EB :: Volume #2

#1: Draconian youngster

Sky over the dense jungle, soars suddenly one flock of colorful birds. 茂密的丛林上空,忽然飞腾起一群五彩斑斓的鸟。 Sharp machete delimits together the bright as snow light in the midair, the vine that will block the way slivers two. 锋利的弯刀在半空中划出一道雪亮的光,将拦路的藤蔓切成两段。 machete chops continually, finally opens a narrow channel. 弯刀连劈,终于开辟出一条狭窄的通道。 What is responsible for leading the way is two human race, a manpower holds machete, person of both hands are dominating the wide blade battle axe. 负责开路的是两位人族,一人手持弯刀,一人双手把持着宽刃战斧。 Their behind is a fore and aft team. 他们的身后是一纵长队。 In the team majority are human race, but also has beastman, half elf, half-beast wait/etc. 队伍中大多数都是人族,但也有兽人、半精灵半兽人等等。 Their equipment not excellent, many people only then cotton armor, rather than leather armor. Some few manpower hold the bow crossbow and long flintlock. Most people are the close-in weapon, machete are most. 他们的装备并不精良,很多人都只有棉甲,而不是皮甲。少部分人手持弓弩和长火枪。大部分人则是近战武器,弯刀是最多的。 Their appearance is not neat, many people are sloppy, have hair dishevelled, opening mouth full yellow around the mouth tooth. Some people appreciate to sending out the odor strong, should be for a long time has not taken a bath very much. 他们容貌并不整洁,很多人非常邋遢,披头散发,一张嘴满口黄牙。有的人体味浓重到散发出恶臭,应该是很久都没有洗澡。 Many person bodies have incomplete, lacks arm few legs, with artificial limb substitution. 不少人身体都有残缺,缺胳膊少腿的,都用义肢替代。 This is one group of pirates. 这是一群海盗。 The leader of pirate is a mouse person. 海盗的头领是一位鼠人。 Concrete name no one may know, everyone called him For Yi Shenhui. 具体的名字无人可知,大家都称呼他为-一身灰 His body person, has the both arms both legs, but the head is actually the mouse head, and whole body is covered with the mouse wool. His hand is not the five fingers of person, but is four fingers of mouse. 他身躯似人,有双臂双腿,但头颅却是鼠头,且浑身长满鼠毛。他的手并不是人的五指,而是老鼠的四指。 However is different from his subordinate, this mouse person clothing is straight, wears a Knight clothing/taking, the clothes are quite neat, in the chest pocket even also the fine handkerchiefs decorate as the vulture. 但是和他的手下不同,这位鼠人衣衫笔挺,穿着一身骑士服,衣服相当整洁,胸口口袋中甚至还有一个精致的手帕作为雕缀。 Its mouse wool is gray, obviously after handles very much carefully, is smooth and mild-mannered. 它的鼠毛是灰色的,很明显是经过精心打理的,又光滑又柔顺。 Meanwhile, its body not ill-smelling appreciation, but is the fragrance. 同时,它的身上并没有一丝难闻的体味,而是香味。 He spurted the perfume. 他喷了香水。 His foot steps on is working the investigate long tube black leather boots, the waist is wearing rapier. 他脚踩着做工考究的长筒黑皮靴,腰间则佩戴着一柄刺剑 This damn weather! I disliked here......” pirate leader Yi Shenhui to pull my collar. “这该死的天气!我讨厌这里……”海盗头领一身灰扯了扯自己的衣领。 His collar has much, but, closely is fettering his neck for this reason. Walks in such sultry moist rain forest, the Yi Shenhui whole body sweats, leads to tie up his neck tight-lipped, making him feel the suffering. 他的衣领很有型,但正因如此,紧紧地束缚着他的脖子。在这样闷热潮湿的雨林中行走,一身灰浑身冒汗,领口紧缚他的脖子,让他感到十分煎熬。 After a ferocious ideological struggle, he decides to untie the first button near neck finally. 经过一番激烈的思想斗争,他终于决定解开脖子附近的第一个衣扣。 Immediately, he puts out foul air, breathed unobstructedly, the whole person was relaxed. 