EB :: Volume #2

#5: dragon howl!

Captain The Golden Chin places the midair, hangs in the balance! 金下巴船长身处半空,命悬一线! The critical moment, his rave, erupted the strongest strength under the stimulation of death. 关键时刻,他狂吼一声,在死亡的刺激下爆发出了最强大的战力。 silver battle energy gushes out the body surface, just like the Yi Shenhui intelligence office said, in silver color battle energy brings to wipe the gold Luster The Golden Chin indeed is in the silver peak. 白银斗气涌出体表,正如一身灰的情报所说,白银色的斗气中带着一抹黄金色泽-金下巴的确处于白银巅峰。 His both hands pull out behind, folds the shield that to extract back both sides fiercely. 他双手掏到背后,将背后两面叠起来的盾牌猛地抽出。 battle energy instills into to the shield in crazily, both sides shield splits suddenly projects the dazzling brilliance! 斗气疯狂地灌输到盾牌中去,两面盾牌陡然绽射出刺眼的光辉! Obviously, his both sides shield or magic equipment. 很显然,他的这两面盾牌还是魔法装备。 Perhaps if others this move, gave up attacking, the choice withdraws. 要是其他人或许就中了这招,放弃进攻,选择后撤。 But no matter substitute person youngster or Zong Ge, are the fight accomplishment very deep soldiers. They shut the eyes directly, in the position according to memory, persists in attacking, even the offensive was swifter and fiercer several points. 但不管是替身少年还是鬃戈,都是战斗素养非常深厚的战士。他们直接闭起双眼,按照记忆中的方位,坚持攻击,甚至攻势还更加凌厉了几分。 The glare that the shield erupts does not affect The Golden Chin, sees the attack to approach, he only then holds breath a cold air/Qi, both sides violent force merge of shield before own body, almost must form at the same time the great shield. 盾牌爆发出来的强光并不影响金下巴,看到攻击来临,他只有倒吸一口冷气,将两面盾牌在自己的身前猛力合并,差点要形成一面巨盾。 Clang! 锵! The Zong Ge both hands big sword first cuts to strike, the great shield that just about to forms all of a sudden cleaves in two directly. 鬃戈的双手大剑首先斩击过来,一下子将刚要成形的巨盾直接劈成两半。 The great strength surges, in The Golden Chin the gate opens. 巨力涌动,金下巴中门打开。 He dies to nip the jaw, the both arms muscle bursts out, the forehead blue vein sticks out suddenly, merges the shield diligently again. 他死咬牙关,双臂肌肉迸发,额头青筋暴起,努力将盾牌再次合并。 The time as if becomes in this moment long, time that obviously only then cannot breathe, but The Golden Chin feels the incomparable anxiety, pain and suffering. 时间似乎在这一刻变得漫长,明明只有一个呼吸不到的时间,但金下巴却感到无比的紧张、痛苦和煎熬。 He is returns alive dies, looks whether to get through the present difficult time. 他是生还是死,就看能否渡过眼前的难关。 About, closes to me quickly!” The Golden Chin angrily roars in the heart. “合,快给我合上啊!”金下巴在心中怒吼。 He spells to go all-out, both eyes almost must stare the eye socket, the looks at both sides shield must merge helplessly again slowly. 他拼尽全力,双目几乎要瞪出眼眶,眼睁睁地看着两面盾牌重新“缓缓地”要合并起来。 Only was left over the last slit. 只剩下最后一道缝隙了。 But at this moment, his pupil shrinks the needle-tip size fiercely, he saw a sword blade of thin sword, follows the small slit, inserted accurate. 但就在这时,他瞳孔猛地缩成针尖大小,他看到了一柄细剑的剑锋,就顺着微小的缝隙,精准地插了进来。 Thin sword SIlver Lightning in Knight youngster hand. 正是骑士少年手中的细剑银电 SIlver Lightning inserts directly to the space between eyebrows of The Golden Chin. 银电直接插向金下巴的眉间。 I must be finished!” The Golden Chin falls into thoroughly desperately middle. “我要完蛋了!”