ED :: Volume #5

#31: Sublimation is supreme

Chapter 935 sublimation is supreme 第935章凝华者至上 One hour of free time arrived quickly, has not had any accident/surprise, the crowd of scattering in all directions gathers in the train platform, then steps into the compartment orderly. 一小时的自由时间很快就到了,没有发生任何意外,四散的人群在火车站台上集合,接着有序地踏入车厢。 Heine Station in the platform, gazes at the train to vanish in the field of vision end, light happy expression on his face also thorough cold, only remains to be stern and dignified. 海涅站在站台上,注视着列车消失在视野尽头,他脸上的淡淡笑意也彻底冷了下去,只剩森严与凝重。 Once the breakdown of negotiation, anti- Sanier will start a war in Order of the Secrets inevitably, if they can successfully behead and return alive, then this is the best result, but once beheads the failure, or both sides suffer a defeat and flee together, then Order of the Secrets launches certainly the attack to No. 46 outpost immediately. 一旦谈判破裂,耐萨尼尔势必会在诸秘之团内掀起一场大战,如果他们能成功斩首并生还,那么这是最好的结局,可一旦斩首失败,亦或是双方一同败亡,那么诸秘之团一定会立刻向四十六号哨站发起打击。 When the time comes here will become the true war fortress, Heine needs to lead his subordinate, the mortal army that as well as following supports defends here, insisted that the Bureau of Order reinforcements arrive. 到时候这里将成为真正的战争堡垒,海涅需要带领他的下属,以及后续支援过来的凡人部队守住这里,坚持到秩序局的援军抵达。 Really the hope do not turn into this.” Heine muttered. “真希望不要变成这样啊。”海涅喃喃道。 Heine does not fear the war, he from the specialized angle of view, cares about the efficiency and loss compares. 海涅并不是惧怕战争,他只是从专业的视角,更在意效率与损失比。 When compares in Wrath of the Scorched Earth long and difficult the war, the unusual war is efficient and clean, from once mutual facing of 1 million armies, to the life-and-death duel of present high rank sublimation, Heine thought that this is an evolution of war art, even said that is one type...... the progress of civilization. 相较于焦土之怒时漫长又艰辛的战争,超凡战争是高效且清洁的,从曾经百万大军的互相对垒,到现在高阶凝华者的殊死决斗,海涅觉得这是一种战争艺术的进化,甚至说是一种……文明的进步。 Many cities were no longer destroyed, will not have soldier meaningless dying, everyone's destiny will be grasped under the swords of a few people, this is doomed is one war that is the small number of people. 不再有诸多的城市被毁灭,也不会有士兵毫无意义的死去,所有人的命运都将被掌握在少数几人的剑下,这注定是一场属于少数人的战争。 Thinks of this, Heine smiled suddenly, when that whistle goes far away, he is telling to the subordinates. 想到这,海涅冷不丁地笑了起来,待那汽笛声远去,他对着下属们吩咐道。 I give you time of ten minute farewell, after ten minutes, all non-combatants evacuate immediately, shift the strategic resources, the activation induction trap, everyone first removes into the fortress.” “我给你们十分钟告别的时间,十分钟后,所有非战斗人员立刻撤离,转移战略物资,激活感应陷阱,所有人优先撤入堡垒之中。” The innermost feelings of staff members are prepared early, at the same time, people towed the baggage to hug the child to step onto the platform, they were the family members of staff members, lived a long time in this secret small town, this thinks that such worry-free life will also continue, until issuing of emergency orders. 职员们的内心早有准备,与此同时,人们拖着行李抱着孩子走上了站台,她们是职员们的家属,在这秘密小镇里生活了很长一段时间,本以为这样无忧无虑的生活还会继续,直到紧急命令的下达。 One new trains enter the station slowly, the staff members and oneself family members hug and kiss, was saying the farewell words, the panic has not proliferated, similar exercise has held many times, some children even smiled excitedly, they anticipate to ride the train very much, after the train arrives the new city. 一列新的火车缓缓进站,职员与自己的家属们拥抱、亲吻,说着告别的话,并没有恐慌的情绪扩散,类似的演习已经举行过许多次了,有的孩子甚至兴奋地笑了起来,他们很期待坐火车,还有火车到站后的新城市。 Is exercises?” “又是演习吗?” Some women asked to oneself husband. 有女人对自己的丈夫问道。 He is replying indefinitely, I hope that this is only an exercise.” 