EB :: Volume #2

#7: Seeks for the redemption

006 have not probed anything from Knight youngster there, but youngster is the harvest are many. 006没有从骑士少年那里试探到什么,但少年却是收获不少。 Finally, the youngster probe inquired 006, if he joined, carried out the Empire secret task, what advantage will have? 最后,少年试探询问006,如果他加入,执行帝国的秘密任务,会有什么好处? 006 answered immediately. 006立即做出了回答。 The advantage has, is very rich. Moreover support, according to cultivation base, strength and merit determination turning. Inside has one set of complete rule, is not only not complex, and is very comprehensive. 好处是有的,很丰厚。而且得到的支持,是根据投靠者的修为、实力、功劳判定的。里面有一套完整的规则,既不复杂,又很全面。 This made Knight youngster think of him the experience in Monster Bewildering Island. During that time, he admitted Zong Ge and the others, discovered the threat of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, then subjugated the surrounding beast group in the military camp. Zi Di and Cang Xu to keep in balance Zong Ge, formed in one's mind exchange list of one set of commodity. 这让骑士少年不禁想到了他在迷怪岛中的经历。那一段时间,他接纳了鬃戈等人,发现了蓝狗狐狼的威胁,便在营寨中征讨周围的兽群。紫蒂苍须为了制衡鬃戈,就构思出了一套物资的兑换清单。 The set of complete rule that 006 provide, should originate from the Empire scholar. With its compared with, Zi Di, Cang Xu and the others the exchange lists seem very coarse. 006提供的这套完整规则,应该是来源于帝国的学者。和其相比,紫蒂苍须等人的兑换清单显得非常粗陋。 Knight youngster also asked several, discovered that 006 no longer said any new content, he then made Zong Ge 006 lead. 骑士少年又问了几句,发现006不再说出什么新内容,他便让鬃戈将006领下去。 But does not detain in the jail in bilge, but is chooses an independent cabin to put under house arrest. 但不是关押在舱底的监牢里,而是选择一个独立的船舱软禁起来。 Sits in the captains cabin, during Knight youngster is lost in thought. 独自一人坐在船长室中,骑士少年陷入沉思当中。 To be honest, he now is somewhat vacant. 老实说,他现在有些茫然。 In Monster Bewildering Island, he absorbed the second blood nuclear. 迷怪岛中,他吸收了第二颗血核。 The process of absorption is smooth. 吸收的过程非常顺利。 After opening the third protection arrangement, Knight youngster grasps the blood nuclear in the hand. At that moment, swallowed the hope of blood nuclear intensely to the extreme, he does not need others to instruct, in the blood nuclear on the stimulation of movement heart, gushed out the magic energy red light naturally. 打开第三层的防护布置之后,骑士少年将血核握在手中。那一刻,吞噬血核的渴望强烈到了极点,以至于他无须别人指导,自然而然地就催动心中血核,涌出魔能红光。 After the red light covers the blood nuclear, the blood nuclear dissolves rapidly, floods into following the red light. 红光覆盖到手中血核之后,血核迅速溶解,顺着红光重新涌入回去。 In the heart the blood nuclear absorption coming back red light magic energy, inflated immediately. Superficial trace three-dimensional profound, the red glow that sends out also had the glittering and translucent carving feeling. 心中血核吸收了回来的红光魔能,立即膨胀了一圈。表面的纹路更加立体深邃,散发出来的红芒也有了晶莹剔透之感。 Knight youngster realized at that time: War Monger the blood nuclear has striven to excel obviously in his heart blood nuclear many times. 骑士少年当时就意识到:战贩的这颗血核明显要强过他的心中血核很多倍。 His blood checks the Gold Rank python vine to have no alternative, but after absorbing the War Monger blood nuclear, the blood nuclear has been able to start to Legend rank life. 他的血核对黄金级的蟒藤无可奈何,但是吸收了战贩血核之后,血核已经可以对传奇级别生命下手。 The king of flame dragon is the proof of practice. 炎龙之王就是实践的证明。 Had Legend bloodline of flame dragon, Knight youngster then can transform the Draconian shape, at present can the mutation have dragon head, dragon claw, dragon scale, dragon meat/flesh. 有了炎龙的传奇血脉,骑士少年这才能转变成龙人形态,目前能异变出龙首、龙爪、龙鳞、龙肉。 