EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#206: I am not Zhen Jin

When suffering a defeat and fleeing, miraculous glow of Jia Sha by mind, discovered the Zi Di flaw, making Zhen Jin see clearly the Zi Di real intention finally. 就在败亡之际,痂沙凭借脑海中的一点灵光,发现了紫蒂的破绽,让针金终于看清楚紫蒂的真实意图。 Never expected that my side, is ambushing a fatal poisonous snake unexpectedly!” “没想到我的身边,居然潜伏着一条致命的毒蛇!” Your this damn woman, wants to harm my life unexpectedly!” “你这个该死的女人,居然想害我的性命!” The Zhen Jin startled anger happened simultaneously, draws out SIlver Lightning , must assassinate Zi Di. 针金惊怒交加,拔出银电,就要刺杀了紫蒂 The critical moment, Jia Sha called out in alarm, kept a Zi Di life. 关键时刻,痂沙惊呼,留了紫蒂一命。 My divine force is insufficient, by oneself, no means is invading the jurisdiction only. However my spirit continuously and spirit power entanglement of Zi Di. Her spirit obtained the approval of Tower Spirit, I am adjusting my spirit diligently, the camouflage act her. Only by doing so, I can control transmission wait/etc jurisdictions again.” “我的神力已经不足了,单靠自己,没有办法在侵占权限。但是我的精神一直和紫蒂精神力纠缠。她的精神得到了塔灵的认可,我正努力调整自己的精神,伪装扮演成她的。只有这样,我才能再次掌控传送等等权限。” Naturally, if Miss Zi Di can the little darling coordinate me, that it would be the best.” “当然,如果紫蒂小姐能乖乖配合我,那就最好不过了。” Zi Di resists stubbornly does not obey, the Jia Sha whole face is fierce, shouts in a low voice: Suffers her to me, suffers her ruthlessly!” 紫蒂顽抗不遵,痂沙满脸狰狞,低声嘶吼:“给我折磨她,狠狠地折磨她!” A Zhen Jin foot kicks to turn Zi Di. 针金一脚将紫蒂踢翻。 In the hand thin sword SIlver Lightning punctures again and again, later pricked the hands and feet of Zi Di. 手中细剑银电连连刺下,随后又挑破了紫蒂的手脚。 The pain makes the Zi Di whole body twitch, the blood flows, saves the bright red pool of blood quickly. 巨痛让紫蒂全身抽搐,血液流淌,很快积蓄成鲜红的血泊。 Zhen Jin is skilled in battle arts, suffers the method of torture person is adept incomparable, he quite knew about the body constitution, Zi Di withstands enormous pain, suddenly actually not lethal. 针金精通武艺,折磨拷打人的手段更是娴熟无比,他对人体结构相当了解,紫蒂承受极大的伤痛,一时间却不致死。 Zi Di was disturbed by the severe pain, energetic showdown is not the Jia Sha opponent, again and again rout. 紫蒂受到剧痛干扰,精神对决方面再不是痂沙的对手,连连溃败。 Zhen Jin continues to suffer front young girl, wishing one could to cramp to skin her directly is good. 针金继续折磨着面前的少女,恨不得将她直接抽筋扒皮才好。 You dare to deceive me unexpectedly, deceives me!” “你居然敢愚弄我,欺骗我!” You think that who you are? A merchant's daughter, I can marry am you big good fortune, big opportunity!” “你以为你是谁?一届商人之女,我能够娶是你多大的福分,多大的机遇!” You fell in love with a substitute person unexpectedly, unexpectedly discards me?!” “你居然爱上了一个替身,居然舍弃我?!” Hehe, hahaha! Really the sediment is the sediment, the floor cannot amount to something.” “呵呵呵,哈哈哈!果然渣滓就是渣滓,底层就是上不了台面。” Zhen Jin is roaring unceasingly. 针金不断咆哮着。 Zi Di has been incapable of opening the eyes. 紫蒂已经无力睁开双眼。 But she still had odd/surplus breath. 但她仍有余息。 Begs for mercy, begs for mercy!” “求饶吧,求饶啊!” So long as you open the mouth to seek my one, I little poke your hole, hahaha!” “只要你开口求我一声,我就少戳你一个洞,哈哈哈!” However, plan that Zi Di has not surrendered from beginning to end. 然而,紫蒂至始至终都没有丝毫投降的打算。 Even she is weak irresistibly, although she can only allow to be oppressed, at this moment has changed beyond all recognition, degenerates into the blood person, pitiful incomparable, but she does not utter a word, does not have the meaning of slight compromise begging for mercy. 即便她虚弱得无法抵抗,尽管她只能任人宰割,此刻已经面目全非,沦为血人,凄惨无比,但她始终一声不吭,没有丝毫妥协求饶之意。 This makes Zhen Jin angrier, made Jia Sha feel some anxiety. 这让针金更加愤怒,也让痂沙感到了某种不安。