EB :: Volume #2

#6: 006

Plop. 扑通。 The Golden Chin falls to the deck, remains unconscious thoroughly. 金下巴跌到在甲板上,彻底昏迷不醒。 His being defeated makes this fight drop the curtain thoroughly, the enemy pirates fighting spirit of resisting stubbornly drops to the valley, one by one discards the weapon, the initiative surrender, kneels down to beg for mercy. 他的落败让这场战斗彻底落下帷幕,负隅顽抗的敌方海盗们斗志降至谷底,纷纷丢弃武器,主动投降,下跪求饶。 Knight youngster pants for breath. 骑士少年喘息不已。 After he captured Sea Snake Woman, defeated sea snake magic beast that comes back to rescue, then the clip binds the potential of win, returns on Squirrel. Later, youngster and Zong Ge coordination, makes The Golden Chin fall into the short dizziness using the dragon roar, Zong Ge seizes the opportunity, The Golden Chin stonkering. 他俘虏了海蛇女之后,又击败了回来救援的海蛇魔兽,然后夹裹大胜之势,重新回到灰鼠号上。之后,少年鬃戈配合,利用龙吼让金下巴陷入短暂眩晕,鬃戈抓住战机,将金下巴击昏。 How do these people process?” Zong Ge inserts the both hands big sword in the deck, this fierce combat made him, once break the wound of arm exhaustedly particularly, obviously aggravated. “这些人怎么处理?”鬃戈将双手大剑插在甲板上,这场激战让他疲惫不已,尤其是曾经断臂的伤,显然加重了许多。 Yi Shenhui jumped from the mast, the complexion is intense. 一身灰从桅杆上跳了过来,脸色紧张。 Zong Ge inquired these people, was not only includes Sea Snake Woman and The Golden Chin, but also including Yi Shenhui. 鬃戈询问的“这些人”,不仅是包括海蛇女金下巴,还包括一身灰 Knight youngster pondered, shows a faint smile to Yi Shenhui: Captain Yi Shenhui, I hopes that you can direct your subordinates, controls these three ships.” 骑士少年思考了一下,对一身灰微微一笑:“一身灰船长,我希望你能指挥你的麾下,将这三艘船控制住。” This fight, you used your action to win my trust. I am Empire Knight, keeps own promise. I hope that you treasure this not the easy trust, do not disappoint me.” “这一场战斗,你用你的行动赢得了我的信任。我是帝国骑士,信守自己的诺言。我希望你珍惜这份得之不易的信任,不要让我失望。” I understood, Lord.” The Yi Shenhui attitude is very respectful. “我明白了,大人。”一身灰态度很恭敬。 Knight youngster the posture of expert, deterred him greatly. 骑士少年强者之姿,大大威慑了他。 At this moment, hears the shout from the captive: „Are you Empire Knight? Haven't I misunderstood? I am also the Empire person. Help, help!” 就在这时,从俘虏中传来呼喊声:“你是帝国骑士?我没有听错吧?我也是帝国的人啊。救命,救命!” youngster, Zong Ge and Yi Shenhui turn around to look, saw that an appearance is fair and clear, is kneeling young people attempt in deck stands. 少年鬃戈一身灰转身望去,就看到一个长相白净,正跪在甲板上的年轻人试图站起来。 Honest!” The Squirrel pirate a foot him knocks down immediately. “老实点!”灰鼠号的海盗立即一脚将他踢倒在地。 Lets loose me, lets loose me! I am the Empire person, I am the allied force!” The young people are shouting anxiously. “放开我,放开我!我是帝国的人,我是友军!”年轻人惶急地呼喊着。 He is not the The Golden Chin captive, he is an enemy, killed our many people.” The eyes of Yi Shenhui brave the cold light. “他不是金下巴的俘虏,他是敌人,杀了我们不少人。”一身灰的双眼冒着寒光。 Do not kill me, I have the important information. I need the private talk and private talk! Knight Lord, aren't you curious? Why The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman will collaborate, launches the attack to Yi Shenhui?” “不要杀我,我有重要的情报。我需要密谈、密谈!骑士大人,你难道不好奇吗?为什么金下巴海蛇女会联手,对一身灰展开攻击吗?” In the youngster eye the fine glow flashes immediately, listens to this saying, as if ulterior motive. 少年眼中顿时精芒一闪,听这话,似乎还有隐情 After the moment, captains cabin. 片刻后,船长室。 Zong Ge is guarding the gate of captains cabin personally. 鬃戈亲自把守着船长室的门。 The young people to maintain life, revealed the secret directly: I am the Empire agents, without name, only then code name 006. At present subordinates Marshal Yu Haijun the salt to sigh.” 年轻人为了保命,直接吐露出了秘密:“我是帝国的谍报人员,没有姓名,只有代号006。目前直属于海军元帅盐叹。” This is not my original appearance, I used high-rank shapeshift potion.” “这不是我的本来面貌,我用了高阶变身药剂。” My duty is the instigation well-known pirate, disturbs the selection of king of pirate!” “我的任务是策反知名海盗,干扰海盗之王的选拔!” „Before is actually very early, Empire has found out by secret inquiry the pirate throne to reappear. Empire will certainly not sit by and do nothing, has started to cope with the pirate, I am one of the advance army.” “其实很早之前,帝国就已经探知到海盗王座重新出现。