows, oneself in the battlefield, definitely will suffer cataclysm. Only if runs away immediately, otherwise, is impossible to live is leaving from here, the dark step divine ability destructive power, was really strong, powerful arrived sufficiently in the instantaneous decision entire war. 在现自己的再生命窍都没有办法迅恢复咋自身损伤,将斩断的身躯重新愈合后,立即就知道,自己在战场中,必然会遭受劫难。除非是立即逃遁出去,否则,再也不可能活着从这里离开,玄阶神通的破坏力,实在是太强了,强大到足以在瞬间决定整个战局。 After the possibility, not having gone on living. Cyan Python King has nothing again hesitant. 没有活下去的可能后。青蟒王再没有任何犹豫。 Falls on battle lance on previous quarter, within the body qi and blood, directly with a Berserk stance crazy rises suddenly. Does not count the price lets all qi and blood thorough Berserk, infinite qi and blood explodes, this is takes own life strength as the price, the strength of receiving in exchange. 战矛落在身上的前一刻,体内气血,直接以一种狂暴的姿态疯狂的暴涨起来。不计代价的让所有气血彻底狂暴,无穷的气血爆出来,这是以自身的生命力为代价,换取的力量。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! When Cyan Python King inflates to a limit thoroughly. Then like the mountain same body, blasts out loudly. 青蟒王彻底膨胀到一种极限时。那如大山一样的身躯,轰然炸开。 In blast a moment, all flesh, change into the fragment powder in the explosion, changes into the a layer|one level cyan mist to jump to shoot to four sides all directions thoroughly like surging tides, everywhere one visit, the ground thunders fiercely, the innumerable fissures appear unceasingly, spreads to all around at the naked eye visibility. 在炸开的一刹那,所有血肉,在爆炸中化为齑粉,彻底化为一层青色的雾气如潮水般向四面八方迸射出去,所到之处,地面剧烈轰鸣,无数裂痕不断浮现,以肉眼可见度向四周蔓延。 What is most fearful, that cyan mist, everywhere one visit, ground vegetation by inconceivable dries up, all life force were exterminated, seizes, could not find any trace of existence, flying ash annihilate. 最可怕的是,那青色雾气,所到之处,地面草木以不可思议的度枯竭,一切生机都被灭绝,夺走,找不到任何存在的痕迹,飞灰湮灭 No, this is anything.” “不,这是什么东西。” My body, what's all this about, help.” “我的身体,这是怎么回事,救命啊。” Damn Cyan Python King, the caused cyan mist is anything, I felt that life force in within the body is flying to dissipate, passes unceasingly. Really was too fearful. I am dying.” “该死的青蟒王,弄出的青色雾气是什么东西,我感觉到体内的生机在飞消散,不断流逝。实在是太可怕了。我要死了。” Poisonous, this is severe poison.” “有毒,这是剧毒。” Cyan Python King from the cyan mist that exploding produced is really enormous. Moreover, that basic(ally) does not imagine fills ruination from exposing the strength, but is severe poison, extremely fearful severe poison. 青蟒王自爆产生的青色雾气实在是太庞大了。而且,那根本就不想象中充满毁灭性的自曝力量,而是一种剧毒,一种极为可怕的剧毒 Can see, cyan mist everywhere one visit, vegetation withers, exterminates all life force, ogre is covered, ogre pounds the immense body, by visible starts to wither, the flesh vanishes into thin air, reveals clash clash white bone, is killed violently at the scene, what is most fearful, this severe poison, after extinguishing kills ogre, the mist starts to grow unexpectedly. As if ogre, and even is the life regards is a powerful nourishment. 