EB :: Volume #2

#8: Becoming the pirate

Must take off/escape the crime! 必须要脱罪! This is everyone's consensus. 这是所有人的共识。 No one naively and believes extremely arrogantly, they can resist Empire. 没有人会天真且狂妄地认为,他们能够对抗帝国 In this group of people, strongest is also the silver peak, but in Empire did not discuss gods and Legend who keep aloof, Sacred Domain over a hundred people, not to mention Gold Rank extraordinary. 这群人中,最强的也不过是白银巅峰,而帝国中且不谈高高在上的神明、传奇,圣域就上百人,更别提黄金级别超凡者了。 Templar Knight Regiment and blood light sanction institutes, major church, the major magic schools and major associations...... these are the strengths that Empire can mobilize. 圣殿骑士团、血光制裁院、各大教派、各大魔法学院、各大公会……这些都是帝国能够调动的力量。 If they in the future were discovered Monster Bewildering Island truth, the people can only place hopes in Empire not to investigate them. It seems like the ants to walk before the foot of adult, the adult disdains to step on. 如果他们在将来被发现迷怪岛的真相,众人只能寄希望于帝国不追究他们。就好像是蝼蚁走在成人的脚边,成年人不屑去踩。 However this possibility is very low. 但是这个可能性很低。 Because secret, once exposes, Empire knows that they have two divine artifact, the War Monger alchemy technology. This is not the ordinary ants, but is an ant that is dragging the gold/metal apple. The adults will be glad to stop the footsteps very much, bends down to be run over and die this small ant, picks up into the gold/metal apple the bosom. 因为秘密一旦暴露,帝国就会知道他们拥有两件神器,战贩炼金技术。这就不是普通蝼蚁,而是一只拖着金苹果的蚂蚁。成年人会很乐意停下脚步,俯身碾死这头小蚂蚁,把金苹果拾入怀中。 By the future that Empire issues a warrant for arrest, so long as imagines slightly, the people will feel the terrifying. 帝国通缉的将来,只要稍微想象一下,众人都会觉得恐怖。 Bai Ya anxious look over the face: I am thinking, the death of king of flame dragon can calculate on our bodies? After all we had not gone to rescue it at that time, but let it and Monster Bewildering Island destroys together.” 白芽愁容满面:“我在想,炎龙之王的死会不会算在我们的身上?毕竟我们当时没有去救它,而是让它和迷怪岛一同毁灭了。” Mu Ban shakes the head: We must do this, otherwise we live radically now. Once the king of flame dragon from the alchemy formation difficulty-relief, all of us cannot run away, will be slaughtered by it. We and it have negotiated, not?” 木班摇头:“我们必须这样做,否则我们根本活到现在。炎龙之王一旦从炼金法阵脱困,我们所有人跑不掉,都会被它屠杀的。我们和它谈判过,不是吗?” Lan Zao comfort: Empire should not know that we do not have to kill it, is use alchemy formation. That is the War Monger strength. Therefore, so long as we did not say, Empire does not have the means to put the blame on its death on us.” 蓝藻安慰:“帝国应该不会知道的,我们没有亲身杀死它,是利用的炼金法阵。那是战贩的力量。所以,只要我们不说,帝国没办法将它的死归咎在我们身上。” Knight youngster falls into silent. 骑士少年陷入沉默。 After executing Jia Sha, how to process regarding king of flame dragon, the people had had the argument on fourth of alchemy center. 处决了痂沙之后,对于炎龙之王如何处理,众人曾经在炼金中枢的第四层发生过争论。 Because the time is tight, Knight youngster proposition negotiations. 因为时间紧张,骑士少年提议谈判。 Therefore, everyone returns to the lava battlefield. 于是,所有人都重返熔岩战场。 However is not very smooth with the king's of flame dragon negotiations, the king of flame dragon sees the people to return, immediately understands War Monger had died. Arrogant such as it is not willing to apportion the small insect that these pick up a bargain the merit. 但是和炎龙之王的谈判很不顺利,炎龙之王看到众人归来,顿时明白战贩已经死亡。高傲如它并不愿意将功劳分给这些捡便宜的小虫子。 