帝国当然不会坐视不管,已经开始着手对付海盗,我就是先遣军之一。” Knight youngster raises the brow: What has to prove your status?” 骑士少年不禁扬起眉头:“有什么能够证明你的身份?” Young people forced smile: My this time is the secret action, the body will not have any proof. But The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman had stirred up rebellion by me successfully, they can prove my camp.” 年轻人苦笑:“我此次是隐秘行动,身上不会有任何证明。但金下巴海蛇女已经被我成功策反,他们可以证明我的阵营。” Knight youngster slight nod. 骑士少年微微点头。 The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman already stupor, this young people after their two stupor, hears itself to say the Knight status, jumps. 金下巴海蛇女都已昏迷,这个年轻人是在他们俩昏迷之后,又听到自己说出骑士身份,才跳出来的。 Must prove his words, so long as wakes The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman, makes a veiled attack one. 要证明他的话,只要将金下巴海蛇女弄醒,旁敲侧击一番就可以。 Said in detail.” Knight youngster put out a hand, hints 006 to sit down to say. “详细说说吧。”骑士少年伸手,示意006坐下说。 The good intentions of youngster release, making 006 relax slightly. 少年释放的善意,让006稍微松了一口气。 After he sits, with very sincere language gas channel/angrily said: Knight Lord, Empire is subjugating beast race at present. Our vanguard regiments have stood firm on Wilderness Continent, built many castles. Soon before, Templar Knight Regiment many Templar Knight were goes to the castle to take office the City Lord position.” 他坐下来后,用十分诚挚的语气道:“骑士大人,目前帝国正在征讨兽族。我们的先锋军团已经在荒野大陆上站稳了脚跟,建立了许多城堡。不久之前,圣殿骑士团的诸多圣殿骑士更是前往城堡就职城主的职位。” However beast race are transferring each ethnic group positively, is to form the allied armies, eliminates our vanguard regiments, destroys all castles. The dark clouds of war are gradually strong.” “而兽族们则在积极调动各个族群,意欲组成联军,将我们的先锋军团消灭,将所有的城堡摧毁。大战的阴云已经逐渐浓重。” We must transport massive armies, enters Wilderness Continent, can have the strength and beastman launches the scale advanced war.” “我们必须运输大量的军队,进入荒野大陆,才能有实力与兽人展开规模超前的大战。” However the transportation will certainly take the sea route, uses the ships.” “而运输一定会走海路,利用船只。” Knight youngster nods again. 骑士少年再次点头。 He knows: Although there is a technology of transmission, but transmits this behavior actually to be limited very much. 他知道:虽然有传送的技术,但传送这种行为其实很受限制。 Transmission object life-level or the magic energy rank is higher, the consumption of transmission is bigger. 传送的对象生命层次或者魔能等级越高,传送的消耗就越大。 youngster in the center of alchemy factory, has waged the life-and-death struggle regarding Teleportation Door, is familiar with middle mystery. 少年炼金工厂的中枢,围绕着传送门进行过殊死斗争,对当中的奥秘非常熟悉。 006 continue saying: If the king of new generation pirate is born, the pirates will submit to It. The respective combat, the slack pirates will unite a whole. If the king of pirate wants to handle anything to our traffic lines, will conquer the Wilderness Continent strategy to have the huge disturbance regarding Empire.” 006继续道:“如果新一代海盗之王诞生,海盗们都将臣服于祂。原本各自作战,自由散漫的海盗们将团结成一个整体。若是海盗之王想要对我们的运输线做什么事情,对于帝国征服荒野大陆的战略会产生巨大的干扰。” Stretches across conquering of sea, many difficult. 横跨海洋的征服,是有很多困难的。 Empire must guarantee own traffic line the security. This sea transportation line, not only transportation military, but must transport the commodity. How long the war continues, how long the traffic line must maintain. 帝国必须要保证自己的运输线的安全。这条海上运输线,不只是运输兵力,还要运输物资。战争持续多久,运输线就要维持多久。 The traffic line is the life line, is one of the Empire hegemony major pillars. 运输线就是生命线,也是帝国霸业的重要支柱之一。 006 sighed: king of Yidan pirate is born, according to his divine nature and godhood, grabs the Empire traffic line is very likely.” 006叹息一声:“海盗之王一旦诞生,按照祂的神性、神职,劫掠帝国的运输线是极有可能的。” However at present, we have to acknowledge, Empire not orthodox sea god.” “而目前,我们也不得不承认,帝国并没有正统的海神。” This did not say, not with sea related godhood, divine nature and god territory. 这不是说,没有和海洋相关的神职、神性、神域。 In fact, the god of commercial has the god territory in navigation, the Empire refined appearance also grasps the sea breeze the invincible might. 事实上,商业之神就有航海方面的神域,帝国的风神同样也掌握海风的神威。 