EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#210: Beast Knight

Zong Ge shows the true strength, immediately shocked presented almost all people. 鬃戈展现出真正的实力,立即震惊了在场几乎所有人。 The bonus is some monster youngster early guesses, at this time satisfying still unavoidably astonished. 饶是怪物少年早有猜测,此时可心中仍旧不免惊异。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Then what to do?” “这下怎么办?” Four Church Guardian Knight are scared, half-beast makes their morale vacillate powerful ruthlessly. However they have the deep fight accomplishment, as well as was trained to the loyalty of Holybright Church. 四位护教骑士都慌了神,半兽人的强大让他们士气狠狠动摇。不过他们都有深厚的战斗素养,以及被培养出来的对圣明教派的忠诚。 Four Church Guardian Knight strong unities in the same place, still guarded in the steps mouth, a person is gazing at the steps, guards against third to continue some people to attack upwardly, but another three people have turned around, complexion sternly facing Zong Ge. 四位护教骑士紧密团结在一块,仍旧镇守在阶梯口,一人注视着阶梯,防备第三层继续有人向上冲击,而另外三人则转过身,脸色严峻地面对鬃戈 priest, opens Teleportation Door quickly!” At this time, Zhen Jin is yelling. 神父,快开启传送门!”这个时候,针金大叫着。 He is fearful and apprehensive. 他心惊肉跳。 Cannot make my substitute person clash again! He is also silver cultivation base!!” The sound that Zhen Jin was called is trembling. “千万不能让我的替身再冲上来了!他也是白银修为!!”针金叫的声音都在发颤。 Once, he also had such strength to be pleased with oneself for the substitute person, but actually becomes the place that he worried about extremely now. 曾经,他还为替身拥有这样的实力而沾沾自喜,但现在却成了他极其担忧的地方。 He did not start to suffocation Zi Di again. 他再没有对奄奄一息的紫蒂下手。 He starts to realize, he must look for the sign of guard for himself. 他开始意识到,他必须为自己找点护身的牌。 Living Zi Di, perhaps can also coerce the substitute person. After all Zi Di has fallen in love with the substitute person, he does not believe the substitute person not to feel about her! 活着的紫蒂,或许还可以要挟替身。毕竟紫蒂已经爱上了替身,他不信替身对她没有感觉! Damn, I just started is too heavy to her!” “该死,我刚刚对她下手太重了!” At this moment, Zhen Jin feels regretted very, meanwhile has resenting that the shame brings. 这一刻,针金感到十分懊悔,同时还有羞辱带来的愤恨。 I must wag the tail the desire to a substitute person unexpectedly, must give the opposite party own fiancee, can maintain a livelihood?!” “我居然要向一个替身摇尾乞求,要把自己的未婚妻让给对方,才能活命?!” First got through the present difficult time, after going back, requests reinforcements to the family, requests reinforcements to Templar Knight Regiment.” “先渡过眼前的难关,回去后向家族求援,向圣殿骑士团求援。” This enmity I must report!!” “这个仇我一定要报!!” Zhen Jin in the heart makes a determined effort, while looks to Jia Sha of not far away. 针金一边心中发狠,一边看向不远处的痂沙 Two people had vision looking at each other in the flash. 两人在一瞬间有了目光对视。 Waste!” In two people of hearts lives same scolding to the opposite party unexpectedly secretly. “废物!”两人心中竟对对方暗生一样的呵斥。 What Zhen Jin is indignant, has not opened Teleportation Door to present Jia Sha. 针金气愤的是,到现在痂沙都没有开启传送门 Jia Sha indignant is, the Zhen Jin shrinking one side, has been able to use Blackiron battle energy obviously, actually stands by. 痂沙气愤的则是,针金畏缩一旁,明明已经可以动用黑铁斗气,却始终作壁上观。 The situation transforms too quickly, is disadvantageous to Jia Sha! 