Many magic beast bloodline that before absorbed, because was the thing of transformation, on bloodline had the significant drawback. Once the mutation in the normal environment, will make the Knight youngster ache hard to endure, magic is unable to balance, can only discard does not use. 之前吸收的诸多魔兽血脉,因为都是改造之物,血脉上有重大弊端。一旦在正常环境下异变,就会让骑士少年疼痛难忍,魔力无法平衡,只能舍弃不用。 Lost the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear shape and acid liquid Green Lizard shape, the Spear Scorpion shape, the Knight youngster method is barren immediately, without before was again rich. 失去了猴尾棕熊形态、酸液绿蜥形态、枪蝎形态等,骑士少年的手段立即贫瘠下来,再没有之前丰富。 However the new Draconian shape, originates from Legend bloodline, is really powerful. 但是新添的龙人形态,来源于传奇血脉,真的非常强大。 In addition Knight youngster was not suppressed, can detect, and using silver battle energy in within the body, this made the youngster strength rise suddenly a big truncation, in peak condition of far exceeds on Monster Bewildering Island. 再加上骑士少年不受压制,能够察觉并且运用体内的白银斗气,这让少年的战力暴涨了一大截,远超迷怪岛上的巅峰状态。 However, this strength, insufficiently looks.” Knight youngster smiles bitterly secretly. “然而,这点实力,还是不够看啊。”骑士少年暗自苦笑。 His present pressure is big, is facing issuing a warrant for arrest of Holybright Empire. 他现在压力不小,面临着圣明帝国的通缉。 Holybright Empire is the world's first influence, rules piece of complete continent, dominates the world. Now invades Wilderness Continent, arbitrary beastman retreat in defeat again and again, can only looks at Empire build castles on Wilderness Continent. 圣明帝国是世界第一的势力,统治一片完整的大陆,雄霸天下。现在又侵略荒野大陆,蛮横的兽人们节节败退,只能看着帝国荒野大陆上建立一座座的城堡。 The Knight youngster heart was clear: With the aid of pearl broomcorn millet, but barely manages to maintain a feeble existence. This has lit the bomb of blasting fuse like one, once the blasting fuse outburns, sooner or later must explode. 骑士少年心底清楚:借助珍珠泡米,只是苟延残喘而已。这就像一颗已经点燃导火索的炸弹,一旦引信烧完,迟早都要爆炸。 Although I escaped the birth day from Monster Bewildering Island, but in fact, was this world huge Monster Bewildering Island?” “虽然我从迷怪岛逃出生天,但实际上,这个世界又何尝不是一个巨大的迷怪岛呢?” It is vaster, is vaster, is more terrifying, is profounder, is more mystical, more wrong finally complex.” “它更广博,更浩瀚,更恐怖,更深邃,更神秘,也更错终复杂。” Now, we were involved in the middle of pirate god throne's the vortex of competition. A misstep, will meet a cruel death.” “现在,我们算是卷入了海盗神座的争夺的漩涡当中。一步踏错,就会粉身碎骨。” Knight youngster is a leader, his vision is not simple, can see the crisis. 骑士少年是一位领袖,他眼光并不浅显,看得到危机。 Naturally, he also saw opportunity. 当然,他也看到了其中的机遇。 Therefore, his vacant essence, in fact is indecisive. 所以,他茫然的本质,实际上是犹豫不决。 Actually this/should what course to follow?” “究竟该何去何从呢?” What rejoiced is, he no longer is one person, he also has the companion. 庆幸的是,他不再是一个人,他还有同伴。 This issue, should give them to ponder. 这个问题,也应该交给他们去思考。 Soon. 不久之后。 Knight youngster and Zong Ge return to strange/monster fish in secret. 骑士少年鬃戈一齐暗中返回怪鱼号中。 Specific situation is this.” Knight youngster the detailed information will inform the people. “具体的情况就是这样。”骑士少年将详细的情报告知了众人。 youngster trusts these people. 少年信任这些人。 Because these people are escape, has experienced the life and death, the friendship is grave. Meanwhile, they are shouldering the grave offense, is grasshopper on a rope, must keep watch and depend upon mutually. 因为这些人都是逃生出来的,经历过生死,情义深重。同时,他们又都背负着重罪,都是一根绳上的蚂蚱,必须相互守望和依靠。 Hears these information, the people falls into during the ponder, suddenly in the conference room is silent. 