EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#209: Goes to the dead charge!

People who looks at gathers, monster youngster smile. 看着身边汇聚过来的众人,怪物少年微笑。 However, his moment shape terrifying, does not have the human form, this wipes the smile is more like grins fiendishly. 然而,他此刻形态恐怖,毫无人形,这抹微笑倒更像是狞笑。 He roars lowly, the hand is pointing at the ceiling of top of the head: „The Empire colors insert there, the aristocrat glory also covers there, perhaps care of gods.” 他低吼一声,手指着头顶的天花板:“帝国的军旗就插在那里,贵族的荣耀也笼罩那里,或许还有神明的眷顾。” But there has our means of livelihood! Has treasure that we want!” “但那里有我们的活路!有我们想要的宝物!” To/Clashes with me!” “跟我冲!” Does his mother!” “干他娘的!” Roar!” “吼!” Monster youngster raises head to shout, takes the lead to run out of the security issues, breaks in lightning that wreaks havoc. 怪物少年仰头嘶吼,率先冲出安全领域,冲入肆虐的闪电之中。 Charge!” half-beast follows. “冲锋!”半兽人紧随其后。 Father!” Giant starting to walk huge step, runs, the ground that shakes trembles. “爸爸!”大个子迈开巨大步伐,奔跑起来,震的地面微颤。 Kills-!” More people are crying out, goes turbulently. “杀啊-!”更多的人呐喊着,汹涌而去。 Damn! They were really misled by the substitute person, to.” The Jia Sha complexion is pale, this without doubt is the worst case scenario. “该死!他们真的被替身蛊惑,全都冲过来了。”痂沙脸色铁青,这无疑是最坏的情况。 Zhen Jin cannot see the third scene, but can also hear the call that the people charge, at this time obtains the confirmation of Jia Sha again, immediately the facial expression becomes terrified, yelled hastily: „Do you do? Your this is revolting! Do you want with Templar Knight for the enemy, to want with Emperor Holybright priest for the enemy, you to issue a warrant for arrest? To be sentenced? The lightning will divide you!” 针金并不能看到第三层的景象,但也听得到众人冲锋的呐喊,此时再得到痂沙的确认,顿时神情变得惶恐,连忙大叫:“你们干什么?你们这是在造反!你们想与圣殿骑士为敌,想与圣明大帝神父为敌,你们是想被通缉吗?想被处刑吗?闪电会劈死你们的!” It seems like showed that his words, next moment, in the monster youngster team some people were divided by the lightning, direct death! 似乎是证明他的话,下一刻,怪物少年的队伍中就有人被闪电劈中,直接死亡! However, has the people who expect not to stop the charge early the footsteps, even if slow does not have. 然而,早有预料的众人都没有停下冲锋的脚步,哪怕一丝迟缓都没有。 Even, the speed that they charge was faster several points. 甚至,他们冲锋的速度还更快了几分。 They are whooshing, shouting, at this moment seems like one crowd of wild beast more the person! 他们嘶吼着,大喊着,这一刻像是一群野兽更多过于人! Why, why is this?!” Jia Sha becomes angry out of shame. “为什么,为什么又是这样?!”痂沙恼羞成怒。 At this moment, he returned to the past probably. 这一刻,他像是回到了从前。 He saw probably young guard who the daughter who that attempts to bring City Lord elopes. 他像是看到了那位企图带着城主的女儿私奔的年轻护卫。 He as if saw rioter who that crowd revolts against the feudal lord. 他仿佛看到了那群反抗领主的暴民。 Your this group of lower-class people! Weeds and mixed insect! Always why can't clearly recognize the reality?” “你们这群下等人!野草、杂虫!为什么总是认不清现实?” Without me, you had been embezzled by the beast group. I also lead you to come here, enters the alchemy factory! Do you return evil for good like this?!” “没有我,你们早就被兽群吞没了。我还带着你们来到这里,进入炼金工厂!