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Although priest is invading the jurisdiction rapidly, but he still felt Zi Di still the spirit, shrinks in the corner, is always resisting tenaciously. 尽管神父迅速侵占着权限,但他仍旧感受到紫蒂尚有一股精神,缩在角落里,始终顽强地抵抗着。 Zhen Jin suffers the method of person, is callously sinister and ruthless makes in the Jia Sha heart feel cold. 针金折磨人的手段,冷酷阴毒得让痂沙也心中发冷。 Her such injury, should early the stupor.” “她这样的伤势,早该昏迷了。” No, in particular, she already stupor. But why?” “不,确切地说,她已经昏迷了。但为什么?” Why hasn't she in the stupor condition, her spirit been defeated and dispersed even?” “为什么就算她在昏迷的状态,她还有一股精神没有溃散?” What is she insisting?” “她在坚持什么?” What is she insisting? She thought that also what has to hope?” “她到底在坚持什么?难道她觉得还有什么希望?” In the heart of where priest does not expand unceasingly, he carefully examines the entire aspect rapidly. 不安在神父的心中不断扩大,他迅速审视整个局面。 In Central Tower fourth, he has controlled the aspect, Zhen Jin and four Church Guardian Knight built up in his side, but some time ago almost let archenemy Zi Di that he was killed, has suffered defeat thoroughly. 中枢塔第四层中,他已经掌控了局面,针金、四位护教骑士都集结在他的身边,而不久前差点让他丧命的大敌紫蒂,已经彻底败北。 In third, the lightning disorder chops from time to time, only then blood nuclear nearby space is safe. Zong Ge, Cang Xu and the others obtained the reminder of Zi Di, surrounds the blood nuclear all round, does not dare to take a walk chaotic, for fear that was divided by the lightning like the substitute person. 在第三层中,时而有一道闪电无序劈下,只有血核附近的空间是安全的。鬃戈苍须等人得到紫蒂的提醒,团团围拢血核,不敢混乱走动,唯恐像替身一样被闪电劈死。 On second and first, as well as outside the tower is massive man-made magic beast. These magic beast are slaughtering mutually, scene not only bloody and is chaotic. 在第二层、第一层,以及塔外是大量的人造魔兽。这些魔兽正在相互厮杀,场面既血腥又混乱不堪。 But in a farther place, in the lava battlefield, that very was very been also far from the difficulty-relief by seal the king of flame dragon. 而在更远的地方,熔岩战场中,那头被封印的炎龙之王也距离脱困很远很远。 Jia Sha could not find in the heart the anxious root. 痂沙始终找不到心中不安的根源。 Is the success will be near, was I instead swayed by personal gains and losses?” “难道是成功将临,我反而患得患失起来了?” Dark. 黑暗。 A profound darkness. 一片深邃的黑暗。 After a beast roars, a youngster consciousness faint trace gathers here. 一声兽吼过后,少年的意识在这里一丝丝地重新汇聚。 Where?” “哪里?” Where is this?” “这是何地?” Where is my?” “我这是在哪里?” The youngster intelligence is even more clear, starts to inquire. 少年的神智越发清晰,开始询问。 The limitless darkness is covering him, silencing silent, does not have any response. 无边无际的黑暗笼罩着他,静寂无声,没有任何的回应。 The hope in youngster heart are getting fewer and fewer, he carefully examines himself, actually cannot see itself. 少年心中的希冀越来越少,他审视自己,却看不到自己。 In heart puzzled are unavoidably getting more and more. 心中的困惑不免越来越多。 That, who am I?” “那么,我又是谁?” Who am I?” “我是谁?” With this doubts, suddenly, a picture to youngster. 伴随着这个疑惑,忽然间,一个画面向少年袭来。 Jungle river bank. 丛林河畔。 A purple pupil young girl whole face anxious color: You are Zhen Jin, you are Baron Zhen Jin. Heavens, Lord, did you own status forget?” 一个紫眸少女满脸急切之色:“你是针金啊,你可是针金男爵天呐,大人,你连自己的身份都忘记了吗?” Zhen Jin, am I Zhen Jin? Why doesn't my what remember?” 针金,我是针金?为什么我什么都不记得了?” The young girls replied: Lord, we encountered the perils of the sea several days ago. The storm volume seat, the ships break, the survivor wandered about destitute this island......” 少女回答道:“大人,我们在几天前遭遇了海难。暴风卷席,船只断裂,幸存者流落到了这座海岛……” ...... …… At night by bonfire. 夜晚篝火旁。 After Zi Di considered the words and expressions carefully, this responded: Lord Zhen Jin, I to you actually not too many understanding.” 