金下巴彻底陷入绝望当中。 The guy wires that but next moment, the water current condenses together extend suddenly, ties down his sturdy waist, fiercely area. 下一刻,一道水流凝聚的长绳忽然延伸过来,缠住他粗壮的腰肢,猛地一带。 The Golden Chin fell, was entrained by this water rope, from the sky has drawn an arc, fell in the deck safely. 金下巴原本下落,被这水绳拽起来,在空中划过一道弧线,安全地落到了甲板上。 I am also living!” The Golden Chin is unbelievable, still shaken. “我还活着!”金下巴难以置信,惊魂未定。 He almost must pay the life price for oneself having a low opinion of the enemy, the critical moment, was Sea Snake Woman magic saved him. 他差点就要为自己的轻敌而付出生命的代价,关键时刻,是海蛇女魔法拯救了他。 hahaha!” The Golden Chin laughs, returning alive makes him fight intent to rise wild with joy crazily. 哈哈哈!”金下巴大笑起来,生还的狂喜让他战意狂涨。 Was almost killed by you, now I must teach you well!!” The Golden Chin closes the dual shields fiercely, forms at the same time the thick incomparable great shield. “差点被你们杀了,现在我要好好地教训你们!!”金下巴猛地合上双盾,形成一面厚实无比的巨盾。 next moment, he consumes massive battle energy, displayed battle skill- top shield dashing. 下一刻,他消耗大量斗气,施展出了斗技-顶盾冲撞。 Bang, bang and bang...... 砰、砰、砰…… Before his both arms lifts, haunches the great shield, probably the miniature city wall plunges youngster and Zong Ge at the same time directly, the imposing manner is extremely strong. 他双臂前举,撑起巨盾,像是一面微型城墙直接扑向少年鬃戈,气势极强。 youngster leaps immediately, swift dodges one side. 少年立即一跃,敏捷地闪避到一旁。 But the Zong Ge vision is firm. 鬃戈则目光坚定。 Comes well!” His shouted in a low voice, no longer grasps the sword only, but is both hands dominates the sword hilt, does not enter instead draws back, flushes away to The Golden Chin outrageously. “来得好!”他低喝一声,不再单手持剑,而是双手把持剑柄,不进反退,悍然向金下巴冲去。 Bang! 砰! Two people hit together ruthlessly, erupts the huge sound, the confrontation of battle energy arouses a small-scale air wave. 两人狠狠撞击在一起,爆发出巨大的声响,斗气的交锋激起一股小型气浪。 Huge instead shakes, making two people draw back respectively several steps. 巨大的反震,让两人又各退数步。 The The Golden Chin surprised look, just confrontation did not have the flower to be skillful, he saw the Zong Ge battle energy gloss. 金下巴一脸吃惊的神色,刚刚的交锋毫无花巧,他看到了鬃戈斗气光泽。 This half-beast unexpectedly is also the silver peak!” “这个半兽人居然也是白银巅峰!” Zong Ge clenches teeth, moved slightly slightly a shoulder: This fellow does not cope easily!” 鬃戈则咬了咬牙,微微微动了一下肩膀:“这个家伙不容易对付!” His arm had broken, although was met, but no does not recover, but leaves leeway the hidden danger. Just the confrontation, made him feel that full power immediately the wound ached. 他的手臂曾经断过,尽管被接了回来,但并不没有痊愈,而是留有隐患。刚刚全力交锋,立即让他感到伤口作痛。 . 咻咻咻。 When The Golden Chin does not base steadily, youngster alchemy arrow shoots directly. 就在金下巴立足不稳的时候,少年炼金箭矢直接射到。 The Golden Chin turns head without enough time, but he also suffering the generation of battlefield, the left arm returns to base immediately, driving the shield to defend at the same time behind. 金下巴来不及回头,但他也是饱经战场之辈,立即左臂回防,带动一面盾牌防住身后。 next moment, alchemy arrow explosion. 下一刻,炼金箭头爆炸。 But no matter the acid liquid and flame are incorruptible, was resisted by the shield, cannot create to The Golden Chin injures. 