Stands its angle, this is very reasonable. 站在它的角度来看,这很合理。 The death of War Monger, was the expert squad of blood light sanction institute creates. Knight youngster this group of people on its meeting. If does not have no recourse, these people will not return to ask him to negotiate. 战贩的死亡,是血光制裁院的强者小队造成的。骑士少年这群人只是恰逢其会而已。且如果不是迫不得已,这些人也不会返回来找他谈判。 Your this crowd of dregs, simply have not chosen!” “你们这群渣滓,根本没有选择!” „Do you want to negotiate with this king?” “你们想和本王谈判?” hahaha, laughable! Why? Depending on your body of present freedom?” 哈哈哈,可笑!凭什么?凭你们现在自由之身?” Without my help, you will die! Even if you do not help me get out of trouble, I can still work loose this alchemy formation, by that time you will face my anger!” “没有我的帮助,你们都会死!就算你们不帮助我脱困,我也能挣脱这个炼金法阵,到那时你们将面对我的怒火!” Now, I order you to open alchemy formation, allowing you to kneel down to beg for mercy. Perhaps my is happy, will keep the lives of your certain people. hahaha.” “现在,我命令你们将炼金法阵打开,允许你们跪倒求饶。兴许我心情好,会留你们某些人的性命。哈哈哈。” With the negotiations complete failure of king of flame dragon. 和炎龙之王的谈判彻底失败。 When the people are at a loss, Knight youngster proposed suddenly, can actually attempt to massacre the king of flame dragon using alchemy formation. 众人六神无主之际,骑士少年忽然提出,其实可以尝试利用炼金法阵杀掉炎龙之王。 Reason that War Monger has not begun, in fact is because he wants to capture alive this Legend Rank magic beast. 之所以战贩没有动手,实际上是因为他想活捉这头传奇级魔兽 War Monger is goblin, his natural disposition is greedy. 战贩地精,他生性贪婪的。 But alchemy formation actually has the ability that this extinguishing kills the king of flame dragon. 炼金法阵其实拥有这种灭杀炎龙之王的能力。 The people do not have the means that only then attempts. 众人没有办法,只有去尝试。 Therefore, under the Knight youngster blood nuclear red light, the king of flame dragon before the point of death attitude big change. 于是,在骑士少年的血核红光之下,炎龙之王在临死前态度大变。 Not and not!” “不、不!” You cannot like this to me!” “你不能这样对我!” Your this damn insect...... good, good! I acknowledged that you have the qualifications and I negotiate, we can discuss well.” “你这该死的虫子……好吧,好吧!我承认你有资格和我谈判,我们可以好好谈一谈。” The red light actually covered its whole body, melts rapidly its body. 红光却覆盖了它的全身,迅速消融它的身体。 king of Fennu flame dragon roared, launched the infinite curse to Knight youngster. Finally its bloodline essence, by the blood nuclear absorption, is youngster uses. 炎龙之王愤怒咆哮,对骑士少年展开无穷的诅咒。最终它的血脉精华,都被血核吸收,为少年所用。 Extinguishes kills the process of king of flame dragon, Knight youngster carries others. 灭杀炎龙之王的这个过程,骑士少年是背着其他所有人的。 He concealed the fusion of blood nuclear, continued to conceal blood nuclear terrifying power. 他隐瞒了血核的融合,也继续隐瞒了血核的恐怖威能 After the offshore islands new Draconian change...... 至于离岛之后新产生的龙人变化…… He had not explained that does not need of explanation. 他没有解释,也没有解释的必要。 youngster is silent, Zong Ge hesitates. 少年沉默,鬃戈则在犹豫。 Because he is grasping another channel, can contact Empire high-level. 因为他掌握着另一条渠道,可以接触到帝国高层 That is his father! 那就是他的父亲! However, Zong Ge does not want this. 然而,鬃戈并不想这样做。 In this manner, offers merit that divine artifact obtains, is not honor that he wants. 按照这种方式,敬献神器所获得的功劳,并不是他想要的荣誉。 He does not need to be able to know how his these brothers and sisters will appraise him. 他不用想都能知道他的那些兄弟姐妹会怎么评价他。 Walked dog shit luck. 