ED :: Volume #5

#30: Possibility that is unable to endure

No. 46 outpost is located in the peripheral zone of earth of secret, as Order of the Secrets and Bureau of Order most important relation stand, similarly also as surveillance tower, on the alert Order of the Secrets every action and every movement. Heine and Sana, although has not exchanged, but Beirrogo is certain, they knew certainly mutually. 四十六号哨站位于隐秘之土的边缘地带,作为诸秘之团秩序局的首要联系站,同样也作为监视塔,警惕着诸秘之团的一举一动。海涅与奥萨娜两人虽然没有交流,但伯洛戈可以肯定,他们一定互相认识。 To the holding court room, the group arrived in the outside, the dazzling sunlight falls, making Beirrogo has to avoid temporarily, after adapting to the moment, the deep blue sky reflects pleasant, Beirrogo then looks to the surroundings, he and Palmer one and in same place. 离开庭室,一行人抵达了室外,刺目的阳光落下,令伯洛戈不得不暂时避开,适应了片刻后,蔚蓝的天空映入眼中,伯洛戈接着看向周围,他和帕尔默一并愣在了原地。 In the common sense, for the economy and hiding, the scale of outpost will not be big, some possibly are one hidden the house in city, some also possibly is located in a hunter hut in jungle. 常理上,出于经济与隐蔽考虑,哨站的规模都不会太大,有的可能是一栋隐藏在城区里的房子,有的也可能是位于密林中的一座猎人小屋。 No. 46 outpost exceeded the imagination of Beirrogo completely. 四十六号哨站完全超出了伯洛戈的想象。 At this time one group are on a stand, can easily overlook below many construction from here, Beirrogo has not observed forward, but has turned the head, inspects No. 46 outpost. 此时一行人正处于一座看台上,从这里能轻易地俯视下方的诸多的建筑,伯洛戈没有向前观察,而是转过头,察看四十六号哨站本身。 The heavy bricks and stones build one after another in together, stood in great numbers to stand tall and erect, models the castle, the azure vine crawls completely the wall, most green field seemed like the algae to embezzle it. 沉重的砖石一个接一个地堆砌在一起,林立高耸,塑起城堡,青藤爬满了墙壁,大半的绿野像是水藻般把它吞没。 Here also is really a castle.” “这里还真是一座城堡。” Beirrogo thinks that this should be Bureau of Order rebuilds through the original ruins, not, but the Bureau of Order style, definitely builds a stern bastion. 伯洛戈想这应该是秩序局通过原有遗址改建的,不然以秩序局的风格,肯定是搭建起一座森严的棱堡。 Beirrogo.” 伯洛戈。” Palmer summoned the Beirrogo name, Beirrogo to turn the head to follow Palmer's line of sight to look, made Beirrogo feel the shocking picture appeared. 帕尔默呼唤着伯洛戈的名字,伯洛戈转头顺着帕尔默的视线看去,更令伯洛戈感到震惊的画面浮现。 Beirrogo overlooks buildings that under the castle is extending, the big building extends along the path unceasingly, their outer walls are neat, the window glitters the sunlight, the path is interlocking in the same place, probably a complex labyrinth. Some paths are broad and busy, some paths are narrow and tranquil, the pedestrian takes a walk, the vehicles shuttle back and forth. 伯洛戈俯瞰着城堡下延绵的一栋栋建筑,高大的楼房沿着道路延绵不绝,它们的外墙整洁光亮,窗户闪烁着阳光,道路交错在一起,像是一个复杂的迷宫。有的道路宽阔而繁忙,有的道路狭窄而宁静,行人走动,车辆穿梭。 When the reinforced concrete in extending stops suddenly to the Beirrogo field of vision end, borders on the green and luxuriant ancient forest, if personally does not see, Beirrogo is very difficult to imagine in this unvisited place, unexpectedly builds up town baseless. 钢筋水泥在延伸至伯洛戈视野尽头时戛然而止,与郁郁葱葱的古老森林相接壤,如果不是亲眼所见,伯洛戈很难想象在这人迹罕至的地方,居然凭空建起一座城镇。 The melodious whistle transmits from the distant place, Beirrogo looks following the sound, he could not find that the train of running quickly, but can above the crown, see the thick white smoke that raises. 悠扬的汽笛声从远方传来,伯洛戈循着声音看去,他找不到那奔驰的列车,但能在树冠之上,看到那升起的浓浓白烟。 Has two landmarks in this town, a castle that is Beirrogo places, another is located in the town central train station. 在这城镇内有两处地标建筑,一个是伯洛戈身处的城堡,另一个就是位于城镇中央的火车站。 You can No. 46 outpost understanding be a secret small town, besides the proper function, here is also responsible to the transaction of Order of the Secrets, the commodity transports.” “你们可以把四十六号哨站理解为一处秘密小镇,除了应有的职能外,这里还负责对诸秘之团的交易,物资转运。” Heine toward comes to here staff member introduced for the first time, „, because the personnel in maintenance outpost are many, for everyone lives, in the small town should have the thing that to have, since many years have expanded repeatedly, finally turned into this appearance.” 