你们就这样恩将仇报?!” „The expert rule weak one, the member of the upper-class rules the lower-class person, this is perfectly justified! Do you actually want to revolt?” 强者统治弱者,上等人统治下等人,这是天经地义的!你们却想反抗?” What can you revolt against? You will die finally, will die!” “你们能反抗得了什么?你们最终都会死,都会死!” Probably responded to his words, the disorderly lightning continues to wreak havoc. 像是回应他的话,无序的闪电继续肆虐。 ! 咔嚓! The Fei She eye hides shakes, after the lightning chops, he responded. 肥舌眼皮子一抖,闪电劈完之后,他才反应过来。 Beyond his several, a strong companion changed into the hard coke. He lost the life, without battle energy and magic is unable to resist the lightning to strike. Substitute person youngster so, let alone others? 就在他几步之外,一位健硕的同伴化为了焦炭。他丧了性命,没有斗气魔法无法抵挡闪电一击。就连替身少年都如此,更何况其他人呢? Runs and runs!” “快跑、快跑!” Fei She encourages for oneself unceasingly, simultaneously in the heart sends out the call of revenge: Zi Di President, I come to revenge to you!” 肥舌不断为自己鼓劲,同时心中发出复仇的呐喊:“紫蒂会长,我来给你报仇!” For all this, because he is obese, falls behind slowly. 尽管如此,他因为肥胖,还是慢慢落后下去。 But last is actually not he. 但最后一位却不是他。 Frail Cang Xu, runs strongly, but fell rear. He saw reluctantly oneself and large unit distance is getting more and more far, pants, while in the heart sighed painstakingly: Really feels embarrassed the person of my old arm old leg.” 年老体衰的苍须,竭力奔跑,但还是落到了最后面。他无奈地看到自己和大部队距离越来越远,一边气喘吁吁,一边心中苦叹:“真是为难我这个老胳膊老腿的人呐。” The monster youngster companion, poured under the lightning. 怪物少年的同伴,一个个倒在了闪电之下。 At this moment, spelled is not the strength, but pure luck. 这一刻,拼的不是战力,而是纯粹的运气。 From this, instead appears this charge more brutal. 由此,反而显得这场冲锋更加残酷。 But unmanned retreat! 但无人后退! Because of their charges, not for glory, but to maintain a livelihood. It is not following what influential character behind, but for them. 因为他们这一次的冲锋,不是为了荣耀,而是为了活命。不是跟随着什么大人物的身后,而是为了他们自己。 The lightning seems like a baptism, the baptism in mind. 闪电像是一场洗礼,心灵上的洗礼。 As they are away from the fourth steps to be getting more and more near, their complexions reveal the fierce, exciting, frantic and tyrannical mood. 随着他们距离第四层的阶梯越来越近,他们的脸色都流露出狰狞、兴奋、狂热、暴虐的情绪。 The beastly nature is as deep as a well. 兽性是难以捉摸的。 Hears the footsteps of people even more to be close to one's own ears, Zhen Jin thorough was panic-stricken. 亲耳听到众人的脚步越发接近,针金彻底惊恐了。 priest! Really is not then wonderful!” 神父!这下真的不妙了!” Lightning does not seem to chop most people. What is most essential, the substitute person is also living!” “闪电似乎没有劈死大多数人。最关键的是,替身还活着!” I have told you, he is powerful, is terrifying! I saw with own eyes, he slaughtered an entire leopard group, entire!” “我告诉过你的,他非常强大,非常恐怖!我亲眼见到,他屠杀了一整支豹群,一整支啊!” That is the slaughter, kills by mistreatment. To him, relaxed, absolutely is great talent tested in a small task!” “那是屠杀,也是虐杀。对他来讲,轻松至极,绝对是牛刀小试而已!” Run, establishes Teleportation Door quickly, we walk together!” “快跑,快建立传送门,我们一起走!” You shut up to me! Waste!!” The Jia Sha complexion is also fierce , he also has frightened wildly with rage. “你给我闭嘴!废物!!”痂沙脸色也狰狞,他狂怒不已,同样也有惊悚。 But he does not have the means. 但他没有办法。 He does not have the means to open Teleportation Door, if can open, he has begun! 