紫蒂仔细斟酌了词语之后,这才回应:“针金大人,我对你其实并没有太多的了解。” But according to the rumors, you are not usually close to women and prefer being a loner. Even if something major comes your way, you won't display your feelings easily.” 但是根据传闻,大人你平时不近女色,独来独往。即便遭遇大事,也不轻易流露出喜怒的情绪。” You are stern and taciturn and you spend most of your time training arduously at the Sacred Temple. Your lifestyle and demeanor are refined and collected, fitting an aristocrat.” 你大部分时间都在进行圣殿苦修,神情严肃,沉默寡言而你的衣食住行和一举一动,都优雅从容,富有贵族风范。” Although you have few friends, you like helping people, especially defending and aiding the weak and poor. That is why your reputation among the lower class has always been extremely good.” 你虽然朋友很少,但乐于助人,尤其是维护弱者,帮助穷贫所以大人你在下层中的风评,一直都很好。” Also, your sudden decision and success in entering the competition for the Lord of the Whitesand City position seemed to have greatly surprised the other Knight Templars.” 还有,大人你这一次忽然出手,成功地加入这一场白沙城城主的竞争,似乎是令其他的圣殿骑士十分吃惊的。” ...... …… In sultry cave. 闷热的山洞中。 Going to dead charge of Templar Knight! 圣殿骑士的赴死冲锋! After frigid fighting, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear died, but youngster also fell down. 惨烈的搏杀之后,猴尾棕熊死亡,而少年也倒在了地上。 Hehehe......” his looks at giant bear corpse, exuded the weak laughter, until aura dissipates. “嘿嘿嘿……”他看着巨大的熊尸,发出了虚弱的笑声,直至气息消散。 ...... …… In the spider forest, Huang Zao prays for rescue. 蜘蛛森林中,黄藻求救。 youngster and young girl discussed: Good that you said. But you forgot the most important point.” 少年和少女商谈:“你说的不错。但你忘记了最重要的一点。” Zi Di restrains the smile hastily, sincere lowers the head: Also asked Lord to instruct.” 紫蒂连忙收敛笑容,正色垂首:“还请大人训示。” I am Templar Knight, is Knight in Knight, the help is small and weak, noble spirit of saving the sick and wounded is my creed! Even the dangerous time, I will not abandon the companion.” The youngster loud and clear words, reverberate in the quiet forests. “我是圣殿骑士,是骑士中的骑士,帮助弱小,救死扶伤是我的信条!即便是危难时刻,我也不会抛弃同伴。”少年掷地有声的话语,在静谧的林间回荡。 Suddenly, Zi Di looks at youngster, gawked gawked, appeared the smile: Lord, I understood.” 一时间,紫蒂看着少年,愣了一愣,现出笑颜:“大人,我明白了。” ...... …… Cang Xu brings Lan Zao and Huang Zao to turn on own initiative. 苍须带着蓝藻黄藻主动投靠。 Zhen Jin looks straightly to the surrounding person, the body like the spear/gun, the light sound transmits to the ear of everyone in clearly. 针金看向周围的人,身躯笔挺如枪,平淡的声音清晰地传达到每个人的耳中。 „The Sacred Temple brilliance, covers every inchs the land. The Empire colors, shelter each Empire people. Follows I, I will lead you to live am leaving here.” 圣殿的光辉,笼罩每一寸土地。帝国的军旗,庇护每一位帝国子民。跟着我,我将带领你们活着离开这里。” Yes, Lord!” The people responded with one voice, one by one partly knelt on the ground. “是,大人!”众人齐声回应,纷纷半跪在地上 ...... …… The Lan Zao from the heart to praise sighed: Master, your strength is really powerful!” 蓝藻发自内心地赞叹道:“主人,您的实力真是强大!” Lord Zhen Jin, your natural talent is impressive. Your braveness and score, will certainly be praised widely.” Cang Xu also said. 针金大人,您的天资让人惊叹。您的勇武和战绩,也必将会被人广为传颂。”苍须也道。 ...... …… Lord, has you, does not have any to fear! You are Knight, is Templar Knight! This time, is we who you save.” Bai Ya was excited shouts, broke silent. 大人,有您在,根本没有什么好怕的!您可是骑士,是圣殿骑士!这一次,就是您救的我们啊。”白芽激动得喊道,打破了沉默。 Master, my brother will certainly pledge to fight to the death to follow you, no matter when where, no matter calamity.” Lan Zao also expressed own loyalty. “主人,我兄弟俩必将誓死追随您,不管何时何地,不管天塌地陷。”蓝藻也表达自己的忠心。 ...... …… Really worthily is Hundred Needles Bloodline! Must discuss accurate, Hundred Needles Bloodline is first five in entire Holybright Continent sufficiently. Lord Zhen Jin, you are the hope of Hundred Needles family, you can bring back to the entire family the honor surely.” “真不愧是百针血脉!