局势转变得太快,对痂沙非常不利! Zong Ge was too callous, to rather sacrificed a oneself arm callously, wants first to rush to fourth. 鬃戈太冷酷了,冷酷到宁愿牺牲自己一臂,也要第一时间冲上第四层。 That moment that cultivation base of his silver peak exposes, he became the situation leader. 白银巅峰的修为展露出来的那一刻,他就成了局势的主导者。 The choice of Zong Ge is correct and wise, several breath, Jia Sha can form Teleportation Door again late thoroughly, having hand the fairy tale of mermaid to make a getaway. 鬃戈的选择非常正确和明智,再晚几个呼吸,痂沙就能彻底形成传送门,带着手中的美人鱼的童话逃之夭夭。 But now, Jia Sha does not dare to open Teleportation Door! 但现在,痂沙不敢开启传送门 Opened had not used. 开启了没有用啊。 Zong Ge will intercept all wishful thinking, wants through the person who Teleportation Door flees this place. 鬃戈会拦截所有痴心妄想,想要通过传送门逃离此地的人。 How lightning has not divided him!” “闪电怎么就没有劈死他呢!” But, he can come here , because of substitute person the word of misleading!!” “不过,他之所以能够到来这里,还是因为替身的蛊惑之词!!” Damn, what to do should I?” “该死,我该怎么办?” Jia Sha does not have divine force, before coped with the Zi Di polygraph technique is his final divine spell. Looked that his pitiful appearance knows, he really pressed out to do. 痂沙毫无神力可言,之前对付紫蒂的测谎术是他最后的神术。看他凄惨的模样就知道,他真的被榨干了。 Zhen Jin! Intends to tie down Zong Ge quickly, I must open Teleportation Door.” Jia Sha shouts makes noise. 针金!快出手缠住鬃戈,我要开启传送门了。”痂沙呼喊出声。 He to other four Church Guardian Knight injunctions: Stands there takes strict precautions against cling to tenaciously, does not need scruples me. Zong Ge he does not dare to start to me, I died, no one can open Teleportation Door!” 紧接着,他又对其他四位护教骑士嘱咐:“站在那里严防死守,不用顾忌我。鬃戈他不敢对我下手,我死了,就再也没有人能开启传送门!” Zong Ge knits the brows slightly. 鬃戈微微皱眉。 He also saw the Zi Di situation, Jia Sha said not wrong. He likely is can open the Teleportation Door person at present only, is everyone escapes from here key. 他也看到了紫蒂的情形,痂沙说的一点都没有错。他很可能就是目前唯一能够开启传送门的人,是所有人逃出这里的关键。 Zong Ge!” At this moment, the monster youngster angry roaring sound transmits, he launched the charge again. 鬃戈!”就在这时,怪物少年的怒吼声传达上来,他再次展开了冲锋。 Zong Ge not slightly hesitant, immediately with youngster coordinates, to charge into four Church Guardian Knight. 鬃戈没有丝毫犹豫,立即和少年进行配合,冲向四位护教骑士 Church Guardian Knight are in a tight corner attacked from both sides. 护教骑士们陷入被前后夹攻的窘境。 Come, your monster!” Be responsible for intercepting youngster Church Guardian Knight to yell, encourages to oneself. “来吧,你这头怪物!”负责拦截少年护教骑士大叫着,给自己鼓劲。 But sips the lips facing Zong Ge three Church Guardian Knight tightly, side-by-side standing, is feeling the greatest pressure. 而面对鬃戈的三位护教骑士则紧抿双唇,肩并肩站着,感受到了莫大压力。 Relax, he is only one person, you have four!” “放心,他只是一个人,你们有四位!” He is also seriously injured, blocks him, we have hope......” “他还受了重伤,挡住他,我们就有希……” Encouragement of Jia Sha has not said, saw Zong Ge to display battle skill, in contact decided the victory and defeat instantaneously. 痂沙的鼓励还没有说完,就看到鬃戈施展出了斗技,在接触的瞬间就分出了胜负。 Church Guardian Knight rout, two were rumbled the steps. 护教骑士溃败,其中两位更是被轰下了阶梯。 Falls into the staircase, they are without means to stimulate to movement battle energy. 一落入楼梯,他们在没办法催动斗气 Monster youngster broke through their two sides, the spider blade edge wiped the neck of one person neatly, another Knight forehead was pierced by the sharp scorpion tail directly. 