ED :: Volume #5

#28: Working overtime 【When thanks snow moon/month flower hegemon in addition】

Then the picture in screen was a series of bloody slaughtering and slaughtered, the cylinder by one's effort resistance group of enemies, the terrifying ether brutally washed out oversized, obliterated the life at the same time, easily changed the terrain. 接下来荧幕内的画面就是一连串血腥的屠戮与厮杀了,锡林以一己之力对抗群敌,恐怖的以太无情地冲刷过大地,磨灭生命的同时,轻易地更改地形。 That is thing that only then the gods can achieve, at this moment 11 performances on the body of mortal. 那是只有神明才能做到的事,此刻正一一上演在凡人的身上。 Bell Finger is eating the popcorn silently, he has known the great strength of cylinder, clear cylinder and Leviathan strange relation, therefore this time Bell Finger's attention not on the body of cylinder, but concentrates on that silent dumbness. 贝尔芬格默默地吃着爆米花,他早就知晓锡林的强大,也清楚锡林与利维坦之间的诡异联系,所以这一次贝尔芬格的注意力并不在锡林的身上,而是专注于那沉默的无言者们。 As the unusual world-known employment regiment, Bell Finger knows the particularity of dumbness, they seem like inexhaustible, but is actually only the derivation body of same person, wants to rout this silent regiment thoroughly, then must kill off all dumbness simultaneously. 作为超凡世界知名的雇佣军团,贝尔芬格知晓无言者们的特殊性,他们看似是无穷无尽,但实则只是同一个人的衍生体,想要彻底击溃这支沉默的军团,那么就必须同时杀光所有的无言者。 But the issue is, with the dumbness reduction, they scattered strength will also concentrate, if the strength of sole honor is diluted merely, this is also not anything, but dumbness monopolized Ma gate divine protection holds alone defending corruptly. 但问题是,随着无言者人数的减少,他们原本分散的力量也会集中起来,如果仅仅是单一荣光者的力量被稀释掉,这还不算什么,可偏偏无言者独享了玛门的加护・贪执独守。 Divine protection holds alone defending corruptly, its effect is to create an extremely huge ether pond, all enjoys divine protection, can use it unconditionally, to release more powerful secret energy, but the premise is always divine protection, an ether pond multi- average point. 加护・贪执独守,其效果是创造一个极为庞大的以太池,所有享受加护者,都可以无条件地利用它,以释放更强大的秘能,但前提是每多一位加护者,以太池就会多平均一分。 Under the influence of curse, the greedy thought of distortion is urging dumbness, they spent for a long time, killed off all share divine protection, was good to make itself the Ma gate only follower, is monopolizing greedily the strength of ether pond. 在诅咒的影响下,扭曲的贪婪念头驱使着无言者,他们花了很长时间,杀光了所有的分享加护者,好令自己成为玛门唯一的信徒,贪婪地独享着以太池的力量。 Bell Finger suspected, the dumbness itself/Ben is honor, after the complete unshared ether pond, his strength will inflate to what degree, whether will cross the boundary, becomes in the legend by crown? 贝尔芬格不禁怀疑,无言者本就是荣光者,在完全独享以太池后,他的力量会膨胀到何种程度,是否会越过界限,成为传说中的受冕者呢? No one can give the answer. 没人能给出答案。 Since dumbness enlivens when the history, they have formed groups, was never forced to only to remain one person . Moreover, no one is clear, really only remains one person? 自无言者活跃在历史中时起,他们一直成群结队,从未被逼迫至只剩一人,况且,谁也不清楚,真的只剩一人吗? Possibly in some unknown, has the backup that dumbness leaves behind, when all outside active dumbness deaths, the backup will start, derives a regiment. 可能在某个未知地里,就藏有无言者留下的备份,当所有在外活跃的无言者死亡时,备份就会启动,重新衍生出一支军团。 The possibility, dumbness it is also rejecting about the numerous normalizing, after all his normalizing, no longer has that moment of derivation body, when he again live complete strength and complete ether pond, is the time that dumbness can be killed. 还有可能,无言者本身也拒绝着合众归一,毕竟当他归一、不再有衍生体的那一刻,在他重新活的全部的力量与全部的以太池时,也是无言者可以被杀死的时刻。 Bell Finger very clear Debtor are what temper, dumbness is also the cowards, he does not dare to stand. 