要论精准,百针血脉在整个圣明大陆中足以名列前五。针金大人,您是百针家族的希望,您必定能将荣光带回整个家族。” ...... …… The Exploration Team grain exhausts, is on the verge of death. 探索队粮食耗尽,危在旦夕。 Only then encircles and hunts the Flying Squirrel group success, has a slim chance of survival. 只有围猎飞鼠群成功,才有一线生机。 Pre-war. 战前。 youngster great shout: Today, if we defeat them, then they are our food. If we are defeated, we are their food.” 少年大声呼喊:“今天,如果我们战胜它们,那它们就是我们的食物。如果我们失败,我们就是他们的食物。” My Zhen Jin, as Templar Knight, Hundred Needles family sole heir, with you in. Will lead you, crosses difficultly, spans difficult, harvesting victory. Follows me, making us gain the glory!” “我针金,作为一名圣殿骑士,百针家族的唯一继承人,将与你们同在。将领导你们,越过艰难,跨越险阻,收割胜利。跟随我,让我们获取荣耀!” ...... …… In the desert, the youngster charge before, leading the people to break through surrounding of lizard group. 沙漠中,少年冲锋在前,率领众人突破蜥蜴群的包围。 I have said that will not discard anyone.” Zhen Jin is categorical, Bai Ya is also no exception!” “我说过,不会舍弃任何一人。”针金斩钉截铁,“白芽也不会例外!” Lord!!” Bai Ya in hopeless situation, saw that Zhen Jin saves itself, excited, in the vision was full of the gratitude, worship and love color. 大人!!”绝境中的白芽,看到针金来救自己,激动万分,目光中充满了感激、崇拜、爱戴之色。 Brings Bai Ya, Zhen Jin to kill, successfully and others converge. 带着白芽,针金又杀回去,成功地和其他人汇合。 Leaves here with me.” The Zhen Jin tone is light, rushes ahead again before. “跟我离开这里。”针金语气平淡,再次冲杀在前。 Yes, Lord!” The people should with, the morale rise suddenly with one voice. “是,大人!”众人齐声应和,士气暴涨。 ...... …… After getting rid of the scorpion group, youngster returns to the desert, the team only to have four people. 摆脱了蝎群之后,少年回到沙漠,队伍只剩下四人。 I had said that I will try to save everyone, will not give up anyone. This is my commitment, is my responsibility.” youngster said to Zi Di and Cang Xu like this. “我曾经说过,我会尽全力拯救所有人,不会放弃任何一人。这是我的承诺,也是我的责任。”少年紫蒂苍须这样说。 Lord, your noble quality makes the radiant stars in nighttime sky dim!” Cang Xu from the heart said after a sigh, you were the model in Templar Knight.” 大人,您高尚的品质让夜空中的璀璨的明星都为之黯淡!”苍须发自内心地感叹道,“您就是圣殿骑士中的典范。” ...... …… In the oasis, Bai Ya regains consciousness. 绿洲中,白芽苏醒。 His eye socket flood red, sheds tears, sobbed: Lord Zhen Jin, I know that was you walked at the back of me. You are noble incomparable Templar Knight, actually braves the life danger for I such base and low my humble self. You also drink to me the precious water, these told me after Lord Zi Di and Cang Xu scholars.” 他眼眶泛红,落下热泪,哽咽道:“针金大人,我知道的,是您背着我走了一路。您是高贵无比的圣殿骑士,却为我这样一个卑微的小人生命的危险。您还把宝贵的水给我喝,这些经过紫蒂大人苍须学者都告诉我了。” Assists small and weakly, saving kindhearted it is the Templar Knight creed.” youngster smile. “扶助弱小,拯救良善本身就是圣殿骑士的信条。”少年微笑。 ...... …… Lord Zhen Jin, you are really extraordinary! You are so young, grasped mental force. Compared with Tempest Sword Sage, Lord you have more outstanding bloodline. In the middle of Templar Knight, Lord you also certainly are most special. Can meet Lord, can follow Lord, is really my being honored!” Bai Ya from the heart said after a sigh. 针金大人,您真是了不起!你这么年轻,就掌握了心灵的力量。比起疾风剑圣,大人你还拥有更加优秀的血脉。在圣殿骑士当中,大人你也一定是最特殊的。能够遇到大人,能够追随大人,真是我的荣幸!”白芽发自内心地感叹道。 Cang Xu laughs, by very affirmative language gas channel/angrily said: „The Lord Zhen Jin talent is outstanding, will have compared with the Tempest Sword Sage brighter future absolutely. But most makes me admire, is Lord Zhen Jin your personal character. Has your words, Hundred Needles family can certainly rise.” 苍须哈哈一笑,以十分肯定的语气道:“针金大人天赋卓绝,绝对拥有比疾风剑圣更光明的未来。但最让我敬佩的,是针金大人您身上的品德。有您的话,百针家族一定能够重新崛起的。” ...... …… Initially sees Zong Ge, both sides confront. 初见鬃戈,双方对峙。 