EB :: Volume #2

#2: Sea Monster

„!” Jia Sha sends out the pitiful yell, he kneels on the ground, on the arm a meat slices off by the dagger. “啊!”痂沙不禁发出惨叫,他跪在地上,胳膊上一块肉被匕首削掉。 The Lan Zao instigator, he gives behind person the dagger, then leaves unemotionally. 蓝藻正是始作俑者,他将匕首交给身后的人,然后面无表情地离开。 In his behind Bai Ya. 在他身后的正是白芽 Bai Ya received the dagger, is clenching teeth, stands in the Jia Sha front. 白芽接过匕首,咬着牙,站在痂沙的面前。 He is overlooking Jia Sha, this in usually his all difficulties imagines that this- influential character that keeps aloof, Emperor Holybright priest Jia Sha, kneels in the front of oneself this civilians unexpectedly! 他俯视着痂沙,这在平时他万难想象到这一幕-高高在上的大人物,圣明大帝神父痂沙,居然跪在自己这个平民的面前! Sometimes, reality often compared with fantasizing absurdly. 有时候,现实往往比幻想更荒谬。 Jia Sha has been scarred, the whole body is bathed in blood, his meat was almost truncated up, reveals the pale bone, he actually could not die! 痂沙已是伤痕累累,浑身浴血,他身上的肉几乎被削光了,露出惨白的骨头,偏偏他却死不掉! Painful suffering makes the Jia Sha mouth spit the foam, the facial expression distortion. 痛苦的折磨让痂沙口吐白沫,神情扭曲。 Do not hesitate, the boy, begins.” Lan Zao has not walked away, he stands in the one side, urged Bai Ya. “别犹豫,小子,动手吧。”蓝藻没有走远,他站在一旁,催促白芽 So long as Bai Ya makes an effort to clench teeth, lifts up high the dagger to surpass the top of the head. 白芽只要用力咬牙,高举匕首超过头顶。 But his movement frames here, he hesitated, the both arms shiver, the dagger that both hands grip tightly shivers fiercely. 但他的动作定格在此处,他犹豫了,双臂颤抖,双手紧握的匕首颤抖得更加厉害。 Jia Sha sees this, suddenly smiles. 痂沙看到这一幕,忽然笑起来。 He does not have the hair, life strength almost to exhaust, whole person old man, this moment whole face blood stain, the wound of face pulls, reveals the pale surface cheekbone, appears the particularly fierce terrifying. 他没有头发,生命力几乎耗尽,整个人老朽至极,此刻满脸血污,脸面的伤口扯动,露出惨白的面颊骨,显得分外狰狞恐怖。 He extremely weak voice, hoarse opens the mouth: Hehe, our young fellows were afraid! You should be afraid, because you know that this thorn assassinated me, you will commit the capital crime! You will become the Empire most wanted terrorist, the Holybright Church enemy. The graveness of your sin, even if killed you unable to pay off, must massacre your entire family, can subside the Empire anger slightly!” 他极为虚弱的声音,嘶哑地开口:“呵呵呵,我们的小伙子害怕了!你应该害怕,因为你知道这一刺刺杀了我,你将犯下死罪!你将成为帝国的通缉犯,圣明教派的敌人。你的罪孽之深重,就算是杀了你都无法偿清,必须杀掉你的全家,才能稍稍平息帝国的怒火!” Come, begins, killing my you will be beyond redemption! hahaha!” “来啊,动手啊,杀了我你将万劫不复!哈哈哈哈!” Bai Ya even more hesitates, the whole person almost rocks. 白芽越发犹豫,整个人都几乎晃动起来。 Shut up! Your this lunatic.” Lan Zao shouted angrily, because of you, we fell into the hopeless situation. Bai Ya, begins!” “闭嘴!你这个疯子。”蓝藻怒喝一声,“正是因你,我们才身陷绝境。白芽,动手!” Bai Ya looks deathly pale, his really being able to get down hand. 白芽脸色惨白,他真的下不去手。 In his passing twenty years of life, he was educated by side everyone, cannot offend noble influential character, otherwise the consequence is extremely serious. Now, he actually must kill Jia Sha! 