顿时,他吐出一口浊气,呼吸通畅了,整个人都轻松了很多。 Captain, how should we then walk?” Shortly , the team stopped the vanguard, the vanguard of drivehead ran to inquire Yi Shenhui. “船长,我们接下来该怎么走?”不久后,队伍停止了前行,打头的先锋跑回来询问一身灰 In the rain forest vegetation dense, blot out the sky and the sun, is very easy to lose the direction. Therefore, every time goes forward a distance, the pirates will stop to inquire Yi Shenhui. 雨林中植被茂密,遮天蔽日,很容易迷失方向。所以,每前进一段距离,海盗们都会停下来询问一身灰 Yi Shenhui reaches the collar his hand cautiously. 一身灰小心翼翼地将他的手伸向衣领。 His collar button buckled. 他的领扣又重新扣起来了。 He unties the knot, reveals more napes of the neck, around nape of the neck black thin string. 他解开扣子,露出更多的脖颈,还有脖颈周围的黑细绳子。 He takes the black thin string, the string is hanging a bone. 他把黑细绳子拿出来,绳子吊着一根骨头。 This bone is pale, looks at the appearance and size, should be the phalanx of goblin. 这根骨头惨白,看模样和大小,应该是地精的指骨。 Yi Shenhui grabs the string, making the phalanx hanging. 一身灰抓着绳子,让指骨悬空。 After several breath, the phalanx rocks unexpectedly slowly, probably the compass is later common, aimed at some direction of jungle leisurely. 几个呼吸之后,指骨竟然缓缓晃动起来,随后像是指南针一般,悠悠地指向了丛林的某个方向。 The response of phalanx is quite intense, this made in the Yi Shenhui heart fill was joyful and curious. Actually is what buried treasure, can so seduce the phalanx? 指骨的反应相当强烈,这让一身灰心中充满了喜悦和好奇。究竟是什么样的宝藏,能够如此诱惑着指骨? Should not be far, according to this direction walks!” The Yi Shenhui look brings an urgency. “应该不远了,照准这个方向走!”一身灰的神色带着一丝急切。 Hiss...... hiss...... 嘶……嘶…… Massive snakes are spitting the snake letter/believes, intercepted on the road of pirates, simultaneously in the sky threw various birds unceasingly. 大量的蛇吐着蛇信,拦截在了海盗们的路上,同时天空中不断扑下来各种鸟类。 The pirates under the order of Yi Shenhui, launch to slaughter. 海盗们在一身灰的命令下,展开厮杀。 They came prepared, prepare massive expelling worm potion, to drive snake potion, disintoxicating potion wait/etc. 他们有备而来,准备了大量的驱虫药剂、驱蛇药剂、解毒药剂等等。 However the condition of these snake and birds is very crazy, is fierce does not fear unexpectedly, is one, even if sacrificed itself also to keep off this crowd of islands the violent situation. 但是这些蛇和鸟类的状态十分疯狂,竟是悍不畏死,都是一副哪怕牺牲自己也要挡下这群海岛的猛烈态势。 Especially when ophidia and birds magic beast begins, the pirates had the trend of rout immediately. 尤其是当其中的蛇类、鸟类魔兽动手时,海盗们顿时有了溃败的趋势。 Captain, we could not withstand!” “船长,我们顶不住了!” These domestic animals were too strange, their build normal is at least huger than one time.” “这些畜生太诡异了,它们体型比正常的至少庞大一倍。” „-!” Some pirates send out the pitiful yell, his eyeball was pecked by birds magic beast. “啊-!”有的海盗发出惨叫,他的眼珠子被一只鸟类魔兽啄掉了。 Yi Shenhui disgruntledly cold snort/hum: One crowd of waste, must make me make a move finally.” 一身灰不悦地冷哼一声:“一群废物,最终还得让我出手。” next moment, he stimulates to movement battle energy. 下一刻,他催动斗气 A he mild-mannered smooth grey wool surface, blurs immediately, the terminals of tiny grey wools, start to dissipate, form fog continuously. 他一身柔顺光滑的灰毛表面,顿时模糊起来,一根根细小灰毛的末端,开始逸散,形成一缕缕的灰雾。 But in the middle of the fog, overflows is wiping the silver gloss. 而在灰雾当中,流溢着一抹白银光泽。 He unexpectedly is Silver Rank battle energy cultivator! 他竟是一位白银级别斗气修行者 battle skill- fog wave. 