能看到,青色雾气所到之处,草木枯萎,灭绝一切生机,食人魔被笼罩住,食人魔巨大的身躯,以肉眼可见的度开始枯萎,血肉化为乌有,露出铮铮白骨,当场毙命,最可怕的是,这剧毒,在灭杀一名食人魔后,雾气竟然开始增长。似乎将食人魔,乃至是生灵当成是一种强大的养料。 Extinguishes kills the life, 灭杀生灵, Derives the air/Qi of many severe poison. 衍生出更多的剧毒之气。 No matter ogre, is gnoll, even is neighbor massive toxic snake, in this moment, by devour all life force. However, as if only to living life is interested, these death corpse, had not been killed by poison by devour unexpectedly. Covers nothing in the mist. Looks very strange. 不管是食人魔,还是豺狼人,甚至是附近的大量毒蛇,都在这一刻,被吞噬一切生机。不过,似乎只对活着的生命感兴趣,那些原先死亡的尸体,竟然没有被吞噬毒杀。覆盖在雾气中都没有任何事情。看起来很是诡异。 Cyan Python King from exploding extremely sudden, even if with is foreign race army, was covered in the same old way. 青蟒王自爆的太过突然,哪怕是同为异族大军,也照样被覆盖在内。 Large quantities of gnoll, ogre, has the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound in abundance, easily falls from the sky in severe poison. Changes into white bone, life force does not have. 大批豺狼人,食人魔,纷纷出凄厉的惨叫声,在剧毒中轻易陨落。化为白骨,一丝生机都没有。 She from exploding the position, city wall at the gap position that was collapsed, severe poison also covers big piece of city wall, even in spread toward town in the past. Many officers and soldiers, common people, and even is external cultivator, was involved in the mist, has a pitiful yell. fleshly body melts in the mist. Eliminates all life force. 她自爆的位置,更是处在城墙被崩开的缺口位置,剧毒同样覆盖住一大片城墙,甚至是朝着城镇之内蔓延过去。不少将士,百姓,乃至是外来修士,都被卷进雾气中,出一阵惨叫。肉身在雾气中消融。剥夺一切生机 It seems like, very terrifying. 看起来,十分恐怖 Even if has cultivator officers and soldiers to put out various defense talisman, condenses barrier. But that cyan mist, actually as if (similar) seizes every opportunity, penetrates barrier directly, defense talisman, falling easily on the body, with saw that the body by visible melts in the mist unceasingly. 哪怕是有修士将士拿出各种防御符箓,凝聚出结界。可那青色雾气,却仿佛无孔不入,直接穿透结界,防御符箓,轻易的落在身上,跟着就看到身躯在雾气中以肉眼可见的度不断消融。 The picture is quite fearful. 画面相当可怕。 What most terrifying is, devour, the killed by poison life are more, poison mist richer enormous that derives. 恐怖的是,吞噬,毒杀的生灵越多,衍生出的毒雾就更加浓郁庞大 fate aperture regenerate!! 命窍再生!! Poison of Life!! 生命之毒!! This cyan mist, impressively is Cyan Python King within the body implication talent severe poison, severe poison divine ability that derives from Regenerate fate aperture, this time from exploding, not only pounds to integrate in the flesh severe poison in within the body thoroughly, fuses together with the flesh in within the body poisonous pouch thoroughly, is not strong from the destructive power that exploding has, transforms Poison of Life completely. 这一片青色雾气,赫然就是青蟒王体内蕴含的天赋剧毒,是从再生命窍中衍生出的剧毒神通,这次自爆,不仅彻底将体内的剧毒砸融入到血肉中,更是将体内毒囊跟血肉彻底融合在一起,自爆产生的破坏力不强,全部都转变成生命之毒 In Poison of Life, contains fearful characteristics. 生命之毒中,蕴含着一种可怕特性。 