ED :: Volume #5

#32: Social conception

Chapter 936 society conception 第936章社会构想 After the train went for probably two hours, disseminates news the sound to resound in each compartments, reminds the passengers front to arrive. 列车行驶了大概两个小时后,播报声在各个车厢间响起,提醒着乘客们前方到站。 Slightly sleepy Palmer sobered immediately, this is the first time that he arrived in the earth of secret, others in compartment are also so, everyone hit the spirit, the line of sight by the glass, is observing the scenery. 略显困倦的帕尔默当即清醒了过来,这还是他第一次抵达隐秘之土,车厢内的其他人也是如此,大家纷纷打起了精神,视线透过车窗,观察着外界的风景。 I am very of curious a sublimation supreme society to be what appearance.” Palmer rubs the eyes to say. “我还挺好奇一个凝华者至上的社会会是什么模样。”帕尔默揉了揉眼睛说道。 Beirrogo said in the one side, you must see immediately.” 伯洛戈在一旁说道,“你马上就要看到了。” Finishes speaking, the train drilled into the tunnel of hills, the time compartment went black , after some time travel, the train leaves the tunnel, the bright ray pricks the compartment. 话音刚落,列车钻入了群山的隧道之中,顿时间车厢陷入了黑暗之中,一段时间的行驶后,列车驶离隧道,明亮的光芒刺入车厢。 Short after dazzling absent-minded, Beirrogo field of vision again clear, immediately a grand city reflects pleasant. 短暂的炫目失神后,伯洛戈的视野重新清晰了起来,随即一座宏伟的城市映入眼中。 The train drilled into a canyon at this time, the ring-like standing tall and erect cliff packages all around, the sunlight and vine from most central sprinkles, under the ray shines, hidden the city in canyon appears. 列车此时钻入了一处深谷之中,环形的高耸峭壁包裹住四周,阳光与藤蔓从最中央的洒落下来,光芒照耀下,一座隐藏在深谷之中的城市显现。 First the one who maps in the Beirrogo eye is innumerable tall tower, any that their architectural styles and Beirrogo are familiar with does not resemble, is clearly opposite with cultivation room that rough barbaric style, in the construction everywhere is the smooth long line, tall tower the peak is the umbrella shape that opens, probably giant mushrooms. 首先映入伯洛戈眼中的是数不清的高塔,它们的建筑风格和伯洛戈所熟悉的任何一个都不相像,和垦室那粗糙野蛮的风格截然相反,建筑上到处都是流畅的长线条,高塔的顶端是张开的伞状,像是一个个巨大的蘑菇。 They pile the repeat in turn, like encirclements, but tall tower who the dominoes, the center most stands tall and erect, it passed through the boundary above canyon, searches in the dazzling sunlight, does not know whether has the similar huge umbrella shape to construct in the sunlight of surface opens. 它们依次堆迭而起,如同一圈圈环绕而起的骨牌,中央是最高耸的一座高塔,它穿过了深谷之上的界限,探进刺目的阳光之中,不知道是否有同样的巨大伞状建筑在地表的阳光中张开。 On the cliff of ring-like canyon also covered entirely the construction of honey-comb shape, they transformed the ring-like canyon completely, has extended to the cliff peak, was similar to the destroyed pacing back and forth branch road, but here may not have the pacing back and forth branch road to go down in the world the deterioration, instead felt the lively, mysterious and full future feeling. 环形深谷的峭壁上也布满了蜂巢状的建筑,它们完全改造了环形深谷,一直延伸到峭壁的顶端,就如同早已毁灭的彷徨岔路,只是这里可没彷徨岔路那么落魄衰败,反而充满了繁华、神秘与十足的未来感。 Oh......” “哇哦……” Palmer exudes the sigh sound, later he muttered, no wonder these people always regarded as the country folk us, here will really have the future feeling very much.” 帕尔默不由地发出感叹声,随后他喃喃道,“难怪这些人老把我们看成乡下人,这里确实很有未来感。” I came this time for the first time , was the similar feeling.” “我第一次来这时,也是同样的感受。” Slightly reveals the sound of vicissitudes from resound behind, Palmer has turned around anxiously, does not know when anti- Sanier walked, he bends down, shares a window with two people, is sizing up outside city. 略显沧桑的声音从身后响起,帕尔默紧张地转过身,不知何时耐萨尼尔走了过来,他俯下身,和两人共用一个窗口,打量着外面的城市。 