youngster gets hold of the sword hilt immediately, the brow deep wrinkle, the complexion sinks, the vision becomes cold like the ice, he shouted lowly: Zong Ge, pays attention to your expression! You dare to despise the gods! My carrying/sustaining Emperor Holybright vision, this is gods' blessing. divine spell is the gracious gift of gods, does not perform or is used in the proof of status. Now to I apologize, immediately! Otherwise you will welcome a Templar Knight anger!” 少年顿时握紧剑柄,眉头深皱,脸色沉下来,目光变得冷冽如冰,他低喝道:“鬃戈,注意你的言辞!你胆敢轻视神明!我身上承载着圣明大帝的目光,这是神明的祝福。神术更是神明的恩赐,绝非是表演或者是用于身份的证明。现在就给我道歉,马上!否则你将迎来一位圣殿骑士的怒火!” ...... …… Walks, returns to the camp together.” youngster sent out the invitation to Zong Ge and the others on own initiative. “走吧,一起回营地吧。”少年主动向鬃戈等人发出邀请。 We are the people on same strip ship, we are the victims of perils of the sea.” “我们是同一条船上的人,我们都是海难的遇难者。” We come from many places, we have the difference on status, but here, we reduced to the island on want to escape the birth day victim.” “我们来自很多地方,我们有身份上的差别,但在这里,我们都是沦落到海岛上想要逃出生天的遇难者。” Our goals are consistent. We should unite together, any suspicion, indifferent, dislike, opposition wait/etc, will make us cooperate difficultly, thus reduces us to escape from here possibility.” “我们的目标是一致的。我们应该团结在一起,任何的怀疑、冷漠、厌恶、对立等等,都会让我们合作艰难,从而减少我们逃出这里的可能。” I am Templar Knight Zhen Jin. Here I to granted, I will certainly in an equal and just manner treat anybody, where no matter he came from, no matter he were what race, no matter he had what bloodline. I will also certainly punish the criminal, punishes the murderer/culprit, did not make the evil get off scot-free. I will certainly do utmost, take the lead, lead everyone, seeks the hope that is rescued together!” “我是圣殿骑士针金。在这里我向诸位允诺,我必将公平公正地对待任何人,不管他来自哪里,不管他是什么种族,不管他有什么血脉。我也必将严惩罪犯,惩治真凶,不令罪恶逍遥法外。我必将竭尽全力,身先士卒,带领大家,一同寻求获救的希望!” ...... …… The military camp defended post-war, youngster and Zong Ge, Tripleblade and Lan Zao pursued the magic beast regiment that Ned defeat escapes together. 营寨防御战后,少年鬃戈三刀蓝藻一同追杀败逃的魔兽军团。 half-beast was startled by the youngster shape, long time opens the mouth, with bringing strangely, but an indignant language gas channel/angrily said: Hey, Zhen Jin, should your boy not be...... God's favored knight?” 半兽人少年的形态惊到,半晌才开口,用带着古怪、无奈以及一丝气愤的语气道:“喂,针金,你小子该不会是……神眷骑士吧?” God's favored knight?” youngster raises the attractive brow, „am I God's favored knight? Am I? I not am quite clear.” 神眷骑士?”少年扬起好看的眉头,“我是神眷骑士?我算是吗?我也不太清楚。” ...... …… In small valley, youngster one group of finally and large unit convergence. 在小山谷中,少年一行人终于和大部队汇合。 Lan Zao stands on the secondary stone ladder, announced loudly: You must the prick ear listen respectfully! At this moment stands before you, is my master Lord Zhen Jin. He is the Hundred Needles family sole heir, is noble Sacred Temple God's favored knight, will certainly be wild main road Whitesand City future City Lord!” 蓝藻站在次级石梯上,高声宣布:“尔等须竖耳聆听!此刻站在你们面前的,便是我的主人针金大人。他是百针家族的唯一继承人,是高贵的圣殿神眷骑士,必将是蛮荒大路白沙城的未来城主!” youngster spoke: No matter the mountain, is the sea, is the swamp, or the islands, my main sacred light shines all. The Empire colors, incur to raise forever against the wind, stand erect not but actually!” 少年宣讲:“不管是高山,还是海洋,是沼泽,亦或岛屿,我主的圣光都照耀一切。帝国的军旗,永远迎风招扬,屹立不倒!” „Nothing, can hinder me to lead the way. I will gain the glory, but follows me, the glory will also belong to you.” “没有任何东西,能阻碍我前行。我将获取荣耀,而跟随我,荣耀也将分属你们。” From now on, here is run by me.” “从现在开始,这里由我来掌管。” Who has the objection?” “谁有异议?” ...... …… In process that the new ship constructs, small valley suffered the sustained attack of magic beast regiment. 