他则不确定地回答着,“我希望这只是一场演习。” Ten minutes have arrived, train departure, hence secret small town thorough lonely, only had sublimation to guard on the spot. 十分钟已到,火车离站,至此秘密小镇彻底冷清了下来,只剩下了凝华者们驻守在原地。 Heine scratched the lens, narrows the eye to look at the direction of earth of secret, suddenly he asked that „do you long for the war?” 海涅擦了擦镜片,眯起眼睛看着隐秘之土的方向,忽然他问道,“你们渴望战争吗?” The staff members looked at each other one mutually, then shakes the head, not.” 职员们互相对视了一眼,接着摇了摇头,“不。” Was skillful, I do not like, but sometimes you did not welcome on own initiative to the war, the war will look for you on own initiative.” “巧了,我也不太喜欢,但有时候你不主动迎向战争,战争就会主动找上你。” Heine long exhales the one breath, thought aloud, „, but if can make Order of the Secrets these fellows thoroughly honest......” 海涅长长地呼出一口气,自言自语道,“但如果能让诸秘之团那些家伙彻底老实下来……” He has turned head, looks to oneself subordinates, we do not need to defend in this damn place.” 他回过头,看向自己的下属们,“我们就不必守在这该死的地方了。” Heine has disliked to have this easy and comfortable life, he fondly remembers Oath City liveliness of Orpheus. 海涅早就讨厌起了这安逸的生活,他怀念誓言城欧泊斯的繁华。 The train shuttles back and forth in the jungle, probably python of high-speed creeping motion under leaf pile. 列车穿梭于密林之中,像是一条在树叶堆下高速蠕动的巨蟒。 Because of the Order of the Secrets independence, between Bureau of Order and Order of the Secrets, do not have the nonstop route, goes to the earth of secret each time, needs to apply to Order of the Secrets ahead of time, but must undergo a series of complex verifications, embarks from No. 46 outpost again. 诸秘之团的独立性,秩序局诸秘之团间,没有直通的路线,每次前往隐秘之土,都需要提前向诸秘之团申请,还要经过一系列复杂的审核,再从四十六号哨站出发。 In the past, Order of the Secrets possibly in several days of verification card, to show own antiforeign with arrogant, but this anti- Sanier arrives, before anti- Sanier leaves, all procedures handled. They again how arrogant, facing honor, wants the low head. 在往日,诸秘之团可能会把审核卡上好几天的时间,以展现自己的排外性与傲慢,但这一次耐萨尼尔亲临,早在耐萨尼尔动身前,所有的手续就都办好了。他们再怎么高傲,面对一位荣光者,还是要低下头颅。 Falls in the train only to serve for the mission, several compartments emptied, everyone subconsciously according to the division that the camp organizes, chose the different compartments. 整列列车都只为使团服务,数个车厢空了起来,大家下意识地按照阵营组织的划分,选择了不同的车厢。 A Bureau of Order side compartment, a Order of the Secrets compartment, in the compartment continues to subdivide. 秩序局一方一个车厢,诸秘之团一个车厢,车厢内又继续细分下来。 Hoult and Irwin lead their team members to close eyes the ponder in the tailstock, Beirrogo and Parr sit silently in another end, looks at out of the window to chat to continue. 霍尔特与埃文带着他们的组员们在车尾闭目沉思,伯洛戈和帕尔默坐在另一端,望着窗外闲聊不止。 You said that what the Order of the Secrets somewhat bad traditional culture is?” Beirrogo asked. “你说诸秘之团有些糟糕的传统文化是什么?”伯洛戈问。 How un...... saying that like the bloodline-ism of ancient aristocrat, is set aside the different status social classes by the bloodline.” “嗯……怎么说呢,就像古旧贵族的血统论一样,由血统划分出不同的身份阶级。” Sounds a little likely the night clan?” “听起来有点像夜族?” Almost,” Palmer used that to describe again, in our opinion, Order of the Secrets looked like the night clan that one crowd can die.” “差不多,”帕尔默再次用起了那个形容,“在我们看来,诸秘之团就像是一群会死的夜族。” Beirrogo smiles, such description, he listens to like smiling one time one time. 伯洛戈笑了笑,这样的形容,他听一次就像笑一次。 „The idea that in brief, Order of the Secrets pursues can understand that is supreme ’,” Palmer forsublimation explains, in Order of the Secrets, sublimation has the absolute privilege.” “总之,诸秘之团奉行的理念可以理解为‘凝华者至上’,”帕尔默讲解道,“在诸秘之团中,凝华者具备着绝对的特权。” But not all people since birth are sublimation.” “可并不是所有人生来都是凝华者。” Right, for this reason they have thing named highest sage trial.” “对,为此他们有着一种叫做至圣试炼的东西。” What is that?” “那是什么?” You can understand that is one type, ahead of time conducts the special method that Alchemy Matrix implants,” Palmer said,you also know, these ancient families more or less master some special technologies. “你可以理解为一种,提前进行炼金矩阵植入的特殊手段,”帕尔默说,“你也知道,这些古老家族或多或少都掌握一些特殊技术。 