EB :: Volume #2

#3: Pirate throne

Knight youngster, Zong Ge and the others swam strange/monster fish, breaks surface rapidly. 骑士少年鬃戈等人游出怪鱼号,迅速上浮。 More is close to the sea level, the ray are more, field of vision becomes more and more is clear. 越接近海面,光线就越多,视野变得越发清晰。 Rumbling the artillery bellow also heard to be clearer. 轰轰轰的火炮轰鸣声也听得更清楚了。 Often has the iron ball shell, is confusing the log of disruption, the broken corpse brings massive air bubbles to crash the into the sea|nautical mile. 不时有铁球炮弹,混同着碎裂的木块,残破的尸体带着大量气泡坠落海里来。 Knight youngster and Zong Ge can size up the situation correctly from under water, three enemy warships are flushing toward the Yi Shenhui pirate ship, but a distance. In the process of charge, three enemy warships fire a gun unceasingly. 骑士少年鬃戈从水底就可以看清局势,三艘敌舰正朝着一身灰的海盗船冲过来,但还有一段距离。冲锋的过程中,三艘敌舰不断放炮。 Yi Shenhui does not beat substitute person youngster under Draconian condition, had been captured. His subordinates was also detained in the cabin of pirate ship. 一身灰不敌龙人状态下的替身少年,早已被俘虏。他的麾下也被关押在海盗船的船舱之中。 Therefore, the squirrel pirate ship bathes at this time in the artillery hail of bullets, is comes under attack completely passively. 所以,灰鼠海盗船此时沐浴在炮弹雨之中,完全是被动挨打。 Knight youngster and Zong Ge lead surfaces, boards the ship from the back of pirate ship. 骑士少年鬃戈率先钻出水面,从海盗船的背面登上船。 Because of the hull blocking, the enemy should unable to see their. 因为船体遮挡,敌人应该是看不到他们的。 Zong Ge, you release these pirates. I look for Yi Shenhui!” Knight youngster racing line/traverse, while opens the mouth. 鬃戈,你去释放那些海盗。我去找一身灰!”骑士少年一边奔行,一边开口。 Zong Ge nods, in stairway and youngster rapid distinction. 鬃戈点头,在楼梯口和少年迅速分别。 Knight youngster breaks through a door, saw Yi Shenhui. 骑士少年冲破一间房门,见到了一身灰 Yi Shenhui sits on the bed, the body brings the magic restriction shackles. This type of shackles are the War Monger alchemy factory product, imprisons Silver Rank Yi Shenhui to be appropriate. 一身灰坐在床上,身上带着禁魔镣铐。这种镣铐乃是战贩炼金工厂出品,禁锢住白银级别一身灰妥妥当当。 It seems like your enemy arrived, what doesn't want to say?” Knight youngster said. “看来你的敌人到了,不想说点什么吗?”骑士少年道。 Yi Shenhui sneers, stands rapidly, the stiff body, he as if has been separated from the status of captive at this moment: I hear the clear bugle, they are rescue my.” 一身灰冷笑,迅速站立起来,挺直身躯,此时此刻他仿佛已经脱离了俘虏的身份:“我听得清号角,他们是来救我的。” Knight youngster stares, never expected that the Yi Shenhui answer is this: When, among the pirates also became so feels emotion the righteousness?” 骑士少年一愣,没想到一身灰的答案是这个:“什么时候,海盗之间也变得如此有情有义了呢?” Yi Shenhui raises the head, brings to wipe proud Yidao: Ordinary pirate naturally not so, but I am Pirate Brothers Regiment one, is ranked 49 th in all brothers!” 一身灰昂起头颅,带着一抹傲意道:“普通的海盗当然不会如此,但我是兄弟海盗团的一员,在所有的兄弟中排行第四十九位!” Pirate Brothers Regiment! 兄弟海盗团 Knight youngster the heart shakes immediately. 骑士少年顿时心头一震。 This pirate group is world-famous, it can be said that current world scale's first huge gang of pirates. The head nickname Fire Beard, is a Legend rank soldier. 