海涅向着第一次来这里的职员介绍道,“因为维护哨站的人员较多,为了方便大家生活,小镇内该有的东西都有,多年以来反复扩建,最后变成了这副模样。” Beirrogo does not believe Heine's nonsense, said that expands for the staff, but this is more like to the Order of the Secrets vigilance rises year by year. 伯洛戈可不信海涅的鬼话,说是为了员工扩建,但这更像是对诸秘之团的警惕性逐年上涨。 „The earth of secret said is secluded from the world, but they are unable to achieve completely self-sufficiently, needs to carry out the commodity transaction with the outside world,” Palmer rare intelligent, I guess that the railroad in No. 46 outpost is only they trades in which one of the route, should have more secret railroads from come, to connect this place in all directions “隐秘之土说是与世隔绝,但他们无法做到完全的自给自足,也是需要与外界进行物资交易,”帕尔默难得聪明了一回,“我猜四十六号哨站的铁路只是他们交易路线的其中一条,应该还有更多的秘密铁路从四面八方而来,连接此地” Moreover from the expressions of these people, they have not done a bit less this.” Palmer was saying sized up one Sana three people. “而且从这些人的表情上来看,他们也没少来这。”帕尔默说着打量了一眼奥萨娜三人。 Sana's indifference as always, but Rohlff and cable/search suggest , then showed the obvious dislike feeling. 奥萨娜一如既往的冷漠,但罗尔福与索提则表现出了明显的厌恶感。 This dislike not only because of Bureau of Order, Palmer guesses, because here everywhere is a mortal, as the arrogant feeling of sublimation, had entered in their bones profoundly, but thinks Order of the Secrets that ancient and strange tradition, Palmer also has such several points to sympathize unexpectedly. 这种厌恶不仅仅是因为秩序局,帕尔默猜,更因为这里到处都是凡人,作为凝华者的高傲感,已经深刻进了他们的骨子里,但一想到诸秘之团那古老又诡异的传统,帕尔默居然还有那么几分同情。 The sympathy disappears. 同情转瞬即逝。 How sublimation is superior and powerful, needs lots of mortals as the logistical support, like this several hundred-km railroad, covered tall building, street wait/etc. 凝华者再怎么优越、强大,还是需要大量的凡人作为后勤支持,就像这长达数百公里的铁路,覆盖的高楼、街道等等。 Everyone first dismisses, can go sightseeing here,” anti- Sanier was saying looked at a watch, train is still renovating, after we one hour, is punctual.” “大家先解散吧,可以自行观光一下这里,”耐萨尼尔说着看了眼手表,“列车还在整修,我们一小时后准时出发。” After brief idle time, the crowd disperses instantly, Hoult returns to the former home grounds, here all had very big change, he looks like takes advantage also to have the time, has a look carefully. 短暂的停歇后,人群一哄而散,霍尔特重归故地,这里的一切都发生了很大的变化,他像趁还有时间,仔细看看。 The Sana three people treat in same place, regarding here not slight interest, was they have possibly come too multiple, has become accustomed. 奥萨娜三人待在原地,对于这里没有丝毫的兴趣,也可能是她们来过太多次了,早就习以为常了。 Beirrogo and Palmer have the full interest here, then leaves to leave, walks toward the town center along the street. 伯洛戈与帕尔默对这里抱有十足的兴趣,接着动身离开,沿着街道向着城镇中心走去。 The population of this secret small town are not many, the pedestrian on road is scattered, everybody has, Beirrogo guesses, this should be the family member of staff members, some hand-held firearms taxi logistics depots in corner, people have become accustomed. 这座秘密小镇的人口并不多,路上的行人零零散散,男女老少都有,伯洛戈猜,这应该是职员们的家属,还有一些手持枪械的士兵站在街角,人们对此早已习以为常。 The bar, theater and bookstore...... have everything expected to find. 酒吧、影院、书店……应有尽有。 Same outpost, here working conditions can compared with before the fourth group of hopeless situations of outpost.” Palmer comments. “同样的哨站,这里的工作环境可以比第四组的绝境前哨站强多了。”帕尔默评价道。 Here has formed own town culture, the hope cannot only be devastated by the flames of war.” The idea of Beirrogo always wants Palmer more serious. “这里已经形成自己的城镇文化了,只希望不会被战火摧残。”伯洛戈的想法总是要比帕尔默更严肃些。 In two people in the city strolls, when enjoys peace that this only remains, anti- Sanier had marched into the deep place of castle with Heine, they go forward, while is talking in whispers. 当两人在城镇内闲逛,享受这仅剩的安宁时,耐萨尼尔已与海涅步入了城堡的深处,他们一边前进,一边窃窃私语着。 „Did investigation have the result?” Anti- Sanier asked. “调查有结果了吗?”耐萨尼尔问。 