在他过往的二十几年的生命里,他被身边所有人教育,不可冒犯高贵的大人物,否则后果极其严重。现在,他却要杀死痂沙 He can not hesitate the life to take risk, rescues Cang Xu in the lizard group, but he is unable to kill present Jia Sha. 他可以不惜性命去冒险,在蜥蜴群中营救苍须,但他无法杀死眼前的痂沙 I cannot achieve......” Bai Ya to tremble, the sound is weak, must cry simply. “我做不到……”白芽哆哆嗦嗦,声音微弱,简直要哭下来。 Almost all people strike a vicious blow to Jia Sha, now innumerable vision centralized on the body of Bai Ya. 几乎所有人都对痂沙下了毒手,现在无数目光都集中在白芽的身上。 Lan Zao is somewhat anxious, wants to go forward to help, but was calmed down by Zong Ge: Makes he himself come. Only then he begins personally, can be the person on one's own side.” 蓝藻有些焦急,想要上前帮忙,但被鬃戈劝住:“让他自己来。只有他亲自动了手,才能算是自己人。” Begins!” Lan Zao angrily roars suddenly. “动手啊!”蓝藻忽然怒吼。 Bai Ya such as suffers the electric shock, the body play trembles, the both arms make an effort to puncture subconsciously. 白芽如遭电击,身躯剧颤,双臂用力下意识地刺下去。 Dagger deeply goes into right side the Jia Sha nape of the neck, went into the middle of latter's trachea. 匕首深深地扎进痂沙的脖颈右侧,扎进了后者的气管当中。 The blood gushes out slowly, in the Jia Sha mouth also wells up the hemorrhage froth, he smiles: You ended, your entire family ended. Your this group of criminals, must die! I just first walk one step, I am waiting for you, I am waiting for you, hehe......” 鲜血缓缓涌出,痂沙口中也涌出血沫,他笑起来:“你完了,你全家都完了。你们这群罪人,都得死!我只不过先走一步而已,我等着你,我等着你们,呵呵呵……” Bai Ya is scared, he loosens the dagger handle subconsciously, is swaying the head unceasingly, the footsteps draw back backward, then the buttocks were well-grounded, tumble on the ground. 白芽失魂落魄,他下意识地松开匕首把柄,不断摇晃着头颅,脚步向后退,然后屁股着地,跌倒在了地上。 Jia Sha aura gradually vanishes, but the laughter is actually expanding strangely unceasingly. 痂沙气息逐渐消失,但笑声却在诡异地不断扩大。 The bright red blood spews out, the leading current keleck are more, gradually transforms the color, turned into deep blue from bright red. 鲜红的血液喷涌而出,越流越多,逐渐转变颜色,从鲜红色变成了深沉的蓝。 The blue blood submerged entire fourth directly, exudes the tidal sound, howling, instantaneously Bai Ya volume seat to seabed most deep place. 蓝色的鲜血直接淹没了整个第四层,发出潮水般的响声,呼啸着,瞬间把白芽卷席到了海底最深处。 next moment, Bai Ya awakens fiercely. 下一刻,白芽猛地惊醒。 His big mouth is panting for breath, the whole body is the cold sweat, responded: Had the nightmare.” 他大口喘息着,浑身都是冷汗,反应过来:“又做噩梦了。” He covers the pale face, after long time, the breath gradually is gentle, but the mood still had not returned to normal. 他捂住苍白的脸,半晌之后,呼吸才逐渐平缓,但心情仍旧没有平复。 He looked at outside an eye piece. 他望了一眼窗外。 Giant round window, similar glass material quality, is one meter. 巨大的圆窗,类似玻璃材质,厚达一米。 Outside the round window is a dark sea water. 圆窗外是一片黑暗的海水。 Bai Ya got down the hammock. 白芽下了吊床。 This hammock one first tight is on two firm metal bars, under the hammock is a wooden crate, in the wooden crate is placing the Bai Ya clothing. 这个吊床一头一尾紧紧系在两个坚固的金属杆上,吊床下是一个木箱,木箱上摆放着白芽的衣物。 