怪物少年冲过他们俩的身边,蜘蛛刀锋干净利落地抹了一个人的脖子,另一个骑士的额头则被尖锐的蝎尾直接刺穿。 Because there is coordination of Zong Ge, youngster incomparably rushed to fourth smoothly. 因为有鬃戈的策应,少年顺利无比地冲上了第四层。 But at once, his complexion drastic change. 但旋即,他就面色剧变。 The severe pain raids suddenly, pain so intense, tenacious such as he, almost the mind falls into enemy hands. 剧痛陡然袭来,痛楚是如此的强烈,以至于坚韧如他,都差点心神失守。 His pain shouted one, cannot help but partly knelt on the ground, the whole body trembles. 他痛呼一声,不由自主地半跪在地上,全身发颤。 What's wrong?” Zong Ge with astonishment worried, at once gives up remaining two Church Guardian Knight catching up to support. “怎么了?”鬃戈惊愕又担忧,旋即放弃剩下的两位护教骑士赶来支援。 Among the electric light flint, youngster is understands that the issue is. 电光火石之间,少年已是明白问题所在。 He attempts to reduce the mutation, the severe pain reduces rapidly. 他尝试减少异变,剧痛迅速缩减。 After he only retains the scorpion shell and blade edge, the severe pain reduced to the situation that can endure patiently temporarily finally. 他只保留蝎壳和刀锋之后,剧痛终于减轻到可以暂时忍耐的地步了。 magic core can make my bloodline have the change.” 魔核能够让我的血脉产生变化。” These bloodline that but I change are not perfect, they originate from these transform magic beast. But these transform magic beast are actually the half-finished products, must be able to exist forever in the magic restriction environment.” “但我变化出来的这些血脉并不是完善的,它们来源于那些改造魔兽。而这些改造魔兽其实都是半成品,必须要在禁魔的环境下才能长存。” My present mutation, can be regarded as the mutation more prominent human form magic beast, therefore arrives at fourth here, without the magic restriction ring boundary, almost wants the mortal body collapse!” “我现在异变,可以看做是异变得更突出的人形魔兽,所以到达第四层这里,没有禁魔环境,差点就要肉身崩溃!” The youngster sorption cold air/Qi, stands up rapidly. 少年吸着冷气,迅速站起身来。 I can also continue to battle!” He said to Zong Ge. “我还可以继续作战!”他对鬃戈道。 Zong Ge nods, sees the retrogression change in youngster shape, he also guessed the reason. 鬃戈点点头,看到少年形态上的消退变化,他也猜测到了原因。 next moment, the body of youngster also gushed out wiped the silver color gloss. 下一刻,少年的身上也涌出了一抹白银色的光泽。 silver battle energy!” 白银斗气!” I can induce to battle energy finally.” “我终于能够感应到斗气了。” youngster sobbed incomparably in this moment. At the beginning of awakens, he longs for extremely can use battle energy. What has not thought that and finally, induced battle energy here. 少年在这一刻唏嘘无比。惊醒之初,他极度渴望能够用出斗气。没想到的是,到了最后,是在这里感应到了斗气 It seems like before , reason that has not induced, is the magic restriction ring boundary causes completely. 看来之前之所以没有感应,完全是禁魔环境导致的。 Saw on youngster wipes silver to be glorious, Zhen Jin lost thin sword SIlver Lightning directly on the ground. 看到少年身上的一抹白银光辉,针金将细剑银电直接丢在了地上。 He raises head the deep sigh: I surrender, my status you understood, I requested Templar Knight, a aristocrat proper treatment! My family will pay enough ransom money for me.” 他仰头长叹:“我投降,我的身份你们都了解,我请求一位圣殿骑士,一位贵族应有的待遇!我的家族会为我支付足够的赎金的。” Waste!!” Jia Sha shouted abuse to Zhen Jin again. “废物!!”痂沙再次对针金破口大骂。 The beast group shouts suddenly, they gave up internal fight, rushed to third unexpectedly, and continues to kill to fourth. 兽群忽然一齐嘶吼,它们放弃了内斗,竟是冲上了第三层,并且继续杀向第四层。 