EFK :: Volume #6

#21 Part 1: Conflict

The country of pond, in the forest of open country. 池之国,野外的森林里。 The group stop here temporarily, sits down regarding a stretch of open area. 一行人在这里暂作停留,围绕着一片空地坐下。 Sees bonfire that burns, Sakura 2-3 grill, by skilled technique on the bonfire, again using the technique of similarly skilled, caught Naruto and Sai, cleaned the clean fish, fled with wooden club, placed on the grill to conduct the roasting. 见到燃烧起来的篝火,小樱2-3就将烤架,以熟练的手法架在了篝火上,再以同样熟练的手法,将鸣人和左井捕捉回来,清洗干净的鱼,用木棍子窜起,放在烤架上进行烘烤。 Before long, the meat fragrance of fish meat, then scatters in the air, making regarding by Naruto in grill, the belly cluck cry out. 不一会儿,鱼肉的肉香味,便飘散在空气中,让围绕在烤架旁的鸣人,肚子咕咕的叫唤了起来。 „Didn't Sakura, have? This was also too slow.” 小樱,还没有好吗?这也太慢了吧。” Belly hungry cluck Naruto, could not have waited to want the grilled fish that eats Sakura to roast personally. 肚子已经饿的咕咕叫的鸣人,已经等不及想要吃上小樱亲自烤的烤鱼了。 However regarding the performance that Naruto is irritable, Sakura to him turned Byakugan| white eyes, said: „, left Liao has not been scattering early. Also, you were also too impatient, the grilled fish will not run away.” 然而对于鸣人急躁的表现,小樱只是对他翻了个白眼,说道:“早着呢,还有左料没有撒上去。再说,你也太心急了吧,烤鱼又不会自己跑掉。” But, my belly hungry flat.” “可是,我的肚子已经饿扁了啊。” Naruto is touching as if withered belly, the body only wears four corner/horn big underpants, the coat and coat also has the pants, because launching fished had all fallen wet, one side is placing on the simple clothes rack that used the wood to club, baked with the fire. 鸣人抚摸着彷佛干瘪的肚子,身上只穿着一件四角的大裤衩,上衣、外套还有裤子,因为下水捕鱼已经全部湿掉了,正放在一旁用木棍打起来的简易衣架上,用火烘烤。 Incessantly so, Sai is also same dressing up, the clothes places nearby roasting, strives to get rid of earlier. 不止如此,左井也是同样的装扮,衣服放在一旁烘烤,争取早点干掉。 Really is, if not because you drew several bellies in midway, wasted a lot of time, we have accepted the supplies to the cities now, where serves a need to dine in the open country.” “真是的,如果不是因为你中途拉了好几次肚子,浪费了不少时间,我们现在早就到城镇接受补给了,哪用得着在野外用餐。” The Sakura tone complained. 小樱语气埋怨起来。 Haha.” Naruto awkward flexure scratched the head: This is the factor of force majeure.” “哈哈。”鸣人尴尬的挠了挠头:“这是不可抗力的因素啦。” In this time, Tenzō from the shrubbery, is seeing that the Naruto three people safe and uneventful sit here, nodded. 正在这时,天藏从灌木丛中走了过来,看到鸣人三人安然无事在这里坐着,点了点头 Captain Yamato, surrounding situation how?” 大和队长,周围的情况如何?” Sakura proficiently utilizes itself in the barbecue technology of own roast meat shop learned, while talked to Tenzō. 小樱一边熟练运用自己在自家烤肉店学会的烤肉技术,一边向天藏搭话。 Relax, warning line already prepare, if there is any sound, my here will be vigilant ahead of time.” “放心吧,警戒线已经布置好了,如果有什么动静,我这边会提前警觉。” Because several months ago Naruto was once abducted, therefore comes out to carry out the task now each time, particularly holds in the open country, Tenzō incomparable vigilance arranges the warning line in the surroundings, preventing some people to come the attack. 因为几个月前鸣人曾遭人掳走,所以如今每次出来执行任务,尤其是在野外暂留,天藏都会无比警觉的在周围布置警戒线,防止有人过来袭击。 Even Naruto because of the beforehand matter, had been attacked strictly trains, enhanced itself regarding the induction ability of danger, but cannot feel the general idea/careless as before. 即使鸣人因为之前的事情,已经受到严格的突袭训练,提高了自己对于危险的感应能力,但依旧不能够对此感到大意。 