Bai Ya moves away the clothing, opens the wooden crate, treasures takes out the ink, pen and parchment. 白芽将衣物拿开,打开木箱,珍重地取出墨水、笔以及羊皮纸。 He partly squats on the ground, this top of the head ceiling the magic glimmer on blue sliver of shape, he starts to write a letter. 他半蹲在地上,就这头顶天花板上的蓝色长条形状的魔法微光,他开始写信。 Dear Miss Xi Qiu: 亲爱的西萩小姐: I awaken in strange/monster fish again. 我再一次在怪鱼号中惊醒。 We rode strange/monster fish to flee Monster Bewildering Island to have five days. 我们乘坐怪鱼号逃离迷怪岛已经有五天了。 We still in the search sapphire gold coffin. This divine artifact was invested Teleportation Door before, only then Jia Sha knows its exact location. 我们仍旧在搜寻青玉黄金棺。这件神器在之前被投入到了传送门,只有痂沙才知道它的具体位置。 Jia Sha had died, was killed by me. 痂沙已经死了,被我杀死的。 I feel very painful! 我对此感到非常痛苦! I very fear. 我很恐惧。 Jia Sha in the dream to the words that I spoke, I know that was right. I committed the murder crime, and was priest, Empire influential character! 痂沙在梦中对我说的话,我知道都是对的。我犯下了杀人罪,并且还是一位神父,帝国大人物 I do not want to do that but I do not have the means that I really do not have the means. 我不想这么做,但是我没有办法啊,我真的没有办法。 Others begin, only then I do not have, I will be abandoned by them. 其他人都动了手,只有我没有,那我就会被他们抛弃。 Naturally, I must acknowledge, that moment of puncturing, in my heart has the exciting pleasant sensation. 当然,我也得承认,刺下去的那一刻,我的心中是有兴奋的快感。 But so many days pass by, after I calm down, in the heart was full of the lamentation and worried. 但这么多天过去,我冷静下来后,心中充满了悔恨和担忧。 I want to become Knight, is the Empire potency. But now, I actually became the fleeing criminal, issued a warrant for arrest by Empire. The destiny...... made fun of me. 我原本想成为一名骑士,为帝国效力。但现在,我却成了逃犯,被帝国通缉。命运……捉弄了我。 Sometimes, I even felt desperate. 有时候,我甚至感到了绝望。 Empire is such great strength, will happen one day, I will be held, hang the head and admit guilt to submit to punishment. I will serve with the death by hanging or am beheaded, my family member will also meet with a disaster because of me. 帝国是那样的强大,终有一天,我会被抓住,低头认罪伏法。我会被施以绞刑或者是被砍头,我的家人也会因我而遭殃。 Please believe me, honored Miss Xi Qiu, I really does not intend to kill Priest Jia Sha. Even if he discards us to escape for divine artifact. 请相信我,尊贵的西萩小姐,我真的不是有意要杀害痂沙神父的。即便他为了神器舍弃我们逃生。 Lord Zhen Jin had not been killed by us, he has been detained in strange/monster fish. He is the hopes of our many! 针金大人并没有被我们杀死,他一直被关押在怪鱼号中。他是我们很多人的希望! We want to use him, comes and Hundred Needles Patriarch negotiations. Through this once southern great aristocrat, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce influence, makes a connection the Empire high-level link, takes off/escapes the crime for us. 我们希望利用他,来和百针族长谈判。通过这个曾经的南方大贵族,还有紫藤商会的影响力,来打通帝国高层的环节,为我们脱罪。 Everyone knows that is stupid with the Empire resistance, is hopeless. 谁都知道和帝国对抗是愚蠢的,也是毫无希望的。 We are the person, the body is at least flowing the blood of human race. Left Empire, where can we also go to? 我们都是人,至少身上流淌着人族的血。