EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#207: When I wake up again

alchemy factory, Central Tower, third. 炼金工厂,中枢塔,第三层。 One group of people depend on cautiously float in midair the nearby of mysterious blood-color magic core. Only because in this place, they can be able the fool's paradise. 一群人小心翼翼地靠着悬浮于半空的神秘血色魔核的附近。只因为在这块地方,他们才能得以苟安。 In addition, often has the lightning to divide suddenly. 除此之外,时常就有闪电猛然劈下。 The position that the lightning presents, chops the position not to have the rule to follow. Before this is, between Jia Sha, Zi Di as well as Tower Spirit contend the weather mutually the operation power, the result of finally losing control. 闪电出现的位置,劈中的位置都毫无规律可循。这是之前痂沙紫蒂以及塔灵之间相互角逐天气的操纵权,最终失控的结果。 The crowd is on nettles, some people sounds summoned Zi Di or the Jia Sha name, but has not been responded. 人群惴惴不安,有的人大声呼唤紫蒂或者痂沙的名字,但都没有得到回应。 Hateful......” Zong Ge situated in crowd in the middle, brow tight wrinkle. “可恶……”鬃戈位于人群当中,眉头紧皱。 Even if he does not excel at the strategy, at this moment still felt that is not very wonderful. 即便他不擅长谋略,此刻也感到十分不妙。 Jia Sha and Zi Di battle as if subsided, is who won? Why doesn't have a sound again?” 痂沙紫蒂的争斗似乎平息了,到底是谁获胜了?为什么再没有一点动静?” No matter who wins, will they really rescue to us?” “不管是谁获胜,他们真的会对我们救援吗?” Zong Ge worries, many people have such anxiety, but they do not have the means that they were stranded here. 鬃戈对此担忧不已,很多人同样有这样的忧虑,但他们没有办法,他们被困在这里了。 Clash/To may be divided very much by the thunder and lightning. 冲出去,就很有可能被雷电劈死。 But they do not dare to approach the blood nuclear excessively. 而他们也不敢过分靠近血核。 When the substitute person stupor, some people want to take the drawing blood nuclear boldly, finally is close, by the blood light illumination, the whole body to be changed into pile of powdered carbons. 在替身昏迷的时候,就有人大胆地想拿取血核,结果更接近一些,就被血光照射,全身化为一堆碳粉。 What to do should?” Periphery Zong Ge glance. “到底该怎么办?”鬃戈扫视周围。 The giants remain unconscious. 大个子昏迷不醒。 Cang Xu lowers the head. 苍须垂首。 Tripleblade is confused. 三刀迷茫。 Lan Zao kneels by the body of substitute person, the vision is completely lax. He once wanted to follow the substitute person wholeheartedly, wants to draw support from the brilliance and personal character of substitute person, redeems who kill the blood younger brother. 蓝藻跪在替身的身体旁边,目光全然涣散。他曾经一心想要追随替身,是想借助替身的光辉和品德,来救赎杀死亲弟弟的自己。 However exposition of substitute person status, making him know, person who originally have followed, but is fake goods. 然而替身身份的揭露,让他知道,原来自己一直追随的人,不过是一个冒牌货色。 This fact deeply attacked him, making him even more scared. 这个事实深深地打击到了他,让他越发失魂落魄。 But others remain silent, each complexion ten segregate heavily. 而其余人保持着沉默,各个面色都十分凝重。 Many people are sit on the ground terrifiedly, both hands hold the head, as if gave up struggling, waits for fourth to come out a result. 许多人更是惶恐不安地坐在地上,双手抱头,似乎放弃了挣扎,就等着第四层决出一个结果。 At this moment, suddenly Zong Ge hears some people to scream makes noise, the sound filled panic-stricken. 就在这时,忽然鬃戈听到有人尖叫出声,声音充满了惊恐。 The Zong Ge pupil shrinks fiercely, almost thinks oneself presented the illusion, he saw unexpectedly the substitute person sits up the upper part slowly. 鬃戈瞳孔猛缩,差点以为自己出现了幻觉,他竟是看到了替身缓缓地坐起上半身。 „Didn't he and he die?” “他、他不是死了吗?” Lived! Did he live?!” “活了!