EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#208: I am a monster!!!

Substitute person youngster is staring at the people: „The present situation, did not need me to say much, actually everyone heart was clear.” 替身少年凝视着众人:“现在的情形,不需要我多说了,其实大家心底都清楚。” Is cherishing the impractical fantasy, hopes that Jia Sha and Zhen Jin they save you, this possibility was too low.” “抱着不切实际的幻想,希望痂沙针金他们来拯救你们,这种可能性太小了。” The people still alerted, but the vision twinkle, appears hesitation slightly. 众人仍旧戒备,但目光闪烁,显出微微的犹豫。 youngster speaking of them went, the date and time that Jia Sha and they are together is very short, the performance cannot withstand more and more. Jia Sha holds the desire is too intense to divine artifact, is very unreliable. 少年的说到他们心里去了,痂沙和他们相处的时日很短,表现也越来越不堪。痂沙神器占有欲望太强烈,很不可靠。 But at this time, fourth smiling that transmits Jia Sha: Hehe, the substitute person, your one person wants to clash to bring death, even. Do you also want to mislead them also to bring death with you together? He guessed to the situation, therefore you cannot affirm. Do you like urging them, let them for your assigned risk?” 但这时,第四层传来痂沙的笑:“呵呵呵,替身,你一个人想要冲上来送死,也就算了。你还想蛊惑他们也和你一同来送死吗?他对局势都是猜测,所以你不能肯定。你就像撺掇他们,让他们为你分担风险?” Do not be swindled ! The lightning disorder, can want your life. Even if you clash, you do want to kill me and Zhen Jin are inadequate? Kills priest and Templar Knight? Your this is with Empire for the enemy. Even if you won, lives, should still issue a warrant for arrest by Holybright Empire, you can only live from now on are going in all directions, life feeling alarmed and anxious. Once were seized, waits for your is compared with a death by hanging more brutal penalty!” “不要上当了,诸位!闪电无序,会要了你们的命。就算你们冲上来,难道你们要杀了我和针金不成?杀一位神父圣殿骑士?你们这是在和帝国为敌。就算你们胜利了,活下来,也会被圣明帝国通缉,你们今后就只能活在四处流窜,担惊受怕的生活。而一旦被抓捕,等待你们的是比绞刑更加残酷的惩罚!” Jia Sha will certainly not look on youngster to agitate others, his these words, making the people more hesitant. 痂沙当然不会坐视少年鼓动其他人,他的这番话,让众人更加犹豫起来。 Substitute person youngster then looks to Zong Ge, he needs to earn the support, but person who Zong Ge clearly is middle most has the prestige. 替身少年便看向鬃戈,他需要获得支持,而鬃戈显然是当中最具威望的人。 However this time half-beast deeply frowns, does not have any expressed. 但是此时的半兽人眉头紧锁,没有任何表示。 Zhen Jin laughs, ridiculed: Substitute person, you also thinks that is I? You at all are not Templar Knight, at all is not aristocrat, your within the body is flowing the lowly blood, why do you make them follow you? You are only a substitute person, a tool. You want hundred responses to a single call unexpectedly, wants to lead one group of people, copes us? Was just lightning chops you stupidly?” 针金哈哈大笑,嘲笑道:“替身,你还以为是我?你根本不是圣殿骑士,也根本不是贵族,你体内流淌着卑贱的血,你凭什么让他们去跟随你?你只是个替身,一个工具。你居然想一呼百应,想领导一群人,来对付我们?是刚刚的闪电把你劈傻了吗?” Zhen Jin imitates Jia Sha, after taunting youngster one, continues to shout to others said: He wants to use you. He can live, you cannot be deceived again!” 针金效仿痂沙,嘲讽了少年一通后,又继续对其他人呼喊道:“他就是想利用你们。