Once Jinchūriki stared, that means that stares at Naruto shinobi, the strength is absolutely unusual, needs seriously to treat. 一旦人柱力被人盯上,那就意味着盯上鸣人忍者,实力绝对非同一般,需要认真对待。 Said, Captain Yamato, after this time goes back, should be able to raise the task difficulty. The C level duty has done greasily, does not pursue the wild animal, escorts the important person, always feels does not have any challenging.” “说起来,大和队长,这次回去后,应该可以提升一下任务难度了吧。C级任务已经做腻了啊,不是驱逐野兽,就是护送要人,总觉得没有什么挑战性。” Sees Tenzō to come back, Naruto starts to explain own demand. 见到天藏回来,鸣人开始说明自己的诉求。 Hopes the opposite party can advise to Tsunade there, improves the seventh class of task difficulty. 希望对方能够到纲手那里进言,提高一下第七班的任务难度。 With the fast rise of strength, Naruto already the duty of dissatisfied C level rank. 随着实力的快速提升,鸣人已经不满足C级级别的任务。 After all oneself half year, in the laborious training, is clenching teeth to complete the security training of above arrangement, the taijutsu ability, significantly promotes, Chakra's control skill, promotes day by day, now urgently needed true battlefield, experiments the present strength. 毕竟自己这半年来,都在辛辛苦苦的训练,咬着牙做完了上面安排的警戒训练,体术能力,也大幅度提升,查克拉的控制技巧,也是日益增进,如今急需真正的战场,来试验自己如今的实力。 Naruto, you me told that this matter is also useless, finally next what decides is Hokage-sama.” 鸣人,你跟我说这件事也没什么用,最终下决定的是火影大人。” Tenzō helpless smiling. 天藏无奈的笑了笑。 But, Grandma Tsunade said that must obtain the approval of your Jōnin thoroughly, can carry out very difficult task.” “可是,纲手婆婆说要彻底得到你这位上忍的认可,才能去执行更高难度的任务。” Naruto discontented drop gu gets up. 鸣人不满的滴咕起来。 Hey, Naruto, that is Hokage-sama, your always mother-in-law is calling, was too disrespectful.” “喂,鸣人,那是火影大人,你总是婆婆的叫着,也太失礼了吧。” Sakura has turned the head, is blaming to Naruto. 小樱转过头,对着鸣人责备起来。 But, she was also the 50-year-old person, and lascivious immortal was equally big, what wasn't mother -in-law is?” “可是,她也是50多岁的人了吧,和好色仙人一样大,不是婆婆是什么?” Naruto is tilting the head, doubts looks to Sakura. 鸣人歪着头,疑惑的看向小樱 After all his name to Third Hokage, is Grandpa Hokage, is called mother -in-law is also no different present Hokage. 毕竟他对三代火影的叫法,也是火影爷爷,把现在的火影叫做婆婆也没什么不同。 In his eyes, in this mean lifetime generally less than 40 time, 在他眼里,在这个平均寿命普遍不足四十的时代, Tsunade has the 50-year-old age, is the real long-lived person. Be that as it may, that is also Hokage-sama, this name best change.” 纲手有着50多岁的年龄,已经算是货真价实的长寿老人了。“话虽如此,那也是火影大人,这种叫法最好改一改。” The Sakura headache looks at Naruto. 小樱头疼看着鸣人 In Konoha, only then this fellow dares such recklessly the unseemly behavior. 木叶之中,也只有这家伙敢这么肆意妄为了。 Ok, do not quarrel, then dines. This time duty was laborious you, received to arrive in the cities to occupy an evening, the hot spring of this country was very famous.” “好了,你们两个不要吵了,接下来还是用餐吧。这次的任务辛苦你们了,接下来到城镇上居住一晚,这个国家的温泉还是很出名的。” Tenzō prevented two people, said with a smile. 天藏阻止了二人,笑着说道。 The grilled fish on grill has roasted, may open eats. 烤架上的烤鱼已经烤好了,可开吃了。 Good, can rest finally.” “太好了,总算是可以休息一下了。” Naruto called happily. 鸣人高兴的叫了起来。 This time duty is to escort a caravan, the security arrives in the country of harbor country of neighboring country drenching pond, because of being far away, is a simple C level duty, in this period the robber, 2-3 levelled directly. Therefore during the duty, is very tastelessly arid most of the time, does not hurry along to hurry along, without the least bit exciting fight happened, making Naruto not raise completely vigorously. 