他又活过来了?!” Needle and Lord Zhen Jin......” the Lan Zao mouth stretch/open eldest child, he is away from the substitute person to be recent, complete delay. “针、针金大人……”蓝藻嘴巴张的老大,他距离替身最近,完全呆滞了。 But at once, some people of names that denied Lan Zao: No, he is not Zhen Jin! He is only a substitute person.” 但旋即,就有人否定蓝藻的称呼:“不,他不是针金!他只是一个替身。” You and you are person, is the dead spirit?” “你、你到底是人,还是亡灵?” The people are frightened, sit on the ground person one by one to stand. 众人惊悚,坐在地上的人纷纷站立起来。 Suddenly, everyone's vision focuses on the body of youngster. 一时间,所有人的目光都聚焦在少年的身上。 youngster sighed, partly knelt on the ground, the hand is leaning on the knee, stood slowly. 少年叹息一声,半跪在地上,手拄着膝盖,缓缓地站立起来。 He observes the situation about, the line of sight contact of vision and people. 他环视左右,目光和众人的视线接触。 From the vision of these people, he saw the alert, saw panic-stricken, saw the doubts, saw worried, saw mood that many were hard to speak complex. 从这些人的目光中,他看到了戒备,看到了惊恐,看到了疑惑,看到了担忧,看到了很多复杂难以言说的情绪。 youngster sighed again, in the heart sighed: At this moment, arrived eventually.” 少年再次叹息一声,心中感叹:“这一刻,终究是到来了。” In the past, people worship him, to respect him, to love him, is willing to follow him, but the people respond with the anxious suspicion to him now. 在过去,人们崇拜他、尊敬他、爱戴他,愿意跟随他,但现在众人对他更多报以焦虑怀疑。 This can definitely understand. 这完全能够理解。 Because he is not Zhen Jin, he deceived everyone. Even dies and is reborn, is the fraud that people personally see! 因为他不是针金,他欺骗了所有人。甚至死而复生,也是一场众人亲眼所见的骗局! Like Zi Di extremely regrettable such, when Zhen Jin from exposing status, the invisible loss is very huge. 就像紫蒂万分遗憾的那样,当针金自曝身份,无形的损失是非常巨大的。 He lived unexpectedly! Had been divided before obviously by the lightning. Plays dead? He supports the hope of Zi Di?” Jia Sha slightly look changes. “他居然活了!明明之前已经被闪电劈死的。难道是假死?难道他就是支持紫蒂的希望?”痂沙微微色变。 The third situation, naturally could not hide the truth from him. 第三层的情况,当然瞒不了他。 With resurrecting of substitute person, in Jia Sha heart anxious expands at once, he informed Zhen Jin this matter hastily. 伴随着替身的复活,痂沙心中的不安旋即扩大,他连忙将此事告知了针金 Zhen Jin also shocks: He can resist the lightning unexpectedly, if this does flush to should do?” 针金也为之震惊:“他居然连闪电都能抵抗,这要是冲上来该如何是好?” Stands firm him! I had soon succeeded, so long as the Teleportation Door formation, we have the fairy tale of divine artifact mermaid to leave here. After we walk, will not have surplus magic power, can support new Teleportation Door, these people died!” Jia Sha sneers. “稳住他!我已经快要成功了,只要传送门形成,我们就带着神器美人鱼的童话离开这里。我们走后,不会有剩余的法力,能够支撑新的传送门,这些人死定了!”痂沙冷笑。 Third doesn't have mysterious crystal core?” Has Church Guardian Knight to ask. “第三层不是还有一个神秘晶核吗?”有护教骑士问道。 Jia Sha shakes the head: Was a pity very much, but does not have the means that can only discard. The lightning has divided in the disorder randomly, the magic power consumption is too big, we cannot carry off that mysterious magic crystal.” 痂沙摇头:“是很可惜,但没有办法,只能舍弃了。闪电一直在无序乱劈,法力消耗太大,我们根本带不走那个神秘魔晶。” Therefore, under the operation of Jia Sha, the Zhen Jin sound transmits rapidly: Substitute person! You lived were better, you were my person. Perhaps you have not known your real status, but in fact, I am Zhen Jin. So long as you continue to give loyalty to me, I pledged by my aristocrat honor, I will forgive you, lives to you, and opportunity of performing good deeds.” 