他能活,你们不能再受骗了!” I by aristocrat reputation/honorary Mage, you can be saved!” “我以贵族的名誉法师,你们都能得救!” Believes me, I am Templar Knight, but he is only a substitute person, has been deceiving you!!” “相信我,我是圣殿骑士,而他不过只是个替身,一直在欺骗你们!!” The crowd is in a tumult. 人群骚动起来。 Substitute person youngster sighed in the heart. 替身少年在心中叹息。 Zi Di when fourth has said that she to situation understanding, once not wrong. When Zhen Jin exposed the status, losing is huge. People will not trust Zhen Jin, simultaneously alerts to the substitute person. Now they looked that is glittering to the substitute person youngster vision, suspected that he harbors evil intentions. 紫蒂曾经在第四层的时候说过,她对局势的理解一旦都没有错。当针金暴露了身份,损失非常巨大。人们不会信任针金,同时更对替身戒备。现在他们看向替身少年的目光都在闪烁,都怀疑他居心叵测。 In the past peer time, you have been deceiving us. Who are you?” “在过去的同行时光里,你一直在欺骗我们。你到底是谁?” Actually wants how?” “究竟想怎么样?” Zong Ge opens the mouth eventually, his brow deeply tight wrinkle, the sound is low and deep. 鬃戈终究开口,他眉头深深紧皱,声音低沉。 The crowd is peaceful, is waiting for the reply of youngster. 人群安静下来,都在等待少年的回答。 Once they complied with youngster, and even frantic, but now in the face is indifferent and suspicion. 曾经他们对少年遵从,乃至狂热,但现在脸面上皆是冷漠和怀疑。 youngster deeply inspires. 少年深吸了一口气。 He was still the Zhen Jin appearance, blond, the look was fine-looking. But he is very distressed, his body has the wound, has the bloodstain, but also was divided by the lightning, some clothes and skin jet black places. 他仍旧是针金的模样,金发碧眼,相貌英挺。但他很狼狈,他身上有伤,带着血迹,还被闪电劈中,衣服和皮肤都有许多漆黑之处。 Jia Sha and Zhen Jin they said does not have the mistake.” youngster said the first few words. 痂沙针金他们说的没有错。”少年说出第一句话。 The people almost think oneself misunderstood. 众人都差点以为自己听错了。 But youngster repeats saying: They said not wrong.” 少年又重复道:“他们说的一点都没有错。” He by one type low and deep and hoarse, but the honest stance said slowly: 他以一种低沉、略带沙哑,但坦诚的姿态徐徐道: I am not Zhen Jin.” “我不是针金。” I am not genius.” “我也不是天才。” My body does not have the noble bloodline.” “我的身上没有高贵的血统。” I am not Templar Knight.” “我不是圣殿骑士。” My side once the beautiful appearance moving female, I thinks that she is my fiancee. But she is not I, essentially she is an intriguer.” “我的身边曾有一个美貌动人的女子,我以为她是我的未婚妻。但她并不是我,本质上她是一个阴谋家。” I am not your leaders. Because I do not have the qualifications to lead you.” “我也不是你们的领袖。因为我没有资格来领导你们。” The people are more peaceful. 众人更加安静。 If youngster denied or avoids these facts, he will obtain many suspicions and alerts. 如果少年否认或者躲避这些事实,他会得到更多的怀疑和戒备。 But now, the people start earnestly to listen respectfully to his words. 但现在,众人开始认真聆听他的话。 youngster then reveals bitter and astringent smiling: Who am I? I once constantly asked own this issue.” 少年接着露出苦涩的笑:“我是谁?我曾经不断地问自己这个问题。” However until now, I am unable to reply me.” “然而直到现在,我也根本无法回答我自己。” My original memory was eliminated, the present memory was instilled into by others, and was still cannot withstand incompletely.” “我原本的记忆都被清除了,现在的记忆都是被他人灌输的,并且仍旧是残缺不堪的。” Knows own name.” “诸位都知道自己的名字。” I am inferior to you, because I name does not know.” “我不如你们,因为我连自己都名字都不知道。” The youngster filled with grief tone, making the people stare at him. 