但不管是酸液、火焰还是冰霜,都被盾牌抵挡下来,不能对金下巴造成更多伤害。 The Golden Chin was bombed to result in the body to fall down forward. 金下巴被轰炸得身躯向前栽倒。 Zong Ge seized the right moment for battle keenly, killed rapidly! 鬃戈敏锐地捕捉到了战机,迅速杀来! battle skill- spin body cuts horizontally. 斗技-旋身横斩。 He changes to again grasps the sword only, bows slightly, takes the heel as the axis, straightens the arm, driving the both hands big sword to make an effort to revolve. 他再次改为单手持剑,微微弓身,以足跟为轴,伸直手臂,带动双手大剑用力旋转。 Zong Ge revolved rapidly for a week, the speed and strength of both hands big sword promoted some limit, on the blade edge is sparkling the silver gloss, cut ruthlessly to the waist of The Golden Chin. 鬃戈迅速旋转了一周,双手大剑的速度和力量提升到了某种极限,刀锋上闪耀着白银光泽,狠狠地斩向金下巴的腰间。 The Golden Chin hears whistling the wind sound, hurries to hold up the right hand shield to protect in own waist side. 金下巴听到呼呼风响,慌忙举起右手盾护在自己的腰侧。 Bang! 轰! The both hands big sword stands on his shield ruthlessly, swings ruthlessly the The Golden Chin right hand shield. 双手大剑狠狠地站在他的盾牌上,将金下巴的右手盾狠狠荡开。 Two people draw back again respectively several steps. 两人再次各退数步。 This time, Zong Ge draws back few, the step that The Golden Chin draws back are more. 只是这一次,鬃戈退得少些,金下巴退的步数更多。 The Golden Chin has not regrouped after a defeat with enough time, Knight youngster holds the sword to charge into his back. 金下巴还没有来得及重整旗鼓,骑士少年持剑冲向他的后背。 Damn!” On the The Golden Chin face does not have the beforehand happy expression again, but is a dignity. “该死!”金下巴脸上再无之前的喜色,而是一片凝重。 He kept off the attack of youngster difficultly, but has fallen leeward. 他艰难地挡下了少年的攻击,但已落入下风。 youngster and Zong Ge act in harmony, one after another attack, just like gust of wind sudden downpour. The Golden Chin only then a person, although defends outstanding, but he just repelled the attack of Zong Ge, the attack of Knight youngster arrived. The attack of Knight youngster kept off by him, Zong Ge attacks. 少年鬃戈配合默契,轮番进攻,宛若疾风骤雨。金下巴只有一人,尽管防御出众,但他刚刚打退鬃戈的攻击,骑士少年的攻击就到了。骑士少年的攻击被他挡下来,鬃戈又来攻击。 Each attack, The Golden Chin must use can defend full power. Since withstand/top the shield attack for the first time , the opportunity of again not counter-attacking. 每一次攻击,金下巴都得动用全力才能防守。自从第一次顶盾攻击之后,再没有反击的机会了。 After several defenses, his battle energy consumed extremely fast, the imposing manner perished most probably. Always comes under attack passively, how possibly to have the imposing manner? 几次防御之后,他的斗气消耗极快,气势沦丧了大半。总是被动挨打,怎么可能有气势? The critical moment, the support of Sea Snake Woman arrives again. 关键时刻,海蛇女的支援再次来到。 Pale blue water 2-Japan current shields float in the The Golden Chin side, rotates regarding him unceasingly. 一面面淡蓝水盾悬浮在了金下巴的身边,不断地围绕着他转动。 Each surface water shield has the wash bowl size. 每一面水盾都有脸盆大小。 The Zong Ge both hands big sword chops to cut on the water shield, often will chop into pieces it, but the sword potential also consumes most, by the The Golden Chin relaxed defense. 鬃戈的双手大剑劈砍到水盾上,往往会将其劈碎,但剑势也消耗大半,被金下巴轻松防御。 The Knight youngster alchemy arrow and thin sword were also counter-balanced most might by the water shield. 