他还是没有办法开启传送门,如果能开启,他早就动手了! Almost, almost.” “就差一点,就差一点。” This group of damn sinful subjects! I should not have the expectation to them, at that time should not save them, should not give them the increase and treatment on divine spell!” “这群该死的罪民!我就不应该对他们抱有期望,当时就不应该救下他们,不应该给他们神术上的增幅和治疗!” Church Guardian Knight, give me to get down, stops up the fourth steps, cannot make them clash.” 护教骑士们,给我下去,堵住第四层的阶梯,绝不能让他们冲上来。” I require the time, only requires time!” “我需要时间,只需要一点时间!” Four Church Guardian Knight hesitated rarely. 四位护教骑士们却罕见地犹豫了。 Zhen Jin just also said that monster youngster is powerful, but they are the flesh and blood. 针金刚刚也说了,怪物少年非常强大,但他们都是血肉之躯。 Moreover, fourth is the center of center, will not be affected by the weather, but third has the lightning to divide at will randomly. 而且,第四层是中枢的中枢,不会受到天气影响,但第三层可是有闪电随意乱劈的啊。 To the fourth steps, similarly also under covering of lightning. 通往第四层的阶梯,同样也在闪电的笼罩之下。 Does not block him, we ended, certainly will be finished!” Zhen Jin sees indecisive Church Guardian Knight, shouted hastily. “不拦住他,我们就都完了,一定都会完蛋!”针金看到犹豫不决的护教骑士,连忙大喊。 Goes quickly, I will not make you bring death!” Jia Sha is also roaring, simultaneously uses own jurisdiction, lifted some essential limit. “快去,我不会让你们送死的!”痂沙也在怒吼,同时动用自己的权限,解除了某个关键的限制。 Four Church Guardian Knight great happiness, did not have again hesitant, stops up slightly in the steps mouth. 四位护教骑士大喜,再无丝毫犹豫,一齐堵在了阶梯口。 Monster youngster charges throughout in the forefront, he is also first visits the steps, with four Church Guardian Knight head-on collisions. 怪物少年始终冲锋在最前面,他也是第一个踏足阶梯,和四位护教骑士迎面相撞。 Bang! 砰! A dull thumping sound, monster youngster was repelled unexpectedly, falls ruthlessly on the third floor tile. 一声闷响,怪物少年竟是被击退,狠狠地摔在第三层的地砖上。 battle energy!” Monster youngster is injured heavily, both eyes are red, stands up rapidly. 斗气!”怪物少年受伤不轻,双目通红,迅速站起身来。 Right, at this moment, the bodies of four Church Guardian Knight are sparkling the battle energy brilliance. 没错,这一刻,四位护教骑士的身上都闪耀着斗气的光辉。 They have the Blackiron Level strength, four can utilize battle energy Blackiron Rank Knight, formed a firm defense line. 他们都有黑铁级别的实力,四位能运用斗气黑铁级骑士,形成了一道坚固至极的防线。 Always, on Monster Bewildering Island forbids low rank magic and battle energy, high-rank magic item also only to display the weak potency. 一直以来,迷怪岛上都禁止低阶的魔法斗气,高阶魔法道具也只能发挥微弱效力。 But now, Jia Sha as if lifted the fourth limit, making four Church Guardian Knight be able to display battle energy. 但现在,痂沙似乎解除了第四层的限制,让四位护教骑士能够施展斗气 battle energy...... once was the thing that monster youngster tracked down with hardship, because battle energy can have the help of qualitative change to him, helping him jump the ranks to cut to kill man-made magic beast. 斗气……曾经是怪物少年苦苦追寻的东西,因为斗气能够对他有质变的帮助,帮助他越级斩杀人造魔兽 But now, the enemy grasped battle energy, but he on the contrary is one by the monster of battle energy restraint. 而现在,敌人掌握了斗气,而他反倒是一头被斗气克制的怪物。 „The equipment of Blackiron battle energy and Blackiron Level......” monster youngster stroked to be cut the trace scorpion armor. His scorpion armor is silver level, but does not have the battle energy in addition to hold, was cut the opening. 