ED :: Volume #5

#29: Business trip

Finally, went to the day of earth of secret to arrive, was not the special time, had no different kind significance, got out of bed like some day you emerges suddenly, must draw the friend to go out the traveling to be the same together. 终于,前往隐秘之土的日子还是到了,不是什么特殊的时刻,也没有什么别样的意义,就像有一天你起床突然兴起,要拉着朋友一起出门旅游一样。 Sudden. 突如其来。 Beirrogo dresses the clothing, inspected an own military equipment, after the promotion defends building, he to the self- ability conducted an analysis, discarded some unnecessary arming, added many new things newly. 伯洛戈穿戴好衣物,检查了一下自己的武装,晋升守垒者后,他对自我能力进行了一阵剖析,舍弃了一些不必要的武装,又新添了不少新东西。 The resentment bites to insert the scabbard, hangs in the waist, in the slit of metal spill point sticky, half well-illuminated gelatinous, this is Ma specially is the exuviate empty sword oil of Beirrogo preparation, as the consumables, Ma prepared several cans initially. 怨咬插入剑鞘,挂在腰间,金属的缝隙里溢出点点黏腻的、半通明的胶质,这是玛莫专门为伯洛戈准备的蜕虚剑油,作为消耗品,当初玛莫准备了好几罐。 On the bandage of thigh inserts is cutting down the oppressive saw axe, arms as a source crime, it is bringing violent anger divine protection devotes to unite the military, the necessary time, this can be a Beirrogo overturning card in a hand. 大腿的绑带上插着伐虐锯斧,作为一把源罪武装,它自带着暴怒的加护・献身戮武,必要时刻,这会是伯洛戈一张翻盘的底牌。 In addition, on Beirrogo had/left a copper color bracelet, at first when this thing gives Beirrogo, Beirrogo somewhat is vacant, but he recognized this bracelet quickly. 除此之外,伯洛戈手上又多出了一枚铜色手镯,起初这东西交给伯洛戈时,伯洛戈还有些茫然,但他很快就认出了这枚手镯。 Contract when link. 契约物・时环。 This once was contract of red dog, after he dies was recycled by Bureau of Order, now spreads in the hand of Beirrogo, its effect was to spend own time, to receive in exchange to the distortion stagnation of surroundings time. 这曾是红犬的契约物,在他死后被秩序局回收,如今又流传到了伯洛戈的手中,其效果是消耗自身的时间,以换取对周围时间的扭曲停滞。 To average person, this is price extremely expensive contract, but looks like in the non- dead, the time is the most inexpensive commodity. 对普通人而言,这是件代价极其昂贵的契约物,但在不死者看来,时间就是最廉价的商品。 Beirrogo guesses that is also for this reason, Bureau of Order thinks own most suitable this contract, should become its holder, but this was the Beirrogo current complete equipment. 伯洛戈猜也是出于这个原因,秩序局认为自己最适合这件契约物,理应成为它的持有者,而这就是伯洛戈目前的全部装备了。 Bureau of Order also once gave Beirrogo to provide the options of some high rank gold metallurgy arming, but Beirrogo picks over, gave up. 秩序局也曾给伯洛戈提供了一些高阶炼金武装的选项,但伯洛戈挑来挑去,还是放弃了。 The weapon are too many will instead hinder the fight of Beirrogo, remains would rather on selection several, complements own fight style. 武器太多反而会妨碍伯洛戈的战斗,倒不如就精选几个留下来,补全自己的战斗风格。 Hey! Awakes!” “喂!醒醒!” Goes out, Beirrogo made an effort to knock the door of next door, temporarily was not the roommate, but Beirrogo retained as before called the custom that Palmer got out of bed. Palmer was full of the complaint. 出门,伯洛戈用力地敲了敲隔壁的房门,暂时算不上室友了,但伯洛戈依旧保留了叫帕尔默起床的习惯。帕尔默对此充满了抱怨。 After a xi xi su su sound, Palmer wore the clothes to walk. 一阵窸窸窣窣的声音后,帕尔默穿好衣服走了出来。 „......” “啊……” He hit big breathing out. 他打了一个大大的哈气。 