这次的任务是护送一支商队,安全抵达池之国邻国淋之国港口,因为路途遥远,还是一个简单的C级任务,期间遇到的强盗,2-3就直接摆平。所以在任务期间,大多时候都很枯燥乏味,不是赶路就是赶路,没有半点刺激的战斗发生,让鸣人完全提不起劲来。 Tenzō sees the Naruto happy appearance, secretly forced smile, knows that the opposite party a little harbored evil thoughts recently, after all this idea, he had also had in the past. 天藏看到鸣人高兴的样子,不禁暗自苦笑,也知道对方最近有点憋坏了,毕竟这种想法,他过去也有过。 Practices with great difficulty, is normal shinobi wants to look for an appropriate stage, gave full play by oneself, enjoys many things around a center treatment well. 好不容易修炼有成,是一个正常忍者都想要找一个合适的舞台,让自己大展身手,好好享受一下众星捧月般的待遇。 However now Tenzō does not think, he had experienced this life, in addition the Anbu responsibility, is primarily is not high-profile. 然而如今天藏不这么想了,他已经经历了这段人生,加上暗部的职责,都是以不张扬为主。 The duty arid tasteless is the good deed, any shinobi that has certain story, hopes the duty that oneself carry out, successfully is accomplished, best is the journey is uneventful, rather than like of Naruto expectation, some innumerable powerful enemies blocks the road, seeks for the pleasure in the journey, that will make the Jōnin direct headache of leading die. 任务枯燥乏味是好事,凡是有一定阅历的忍者,都希望自己执行的任务,是顺顺利利完成,最好是路途风平浪静,而不是如同鸣人期望的那样,有无数强敌阻路,在路途上寻找乐子,那会让带队的上忍直接头疼死。 When four people are eating the grilled fish, sits in stone head Tenzō, suddenly frowns, the mouth is chewing the movement of fish meat, stopped slowly. 就在四人吃着烤鱼的时候,坐在一块石头上的天藏,忽然间皱起了眉头,嘴里嚼着鱼肉的动作,也慢慢停了下来。 Team leader, how?” “队长,怎么了?” Sai first detected that the difference on Tenzō face, opens the mouth to ask. 左井最先察觉到天藏脸上的异样,开口问道。 Saw only Tenzō to jump down from the stone, put down the grilled fish in hand, the vision swept to the forest deep place, the vision was deep and quiet, the appearance on face filled dignifiedly, probably discovered what general. 只见天藏从石头上跳了下来,放下了手里的烤鱼,目光扫向森林的深处,目光幽邃,脸上的神采充满了凝重,像是发现了什么一般。 Captain Yamato?” 大和队长?” Naruto and Sakura also looked, blinks. 鸣人小樱也望了过来,眨了眨眼睛。 Some people touched me the warning line that arranges in the surroundings......” “有人触动了我在周围布置的警戒线……” Saying, Tenzō is making Sai help grasp own grilled fish, the whole person lies to bend down, ear light by ground, seems listening respectfully to anything. 说着,天藏让左井帮忙拿住自己的烤鱼,整个人趴伏下来,将耳朵轻靠在地面上,彷佛在聆听什么。 Afterward he stretches out a finger, on the finger presents a section of finger width the wooden staff, drills into the land, breaks ground to enter. 随后他伸出一根手指,指头上出现一截指头宽度的木条,钻入土地之中,破土进入。 Approximately passed for several seconds, Tenzō stands up, the facial expression on face was more stern. 大约过去了几秒时间,天藏重新站起身,脸上的神情更加严峻了。 In the east side, there had the fight . Moreover the population are many.” “在东边,那里发生了战斗,而且人数不少。” When is saying, bang the loud sound, transmits from the distant place. 正说之际,一声轰隆的巨响,从远处传来。 East side that the position of acoustic source, Tenzō refers. 声源的方位,正是天藏所指的东边。 The intense flame shoots up to the sky, emits the billowing black smoke, scatters all of a sudden the chill in the air in forest. 激烈的火焰冲天而起,冒出滚滚黑烟,将森林里的寒意一下子驱散开来。 Ground after the explosive sound, after slow several seconds, had the vibration, Naruto their here also came under some influences. 地面在爆炸声后,迟缓了几秒后,产生了震动,就连鸣人他们这里也受到了些许影响。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Naruto looks surprised to the fire forest position, reveals the surprised color. 