新船建造的过程中,小山谷遭受了魔兽军团的持续攻击。 The youngster intonation raises: This ship everyone has the position, no one will be fallen.” 少年声调微扬:“这艘船每个人都有位置,谁也不会被落下。” In other words , we are the people on same strip ship.” “换言之,我们都是同一条船上的人。” I know, among us has the difference.” “我知道,我们之间存在差别。” In status, in bloodline, in look, all sorts of differences on character.” “身份上的,血统上的,相貌上的,性格上的种种差别。” But these differences, should not become us to suspect, the reason of opposition and internal friction. We should closely unite, only by doing so, can biggest possibly expand the possibility of escaping.” “但这些差别,不应该成为我们怀疑、对立、内耗的理由。我们应该紧紧地团结起来,只有这样,才能最大可能地扩张逃生的可能。” We are...... the person on one's own side!” “我们都是……自己人!” It is not out of the anticipation, his speech extemporaneously won cheering of people. 不出意料,他的即兴演讲赢得了众人的欢呼。 ...... …… Fainting of Bai Ya attacked youngster. 白芽的昏死打击到了少年 In the channel, Zi Di invests into the bosom of Zhen Jin on own initiative. 通道中,紫蒂主动投入到针金的怀抱中。 Lord!” Her both hands link lives in the waist of Zhen Jin, closely hugs Young Knight, Lord Zhen Jin, you absolutely are qualified, no, the outstanding leader, you are Knight, my...... Knight, please do not suspect themselves.” 大人!”她双手环住针金的腰,紧紧地拥抱住少年骑士,“针金大人,你绝对是合格,不,优秀的领袖,你是骑士,我的……骑士,请不要怀疑自己。” ...... …… The mountain valley collapses, the new ship is unable to navigate, in the earthquake the land cracks, in an instant forms the new rivers. 山谷倒塌,新船无法航海,地震中大地开裂,转眼形成新的河流。 In just, Emperor Holybright transmitted the enlightenment to me!” Zhen Jin is pointing at this river. “就在刚刚,圣明大帝向我传达了启示!”针金手指着这条河。 The people gawk again. 众人再楞。 „, This rivers are the Emperor Holybright manufacture?” “难道说,这条河流是圣明大帝制造的吗?” No wonder we had not died a person.” “难怪我们没有死去一人。” „The will of gods is unable to estimate!” “神明的意志无法揣度!” God's favored knight......” Cang Xu deeply bows to Zhen Jin, the sigh, this perhaps was the road of your hero. My Lord Zhen Jin!” 神眷骑士……”苍须针金深深鞠躬,感叹不已,“这或许就是您的英雄之路了。我的针金大人!” Presents almost all person some scalp tingles. 在场几乎所有人都有些头皮发麻。 They seem like felt oneself in testimony history! 他们似乎感到自己在见证历史! This is the epic of hero! 这将是英雄的史诗! ...... …… In the darkness, the consciousness of youngster condenses is close to form. 黑暗中,少年的意识凝聚接近成形。 Therefore, I am Zhen Jin.” “所以,我是针金。” I am aristocrat, Knight, a hero!” “我是一名贵族,一名骑士,一位英雄!” Suddenly, the youngster consciousness fiercely is also chaotic. 忽然,少年意识又猛地混乱起来。 After killing Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, he recuperates in the cave. After dying , the lingering fear makes him, confess to the Emperor Holybright pray, the hope takes pity on. 杀死猴尾棕熊之后,他在山洞中休养。死后余悸让他向圣明大帝祈祷、忏悔,祈求垂怜。 Has not responded. 没有回应。 Exploration Team food is short, encircling and hunting the Flying Squirrel group the risk is also too big. youngster paces back and forth helpless, prayed to Emperor Holybright 探索队食物短缺,围猎飞鼠群又风险太大。少年彷徨无助,向圣明大帝祈祷 Has not responded. 没有回应。 When hunts and kills the Flying Squirrel group, youngster prayed before silently. 猎杀飞鼠群时,少年默默在阵前祈祷。 Has not responded. 没有回应。 Falls into the desert, youngster helpless prayed to Emperor Holybright. 陷入沙漠中,少年无助地向圣明大帝祈祷。 Has not responded. 没有回应。 In the oasis rescued Lan Zao, youngster fell into during the self- suspicion, prayed to the gods seeks help. 绿洲中救助了蓝藻,少年陷入了自我的怀疑当中,向神明祈祷求助。 Has not responded. 没有回应。 The military camp defends the wartime, youngster deliberately prayed loudly, deceives the companion. 营寨防御战时,少年刻意大声祈祷,欺骗同伴。 Because the gods still had not responded. 因为神明仍旧没有回应。 