After promoting lost/carrying power, Palmer also conducts alternation that one round equipped, besides the lucky dice and storm feather, he also increased a flood azure thin sword, in the ice-cold metal surface portrays the smooth pattern, probably the sea of clouds tumbles on the sword blade. 晋升负权者后,帕尔默也进行了一轮装备的更迭,除了幸运骰子与风暴羽外,他还增添了一把泛青色的细剑,冰冷的金属表面上刻画着流畅的花纹,像是云海在剑刃上翻滚。 This does not come from the thin sword Bureau of Order, but is Kelaikesi family/home to the weapon that Palmer provides. 这把细剑并非来自于秩序局,而是克莱克斯家向帕尔默发放的武器。 As perfect way the successors of wind four roads, Palmer grows every step is in the strict planning chart, his secret can the tendency, derives the vice- school of thought that as well as disposition of gold metallurgy arming. 作为完美路径・风肆之路的继承人,帕尔默成长的每一步都处于严格的计划表中,他秘能的倾向、衍生副学派,以及炼金武装的配置。 After the Kelaikesi family/home predecessor innumerable trial mistakes, they had achieved nearly perfect optimal solution. 经过克莱克斯家前人无数的试错后,他们已经达成了一个近乎完美的最优解。 It can be said that Palmer's unusual road by the clearness that his family member arranges, realizes these, Beirrogo also had several points to envy unexpectedly, as well as understood again how Palmer this mindless temper came. 可以说,帕尔默的超凡之路被他家里人安排的明明白白,意识到这些,伯洛戈居然还心生了几分羡慕,以及再一次理解到帕尔默这没心没肺的性子是怎么来的。 Palmer does not need to ponder too many, so long as the promotion is in low spirits good, the remaining matters, first people have levelled for him. 帕尔默根本不需要思考太多,只要闷头晋升就好,剩下的事,前人们早已为他摆平了。 From.” “从哪出发。” Palmer is dragging the baggage, follows after behind asking of Beirrogo. 帕尔默拖着行李,跟在伯洛戈的身后问道。 Stopover station, we from that through the gate of winding path, will shuttle back and forth in each outposts, when arriving in the outpost in earth of edge secret stops, then travels is preparing the good train to arrive in the destination in that beforehand.” “中转站,我们将从那通过曲径之门,穿梭于各个哨站之间,在抵达隐秘之土边缘的哨站时停下,然后搭乘着事先在那准备好的火车抵达目的地。” Because of the particularity of work, Beirrogo rarely has the opportunity of business trip, previously farthest one time, goes to the slender within various countries. 因工作的特殊性,伯洛戈很少有出差的机会,先前最远的一次,也是前往狭间诸国。 But at that time because of the attack of vertical song orchestra, each outpost fell into the shutdown, has no way to conduct the winding path shuttle, for this reason can only spend lots of time, builds is going by train to go forward slowly. This difference, Rhine Alliance domestic outpost operation is good, they can easily span the long distance. 但那时因纵歌乐团的袭击,各个哨站陷入了停摆,没法进行曲径穿梭,为此只能花费大量的时间,搭乘着火车慢慢前进。这一次不同,莱茵同盟境内的哨站运行良好,他们可以轻易地跨越漫长的距离。 Beirrogo waves, the coming wall decomposes suddenly, reveals one piece muddy and jet black. 伯洛戈挥挥手,迎面而来的墙壁忽然裂解,露出一片浑浊与漆黑。 Palmer gawked, rubs the eyes, suspected oneself misread. 帕尔默愣了一下,揉了揉眼睛,怀疑自己看错了。 After my application, we can also cultivate indoor freedom to shift, is only the translatable destination, received few limits.” “经过我的申请,我们也能在垦室内自由转移了,只是可转移的目的地,受到了少量的限制。” , Also inverts the main hall except for the decision room, as well as outside the accepting area and dark prison cell, Beirrogo can open access in Bureau of Order now. 除了决策室、也就是颠倒厅堂,以及收容区、黑牢外,伯洛戈如今可以在秩序局内畅通无阻。 