于是,在痂沙的操纵下,针金的声音迅速传达下来:“替身!你活了更好,你是我的人。或许你还不知道自己的真实身份,但事实上,我才是针金。只要你继续效忠我,我以我贵族的荣誉发誓,我会宽恕你,给你活下来,并且建功立业的机会。” Substitute person youngster catches the eye to look to fourth, the complexion is slightly dignified: Therefore, Zi Di failed, did you stand this side Jia Sha?” 替身少年抬眼看向第四层,面色微微凝重起来:“所以,紫蒂失败了,你站到了痂沙这一边?” The Zhen Jin heart big quake, the opening mouth, does not think suddenly clearly, how the substitute person can search the clear fourth situation in a flash. 针金心头大震,张大嘴巴,一时间想不明白,替身怎么会一瞬间探清第四层的情形。 He just wanted to deny, but at this time substitute person opens the mouth: „If Zi Di gets the winning side, she can voice, but will not arrange you to speak.” 他刚想要否认,但这时替身开口:“如果是紫蒂占据上风,她会自己发声,而不会安排你来说话。” Hesitated, the substitute person continues saying: She cannot achieve the voice now, perhaps has died.” 沉吟了一下,替身继续道:“她现在连发声都做不到,恐怕已经是死了吧。” Zhen Jin looked at a foot the young girl in pool of blood, will overrule substitute person's speculation, but Jia Sha interrupted at this time: She is away from the death is not far. However, she also has the opportunity of life, so long as your coordination.” 针金看了一眼脚边血泊中的少女,正要否决替身的猜测,但这时痂沙插言:“她距离死亡已经不远了。但是,她还有活命的机会,只要你的配合。” Coordination?” Substitute person youngster smiled, raises the brow, how to make me coordinate you? Let me kill these people, is easy-to-use the merit to belong to you?” “配合?”替身少年笑了一下,扬起眉头,“怎么让我配合你们?让我杀了这些人,好使得功劳都归于你们吗?” People immediately one startled, is in a tumult slightly, many people retroceded one step, the fear in vision and alert are more. 众人顿时一惊,微微骚动起来,很多人都后退一步,目光中的恐惧和戒备更多了。 Jia Sha had not certainly been swindled, he smiled one: You do not need to instigate, I am priest, will try to take away here them. I need you to coordinate, but must let your calm, sees clearly the situation.” 痂沙当然没有上当,他笑了一声:“你不必挑拨,我是神父,会尽全力将他们都带离这里。我需要你配合,只是要让你冷静一下,看清形势。” Zi Di has fainted, here only has me to control the jurisdiction, forms Teleportation Door.” 紫蒂已经昏死,这里只剩下我能够掌控权限,形成传送门。” You have defeated, does not need other thoughts again.” “你已经败了,不必再有其他心思。” You are indeed guilty, but the crime until death, more crimes do not lie in you, but lies in Zi Di. Essentially, you hoodwinked board game piece.” “你的确有罪,但罪不至死,更多的罪不在于你,而在于紫蒂。本质上,你是被蒙蔽的棋子而已。” You do not believe you not to hate about Zi Di.” “你不信你对紫蒂没有恨。” She deceived you, making you work oneself to death for her, and is willing. Although this woman is young, but understands the will of the people, deceitful sinister and ruthless, is extremely dangerous.” “她欺骗了你,让你为她卖命,并且心甘情愿。这个女人虽然年龄不大,但深谙人心,狡诈阴毒,极其危险。” She is Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce by Empire many aristocrat annexation, in her heart is discontented with Empire, the anger of revenge makes her lose the reason, plays with fire immolates oneself inevitably.” “她是紫藤商会会长,紫藤商会帝国诸多贵族吞并,她心中对帝国不满,复仇的怒火让她丧失理智,玩火必然自焚。” You must stand her, with us for the words of enemy, with Templar Knight Regiment, stands with Empire Great Emperor in the opposite, this is unwise.” “你还要站在她这边,与我们为敌的话,就是与圣殿骑士团,与帝国大帝站在对立面,这是非常不明智的。” You just only depended on Zhen Jin a few words, guessed correctly the fourth circumstance, this showed sufficiently you are intelligent