Hehe, you must die!” Jia Sha does not have the choice to open Teleportation Door, but controlled the man-made magic beast direction jurisdiction thoroughly. “呵呵呵,你们都要死!”痂沙没有选择开启传送门,而是彻底掌控了人造魔兽的指挥权限。 Monster youngster and Zong Ge knit the brows immediately. 怪物少年鬃戈顿时皱眉。 priest, do you know that actually you are making what?!” Zhen Jin was shocked, at once angrily roars. 神父,你知不知道你究竟在做什么?!”针金惊呆了,旋即怒吼起来。 I am Jia Sha! Even if I die, will not bow to your lower-class people!!” Jia Sha responded to Zhen Jin by a bigger roar, „your waste, did not match is aristocrat! Hundred Needles family perishes because of you surely!!” “我是痂沙!我就算是死,也不会向你们这些下等人低头!!”痂沙以更大的吼声回应针金,“你这个废物,根本不配成为贵族百针家族必定因你而灭亡!!” Then, this hair falls out or off entirely, old man to priest of life sign, is staring at monster youngster and half-beast with the hatred vision extremely, ridiculed: Come, killed me, killed me, can anyone of you open Teleportation Door?” 然后,这个头发掉光,老朽生命迹象的神父,用极其怨毒的目光盯着怪物少年半兽人,嘲笑道:“来啊,杀了我啊,杀了我,你们谁能开启传送门?” hahaha!” 哈哈哈!” Does not kill me, you were submerged by the beast group, dies with me!!” “不杀我,你们就被兽群淹没吧,和我一起死吧!!” „It is not good, this person is insane!” youngster and Zong Ge in the heart sink simultaneously. “不好,这人已经疯了!”少年鬃戈同时心中一沉。 Did not fear the death facing one, the enemy who wanted to perish together, youngster and Zong Ge felt thorny. 面对一位不惧死亡,想要同归于尽的敌人,少年鬃戈都感到了棘手。 Actually what to do?” “究竟怎么办?” Could not coerce him!” “要挟不了他!” Also, the reserve of magic power pond were getting fewer and fewer. I must hurry to think of solution!!” “还有,法力池的储备越来越少了。我得赶紧想到解决的办法!!” Jia Sha laughs: You lose heart! The truth told you, the magic power reserve of magic power pond has wanted to be dry thoroughly. hahaha!” 痂沙哈哈大笑:“你们死了这条心吧!实话告诉你们,法力池的法力储备已经要彻底干涸了。哈哈哈!” Before, was a little perhaps possible, opens Teleportation Door, can make the small number of people escape.” “之前,或许还有一点可能,开启传送门,能让少数人逃生。” „The present was a hope does not have!” “现在是一点希望都没有了!” This is you dares to offend me and others the fate!” “这就是你们胆敢冒犯我等的下场!” Sediments, sink to the seabed with this island.” “渣滓们,和这座海岛一起沉入海底吧。” But you must die!!” Zhen Jin is particularly puzzled. “可是你也要死啊!!”针金分外不解。 Jia Sha despises looks at he: Person would one dying, how the difference only lies in dying. Although I will die, but I was died in battle, died in battle at the last minute, and has never given up the pursue to the victory. I have not disappointed my status, I am the vanguard of Empire honor, I persevered my belief.” 痂沙鄙夷至极的看着他:“人总会有一死,区别只在于如何死。我虽然会死,但我是战死的,战死在最后一刻,并且从未放弃过对胜利的追求。我没有辜负我的身份,我是帝国荣光的捍卫者,我坚守了我的信仰。” However you...... the yellowbelly, you give your family, discredits to Templar Knight Regiment!” “而你……懦弱者,你给你的家族,给圣殿骑士团抹黑!” Really pitifully, if this monster is slightly more scruple, was other aspect. But now...... perishes together the greatest victory that is I can strive.” “真是可惜,如果这个怪物稍稍迟疑一些,就是另外的局面了。而现在……同归于尽是我能争取到的最大胜利了。” Jia Sha closed the eyes, the corners of the mouth outlined a smile. 痂沙闭上了双眼,嘴角勾勒出一丝微笑。 He has started calmly to wait for the arrival of death. 他已经开始静静地等待死亡的到来。 Plop. 扑通。 Zhen Jin fell the ground, the whole face was pale, the cold sweat braved. 