Beirrogo was saying steps into the darkness, Palmer voices the opinions without enough time, in the darkness extends the member, entrains in which Palmer. 伯洛戈说着踏入黑暗里,帕尔默来不及发出感叹,黑暗里伸出一把手,将帕尔默拽进其中。 Dim , the huge silence is extruding Palmer's mind, his actually very repugnant stopover station place, always felt oneself arrived at another different world, filled everywhere made the strangeness and anxiety that one trembled. 昏暗里,庞大的寂静挤压着帕尔默的心神,他其实很讨厌中转站这个地方,总觉得自己来到了另一个异世界,到处都充满了令人战栗的诡异与不安。 Beirrogo is whipping Palmer's shoulder, the involvement from outside world, obliterated silence in Palmer mind. 伯洛戈拍打着帕尔默的肩膀,来自外界的介入,磨灭了帕尔默脑海里的寂静。 „............” “哈……哈……” Palmer's breath is slightly rapid, he looked at Beirrogo one, saw only him to refer to the front, not far away had gathered a large crowd, two people were evidently latest. 帕尔默的呼吸微微急促,他看了伯洛戈一眼,只见他指了指前方,不远处已经汇聚了一大批人,看样子两人是最晚来的。 Good morning, everyone.” “早上好,各位。” Beirrogo is greeting, the vision flashes past in the crowd. 伯洛戈打着招呼,目光在人群中一闪而过。 The population of mission are less , the fourth group wanting of Beirrogo imagination has not turned out in full strength evidently, but sent out high rank sublimation of part. 使团的人数比伯洛戈想象的要少一些,看样子第四组没有倾巢而出,只是派出了部分的高阶凝华者。 This but actually is also, the strength of itself mission is very terrifying, adds a person again, Beirrogo cannot distinguish clearly this quickly is negotiates, made war. 这倒也是,本身使团的实力就已经很恐怖了,再多添点人,伯洛戈都快分不清这是去谈判,还是开战了。 Un...... both do not seem contradictory, at least the present population scale, can make the response of Order of the Secrets less intense. 嗯……两者似乎并不矛盾,至少如今的人数规模,可以让诸秘之团的反应没那么激烈些。 Hoult and his adjutant Irwin came, but their looks seem like some is not wonderful, particularly Hoult, he has been cloudy the face, on the nape of the neck is being many a iron hoop of similar shackles. 霍尔特与他的副官埃文都来了,但他们的神色看起来有些不妙,尤其是霍尔特,他一直阴沉着脸,脖颈上还多出一个类似镣铐的铁环。 Beirrogo has not stayed on them is too long, as for the Hoult depressing facial expression, he also heard in staff members' discussion. 伯洛戈没有在他们身上停留太久,至于霍尔特压抑的神情,他也在职员们的讨论中有所耳闻。 As by Bureau of Order places the great expectations, youngest defending building, in Hoult heart has had several points of arrogance, was routed by the prince regent until this arrogance thoroughly. 作为被秩序局寄予厚望的、最为年轻的守垒者,霍尔特心中一直有着几分傲气,直到这份傲气被摄政王彻底击溃。 Although said that two people have the disparity of step position, the victory and loss is the obvious matter, but Hoult's self-respect was too strong, such reason is unable to convince he himself. 虽然说两人有着阶位的差距,输赢是显而易见的事,可霍尔特的自尊心太强了,这样的理由无法说服他自己。 Besides the fourth group of people, Beirrogo saw the Order of the Secrets envoys, Sana is staring at all around dim, and dim the innumerable leaves that stands erect, she is very curious regarding the Bureau of Order ether technology. 除了第四组的人外,伯洛戈又见到了诸秘之团的使者们,奥萨娜凝望着四周的昏暗,以及昏暗里竖立的无数门扉,她对于秩序局的以太技术很是好奇。 In her both sides is two young male, Beirrogo remembers that their names, the one who is slightly high is Rohlff, another is cable/search Ti, they like guarding to be the same, follows around Sana. 在她的两侧是两名年轻的男性,伯洛戈记得他们的名字,略高的是罗尔福,另一个则是索提,他们如同守卫一样,跟随在奥萨娜前后。 