黑铁斗气黑铁级别的装备……”怪物少年抚摸了被砍出痕迹的蝎甲。他的蝎甲是白银层次的,但没有斗气加持,还是被砍出了口子。 However next moment, in heart core gushes out magic energy, making the scorpion shell return to original state rapidly. 不过下一刻,心核中涌出魔能,让蝎壳迅速还原。 Sees this, four Church Guardian Knight pupils all shrink, heart simultaneous/uniform shakes: Monster!” 看到这一幕,四位护教骑士瞳孔皆缩,心头齐震:“怪物!” Monster youngster grins fiendishly, rushes to the steps again. 怪物少年狞笑一声,再次冲上阶梯。 Four Church Guardian Knight collaborate, they can condense a body battle energy, opposes the enemy together! 四位护教骑士联手,他们能够将斗气凝聚一体,共同对敌! Monster youngster was jointly gathered battle energy of body to drive back by four Knight again, but also put out a blood. 怪物少年再次被四位骑士联合汇聚一体的斗气逼退,还吐出了一口鲜血。 This is battle energy! 这就是斗气 With magic that magic and divine spell meet as an equal. 魔法神术分庭抗礼的神奇力量。 Father, making me come!” The giants run in big strides, saw that monster youngster falls on the ground, he was indignant. “爸爸,让我来!”大个子大踏步奔跑过来,看到怪物少年在地上,他气愤极了。 Be careful! Protects the body strategic point!” The monster youngster complexion changes, reminded hastily. “小心!护住自己身体要害!”怪物少年脸色一变,连忙提醒。 But the giant head high, chest out to step the steps, the double fist destroys, in oneself the gate opens. 但大个子还是昂首挺胸踏上阶梯,双拳直捣,自己中门打开。 Courts death!” Four Church Guardian Knight are angry, two display the killer, the sword receives the battle energy in addition to hold, the heart of straight thrust giant. Another two are to hold up the shield, protects itself, resists the attack of giant. “找死!”四位护教骑士大怒,其中两位施展杀手,刀剑受到斗气加持,直刺大个子的心脏。另外两位则是举起盾牌,护住自己,抵抗住大个子的攻击。 The sword that if was really held by the battle energy in addition punctures the heart, the giant must die without doubt. 真要是被斗气加持的刀剑刺破心脏,大个子必死无疑。 The critical moment, monster youngster rushes, in following clothes that holds the giant, after fiercely, draws. 关键时刻,怪物少年赶到,在后面一把抓住大个子的衣服,猛地后拉。 The giants were being retroceded by drawing suddenly, the Church Guardian Knight sword punctures his chest thrillingly, but no injures to his heart. 大个子被拉着骤然后退,护教骑士们的刀剑惊险地刺破他的胸膛,但没有伤害到他的心脏。 The giants tumble the ground, monster youngster reveal immediately. 大个子滚落到地上,怪物少年顿时显露出来。 Meanwhile, Zong Ge that rushes to at present one bright, jumps to leap, the foot is stepping in the head of giant, jumped the upper air, speedy approach's fourth. 与此同时,随后赶到的鬃戈眼前一亮,纵身一跃,脚踩着大个子的脑袋上,跳到了高空,迅速接近第四层。 This is once again the coordination of youngster and Zong Ge. 这是又一次少年鬃戈的配合。 Mounted the steps from the giant, youngster saw Zong Ge that third will soon arrive. 从大个子登上阶梯,少年就看到了第三位即将到达的鬃戈 Looks at each other one, both sides on determining this tactic! 只是对视一眼,双方就确定了这个战术! Both people have the deep fight accomplishment, fights side-by-side repeatedly, this is the mind between outstanding soldiers is interlinked! 两个人都有深厚的战斗素养,又并肩作战多次,这是优秀战士之间的心灵相通! Suddenly, monster youngster holds up the head to charge below, Zong Ge tries to leap from the people top of the head to fourth. 