EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#205: Misses the good opportunity

In order to shield Zhen Jin, Zi Di on the grounds of urgent military situation, convenes the high-level discussion. 为了掩护针金,紫蒂以紧急军情为由,召集高层商议。 The substitute people came back. 替身回来了。 Under concealing of Zi Di, the substitute person was cheated, still thinks oneself have not exposed. 紫蒂的掩饰下,替身被蒙骗过去,仍旧以为自己没有暴露。 However, that night, the substitute person was awakened by own nightmare continuously several times. He realized that- all seem like that has not changed. But in fact, he could not have gone back. 然而,当天晚上,替身连续数次被自己的噩梦所惊醒。他意识到-一切看似没有变化。但事实上,他已经回不去了。 The substitute people felt constrained, actually must camouflage tranquilly. 替身心情压抑,却仍旧要伪装平静。 Tranquility in this surface, lets the Zi Di sympathize, perceives the substitute person innermost feelings the heavy pressure and pain. 正是这份表面上的平静,更让紫蒂感同身受,觉察到替身内心的重压和痛楚。 Fei She found the substitute person on own initiative, tells him the Zi Di birthday soon to approach. 肥舌主动找到替身,告诉他紫蒂的生日即将来临。 When the substitute people start are the Zi Di preparation birthday parties, Zi Di detected immediately. 替身开始为紫蒂准备生日宴会时,紫蒂立即察觉到了。 Although Zi Di is happy, but also has many misgivings, the pressure in her heart and does not need the substitute person to be small, simply does not have the thoughts to celebrate. 紫蒂虽然开心,但也顾虑重重,她心中的压力并不必替身小,根本没有心思去庆祝。 Zi Di opposes to the utmost to hold the birthday party, the attitude is firm. 紫蒂竭力反对举办生日宴会,态度坚决。 Perhaps, I should not continue to conceal.” “或许,我不应该继续隐瞒了。” I should tell him all things.” “我应该告诉他所有的事情。” „No matter how he regards me, he should know the truth!” “不管他如何看待我,他都应该知道真相!” This idea frequently appears in the Zi Di mind, but each she does not have enough courage time, goes to the true implementation. 这种想法频繁地出现在紫蒂的脑海中,但每一次她都没有足够的勇气,去真正实施。 She says. 她说不出口。 Perhaps, I need a mature time.” “或许,我需要一个成熟的时机。” That night of Zi Di birthday, came as a surprise to young girl, the substitute person arrived at the Zi Di dwelling alone. 紫蒂的当天晚上,出乎少女的意料,替身独自来到紫蒂的住处。 He brought one bowl of Fire Poison Bee honey. 他带来了一碗火毒蜂的蜂蜜。 Thanks.” Zi Di is affected. “谢谢。”紫蒂非常感动。 Although now does not have the rainbow cake, but I have tasted, the honey is also very sweet.” The substitute people said. “现在虽然没有彩虹蛋糕,但我尝过,蜂蜜也是很甜的。”替身道。 Zi Di is actually the complexion changes: Lord, did you eat the honey? It is poisonous!” 紫蒂却是脸色一变:“大人,你吃了蜂蜜?它是有毒的!” „? I and I have no feeling of poison.” “啊?我、我没有什么中毒的感觉啊。” Possibly is Lord tastes are quite few. This inside contained the fire poison essence, the dosage, if increases, even Gold Rank will still be damaged.” The Zi Di rapid said/tunnel, she on the face appears the expression that at once rebukes oneself, blames me! Has not told Lord you latest research results. I remember, the mountain valley surroundings do not have bee-hive, Lord, your one person expedites, even if there is lampblack potion, was extremely still dangerous.” “可能是大人尝的比较少。这里面蕴含了火毒精华,剂量如果增大,即便是黄金级别也会受创。”紫蒂迅速地道,她旋即脸上浮现自责的表情,“怪我!没有把最新的研究成果告诉大人你。我记得,山谷周围没有蜂巢,大人,你一个人远征,即便是有油烟药剂,也太过危险了。” I am willing to take risk for you!” The substitute people blurted out. “我愿意为你冒险!”替身脱口而出。 looks at present Knight, the Zi Di heart acceleration beats, the cherished happy feeling is full her heart. 看着眼前的骑士,紫蒂心脏加速跳动,被爱护的美好感受充盈她的心田。 Her deeply is staring at the eyes of Zhen Jin, the gentle voice said/tunnel: Thank you.” 