Staff members very repugnant Rohlff and cable/search suggest, once said that they for the genuine unusual aristocrat, naturally, here taunted mean to be in the majority. Everyone does not like this group of keeping aloof fellows. 职员们很讨厌罗尔福与索提,曾称他们为原汁原味的超凡贵族,当然,这里嘲讽意味居多。大家都不喜欢这群高高在上的家伙。 After waiting shortly, anti- Sanier came. 等待没多久后,耐萨尼尔来了。 The big form goes out from dim, anti- Sanier wears the standard Bureau of Order uniform/subdue, the muscle of inflation is highlighting the fine line on the cotton material, before anti- Sanier appearance not, is so optional, he combed the hair specially, scattering, just like the lion mane to send the silk to reorganize after the brain. 高大的身影从昏暗里走出,耐萨尼尔穿着着标准的秩序局制服,膨胀的肌肉在布料上凸显出精致的线条,耐萨尼尔的样子没有之前那样随意,他特意梳理了头发,把散落的、犹如狮子鬃毛般的发丝整理在了脑后。 The anti- Sanier arrival brought to everyone's attention, everyone looks to him, waits for him to further instruct. 耐萨尼尔的到来引起了所有人的注意,大家纷纷看向他,等待他进一步的指示。 Anti- Sanier did not say a word, the stopover station had been clear his will, was dim the innumerable front doors to start the high and low fluttering, probably giant snowflakes. Beirrogo hears in the darkness to transmit a clear sound indistinctly, probably one bunch of keys are colliding mutually. 耐萨尼尔一言不发,中转站则早已清楚他的意志,昏暗里无数的大门开始上下翻飞,像是一枚枚巨大的雪花。伯洛戈隐约听见黑暗中传来一阵清脆的声响,像是一串钥匙在互相碰撞。 Door overlap confused, finally had such a door to be screened, it emerged the darkness, fell before the crowd. 门扉交迭错乱之下,终于有那么一扇门被筛选了出来,它浮出黑暗,落在人群之前。 The symbol of sword and chains engraves in the gate, has a 46 serial number under of symbol. 剑与锁链的标志刻印在门上,在标志的下方有着一个四十六的编号。 „No. 46 outpost, to earth of recent one secret.” “四十六号哨站,离隐秘之土最近的一个。” Anti- Sanier was saying opens the front door. 耐萨尼尔说着一把拉开大门。 When Beirrogo across the gate of winding path, the field of vision restores to be clear, influence that the long distance winding path shuttles back and forth also with sense restores racing wells up, but. 伯洛戈穿过曲径之门,视野恢复清晰时,长距离曲径穿梭的影响也随着感官的恢复奔涌而至。 Beirrogo only felt that a stomach distortion, as if the intestines tied a knot, the vomitive feeling continuously extrudes from the throat. 伯洛戈只感到胃部一阵扭曲,仿佛肠子都打结了般,连续不断的呕吐感从嗓子里挤压而过。 Before trading does, Beirrogo will inevitably want on an uncomfortable meeting, but in uses to shed under the empty sword oil repeatedly, Beirrogo already gradually the impact that is used to the winding path to have, this time he used less than one minute returns to normal. 换做之前,伯洛戈势必要难受上一会,但在多次使用蜕虚剑油下,伯洛戈已经逐渐习惯了曲径带来的影响,这次他用了不到一分钟的时间就恢复正常。 Familiar calling out in grief resounds side Beirrogo. 熟悉的悲鸣在伯洛戈身旁响起。 Sorry, letting.” “抱歉,让让。” Palmer is covering mouth, said unclearly, he does not have all around the time observation, only wants to find the restroom to spit one quickly ruthlessly. 帕尔默捂着嘴,含糊不清地说道,他没时间观察四周,只想赶快找到厕所狠狠地吐一口。 Several strange staff members welcomed, they obtained the news ahead of time, the deputy director arrived at the outpost, very early in the morning when they defended in this, similarly, they also expected that after the long distance winding path shuttled back and forth all sorts of responses, proficiently took up the plastic bag to give Palmer. 