听到这些情报,众人都陷入思考当中,一时间会议室中沉默下来。 How should we then do? Everyone has what idea, said.” Knight youngster waited for the moment, opens the mouth to say. “我们接下来该怎么做?大家有什么想法,都说出来吧。”骑士少年等待了片刻,开口道。 Bai Ya never imagined, first to reply: No matter we want to make anything, wants to continue to go to Wilderness Continent, returns to Holybright Empire to go, first should take off/escape the crime! We contact Empire high-level as soon as possible, all day shrinks in strange/monster fish is not a matter.” 白芽想都没想,首先回答:“不管我们想要做什么,想要继续去往荒野大陆,还是回圣明帝国去,首先都应该脱罪!我们还是尽快联络到帝国高层,整天缩在怪鱼号里也不是个事啊。” All day suppresses in strange/monster fish, is somewhat agitated as Bai Ya of young people. 整天憋在怪鱼号中,作为年轻人的白芽已经有些烦躁了。 His mood is actually very common. 他的这个情绪其实很普遍。 Bai Ya goes to Wilderness Continent, wants to become Knight, in the future will return home with riches and honors, gets married his beloved Miss Xi Qiu. However the destiny makes one, he has to kill Jia Sha, shouldered the murder crime. 白芽之所以去往荒野大陆,是想成为一名骑士,将来衣锦还乡,迎娶他心爱的西萩小姐。但是命运弄人,他不得不杀死痂沙,背负了杀人罪。 This is not he wants certainly. 这当然不是他想要的。 Fei She sighed: Oh, this inside sentiment, complicated, young people.” 肥舌叹息:“唉,这里面的情、情况复杂的很,年轻人。” I and we cannot contact Empire to be high harebrainedly, high-level, this is is very very and stupid.” “我、我们不能冒失地去联络帝国高、高层,这是很、很愚蠢的。” In our hands, on has two divine artifact, the tower and Tower Spirit, have War Monger most alchemy techniques and technologies. These thing values were too big and big. But our strengths are also too small and weak, once exposes, the quilt and will be acted by Empire high-level very much easily directly, rob us, but, rather than we negotiated, took off/escaped and takes off/escapes the crime for us.” “我们的手上、上有两件神器,还有塔、塔灵,有战贩大部分的炼金技、技术。这些东西价值太大、大了。而我们的力量又太弱小,一旦暴露,很容易会被、被帝国高层直接出手,抢劫我们,而、而不是和我们谈判,为我们脱、脱罪的。” Bai Ya one dull: We look for prestige good high-level, wasn't OK?” 白芽一呆:“那我们就找信誉好的高层,不就可以了吗?” Fei She laughs at one: Prestige? The I and our hand things, in enough Empire most had expensive/noble and aristocrat of prestige to abandon the prestige.” 肥舌嗤笑一声:“信誉?我、我们手中的东西,足够帝国中最有信誉的贵、贵族抛弃信誉了。” Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is because value, oversized, by Empire several big influences, these in the prestige full aristocrat high-level melon, was usually carved up.” 紫藤商会就是因为价值过、过大,被帝国的几大势力,那些平素里信誉满满的贵族高层瓜、瓜分的。” I and true countenance of my too clear these people.” “我、我太清楚这些人的真正嘴脸了。” These words arouse the Tripleblade deep resonance. 这番话引起三刀深深的共鸣。 He before is turning to Zong Ge thoroughly, is a mercenary, in process that in has to do with aristocrat, suffers loss. 他在彻底投靠鬃戈之前,是一位佣兵,在和贵族打交道的过程中,吃够了苦头。 Tripleblade deep is so: Boy, you thinks well. If you are influential character that has the strength and influence, saw that in a child bosom is holding the gold, you want to negotiate to demand the gold with him, snatches to be simpler directly?” 三刀深以为然:“小子,你好好想想。如果你是一位拥有力量和势力的大人物,看到一个小孩子怀中抱着金子,你是想和他谈判索要金子,还是直接抢过来更简单一些呢?” Bai Ya speechless. 白芽哑然。 Fei She continues saying: Therefore, therefore, we must rescue to awake Zi Di Pre-president. Can only be saved to awake she, we can have the channel and Hundred Needles Patriarch contact.” 肥舌继续道:“所以、所以说啊,我们必须救醒紫蒂会、会长。只有救醒她,我们才能有渠道和、和百针族长联络。” Only then Zi Di President and Hundred Needles Patriarch own, have contacted personally, Zi Di President and Zhen Jin also and have the engagement.” “只有紫蒂会长百针族长亲、亲自接触过,紫蒂会长针金还、还有婚约的。” Hundred Needles family is southern great aristocrat, although goes down in the world now, but as loser, he and they in Empire according to own new position, had actually turned to a Great Emperor department, stands firm.” 