深深地凝视着针金的双眼,柔声地道:“谢谢你。” The substitute people shake the head, looks at that bowl of honey, are somewhat discouraged. 替身摇头,看着那碗蜂蜜,有些泄气。 A Zi Di wonderful eye of revolution, said suddenly: Cake thank you.” 紫蒂妙目一转,忽道:“谢谢你的蛋糕。” Cake?” “蛋糕?” Yes, big hasn't such cake, with the non-toxic honey manufacture, you seen?” Zi Di loosens the hand of substitute person, both hands in the chest front gesture, delimits a cake in air the shape. “是呀,这样大的蛋糕,用无毒的蜂蜜制作的,你没有看到吗?”紫蒂松开替身的手,双手在胸前比划,在空气中划出一个蛋糕的形状。 The substitute people smile, said following the Zi Di words: „, I saw certainly. The cake is very big, but also divided several, is a bit like the rainbow cake.” 替身不禁笑起来,顺着紫蒂的话讲:“哦,我当然看到了。蛋糕很大呢,还分了几层,有点像彩虹蛋糕。” No, it only has one.” Zi Di actually shakes the head, it not like rainbow cake. It...... is sweeter than the rainbow cake!” “不,它只有一层。”紫蒂却摇头,“它一点都不像彩虹蛋糕。它……比彩虹蛋糕更甜!” Two people start with the finger, dips the cake, feeds in the mouth of opposite party mutually. 两人开始用手指头,蘸上蛋糕,相互喂到对方的口中。 Really sweet!” “真甜!” Quite delicious.” “好好吃。” The substitute people breathe to be loud, on face of Zi Di also blushing of surging big piece, two people are close, the distance only has a fist about. 替身呼吸粗重起来,紫蒂的脸上也涌起大片的红晕,两人接近,彼此之间的距离只剩下一拳左右。 The atmosphere of rock cave becomes the fluttering flags. 岩洞的氛围变得旖旎。 In the Zi Di heart is shouting: Now, is now!” 紫蒂心中呼喊着:“现在,就是现在!” Said, said all things, told him.” “说出来,把一切事情都说出来,都告诉他。” You should not conceal him.” “你不应该隐瞒他。” The love brought the courage and impulsive, but she just about to opens the mouth, the substitute person said: Zi Di, there is a matter......” 爱情带来了勇气和冲动,但她刚要开口,替身却道:“紫蒂,有一件事情……” Zi Di stares, at once understands the substitute person must say anything. 紫蒂一愣,旋即明白替身要说什么。 Heavens! He must tell me his beastified secret!!” 天呐!他是要告诉我他兽化的秘密!!” In a flash, by happy heart of beloved person so trust, just like tide instantaneous volume seat her heart. 一瞬间,被心爱之人如此信任的幸福感,宛若潮水瞬间卷席了她的心田。 She is clear, the substitute person can tell this secret, took the big risk, gave the big trust. 她非常明白,替身能够告诉她这个秘密,是冒了多大的风险,给予了多大的信任。 In this moment, she realized, this is the mature time that she waits for agonizingly. 在这一刻,她意识到,这就是她苦苦等待的成熟的时机。 The substitute people said, she will follow his words, told him all truth! 替身说完,她就会顺着他的话,告诉他一切真相! At this moment, making us sincerity.” “就是此时此刻,让我们坦诚相见。” All worries were cast behind by Zi Di. 所有的顾虑都被紫蒂抛在脑后。 However, the substitute person just opened the mouth to be broken. 然而,替身刚开口就被打断。 Outside the hole transmits noisy and unrest suddenly. 洞外忽然传来嘈杂和骚乱。 Went crazy!” “发疯了!” idiot went crazy!!” 傻大个发疯了!!” Comes the person quickly, he must kill people.” “快来人,他要杀人。” The substitute person and Zi Di complexion changes suddenly, immediately rushes to the rock cave. 替身、紫蒂脸色骤变,立即奔出岩洞。 The substitute people intended to control the aspect rapidly, has not caused many losses. 替身出手迅速掌控了局面,没有造成更多的损失。 Zi Di actually worried for the future: I am not a doctor, in fact according to the shipwright, in the past he has tried to treat for the giant, but all doctors are at a loss. The shipwrights have even invited priest with high pay, has used divine spell to the giant.” 紫蒂却为未来担忧:“我不是医师,事实上据船匠所说,过去他一直试图为大个子治疗,但所有的医师都束手无策。船匠甚至重金聘请过牧师,对大个子用过神术。” We must consider this hidden danger. If ships construction most, the giant goes crazy suddenly, the losses that causes are inconceivable.” “我们必须考虑这一个隐患。如果船只建设大半,大个子忽然发疯,那造成的损失不堪设想。” The substitute people listened to these words, silent speechless. 替身听了这番话,沉默无言。 