几位陌生的职员迎了上来,他们提前得到了消息,副局长亲临哨站,大清早时他们就守在了这,同样,他们也预料到了长距离曲径穿梭后的种种反应,熟练地拿起塑料袋递给帕尔默。 The vomitive sound of not mincing matter gets up. 毫不掩饰的呕吐声响起。 The Beirrogo expression is somewhat awkward, he smelled some strange flavors, smells like the barbecue sauce. 伯洛戈的表情有些尴尬,紧接着他嗅到了一些奇怪的味道,闻起来像是烤肉酱。 Has the person of disgusting response to be many, but everyone was uncomfortable one restored, rarely will respond fiercely like Palmer, after another vomitive sound, relies on smell that in the air is filling, everyone guessed correctly reluctantly Palmer breakfast ate anything. 有恶心反应的人不少,但大家都是难受了一阵就恢复了过来,很少会像帕尔默这样反应剧烈,又一阵呕吐声后,凭借着空气中弥漫的气味,大家都勉强猜到了帕尔默早饭吃了些什么。 Serious Hoult, the expression has also had to relax finally, he patted Palmer's shoulder, the humorous say/way, breakfast you should eat light.” 一直神情严肃的霍尔特,表情也终于有所舒缓,他拍了拍帕尔默的肩膀,幽默道,“早饭你应该吃的清淡点。” Irwin follows close on Hoult after that like the medicine peddler, takes out injection from the pocket, needs to instill the medicinal preparation?” 埃文紧跟霍尔特其后,像药贩子一样,从口袋里取出一支针剂,“需要点药剂吗?” Palmer beckoned with the hand to decline two people good intention again and again, took up the paper goods to scratch the mouth, then the bag spigot was. 帕尔默连连摆手谢绝了两人的好意,拿起纸巾擦擦嘴巴,接着把袋子口系了起来。 I am very difficult to imagine you to become Kelaikesi family/home family lord's appearance.” Beirrogo small sound said. “我真的很难想象你成为克莱克斯家家主的模样。”伯洛戈小声道。 This is the normal physiological reaction!” Palmer protested. “这是正常的生理反应!”帕尔默抗议。 The interlude ended, people look everywhere, here is courtyard of arrangement a similar pillar/backbone courtyard room, is only the overall size be smaller than Bureau of Order on many. 插曲结束,人们四处望了望,这里是一处类似支柱之庭布置的庭室,只是整体大小要比秩序局小上很多。 In the front of mission, the outpost stationmaster had waited there for some time in this, Beirrogo is taking a look at the opposite party, that is a seemingly 40-50 years old middle-aged man, the face thin, distinctive, on the bridge of the nose hangs round frame eyeglasses, after the head of tender is combing the brain, neatly. 在使团的前方,哨站站长早已在这等候多时,伯洛戈打量着对方,那是一个看起来四五十岁的中年男子,脸庞消瘦、棱角分明,鼻梁上挂着一架圆框眼镜,油头整齐地梳到脑后。 Beirrogo sees his first, thought that the opposite party is a gentle civilian personnel, but the next second, Beirrogo then detected keenly, the ether intensity on the man sending out. 伯洛戈见到他的第一眼,就觉得对方是一个文质彬彬的文职人员,可下一秒,伯洛戈便敏锐地察觉到了,男人身上所散发的以太强度。 Defends building. 守垒者。 Incessantly so, follows in man behind staff members, reveals the ether that the intensity varied to respond, most of them are lost/carrying power, existence of almost no stage sublimation. 不止如此,跟随在男人身后的职员们,也流露出了强度不一的以太反应,其中大多数是负权者,几乎没有一阶段凝华者的存在。 The Beirrogo facial expression was gradually dignified. 伯洛戈的神情逐渐凝重了起来。 Honor is grasping the unusual road to high strength, they as before are the person, but in many eyes, honor by aloof, the devout person was believed them for the deity to a certain extent, the sane person regards as each article human form them the strategic weapons. 荣光者掌握着超凡之路的至高力量,他们依旧是人,但在许多人的眼里,荣光者在一定程度上都被超然化,虔诚的人将他们信仰为天神,理智的人把他们看做一件件人形的战略武器。 