少年悲怆的语气,让众人都凝视他。 Even my own appearance, is others, I should receive the mixture and transformation of War Monger.” “甚至连我自己的这副模样,都是别人的,我应该是受到了战贩的调制和改造。” In fact, such as you see, I am a beastified person, at most is a quite special beastified person.” “事实上,如你们所见,我是一个兽化人,顶多算是一个比较特别的兽化人。” At this point, substitute person youngster, deeply inspired, seems having the courage. 说到这里,替身少年顿了顿,深吸了一口气,似乎在鼓起勇气。 I am Spear Scorpion.” “我是一头枪蝎。” Saying, he stimulates to movement in the heart magic core, gushes out the red light, the mutation has the dark golden hard scorpion shell. 说着,他催动心中魔核,涌出红光,异变出暗金色的坚硬蝎壳。 The night of desert, Spear Scorpion youngster eats golden granite, in the heart is jumping for joy: Is delicious and delicious!” 沙漠的夜晚,枪蝎少年吃着金麻石,心中雀跃:“好吃、好吃!” This mutation makes the people call out in alarm, most people retrocede fiercely a stride. 这番异变让众人惊呼,大多数人猛地后退一大步。 I am acid liquid Green Lizard.” “我是一头酸液绿蜥。” In the forest, Green Lizard youngster trains hard to fling the tail. The result is injured, next day the buttocks tailbone is painful. 森林中,绿蜥少年苦练甩尾。结果受伤,第二天臀部尾椎生疼。 youngster changes the tail suddenly, the people call out in alarm again, many people flinch one step. 少年忽然变出尾巴,众人再次惊呼,许多人又不禁退缩一步。 I am Bat Monkey.” “我还是一头蝠猴。” youngster grew the bat wing, the ear of bat. 少年长出了蝠翼,还有蝙蝠的耳朵。 That evening, moonlight like water. Bat Monkey youngster hears the innumerable wonderful sounds for the first time, feels the distant moving beauty of nature! 那一晚,月光如水。蝠猴少年第一次听到无数美妙的声音,感受到大自然的邃的动人至极的美! The people were frightened continuously, the screams were small, more people settle down same place, few people retrocede subconsciously. 众人被连续惊吓,惊呼声小了,更多人驻足原地,很少有人下意识地后退。 I am Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear.” “我是一头猴尾棕熊。” youngster spreads out both hands, the people then saw that the red light surges and vanishes, then both hands of youngster turned into Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear sharp claws. 少年摊开双手,众人便看到红光涌动又消失,然后少年的双手变成了猴尾棕熊利爪 Many nights, brown bear youngster huh mines in the cave, diligent. 许多个深夜,棕熊少年在山洞中哼哧哼哧地挖矿,勤奋不已。 People have not drawn back again, frightened and reduced anxiously, starts to have the surprised color. 人们没有再退,恐惧和紧张削减了许多,开始有惊奇之色。 Cang Xu looks at this pair of bear claw, as if thinks some issue, is lost in thought. 苍须看着这双熊爪,似乎想到了某个问题,陷入沉思。 I am Blade Edge Spider.” “我是一头刀锋蜘蛛。” youngster changes the blade edge sharp blade. 少年变出刀锋利刃。 In the forest, spider youngster falls into worriedly middle: It seems like the spider arranges the net also to need to train hard!” 森林中,蜘蛛少年陷入苦恼当中:“看来蜘蛛编网也是需要苦练的!” Heavens. This is the truth!” Some people shouted lowly, he recognized, this was youngster and magic beast slaughters, more and more commonly used that sword. 天呐。这才是真相!”有人低呼,他认出来了,这是少年魔兽们厮杀,越来越常用的那柄刀剑。 