EB :: Volume #2

#4: How two silver

Central Tower of War Monger alchemy factory has four, first placed the sapphire gold coffin, fairy tale that second placed the mermaid, third is the second blood nuclear. 战贩炼金工厂的中枢塔有四层,其中第一层摆放了青玉黄金棺,第二层安置了美人鱼的童话,第三层则是第二颗血核。 Jia Sha opens Teleportation Door for the first time, delivers to the Monster Bewildering Island coastal water the sapphire gold coffin in a desert island. But the fairy tale of mermaid did not have the opportunity to deliver. 痂沙第一次开启传送门,将青玉黄金棺送到迷怪岛附近海域的一处荒岛之中。而美人鱼的童话则一直没有机会送出去。 After killing War Monger, the fairy tale of mermaid fell in Knight youngster one group of hand. 杀死战贩之后,美人鱼的童话就落到了骑士少年一行人的手中。 After Sea Monster escapes, according to the prompt of Tower Spirit, the people arranges alchemy, opened the fairy tale of mermaid. 利用深海怪鱼号逃生之后,按照塔灵的提示,众人布置出炼金阵,打开了美人鱼的童话。 After the big shell opens wide, is dozens pearls. 大贝壳敞开之后,就是数十颗珍珠。 These pearls are bright with many colors, the size is consistent, looking from the outside, looks like the lather. The inside transparency, is probably spatial, the semblance is spherical surface bubble. But in fact these pearls can pinch completely with the hand, and touch is very hard. 这些珍珠五光十色,大小一致,从外表来看,就像是肥皂泡沫。里面完全透明,好像是空的,外表就是一层球面泡沫。但实际上这些珍珠完全用手可以捏起来,并且触感很硬。 This is the pearl bubble. 这就是珍珠泡沫。 Always, War Monger Monster Bewildering Island can hide in the main world sea area, was not discovered by others, relies on this divine artifact. 一直以来,战贩迷怪岛之所以能够潜藏在主世界的海域中,不被其他人发现,就是依赖这件神器 Said accurate, is consumes the pearl bubble to camouflage itself, confusion divination, prediction wait/etc methods. 更精准地说,是消耗珍珠泡沫来伪装自己,混淆占卜、预言等等手段。 The Monster Bewildering Island destruction, substitute person youngster one group of used several pearl bubbles immediately, protects itself by this. 迷怪岛毁灭,替身少年一行人就立即使用了数颗珍珠泡沫,以此来保护自己。 For this reason, Yi Shenhui sees youngster and Zong Ge time, was mistaken that they are the Blackiron Rank numbers. 正因如此,一身灰见到少年鬃戈的时候,误以为他们都是黑铁级数。 Now, youngster and Zong Ge saw pearl bubble power again. 现在,少年鬃戈再次看到了珍珠泡沫的威能 Without the protection of pearl bubble, their given names must mount the Saint tablet of pirate city, completely exposes itself. 如果没有珍珠泡沫的保护,他们的名号就要登上海盗城的圣碑,彻底暴露自身。 Now was actually Yi Shenhui withstood/top the pot for them. 现在却是一身灰替他们顶了锅。 Is quick and quick! Small, gives me to open the ship!!” The shell like the rain, Yi Shenhui urgently yelled, now is not the inquisition time. “快、快!小的们,给我把船开起来!!”炮弹如雨,一身灰急切大叫,现在不是探究的时候。 Hehe.” On the enemy warship, Sea Snake Woman exudes the laughter. “呵呵呵。”敌舰上,海蛇女发出笑声。 She wears the reddish brown leather of exposition, the wave type long hair has hung the waist, the left hand is grasping snake slough of sea snake, the right hand was a glass jar, in the bottle packed the blue liquid. 她穿着暴露的棕红皮装,波浪样的长发一直垂到腰间,左手握着一条海蛇的蛇蜕,右手则是一个玻璃瓶,瓶中装满了蓝色液体。 She has started to recite, at this moment recited the sound to stop suddenly. 她早就开始吟唱,此刻吟唱声忽然停止。 Blue liquid in the glass jar spout 1/10, converges to the snake slough of sea snake. 玻璃瓶中的蓝色液体喷涌出十分之一,汇入到海蛇的蛇蜕中去。 The snake slough blooms blue light slightly. 蛇蜕绽放出微微的蓝光。 The Sea Snake Woman left hand raises, throws into the snake slough the midair. 