The beastified secret almost exposes, youngster prayed. 兽化的秘密差点曝光,少年祈祷。 Suspected oneself were misled by the blood nuclear, wallows in the strength, youngster prayed. 怀疑自己被血核蛊惑,沉迷力量之中,少年祈祷。 The mountain valley collapses, companion beastified, falls into the hopeless situation, youngster prayed. 山谷倒塌,同伴兽化,身陷绝境,少年祈祷。 Has not responded. 没有回应。 Has not responded. 没有回应。 Has not responded! 没有回应! ...... …… In spider forest. 蜘蛛森林中。 This, what's all this about?!” His both hands mutation, killed the Blade Edge Spider leader. “这,这是怎么回事?!”他双手异变,杀死了刀锋蜘蛛头领。 When encircles and hunts the Flying Squirrel group. 围猎飞鼠群时。 His both arms rose suddenly, throw the dagger to kill the Blackiron Flying Squirrel chieftain: In my heart, how to have blood red magic crystal?!” 他双臂暴涨,掷匕杀死了黑铁飞鼠头目:“我的心脏中,怎么会有一颗血红魔晶?!” Volcano landform. 火山地貌。 He killed the Spear Scorpion leader, routs other scorpion groups: My long shell. I also steadily tail. Right, I can unexpectedly active control magic crystal!!” 他杀死了枪蝎头领,击溃其余蝎群:“我长壳了。我还长了尾巴。对了,我竟然能主动控制魔晶了!!” Outside small valley. 小山谷外。 Slaughters an entire magic beast regiment by one person, the youngster completely shapeshift monster, self-satisfied: hahaha, comes many magic beast regiments even, how can also take me?” 以一人屠戮一整支魔兽军团,少年完全变身怪物,志得意满:“哈哈哈,就算就算是来再多的魔兽军团,又能拿我如何?” ...... …… In training ground that the rain covers. 阴雨笼罩的训练场中。 Qing Kui has stepped on the head of youngster, after shames willfully, leading one group of youngster to swagger away. 青魁踩过少年的头,恣意地羞辱后,率领一帮少年扬长而去。 Strange, my is calm, probably the passer-by looks on to be the same.” The memory of this humiliation, reappears the heart at this moment, has not actually brought the anger and hatred to him. “奇怪,我的心情非常平静,好像路人旁观一样。”这段屈辱的记忆,此刻重现心头,却没有给他带来愤怒和仇恨。 ...... …… fighting Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, youngster barely escaped. 搏杀猴尾棕熊,少年险死还生。 Zi Di happy said/tunnel: Lord, your recovered very well, more specifically, was extremely astonishing. Such physical quality, is not silver level can have.” 紫蒂开心地道:“大人,你的身体恢复得很好,更准确地说,是极其惊人。这样的身体素质,绝不是白银层次能够拥有的。” ...... …… Discovers a camp by the Bat Monkey group attack. 发现一处营地被蝠猴群攻击。 Lord...... this stretch of camp seems like me to establish.” Zi Di said the unexpected words. 大人……这片营地好像是我建立的。”紫蒂说出了让人意外的话。 „Have you come to here?” youngster gawked. “你来过这里?”少年楞了一下。 Zi Di shakes the head. 紫蒂摇头。 I lead other person of thorough rain forests, discovered Lord. Lord be at the stupor condition, is unable to awaken. I then decide in the nearby build camp. The plan convalesces, cures Lord as soon as possible.” “我率领其他人深入雨林,发现了大人大人处于昏迷的状态,无法唤醒。我便决定就在附近搭建营地。打算就地疗养,尽早治愈大人。” At this point, Zi Di looks at the camp again, the nod confirms: Not wrong. I to this impression of log cabin and this stretch of camp am very deep. For the Lord security, and convenience will treat in the future, I want to be stationed in some time at that time well. Therefore the construction log cabin cost a lot of time, constructs very firmly.” 说到这里,紫蒂再看营地,点头确认道:“没有错的。我对这座木屋和这片营地的印象很深。为了大人的安全,以及方便将来治疗,我当时是想好好驻扎一段时间。所以建造木屋耗费了很多时间,建设得十分坚固。” Bai Ya is stunned: How that this camp arrived here......, I knew, is the transmission!” 白芽愕然:“那这座营地怎么就到了这里……啊,我知道了,是传送!” Broke through for the camp, repels the beast group, youngster received the plank. 为营地解围,击退兽群,少年接见了木板。 Opens reports Lord Zhen Jin, this is the even/including arrow shooting that I design.” “启禀针金大人,这就是我设计的连射弩。” What meaning this number are eight?” Zhen Jin is pointing at the arrow chest, your No. 8 work?” “这个数字八是什么意思?”