I am Flying Squirrel, can discharge.” “我还是一头飞鼠,能够放电。” On the blade edge that the youngster mutation comes out starts the electric light to wind around. 少年异变出来的刀锋上开始电光缭绕。 In order to emits the electricity, he trained hard was very long, does not hesitate to capture alive Flying Squirrel, endured the electric shock to find the know-how of electric discharge diligently. 为了能够放出电来,他可是苦练了很久,不惜活捉飞鼠,忍受电击努力去找到放电的窍门。 Right, I am wild beast, is a monster.” The youngster facial expression is serious, he at this moment, felt oneself look like places oneself the world of ice and snow stark naked. “没错,我是一个野兽,更是一头怪物。”少年的神情沉重无比,此时此刻的他,感觉自己就像是赤身裸体置身冰天雪地。 With he thinks, people looks at his vision, reveals rich panic-stricken and repel, wants to be far away. 和他想的一样,人们看着他的目光,流露出浓郁的惊恐、排斥,想要远离。 But also with the difference that he thinks, besides panic-stricken, mood of repel and avoidance, many other mood, this makes the complexions of many people complex. 但也和他想的不一样,除了惊恐、排斥、躲避的情绪之外,还有很多其他的情绪,这让许多人的脸色变得复杂。 Fourth has not spread the sound. 第四层没有传出声音来。 Jia Sha also the first time is saw youngster such change, he feels very surprisedly. 痂沙也是第一次见到少年这样的变化,他感到十分惊奇。 monster youngster then said: I, although is wild beast, a monster, but I want to become Knight, therefore I have requested myself with the Knight criterion.” 怪兽少年接着道:“我虽然是一个野兽,一个怪物,但是我想成为一名骑士,所以我一直用骑士的准则来要求自己。” I want to become person of the god family, therefore I have prayed, Emperor Holybright had not responded to me.” “我想成为一名神眷之人,所以我一直祈祷,却圣明大帝一直都没有回应我。” I want to become aristocrat, a sole heir of respected family. Therefore I have urged myself to try hard to promote the family.” “我想成为一位贵族,一个大家族的唯一继承人。所以我一直督促自己努力振兴家族。” I want to become the leader, therefore I try hard to charge before, with heart and soul hosts are fair.” “我想成为领袖,所以我努力冲锋在前,全心主持公正。” I hope that I am!” “我多么希望我是!” I almost think oneself and that's the end.” “我差点以为自己就是了。” But I am not.” “但我不是。” „The memory in my mind reappearing, is others.” “我脑海中浮现的记忆,是别人的。” My name is others.” “我的名字是别人的。” My fiancee is also others.” “我的未婚妻也是别人的。” Regains consciousness from my island, I live in the lie.” “从我岛上苏醒,我就活在谎言之中。” youngster forced smile: You know that when my first beastified mutation, my at heart shocking!” 少年苦笑:“你们知道吗,当我第一次兽化异变时,我的心里有多震惊!” I had suspected this is bloodline awakens, suspected oneself took some shapeshift potion by mistake.” “我怀疑过这是血脉觉醒,也怀疑自己误服了某种变身药剂。” When I discovered step by step I can the beast change be many, I fully suffered the suffering.” “当我一步步发现我能兽变更多,我饱受煎熬。” Frightened, suspects and paces back and forth...... I to ask itself, why will I become this?” “恐惧、怀疑、彷徨……我问自己,为什么我会成这样?” I do not want to make Zi Di worry, I do not dare to say the truth.” “我不想让紫蒂担心,我也不敢说出真相。” I hope that this is a nightmare, but they happen on my body clearly. I want to forget, but could not forget, because the severe environment always forces me to use this ability.” “我多么希望这是一场噩梦,但是它们真真切切地发生在我的身上。