走了狗屎运 Picking up a big bargain. 捡了大便宜。 Kills Holybright Church priest, own companion to sinister my humble self that starts...... 杀害圣明教派神父,对自己的同伴下手的阴险小人…… Success that Zong Ge needs, not this type. 鬃戈需要的成功,绝不是这种。 He needs the illustrious military exploits, needs to make everyone shut up, is unable to question the glory and slandering. 他需要赫赫战功,需要让所有人都闭嘴,无法去质疑和诋毁的荣耀。 Also a little, if walks his father's channel, he has not grasped these to live. He should be able to retain a life, after all he is father's son. 还有一点,如果走他父亲的渠道,他并没有把握让这些人都活下来。他应该可以保留一条命,毕竟他是父亲的儿子。 But these people? 但这些人呢? Father meets the rich and smooth merit, making these people take off/escape the crime?” Zong Ge thought that hope is uncertain, he understands his father. “父亲会丰润功劳,让这些人脱罪吗?”鬃戈觉得这其中希望渺茫,他了解他的父亲。 Therefore, this half-beast opens the mouth: „, I have a different idea.” 于是,这位半兽人开口:“诸位,我有一不同的想法。” Always is thinking takes off/escapes the crime, this was too rather negative.” “总是想着脱罪,这未免太消极了。” Recalls, we risk one's life in the Monster Bewildering Island fan, have is not easy.” “回想一下,我们在迷怪岛扇出生入死,有多么的不容易。” We really do not intend to kill Jia Sha and king of flame dragon. We were compelled to have no way out. Facts showed that our choices is right, this must thank our captains. Otherwise, we must be abandoned by Jia Sha, was slaughtered by the king of flame dragon, or destroys with the island.” “我们也不是真的有意要杀死痂沙和炎龙之王。我们只是被逼得走投无路了。事实证明我们的选择是对的,这点要感谢我们的船长。否则,我们就要被痂沙抛弃,被炎龙之王屠杀,或者和海岛一起毁灭。” Empire high-level, how regards near the foot ant, how they regard us. The Jia Sha attitude, the attitude of king of flame dragon, did everyone forget? expert that these keep aloof, will not approve our efforts, will not believe our statements of only one of the parties.” 帝国高层,如何看待脚边的蚂蚁,他们就如何看待我们。痂沙的态度,炎龙之王的态度,大家都忘记了吗?这些高高在上的强者们,是不会认可我们的努力的,也根本不会听信我们的一面之词。” We should not give up our harvests. These two divine artifact, although we can only use little, but is this only power, already so powerful. Like this gives up them, is everyone resigned?” “我们不应该放弃我们的收获。这两件神器,虽然我们只能利用一点点,但就是这仅有的威能,已经是如此的强大。就这样放弃他们,大家甘心吗?” The people are silent. 众人沉默。 The Zong Ge words child in speaking of their hearts. 鬃戈的话说到他们的心坎子里去了。 No one is willing, what means but does this have? 谁都不甘心,但这又有什么办法呢? Now has an opportunity to be placed in our front.” Zong Ge said. “现在有个机会摆在我们的面前。”鬃戈道。 Substitute person youngster raises the brow: You say pirate god throne?” 替身少年扬起眉头:“你是说海盗神座?” Zong Ge nods, looks honestly to them: Using the pearl bubble, can only delay for a while, we will be discovered sooner or later.” 鬃戈点头,坦诚地看向他们:“利用珍珠泡沫,只能拖延一时,我们迟早会被发现。” I approve to make reparations. Because who knows, we are absolutely impossible to resist Empire. Even if we escape for a while, actually must conceal identity, all day feels alarmed and anxious, this day who has wanted?” “我非常赞成赎罪。因为谁都知道,我们绝无可能抵抗帝国。就算我们逃亡一时,却要隐姓埋名,整天担惊受怕,这种日子谁愿意过呢?” However makes reparations risky. We biggest reason, is our strength is actually insufficient. Imagines, if we are Legend, how Empire will treat us? high-level will certainly try to gather us, if these two divine artifact are they need, they will choose and us trade. In fact, divine artifact that they have are much more than us.” “而赎罪是有风险的。