鸣人吃惊看向着火的森林位置,露出惊讶之色。 This explosive sound, is not explosive tag...... sounds seems like......” “这种爆炸声,不是起爆符……听上去好像是……” The sound that although explodes, draws close to with explosive tag, words that but distinguishes carefully, has the significant difference, Sai judged. 尽管爆炸的声响,与起爆符贴近,但仔细分辨的话,还是有着明显的区别,左井判断了出来。 ...... …… In the forest resounded the fighting sound. 森林里响起了械斗声。 both sides wear the unified clothing, a side is primarily the warrior, is grasping the katana of cutting iron like mud, the other side is puts on the standard actually to give people simple a withering wind the sergeant clothing, although the waist is wearing the saber, but in the hand takes can actually launch the kunai kunai spear/gun. 双方都穿着统一的服装,其中一方以武士为主,手持着削铁如泥的武士刀,另一方则是穿着制式简朴却给人一种肃杀之风的军士服装,虽然腰间佩戴着军刀,但是手中拿着的却是能够发射苦无苦无枪。 «Above sky» 《高天之上》 Only in a flash, launches several kunai from the muzzle, such as like lightning lasing to warrior. 仅一瞬间,就从枪口中发射出数支苦无,如闪电般激射向武士。 But this is only one person, by dozens people of launching spear/gun, in a flash, then several hundred kunai such as the black raindrop, forms the net of intensive slaughtering, explodes kills, but, does not have the slight indication. 而这只是一人,由数十人展开的枪阵,一瞬间,便有数百的苦无如黑色的雨点,形成密集的杀戮之网,爆杀而至,没有丝毫征兆。 Warriors by fast movement, keen vision, dodges kunai that the lasing comes, while brandishes the katana in hand, initiates the charge forward. 武士们凭借迅捷的身法,还有敏锐的视力,一边闪躲激射而来的苦无,一边挥舞手中的武士刀,向前发起冲锋。 Doton (Earth Style) crack earth transfers the palm!” 土遁・裂土转掌!” Grasps the soldier of kunai spear/gun, one of them lays down the kunai spear/gun in hand suddenly, but is both hands ties seal, displays Doton (Earth Style) Ninjutsu. 手持苦无枪的士兵,其中一人忽然放下手里的苦无枪,而是双手结印,施展土遁忍术 The ground crashes, the warriors immediately under foot that goes forward to charge courageous, body cannot help but with the land cracks, starts to incline. 地面勐地崩塌,上前冲锋的武士们立马脚下一空,身体不由自主的随着土地崩裂,开始倾斜。 But kunai not as their battle formation confusions, stop killing. 苦无并不会随着他们脚下的阵势混乱,就停止射杀。 As rather, their lands crack, the soldiers killed the mood of warrior more intense. 不如说,随着他们脚下的土地崩裂,士兵们射杀武士的情绪更加强烈了。 Don't be upset! Everyone pays attention to the under foot!” “不要慌!所有人注意脚下!” Although the shinobi strength is strong, but serves in country Daimyō them, every people is the outstanding person in warrior, common shinobi wants to rely on this method to take them, rather a little extremely overreaches oneself. 忍者的实力虽然强劲,但是侍奉于一国大名的他们,每一人都是武士中的佼佼者,寻常忍者想要凭借这种手段拿下他们,未免有点太过不自量力。 This time, shinobi is a powerhouse right, the warrior strength of but going down in the world, can maintain certain position as before. 这个时代,忍者是强者没错,但落魄的武士力量,依旧能够保持一定的地位。 But powerful warrior, even if Jōnin, can strike to kill by the exquisite sabreplay. 而强大的武士,哪怕是上忍,也能够以精湛的刀术击杀。 , In the sky resounded the sound of resting courageous, the warriors look up. 勐地,天空中响起了休的声响,武士们抬头看去。 Several like the fireworks the projectile that launches from the deep woods, mixes in kunai the net of slaughtering, flies to fall to them. 几颗如同烟花从森林深处发射过来的弹丸,混在苦无的杀戮之网中,飞落到他们这边。 The sound that as the card observes, on the projectile covers one also to want the blazing ray compared with the sunlight in an instant. 随着卡察的声响,弹丸上刹那间蒙上一层比太阳光还要炽烈的光芒。 