Soon arrives at the dwelling, two people are facing the distinction. 快要到住处,两人面临着分别。 Right, Lord, what...... do you want to say with me before?” Zi Di asked hopefully. “对了,大人,之前……你要和我说什么?”紫蒂满怀期待地问道。 The substitute people said: It‘s nothing.” 替身却说:“没什么。” The back that looks at he leaves, Zi Di realized suddenly oneself made a giant mistake. 看着他离开的背影,紫蒂忽然意识到自己犯了一个巨大的错误。 He on the body of idiot, saw he himself.” “他是在傻大个的身上,看到了他自己。” I just suggested that must guard against idiot, listens in him, to guard against one to be able beastified he?” “我刚刚建议要去防范傻大个,在他听来,岂不是防范一个能兽化的他?” Heavens, Zi Di, you were really stupid, how can you violate such mistake?!” 天呐,紫蒂,你真是太笨了,你怎么可以犯这样的错?!” The nuisance beyond comparison floods the heart, Zi Di takes a step hastily, wants to catch up with the substitute person. 无以伦比的懊恼充斥心头,紫蒂连忙迈步,想要追上替身。 She wants to run, wants to grasp him boldly, told him, to comfort him bravely: Do not misunderstand, I have not said you!” 她想要跑过去,想要大胆地去抱住他,勇敢地告诉他、安慰他:“千万不要误会,我没有说你!” However, her footsteps actually more and more slow, is getting more and more heavy. 然而,她的脚步却越来越缓,越来越沉重。 The courage and impulsion that before had, have dissipated. 之前鼓起的勇气和冲动,已经消散。 All sorts of worries span again in her mind. 种种顾虑再次横亘在她的脑海中。 Obviously both's distance is this near, but Zi Di actually felt that between she and substitute person is separated the innumerable mountain ranges and huge gaps. 明明两者的距离是这样的近,但紫蒂却感觉她和替身之间间隔着无数山峦和巨大鸿沟。 Sorry...... is unfair to......” her only to be able in the heart to apologize unceasingly. “对不起……对不起……”她只能在心中不断道歉。 Now is not a good opportunity, waits again, certainly will have a better opportunity.” “现在不是一个好机会,再等等,一定会有更好的机会的。” Zi Di flinched. 紫蒂退缩了。 She continues to wait for the opportunity. 她继续等待机会。 But what she and others is the earthquake. 但她等来的是地震。 Frequency of more and more earthquake, people have to move the new ship embryonic form to the mountain valley outside , to continue to produce in a hurry. 地震发生的越来越频繁,人们不得不将新船雏形挪到山谷外,继续赶制。 Moistness that the rain brings, makes the huge hindrance of ships. Zi Di potion played the huge role, the arduous work makes the young girl be busy at the dark day being secret every day. 阴雨带来的潮湿,是制造船只的巨大阻碍。紫蒂药剂发挥了巨大的作用,繁重的工作让少女每天都忙得昏天暗地。 The situation was getting more and more bad, magic beast regiment that not only the earthquake, the volcano of eruption, as well as invades one's territory. 情况越来越恶劣了,不只是地震,还有喷发的火山,以及来犯的魔兽军团。 People shipbuilding, while launches to slaughter according to the mountain valleys and innumerable magic beast. 人们一边造船,一边依据山谷和无数魔兽展开厮杀。 Zhen Jin found Zi Di again quietly. 针金再次悄悄地找到紫蒂 Situation is not very wonderful!” “情况很不妙!” Perhaps I should reveal my status, making them more protect me.” “或许我应该袒露自己的身份,让他们更多地保护我。” His whole face feared and worried. 他满脸都是恐惧和担忧。 Zi Di comforting said: Lord, made the risk is too big like this. Now everyone approves the substitute person, once makes them know that substitute person not real, you real, meets the will of the people chaotic, is hard to accept. The morale slides, likely causes the battleline to collapse.” 紫蒂安抚道:“大人,这样做风险太大了。现在所有人都认可替身,一旦让他们知道替身不是真的,你才是真的,一定会人心纷乱,难以接受。士气下滑,很可能导致阵线崩溃的。” „The substitute person, he is threatening. Once he knows that oneself was cheated, how he will treat your me? Can kill people to give vent to indignation?” “还有替身,他非常具有威胁。一旦他知道自己被蒙骗,他会怎么样对待你我呢?会不会杀人泄愤呢?” The fear on Zhen Jin face. 针金脸上的恐惧更甚。 A Zi Di thread of conversation revolution: Actually, our present conditions are good, the new ship soon made.” 