骑士少年炼金箭、细剑也被水盾抵消大部分的威力。 The Golden Chin then secured the position. 金下巴这才稳住了阵脚。 But cannot be victorious! 但还是打不过! These two had the tacit understanding jointly, I facing these two, the pressure was too big. If Yi Shenhui enters the war, I must escape.” “这两人联手太有默契了,我面对这两人,压力太大。要是一身灰才参战,我就得逃跑。” The Golden Chin was helpless, clearly recognized the aspect. 金下巴无奈,认清楚了局面。 Is good does not have free time to cope with The Golden Chin because of Yi Shenhui, he must with the sea snake magic beast entanglement, divert its attack. 好在一身灰并没有闲工夫来对付金下巴,他必须和海蛇魔兽纠缠,牵制它的进攻。 If the ignores sea snake copes with Squirrel, once the pirate ship were destroyed thoroughly, the consequence will be bad. 如果放任海蛇对付灰鼠号,一旦海盗船被彻底破坏,后果会非常糟糕。 Only if there is the specific equipment or battle skill, silver battle energy extraordinary cannot visit the sea level. After falling in the water, must swim, otherwise was drown to death also has the possibility very much. 除非有特定的装备或者斗技,白银斗气超凡者并不能踏足海面。落水后还得会游泳,否则被淹死也是很有可能的。 The The Golden Chin ship to defend to be famous, is very difficult to capture. Yi Shenhui and the others did not have the words of pirate ship, defeats almost can determine. 金下巴的船以防御著称,很难夺取。一身灰等人没有海盗船的话,战败几乎可以确定。 battle skill- fog strikes. 斗技-灰雾击。 Yi Shenhui uses signboard battle skill again, the fog surges, covers the gigantic snake head. 一身灰再次动用招牌斗技,灰雾涌动,罩住硕大的蛇头。 The sea snake was attacked, the pain must bellow, spouts the great quantity green acid liquid. 海蛇遭受攻击,痛得大吼一声,喷出巨量的绿色酸液。 The acid liquid first spurts the sail, immediately corroded large cave/hole the sail surface, then fell to the deck. The deck incites to make noise, sends out the stink that irritates the nose. Some unlucky ghosts were spluttered by the acid liquid, the muscle melts immediately, reveals the white bones. 酸液先是喷中了风帆,立即将帆面腐蚀出大洞,然后落到甲板上。甲板滋滋作响,散发出刺鼻的臭味。有些倒霉鬼被酸液溅射,肌肉立即消融,露出白骨。 Bone actually as if not by the corrosion of acid liquid. 骨头倒是似乎不受酸液的侵蚀。 Sees this, sea snake on snake woman ** smiles one, starts to ferment magic. 看到这一幕,远在蛇女号上的海蛇**笑一声,开始酝酿魔法 After more than ten breath, the magic fermentation finished. 十几个呼吸之后,魔法酝酿完毕。 spell- acid liquid water element. 法术-酸液水元素 In the deck remains the big beach/pool green acid liquid surges suddenly, condenses three water element. 甲板上残留着的大滩绿色酸液忽然涌动起来,从中凝聚出三头水元素 These water element have about two meters height, the snake head, human both hands, not both legs. The body and lower limb just like a pillar, the pillar bottom and deck contact, is unceasingly the mobile liquid. 这些水元素都有两米左右的身高,蛇头,人类双手,并无双腿。身躯和下肢宛若一根柱子,柱子底和甲板接触,是不断流动的液体。 Acid liquor water element launches the attack to the Squirrel pirates. 酸液水元素灰鼠号的海盗们发起攻击。 The pirates exude the pitiful yell sound, retreats in defeat again and again. 海盗们发出惨叫声,节节败退。 The pirates are not the regular army, the equipment are primarily are facile, generally is cotton armor, preferably leather armor, the metal armor is few. 海盗不是正规军,装备以轻便为主,一般都是棉甲,较好的是皮甲,金属铠甲很少。 The acid liquid is very easy to corrode the flesh, this makes the pirates be hard to resist the acid liquid water element soldier/weapon front. 