贝尔芬格很清楚债务人们都是什么性子,无言者也是胆小鬼,他根本不敢站出来。 This achieved marvelous balanced, the potential of dumbness is infinite, the fear to the death was actually being limited. 这就达成了一种奇妙的均衡,无言者的潜能无限,却被对死亡的恐惧限制着。 „...... Increased to honor unexpectedly? Is the strength of ether pond?” “啊……居然攀升至了荣光者?是以太池的力量吗?” Bell Finger gazes in the screen only to remain person of dumbness, his strength arrived in honor, easily starts the ether impact of mountainous cry tsunami, the secret sword of speeding along seemed like the hit in the storm, was easily separated. 贝尔芬格注视着荧幕内只剩一人的无言者,他的力量抵达了荣光者,轻易地掀起山呼海啸的以太冲击,飞驰的秘剑像是撞击在了风暴上,被轻易地弹开。 Then you can have several honor the strength simultaneously on average?” “那么你能同时把力量平均出几个荣光者呢?” Bell Finger is estimating, attempts in this means that estimates the dumbness strength limit, but it is a pity that even if faces directly the cylinder, appeared is also only dumbness of part. 贝尔芬格估测着,试图以这种办法,来揣摩无言者力量的极限,但遗憾的是,哪怕直面锡林,出现的也只是部分的无言者。 He like the glacier of immersion in sea water, only reveals some corners/horns, the truly huge main body still hid under the sea water. 他如同浸泡在海水中的冰川,只露出些许的一角,真正庞大的主体仍隐藏在海水之下。 Thinks of this, Bell Finger only thought that the keel on the back grows is cold, filled vigilantly regarding Ma gate. 一想到这,贝尔芬格只觉得脊背生寒,对于玛门充满了警惕。 Is likely arrogant, the crime of violent anger like that is placed in outwardly on strength, will be only formidable, but these hide in the shadow, actually frighteningly. 像傲慢、暴怒之罪那般,摆在明面上的力量,只会令人敬畏,而那些藏匿于阴影中的,倒是令人恐惧不已。 You are that worst fellow.” “你才是那个最邪恶的家伙啊。” Bell Finger smiled spookily. 贝尔芬格幽幽地笑了起来。 ...... …… In other words, do you want to go to the earth of secret?” “也就是说,你要去隐秘之土了?” Mobius like the sculpture, stands erect for a long time after the desk, does not lift asks. 列比乌斯就像雕塑一样,长久屹立在办公桌后,头也不抬地问道。 Yes, the sketchy list had come out, I and Palmer together, fourth group of people.” Beirrogo and Geoffrey sit in the sofa together, puts out a hand coffee that received especially Lier to hand over. “是的,粗略的名单已经出来了,我和帕尔默一起,还有第四组的人。”伯洛戈杰佛里一起坐在沙发,伸手接过尤丽尔递来的咖啡。 Since Beirrogo can assume sole responsibility for an important task, Mobius and Geoffrey like on the retirement life, have only needed the hasty backup work in the office, can attain a good pay. 自从伯洛戈能独挡一面后,列比乌斯杰佛里就像过上了退休生活一样,只需要在办公室内忙忙后勤工作,就能拿到一笔不错的薪资。 „The fourth group?” Geoffrey is slightly puzzled. “第四组?”杰佛里略显困惑。 „The fourth group and hopeless situation towerman,” Beirrogo opens the mouth saying that destroys from Raymond Guyton thoroughly, after biting flock of beasts were also sent into exile ether, in Great Rift again there is no crisis . Moreover the former outpost of fourth group of guarding did not have, the function that this strike force is responsible for completely vanished.” “第四组、绝境守望者,”伯洛戈开口道,“自雷蒙盖顿彻底毁灭,噬群之兽也被放逐进以太界后,大裂隙内就再无任何危机可言了,而且第四组驻守的前哨站也没了,这支行动组所负责的职能完全消失了。” At this point, Beirrogo feels incredible unavoidably, dismissal of one strike force has many factors, but rare fourth group of like this good results. 说到这里时,伯洛戈难免感到荒诞,一个行动组的解散有许多因素,但少有第四组这样的好结局。 Therefore the decision room preparation changes the fourth group of functions, adjusts on them other action posts, for example this time mission.” “所以决策室准备更改第四组的职能,把他们调到其他的行动岗位上,就比如这次的使团。” „...... I also think that the decision room dismissed them.” Geoffrey cracks a joke to say. “哦……我还以为决策室把他们都开除了。”杰佛里开玩笑道。 