We have not had any direct evidence temporarily, showed that Order of the Secrets has colluded with disobedient Wang Ting in one,” the Heine slightly worried say/way, you also know that the earth of secret is antiforeign.” “我们暂时没有掌握任何直接的证据,证明诸秘之团已与忤逆王庭勾结在了一起,”海涅略显苦恼道,“你也知道隐秘之土有多么排外。” You thought that Order of the Secrets can trust?” Anti- Sanier continues to ask. “那你觉得诸秘之团可以信任吗?”耐萨尼尔继续问道。 This time Heine silent long time, gave his own answer, „, even if they are credible, so long as there is a risk that 1% can revolt, is unable to tolerate.” 这一次海涅沉默了良久,给出了他自己的答案,“哪怕他们再可信,只要有百分之一会叛变的风险在,都是无法容忍的。” Anti- Sanier thought deeply, the injunction said that after we left the outpost, the organization personnel evacuated, only stayed behind sublimation who can enter the war.” 耐萨尼尔深思了一阵,嘱咐道,“当我们离开哨站后,就组织人员撤离吧,只留下可以参战的凝华者。” Heine regarding such possibility, the innermost feelings is prepared early, when may hear anti- Sanier said personally, his innermost feelings unavoidably shiver. 海涅对于这样的可能,内心早有准备,可听到耐萨尼尔亲口说出来时,他的内心还是不免颤抖。 Can make war?” “要开战吗?” I am indefinite, but like you said that even if 1% probabilities, is not unacceptable.” “我不确定,但就像你说的,哪怕有百分之一的概率,也是无法接受的。” Good.” “好吧。” Heine sighed, he realized No. 46 outpost after passing the long peace, finally welcomed it already the result of setting. 海涅不由地叹气,他意识到四十六号哨站在度过漫长的和平后,最终还是迎来了它早已定下的结局。 If Ok, I do not hope this,” anti- Sanier said that „, but the present is the war eve, we have no alternative.” “如果可以,我也不希望这样,”耐萨尼尔说,“但现在是战争前夜,我们别无选择。” The Heine double back of the hand after behind, worries saying that conflict that if faced with is not really able to avoid, what do you want to make?” 海涅双手背在身后,担忧道,“如果真的面临无法回避的冲突,你们要做什么?” Destroys the worthy people of former times conference, controls Order of the Secrets forcefully.” “摧毁先贤会议,强行掌控诸秘之团。” Anti- Sanier said, felt relieved, we as far as possible damage control in smallest...... a fast and fatal Decapitation Strike.” 耐萨尼尔说,“放心,我们尽量会把损伤控制在最小……一场快速且致命的斩首行动。” If Decapitation Strike failure?” “如果斩首行动失败了呢?” That must depend on you,” anti- Sanier is taking a look at Heine, here will turn into the bridgehead of civil war, the continuous weapon and sublimation will arrive here, is even the earth of thorough plow secret.” “那就要靠你们了,”耐萨尼尔打量着海涅,“这里将变成内战的桥头堡,源源不断的武器与凝华者将抵达这里,把隐秘之土彻底犁平。” You have completed to plan, right?” Heine realized suddenly. “你已经做好打算了,是吗?”海涅突然意识到。 Right, at this time is having the sequence to arm the train to rush to toward here, when shortly after we leave, they should arrive, above was fully laden with the mortal army that dispatches to come from Rhine Alliance, is only this time, these mortal armies passed through in addition of gold metallurgy arming to hold.” “没错,此时正有数列武装火车朝这里奔赴,当我们离开后不久,他们应该就会抵达,上面载满了从莱茵同盟调遣而来的凡人部队,只是这一次,这些凡人部队都经过了炼金武装的加持。” The anti- Sanier spooky say/way, single mouse brutally will only be stamped, when but the mouse group wells up crazily, they will eat to eat all one's food all things.” 耐萨尼尔幽幽道,“单个的老鼠只会被无情地踩死,但当鼠群狂涌时,它们会吃光所有的东西。” In a flash, Heine thought that has the reign of terror to delimit from the cheeks, he held the eyeglasses, muttered, evidently here I treated was too long, has not realized the outside world already sternly to what degree completely.” 一瞬间,海涅觉得有腥风血雨从脸颊上划过,他扶了扶眼镜,喃喃道,“看样子我在这里待的太久了,完全没意识到外界已经严峻到了何种程度。” Yes, Heine, situation bad is near like Wrath of the Scorched Earth again.” “是的,海涅,情况糟糕的就像焦土之怒再临一下。” Anti- Sanier smiled suddenly, „, but after the trip, if your I am also living, these information can also to defending building mostly publicize.” 耐萨尼尔忽然笑了起来,“但此行之后,你我要是都还活着,那些情报多半也能对守垒者们公开了。” What information?” “什么情报?” „The truth of related world,” anti- Sanier made an effort to pat his shoulder, „, you may curiously, if wants the means to live.” “有关世界的真相,”耐萨尼尔用力地拍了拍他的肩膀,“很好奇是吧,那你可要想办法活下来啊。” Heine deep breath, made an effort to grip the fist, is smiling the response, I as far as possible.” 海涅深呼吸,用力地攥了攥拳,微笑着回应,“我尽量。”
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