海蛇女左手一扬,就将蛇蜕抛到半空中。 The snake slough explodes the powder suddenly, changes into together the snake-shaped water current, goes to the Squirrel lasing. 蛇蜕陡然爆散,化为一道蛇形的水流,向灰鼠号激射而去。 Water Element spell- bent/tune Sheshui arrow! 水系法术-曲蛇水箭! The water arrow cuts the sky, is very quick, after several breath, arrived at the Squirrel sky. 水箭划破天空,速度很快,几个呼吸之后就来到了灰鼠号的上空。 It receives the spiritual hauling of Sea Snake Woman, has not plunged Yi Shenhui and Knight youngster and Zong Ge directly, has not started to other pirates, but plunges the Squirrel sail directly. 它受到海蛇女的精神牵引,并没有直接扑向一身灰骑士少年鬃戈,也没有对其他海盗下手,而是直接扑向灰鼠号的风帆。 Its everywhere one visit, the sail was drilled cracks immediately, the rope is circled by it gently, breaks instantaneously. 它所到之处,风帆立即被钻出一个个的破洞,绳索被它轻轻一绕,就瞬间断裂。 Hateful, was about to put me!” Yi Shenhui sees this ya zi to crack. “可恶,快放了我!”一身灰见此睚眦欲裂。 But next moment, his behind Knight youngster pulled out the alchemy bow crossbow, launches in salvos three arrows. 下一刻,他身后的骑士少年掏出了炼金弓弩,连发三箭。 And two arrows make about bent/tune Sheshui the arrow dodge, center the third arrow strikes, bang, the water arrow was blasted open thoroughly. 其中两箭让曲蛇水箭左右闪躲,第三箭一击正中,轰的一声,水箭被彻底炸裂。 Sea Snake Woman slightly snort/hum, she adhered to stick cohere the spirit on water arrow also by the Knight youngster alchemy arrow bang to be extinguished. 海蛇女微哼一声,她附着在水箭上的精神也被骑士少年炼金箭矢轰灭了。 Good arrow technique!” Yi Shenhui blurts to commend. “好箭技!”一身灰脱口称赞。 The Zong Ge facial expression is light, this he has seen a lot. 鬃戈神情平淡,这一幕他早已见得多了。 Yi Shenhui bellows at once, urged that the pirates speed up acting, making Squirrel start. 一身灰旋即大吼,催促海盗们加快动作,让灰鼠号开动起来。 The pirates also know the situation to be serious, in they go all out under the writing, Squirrel starts to move slowly. 海盗们也知道情况严重,在他们拼命写作下,灰鼠号开始缓缓而动。 Yi Shenhui, your subordinate archery is good.” Sea Snake Woman hee hee said with a smile, later killed him, fed to my small treasure, it will certainly like very much.” 一身灰,你这个手下箭术不错呢。”海蛇女嘻嘻笑道,“待会杀了他,喂给我的小宝贝,它一定会很喜欢的。” In her opinion, Knight youngster and Zong Ge are only Blackiron aura, stands in Yi Shenhui behind, was mistaken that was latter's subordinates go-getter. 在她看来,骑士少年鬃戈都只是黑铁气息,又站在一身灰的身后,就误以为是后者的麾下干将了。 Sea Snake Woman somewhat shames angry. 海蛇女有些羞恼。 The opposite party is only Blackiron, actually eradicated own magic, this makes her Silver Rank some Mage honors not have up. 对方只是“黑铁”,却破除了自己的魔法,这让她一位白银级魔法师有些脸面无光。 The key is she has to acknowledge, continues with bent/tune Sheshui the arrow again is very stupid choice. 关键是她不得不承认,再继续用曲蛇水箭是很愚蠢的选择。 Her material may probably be much more expensive than alchemy arrow, and bent/tune Sheshui arrow, once the buckle, her spirit will also lose part. 她的施法材料可比炼金箭矢要贵得多,并且曲蛇水箭一旦折损,她的精神也会损失一部分。 Like this exchange is loses money to buy and sell without doubt. 这样对换无疑是亏本买卖。 However, Squirrel has started slowly. 然而,灰鼠号已经开始缓缓开动了。 Do not want to walk!” Sea Snake Woman clenches teeth, pulled out a magic scroll from the bosom. “你们可别想走!”海蛇女咬牙,从怀中掏出了一份魔法卷轴。 next moment, she launches the scroll, and instills into magic. 下一刻,她将卷轴展开,并且灌输魔力 Wind system spell- calm domain! 