Then the overall strength of this mission really makes one be surprised.” “那么这次使团的整体实力真是让人感到意外啊。” Mobius has not paid attention to the Geoffrey joke, he analyzes to say calmly, you and Palmer, the fourth group, deputy director and anti- Sanier own line.” 列比乌斯没有理会杰佛里的笑话,他冷静地分析道,“你、帕尔默,第四组,还有副局长、耐萨尼尔亲行。” Honor, several defends building, many lost/carrying power, this simply is an unusual regiment,” Mobius is guessing, should not, after the breakdown of negotiation, do you directly make war in the earth and Order of the Secrets secret?” “一位荣光者,数位守垒者,还有诸多的负权者,这简直就是一支超凡军团,”列比乌斯猜测着,“该不会,谈判破裂后,你们就直接在隐秘之土与诸秘之团开战吧?” I do not know, I have not gone to that place, was not clear how that group of people actually think how...... all hear of anti- Sanier said.” “我不知道,我还没去过那个地方,更不清楚那群人到底是怎么想的……一切听耐萨尼尔怎么说吧。” Beirrogo hesitant, then said, if OK, I hope can facilitate this negotiations.” 伯洛戈犹豫了一下,接着说道,“但可以的话,我希望能促成这次谈判。” Was defeated?” “失败了呢?” We needed some precautionary measures inevitably.” “那我们必然需要一些强制措施了。” Beirrogo sound wicked, after the saving number of times entered the stage, everyone is about to forget, the Beirrogo initial self-identity was an evil person, punished other evil people, bigger evil person. 伯洛戈的声音恶狠狠了起来,作为拯救者次数出场多了后,大家都快忘记了,伯洛戈最初的自我认同是一个恶人,一个惩罚其他恶人的、更大的恶人。 After chats these simply, Beirrogo by the sofa, he remembered something suddenly. 简单地聊了聊这些后,伯洛戈靠在沙发上,他突然想起了某事。 York, that Beirrogo in the father of grey Shi Town understanding, he carries the blood of night of clan, and has a source crime to arm, after a grave consideration, Beirrogo recruited the special task force him. 约克,那位伯洛戈在灰石镇认识的神父,他身负夜族之血,并持有着一把源罪武装,经过一番深重的考虑后,伯洛戈把他招募进了特别行动组。 Beirrogo likes York very much, they are quite to a certain extent similar, believes is punishing evilly with a bigger violence. 伯洛戈很喜欢约克,他们两人在一定程度上极为相似,都信奉着用更大的暴力来惩治邪恶。 It is a pity that in Raymond Guyton incident, York was missing, when the field personnel staff member arrives in grey Shi Town, there only had remnants of destroyed buildings, in the ruins is completely the flesh of creeping motion. 遗憾的是,在雷蒙盖顿事件中,约克失踪了,当外勤职员抵达灰石镇时,那里只剩下了一片残垣断壁,废墟里尽是蠕动的血肉。 Several rounds search and rescue, they had not found York, his source crime arms Jing Futong locks also disappears does not see. 几轮搜救下来,他们都没有找到约克,连带着他的源罪武装・荆缚痛锁也消失不见。 Beirrogo did not think that York died, is relying on the blood and the violent anger night clan divine protection, York is very difficult to be killed, even if he merely is stage sublimation. 伯洛戈不觉得约克死了,凭借着夜族之血与暴怒的加护,约克很难被杀死,哪怕他仅仅是一位一阶段凝华者。 He suspected that York carried off by the Cult of Scarlet Rot person, according to the view of match sect, the holder who the source crime arms will awaken forever the pupil of anger to a certain extent, Cult of Scarlet Rot possibly holds such goal action. 他怀疑约克是被猩腐教派的人带走了,按照赛宗的说法,源罪武装的持有者会在一定程度上唤醒永怒之瞳,猩腐教派可能是抱有这样的目的行动。 Has the news of York?” Beirrogo asked. “有约克的消息吗?”伯洛戈问。 Sorry, the intelligence personnel have been collecting the news diligently, but the clue about York, is few.” “抱歉,情报人员已经在努力收集消息了,但关于约克的线索,还是寥寥无几。” Mobius shakes the head, regarding the matter of York, he also feels very regret, the time that although York joins is not long, but he after all is also one of the special task force, Mobius will not take lightly him because of this matter. 列比乌斯摇摇头,对于约克的事,他也感到很遗憾,约克虽然加入的时间不长,但他毕竟也是特别行动组的一员,列比乌斯不会因这种事而看轻他。 Good.” “好吧。” Beirrogo tosses down the remaining half cup of coffee. 