Also because, under normal conditions, honor is will not so enliven in this mortal world absolutely, they mostly hide in the hidden place, gives the enemy the invisible deterrent force, in situation that hence in honor does not enter the war, defends building to become each influence on maintain itself to rule the main force of order. 也因如此,通常情况下,荣光者是绝对不会活跃于尘世之中的,他们大多藏在暗处,给予敌人无形的威慑力,至此在荣光者不参战的情况下,守垒者就成为了各个势力维持自身统治秩序的主体力量。 This situation is almost applicable to all unusual influences, Bureau of Order is also so, in Bureau of Order, defends building to hold the post of each important post, maintains important existence that Bureau of Order operates. 这一情况几乎适用于所有的超凡势力,就连秩序局也是如此,在秩序局内,守垒者们担任着各个要职,是维系秩序局运行的重要存在。 Beirrogo cannot think, the decision room sends one to defend building to be the outpost stationmaster unexpectedly, similarly surprised has Beirrogo incessantly, Palmer is also a shocking appearance, is good has not made a fool of oneself because of this time him, the shock only continued to flicker, was naturally covered by him. 伯洛戈怎么也想不到,决策室居然派一名守垒者来当哨站站长,同样惊讶的不止有伯洛戈,帕尔默也是一副震惊的模样,好在这次他没出洋相,震惊只持续了一瞬,就被他自然地掩盖了下去。 His small sound said, Beirrogo, I felt that some are not quite wonderful.” 他小声道,“伯洛戈,我感觉有些不太妙。” Beirrogo responded in a soft voice, „the present turn head may without enough time.” 伯洛戈轻声回应,“现在回头可来不及了。” Finishes speaking, the gate of closed, heavy residual sound winding path reverberates by two people ears slowly. 话音刚落,曲径之门缓缓闭合,沉重的余音在两人的耳旁回荡。 Now Beirrogo is also the high-ranking, regarding the force structure of Bureau of Order, he also had the approximate understanding. 现在伯洛戈也算是身居高位,对于秩序局的力量构成,他也有了大致的了解。 Divides three words Bureau of Order, 1/3 concentrations of efforts in Oath City the Orpheus Bureau of Order headquarters, are responsible for in the main operation and guarding city of Bureau of Order these fatal demons and monsters, as well as takes the fort, confronts with King's Secret Sword. 秩序局划分成三块的话,三分之一的力量集中于誓言城欧泊斯秩序局总部,负责秩序局的主要运行、看守城市中那些致命的妖魔鬼怪,以及作为要塞,与国王秘剑对峙。 1/3 strengths must belong to these support the Bureau of Order unusual family and secret society, they are the key personnel origins of Bureau of Order, is the main logistics resource supporter. 还有三分之一的力量要归属于那些支持秩序局的超凡家族、秘密结社,他们是秩序局的主要职员来源,也是主要的后勤资源支持者。 Finally remaining 1/3, are these distributes the outpost in Rhine Alliance vast land. 最后剩下的三分之一,就是这些分布于莱茵同盟辽阔大地上的哨站。 Even Bureau of Order again how powerful, its dominant ability is still very difficult from Oath City the Orpheus radiation to Rhine Alliance throughout, these unusual families and secret societies is also so. 即便秩序局再怎么强大,它的统治能力也很难从誓言城欧泊斯辐射至莱茵同盟全境,那些超凡家族、秘密结社也是如此。 In order to deal with this difficult problem, Bureau of Order at certain density, placed massive outposts in the boundaries, according to the importance of keeping watch region, the strong and weak of personnel quantity and overall strength of outpost is different. 为了应对这个难题,秩序局以一定密度,在境内安置了大量的哨站,根据守望区域的重要性,哨站的人员数量与整体实力的强弱都有所不同。 Overwhelming majority outposts are maintained by praying letter/believes, few outposts will have lost/carrying power management, but this is Beirrogo first time saw that defends the building guarding outpost, what awfully is, besides him, in the outpost also has many lost/carrying power. 