In many aspects, Order of the Secrets truly is a bastard, but must acknowledge, some of they truly progressive places.” “在很多方面,诸秘之团确实是一个王八蛋,但也要承认,他们确实有许多进步的地方。” Anti- Sanier as if hears the content that two people talked, he then said, for example, their really tentative plan had/left one to stand the sublimation society under sunlight.” 耐萨尼尔似乎听到了两人谈话的内容,他接着说道,“就比如,他们真的设想出了一个站在阳光下的凝华者社会。” Put out a hand to refer to central tall tower, he said, that tall tower is called the highest sage hub, was the heart of this city, under the same contrast, you can understand it situated in Oath City the cultivation room in Orpheus.” 伸手指了指了中央的高塔,他说道,“那座高塔被叫做至圣枢纽,是这座城市的心脏,同等对比下,你们可以把它理解成位于誓言城欧泊斯中的垦室。” Unusual energy that ether, we cannot completely understand, it like one has present marvelously, through different Alchemy Matrix, can consume the ether to come the reality to twist.” “以太,一种我们尚未能完全理解的超凡能量,它就像一个具现化的奇迹般,通过不同的炼金矩阵,可以消耗以太来对现实进行歪曲。” Anti- Sanier when raising these, looked at Beirrogo one vague, two people being well aware ether principle, but deceives Palmer temporarily. 耐萨尼尔在提起这些时,若有若无地看了伯洛戈一眼,两人都心知肚明以太的原理,只是得暂时骗一骗帕尔默。 Order of the Secrets defers to such principle, built an ether reactor, through consumes the ether continuously, provides the continuous electric power for the entire city.” 诸秘之团就按照这样的原理,打造了一个以太反应堆,通过持续不断地消耗以太,为整座城市提供源源不断的电力。” How Order of the Secrets adores the ether technology again, may support the world, is the existing basic science. 诸秘之团再怎么倾心于以太技术,可支撑起人类世界的,还是现有的基础科学。 They the ether good of very technology and basic science union, besides the electric power, they also through large-scale controlling, caused this type of nature the terrain that is almost impossible to have, but also repaired and maintained the underground water course, obtained the continuous water resources.” “他们把以太技术与基础科学结合的很好,除了电力外,他们还通过大规模的统驭,弄出了这种自然界几乎不可能存在的地形,还修整了地下水脉,获得了源源不断的水资源。” Anti- Sanier is praising, did not have the limit, sublimation release oneself creativity freely.” 耐萨尼尔夸奖着,“没有了限制,凝华者们自由自在地释放自己的创造力。” In the ring-like canyon, Beirrogo saw that forms soar, goes through among tall tower recklessly...... has flash that Beirrogo was truly excited, relied on is defending the strength of building, he can go through in the streets high-speed, but to hide the identity, he must prepare to test the driver's license unexpectedly. 环形深谷之中,伯洛戈看到一个又一个的身影腾空而起,在高塔之间肆意穿行……有那么一瞬间,伯洛戈确实心动了,凭借着守垒者的力量,他可以在街道间高速穿行,但为了隐藏身份,他居然还要准备考驾照。 The idea dissipates rapidly, Beirrogo said that „, but was free, will only grow barbarically.” 想法迅速消散,伯洛戈说道,“但过于自由了,只会野蛮生长。” This point I approve, sublimation should not be some status, but is a tool and function, for example your such controlling school of thought that if in the work site, that is an efficiency astonishing porter, rather than a put on a high and mighty act Sir.” “这一点我认同,凝华者不应该是某种身份,而是一种工具、职能,比如你这样的统驭学派,如果在工地,那就是一个效率惊人的搬运工,而不是一个趾高气昂的大爷。” „Did I work as porter some to look down on me?” “我去当搬运工有些太小瞧我了吧?” Anti- Sanier said, gives an example, your high rank sublimation, suits to handle some more troublesome matter, for example disaster.” 耐萨尼尔说,“举个例子而已,你这种高阶凝华者,适合去处理些更麻烦的事,比如天灾。” This I know, Palmer interposed, Kelaikesi family/home was moved to handle some natural storm disasters frequently, often the storm just approached, will be routed by us.” “这个我知道,”帕尔默插话道,“克莱克斯家经常被调去处理一些自然风暴灾难,往往风暴刚刚临近,就会被我们击溃。” Right, is this, sublimation can be applied in the war incessantly, they must like the reformer, create a happier world.” “对,就是这样,凝华者不止能被应用于战争中,他们也应当像改革者一样,创造一个更美好的世界。” Beirrogo raised the head to look at anti- Sanier, this saying said from your mouth, but also was really strange.” 