这个海盗团闻名世界,可以说是当今天下规模第一巨大的海贼团伙了。其首脑外号火胡子,是一位传奇级别的战士。 He is generous, the heavy affectionate righteousness, the charisma was extremely powerful, attracted and gathered many pirate ship captains. Fire Beard and they become the brothers of a different surname, gradually forms a huge marine influence. 他为人慷慨,重情重义,人格魅力极其强大,吸引和招揽了许多海盗船船长。火胡子和他们结为异姓兄弟,逐渐形成一个庞大的海上势力。 Brings my upper deck, I only need to shout propaganda, can make them call a halt.” Yi Shenhui said. “带我上甲板,我只需要喊话,就能让他们停手。”一身灰道。 He is not willing really to make war. 他也不愿意真的开战。 Knight youngster hesitant, then nods, has grasped Yi Shenhui, leading him to go to the deck. 骑士少年犹豫了一下,便点点头,抓过一身灰,带他上了甲板。 Zong Ge catches up later, he has released all detained pirates. 鬃戈随后赶来,他已经释放了所有被关押的海盗。 These pirates start to operate the ships. 这些海盗开始操纵船只。 Stands near the broad side, Yi Shenhui is welcoming the sea breeze, identifies the flags of three enemy warships carefully. 站在船舷边上,一身灰迎着海风,仔细辨认三艘敌舰的旗帜。 At this moment, in the evening. 此时此刻,正值傍晚。 The horizon has the big piece red cloud, under the breeze, the sea water wave light is clear, seems resplendent in gold and jade green. 天边有大片的火烧云,微风下,海水波光粼粼,显得金碧辉煌。 The field of vision is very good. 视野很好。 Yi Shenhui chuckle, said to behind Knight youngster: Is The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman, they are the Pirate Brothers Regiment captain, the rank in my above.” 一身灰轻笑一声,对身后的骑士少年道:“是金下巴海蛇女,他们都是兄弟海盗团的船长,排位都在我的上面。” The Golden Chin is the silver peak, Sea Snake Woman is Silver Rank Mage.” 金下巴白银巅峰,海蛇女更是白银级别魔法师。” Perhaps you have an ability war, but this why? Do you want to become the Pirate Brothers Regiment mortal enemy?” “你们或许有能力一战,但这又何必呢?你们难道想成为兄弟海盗团的死敌吗?” My Yi Shenhui is honorable person, I am not as skillful as others, the defeat must be sincerely convinced, finally was also captured by you. I am willing to receive in exchange for my freedom with the valuables and money, my ship as well as my crew.” “我一身灰是个体面人,我技不如人,败得心服口服,最终也被你们俘虏了。我愿意用财宝来换取我的自由,还有我的船以及我的船员们。” This saying Yi Shenhui when was captured has said. 这话一身灰在被俘虏的时候就说过了。 But at that time substitute person youngster sharply was moving the sapphire gold coffin to go back, has not interrogated and tortured to Yi Shenhui. Therefore, substitute person youngster also just knew that Yi Shenhui is the Pirate Brothers Regiment member. 但当时替身少年急着搬青玉黄金棺回去,并没有对一身灰拷问。所以,替身少年也是刚刚才得知一身灰兄弟海盗团的成员。 Knight youngster thinks, then the nod accepted the Yi Shenhui condition. 骑士少年想了想,便点头答应了一身灰的条件。 If he is really Templar Knight, perhaps will not let off Yi Shenhui this pirate chief. But youngster has known the truth, no longer requested itself with the Templar Knight severe doctrine. 若他真的是圣殿骑士,或许不会放过一身灰这个海盗头子。但少年已经知晓真相,不再用圣殿骑士的严苛教条来要求自己了。 Immediately is most important ; first, to rescue to awake Zi Di, can make Wisteria Chamber of Commerce play the role. Second, the use captures Zhen Jin to contact Hundred Needles Patriarch. Both unify, attempt to take off/escape the crime.” “当下最重要的,一是救醒紫蒂,能够让紫藤商会发挥作用。