离开了帝国,我们还能去哪里呢? All these are really making fun of destiny. 这一切真的是命运的捉弄。 I believe that even leader Lord, is not really wants to begin to Priest Jia Sha. But really does not have the means. Does not kill him, we are unable to escape. 我相信就算是头领大人,也绝不是真的想对痂沙神父动手的。但真的没有办法。不杀了他,我们就无法逃生。 Thank you, Miss Xi Qiu. Writes a letter to you, my mood can always stabilize rapidly. 谢谢你,西萩小姐。向你写信,我的心情总能迅速地稳定下来。 Also please forgive me, these believe me unable to mail to you. I must keep secret! 也请原谅我,这些信我不能寄给你。我必须保密! Writes about here, Bai Ya stopped the pen, he heard the giant sound. 写到这里,白芽停住了笔,他听到了巨大的动静。 First is the metal opens the closed collision sound, is the sea water turbulent current, but sound. 先是金属开启闭合的碰撞声,然后是海水激流而出的声响。 This sound Bai Ya is not strange, he realized immediately: Was Lord comes back!” 这番响动白芽一点都不陌生,他顿时意识到:“是大人回来了!” He sets out hastily, takes up the saber, goes out of this corner, arrives in narrow and small corridor that the metal builds. 他连忙起身,拿起佩剑,走出这个角落,来到金属打造的狭小过道中。 He across this corridor, before just arrived at a leaf of metal door . 他穿过这个过道,刚来到一扇金属门前。 The metal door opens rapidly, reveals inside spacious hall, the ground of hall also remains some water stain, the midpoint stands in Beast Knight youngster and Zong Ge two people. 金属门就迅速打开,露出里面宽敞的大厅,大厅的地上还残留着些许水渍,正中央站在野兽骑士少年鬃戈两人。 Captain and Zong Ge Lord, you brought back the sapphire gold coffin finally. Too good, Lord Zi Di could be saved!” Bai Ya saw the magnificent coffin that Zong Ge carries, likes immediately. “船长、鬃戈大人,你们终于取回了青玉黄金棺。太棒了,紫蒂大人有救了!”白芽看到了鬃戈扛着的华丽棺材,顿时欢喜不已。 Two people nod to Bai Ya, leave the entrance hall, across the channel, enters strange/monster fish deep place. 两人向白芽点了点头,离开入口大厅,穿过通道,进入怪鱼号的更深处。 Was deliberately delayed and spent freely by Jia Sha, magic power of magic power pond is almost thorough dry, transmits the complete personnel unable to achieve continually, carried off divine artifact not to mention. But with the help of Tower Spirit, the people found this alchemy ship. 痂沙刻意拖延和挥霍,法力池的法力几乎彻底干涸,连传送全部人员都做不到,更别提带走神器了。但在塔灵的帮助下,众人找到了这艘炼金船。 Thinks carefully, is not strange. 仔细想想,并不奇怪。 Since Monster Bewildering Island is not demiplane, but hidden in the sea, then the ships of standing-by difference are also very normal. 既然迷怪岛并不是半位面,而是隐藏在海洋之中,那么常备出入的船只也是很正常的。 Soon, in Room alchemy, builds regarding alchemy of sapphire gold coffin. 不久之后,在炼金中,围绕着青玉黄金棺的炼金阵搭建完毕。 The Tower Spirit sound resounds. 塔灵的声音响起。 Starts to examine alchemy formation, 10 and 20...... 100. alchemy accurate.” “开始检测炼金法阵,十、20……100。炼金阵准确无误。” Starts to transport magic power, alchemy opening countdown 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.” “开始输送法力,炼金阵开启倒计时五、四、三、二、一。” Slight humming sound the sound spreads, in the wall, floor, ceiling Room alchemy shines a trace, or straight or tune. These traces extend slowly, leave the plane, congeals in the midair, forms a hollowing out sphericalness. Finally said a trace gathers on the most central sapphire gold coffin. 