Can Power of Life in devour killed by poison living spirit body, changes into the nutrient, transforms new life severe poison quickly. So long as there is life to exist, can fly to expand, the continuous proliferation, changes into the most fearful destructive power. Extinguishes kills all. This is plundering Power of Life. Expands own fearful severe poison, once is unable to contain, conceivable, this nearby region will turn into terrifying life forbidden region thoroughly. 能够吞噬被毒杀的生灵体内的生命之力,化为养分,快转化成新的生命剧毒。只要有生命存在,就可以飞扩张,源源不断的扩散,化为最可怕的破坏力。灭杀一切。这是在掠夺生命之力。壮大自身的可怕剧毒,一旦无法遏制,可以想象,这附近区域都将彻底变成一处恐怖生命禁区 Damn Cyan Python King, this simply is a lunatic, disregarded unexpectedly, dies must make this fearful severe poison. Cannot distinguish friend and foe. This is a lunatic.” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) also cursed one in the heart secretly. “该死的青蟒王,这简直就是个疯子,竟然不管不顾,死了都要弄出这种可怕的剧毒。还是敌我不分的。这是疯子。”魔蝎也不由在心中暗自咒骂一声。 But the body actually does not dare to act rashly. 但身躯却不敢轻举妄动。 The vision always stares, in front that said on the black form, can see, swift and fierce blade intent has dispersed from Fu Hongxue, locked him thoroughly, this locking, was quite fearful, even if were Mo Xie (demon scorpion), was fearful and apprehensive, feels the intense death aura. The vision falls on Fu Hongxue hitting the target that war blade. 目光始终盯在面前的那道黑色身影身上,能看到,一股凌厉的刀意已经从傅红雪身上散出来,彻底将他锁定,这种锁定,极为可怕,哪怕是魔蝎,都是心惊肉跳,感觉到强烈的死亡气息。目光落在傅红雪中的那口战刀上。 The knife places in the scabbard as before. 刀身依旧放在刀鞘中。 Can feel, essence, qi, and spirit, the continuous flooding into scabbard, integrates in the knife like surging tides, swift and fierce blade intent in this process, unceasing condensation, becoming overbearing is more fearful. 只是能感觉到,一股股精气神,如潮水般源源不断的涌入刀鞘,融入到刀身中,一股凌厉的刀意在这过程中,不断的凝聚,变得更加霸道可怕。 Naturally, these gather in the scabbard, in the outside world (external), basic(ally) could not feel. 当然,这些都是汇聚在刀鞘中,在外界,根本就感觉不到。 One powerful threat that but Mo Xie (demon scorpion) can actually transmit from the darkness, detects the terrifying strength in the scabbard containing. 魔蝎却能从冥冥中传递来的一种强大威胁,察觉出刀鞘中蕴含的恐怖力量。 Gathers the potential!! 蓄势!! Fu Hongxue treads every time one step, own imposing manner, condenses toward the scabbard. 傅红雪每踏出一步,自身的气势,都朝着刀鞘中凝聚进去。 Blade Draw, not only the quicker the better, the drawn out frequency the higher the better. That divides the time, divides the section, that type draws out quickly, frequency extremely high Blade Draw, the might naturally has . Moreover, can quickly like the lightning, virtually impossible to guard against, but is actually not the Blade Draw essence. 拔刀术,不仅仅只是越快越好,拔出的频率越高越好。那是分时候,分地段,那种快拔出,频率极高的拔刀术,威力自然是有,而且,能够快如闪电,让人防不胜防,但却并不是拔刀术的精髓。 The true essence, lies in hidden blade sheathes, gathers the potential to sheathe, condenses thoroughly in the scabbard, quenchings blade intent by essence, qi, and spirit, lets its blade intent, is having the instance of sheath, can several times, even is exploding of 10x, a blade cuts, destroy the heavens, extinguish the earth. Sweeps away all obstacles truly. Such blade, is truly irresistible. Destroying the hardest defenses. Such Blade Draw, no one can easily cut. 