绝大部分哨站都是由祷信者维系,少量哨站将有负权者管理,而这是伯洛戈头一次见到一位守垒者驻守哨站,更要命的是,除了他以外,哨站内还有不少的负权者。 This is not considered as that a outpost, simply was a fortress. 这已经不算是哨站了,简直就是一座堡垒。 Welcome, long time no see, Deputy director.” “欢迎,很久不见了,副局长。” The men walk to go forward, shakes hand with anti- Sanier, his sound is very gentle, making Beirrogo remember the teacher in classroom. 男人走上前,和耐萨尼尔握手,他的声音很温柔,令伯洛戈想起课堂里的老师。 Anti- Sanier also smiles the response, truly long time no see, Heine.” 耐萨尼尔也微笑地回应,“确实很久不见了,海涅。” I have not thought that you will travel together.” “我没想到你们会一起同行。” Heine looked to Sana in crowd, two portraits/people looks like the understanding, Sana had signaled by nodding to Heine, did not plan and him talks too much. 海涅看向了人群之中的奥萨娜,两人像是早就认识般,奥萨娜只是冲海涅点头示意了一下,并不打算和他多言。 Smile on Heine face as before, gets greeting with Hoult later, „, Hoult also came, your I was also very long have not seen.” 海涅脸上的微笑依旧,随后和霍尔特打上招呼,“哦,霍尔特也来了,你我也很久没见了吧。” Quickly more than ten years,” Hoult walked to go forward on own initiative, shook hand with Heine, I fondly remembered here the day of work very much.” “快有十多年的时间了,”霍尔特主动走上前,和海涅握手,“我很怀念在这里工作的日子。” Sounds, the outpost before the Hoult responsible hopeless situation, he has worked here. 听起来,在霍尔特负责绝境前哨站前,他一直在这里工作。 The tedious pleasantries were still continuing, Heine transferred the vision to Beirrogo and Palmer, two people also talked on own initiative. 繁琐的客套话仍在继续,海涅把目光挪移向了伯洛戈与帕尔默,两人也主动地搭话道。 Palmer Kelaikesi.” “帕尔默・克莱克斯。” „, The boy of Kelaikesi family/home, I have heard your story.” “哦,克莱克斯家的小子,我听说过你的故事。” Palmer does not know suddenly should say any good, he very early is trapped in becomes famous young this matter, what is worse, is not the good reputation. 帕尔默一时间不知道该说些什么好,他很早就受困于年少成名这件事,更糟的是,并不是什么好名声。 Heine then looks to Beirrogo, does not wait for the Beirrogo opens the mouth, he takes the lead to say. 海涅接着看向伯洛戈,不等伯洛戈开口,他率先说道。 Beirrogo Lazarus? I know you.” 伯洛戈·拉撒路?我知道你。” Opposite party attack, disrupted Beirrogo to prepare the good words technique on own initiative, Heine then said, I have wanted to see you, Bureau of Order the star of tomorrow, is only busy because of the work, my left this previous time, was during secret war.” 对方的主动出击,打乱了伯洛戈准备好的话术,海涅接着说道,“我一直很想见见你,秩序局的明日之星,只是因工作繁忙,我上一次离开这,还是在秘密战争时期。” „The star of tomorrow?” “明日之星?” Beirrogo gawked, this is anything damn name. 伯洛戈愣了一下,这又是什么见鬼的称呼。 „Don't you know? You are in modern Bureau of Order the position and step position promotion speed quick person who flies, everyone called you,” he then said in a low voice, „the identity of your non- dead, I must suspect you were the anti- Sanier illegitimate child.” “你不知道吗?你是近代秩序局里职位与阶位晋升速度都快的飞起的人,大家都这么称呼你,”他接着低声道,“要不是你不死者的身份,我都要怀疑你是耐萨尼尔的私生子了。” Heine looked at Beirrogo, looked at anti- Sanier, at least you truly resemble in the look very much.” 海涅看了看伯洛戈,又看了看耐萨尼尔,“至少你俩在眼神上确实很相像。” Beirrogo suddenly thought that this fellow is not gentle. 伯洛戈突然觉得这家伙也没那么文质彬彬。 