轻微的嗡嗡声传出,炼金的墙壁上、地板上、天花板上都亮起道道纹路,或直或曲。这些纹路缓缓延伸,离开平面,凝结在半空中,形成一个镂空的球状。最终道道纹路汇聚到最中央的青玉黄金棺上。 The formation ray becomes somewhat dazzling, the sapphire gold coffin starts to happen shivers slightly. 法阵的光线变得有些刺眼,青玉黄金棺开始发生轻微颤抖。 With strange/monster fish the magic power mass consumptions, in the coffin fermented the green liquid. 伴随着怪鱼号的法力大量消耗,棺中酝酿出了绿色的液体。 The body of Zi Di had been placed in the coffin, in youngster, Zong Ge and the others under the gazes, was gradually submerged by the green liquor. 紫蒂的身体已经被摆放在棺中,在少年鬃戈等人的注视下,逐渐被绿液淹没。 Soon, alchemy formation ceases, the sapphire gold coffin is tranquil, the produced green liquor was absorbed part by the Zi Di body, but still remaining most. 不久之后,炼金法阵停息,青玉黄金棺平静下来,产生的绿液被紫蒂身体吸收了一部分,但仍旧残余大半。 Zi Di has not regained consciousness. 紫蒂没有苏醒。 This result disappoints everyone. 这个结果让所有人都非常失望。 The substitute person youngster vision is dim. 替身少年目光黯淡。 Was and is you killed and killed my family's President!” Fei She is most excited, he could not accept such fact, collar that held Cang Xu. “是、是你杀、杀害了我家的会长!”肥舌最为激动,他接受不了这样的事实,一把抓住了苍须的衣领。 Cang Xu was coughed by Untidy-looking again and again: Calm, I had said that I not perfect assurance.” 苍须被勒得连连咳嗽:“冷静,我曾经说过的,我并没有十全的把握。” Ok, dropped. The proposition of Cang Xu, we were agreed at that time.” youngster said with a sigh. “好了,放手吧。苍须的提议,我们当时都是同意的。”少年叹息道。 Fei She is very excited, but Lan Zao drew him, rescued Cang Xu. 肥舌还是很激动,但蓝藻将他拉了过来,解救了苍须 Fei She sobs. 肥舌哭泣起来。 youngster puts out a hand to touch the cheeks of Zi Di, feeling to be exquisite and mild: Green liquor effective, her body injury should recover thoroughly.” 少年伸手抚摸着紫蒂的脸颊,感受到细腻和温润:“绿液还是有效果的,她的身躯伤势应该彻底痊愈了。” This green liquor is very thin, alchemy that we prepare in a hurry cannot achieve the effect of sapphire gold coffin thoroughly. Perhaps should collect many magic material, builds better alchemy.” “这个绿液很稀,我们匆匆准备的炼金阵并不能彻底发挥出青玉黄金棺的效果。或许应该筹集更多的魔法材料,搭建出更好的炼金阵。” But Cang Xu shakes the head: According to Tower Spirit said, even War Monger alchemy does not have the effect of rebirth. I believe, the issue should emerge in the Zi Di President soul.” 苍须摇头:“按照塔灵所说,就算是战贩炼金阵也没有重生的功效。我认为,问题应该出现在紫蒂会长的灵魂上。” Soul?” “灵魂?” Yes. Before Zi Di President, on fourth with the Jia Sha confrontation, the spirit loses enormously......” “是的。紫蒂会长之前在第四层和痂沙交锋,精神损耗极大……” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The Cang Xu words have not said, a series of bangs will break. 苍须的话并未说完,就会一连串的巨响打断。 The Tower Spirit sound becomes rapid: Warning! Warning! The southeastern direction sea level presents three enemy warships, the enemy number is unclear, the strength is unclear.” 塔灵声音变得急促:“警告!警告!东南方向海面出现三艘敌舰,敌人数量不明,实力不明。” Meets the enemy!” youngster ordered, the surroundings person moved immediately accordingly. “迎敌!”少年下令,周围人顿时应声而动。
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