斗技-灰雾波。 next moment, his body surface forms the fog of stack, the proliferation, forms a fog ripple suddenly forward. 下一刻,他的身体表面形成堆积的灰雾,猛然向前扩散,形成一道灰雾波纹。 gray fog wave everywhere one visit, the snake and bird one by one fall on the ground, motionless, lost the life. 灰色雾波所到之处,蛇和鸟都纷纷在地上,一动不动,都丧失了性命。 Because does not have Silver Rank magic beast, Blackiron Level ophidia and birds magic beast 34, therefore under the fog sweeps away, Yi Shenhui relaxed win. 因为不存在白银级别魔兽,就连黑铁级别的蛇类、鸟类魔兽都只有三四只,所以灰雾横扫之下,一身灰轻松的大获全胜。 The pirates cheer immediately. 海盗们顿时欢呼起来。 Yi Shenhui again cold snort/hum, having the contented color to touch own head. 一身灰再次一声冷哼,带着自得之色摸了摸自己的脑袋。 Because of just battle skill, the mouse wool of his whole body was shorter. This lets usually pay great attention to the correct manners discipline Yi Shenhui highly to care. Stands in the aesthetic angle of mouse person, smooth mild-mannered mouse wool is the delicate and pretty biggest symbol. 因为刚刚的斗技,他浑身的鼠毛都短了一些。这让平时就注重自身仪容的一身灰非常在意。站在鼠人的审美角度,一身光滑柔顺的鼠毛是俊美的最大标志。 This month uses the battle skill number of times to be very frequent, is little uses as far as possible. Also has 15 days from next month middle of the month.” “这个月使用斗技的次数很频繁,还是尽量少用。距离下个月的月中还有十五天啊。” In the Yi Shenhui heart sighed. 一身灰心中叹息。 The mouse person in the full moon, the bloodline accelerated flow, the wound will accelerate to heal in the night, the hair will also accelerate to grow. 鼠人会在满月的时候,血脉加速流动,伤口会在夜里加速愈合,毛发也会加速生长。 I believe, the buried treasure of phalanx direction can certainly make up for my loss.” “不过我相信,指骨指向的宝藏一定能够弥补我的损失。” Spanned overspreads the corpse of ground, Yi Shenhui arrived at the central zone finally, saw the buried treasure appearance/portrait. 跨越铺满地面的尸体,一身灰终于来到了中心地带,看到了宝藏的真容。 The buried treasure is few, only has one. 宝藏很少,只有一件。 It is a gold coffin, is three meters, width one meter eight. Side the coffin surface mounts the relief that the sapphire was the result, on the relief also has silver to trace. Near the sapphire silver the relief described the graceful shaking snake body and broad magnificent wing. 它是一口黄金棺材,长达三米,宽一米八。棺材表面镶嵌了青玉所致的浮雕,浮雕上还有白银描边。青玉银边浮雕描绘出优雅蜿蜒的蛇躯和宽阔华丽的羽翼。 But in coffin inner wall, is describing 12 murals with the heavy line, the mural style is plain, describes the gods, to create to live and pay homage, skylight wait/etc myth contents. 而在棺材内壁,则是用黑线描绘着十二幅壁画,壁画风格古朴,描绘着神明、创生、膜拜、天光等等神话内容。 After pirates pleasant surprise, appears the disappointed color. 海盗们惊喜之后,都浮现出失望之色。 Captain, how only then this?” “船长,怎么只有这一件?” What they imagine is the pile becomes hill gold and jewelry. 他们想象中的是堆成小山的黄金和珠宝。 Yi Shenhui sizes up this coffin carefully, feels odd. He pulls out the phalanx to hang to fall, the response of this phalanx is extremely fierce, the entire bone shivers excitedly, plunges the gold coffin, pulls out together the slanting straight line the string. 一身灰仔细打量这口棺材,也感到奇怪。他又掏出指骨吊坠,这一次指骨的反应极其剧烈,整个骨头都兴奋地颤抖起来,一个劲地扑向黄金棺材,把绳子拉出一道斜斜的直线。 Phalanx refers to is this coffin?” “指骨指的就是这个棺材?” What thing is this?” “这到底是什么玩意?” Do not look that the Yi Shenhui clothing is straight, but his knowledge is very limited, cannot see what clue, but he highly believes the phalanx, confirmed that this is the goal of his trip, and is certainly priceless. 