真正的精髓,在于藏刀入鞘,蓄势入鞘,彻底凝聚在刀鞘中,以精气神淬炼刀意,让本身刀意,在出鞘的瞬间,可以数倍,甚至是十倍的爆,一刀斩出,毁天灭地。真正所向披靡。那样的刀,才是真正势不可挡。无坚不摧。这样的拔刀术,没有谁能够轻易的斩出。 The gathering potential before pulling, time is longer, the might is bigger. 在拔出前的蓄势,时间越长,威力越大。 Even in finally, a blade wields, will completely crush including void. 甚至在最后,一刀挥出,连虚空都会彻底粉碎。 Now, Fu Hongxue hitting the target blade, when seeing Mo Xie (demon scorpion), again without pulling out, step by step close , the dangerous aura that in the Mo Xie (demon scorpion) heart has strong. Feels the threat of immense. 如今,傅红雪中的刀,在看到魔蝎时,再没有拔出来过,一步步靠近,魔蝎心中生出的危险气息就越加的浓烈。感受到巨大的威胁。 Does not make him continue to gather the potential to get down, otherwise, absolutely is not the good deed.” “不让让他继续蓄势下去,要不然,绝对不是什么好事。” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) in one's eyes flashes through wipes with raw hate, Cyan Python King from exploding, double-headed ogre strange death, after Frost Gnoll King caused heavy losses, at the scene runs away, the space, Quetzalcoatlus King with Gold Péng crazy strangling to death together, the cyan storm and golden storm collides again and again, killed inextricably involved. Moreover, as if has under the guidance of consciousness again, the battlefield is separated from Xuanhuang Town unexpectedly unceasingly, shifted the past toward the jungle of distant place. 魔蝎眼中闪过一抹凶狠,青蟒王的自爆,双头食人魔的诡异死亡,冰霜豺狼王被重创后,当场逃遁,天上,风神翼龙王更是与金鹏疯狂的绞杀在一起,青色的风暴与金色风暴连连碰撞,杀的难解难分。而且,似乎再有意识的引导下,战场竟然不断脱离玄黄镇,朝着远处的一片丛林中转移过去。 Large quantities of foreign race army comes to attack Xuanhuang Town, will get so far as so the situation unexpectedly. 一大批异族大军前来攻伐玄黄镇,竟然会弄到如此地步。 This lets in the Mo Xie (demon scorpion) heart gives birth to angry at the same time, there is alarmed and afraid. 这让魔蝎心中生出一丝恼怒的同时,也有一种惊惧。 Does not dare to make Fu Hongxue continue to gather the potential to get down. 再不敢让傅红雪继续蓄势下去。 Kills!!” “杀!!” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) not hesitant, raises the arm, in the hand longspear such as poison dragon sweeps across toward Fu Hongxue, in longspear, disperses swift and fierce spear intent impressively. That spear intent, making people feel that fierce poison dragon, makes threatening gestures air-splitting, sweeps across to come, that spear intent, sinister ruthless certainly, the spear/gun leaves like the dragon. Among a blink, on as if (similar) can only see that poison dragon sweeps across heaven and earth. Vertically and horizontally/Able to move unhindered battlefield. 魔蝎没有犹豫,振臂间,手中长枪如一条毒龙般朝着傅红雪席卷过去,在长枪中,赫然散出一股凌厉的枪意。那枪意,让人感觉到一条狰狞的毒龙破空而出,张牙舞爪,席卷而来,那股枪意,毒辣狠绝,枪出如龙。一眨眼间,就仿佛只能看到一条毒龙席卷天地。纵横战场。 Cuts!!” “斩!!” In Fu Hongxue eyes jumps projects together swift and fierce killing intent, war blade, cuns (2.5 cm) draws out from the scabbard. This process, as if can let everyone clear seeing, probably extremely slow. 傅红雪眼眸中迸射出一道凌厉的杀意,战刀,一寸寸的从刀鞘中拔出。这过程,似乎可以让每一个人清晰的看到,好像极为的缓慢。 