EFK :: Volume #6

#21 Part 2: Conflict

The wandering witch said, then no longer responds Tenzō and the others, but arrives in front of the warrior who had not died, treats them with medical ninjutsu, a leniency holy facial expression. 云游巫女说完,便不再搭理天藏等人,而是走到没有死掉的武士面前,用医疗忍术对他们进行治疗,一副慈悲为怀的圣洁神情。 Captain Yamato, is actually this how a matter?” 大和队长,这究竟是怎么一回事?” Sakura puzzled asking. 小樱不解的问道。 Always feels here atmosphere, after two wandering witches come out, becomes very strange. 总觉得这里的氛围,在两名云游巫女出来后,变得十分古怪。 Soldiers of these difficulty-relief, incomparably vigilant is staring at them, they will for fear that disturb to be the same here. 那些脱困的士兵,无比警惕的盯着他们,生怕他们会在这里捣乱一样。 Moreover attacked the Daimyō mansion warrior, added how this was the housework of country's of pond...... said somewhat was strange. 而且袭击了大名府的武士,还说这是池之国的家务事……怎么说都有些诡异。 It‘s nothing, we walk.” “没什么,我们走吧。” Tenzō shakes the head, in which inside story he does not know is anything, but in brief, disagreement/not with Land of Demons the person in the duty has the relations as far as possible, is the best choice. 天藏摇了摇头,其中的内情他也不知是什么,但总之,在任务中尽量不和鬼之国的人扯上关系,是最好的选择。 He had not planned for meaning that these warriors raise one's head, but is worried about Naruto, he has no other choice but to ask about the situation. 况且,他本来也没打算替这些武士出头的意思,只是担心鸣人,他才不得已询问一下情况。 Since is related with Land of Demons, necessity that has not inquired. 既然和鬼之国有关,那就没有询问下去的必要了。 Leaves this place is apt to get into trouble as soon as possible is the best plan. 尽早离开这种是非之地才是上策。 Team leader said well, not mind others' business to wonderfully. Stared by the Land of Demons person, matter becomes very troublesome.” “队长说得不错,还是不要多管闲事为妙。被鬼之国的人盯上,事情会变得十分麻烦。” Sai took a fast look around one toward the position of wandering witch, in the eye revealed to be vigilant the color. 左井朝着云游巫女的位置扫视了一眼,眼睛里露出警惕之色。 The intuition told him, the wandering witch appeared here, was not accidentally. 直觉告诉他,云游巫女出现在这里,绝不是偶然。 But because lacks the information, they do not know that specifically what happened. 但由于缺乏情报,他们也不知道具体发生了什么事。 Country harbor situated in the pond, the iron armor battleship that a steel construction becomes, in large number of ships, incomparably anchors in the sea level strikingly. 位于池之国港口,一艘钢铁建造而成的铁甲战舰,在大量的船只中,无比醒目停泊在海面上。 In the deck of battleship, Kazuhime is taking a single barrel military telescope, is taking a fast look around the country of national capital pond, is at present the complete picture of this port city. 战舰的甲板上,一姬正拿着一支单筒的军用望远镜,扫视着池之国国都,也就是眼前这座港口城市的全貌。 But the Daimyō mansion of country's of pond establishes in the center of city, is an incomparably grand castle, it stands tall and erect the gorgeous pavilion in castle, became the port city most striking building. 而池之国的大名府则是建立于城市的中心,是一座无比宏伟的城堡,其高耸在城堡中的华美楼阁,成了港口城市最为醒目的建筑物。 Stands in that place, similarly can embrace in own field of vision the complete picture of entire city, is the excellent admiring the scenery position. 站在那种地方,同样可以将整个城市的全貌揽到自己的视野之中,是个绝佳的欣赏风景位置。 Transmitted the sound, Land of Demons Jōnin that puts on Chakra armor arrived here. 身后传来了声响,一名穿着查克拉铠甲的鬼之国上忍来到这里。 Sir Kazuhime.” 一姬大人。” „Did that side army concentrate?” “那边的部队集中起来了吗?” Kazuhime has not put down the telescope in hand , to continue to look out the Daimyō mansion highest place garret, needs several shells in the ponder, can regard the beautiful fireworks to bleed off that pavilion. 一姬没有放下手里的单筒望远镜,继续瞭望着大名府的最高处阁楼,在思考需要几颗炮弹,能把那座楼阁当成美丽的烟花放掉。 Like this magnificence, puts in the high place, has the building of important authority symbolic significance, in her opinion, is stands erect the best target. 像这种华丽,置于高处,又具有重要权威象征意义的建筑物,在她看来,就是竖立起来最佳的靶子。 Yes.” Puts on Land of Demons Jōnin nodded of Chakra armor , to continue to report saying: „, According to the information that we obtain, country of Daimyō pond to Konohagakure has so requested reinforcements incessantly. Whether needs......” “是的。”穿着查克拉铠甲的鬼之国上忍点了点头,继续汇报道:“不止如此,根据我方得到的情报,池之国大名已经向木叶忍者村求援。是否需要……” Does not need to block on the road specially, how is casual they to act. Konoha shinobi, will not begin with us here. Moreover, perhaps they country Daimyō meeting with the pond, our here deployment have not completed.” “不用特意在路上阻击,随便他们怎么行动吧。木叶忍者,不会在这里和我们动手。而且,也许他们还没有和池之国大名会面,我们这边的部署就已经完成。” Kazuhime put down the telescope in hand, has the sea breeze of chill in the air to sway to come from the distant place, brings a cold current, but Kazuhime not cares a whoop to this chill in the air. 一姬放下了手里的望远镜,带有寒意的海风从远处吹拂而来,也带来一股寒流,但一姬对这点寒意丝毫不在意。 Informs, 10 : 00 pm, making them break through the Daimyō mansion. If Konoha Shinobi really plans to involve, us will also take the corresponding measure, helping them intercept Konoha shinobi.” “通知下去吧,今天晚上十点,让他们把大名府攻破。如果木叶忍者真的打算介入,我们这边也会采取相应的措施,帮他们把木叶忍者拦截住。” Yes!” “是!” Land of Demons Jōnin nods, subpoenaed the order of Kazuhime. 鬼之国上忍点头,下去传唤一姬的命令。
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