别看一身灰衣装笔挺,但他学识很有限,看不出什么端倪,但他非常相信指骨,确认这就是他此行的目标,并且一定价值连城。 Small, gives me to search for everywhere, has a look at the coffin lid!” Yi Shenhui issues the order. “小的们,给我四处搜一搜,看看有没有棺材盖!”一身灰下达命令。 Shortly , the pirates came back, has achieved nothing. 不久后,海盗们回来了,一无所获。 Yi Shenhui nods, appointed six pirates, carries together with joint forces this heavy coffin. 一身灰点点头,又指派了六个海盗,一起合力将这口沉重的棺材抬起来。 The team returns according to the old route. 队伍按照原路返回。 The return trip is quite smooth. 回程相当顺利。 After most hour, they returned to the seashore. By the reef stone pile, is anchoring their pirate ships. 大半个小时后,他们回到了海边。在礁石堆旁,停泊着他们的海盗船。 Finally came back.” “终于回来了。” My whole body soaked, returns to the first matter on ship, is to take a hot bath well.” “我浑身都湿透了,回到船上的第一件事,就是要好好泡个热水澡。” Yi Shenhui just relaxed, on the pirate ship presented several forms. 一身灰刚放松下来,海盗船上就出现了几个身影。 Has the enemy!!” The pirates instantaneous unrest, extracted own weapon. “有敌人!!”海盗们瞬间骚乱,都抽出了自己的武器。 Yi Shenhui narrows a seam the eyes. 一身灰将双眼眯成一条缝。 You have been working hard.” The enemy leaders are youngster. “你们辛苦了。”敌方头领是个少年 He has the golden hair, azure such as the day limpid eye pupil, at this moment he is smiling, reveals the white tooth, is handsome makes Yi Shenhui this mouse person unable to bear in the heart acclaim one: This is human race beautiful youngster! 他有金黄色的头发,湛蓝如天的清澈眼眸,此刻他微笑着,露出洁白的牙齿,英俊得让一身灰这个鼠人都忍不住心中赞叹一声:这是个人族的美少年 We want this coffin, puts them, you can walk. I by......, my reputation/honorary pledged to not begin to you.” The beautiful youngster clear and resonant voice said. “我们只要这口棺材,把他们放下来,你们就可以走了。我以……嗯,我的名誉发誓,不会对你们动手的。”美少年朗声说道。 Pirates laughs. 海盗们一阵哄笑。 Yi Shenhui also smiled, he put out a hand to stroke in a mind the mild-mannered smooth mouse wool: „The young human race boy, where do you come? Unexpectedly snatches this Sir's head, is really bold.” 一身灰也笑了,他伸手抚摸了一下自己头脑上柔顺光滑的鼠毛:“年轻的人族小子,你是哪儿来的?居然抢到本大爷的头上,真是胆大包天。” He certainly is an rookie! That that just went to sea.” “他一定是新人!刚刚出海的那种。” hahaha, recently this little fellow appeared were too many.” 哈哈哈,最近这种小家伙出现的太多了。” Yes, the child, the position of pirate king is not you can sit.” “是啊,小孩,海盗王的位置可不是你能坐上去的。” A piece that the pirates are noisy, relaxes gradually. Because handsome youngster and the others the bodies, life aura is very weak, having one is Blackiron, other are Bronze. 海盗们闹哄哄的一片,都渐渐放松下来。因为英俊少年等人的身上,生命气息很弱,只有一位是黑铁,其余都是青铜 Ok, my today is happy. You surrender, works for three months to us, gives your way out.” Yi Shenhui beckons with the hand, he obtained a mysterious buried treasure, has the harvest greatly. As for youngster this group of enemies, he has not watched. Especially youngster is much longer, making him unable to move killing intent. “好了,我今天心情好。你们投降吧,给我们工作三个月,就放你们一条生路。”一身灰摆摆手,他得到了一个神秘宝藏,大有收获。至于少年这帮敌人,他并没有看在眼里。尤其是少年长得好看,让他动不了杀意 The youngster leader is stunned. 少年头领愕然。 His behind half-beast cold snort/hum: It seems like the pearl bubble is also advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. Do not waste the time again!” 