But in the instance of pulling, can see, swift and fierce blade intent jumps to shoot from the knife, blade light that blooms, in this moment, so dazzling, as if (similar) basic(ally) does not have the means to look straight ahead that war blade. One staring to be the same by fearful toxic snake on as if (similar). All over the body lives coldly. 但在拔出的瞬间,能看到,一股凌厉的刀意从刀身中迸射而出,绽放出的刀光,在这一刻,是如此的刺眼,仿佛根本就没有办法直视那柄战刀。自身就仿佛是被可怕的毒蛇给盯上一样。遍体生寒。 The blade is not thorough the sheath, blade intent, has passed through heaven and earth directly. The blood cloud of top of the head was twisted the fragment at the scene. 刀没有彻底出鞘,一股刀意,已经直接贯穿天地。头顶的血云都被当场绞成碎片。 The knife draws out one inch every time, in blade intent that on war blade condenses rich fearful, swift and fierce, astonishing, almost in in a flash, draws out longblade a moment, this blade intent has risen dramatically to one tribulation blade intent peak realm thoroughly, is close from two tribulations blade intent, even is indistinct within, has touched the two tribulations blade intent boundary thoroughly. 刀身每拔出一寸,在战刀上所凝聚出的刀意就越加的浓郁可怕,越加的凌厉,越加的惊人,几乎在刹那间,拔出长刀一刹那,这股刀意已经彻底飙升到一劫刀意巅峰境界,距离二劫刀意不过咫尺之遥,甚至是隐约间,已经彻底触摸到二劫刀意的界限。 kā chā!! 咔嚓!! immense blade light brings certainly strong blade intent, by indescribable cut, slow that seems like, this is misconception that's all of naked eye, that blade, actually already quickly to astounding situation. 巨大刀光带着绝强的刀意,以无法形容的度斩了出去,那看起来的缓慢,这是肉眼的错觉而已,那刀,实则已经快到令人惊骇的地步。 In this moment, in the battlefield, large quantities of cultivator only feel, jet black poison dragon roared is sweeping across to come, with, immense war blade divided to cut toward poison dragon. 在这一刻,战场上,大批修士只感觉到,一条漆黑的毒龙咆哮着席卷而来,跟着,一柄更加巨大战刀朝着毒龙劈斩下去。 In clear sound, that poison dragon in front of war blade, seems like the loach to be the same, easily cut off, cuts the two|tael truncation, irresistible continues to divide to cut toward the front. 一声清脆的响声中,那条毒龙战刀面前,就好像是泥鳅一样,轻易被斩断,斩成截,势不可挡的朝着前方继续劈斩下去。 blade intent endless, point not. 刀意无尽,锋芒不尽。 No spoken language can describe that the rapidness of this blade, hates, certainly. 没有任何言语能形容这一刀的快,恨,绝。 But in this blade light, does not have the indication, a jet black scorpion tail by more inconceivable, wields air-splitting. Cuts void, cunning avoids the blade light angle. 而就在这刀光中,毫无征兆的,一条漆黑的蝎尾以更加不可思议的度,破空挥出。划破虚空,刁钻的避开刀光的角度。 Bang!! 砰!! In the battlefield, thunders fiercely. 战场上,一阵剧烈轰鸣。 Only saw, Mo Xie (demon scorpion) body high in the sky departs backward, pounds layer on layer/heavily on the ground, in its, when does not know, appears a layer|one level jet black divine light, covers the whole body, encounters with blade intent, that matter divine light at the scene collapse, but blade intent was also obliterated most. Cuts on the body, can see, together blood light from flying on Mo Xie (demon scorpion) jumps to shoot. 只看到,魔蝎的身躯向后凌空飞出,重重砸在地上,在其身上,不知道何时,浮现出一层漆黑的神光,笼罩全身,与刀意交锋,那层神光当场破灭,可刀意也被磨灭大半。斩在身上,能看到,一道血光从飞出去的魔蝎身上迸射而出。
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