我想遗忘,但遗忘不了,因为严苛的环境总是逼迫我不得不使用这种能力。” „, I discovered gradually they are part of my body, is my part. I loathe and evade them, is the dislike shuts out itself.” “渐渐的,我发现它们就是我身体的一部分,是我的一部分。我厌恶和逃避它们,就是厌恶嫌弃自己。” I sympathize with the giant, because on him, I saw me.” “我同情大个子,因为在他身上,我看到了我自己。” When companion beastified goes crazy, I most fear. My specially frightened future one day, I can the intelligence lose, the beastly nature sends greatly, under killer to person.” “当同伴兽化发狂,我最惧怕。我特别恐惧未来会有一天,我会神智丧失,兽性大发,对身边的人下杀手。” youngster looks to Zong Ge, honest incomparable said/tunnel: Just some people said that I deceived you, yes, I deceived you. If possible, I also want to deceive you for a lifetime. If possible, I am willing to deceive me.” 少年看向鬃戈,坦诚无比地道:“刚刚有人说我骗了你们,是的,我欺骗了你们。如果有可能,我还想骗你们一辈子。如果有可能,我愿意把我自己都欺骗住。” Because I do not think that is a monster! Does not think that is a beastified person, a substitute person, a tool! I do not want to be repelled, I do not want to be loathed, I do not want to be discriminated.” “因为我不想自己是一个怪物!不想自己是一个兽化人,一个替身,一个工具!我不想被排斥,我不想被厌恶,我不想被歧视。” The people all change countenance. 众人皆有动容。 youngster lowers the head, looks to own both hands, the forced smile: Actually has many flaws all the way, but why did I detect to the present?” 少年低头,看向自己的双手,苦笑:“其实一路上有很多破绽,但为什么我到现在才发觉?” Because I want to deceive itself.” “因为我更想骗自己啊。” I want to deceive itself am noble Knight, has the fine armor, is riding the big white horse.” “我想骗自己是一位高贵的骑士,有着精致的铠甲,骑着高大的白马。” I want to deceive itself am aristocrat. Has own castle, the summer vacation manor. Beautiful moving, financial resource good fiancee.” “我想骗自己是一位贵族。有自己的城堡,避暑的庄园。还有一位美丽动人,财力不俗的未婚妻。” I want to deceive itself to be recognized care and gods, I want to prove oneself have the firm belief.” “我想骗自己得到了神明的眷顾和赏识,我想证明自己有着坚定的信仰。” I failed.” “我失败了。” If you see, I am not.” “如你们所见,我不是。” My anything is not!” “我什么都不是!” I can only tell itself now: Hi, your idiot, do not deceive himself, discards your laughable pitiful impractical fantasies, you are not! Clearly recognizes the reality, you average men are not, you are transformed beastified person, a monster.” “我现在只能告诉自己:嗨,你个蠢货,别骗自己,抛掉你那些可笑可怜不切实际的幻想,你不是!认清现实吧,你连常人都不是,你是个被改造的兽化人,一个怪物。” At this point, youngster eye socket obvious flood red. 说到这里,少年眼眶明显泛红。 This is his true feelings reveals. 这是他的真情流露。 The people are silent. 众人沉默。 Everyone calmly looks at youngster. 大家都静静地看着少年 Alerts on their face vanished, the vigilant facial expression gradually is also vanishing. 他们脸上的戒备消失了,警惕的神情也在逐渐消失。 Haha, you had self-knowledge very much, substitute person.” Ridicule that fourth transmits Zhen Jin. “哈哈,你很有自知之明啊,替身。”第四层传来针金的嘲笑。 People frown immediately, many streams of people show the look of dislike. 人们顿时皱起眉头,许多人流露出厌恶的神色。 But, the youngster intonation raises suddenly, shifting to a new subject: I, although what is not, but wants unable to think?” 