酸液十分容易就能腐蚀血肉,这让海盗们难以抵挡酸液水元素的兵锋。 Discovered that the tactical situation changes, Knight youngster discarded The Golden Chin immediately, catches up to support the Squirrel pirate. 发现战况有变,骑士少年立即舍弃了金下巴,赶来支援灰鼠号的海盗。 He does not want with these acid liquid water element close combats, to use the alchemy bow crossbow to eliminate them. 他也不想和这些酸液水元素近战,动用炼金弓弩将它们消灭。 Knight youngster leaves, a Zong Ge person falls into facing The Golden Chin immediately leeward. 骑士少年抽身,鬃戈一人面对金下巴立即陷入下风。 The key is Sea Snake Woman hands over to assist The Golden Chin. 关键是海蛇女转手来辅助金下巴 She displayed magic, the dropping from the clouds innumerable raindrop. 她施展出了一记魔法,从天而降无数雨滴。 If these raindrop quickly the bullet, the enemy and ourselves do not distinguish, covers a deck. 这些雨滴快若子弹,敌我不辨,笼罩一片甲板。 Zong Ge and The Golden Chin bathe in the bullet raindrop, former's defense latter is not powerful, quick is bathed in blood on the whole body. 鬃戈金下巴都沐浴在子弹雨滴中,前者的防御没有后者强大,很快就浑身浴血。 This half-beast very one set, but me has, this way will win!” The Golden Chin is even more calm. “这个半兽人很有一套,但我这边有施法者,这样下去会赢!”金下巴越发沉着。 Zong Ge and The Golden Chin confrontation, battle energy of both sides is consuming fiercely. 鬃戈金下巴交锋,双方的斗气都在剧烈消耗。 Therefore, Zong Ge rather chooses is wounded, is not willing to defend not too necessary place with precious battle energy. 所以,鬃戈宁愿选择身上负伤,也不愿用宝贵的斗气来防御不太必要的地方。 This spunky choice lets the The Golden Chin also dark to praise. 这个充满勇气的选择让金下巴也不禁暗赞。 This way is not good!” The Knight youngster heart sinks. “这样下去不行!”骑士少年心头一沉。 If he chooses to help Zong Ge, is few to the entire war help. Because The Golden Chin obviously is a shield soldier, the defensive power is much higher than the attack. 他如果选择去帮助鬃戈,对整个战局帮助很少。因为金下巴显然是一位盾战士,防御力远远高于攻击。 Most threatening Sea Snake Woman, must first kill this!” “最有威胁的还是海蛇女,必须先杀了这个施法者!” Since confrontation, war faintly in this Silver Rank the control of Mage. 交锋以来,战局隐隐在这位白银级别魔法师的掌控中。 If not she rescues, The Golden Chin when jumped to the midair in has died. 如果不是她救援,金下巴在跳跃到半空中的时候就已经死了。 Later is the Sea Snake Woman many support, making The Golden Chin hold one's ground. 之后又是海蛇女多番支援,让金下巴稳住阵脚。 The key is, she also supports sea snake magic beast, forms water element to kill the pirate using the acid liquid. Her method are many and varied, the tactical choice is flexible, is having the initiative. 关键是,她还对海蛇魔兽进行支援,利用酸液形成水元素杀伤海盗。她的手段多种多样,战术选择非常灵活,掌握着主动权。 Bang! 轰! Also one time is spelled hardly to shaking. 又是一次硬拼对撼。 Troublesome.” Zong Ge sighed secretly, looks at is lifting the dual shields, standing one's ground steadfastly The Golden Chin, had. “麻烦。”鬃戈暗叹,看着举着双盾,岿然不动的金下巴,不由感到头疼。 Injury that the bullet raindrop creates, seems like the terrifying, actually secondary. 子弹雨滴造成的伤势,看起来恐怖,其实还是次要的。 The key is the arm that he was once cut off, is numb. 关键是他曾经断掉的手臂,已经麻木了。 This is not a good sign! 这可不是一个好兆头! What is most essential is that Mage!” Zong Ge looked at a sea snake number, clenches teeth. “最关键的还是那个魔法师!”鬃戈望了一眼海蛇号,咬了咬牙。 