风系法术-无风领域! spell immediately becomes effective, is centered on Squirrel, the surrounding area in several hundred meters wind did not have. 法术立即生效,以灰鼠号为中心,方圆数百米内一丝风都没有了。 The sail that Squirrel blows up lets fall entirely weak. 灰鼠号鼓起的风帆统统无力地垂落下来。 Just some slight speeds rapidly dropped. 刚有的些微航速迅速下降。 The magic scroll changes into the flying ash, sprinkles in the Sea Snake Woman slender ten fingers under. 魔法卷轴化为飞灰,在海蛇女纤细的十指间洒落而下。 Sea Snake Woman loves dearly. 海蛇女心疼不已。 In order to purchase this scroll, she spent initially greatly. 为了购置这张卷轴,她当初可是花费巨大。 So long as captures the buried treasure, these investments are worth!” The Sea Snake Woman eyes shine, wins to the Yi Shenhui buried treasure. “只要夺得宝藏,这些投入都是值得的!”海蛇女双眼放光,对一身灰的宝藏更加志在必得。 The Golden Chin sets up the bow arrogantly, laughs. 金下巴傲立船首,哈哈大笑。 He wants to fire the artillery, destroys the mast and sail on Squirrel with the chain shot, but Sea Snake Woman this act removes firewood from under the pot, The Golden Chin immediately gave up the idea of bombing. After all bombs too heavily, destroyed the buried treasure, that loss was big. 他本来想发炮,用链弹摧毁灰鼠号上的桅杆和风帆,但海蛇女此举釜底抽薪,金下巴立即放弃了炮击的想法。毕竟炮击太重,摧毁了宝藏,那损失就大了。 Extends the oar, rushes to me!” The Golden Chin exclaimed loudly. “伸桨,给我冲上去!”金下巴大声吼道。 The The Golden Chin ship is very big, the bow modeling is unique. The bow of normal sea boat like the dagger, the blade to the sea level, is braving all hardships. But The Golden Chin big chin number bow, actually probably a trapezoid. Upright trapezoidal slope face, diagonally opposite sky. 金下巴的船十分高大,船头造型独特。正常的海船的船首如同尖刀,刀刃对着海面,乘风破浪。而金下巴的大下巴号的船头,却像是一个梯形。方方正正的梯形坡面,斜对着天空。 Hears captain's order, by the big chin number broad side, stretches out 36 long oars. After the long oar searches into the water, paddles. 听到自家船长的命令,大下巴号的船舷两侧,伸出三十六支长桨。长桨探入水中后,一齐划动。 The big chin number broke into the calm domain on this directly. 大下巴号就这样直接闯入了无风领域。 Open fire, opens fire to me!!” Yi Shenhui is roaring, is nervous. “开炮,给我开炮!!”一身灰怒吼着,神色非常紧张。 The Squirrel fire sound increases immediately, some muzzles aim at the Sea Snake Woman two ships, mostly fails. Some shells fall to the big chin number, although caused the losses, but is harmless. 灰鼠号的炮火声立即增大,有的炮口对准海蛇女的两艘船,大多落空。有的炮弹落到大下巴号上,虽然造成了损失,但却无伤大雅。 In this time interval, the enemy stopped bombing unexpectedly simply. 在这个时段,敌人竟是干脆停止了炮击。 The big chin number reduced itself rapidly and Squirrel distance. 大下巴号迅速缩短了自己和灰鼠号的距离。 In the eye of Yi Shenhui flashes through wipes the desperate color. 一身灰的眼中闪过一抹绝望之色。 Squirrel is unable to navigate, looks like the passive target simply. Because is unable to rotate the hull, bombing of Squirrel cannot achieve the strongest offensive. 灰鼠号无法航行,简直就像是被动的箭靶。因为无法转动船体,灰鼠号的炮击也达不到最强的攻势。 The circumstance was too passive! 情势太被动了! The Golden Chin most excels meets the side war.” 金下巴最擅长的就是接舷战。” Sea Snake Woman only has a ship, another is her familiar! That is a Silver Rank magic beast sea snake, unifies Sea Snake Woman magic, formed the illusion of another ship. This is she most commonly used tactic.” 海蛇女只有一艘船,另外一艘是她的魔宠!那是一条白银级别魔兽海蛇,结合海蛇女魔法,形成了另外一艘船的幻象。这是她最常用的战术。” Lets loose me quickly, meeting the side war is our only chances!” Yi Shenhui anxious said/tunnel. “快放开我,接舷战是我们唯一的胜机!”一身灰急切地道。 