我们最大的原因,其实是我们实力不足。想象一下,如果我们是传奇,帝国会怎么对待我们?高层一定会试图招揽我们,如果这两件神器是他们需要的,他们会选择和我们交易。事实上,他们拥有的神器比我们多得多。” If becomes the gods? Becoming the king of pirate, we even to a certain extent, can, cooperate with the Empire negotiations!” “而如果成为神明呢?成为海盗之王,我们甚至在一定程度上,可以和帝国谈判、合作!” Bai Ya stares the big eyes: „Becoming the gods? Depending on us?” 白芽瞪大双眼:“成为神明?就凭我们?” Tripleblade actually nods, supports Zong Ge: In fact, the kings of four generations of pirate are only Gold Rank extraordinary.” 三刀却点头,支持鬃戈:“事实上,四代海盗之王就只是一位黄金级超凡者。” Bai Ya curiously: Such matter?” 白芽好奇不已:“还有这样的事情吗?” Cang Xu nods: He became the king of pirate soon to be assassinated to perish. Even if becomes the gods, the utilization of divine force is still different from person to person.” 苍须点头:“他成为海盗之王不久就被人刺杀而亡了。就算成为神明,神力的运用也是因人而异的。” Bai Ya: „.” 白芽:“呃。” Cang Xu: But, this indeed is a very good mentality. Hundred Needles Patriarch is a line, we can make contact with the Empire spy searching this line again. We are not necessarily able to become the king of pirate finally, to be honest, this possibility was too low.” 苍须:“不过,这的确是个很好的思路。百针族长是一条线,我们可以再搭上帝国谍探这条线。我们最终未必能成为海盗之王,老实说,这种可能性太小了。” But we can use the support of Empire, as far as possible powerful. Merit that we gain, will be the important chip that we will make reparations in the future, can show our loyalty to the Empire.” “但我们可以利用帝国的支持,尽量地强大自己。我们获取的功劳,将是我们将来赎罪的重要筹码,可以彰显我们对帝国的忠诚。” We cannot appear in public now, some certainly many people investigate our trails. Camouflages the island, wanders in vast ocean, can drop to lowly the risk of exposition.” “我们现在不能抛头露面,一定有很多人调查我们的踪迹。伪装成海岛,在汪洋大海中游荡,能将暴露的风险降至最低。” If makes reparations the failure, is really not good, we can also continue to go on living as pirate. This is our final escape routes!” “如果赎罪失败,实在不行,我们还可以继续以海盗的身份活下去。这将是我们最后的退路!” Hears the Cang Xu last few words, Knight youngster, Zong Ge, Bai Ya and the others frowns subconsciously. 听到苍须的最后一句话,骑士少年鬃戈白芽等人都下意识地皱起眉头。 No one is willing to become the pirate, but the Cang Xu words saying right- this is an escape route. 没有谁愿意成为海盗,但苍须的话说的没错-这是一条退路。 006 is a key man, needs to control. Must make him follow us to act.” Mu Ban proposed. “006是个关键人物,需要控制住。得让他一直跟随我们行动。”木班提议道。 How should Yi Shenhui process?” Que Shan inquiry. 一身灰该怎么处理呢?”雀扇提问。 The Cang Xu vision is indifferent: Massacres him, he knows oneself name also in the Saint tablet's first position. Mermaid the secret of fairy tale likely exposes because of him. We could not take such consequence.” 苍须目光冷漠:“杀掉他吧,他知道自己的名字还在圣碑第一的位置上。美人鱼的童话的秘密很可能因他而暴露。我们承担不了这样的后果。” Zong Ge is trying to find out the chin: The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman can absorb.” 鬃戈摸索着下巴:“金下巴海蛇女可以吸收。” Tripleblade nods, the look is quite complex: Person who we need the surrounding.” 三刀点头,神色颇为复杂:“我们需要有外围的人。” As for is loyal and loyal, the magic contract can solve this, this issue. Using 006, us can make and make Empire provide.” Fei She said. “至于忠、忠诚,魔法契约可以解决这、这个问题。利用006,我们可以让、让帝国提供。”肥舌道。 A human understanding is short, the people wisdom is long. 一人智短,众人智长。 The strength is the might. 力量即是强权。 People, is determining the destinies of others. 众人一人一句,决定着其他人的命运。
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