针金跌坐到了地上,满脸惨白,冷汗直冒。 Ended, ended...... me to die here.” He is scared, hundred read entirely dust. “完了、完了……我就要死在这里了。”他失魂落魄,百念俱灰。 Zong Ge forced smile: Has not thought that killed here, was this result. Ok, we have also made best effort, not?” 鬃戈苦笑:“没想到杀到了这里,还是这个结局。算了,我们也已经尽了最大的努力了,不是吗?” He said is very free and easy, the double fist that but pinches tightly exposed being unwilling in his heart. 他说的很洒脱,但紧捏的双拳暴露出了他心中的不甘。 youngster has not spoken, he rushes to Zi Di. 少年没有说话,他奔向紫蒂 The Zi Di injury of suffocation is quite serious. 奄奄一息的紫蒂伤势极为沉重。 youngster kneels to sit on the ground, both hands contacts her body, at once the red light gushes out. 少年跪坐在地上,双手接触她的身体,旋即红光涌出。 If magic energy can me the mutation, be able to give other person of mutations?” “如果魔能能够给我异变,是不是也能给其他人异变?” So long as makes the Zi Di mutation have the Resilient White Rhinoceros pulp, she can be out of danger!” “只要让紫蒂异变出强命白犀的肉质,她就能转危为安!” Then, the attempt of youngster failed. 然后,少年的尝试失败了。 Perhaps has this possibility, but he has never practiced, does not know key is anything. The red light is unable to be separated from his body, do not discuss that spread to Zi Di on. 或许是有这种可能,但他从未练习过,并不知道其中的关键是什么。红光根本无法脱离他的身躯,更别谈蔓延到紫蒂身上了。 Hateful!” At this moment, youngster cannot find way out. “可恶!”这一刻,少年也一筹莫展。 Finally unexpectedly is such result?” “难道最终竟是这样的结果?” After several months . 数月后。 In a stretch of tranquil sea level, flashes before the intense brilliance suddenly. 一片平静的海面上,忽然闪现出强烈的光辉。 Huge teleportation formation covers surrounding area dozens meters, the production, vanishes baseless at once. 一道巨大的传送法阵覆盖方圆数十米,凭空产生,旋即消失。 Three human race expert float in midair, overlooks the sea level. 三位人族强者悬浮在半空中,俯视海面。 They wear the bright red clothes robe, is dressing the gauntlet, the iron boots and iron mask. 他们都穿着鲜红的衣袍,穿戴着铁手套、铁靴、铁面具。 In the around surface of blood red clothes robe, is describing the white golden nine glow stars respectively. 在血红色的衣袍的前后面,各描绘着白金色的九芒星。 They come from the blood light sanction institute! 他们来自血光制裁院! Is here?” Lead expert life aura achieved the Legend Rank number impressively. “就是这里?”领头的强者生命气息赫然达到了传奇级数。 I determined!” Another expert has a long black braid, life aura of sending out bit by bit Gold Rank number, male voice hoarse, here has his smell, he has come to here absolutely!” “我确定!”另一位强者有一个长长的黑辫子,散发着着黄金级数的生命气息,男声嘶哑,“这里有他的气味,他绝对来过这里!” The leaders nod: That makes me come to look at one well.” 头领点点头:“那就让我来好好地看一眼。” next moment, he stimulates to movement divine spell, unexpectedly is the recollection time. This divine spell can repeat once sound and image, straight transmission to the heart of leader. 下一刻,他催动神术,竟是回溯时光。这道神术能重演曾经的声音和影像,直接传达到头领的内心深处。 The leader body shakes suddenly. 头领陡然身躯一震。 This vibration makes the other two catch keenly, in the heart is astonished immediately. They also never see the leader is so rude. 这个震动让其余两人敏锐地捕捉到,心中顿时惊异。他们还从未见过头领如此失态过。 next moment, this Legend rank expert sinking sound said: „The divine spell effect was not very good, has some powerful strength to obstruct me to continue to nose.” 