Zong Ge flashes before the hesitant color. 鬃戈闪现犹豫之色。 If by some chance this is a play that they coordinate, released Yi Shenhui, will let Zong Ge and youngster falls into besieging of four Silver Rank enemies. 万一这是他们配合的一场戏,释放了一身灰,就会让鬃戈少年陷入四位白银级敌人的围攻。 But Knight youngster actually extracted thin sword SIlver Lightning directly, broke out magic restriction shackles between Yi Shenhui both hands and both feet directly. 骑士少年却是直接抽出了细剑银电,直接劈开了一身灰双手、双脚之间的禁魔镣铐。 I am Empire Knight.” “我是帝国骑士。” This war, if the victory, you will win for the opportunity of making reparations.” “此战若胜,你将赢得为自己的赎罪的机会。” Perhaps your sword in the captains cabin, the performance, you can get out of the status of pirate well!” “你的剑在船长室,好好表现,兴许你能摆脱海盗的身份!” Knight youngster said to Yi Shenhui. 骑士少年一身灰道。 Yi Shenhui looked at youngster astonishedly, nods to him, turns around to rush to the captains cabin. 一身灰惊异地看了一眼少年,对他点了点头,转身奔向船长室去。 This some risks.” Zong Ge is staring at more and more near big chin number. “这有些冒险了。”鬃戈盯着越来越近的大下巴号。 I believe that he is honorable person.” The Knight youngster response said. “我相信他是一个体面人。”骑士少年回应道。 The big chin number more to/clashes is nearer, brings the huge constriction like the city wall hull big. 大下巴号越冲越近,高大如同城墙般的船身带来巨大的压迫感。 Bang! 轰! Finally, it hit ruthlessly on the Squirrel broad side. 终于,它狠狠地撞在了灰鼠号的船舷上。 Because of the trapezoidal special bow structure, after Squirrel ran upon, unexpectedly shortly was separated from the sea level, when falls to the sea water, almost tilts. 因为梯形的特殊船首构造,灰鼠号被撞上后,竟是短暂地脱离了海面,落到海水中时,差点倾覆过去。 Kills!” “杀啊!” Small, to/clashes to me!!” “小的们,给我冲!!” Kills off them, seizes the buried treasure!!” “杀光他们,夺宝藏!!” Squirrel still rocks to jolt in the sea level fiercely, in the big chin number gushed out lots of pirates. 灰鼠号还在海面上剧烈晃动颠簸,大下巴号上就涌出了大量海盗。 Some of them eject the hook lock, covers the Squirrel broad side, pulled two ships forcefully. 他们有的抛出钩锁,扣住灰鼠号的船舷,将两船强行拉扯到了一起。 Afterward, the length board spread together, formed the temporary footboard wooden bridge. 随后,一块块长板铺了上来,形成临时的踏板木桥。 Many pirates, are hanging the long rope directly, swings to the Squirrel deck in directly. 还有许多海盗,直接吊着长长的绳索,直接荡到灰鼠号的甲板上。 In the deck on Squirrel has the pirate to be ready in full battle array early. 灰鼠号上的甲板上早有海盗严阵以待。 Some of them use the long-distance bow crossbow fire, some stop up in the broad side, chops to cut with the cold weapons. 他们有的利用远程的弓弩射击,有的则堵在船舷,用冷兵器劈砍。 Suddenly, the battlefield raises the blade light blood rain, shouts, the crying out strangely sound and call for help, the explosive of artillery and flintlock, interweaves together, chaotic incomparable. 一时间,战场掀起刀光血雨,嘶吼声、怪叫声、呼救声,还有火炮、火枪的爆响,交织在一起,混乱无比。 Yi Shenhui, comes out, fights with me!!” The Golden Chin sets up the bow arrogantly, bellows to invite the war, has not rushed to Squirrel. 一身灰,出来,和我交手!!”金下巴傲立船首,大吼邀战,并没有冲上灰鼠号 Hiss-! 嘶-! At this time, a Sea Snake Woman ship also threw. The illusion relieves, it reveals the original appearance, just like Yi Shenhui said that it was build huge sea snake magic beast. 这个时候,海蛇女的一艘船也扑了上来。幻象解除,它露出本来面貌,正如一身灰所言,它是一头体型巨大的海蛇魔兽 Sea snake magic beast with several -meter snake body, twines Squirrel directly, the sturdy powerful snake body starts to contract ruthlessly. 