For example according to the Bureau of Order consensus, only has the soul tends stable complete, when is grown, conducts implantation of Alchemy Matrix suitably, but I when more than ten years old, have become sublimation, this is also the special technology of Kelaikesi family/home...... only serves the small number of people. ” 例如按照秩序局的共识,唯有灵魂趋于稳定完整,也就是成年之时,才适合进行炼金矩阵的植入,而我在十几岁的时候,就已经成为凝华者了,这同样就是克莱克斯家的特殊技术……只服务于少数人。” Only had at this time, Palmer will realize, oneself was also one of the unusual aristocrat, enjoys the inherent privilege resources. 唯有在这时,帕尔默才会意识到,自己也是超凡贵族的一员,享有着与生俱来的特权资源。 Beirrogo listens while to nod, ahead of time implants Alchemy Matrix besides bringing the big risk, its advantage is to win the time. 伯洛戈一边听一边点头,提前植入炼金矩阵除了带来巨大的风险外,其优势就是争取时间。 Regarding time limited human, the time is one capital stock, when like Palmer, more than ten years old becomes sublimation, the contrast ratio these grown implanted the Alchemy Matrix person, he led several years sublimation accumulation directly, in them when the strength of adaptation sublimation, Palmer still has been preparing to promote praying letter/believes. 对于时间有限的人类而言,时间是一种重要资源,像帕尔默,十几岁时就成为了凝华者,照比那些成年才植入了炼金矩阵的人来讲,他直接领先了数年的凝华者积累,在他们还在适应凝华者的力量时,帕尔默就已经在准备晋升祷信者了。 Therefore these have sublimation of the respected family supports, they must sublimation compared with same step young and are more powerful, as for average person, if adds Bureau of Order such colossus to be good, so long as works routinely, the promotion is just round the corner, what is hapless is free sublimation of these dissociation beyond unusual organization, without the resources has not organized to support. 所以那些有大家族支持的凝华者,他们总要比同阶位的凝华者年轻且更加强大,至于普通人要是加入秩序局这样的庞然大物还好,只要按部就班地工作,晋升就指日可待,倒霉的是那些游离在超凡组织外的自由凝华者,没有资源也没有组织支持。 Order of the Secrets also has implants the Alchemy Matrix technology ahead of time, and their technologies be more radical than us,” Palmer heart startled say/way, when baby reach is six years old, has certain cognition and automatic control strength, will conduct implantation of Alchemy Matrix, they this implant the ceremony to be called as the highest sage trial.” 诸秘之团也有着提前植入炼金矩阵的技术,并且他们的技术要比我们所有人都要激进,”帕尔默心惊道,“在幼儿满六周岁,具备一定的认知与自控力时,就会进行炼金矩阵的植入,他们把这一植入仪式称作至圣试炼。” Six years old? Perhaps will have many people unable to pass?” Beirrogo knows, is unable through also to mean the death. “六周岁?恐怕会有很多人无法通过吧?”伯洛戈知道,无法通过也就意味着死亡。 Information that learns from Kelaikesi family/home, the probably 50% babies are unable to pass the highest sage trial.” “从克莱克斯家得知的情报来看,大概有50%的幼儿无法通过至圣试炼。” Palmer then answered, „, but the Order of the Secrets embedding technique was advanced, even if implanted were defeated, the mortality rate was still controlled in lowly, but these implanted the baby of failure, although is unable to become sublimation again, but they have certainly to ether the sensation strength and control strength, after was weakened infinitely source school of thought sublimation. Order of the Secrets called the baby of this failure incomplete.” 帕尔默接着解释道,“但诸秘之团的植入技术非常先进,就算植入失败了,死亡率也被控制在了最低,而这些植入失败的幼儿,虽然无法再成为凝华者,但他们本身也具备着一定对以太的感知力与操控力,就像被无限削弱后的本源学派凝华者。诸秘之团称这种失败的幼儿为残缺者。” Incomplete? Aren't they able to become sublimation to regard as one type...... the disability?” Beirrogo thought that this Order of the Secrets became is even more strange. “残缺?他们把无法成为凝华者视作一种……残疾?”伯洛戈觉得这诸秘之团变得越发诡异起来了。 