Sea Snake Woman is sly, has hidden in own pirate ship, is never close to the battlefield. Letting Zong Ge wants to start not to have the opportunity to her. 海蛇女非常狡猾,一直躲藏在自家的海盗船中,从不接近战场。让鬃戈想对她下手都没有机会。 Captain disappeared, should copes with Sea Snake Woman. Can use Sea Monster?” “船长消失了,应该是对付海蛇女了。要动用深海怪鱼号吗?” Just thought of here, Zong Ge saw that The Golden Chin flushed to him. 刚想到这里,鬃戈就看到金下巴向他冲了过来。 Zong Ge cold snort/hum, holds the sword to kill, an evading intention does not have. 鬃戈冷哼一声,持剑杀上,一丝逃避的意向都没有。 That silver swordsman disappeared!” On the pirate ship, Sea Snake Woman frowns, she also discovered this change keenly. “那一位白银剑士消失了!”海盗船上,海蛇女皱起眉头,她也敏锐地发现了这个变化。 She has experienced many fights, immediately realized, Knight youngster is very possible to oneself start. 她经历过许多战斗,立即意识到,骑士少年很可能要对自己下手。 spell- mirage. 法术-水镜。 This spell she displayed one after another four times. 这个法术她接连施展了四次。 The Sea Snake Woman front appears immediately three mirages. 海蛇女的面前立即浮现出三面水镜。 And failed one time, making her spirit shake. 其中施法失败了一次,让她精神震荡。 She pulls out one bottle of potion hastily, under the raising head clothing/taking. 她又连忙掏出一瓶药剂,仰头服下。 The spiritual wound was suppressed immediately. 精神上的创伤顿时被压制住。 Where? Where?” In the mirage appears periphery the scene of sea level and seabed, but Sea Snake Woman sought for one, has not discovered anyone 's shadow. “在哪里?在哪里?”水镜中浮现出周围海面、海底的景象,但海蛇女寻找了一通,没有发现任何人影。 She just about to relaxes, suddenly one person drops from the clouds, is ordinary just like the meteor, crashes to the deck in ruthlessly. 她刚要松一口气,忽然一个人从天而降,宛若流星一般,狠狠地坠落到甲板上。 Bang, dislodges a large cave/hole a deck directly. 砰的一声,直接把一层甲板撞出一个大洞来。 Sea Snake Woman body and mind shock: This and this also acted unreasonably! Unexpectedly treats as itself the shell to hit!!” 海蛇女身心剧震:“这、这也太乱来了!居然把自己当做炮弹打过来!!” Encounters one, Sea Snake Woman had stopped bombing, but Squirrel another side has been opening fire at snake woman. 交锋一来,海蛇女这边已经停止了炮击,但灰鼠号的另一侧一直在向蛇女号开火。 For this reason, Sea Snake Woman has not thought of these shells subconsciously. 正因如此,海蛇女下意识地没有想到这些炮弹。 Specifically, so long as the normal people do not think, unexpectedly some people will be willing to be shot by the artillery! 准确地说,只要正常人都不会想到,居然会有人甘愿被火炮射出来的! In large cave/hole under deck broadcasts the sound of weapon confrontation, pirates' pitiful yell. 甲板下的大洞中传来兵器交锋的声音,还有海盗们的惨叫。 At once, Knight youngster runs out of large cave/hole, jumps onto the first deck, from Sea Snake Woman from is about more than ten steps. 旋即,骑士少年冲出大洞,跃上第一层甲板,距离海蛇女距离不过十几步。 Sees the present blonde youngster whole body is the blood and black salt, the Sea Snake Woman heart sinks: This is a lunatic!” 看到眼前的金发少年满身都是鲜血和黑灰,海蛇女心头一沉:“这是个疯子!” Knight youngster directly flushed. 骑士少年直接冲了过来。 Protects me!” Sea Snake Woman yelled, the surrounding pirate called, tried to prevent Knight youngster. “保护我!”海蛇女大叫,周围的海盗嗷嗷直叫,试图阻挡骑士少年 Charge! 冲锋! youngster transfers battle energy in within the body full power, ignores the consumption completely sharply, the SIlver Lightning soldier/weapon front unparalleled, has a bloody road directly. 少年全力调动体内的斗气,完全不顾消耗,银电兵锋犀利无双,直接杀出一条血路。 