伯洛戈抬头瞧了一眼耐萨尼尔,“这话从你嘴里说出来,还真古怪啊。” Because I am that biggest kills?” Anti- Sanier smiled, then said that „, if sublimation wants to come out of the shadow, integrates this mortal world thoroughly, many roads must walk, at least in aiming at the restraint of sublimation, still needed many regulations to prepare.” “因为我才是那最大的杀器吗?”耐萨尼尔笑了起来,接着说道,“如果凝华者想要走出阴影,彻底融入尘世,还有许多的路要走,至少在针对凝华者的约束上,仍需要许多的律法来准备。” Beirrogo said that also had the trial organization to sublimation, the average person may be unable to arrest sublimation.” 伯洛戈说“还有对凝华者的审判机构,普通人可逮捕不了凝华者。” Right, a severe control organization is necessary.” “对对,一个严厉的管控机构是必要的。” Beirrogo and anti- Sanier one asked questions and other answered, gave free reign to the imagination the future of sublimation, happy at the same time , many issues were born, for example the issue of that most root. 伯洛戈和耐萨尼尔一问一答,就这么畅想起了凝华者的未来,美好的同时,也有许多问题诞生,就比如那最最根源的一个问题。 The lunatic who if lets the morbid state how grasped the unusual strength, first day possibly also honest, next day perhaps has restrained, by third day, was possibly same as the night clan, regards as to be higher than existence of human oneself completely, loses the moral bottom line. 如果让病态的疯子掌握了超凡之力会怎样,第一天可能还老老实实,第二天或许有所收敛,到了第三天,可能就和夜族一样,完全把自己视作高于人类的存在,失去道德底线。 This example may be too many, Beirrogo have read the files, Bureau of Order will execute many out-of-control every year sublimation, therefore sublimation wants to integrate this mortal world, to the implanted examinations will also be necessary one point. 这种例子可太多了,伯洛戈读过档案,秩序局每年都会处决不少失控的凝华者,所以凝华者想要融入尘世,对被植入的审查也将是必要的一环。 Therefore...... you also did treat as an experimental farm Order of the Secrets?” Beirrogo think suddenly. “所以……你们还把诸秘之团当做了一个实验场?”伯洛戈忽然想到。 Almost, we may not have so many energy, does the experiment of simulation society,” anti- Sanier smiles saying that you do not really think, Bureau of Order will readily make him maintain self- independent?” “差不多,我们可没那么多的精力,去做模拟社会的实验,”耐萨尼尔微笑道,“你不会真以为,秩序局会这么轻易让他保持自我独立吗?” Evidently, the social simulation of Order of the Secrets moves toward is very bad.” “看样子,诸秘之团的社会模拟走向很糟糕。” Not being is very bad, at least these sublimation still had every nature, still by the limit of life span,” anti- Sanier was enforced suddenly, may, once these people became the non- old codger, that was the truly desperate world.” “算不上特别糟糕,至少这些凝华者仍有凡性,仍受寿命的限制,”耐萨尼尔突然严肃了起来,“可一旦这些人变得不老不死了,那才是真正令人绝望的世界。” Anti- Sanier said, this world had once faced such a crisis.” 耐萨尼尔说,“这个世界曾面临过一次这样的危机。” Beirrogo has read these secret archives, he knows anything that anti- Sanier refers, therefore Beirrogo said in a soft voice. 伯洛戈读过那些机密档案,他知道耐萨尼尔指的什么,于是伯洛戈轻声道。 Unusual disaster eternal blood tax.” “超凡灾难・永恒血税。” Beirrogo recalls the eternal blood tax the essence, will feel one type smouldering desperate with sensation of asphyxia, it in all unusual disasters with Beirrogo cognition is different, that is a powerless feeling of thorough marrow, even if Beirrogo grasps the sword blade, cannot cut a deathly stillness feeling of hope. 伯洛戈一回忆起永恒血税的本质,就会感到一种挥之不去的绝望与窒息感,它与伯洛戈认知内的所有超凡灾难都不同,那是一种深入骨髓的无力感,哪怕伯洛戈手握剑刃,也砍不出一点希望的死寂感。 When has the person of sweep of power, obtained nearly eternal life, that will be the shackles that anybody is unable to break, living hell of radical deathly stiff solidification. 