下一刻,这位传奇级别强者沉声道:“神术的效果很不好,有某种强大的力量阻挠了我继续查探。” I can only hear some sounds unexpectedly reluctantly.” “我竟只能勉强听到一些声音。” I heard the terrifying of beast group to shout, heard Emperor Holybright scolding of priest, heard a surrender of aristocrat, before hearing king at the point of death flame dragon roared desperately......” “我听到了兽群的恐怖嘶吼,听到了一位圣明大帝神父的呵斥,听到了一位贵族的投降,听到了炎龙之王临死前的绝望咆哮……” Other two expert the heart big quake, one by one loses one's voice simultaneously. 其余两位强者同时心头大震,纷纷失声。 What?!” “什么?!” Lord, is your meaning?” 大人,您的意思是?” Right, my institute missing third team, buckle here. Here once had an Island Monster Bewildering Island! Here once was the War Monger den!!” “没错,我院失踪的第三队,都折损在了这里。这里曾经有一座岛-迷怪岛!这里曾经是战贩的老巢!!” Knew that the information two expert lose one's voice again: 得知情报的两位强者再次失声: alchemy Grandmaster War Monger?!” 炼金大宗师战贩?!” Here erupted the fight, Monster Bewildering Island sank, did everyone die?” “这里爆发了战斗,迷怪岛沉了,所有人都死了?” At the late stage of leader not too definite this point, the divine spell effect has entered. 头领不太确定这一点,神术的效果已经进入末期。 He sets one's mind at ease , to continue to listen attentively. 他沉下心来,继续倾听。 Quick, he heard some people off and on, very fuzzy dialogue. 很快,他听到了一些人断断续续,十分模糊的对话。 We should walk......” “我们该走了……” Must say the captain, I only approve you.” “要说船长,我只认可你。” No, said accurately, we approve you, Lord.” “不,准确的说,我们大家都认可你,大人。” But I am only wild beast......” “可是我只是一头野兽……” No, no one thinks like this. Was you led us, you were our recognized leaders. You are true Knight!” “不,没有人会这样认为。是你带领了我们,你是我们公认的领袖。你是一位真正的骑士!” The dialogue looks like the wind in dream, quick radical dissipation. 对话就像是梦里的风,很快彻底消散。 The leaders sighed, knows that will then not have anything to harvest, divine spell also stood still. 头领叹息一声,知道接下来再不会有什么收获,神术也停歇下来。 Also some people lived, they very probably obtained a lot of spoils of war, obtained the War Monger heritage!” The leaders said. “还有人活了下来,他们很可能获得了大量的战利品,获得了战贩的遗产!”头领道。 Who are they?” Two people asked hastily. “他们都是谁?”两人连忙问。 The leaders shake the head, extremely regrettable said/tunnel: I am unable to determine that...... can only determine among them has produced the leader, and this leader prestige is very high.” 头领摇头,万分遗憾地道:“我无法确定……只能确定他们当中已经产生了首领,并且这个首领威望很高。” If Lord you are not even able to determine, perhaps in Empire did not have others to nose again the multi-information.” The other two lose. “如果连大人您都无法确定,恐怕帝国中就再也没有其他人能够查探出更多信息了。”另外两人十分失落。 Leader cold snort/hum: Dark dense fog covers for a while, eventually by bright photo penetrating. These people could not keep, one day will reveal.” 头领冷哼一声:“黑暗的迷雾笼罩一时,也终究会被光明照彻。这些人藏不住了,总有一天会显露出来。” First launches to issue a warrant for arrest to them!” “先对他们展开通缉!” But the present situation is, leader their names do not know. 可是现在的情况是,头领连他们的名字都不知道。 That uses the code name.” “那就用代号吧。” The leaders hesitated , to continue saying: Code number Beast Knight.” 头领沉吟了一番,继续道:“代号-野兽骑士。” ( Vol. 1 ends) (第一卷完) ( Ps: After tomorrow is the volume summarizes, will not renew the main text, tomorrow must revise the erroneous character, as well as several texts.) (ps:明天是卷后总结,并不会更新正文,明天要修改错别字,以及几处文本。)
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