Heine drew back backward several steps, does not give the opportunity of Beirrogo speech, he made an effort to pat clapping, attracted everyone's attention. 海涅向后退了几步,根本不给伯洛戈发言的机会,他用力地拍了拍手,吸引所有人的注意。 Ok, makes us start the next item now!” “好了,现在让我们开始下一个事项吧!” Heine turns around to guide, anti- Sanier follows close on after that the team moved again, Beirrogo and Palmer gathering same place, talked in whispers. 海涅转身带路,耐萨尼尔紧跟其后,队伍再次动了起来,伯洛戈和帕尔默凑到一起,窃窃私语。 „Do you know this place?” “你知道这地方吗?” Does not know, absolutely does not have the impression,” Palmer said, „No. 46 outpost, Bureau of Order all outposts are the numerical symbols...... you can remember some from one pile of numbers explicitly?” “不知道,完全没有印象,”帕尔默说,“四十六号哨站,秩序局的所有哨站都是数字编号……你能从一堆数字里明确记住某个吗?” Naturally.” “当然。” Good, is your math is quite possibly good, is the memory is quite possibly good,” Palmer broke himself fiercely, and other, what I must say is......” “好吧,可能是你数学比较好,也可能是记忆力比较好,”帕尔默猛地打断了自己,“等一下,我要说的是……” „Were here sublimation disposition some too luxurious?” Beirrogo first spoke. “这里的凝华者配置有些太豪华了?”伯洛戈抢先说到。 Palmer was at a loss for words, then nods again and again, „, the disposition also was too luxurious, defends building to follow one group of lost/carrying power, this simply is the tenth group of dispositions, they placed one strike force to defend in this! Damn, what do they want to defend? Previous this disposition outpost, what keeping watch is this world calamity wicked that type of ghost thing.” 帕尔默语塞了一下,接着连连点头,“是啊,配置也太豪华了,守垒者跟着一群负权者,这简直是第十组的配置,他们安插了一支行动组守在这!见鬼,他们要守什么?上一个这种配置的哨站,守望的是此世祸恶那种鬼东西。” After promoting lost/carrying power, Palmer somewhat lets success go to the head, now the reality pulls him ruthlessly. 晋升负权者后,帕尔默有些得意忘形,如今现实把他狠狠地扯了回来。 I can guess correctly some reasons probably.” Beirrogo and Palmer's step is very slow, follows in the team most end. “我大概能猜到些缘由。”伯洛戈和帕尔默的步伐很慢,跟随在队伍的最末尾。 Palmer slow Shintoism/Divine Dao, I also guessed correctly.” 帕尔默缓过神道,“我也猜到了。” Two people vision fell in Sana's back together, Beirrogo first opened the mouth saying that in any event, Order of the Secrets regarding Bureau of Order was a potential threat, maintaining the independence and peace was good, but once they chose with Bureau of Order for the enemy, from a dagger of internal insertion.” 两人的目光齐齐地落在了奥萨娜的背影上,伯洛戈先开口道,“无论如何,诸秘之团对于秩序局而言都是一个潜在的威胁,保持独立与和平还好,可一旦他们选择与秩序局为敌,将是从内部插入的一把尖刀。” Beirrogo thinks suddenly, if secret war, Order of the Secrets and King's Secret Sword collaborate, gives the Bureau of Order attack from the interior, all results also really said that does not permit. 伯洛戈突然想到,要是秘密战争时期,诸秘之团国王秘剑联手,从内部给予秩序局打击的话,一切的结局还真说不准了。 „No. 46 outpost is responsible for monitoring Order of the Secrets, will turn into a fortress when necessary, resists the attack of Order of the Secrets, or helps the Bureau of Order attack.” “四十六号哨站负责监视诸秘之团,也会在必要时变成一座堡垒,阻挡诸秘之团的进攻,又或者帮助秩序局进攻。” Palmer touched the handle of waist dagger subconsciously, he realized that the trip does not have simplicity of such imagination, after no one is clear, has anything to wait for them. 帕尔默下意识地摸了摸腰间匕首的握柄,他意识到此行没有想象的那样简单,谁也不清楚之后有什么东西在等着他们。
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