伯洛戈将剩下的半杯咖啡一饮而尽。 I first went back to rest.” “我先回去休息了。” Beirrogo complained with a smile, hopes when I came back from the earth of secret, my family can repair.” 伯洛戈笑着抱怨道,“希望我从隐秘之土回来时,我家能重新装修好。” Is cultivating indoor lives for a long time, Beirrogo started to fondly remember itself outside day. 在垦室内住久了,伯洛戈开始怀念自己在外面的日子了。 ...... …… „The earth of secret? I heard that there is a very marvelous place, completely city that becomes by the sublimation construction, the unusual strength does not need any concealment, can use broadly and level, ether technology similarly so.” “隐秘之土吗?我听说那里是一个很奇妙的地方,完全由凝华者构建而成的城市,超凡之力不需要有任何隐瞒,可以坦坦荡荡地使用出来,以太技术同样如此。” Indoor the research, wears the thick exposure suit, is away from glass and Beirrogo is talking, after several impediments, her sound sounds rumble. 研究室内,艾缪穿着厚厚的防护服,隔着一层玻璃和伯洛戈对话着,经过数层的阻隔,她的声音听起来轰隆隆的。 „When like current change, electric power access city such, they also integrate in the ether the urban system, like...... like city of the future.” “就像时代变革时,电力接入城市那样,他们也把以太融入城市系统之中,就像……就像一座未来之城。” Voice somewhat envies, I also want to go.” 艾缪的声音有些羡慕,“我也想去啊。” Pitifully you need to work overtime, otherwise I will certainly take your.” Beirrogo lies on the glass said. “可惜你需要加班,不然我一定会带上你的。”伯洛戈趴在玻璃上说道。 Yes, working overtime,” turns head suddenly, slightly reveals the vitality/angry saying that has not blamed you!” “是啊,加班,”艾缪突然回头,略显生气道,“还不是怪你!” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Beirrogo just asked, saw side is suspending the transparent vessel, inside is tumbling like the mercury object, switches over in the liquid-solids repeatedly. 伯洛戈刚问完,就看到了艾缪身旁摆着透明容器,里面翻滚着如同水银般的物体,在固液之间反复切换。 „Do you feel?” “你觉得呢?” Put on a high and mighty act. 艾缪趾高气昂了起来。 Good good, but also was really troublesome you.” “好吧好吧,还真是麻烦你了。” Sees to be busy for own modern weapon, Beirrogo can only be sorry again and again. 见艾缪正为自己的新武器忙碌,伯洛戈只能连连抱歉。 It should unable to catch up your time acted, if by any chance you came back, almost can build.” “它应该赶不上你这次行动了,但等你回来了,差不多就能打造好了。” Is complaining in a low voice, this thing processes to be very troublesome, I pour indifferently, so long as maintains the body of steel, toxic metal on injury I, but this type of thing will remain in the environment, like the germ, I conducts the body, will affect the surroundings person.” 艾缪低声抱怨着,“这东西处理起来很麻烦,我倒无所谓,只要保持钢铁之躯,毒性金属就伤害不到我,但这种东西会在环境里有所残留,就像病菌一样,我携带在身上,也会影响到周围人。” Therefore needs the work in this close environment, moreover you also need to conduct a protection, is used person who protects other and you contacts?” Beirrogo asked. “所以需要在这种封闭环境下作业,而且你也需要进行一层防护,用来保护其他和你接触的人?”伯洛戈问。 Yes.” “是呀。” Stirs the solution, while pours into which one pile of material powers, in breeding demon medicine sorceress like story. 艾缪一边搅拌溶液,一边把一堆金属粉末倒入其中,就像故事里孕育魔药的巫婆。 Beirrogo by the glass, waits for the conclusion that works, to repay her, Beirrogo planned that leads to go out to eat midnight snack, if insufficient, Beirrogo over the following several days can contract, to the earth of his embarking secret. 伯洛戈靠在玻璃旁,等待艾缪工作的结束,为了报答她,伯洛戈打算带艾缪出去吃一顿夜宵,要是一顿不够的话,接下来几天的伯洛戈都可以承包,一直到他出发隐秘之土为止。 Silent, snort/hum the strange melody, was crossing one, her does not return asks. 寂静中,艾缪哼着奇怪的曲调,过了一阵,她头也不回地问道。 You also in?” “你还在吗?” Naturally.” “当然。” Beirrogo was saying knocked the glass, makes the clear sound. 伯洛戈说着敲了敲玻璃,发出清脆的声响。
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