针金手指着箭匣,“你的八号作品?” Mu Ban shakes the head saying: Not. The lumber of manufacture arrow shooting, is I searches for continually from this stretch of camp, material quality superior. It above had the digit eight.” 木班摇头道:“不是的。制作连射弩的木料,是我从这片营地中搜寻来的,材质上等。它原本上面就有数字八。” Underground alchemy factory. 地下炼金工厂。 In square, large and small box. The big box is bigger than Lava Giant Turtle, smallest box is three meters, width two meters, height one meter. 在广场中,还有大大小小的箱子。大的箱子比熔岩巨龟还大,最小的箱子长达三米,宽两米,高一米。 The box seems like made of iron, but in fact is a ironwood. 箱子看起来像是铁制的,但实际上是一种铁木。 The box surface that the ironwood makes, the red lacquer, described letters and digit. For example Em-096 , Sg-734 , ID 5 D-VR-862 and so on. 铁木制成的箱子表面,还有红漆,描绘出一个个的字母和数字。比如Em-096,Sg-734,ID5D-VR-862之类。 ...... …… In Central Tower. 中枢塔中。 youngster felt the summon. 少年感受到了召唤。 This secret summon, because of what?” “这种隐秘的呼唤,到底是因为什么?” Why I look at this Central Tower, somewhat looks familiar?” “为什么我看这座中枢塔,也有些眼熟呢?” „Had I come to here?” “难道我曾经来过这里?” Is unlikely, how will I have come to here?” “不太可能,我怎么会来过这里?” When he enters third, discovered second blood red magic crystal. 当他进入第三层,发现了第二颗血红色的魔晶 War Monger also has heart core!” 战贩也有心核!” This heart core is he makes?” “这颗心核就是他制造出来的吗?” He places third it, certainly thought that its value surpasses the fairy tale of sapphire gold coffin and mermaid!” “他将它放在第三层,一定是觉得其价值超出青玉黄金棺、美人鱼的童话!” But, why will have such powerful attraction?” “但是,为什么会有这样强大的吸引?” heart core of Zhen Jin within the body emits the strange red light, flicks, probably is reminding Zhen Jin loudly: Ate it! Ate it! Was about to annex it!!” 针金体内的心核冒出诡异的红光,一闪一闪,好像在大声地提醒针金:“吃了它!吃了它!快吞并了它!!” ...... …… Jia Sha sighed: divine artifact cannot abuse like this, they were too important. Tower Spirit is wounded too heavily, will not be my opponent. I soon succeeded. After Teleportation Door forms, we first deliver these two divine artifact.” 痂沙叹息:“神器不能这样滥用,它们太重要了。塔灵受创太重,绝不会是我的对手。我快要成功了。传送门形成之后,我们就先将这两件神器送出去。” This proposed that was rejected pointedly by youngster: No, first sees somebody off, then delivers divine artifact!” 这个提议被少年断然否决:“不,先送人,再送神器!” In Jia Sha heart anxious, bellows to next hastily, Zhen Jin! Forces up quickly, exhausts the full power. I know that your worry, these are unimportant! Relax, has me, I will purify all for you.” 痂沙心中焦躁,连忙对下一层大吼,“针金!快顶上去,用尽全力。我知道你的顾虑,这些都不要紧!放心,有我在,我会为你净化一切。” youngster hesitant, later clenches teeth, launches the charge. 少年犹豫了一下,随后一咬牙,展开冲锋。 He charges into the fourth steps. 他冲向第四层的阶梯。 Suspension of movement!” “停步!” Zhen Jin, do you want to do?” 针金,你想要干什么?” Keeps again, the consequence is proud!” “再不停下来,后果自负!” youngster turns a deaf ear , the speed is getting more and more fast. 少年充耳不闻,速度越来越快。 Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! Several lightnings chop continuously, chops youngster, chops at the scene it. 几道闪电连续劈下,劈中少年,将其当场劈死。 ...... …… In the dark space, the consciousness of youngster stabilizes suddenly. 黑暗的空间中,少年的意识猛然稳定下来。 He recalled all. 他回想起了一切。 Therefore, I am not Zhen Jin......” “所以,我不是针金……” next moment , he opens the eyes slowly slowly. 下一刻,他缓缓地,缓缓地睁开双眼。 ( Ps: After this chapter of code comes out, suddenly also has the new idea, thought that like this writes to be better. But took time, was late, excuse me, but this chapter indeed has the quality. Today should be ten thousand character renews. Tomorrow restores one, wants to support the friends of mine saying that the sound thanks!) (ps:这一章码出来后,忽然又有新的想法,觉得这样写能更好。但着实太费事了些,迟到了,不好意思,但此章的确更有质量。今天应该是万字更新了。明天恢复一更,想对一直支持我的朋友们说声感谢!)
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