二是利用俘虏针金联络百针族长。两者结合,尝试脱罪。” Knight youngster does not hope oneself become the Empire most wanted terrorist, killing Jia Sha is the matter of having no recourse. Although is the capital crime, but actually this matter still had the favorable turn. Jia Sha after all is not a bishop, but is only priest. 骑士少年不希望自己成为帝国的通缉犯,杀死痂沙是迫不得已的事情。虽然是死罪,但其实此事仍有转机。痂沙毕竟不是主教,而只是神父 We inherited the War Monger heritage, can offer a major part, received exchange for the forgiveness of Empire.” “我们继承了战贩的遗产,可以献上去一大部分,换取帝国的宽恕。” The benefit can touch the will of the people, if cannot move, often is only the benefit are not enough. 利益能打动人心,如果打动不了,往往只是利益不够多而已。 No one wants to issue a warrant for arrest by Empire. 没有人想被帝国通缉。 In this world, Holybright Empire is most powerful, does not have one. 在这个世界上,圣明帝国是最强大的,没有之一。 Makes this step, I look for the clue, verifies my true status.” “做成这一步,我就去寻找线索,查明我真正的身份。” Not only Knight youngster, Zi Di also needs to promote her Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, the originally plan of Zong Ge is to go to Wilderness Continent to perform good deeds, Cang Xu suffers the matter that Shatta family issues a warrant for arrest, can level. He can open and aboveboard go back to reconcile and reunite with his son. 不只是骑士少年,紫蒂也需要振兴她的紫藤商会,鬃戈的原本计划是去荒野大陆建功立业,苍须遭受沙塔家族通缉的事情,也可以摆平。他可以堂堂正正地回去和他的儿子和解、团聚。 Everyone trusts me, recommends me for the leader. I must be responsible for myself, must be responsible for others!” “大家信任我,推举我为头领。我要为自己负责,也要为其他人负责!” Now...... the multi- incident is inferior to few incident.” Knight youngster train of thought pure brightness. “现在……多一事不如少一事。”骑士少年思绪清明。 Encountering Yi Shenhui is only an accident/surprise, the substitute person youngster main goal has been achieved, he has recaptured the sapphire gold coffin. 遭遇一身灰只是一场意外,替身少年最主要的目的已经达到,他已经夺回了青玉黄金棺。 The Golden Chin and Sea Snake Woman strength is very strong, what is main is the well-trained and equipped army, situated in peak condition. 金下巴海蛇女实力很强,更主要的是兵强马壮,处于巅峰状态。 They are backing on Pirate Brothers Regiment, this scale's first giant pirate group partner faces the Empire naval fleet even, is capable of contending. 他们背靠着兄弟海盗团,这个规模第一巨大的海盗团伙就算面对帝国的海军舰队,都有能力抗衡。 Obtains granting of youngster, Yi Shenhui shouts loudly loudly: Calls a halt quickly, two captains. I am Yi Shenhui, I am also living. You appeared too prompt, I must have afterward thank again. Now first calls a halt!” 得到少年的允诺,一身灰放声高呼:“快停手,两位船长。我是一身灰,我还活着。你们出现的太及时了,我事后必有重谢。现在先停手吧!” However, responded his is actually a more intensive fire. 然而,回应他的却是更加密集的炮火。 Yi Shenhui tarries, unbelievable. 一身灰呆住,难以置信。 „Is this Pirate Brothers Regiment that you said?” Zong Ge cold ridicules. “这就是你所说的兄弟海盗团?”鬃戈冷不住揶揄。 The The Golden Chin sound conveys: Yi Shenhui, do not blame the brothers not to speak the friendship. You know that now the period is special. So long as you hand over the buried treasure, we put your horse.” 