Suddenly, the weather dyes silver white. 一时间,天色染成一片银白。 The eyes of warriors, were separated from maintenance with the field of vision. 武士们的眼睛,与视野脱离了维系。 Oh no! 糟糕! In warriors heart only then this idea. 武士们心中只有这个想法。 Has not waited for them to evacuate, bang a loud sound, explodes in them, interrupted their consciousness, warrior who exploded shock-wave affects, in disarray tumbles on the ground. 还未等他们撤离,轰隆一声巨响,在他们之中爆炸开来,打断了他们的意识,被爆炸的冲击波波及到的武士,七倒八歪的在地上翻滚。 kunai air-splitting sound that just the standing up body, rested until. 刚刚站起身子,休休的苦无破空声及至。 The sharp blade pierces their flesh, the blood spurts, making them exude the frigid yawp. 利刃刺穿他们的血肉,鲜血飞洒,让他们发出惨烈至极的叫喊声。 Such pitiful yell sound continuously, serves in the Daimyō elite warrior army, in this endless method in view of below, its appearance of struggling is very embarrassed. 这样的惨叫声此起彼伏,侍奉于大名的精锐武士部队,在这种层出不穷的手段针对下,其挣扎的样子无比难堪。 Continued one minute of bombing and kunai explodes kills, in the battlefield was only left over one piece in confusion, but can also maintain the sober warrior, less than ten 12, even if can also stand, battle efficiency still very emaciated, without strength of resistance. 持续了一分钟的轰炸和苦无爆杀,战场上只剩下了一片狼藉,还能保持清醒的武士,不足十之一二,但即使还能站起来,战斗力也十分孱弱,没有反抗的力量。 Defeats the soldiers of warrior army, going forward captures the warrior who this crowd had not died, according to the above view, this is the precious labor forces, in the future the building roads founding of the nation important matter of country's of pond, must depend on them. 打败武士部队的士兵们,上前俘虏这群没有死掉的武士,按照上面的说法,这都是宝贵的劳动力,未来池之国的修路建国大计,都要靠他们了。 Although above once instructed, so long as the enemy has not put down the weapon, then cannot bleed off an effective strength. 尽管上面曾指示,只要敌人没有放下武器,那么就不能放掉一个有生力量。 But can under the premise of guarantee one's own side safety, capture the effective strength of enemy as far as possible, cannot have the tiny bit waste. 但能在保证己方安全的前提下,尽可能俘虏敌军的有生力量,不能够有一丝一毫的浪费。 But the present situation is very obvious, their here wins total victories, even if the warriors can also pant for breath, still lost the strength of resistance, is the most appropriate labor force. 而如今的局势很明显,他们这边大获全胜,武士们即使还能喘息,也失去了反抗的力量,是最合适不过的劳动力。 Thinks to keep aloof, bluffs and blusters the warrior who to them with the aristocrat and is domineering and tyrannical together, now becomes their captives, the soldiers are very excited. 想到过去高高在上,与贵族一同向他们耀武扬威、横行霸道的武士,如今成为了他们的阶下之囚,士兵们都十分兴奋。 Hey, are you doing? Stops to me quickly!” “喂,你们在干什么?快给我住手!” The sudden sound, making the soldiers of going forward one startled, had not realized completely some people will be close to here. 突然出现的声音,让上前的士兵们一惊,完全没意识到有人会接近这里。 Saw that a person's shadow of yellow hair flushed together, some soldiers touch off the trigger of kunai spear/gun subconsciously, launches from the muzzle kunai. 看到一道一头黄色头发的人影冲了出来,其中一些士兵下意识的扣动苦无枪的扳机,将苦无从枪口发射出去。 However although the speed of kunai launch is fast, but Naruto was hid with ease, whatever carried wind attribute Chakra's kunai, pierced his behind trees, had not had the trend of stopping. 然而苦无发射的速度虽快,但鸣人还是轻松的躲了过去,任由携带风属性查克拉的苦无,洞穿了他身后的一棵树木,仍未有停下的趋势。 „Who you are, how to appear here?” “你是什么人,怎么会出现在这里?” This thinks that the support of Daimyō mansion, sees Naruto finally that different in the Daimyō mansion the clothing of warrior and mansion soldier, when head shinobi headband, the team leader of lead relaxes. 