当拥有绝对权力的人,又获得了近乎永恒的生命,那将是任何人都无法打破的桎梏,彻底僵死凝固的人间地狱。 After realizing these, Beirrogo rejoiced again the betrayal of Serez, and sighed this bastard really has the courage to betray own social class unexpectedly, as for the reason of betrayal, no one knows as before. 意识到这些后,伯洛戈再次庆幸瑟雷的背叛,并感叹这个混蛋居然真有勇气背叛自己的阶级,至于背叛的理由,依旧无人知晓。 Bureau of Order can tolerate all sorts of requests of Order of the Secrets, even said, even they refuse to join the war union, we can also accept reluctantly.” 秩序局能容忍诸秘之团的种种要求,甚至说,连他们拒绝加入战争同盟,我们也是可以勉强接受的。” Anti- Sanier said that „, but we are unable to accept only, Order of the Secrets and night clan has a connection, this was the final red string.” 耐萨尼尔说,“但我们唯独无法接受,诸秘之团与夜族有所瓜葛,这是最后的红线了。” Beirrogo understands immediately the anti- Sanier vigilance and angry, Order of the Secrets may facilitate the eternal blood tax very much again.” 伯洛戈当即明白了耐萨尼尔的警惕与愤怒,“诸秘之团很有可能再次促成永恒血税。” Palmer understood what is heard indistinctly two people dialogue, knew that true goal of concealed under curtain. 帕尔默隐约听明白了两人的对话,也知晓了那藏在帷幕下的真正目的。 Waits for, in other words, the mission is only a pretence, actually our fact-finding team? Investigates Order of the Secrets and disobedient royal court has the relation?” “等一下,也就是说,使团只是个幌子,其实我们还是调查团?调查诸秘之团到底和忤逆王庭有没有联系?” The train enters the station, the compartment vibrated slightly, anti- Sanier smiling is patting Palmer's shoulder, is not the fact-finding team.” 火车进站,车厢轻微地震动了起来,耐萨尼尔一脸微笑地拍着帕尔默的肩膀,“算不上调查团。” Anti- Sanier then said makes the Palmer pale words, on you and Beirrogo two people, most was the survey team.” 耐萨尼尔接着说出令帕尔默脸色苍白的话语,“就你和伯洛戈两个人,最多算是调查组而已。” Beirrogo feels for Palmer's response slowly helpless, not so, you think that he draws our two people Debtor to make anything.” 伯洛戈为帕尔默的反应迟钝感到无奈,“不然,你以为他拉我们两人债务人来做什么。” Anti- Sanier embraced from the seat Beirrogo and Palmer, under his spacious shoulder, on the side of Beirrogo and Palmer, the probably affectionate behavior, is more like forces. 耐萨尼尔一把将伯洛戈与帕尔默从座位上揽了起来,在他那宽大的肩膀下,伯洛戈与帕尔默一边一个,像是亲昵行为,更像是胁迫。 We arrived, now turn head really without enough time.” “我们到站了,现在回头是真的来不及了。” In the platform, the welcome team has waited here for a long time, several forms walked from the compartment swaggering, their first recognized is that person of head, was deputy director anti- Sanier. 站台上,迎宾队早已在此等候已久,几个身影大摇大摆地从车厢里走了出来,他们第一眼就认出了为首的那人,正是副局长耐萨尼尔。 Follows in anti- Sanier behind two people somewhat unfamiliar, identifies from the list, should be Beirrogo and Palmer. 跟在耐萨尼尔身后的二人有些面生,从名单上来辨认,应该是伯洛戈与帕尔默。 Palmer bearing is tall and straight, the vision is sharp, truly the elegant demeanor of somewhat unusual aristocrat, Beirrogo appeared the dispirited. “帕尔默”站姿挺拔,目光锋利,确实有几分超凡贵族的风采,“伯洛戈”就显得萎靡了许多。 The welcome personnel think in the heart, even is pursuing the sublimation supreme idea , the unusual family and ordinary sublimation has a big difference. 迎宾人员不由地在心底想到,即便奉行着凝华者至上的理念,超凡家族与普通凝华者还是有不小的区别。 Palmer held Beirrogo the waist, said in a low voice, I think you were promoted to lost/carrying power, treating the work can be more positive.” “帕尔默”捅了捅“伯洛戈”的腰,低声道,“我以为你晋升为负权者了,对待工作就能积极些了。” Beirrogo said worn out, has the possibility, my instinct is to loathe the work.” 伯洛戈”有气无力地说道,“有没有可能,我天性就是厌恶工作啊。” Palmer said, do not complain, stands, but we now imperial envoy.” “帕尔默”说,“别抱怨了,站直点,我们现在可是钦差大臣。” () ()
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