Palmer nods, sound low and deep, still remembers sublimation supreme idea that I said? They thought that sublimation is nobler existence, according to the theory of evolution, is human toward the next stage of greater life evolution.” 帕尔默点头,声音低沉了起来,“还记得我说的凝华者至上理念吗?他们觉得凝华者是更高贵的存在,按照进化论来讲,是人类朝着更伟大生命进化的下一个阶段。” Through unusual strength and bloodline, differentiates heterogeneous,” Beirrogo realizes a matter suddenly, how that should Order of the Secrets maintain itself?” “通过超凡之力与血统,来区分出三六九等,”伯洛戈忽然意识到一件事,“那么诸秘之团该如何维系自己呢?” Sublimation demand to the resources is quite fearful, according to the Bureau of Order structure, each active field personnel staff member, its back needs dozens and about hundred logistics staff members to support. 凝华者对资源的需求极为可怕,按照秩序局的结构来看,每一位活跃的外勤职员,其背后都需要数十、近百的后勤职员支持。 Then Order of the Secrets? Since they choose the sublimation supreme idea, all basic jobs, are carried out by sublimation? These incomplete, but incomplete again how many, they also through implanting the method births of ceremony consumption huge resource, even incomplete existence, is unable the large-scale production. 那么诸秘之团呢?既然他们选择凝华者至上的理念,难道所有的基础工作,都是由凝华者来执行?还是那些残缺者,可残缺者再怎么多,他们也是通过植入仪式这一消耗大量资源的手段诞生的,即便是残缺的存在,也无法大规模生产。 Beirrogo is the understanding, more thought that the structural distortion of Order of the Secrets, like an abnormal building, it has not collapsed, that had certainly the structure that oneself have not known to support it. 伯洛戈越是了解,越是觉得诸秘之团的结构扭曲,就像一座畸形的大楼,它至今没有倒塌,那一定有自己尚未知晓的结构支撑起了它。 Regarding this Palmer further lowered oneself sound, seems telling a story of taboo. 对此帕尔默进一步压低了自己的声音,仿佛是在说一段禁忌的故事。 Like the night clan, under the bloodlines dilution, will derive the deterioration bloodthirsty to be the same unceasingly finally, in resource-limited situation, even if Order of the Secrets is unable to guarantee that everyone is sublimation and incomplete, fine tall tower, needs the mortal to support.” “就像夜族,血脉不断地稀释下,最终会衍生出劣化的嗜血者一样,资源有限的情况下,哪怕是诸秘之团也无法保证所有人都是凝华者、残缺者,再精致的高塔,都需要凡人来支撑。” Palmer reorganized a language, tries to say by a relaxed tone, in other words, in Order of the Secrets also remains certain slavery, an invisible slavery, you cannot see the shackles, but it truly exists.” 帕尔默整理了一下语言,试着以一种轻松的口吻说道,“也就是说,诸秘之团内还残留着一定的奴隶制,一种无形的奴隶制,你看不见镣铐,但它确实存在。” Beirrogo silent, slightly said naively, Bureau of Order doesn't have the objection?” 伯洛戈沉默了一阵,略显天真地说道,“秩序局对此没有异议吗?” The words just asked, Beirrogo provoked laughter by oneself, he self-examines replies, is independent and autonomous.” 话刚问出来,伯洛戈就被自己逗笑了,他自问自答道,“独立与自治。” The train rumble has ground a bud and fallen leaf on railway rail, moves to the land of hidden outside this mortal world, Beirrogo looks at the scenery that fluctuates, the sound opens the mouth to say. 列车轰隆隆地碾过铁轨上的枝芽与落叶,驶向隐藏于尘世之外的土地,伯洛戈看着变幻的风景,声音开口道。 Therefore Bureau of Order so requests strongly, sublimation must hide outside this mortal world.” “所以秩序局才如此强硬地要求,凝华者必须隐藏于尘世之外吧。” Yes, once sublimation comes out of the shadow, no one is able to guarantee, sublimation can turn into the next night clan,” Palmer said reluctantly, we have no way to guarantee everyone is noble.” “是的,一旦凝华者走出阴影,谁也无法保证,凝华者会不会变成下一个夜族,”帕尔默无奈地说道,“我们没法保证所有人都是高尚的。” But we can draw together the bottom line with the sword, cuts off all the heads of border-crossing,” Beirrogo is using extremely open language gas channel/angrily said, this is the significance that the axiom and iron rule have.” “但我们可以用剑划出一道底线,砍断所有越界的头颅,”伯洛戈用着极为开朗的语气道,“这就是公理与铁律存在的意义。” Palmer blinks, said after a sigh, worked as the non- dead to be possible really to be by you too correct.” 帕尔默眨了眨眼,不由地感叹道,“由你来当不死者可实在是太正确了。” () ()
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