金下巴的声音传来:“一身灰,别怪兄弟们不讲情义。你知道的,现在时期特殊。只要你交出宝藏,我们就放你一马。” Damn!” Yi Shenhui becomes angry out of shame, both of you dare in the brothers to pledge to act unexpectedly, doesn't fear the penalty of eldest child?” “该死!”一身灰恼羞成怒,“你们俩居然敢对盟内的兄弟出手,就不怕老大的惩罚吗?” Hehe.” The Sea Snake Woman laughter transmits, „the present is three big Legend pirates strives for hegemony, competes for the pirate king the time. The eldest child could not have taken care of oneself, even if he will investigate in the future, at the worst we offer this buried treasure. If the eldest child really can become the kings of seventh generation of pirate, sits god throne, we have lasting achievements surely!” “呵呵呵。”海蛇女的笑声传来,“现在是三大传奇海贼争霸,争夺海盗王的时候。老大早就自顾不暇,就算他将来追究,大不了我们将这份宝藏献上去。如果老大真的能够成为第七代海盗之王,坐上神座,我们必定功不可没!” Competes for god throne of seventh generation of pirate kings?!” Knight youngster and Zong Ge look at each other one, sees the shocking look of opposite party. “争夺第七代海盗王的神座?!”骑士少年鬃戈对视一眼,均看到对方的震惊神色。 Struggles in the period of time that on Monster Bewildering Island seeks livehood, above the sea area had like this big event unexpectedly! 迷怪岛上挣扎求生的这段时日里,海域之上竟是发生了这样的大事件! The king of pirate is not a name of pure honorary nature, it is the god name, is god throne. 海盗之王并不是一个单纯的名誉性质的称呼,它是神名,也是神座。 Mounts god throne of king of pirate, even if only a mortal, can have the strength of gods.( Naturally, this view is quite exaggerating, only exists in the middle of theory, historically has never presented such example.) 登上海盗之王的神座,哪怕只是一介凡人,也能够拥有神明的力量。(当然,这个说法比较夸张,只存在于理论当中,历史上从未出现过这样的例子。) Historically, the pirate activity is rampant, the pirates are the certain extent regarding the king's of pirate belief, can unify god throne. Originally Yi Shenhui and The Golden Chin these people go all out to collect the buried treasure, is holding the ceremony.” “历史上,海盗活动猖獗,海盗们对于海盗之王的信仰达到一定程度,就可以凝聚神座。原来一身灰金下巴这些人拼命搜集宝藏,是在举行仪式。” In the god territory and godhood of king of pirate, have the navigation, to treasure hunt and grab, burglary, naval battle and other aspects. 海盗之王的神域、神职中,拥有航海、寻宝、劫掠、盗窃、海战等多个方面。 Now this ceremony, but just started. At this stage, the treasure that who collects are more, who can obtain many divine nature favors. 现在这场仪式,只是刚刚开始。在这个阶段,谁搜集到的宝物越多,谁就能获得更多的神性青睐。 After a series of stages, the favor that who receives finally are more, who can become the kings of seventh generation of pirate. 经过一系列的阶段,最终谁受到的青睐越多,谁就能成为第七代海盗之王。 Regarding competition of pirate throne, the sea area of the whole world started the huge tide. But Knight youngster one group of just escaped from Monster Bewildering Island, by this tide volume seat. 围绕着海盗王座的争夺,整个世界的海域都掀起了巨大的浪潮。而骑士少年一行人刚刚逃出迷怪岛,就被这股浪潮卷席了进去。 