young people.” “你刚刚仅凭针金的一句话,就猜到了第四层的情势,这足以证明你是个聪明的年轻人。” „Do you still remember you to the situation of my confession?” “你还记得你向我告解的情形吗?” Young people, I know that you have a doing good deeds heart, the heart yearns for the light.” “年轻人,我知道你有一颗向善之心,内心深处向往光明。” On you are guilty, this undeniable.” “你身上是有罪的,这点不容否认。” But the road of redemption, in your under foot, so long as you are willing to walk, chooses to walk.” “但救赎之路,就在你的脚下,只要你愿意走,选择去走。” I with the name of priest, promised that redeems you. But the true redemption, lies in you. This truth, you must be very clear.” “我以神父之名,许诺救赎你。但真正的救赎,更在于你本人。这个道理,你应当十分清楚。” youngster hehe smiles: Therefore...... you were afraid?” 少年呵呵一笑:“所以……你害怕了?” I died and was reborn, making you unable to discover my actual situation, therefore you do want to stand firm me?” “我死而复生,让你发现不了我的虚实,所以你想稳住我?” Your control to the weather as if lost, if can chop the lightning, you will not have a wee bit hesitant, before you chops my such.” “你对天气的操控似乎丧失了,如果能劈下闪电,你不会有一丁点犹豫的,就像你之前劈死我那样。” Jia Sha said sternly: Young people, you too overestimated themselves, did not want to be instead harmed intelligently intelligently! Before divided you, was because you must charge into four, obviously conspired, must to us disadvantageous......” 痂沙厉声道:“年轻人,你太高估自己了,不要聪明反被聪明误!之前劈你,是因为你要冲向四层,明显是图谋不轨,要对我方不利……” But has not said, was broken by youngster: Therefore, you discovered that chops unable dead I, wants to stand firm me temporarily?” 但还未说完,就被少年打断:“所以,你发现劈死不了我,就想暂时稳住我?” „Was divine force insufficient? Should own condition be very bad?” 神力不够了吧?自身状态应该很差吧?” Now magic beast does not pose the threat, you have not actually used divine spell to cope with me, instead must stand firm me. You want to delay the time, opens Teleportation Door secretly, bringing divine artifact to escape?” “现在魔兽已经不构成威胁,你却没有动用神术来对付我,反而要稳住我。你是想拖延时间,偷偷开启传送门,带着神器逃跑吧?” You as if did not worry that I pursue......, has magic power in magic power pond insufficiently opened second Teleportation Door? Also yes, after all the lightning has divided such a long time, many magic power, consumed certainly much.” “你似乎并不担心我追过来……难道说,法力池中的法力已经不够开启第二次传送门?也是,毕竟闪电已经劈了这么长时间了,本就不多的法力,一定又消耗了不少。” Hears the guess of youngster, the surroundings person is a tumult. 听到少年的猜测,周围人又是一番骚动。 The Jia Sha complexion is pale: Young people, my is considered for you. You want to clash, lightning along the way may make you taste to the taste of death again. Even if no, you arrive at fourth, still walks into a trap, obtains us warm welcome. But if you choose to believe me, the road of choice redemption, you might obtain longer life, with the brighter future.” 痂沙脸色铁青:“年轻人,我这是为你考虑。你想要就冲上来吧,沿途的闪电或许会让你再次品尝到死亡的滋味。就算没有,你来到第四层,也只是自投罗网,得到我们‘热烈的欢迎’。但如果你选择相信我,选择救赎之路,你很可能会得到更悠长的生命,和更光明的未来。” Hehe.” youngster sneers, „do you make me believe you? How to believe? Before, you divided me. Before is longer, you rather choose first deliver divine artifact, rather than our companion.” “呵呵。”少年冷笑,“你让我相信你?如何相信呢?就在之前,你劈死了我。而在更久之前,你宁愿选择先送神器,而不是我们这一路的同伴。” I will kill, but is not only my one person.” “我会杀过去的,但绝不只是我一人。” Then, youngster looks to crowd. 说完,少年看向身边的人群。 The people alert looks at he, had not responded. 众人都戒备地看着他,没有丝毫反应。
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