本以为大名府的支援,结果看到鸣人那迥异于大名府武士和府兵的服装,以及头上的忍者护额时,领头的队长松了口气。 I am Konoha shinobi, what do you make here? They should not be the robbers, why massacres here mutually?” “我是木叶忍者,你们在这里做什么?他们应该不是强盗吧,为什么在这里互相残杀?” Sees to fall on the warrior of ground, some warrior forever deep sleep in the past, some warriors suffocated, the appearance was quite pitiful, making Naruto see, very did not endure, therefore interrogated to the soldiers. 看到倒在地上的武士,有些武士永远的沉睡了过去,有些武士奄奄一息,样子极为凄惨,让鸣人看到后十分不忍,于是向士兵们质问起来。 What relations this and your does Konoha Shinobi have? Makes way, otherwise attacks including you together!” “这和你们木叶忍者有什么关系?让开,否则连你一起攻击!” The soldier team leader walked, confronts with Naruto, in the eye is glittering the severe ray. 士兵队长走了出来,与鸣人对峙,眼睛里闪烁着严厉的光芒。 Saying, the soldier team leader behind soldier, uniform the kunai spear/gun in hand, aimed at Naruto completely, can launch the offensive of blotting out the sky momentarily. 说着,士兵队长身后的士兵,整齐划一的将手里的苦无枪,全部指向了鸣人,随时可以发动铺天盖地的攻势。 In the Naruto heart is also one tight, kunai spear/gun type of thing he knows. 鸣人心中也是一紧,苦无枪这种东西他知道。 When the shinobi school, there are has introduced this type of weapon. 忍者学校时,有过介绍这种武器。 kunai that in this type of firearms carries, is the use can conduct Chakra's metal smelting, in the firearms also disposes one type of attachment Chakra the system that is kunai attaches wind attribute Chakra, lets the average person who even cannot control Chakra, can still use this type of weapon at will, attacks powerful existence. 这种枪械中搭载的苦无,是利用可以传导查克拉的金属冶炼而成,枪械中还配置一种为苦无附着风属性查克拉的附着查克拉系统,让即便是不能操控查克拉的普通人,也可以随意使用这种武器,来攻击远比自己强大的存在。 Even if shinobi, under intense attack, is hard to move aside. 哪怕是忍者,在密集的攻击下,也难以躲闪。 Is one has the epoch-making nature automatic crossbow weapon. 是一件极具划时代性质的‘自动弩’武器。 But the might, speed, firing distance and accurate attack, must go far beyond the automatic crossbow, carrying is more convenient than the automatic crossbow. 但攻击的威力、速度、射程、精准度,要远远超过自动弩,携带还比自动弩方便。 If so many people launch kunai in kunai spear/gun together, even Naruto, must spend a hands and feet. 如果这么多人一起发射苦无枪中的苦无,即便是鸣人,也要费一番手脚。 Let alone, he felt incomparably bone-chilling cold murderous aura from this army, elite team that this absolute has experienced many bloody battles! 何况,他从这支部队上感受到了无比凛冽的杀气,这绝对一支经历过多场血战的精英队伍! Even if facing shinobi, without slight timid, what thought is how to defeat and strike to kill the opposite party. 哪怕是面对忍者,也没有丝毫的胆怯,想的是怎么击败和击杀对方。 Wood Style four column firm techniques!” 木遁・四柱牢之术!” With this sound, a lot of columnar woods raise up from the ground neatly, a giant wooden jail is forming instantaneously, the soldier teams leader and his behind dozens soldiers, detains in the wood/blockhead jail. 伴随着这道声音,大量的柱状木头从地面整齐竖起,一个巨大的木制监牢在瞬间形成,将士兵队长和他身后的数十名士兵,圈禁在木头监牢之中。 Tenzō leads Sakura and Sai arrives at side Naruto, displays Ninjutsu Tenzō. 天藏带着小樱和左井二人来到鸣人身边,施展忍术的正是天藏 Tenzō swept a warrior who falls down, particularly when seeing on the family badge of warriors clothes, cannot help but the surprise gets up, later looked shut in the soldier army in Wood Style cage to oneself by oneself, asked puzzled: 天藏扫了一眼倒在地上的武士,尤其是在看到武士们身上衣服的家族徽章时,不由得诧异起来,随后看向自己被自己关进木遁牢笼中的士兵部队,不解问道: Actually are you who? By these people who you injure, should be the warrior of country of Daimyō pond, were your courage too also big?” “你们究竟是什么人?