百针家族是南方的大贵族,虽然现在落魄了,但其实作为战败者,他、他们已经在帝国中照准了自己的新位置,投靠了大帝一系,站稳了脚跟。” Needle and Zhen Jin are the Hundred Needles family only successor, this is unusual plans, chip. Hundred Needles family defeats the surrender, has suffered the emperor and Empire clean and penalty. Great Emperor issued the decree explicitly, Hundred Needles family had, and can only have a successor, and successor can not, replacement. This means that if Zhen Jin died, Hundred Needles family and will not have the new successor. Once Hundred Needles Patriarch also and also died, Hundred Needles family will lack successors, was banned by other aristocrat.” “针、针金百针家族唯一的继承人,这是非同寻常的筹、筹码。百针家族战败投降,遭受过帝、帝国的清洗和惩罚。大帝明确下达了旨意,百针家族有且只能有一位继承人,并且继承人不得更、更换。这就意味着,针金如果死了,百针家族再不、不会有新的继承人。一旦百针族长也、也死亡,百针家族将会后继无人,被其他贵族取缔。” Hundred Needles Patriarch will certainly exhaust ability to rescue Zhen Jin, depends upon him and his channel, we have and may take off/escape the crime.” 百针族长一定会竭尽所能解救针金,依靠他、他的渠道,我们才有、有可能脱罪。” Therefore, I and I believe, now is most important, is, rescues awaking my family's President.” “所以,我、我认为,现在最重要的,就是、就是救醒我家的会长啊。” The Fei She words have certainly the selfishness. 肥舌一番话当然带着私心。 He is afraid everyone to give up very to the treatment of Zi Di, therefore highlighted the Zi Di importance constantly. 他十分害怕大家放弃对紫蒂的救治,所以一味突出了紫蒂的重要性。 However the people also acknowledged: The Fei She words are very reasonable. With the aid of Hundred Needles family, is quite reliable. Because of Zhen Jin this captive, can make Hundred Needles Patriarch have to obey. 不过众人也都承认:肥舌的话很有道理。借助百针家族,是比较可靠的。因为针金这个俘虏,能让百针族长不得不就范。 Cang Xu heaves a deep sigh: I went all-out. In fact, we made contribution. We searched Monster Bewildering Island nearby island for serveral days nonstop, finally found the sapphire gold coffin. We consumed most magic material, built alchemy formation, cured the body of Zi Di President thoroughly.” 苍须摇头叹息:“我尽全力了。事实上,我们都尽力了。我们这些天马不停蹄地搜索迷怪岛附近的小岛,终于找到了青玉黄金棺。我们消耗了大半的魔法材料,搭建出了炼金法阵,将紫蒂会长的身体彻底治愈。” But she has not regained consciousness. This issue is not the body, but involved the soul.” “但她没有苏醒。这个问题不是身体,而是涉及到了灵魂。” Her soul be at stupor condition.” “她的灵魂处于昏迷的状态。” Perhaps, divine spell can rescue to awake Zi Di President.” “或许,神术可以将紫蒂会长救醒。” Fei She was anxious: That and that look for priest or the god and priest. And Do not forget, without Zi Di President, we will not escape from Monster Bewildering Island.” 肥舌急了:“那、那就去找牧师或者神、神父啊。别、别忘了,没有紫蒂会长,我们都不会逃出迷怪岛的。” Tripleblade is unemotional: This benevolence, really has its matter, we will not forget. However the perils of the sea are also the Zi Di President manufacture, without her, we will not reduce to Monster Bewildering Island comes up, not?” 三刀面无表情:“这份恩情,确有其事,我们不会忘。但是海难也是紫蒂会长制造的,没有她,我们也不会沦落到迷怪岛上来,不是吗?” Fei She clenches teeth: My family Pre-president has certainly and has the difficulties.” 肥舌咬牙:“我家会、会长一定是有、有苦衷的。” Mu Ban interrupts: Must seek for the help of priest, this was too risky. We might draw the stare of gods. After the perils of the sea, Templar Knight, Holybright Church priest is missing, the Empire aspect will certainly send people to search for and investigate. Hundred Needles family will mobilize the complete strength.” 木班插言:“要寻找牧师的帮助,这太冒险了。我们很可能会引来神明的目光。海难发生之后,一位圣殿骑士,一位圣明教派神父失踪,帝国方面一定会派人来搜寻和调查。