006 said orthodox sea god, refers to the Overgod duty. 006所说的“正统海神”,是指主神职。 The Overgod duty is the gods in sea, can be the orthodox sea god. 主神职是海洋的神明,才能算是正统海神。 Although Holybright Empire unified Human Continent, but is before very early, it is a landlocked country. In sea god aspect, has been short. 圣明帝国虽然统一了人族大陆,但很早之前,它是一个内陆国。在海神这方面,一直是欠缺的。 In fact, the historical reason must trace the remote time. Great god throne of related sea god, has been dominated by other families. human race after all is the terrestrial race, has been insufficient in this aspect competitiveness. 事实上,历史根源还要追溯更久远的时光。有关海神的伟大神座,一直都是由外族把持的。人族毕竟是陆生种族,在这方面竞争力一直不足。 006: Three big Legend pirates, already enough troublesome. Once the king of pirate is born, will pose the huge threat to the Empire strategy. Empire will not leave alone, therefore dispatched the intelligence report member including me, the secret sneaks, tries to gather the pirate, uses for us. Later, we will destroy the birth of king of pirate with every effort. Naturally, if can support our person to sit Shanghai to rob god throne, that was most perfect.” 006:“三大传奇海贼,已经够麻烦的了。一旦海盗之王诞生,将给帝国战略形成巨大的威胁。帝国绝不会放任不管,所以就派遣了包括我在内的谍报成员,秘密潜入,设法招揽海盗,为我们所用。之后,我们会尽力破坏海盗之王的诞生。当然,如果能扶持一位我们的人坐上海盗神座,那就最完美了。” youngster understands clearly: Therefore, The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman will have such energy, defies custom that the brothers pirate rolls, starts to Yi Shenhui.” 少年了然:“所以,金下巴海蛇女才会有这样的底气,违抗兄弟海贼团的规矩,对一身灰下手。” 006 nods: In fact, this attack is I agitates their two. Has not thought, presented Lord you.” 006点头:“事实上,这次攻击就是我鼓动他们俩的。只是没想到,出现了大人您。” Brothers pirate group is in the world the largest pirate groups, is priority target that our secret duties aim.” “兄弟海贼团是世界上规模最大的海贼团,是我们此次秘密任务所针对的首要目标。” Actually do not look that its scale is huge, according to the analyses of our scholar, they is actually a weakest side.” “其实别看它规模庞大,按照我方学者的分析,他们其实是最弱的一方。” Because of always, each leading members who among the brothers pirate rolls, does not have the contract to limit. Reason that unites a body, completely what relies on is the Commander Fire Beard charisma.” “因为一直以来,兄弟海贼团的各个主要成员之间,都没有契约限制。之所以团结一体,完全凭借的是团长火胡子的人格魅力。” However this charm, under the Empire military might, under enough tempting with the promise of gain, is very weak.” “然而这种魅力,在帝国的军威下,在足够的利诱下,是非常薄弱的。” Knight youngster nods. 骑士少年点头。 The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman are not just the best proof. 金下巴海蛇女不正是最好的证明嘛。 In the final analysis, the pirates are one crowd of being concerned only about profit evil my humble self.” Knight youngster sneers. “说到底,海盗都不过是一群唯利是图的邪恶小人。”骑士少年冷笑一声。 006: Lord, you, since is Empire Knight, why takes this rare opportunity, participates in the Empire secret duty?” 006道:“大人,您既然是帝国骑士,为什么利用这次难得的机遇,参与帝国的秘密任务呢?” I also?” Knight youngster reveals the color of surprise. “我也可以吗?”骑士少年流露出诧异之色。 Naturally!” 006 replied immediately, „, so long as makes to conform to some behavior of pirate, we can obtain the divine nature favor of king of pirate, even our names will also mount the Saint tablet. Like Yi Shenhui, he robs certainly the extraordinary buried treasure, therefore his name will be first of Saint tablet suddenly!” “当然了!”006立即回答,“只要做出符合海盗的某种行为,我们就能得到海盗之王的神性青睐,甚至我们的的名字还会登上圣碑。就像一身灰,他一定是抢夺到了非凡的宝藏,所以他的名字才会突然位列圣碑的第一位!” 006 obviously are an intelligence report elite. 006显然是一位谍报精英。 He informs Knight youngster this secret on own initiative, except for wants to preserve the life, more wants also to win over Knight youngster, becomes own merit. 他主动告知骑士少年这个秘密,除了想保存性命,更多是想将骑士少年也拉拢,成为自己的功绩。 He is seemingly honest and sincere, but in fact in the spoken language contains prying, instigated. 他看似坦诚和诚挚,但实际上言语中蕴含着刺探,还有挑拨。 But what makes his disappointed is, Knight youngster at this moment is actually unemotional, a clue has not revealed. 但让他失望的是,骑士少年此刻却是面无表情,一丝线索都没有流露。
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