Sea Snake Woman hesitant, she has magic scroll that treads the wind, but considering the youngster arrow technique, chose safer Water Element to protect magic. 海蛇女犹豫了一下,她有踏风的魔法卷轴,但考虑到少年的箭技,还是选择了更稳妥的水系防护魔法 When Knight youngster rushed to the Sea Snake Woman front finally, saw that this Mage lived by a giant water ball cover. 骑士少年终于冲到了海蛇女的面前,就看到这位魔法师被一个巨大的水球罩住。 Thin sword SIlver Lightning jabs into the middle of the water ball, immediately power reduces greatly. 细剑银电刺进水球当中,立即威能大减。 The Knight youngster complexion changes. 骑士少年面色顿变。 The blue water ball is deep, thin sword SIlver Lightning cannot puncture inside Sea Snake Woman. And in the water ball is turbulent, his sword potential will seriously be affected, will not be brought diligently leaning. 淡蓝水球非常深厚,细剑银电根本刺不到里面的海蛇女。并且水球中水流汹涌,他的剑势会被严重影响,非常努力才不会被带偏。 Gives up, no matter your thin sword, is alchemy arrow, was restrained by my magic.” Sea Snake Woman shows the smile of victory. “放弃吧,不管是你的细剑,还是炼金箭矢,都被我的这个魔法克制。”海蛇女露出胜利的微笑。 Yes.” Knight youngster is unemotional, retrocedes one step. “是么。”骑士少年面无表情,后退一步。 next moment, his head distorted suddenly, changed into the dragon's head. 下一刻,他的头颅忽然变形,化为了龙头。 Intense spell fluctuates on the body of Knight youngster gushes out. 一股强烈的法术波动在骑士少年的身上涌出。 Sea Snake Woman complexion drastic change: No!”. 海蛇女面色剧变:“不!”。 next moment. 下一刻 Roar! 吼! Knight youngster sends out a deafening dragon roar, the giant sound wave attacks the water ball, 骑士少年发出一声震耳欲聋的龙吼,巨大的音波冲击到水球、 The water ball drastic fluctuation, then collapses after two breath suddenly. 水球剧烈波动,然后在两个呼吸之后猛然崩溃。 magic was broken, the Sea Snake Woman body sways, the mouth and nose overflows the blood, has a dizzy spell. 魔法被破,海蛇女身躯摇晃,口鼻都溢出鲜血,头晕目眩。 spell fluctuates appears on the body of Knight youngster again. 法术波动再次在骑士少年的身上出现。 Invisible, the terrifying power and influence, sends out on him, covers entire snake woman in a flash. 一股无形的,恐怖的威势,在他身上散发出来,一瞬间笼罩住整个蛇女号。 dragon prestige! 龙威! The pirates who also want to besiege are stiff on the spot. 还想要围攻的海盗们一个个僵在原地。 Then, plop plop the sound is continuous. 然后,扑通扑通的声音络绎不绝。 Most people fell on the deck, the mouth spat the foam, the faint in the past. Minority Blackiron partly kneel on the ground, stubbornly support. 大多数人都倒在了甲板上,口吐白沫,昏厥过去。少数黑铁半跪在地上,死死支撑。 As for the Sea Snake Woman itself/Ben is an arrow at the end of its flight, after suffering dragon prestige, cannot support again, fell into the stupor. 至于海蛇女本就是强弩之末,遭受龙威之后,再也支持不住,陷入了昏迷。 Knight youngster goes forward immediately, pulls out the magic restriction shackles from the bosom, unexpectedly this Water Element Mage captive! 骑士少年立即上前,从怀中掏出禁魔镣铐,竟是将这位水系魔法师俘虏! Saw this, The Golden Chin is shocked thoroughly: Originally he is among the enemy strongest that!” 看到这一幕,金下巴彻底惊呆了:“原来他才是敌人当中最强的那个!” Zong Ge is astonished, Yi Shenhui is also dumbfounded. 鬃戈惊异,一身灰也是目瞪口呆。 The silver sea snake is neighing, immediately gave up Squirrel, throws to Knight youngster. 白银海蛇嘶鸣着,立即放弃了灰鼠号,向骑士少年扑去。 But who knows, the general situation has decided. 但谁都知道,大局已定。
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