百针家族更会发动全部力量。” I believe, the search and rescue circulars and posting a reward about these two Lord, certain post the coastal city, the contact captain and crew also heard certainly completely. We cannot appear in public now.” “我相信,关于这两位大人的搜救通告和悬赏,一定贴满了沿海城市,往来的船长、船员也一定有所耳闻。我们现在不能抛头露面。” Bai Ya doubts: „Don't we have the pearl bubble? Its might is very strong, even/including Shengbei were hoodwinked.” 白芽疑惑:“我们不是有珍珠泡沫吗?它威力很强,连圣碑都被蒙蔽了。” Cang Xu shakes the head: „The fairy tale of mermaid is divine artifact, but we cannot display its power comprehensively. The divine artifact true user is gods, rather than our these extraordinary. We have not believed that does not have corresponding divine force, is simple coarsely to the use of this divine artifact. At that moment, we can only the crumb pearl bubble, resist the divination and prediction, we even did not change including our appearance. This may not tally with the description of this facial expression greatly.” 苍须摇头:“美人鱼的童话是一件神器,但我们并不能全面发挥它的威能神器真正的使用者是神明,而不是我们这些超凡者。我们没有信仰,也没有相应的神力,对这件神器的利用非常浅显粗陋。当下,我们只能捏碎珍珠泡沫,来抵挡占卜和预言,我们甚至连自身的容貌都改变不了。这可和这件神情的描述大不相符。” About this, a bad news.” “关于这点,还有一个坏消息。” Does not know that everyone discovers not to have, the pearl bubble in this big shell were getting fewer and fewer.” “不知道大家发现没有,这个大贝壳中的珍珠泡沫越来越少了。” Lan Zao question: No, it is of full a pearl shell.” 蓝藻疑问:“没有啊,它还是满满一壳的珍珠啊。” At the beginning of the use, the people discovered, the fairy tale of mermaid can produce the pearl bubble. 在使用初期,众人就发现,美人鱼的童话能够自产珍珠泡沫。 Cang Xu sighed: Indeed was fewer and fewer. The production speed of new pearl bubble is getting more and more slow, according to this trend gets down, in the future some day, we will consume the speed of pearl to be bigger than deliver the speed. The consequence did not need me to say much, everyone should understand.” 苍须叹息一声:“的确是越来越少了。新的珍珠泡沫的产生速度越来越慢,照这个趋势下去,将来某一天,我们消耗珍珠的速度会大于产出速度。后果不用我多说,大家都应该明白的。” alchemy center's second, one set of alchemy formation, special use this divine artifact. It is a pity that Tower Spirit did not remember this set of alchemy chart.” 炼金中枢第二层,是有一套炼金法阵,专门利用这件神器的。遗憾的是,塔灵并不记得这套炼金阵图了。” Although the people also brought Tower Spirit, but Tower Spirit was very incomplete, was most intimate with Zi Di. 众人虽然将塔灵也带了回来,但塔灵很残缺,和紫蒂最亲近。 In fact, Tower Spirit of working order, the people cannot carry off. 事实上,完整状态的塔灵,众人也带不走。 Knight youngster knits the brows slightly, looks to Cang Xu: How long then we can also insist?” 骑士少年微微皱眉,看向苍须:“那么我们还能坚持多久?” „It is not clear.” Cang Xu shakes the head, this is very difficult to estimate. Perhaps the time is very long, perhaps is very short. This must look at the consumption. For example now, we must hoodwink the Saint tablet , to continue to camouflage itself, this consumption were obviously more than before.” “不清楚。”苍须摇头,“这很难估计。兴许时间还很长,兴许很短。这得看消耗。比如现在,我们要蒙蔽圣碑,继续伪装自己,这种消耗明显比之前更多的。” Right now, everyone had the anxious look. 这下子,所有人都有了愁容。 Their present situations, look like run in an underground road, the back is ferocious beast that often is not able to be a worthy opponent is chasing down. 他们现在的处境,就像是奔跑在一条地下甬道中,背后是一头往往无法匹敌的猛兽在追杀。 The pearl bubble will be getting fewer and fewer, means that this underground road is an impasse. 珍珠泡沫会越来越少,意味着这个地下甬道是个死胡同。 The people must in oneself by these days that ferocious beast pursues, seeks for own redemption. 众人必须要在自己被猛兽追上来的这段时间里,寻找到自己的救赎。
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