被你们打伤的这些人,应该是直属于池之国大名家的武士吧,你们胆子也太大了吧?” Each aristocrat , like Ninja Clan, has family's coat of arms. 每一个贵族,就和忍族一样,都有自己家族的纹章。 But these warrior coats of arms , are the coats of arms of country of Daimyō pond, what represented is the face countenance of Daimyō. 而这些武士身上的纹章,便是池之国大名家的纹章,代表的是大名家的颜面。 In the boundary of country's of pond, the warrior of country of Daimyō mansion attack pond, making Tenzō a little surprised. 在池之国的地界,袭击池之国大名府的武士,让天藏有点惊讶。 Told you, we hit was the warrior of Daimyō!” “告诉你们,我们打的就是大名家的武士!” Regarding the interrogation of Tenzō, the soldier team leader has not had any timidness, the sinking sound said. 对于天藏的质问,士兵队长并未有任何怯懦,沉声说道。 „?” “?” Not only Tenzō, on the Naruto three people of heads also hung all over the question mark. 不只是天藏,就连鸣人三人脑袋上也挂满了问号。 How see, person who this team leader mister, does not seem like the head to have the issue. 怎么看,这位队长先生,都不像是脑袋有问题的人。 In brief, bleeds off us a bit faster, your Konoha shinobi, should not want to shoulder is involved in other countries' politics in the diplomatic event.” “总之,快点把我们放掉,你们木叶忍者,应该不想要背负介入他国政治的外交事件中吧。” The soldier team leader has not only engaged in introspection, instead self-poise in turn threatens Tenzō and the others. 士兵队长不仅没有反省,反而镇定自若的反过来威胁天藏等人。 „......” “……” Tenzō has not seen such rampant robber, not only attacked the Daimyō mansion army, but also threatens Konohagakure in turn. 天藏从没见过这么嚣张的强盗,不仅袭击了大名府的部队,还反过来威胁木叶忍者村 However, are these people really the robbers? 不过,这些人真的是强盗吗? Tenzō looks in the jail the wear to unify the soldier of uniform/subdue . Moreover the essence is full, the discipline is also very strict, how to see that does not seem like the robber who plunders. 天藏望着监牢中穿着统一制服的士兵,而且精气饱满,纪律也十分严明,怎么看都不像是打家劫舍的强盗。 However, they attack the country of Daimyō mansion pond warrior, is the fact. 但是,他们袭击池之国大名府的武士,也是事实。 Some Tenzō lakes spread. 天藏有些湖涂了。 Tenzō is just about to continue to question, in nearby thick patch of grass, goes out of two person's shadows suddenly, captured the Tenzō attention immediately, making his virgin hole shrink slightly, reveals the dignified color. 天藏正要继续问话,一旁的草丛中,忽然走出两道人影,立马吸引了天藏的目光,让他童孔微微一缩,露出凝重之色。 The people who these two present are about shibajiu-year-old young women, wears a pure witch clothing/taking, with the entire battlefields is incompatible bloody. 这两名出现的人都是年约十八九岁的年轻女性,穿着一身洁净的巫女服,与整个战场的血腥格格不入。 This Mr. shinobi from Konoha, this is the country of pond housework, interferes, will make your Konoha put during the indifferent censure.” “这位来自木叶忍者先生,这是池之国内部的家务事,过于干涉,会让你们木叶置于无所谓的非议之中哦。” A wandering witch was saying to Tenzō. 一位云游巫女对着天藏说道。 „...... I knew.” “……我知道了。” With no trace sweeps on two wandering witch faces, although is somewhat puzzled, but also knows , if the Land of Demons person involves, he acts again, likely will draw out troublesome some. 不着痕迹的在两名云游巫女脸上一扫,虽然有些不解,但也知道如果是鬼之国的人介入进来,他再出手的话,很可能会引出一些麻烦。 Therefore, he untied Wood Style Ninjutsu, making this group of soldiers regain the freedom. 于是,他解开了木遁忍术,让这群士兵恢复了自由。 Is deeply grateful. Then, several do as you please.” “感激不尽。那么,几位请便。”
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