海蛇魔兽直接用长达数十米的蛇躯,缠绕住灰鼠号,粗壮有力的蛇躯开始狠狠收缩。 The Squirrel broad side and deck spread the color of moan, obviously is hard to contend with the snake body steamroll. 灰鼠号的船舷、甲板都传出吱呀的呻吟之色,显然难以抗衡蛇躯碾压。 Sea Snake Woman, do not come to disturb!” The Golden Chin is disgruntled, looks back to exclaim. 海蛇女,你别来捣乱!”金下巴不悦,回首吼道。 The Sea Snake Woman smile did not speak, she stood on the genuine pirate ship, was not close to the battlefield, but directed sea snake familiar to begin. 海蛇女微笑不语,她自己站在真正的海盗船上,并不接近战场,而是指挥着海蛇魔宠动手。 Stop!” Yi Shenhui kicks out from the muzzle of broad side, flees to the sea snake creamy snake body on, in the hand the sharp sword punctures ruthlessly. “住手!”一身灰从船舷的一处炮口扑出,窜到海蛇滑腻的蛇躯上,手中利剑狠狠刺下。 Sea snake familiar roars immediately lowly, turns around the carriage giant snake head, seeks for Yi Shenhui. 海蛇魔宠顿时低吼一声,掉转马车般巨大的蛇头,寻找一身灰 About Yi Shenhui dodges, he acts very keenly, the sea snake appears cannot withstand clumsily, regardless of many time throws strikes, was avoided by Yi Shenhui. 一身灰左右闪躲,他动作非常灵敏,海蛇显得笨拙不堪,不论多少次扑击,都被一身灰躲避开来。 Yi Shenhui avoidance at the same time, but also continues to attack. 一身灰躲避的同时,还继续进攻。 His rapier poured into battle energy, sharp incomparable, the snake scale of sea snake and cannot protect it. 他的刺剑灌注了斗气,锋利无比,海蛇的蛇鳞并更不能保护它。 Saw that own familiar was bullied, Sea Snake Woman urged The Golden Chin hastily: When do you also want to wait till?” 看到自己的魔宠遭受欺负,海蛇女连忙催促金下巴:“你还要等到什么时候?” The Golden Chin laughs, he is glad to see a play. 金下巴哈哈大笑,他乐得看戏。 Sea Snake Woman continued to call out: Makes the best use of the time, if makes others know that we are seizing this buried treasure, the consequence are difficult to predict.” 海蛇女继续叫道:“抓紧时间,如果让其他人知道我们在夺这份宝藏,后果难料。” The Golden Chin restrains the smile immediately. 金下巴顿时收敛起笑容。 Yi Shenhui, I am your opponent!” 一身灰,我才是你的对手!” In that moment of jump, he utilized battle energy. This made body tall and strong heavy him leap the upper air all of a sudden, then the dive killed to Yi Shenhui. 在跳跃的那一刻,他运用了斗气。这使得身躯魁梧沉重的他一下子跃到了高空,然后俯冲般地杀向一身灰 Yi Shenhui just avoided swallowing of sea snake, raised the head sees the shadow to cover. 一身灰刚刚躲避了海蛇的吞噬,一抬头就看到阴影笼罩。 Oh no! Moved aside without enough time.” The Yi Shenhui heart sinks fiercely, can only clench teeth to prepare to meet The Golden Chin to gather potential for a long time hitting hard hardly. “糟糕!来不及躲闪了。”一身灰心头猛沉,只能咬牙准备硬接金下巴蓄势已久的重击。 But at this time, his side presented Knight youngster and Zong Ge suddenly. 但这个时候,他的身边忽然出现了骑士少年鬃戈 „At this moment!” “就是此刻!” youngster and Zong Ge make a move, the both hands big sword just like on chops like lightning, but thin sword SIlver Lightning delimits the gust of wind rainstorm. 少年鬃戈一齐出手,双手大剑宛若闪电般上劈过去,而细剑银电则划出疾风暴雨。 The Golden Chin was just still grinning fiendishly, felt that must make heavy losses to Yi Shenhui, finally next moment his eyeball almost must stare. 金下巴刚刚还在狞笑,感觉要重创一身灰,结果下一刻他的眼珠子差点要瞪出来。 How two silver!?” “怎么还有两个白银!?” Awkward! 尴尬! Others in the midair, are unable to shift with the strength, now looks like an idiot, hits directly to the sword in enemy hand. 他人在半空中,无法借力转向,现在就像是个蠢货,直接向敌人手中的刀剑撞去。
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