紫蒂话锋一转:“其实,我们现在状况还是不错的,新船快要制造好了。” We occupy the mountain valley defense, there is a bow crossbow. Recently for serveral days, I often heard others in secret the praise to Lord. The crossbow car(riage) under the operation of Lord, Silver Rank magic beast is even seriously battered.” “我们占据山谷防守,又有弓弩。最近这些天,我时常听到其他人私底下对大人你的称颂呢。弩车在大人的操纵下,连白银级魔兽都遭受重创。” That is. I am Hundred Needles family bloodline......” the Zhen Jin complexion gradually relax after all, my just idea was too impulsive, you analyze is very reasonable. I will continue to endure patiently. We are closest one pair, not?” “那是。我毕竟是百针家族血脉……”针金脸色逐渐缓和,“我刚刚的想法太冲动了,你分析的很有道理。我会继续忍耐的。我们才是最紧密的一对,不是吗?” That is natural, Lord!” Zi Di smile. “那是当然的,大人!”紫蒂微笑。 But in fact, Zi Di has been looking for the opportunity, gave the truth to the substitute person. 但事实上,紫蒂一直在寻找机会,向替身说明真相。 Not only she is busy, the substitute person does not guard the shipbuilding location during the daytime, the protection giant goes crazy, is goes to the battleline to conduct the urgent support. By the night, the substitute person will also continue the night patrol, all alone beastified war beast group. 然而不只是她繁忙,替身白天不是镇守造船场地,防备大个子发疯,就是前往阵线进行紧急支援。到了夜晚,替身还会继续夜巡,孤身一人兽化大战兽群。 Bai Ya sickness. 白芽病了。 However, the wounded and sick person are too many. For treating almost counted on that a Zi Di person, her pressure is enormous. 然而,伤病的人太多。治疗几乎都指望紫蒂一人,她压力极大。 Zi Di has not acted appropriately to the situation, therefore configuration potion can alleviate the Bai Ya symptom, but cannot permanently cure. 紫蒂没有对症下药,因此配置药剂能够缓解白芽的症状,但不能根治。 Shortly, Bai Ya is on the verge of death, looks deathly pale, is lying low remaining unconscious. 不久后,白芽濒死,脸色惨白,平躺着昏迷不醒。 Zi Di catches up to treat and cure, discovers character that on the letter paper faded, in heart immediately big quake. 紫蒂赶来救治,发现了信纸上褪色的字,心中顿时大震。 Bai Ya used that bottle of ink!” 白芽用了那瓶墨水!” She understands instantaneously Bai Ya symptom, he is the indirect victim who Zi Di plots to murder the captain. 她瞬间明白白芽的症状,他是紫蒂谋害船长的间接受害者。 The Bai Ya letter/believes looks like a needle, suddenly jabs into the heart of Zi Di. She is guilty about Bai Ya, produced fear to the destiny. 白芽的信就像是一根针,忽然刺进紫蒂的心中。她对白芽愧疚,又对命运产生了畏惧。 Substitute person, Cang Xu and the others do not know this secret luckily. 幸好替身、苍须等人都不知这个秘密。 Lord, please hold your steps.” When leaves, Zi Di stopped by calling out the substitute person. 大人,请留步。”离开时,紫蒂叫住了替身。 In the corridor was only left over them. 过道中只剩下了他们俩人。 Lord, gives me to take care these letters. You charge after all frequently in the forefront.” Zi Di said. 大人,把这些信交给我保管吧。你毕竟经常冲锋在最前线。”紫蒂道。 Please must take care of it well.” The substitute people nod, handed over the letter/believes to Zi Di, did not have the slight suspicion. “请你务必好好保管它。”替身点头,将信转交给了紫蒂,没有丝毫的怀疑。 Grasps the Bai Ya letter/believes, Zi Di is understanding, so long as she has done, will have the traces. 握着白芽的信,紫蒂明白,只要她做过,都会有蛛丝马迹。 With its will be discovered by him in the future, might as well confesses now!” “与其将来被他发现,还不如现在坦白!” Thinks of here, Zi Di opens the mouth: Lord, I......” 想到这里,紫蒂开口:“大人,我……” The substitute people actually hit to block the way: Does not need to comfort me. Indeed, my present mood is very low, my companion collapsed. But I do not have the ability to save him, has too many times, my ability really limited......” 替身却打断道:“不用安慰我。的确,我现在的心情很低落,我的同伴倒下了。