但紧接着,少年的声调陡然拔高,话锋一转:“我虽然什么都不是,但想都不能想吗?” I am not, cannot do,” “我不是,就不能做吗,” I am not, can't attempt?” “我不是,就不能尝试吗?” Will of the people shake. 人心震荡。 Snort, wishful thinking.” Jia Sha is quite disgruntled, demotes saying that person life later, decided own status and position. You must clearly recognize the reality, knows one's place, can be your happiness. But by greedy and desire obligation, covets not own thing, is out inevitably pitifully gloomy. This is you biggest original sin, you are holding such idea, is the root of social unrest. How do you have a face to say such words? Perhaps now acknowledges guilt also to be redeemed and forgiven!” “哼,痴心妄想。”痂沙极为不悦,贬斥道,“人一生下来,就决定了自己的身份和地位。你要认清现实,安分守己,才能得到属于你的幸福。而被贪婪和欲望驱使,觊觎不属于自己的东西,必然下场凄惨暗淡。这就是你最大的原罪,你抱着这样的想法,就是社会动乱的根源。你怎么有脸说出这样的话?现在认罪或许还能得到救赎和宽恕!” The people brow wrinkles deeply. 众人眉头皱得更深。 The substitute people pay no attention to Jia Sha , to continue saying: If there is an opportunity, I want to become Knight, I want to become aristocrat, I want to become the person of god family. These I think, do not tell me, you do not think!” 替身不理痂沙,继续道:“如果有机会,我想成为骑士,我想成为贵族,我想成为神眷之人。这些我都想,别告诉我,你们不想!” People body and mind big quake. 众人身心大震。 If you do not think, you do go to Wilderness Continent to do?! Makes a long and wearisome journey, spans the sea, takes the enormous risk, goes to does a place that is full of the war risk do?!” “如果你们不想,你们去荒野大陆干什么?!长途跋涉,跨越海洋,冒着巨大风险,去一个充满战争风险的地方干什么?!” I am a monster, I was repelled, but you? You had not been repelled, doesn't have to be spurned and loathed? Not by powerful official steamroll? Hadn't been deceived by the life? By your ideals, your dream hadn't been suffered?!” “我是一个怪物,我被排斥,但你们呢?你们难道没有被排斥过吗,难道没有被唾弃、被厌恶过吗?没有被权贵碾压吗?没有被生活欺骗吗?没有被你们的理想,你的梦折磨过吗?!” The interrogation of youngster suddenly a series of language fast extremely fast, making the audience completely silent. 少年忽然一连串语速极快的质问,让全场鸦雀无声。 youngster took a deep breath, the tone becomes slow, vision deep said/tunnel: We are actually the same kind of people.” 少年深吸一口气,语气变缓,目光深沉地道:“我们其实是同一类人。” We are since birth ordinary.” youngster looks to Bai Ya, Bai Ya complexion flood red, the facial expression is excited. “我们生来平凡。”少年看向白芽,白芽面色泛红,神情激动。 Our was repelled to loathe.” youngster looks to the giant. The eyes of giant hid trembled several. “我们被人排斥厌恶。”少年看向大个子。大个子的眼皮子微颤了几下。 We were betrayed by the family member.” youngster looks to Cang Xu. old scholar narrows the eyes. “我们被亲人背叛。”少年看向苍须老学者眯起双眼。 We always cannot obtain fair treatment.” youngster looks to half-beast. The breath of half-beast has become loud. “我们总是得不到公平对待。”少年看向半兽人半兽人的呼吸已经变得粗重。 We have also committed a crime, oneself are unable to forgive itself.” youngster looks to Lan Zao. Since youngster regains consciousness to stand, Lan Zao partly has been kneeling on the ground, at this moment is looking up to him. “我们还犯过罪,自己无法饶恕自己。”少年看向蓝藻。自从少年苏醒站立,蓝藻一直在半跪在地上,此刻正仰望着他。 We were spurned, was exiled, issued a warrant for arrest, was jeered by the group. What's the big deal?” “我们被唾弃,被流放,被通缉,被群嘲。