一时间,怪物少年在下面昂首冲锋,鬃戈则试图从众人头顶上空飞跃到第四层中去。 Gave up any idea of!” The critical moment, four Church Guardian Knight also showed fast dealing. “休想!”关键时刻,四位护教骑士也展现出了迅捷的应对。 Their three people cope with monster youngster, another person intercepts in the air half-beast. 他们其中三人对付怪物少年,另外一人拦截空中的半兽人 youngster was repelled again! 少年再次被击退! in addition of battle energy in regarding strength held is too big. 斗气对于战力上的加持太大了。 Zong Ge also falls into the dangerous situation. 鬃戈也陷入危险境地。 Although he wears the fine steel armor, wears the helmet, but his arm does not have such protection. 他虽然身着精钢铠甲,头戴钢盔,但他的一只手臂却没有这样的防护。 Be responsible for intercepting his Church Guardian Knight very clear Zong Ge weakness, the sword in his hand cuts cunningly to Zong Ge lacks that arm of protection relatively. 负责拦截他的护教骑士很清楚鬃戈的弱点,他手中的剑刁钻地砍向鬃戈相对缺乏保护的那条手臂。 Makes me reduce your arm, gives you to teach profoundly!” Church Guardian Knight grins fiendishly. “让我砍掉你一臂,给你深刻的教训!”护教骑士狞笑。 next moment, the blood splash, the arm of Zong Ge was really reduced, falls in the steps. 下一刻,鲜血飞溅,鬃戈的手臂真的被砍掉,摔到了阶梯上。 But the Church Guardian Knight complexion is pale, because is seriously battered, loses Zong Ge of arm to visit fourth officially! 护教骑士却脸色铁青,因为遭受重创,痛失一臂的鬃戈已经正式踏足第四层! You are intentionally!” After responding, on the face of Church Guardian Knight full was regrets and shocks. “你是故意的!”反应过来后,护教骑士的脸上满是懊悔和震撼。 Just that moment confrontation, Zong Ge obviously came prepared, holds the Church Guardian Knight movement flaw, made itself jump smoothly in fourth. 刚刚那一刻的交锋,鬃戈明显是有备而来,抓住护教骑士的动作破绽,顺利地让自己跳跃到了第四层中。 Without the opportunity, oneself create the opportunity! 没有机会,就自己制造机会! Breaks the wound of arm, the severe pain raids, blood crossflow. 断臂的伤口,剧痛袭来,鲜血横流。 Zong Ge partly knelt on the ground, at this moment stands up slowly. Loses an arm, his figure still immovability. 鬃戈原本半跪在地上,此刻缓缓站起。失去一臂,他的身形仍旧不动如山。 Unexpectedly dares to deceive me!” Being deceived Church Guardian Knight flies into a rage. “居然敢愚弄我!”受骗的护教骑士勃然大怒。 Killed him, he is only Blackiron!” Jia Sha shouts said, he is forming the Teleportation Door critical moment. “杀了他,他不过只是一个黑铁!”痂沙呼喊道,他正在形成传送门的关键时刻。 Two Church Guardian Knight are separated from the team hastily, kills to Zong Ge. 两位护教骑士连忙脱离队伍,杀向鬃戈 The corners of the mouth of Zong Ge go up slightly, the complexion is quiet, as if loses an arm at all is not he. 鬃戈的嘴角微微上翘,面色沉静无比,仿佛痛失一臂的根本不是他。 His vision is dense, brings to wipe proud intent, tranquil opens the mouth: Who told asked that you...... I was only Blackiron?” 他的目光森然,带着一抹傲意,平静开口:“谁告诉问你们……我只是一届黑铁?” Bang! 轰! next moment, silver battle energy spews out brilliance. 下一刻,白银斗气光辉喷涌而出。 In fourth the people stare the big eyes all. 第四层中众人无不瞪大双眼。 silver?!” 白银?!” Bang! 轰! Two Church Guardian Knight kill rapidly to Zong Ge, then flies upside down at a quicker speed. 两位护教骑士急速向鬃戈杀去,然后又以更快的速度倒飞回去。 Not only silver! In his battle energy also has a gold gloss.” “不只是白银!他的斗气中还有一丝黄金光泽。” Odd! This half-beast unexpectedly is a silver peak soldier!!” “离谱!这个半兽人居然是一个白银巅峰战士!!”
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