Three enemy warships even more approach, Yi Shenhui clenches teeth, makes noise to shout again: „Do both of you also want to covet the pirate throne? We are only silver, this is not the thing that we can expect. All previous generations the king of pirate, the cultivation base lowest sixth generation is also gold cultivation base. But six generations sit shortly after god throne, died by the Legend assassination. divine force that obviously the throne grants, is not our true strengths!” 三艘敌舰越发逼近,一身灰咬牙,再次出声大喊:“你们俩也想觊觎海盗王座吗?我们只是白银,这不是我们能奢望的东西。历代的海盗之王,修为最低的第六代也是黄金修为。但六代坐上神座不久,就被传奇刺杀身亡。可见王座赐予的神力,并不是我们真正的力量!” The Golden Chin laughs: We know certainly! We only the buried treasure that wants you to obtain, do not want to play the fool, we will not make you get by under false pretences. Do you know, on the Saint tablet of pirate city, your Yi Shenhui given name arranges first now!” 金下巴哈哈大笑:“我们当然知道!我们只想要你得到的宝藏,你也别想装傻,我们是不会让你蒙混过关的。你知不知道,在海盗城的圣碑上,你一身灰的名号现在排列第一!” The Yi Shenhui shock, he turns the head to look to behind youngster: What is that coffin? Unexpectedly makes me become first?!” 一身灰震惊,他转头看向身后的少年:“那口棺材到底是什么?居然让我一跃成为第一?!” The Saint tablet demonstrates then obtains pirate ranking of divine nature favor immediately. 圣碑显示的便是当下得到神性青睐的海盗排名。 Wait!” Yi Shenhui double is sharp-eyed the glow to explode suddenly flashes, he shouts, I snatched, I have lost that coffin. Now my name falls certainly to the normal position!” “等等!”一身灰忽然双眼精芒爆闪,他喊道,“我是被抢的啊,我已经失去那口棺材了。现在我的名字一定落到正常的位置去了!” Deceives! You also want to deceive us!!” The Golden Chin cold snort/hum. “骗!你还想骗我们!!”金下巴冷哼。 Sea Snake Woman satirized: Yi Shenhui, heard that you are honorable person, since your trick had been seen through by us, attempt again repeatedly, will not succeed. Before open fire, I use magic to contact the pirate city, repeatedly confirmed ranking. You are unwilling, we very can understand. Really makes us seize, you like this will not be perhaps dignified.” 海蛇女则讽刺道:“一身灰,听说你是个体面人,你的伎俩既然已经被我们识破,尝试再多次,也不会成功的。开炮之前,我就动用魔法联络海盗城,再次确认了排名。你不甘心,我们都挺能理解的。真让我们强抢,你恐怕就不会这样体面了。” This is impossible!!!” Yi Shenhui yelled. “这不可能!!!”一身灰大叫。 He felt unjust, oneself were snatched obviously, oneself were captured, subordinates was detained, Squirrel reduced others the hand, how on Saint tablet own reputation? 他感到冤枉极了,明明自己被抢了,自己被俘虏了,麾下都被关押,灰鼠号都沦落他人之手,怎么圣碑上还是自己的名头? This is not cracks a joke! 这可不是开玩笑的啊! Noisy is not good, really wants dead person. 闹不好,真的要死人的。 Now he has become the targets of all pirates, is of tide most tip wipes the small whitecap flower. 现在他已经成了所有海盗的目标,是浪潮最尖头的那抹小白浪花儿。 Does not relieve this misunderstanding, he cannot hand over the buried treasure to come, the fate is worrying! 不解除这个误会,他又交不出宝藏来,下场堪忧! Yi Shenhui is the pirate captain, naturally is not the person of fearing death. But like this dies , was too rather suffering. 一身灰是海盗船长,当然不是怕死之人。但这样死,也未免太委屈了。 No, this has the possibility very much.” In the Knight youngster heart moves, he looked at Zong Ge, Zong Ge also looks to him. “不,这很有可能。”骑士少年心中一动,他看了一眼鬃戈,鬃戈也同时望向他。 In two people mind appears simultaneously a name- pearl bubble! 两人的脑海中同时浮现出一个名字-珍珠泡沫!
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