那又怎样呢?” „Shouldn't we think?” “我们不应该去想吗?” „Shouldn't we do?” “我们不应该去做吗?” Reality has made us so suffer, lives bad makes us unendurable, we only then go to do, we can become well.” “现实已经让我们如此痛苦,生活糟糕的让我们难以忍受,我们只有去想去做,我们才能变得更好。” In fact, we have been attempting.” “事实上,我们一直在尝试。” Reduces to this island mountain together, we fight side-by-side. We hunt for food and water, we are poisoned. We struggle in the desert, suffer chasing down of beast group, we repel the attack of magic beast regiment in the military camp, we make a long and wearisome journey, the collection commodity, we make the new ship in small valley along the way, we set sail in the alchemy factory break through the difficult hindrance.” “一起沦落到这个海岛山,我们并肩作战。我们为了食物和水去狩猎,我们中毒。我们在沙漠中挣扎,遭受兽群的追杀,我们在营寨中打退魔兽军团的进攻,我们长途跋涉,沿途采集物资,我们在小山谷中建造新船,我们起航在炼金工厂冲破艰难阻碍。” Since youngster has paced in front of the crowd, is repeating these days energy. 少年在人群面前踱步,复述着这段时间以来的精力。 We for what?” youngster stretches out the arms, interrogated again. “我们为的是什么?”少年张开双臂,再次质问。 We want to go on living.” “我们想活下去。” But this is insufficient!” “但这还不够!” By far insufficiently.” “远远不够。” We also want to live well!” “我们还想活得更好!” I have thought like this, I do not believe you not to think!” “我一直这样想,我不信你们不想!” Shut up, shut up. Your this devil, you are poisoning people's minds, you are such treason and heresy. Your crime was too big, is like this wrong, you will unable to obtain to redeem!” Jia Sha shouts, youngster these words make him angry. “闭嘴,闭嘴。你这个魔鬼,你在蛊惑人心,你是如此的大逆不道。你身上的罪太大了,在这样错下去,你将得不到救赎!”痂沙嘶吼,少年的这番话让他愤怒至极。 youngster shows a faint smile: devil? Yes, I am!” 少年微微一笑:“魔鬼?是,我是!” He is patting oneself chest, bold acknowledgment. 他拍着自己的胸脯,大胆承认。 Then, his hand is pointing at the present crowd, loud and clear: But certainly not only my. Each of us is devil, is wild beast!” 然后,他手指着眼前的人群,掷地有声:“但绝不只我一个。我们每个人都是魔鬼,都是野兽!” We want to live, wants to live moistens, wants to have abundant food and water, wants to have the status and glory of top dog, wants divine artifact, wants the dreadful merit. Therefore, you are also, my priest Lord!” “我们想活,想活得滋润,想有充沛的食物和水,想有人上人的身份和荣耀,想要神器,想要滔天的功劳。所以,你也是,我的神父大人!” Instantaneously, the Jia Sha pupil contracts suddenly. 瞬间,痂沙瞳孔猛然收缩。 youngster great shout: On this island, we loses, we are exhausted, we were chased down, probably dead dog. We arrive tired collapse, only for the hope that the new ship brings about. The innumerable continuously raining evenings, we prayed together tomorrow can clear.” 少年大声呼喊:“在这座海岛上,我们迷失,我们困顿,我们被追杀,像是死狗。我们累到瘫倒,只为新船所带来的希望。无数阴雨连绵的晚上,我们一起祈祷明天能够放晴。” He then stamps the feet, points at the tread. 他接着跺脚,手指着地面。 This is War Monger Monster Bewildering Island. Here some, not only man-made magic beast, there is devil and a monster.” “这是战贩迷怪岛。