他身后的一位半兽人冷哼一声:“看来珍珠泡沫也是有利有弊的。不要再浪费时间了!” Also good.” The youngster leader nods. “也好。”少年头领点头。 Therefore, next moment that tall and strong half-beast from the standing tall and erect broad side place, jumped directly directly. 于是,下一刻那位魁梧的半兽人就直接从高耸的船舷处,直接跳了下去。 He agitates battle energy, is dominating both hands big swords single-handed, brave fierce crashed in the middle of the crowd. 他鼓动斗气,单手把持着一柄双手大剑,勇悍地冲进了人群当中。 His begins, immediately exposed true cultivation base. 他这一动手,顿时暴露出了真正的修为 silver peak?!” The Yi Shenhui pupil shrinks fiercely, moves aside hastily. 白银巅峰?!”一身灰瞳孔猛缩,连忙躲闪开来。 The pirates fall into immediately panic-stricken and flurried middle, they were hit one to be caught off guard, is not the half-beast opponent. 海盗们立即陷入惊恐和慌乱当中,他们被打了一个措手不及,也根本就不是半兽人的对手。 half-beast raises the reign of terror in the pirate group, flees vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, no one may keep off. 半兽人在海盗群中掀起腥风血雨,纵横披靡,无人可挡。 The pirates are miserably howling, some are repulsed, some were stimulated ominous, clear(ly) knew not to beat, still called to rush, then death quickly was simpler. 海盗们惨嚎着,有的败退,也有的被激发了凶性,明知道不敌,也仍旧嗷嗷叫地冲上去,然后死的更快更干脆。 Damn!” Yi Shenhui clenches teeth, the body shakes. “该死!”一身灰咬牙,身躯一震。 battle skill- grey foggy day! 斗技-灰雾天! After several breath, in the battlefield covers the gray mist. Mist not lethality, but is unusual, the field of vision and sensation are seriously limited. 几个呼吸之后,战场上笼罩灰色雾气。雾气并无杀伤力,但非同寻常,视野和感知受到非常大的限制。 Yi Shenhui integrated the fog perfectly, presented again time, had arrived at the youngster leader behind. 一身灰完美地融入到了灰雾当中,再出现的时候,已经来到了少年头领的身后。 Overpowers him, can make that half-beast have scruples layer on layer/heavily!” “制服他,就能让那个半兽人顾忌重重!” Yi Shenhui grasps rapier, the rapier terminal is arriving at the waist of youngster leader gently: Do not move! Moves slightly, I killed you. Makes your person stop quickly!” 一身灰手持刺剑,刺剑末端轻轻地抵着少年头领的后腰:“别动!稍动一下,我就杀了你。快让你的人住手!” The youngster leader as if pulls rank very much, has not put on any mail-armor and helmet, this makes Yi Shenhui feel very luck. 少年头领似乎很托大,并没有穿着任何甲胄,这让一身灰感到十分幸运。 But next moment, Yi Shenhui felt terrified incomparable. 下一刻,一身灰就感到悚然无比了。 youngster leader chuckle, retrocedes unexpectedly fiercely, arrives at the rapier sharp tip to turn around outrageously. 少年头领轻笑一声,竟是猛地后退,抵着刺剑锋利的尖端悍然转身。 rapier has not pierced his abdomen, instead fierce curving, then cuts the clothing of youngster leader, delimits to slide sparks/Mars on his skin. 刺剑并没有刺穿他的肚腹,反而剧烈弯曲,然后划破少年头领的衣衫,在他的皮肤上划出一溜火星。 Dragon scale!” Yi Shenhui is astonished, he from cutting in the clothing saw the vermilion big piece dragon scale. “龙鳞!”一身灰惊愕,他从划破的衣衫中看到了朱红色的大片龙鳞。 „!” The Yi Shenhui nape of the neck was held by the hand of youngster fiercely. “呃!”一身灰的脖颈被少年的手猛地抓住。 The hand of youngster is rock-solid, the hard as steel, is not a manpower, but transformation dragon claw. 少年的手坚如磐石,硬似钢铁,已不是人手,而转变成了龙爪。 Silver Rank life aura brims with everywhere. 白银级别生命气息四处洋溢。 „Are you Draconian?!” Yi Shenhui shock. “你是龙人?!”一身灰震惊。
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