这里有的不只是人造的魔兽,也有魔鬼和怪物。” We seem like that lost the direction in our lives, but in fact, we always understands how we must lead the way.” “我们看似在我们的人生中迷失了方向,但事实上,我们内心始终明白我们要如何前行。” „, Hears your sound!” youngster is whipping own chest excitedly, actually do you want what? Here does the little darling wait for death? To surrender? Trusts such priest? Probably does the dog same wag the tail, begs the opportunity that he gives you to maintain a livelihood one time? Then, he swallows all merit, looks like the master to eat all meat, throws to the dog the bone, do you gnaw?” “诸位,听听你们内心的声音!”少年激动地拍打着自己的胸膛,“你们究竟想要什么?在这里乖乖等死吗?想要去投降吗?去信任这样一个神父?像是狗一样摇尾,乞求他给你一次活命的机会吗?然后,他吞掉所有的功劳,就像是主人吃掉所有的肉,将骨头抛给狗,你去啃吗?” Bone, the giant does not eat the bone, the giant eats the meat.” The giants open the eyes blurry, he was awakened by noise, he saw youngster, saw others, but he has not responded suddenly. “骨头,大个子不吃骨头,大个子吃肉。”大个子迷迷糊糊睁开双眼,他被吵醒了,他看到了少年,也看到了其他人,但他一时间还没有反应过来。 I do not have the qualifications leader you. However I think that listens respectfully to your sound carefully, truly what you want is what?” “我是没有资格领导你们的。但是我想诸位仔细聆听你们内心的声音,你们真正想要的是什么?” Is lowers the head to stop, rises spiritedly to revolt?” “是低头而止,还是奋起反抗?” Crowd deathly stillness. 人群死寂。 But before this deathly stillness, is different. 但这种死寂又和之前有所不同。 So long as listens carefully, can hear the aspiration that people bang bang jump madly, loud breath. 只要仔细听,就能听到人们砰砰乱跳的心声,还有粗重的呼吸。 Father, you are also living!” The giants yelled, he stands up wild with joy, because the movement is too quick, the mind dizziness, has not come to a stop, partly knelt on the ground. “爸爸,你还活着!”大个子大叫,他狂喜地站起身来,但因为动作太快,头脑眩晕,没有站稳,又半跪在了地上。 The substitute people smile to him, then looks again to the people. 替身对他笑了笑,然后再次看向众人。 He does not have to speak again. 他没有再说话。 He is waiting. 他在等待。 Then, he waited till! 然后,他等到了! Master, who no matter you are, you are my master!” Lan Zao is shouting, stands up. “主人,不管您是谁,您一直都是我的主人!”蓝藻呼喊着,站起身来。 My life is you rescues, too repeatedly. I am willing to follow you, Lord.” Bai Ya loud said/tunnel. “我的命是您救的,太多次。我愿意追随你,大人。”白芽大声地道。 You compared with Zhen Jin more suitable Knight and aristocrat status, I have thought.” Cang Xu long opens the mouth, wipe clean his lens. “您比针金更适合骑士贵族的身份,我一直都是这么认为的。”苍须悠悠开口,擦拭了一下他的镜片。 You is a hero, our heroes.” Mu Ban put out the even/including arrow shooting, his person moved immediately several steps, the subconsciousness far away from him. “您是一位英雄,我们的英雄。”木班拿出了连射弩,他身边的人顿时挪了几步,下意识远离他。 Zong Ge took a deep breath, sinking sound said: This is I have listened, in history, before most moving, spoke. Makes us...... fight side-by-side again.” 鬃戈深吸一口气,沉声道:“这是我听过的,有史以来,最动人的阵前演讲。就让我们再一次……并肩作战吧。” The giants stand, Zong Ge walks up, Tripleblade follows. 大个子站起来,鬃戈走上前来,三刀紧随其后。 Lan Zao, Cang Xu and Bai Ya...... 蓝藻苍须白芽…… Everyone gathered. 所有人汇聚到了。 Gathered the youngster side. 重新汇聚到了少年的身边。 But this time. 而这一次。 youngster no longer is Zhen Jin, no longer is Templar Knight, no longer is aristocrat, no longer is god family. 少年不再是针金,不再是圣殿骑士,不再是贵族,不再是神眷者。 But is...... a monster! 而是……一头怪物!
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