但我没有能力去拯救他,有太多的时候,我的能力实在有限……” The substitute people fell into during the self-doubt, the Bai Ya condition became attack to a certain extent to other party. 替身陷入了自我怀疑当中,白芽的状况对他造成了某种程度上的打击。 Sees substitute person such manner, is guiltier as Zi Di of murderer. 看到替身这样的神态,作为凶手的紫蒂更加愧疚。 Lord!” She calls one lightly, one step, invests into the arms of substitute person in forward on own initiative. 大人!”她轻唤一声,向前一步,主动投入到替身的怀抱中。 Lord Zhen Jin, you absolutely are qualified, no, the outstanding leader, you are Knight, my...... Knight, please do not suspect themselves.” 针金大人,你绝对是合格,不,优秀的领袖,你是骑士,我的……骑士,请不要怀疑自己。” The soft tender body, affirmative encouragement, making the substitute person depressed look clear out slightly. 柔软的娇躯,还有肯定的鼓励,让替身沮丧的神色稍稍疏解。 youngster lifts the hand, caresses the shoulder of Zi Di. 少年抬起手,抚住紫蒂的肩膀。 Feels the warmth that the substitute person is embracing, Zi Di felt that two people heartbeat gradually tended to be consistent. 感受着替身怀抱的温暖,紫蒂感觉到两人的心跳都渐渐趋于一致了。 Spring in this moment, all sorts of worries in her heart, look like the rivers that defrosts, the ice piece on river surface are washed away gradually, reveal to be vital, the river water that flows unceasingly. 在这一刻,她心中的种种顾虑,就像是春天解冻的河流,河面上的冰块被渐渐冲走,露出充满生机,不断流淌的河水。 Zi Di clenches teeth, in this flash, she had enough courage finally again. 紫蒂咬了咬牙,在这一瞬间,她终于再次有了足够的勇气。 But when she is just about to open the mouth to pour out the truth, the substitute person actually facial expression changes, the ultrasonic investigation the frontline was in danger. 但当她正要开口倾吐真相时,替身却神情微变,超声波探查到了前线告急。 I must walk!” The substitute people shove open Zi Di gently. “我得走了!”替身轻轻地推开紫蒂 Was broken again, the courage in Zi Di heart is defeated and dispersed immediately most. 被再次打断,紫蒂心中的勇气顿时溃散大半。 She is discouraged, hates own weakness, while only then loosens the both arms, amethyst eye pupil deeply gazes at the substitute person, looks at he is turning around to depart, the form disappears in the corner. 她气馁沮丧,一边痛恨自己的软弱,一边只有松开双臂,紫水晶的眼眸深深地注视着替身,看着他转身离去,身影消失在拐角处。 This is she best opportunity, is her last chance. 这是她最好的机会,也是她最后的机会。 But then she thinks that also has the good opportunity. 但当时的她以为还有良机。 She is too young, in the subconscious the association/will thinks that the future time will be a lot , the life will be getting more and more happy. 她到底太年轻,潜意识里总会认为未来的时间很多,生活会越来越美好。 The ship made, the joyful banquet, the substitute person left the crowd silently, accompanied to sit with the giant. 船造好了,欢庆的宴会,替身默默离开人群,和大个子相伴而坐。 The unprecedented earthquake, small valley avalanche, the magic beast regiment attacks, frigid battle, Zi Di has to use the medicine to direct, to initiate many companion beastified, this preserved the lives of others. 前所未有的地震发生,小山谷崩塌,魔兽军团来袭,一场惨烈的厮杀,紫蒂不得不动用药引,引发诸多同伴兽化,这才保存了其他人的性命。 After the war, the people got together, dissected the body of beastified companion. 战后,众人齐聚,解剖了兽化同伴的尸体。 Zi Di guides intentionally: You did not think that these beastified people, do look like with magic beast of these transformations very much?” 紫蒂故意引导:“你们不觉得这些兽化人,和那些改造的魔兽很像吗?” I have no evidence, I guessed. master of the island laid down ultra giant magic formation on this island, or other anything form arrangement. But these arrangement, forcing us to transmit randomly, form the magic restriction environment, even controls weather and other functions. In addition, perhaps it can also change all sorts of life on island subtly, our companion beastified, perhaps are this reason.” “我没有任何证据,我只是猜测。海岛之主在这座海岛上铺设了超巨型魔法阵,或者其他什么形式的布置。而这些布置,强制我们随机传送,形成禁魔的环境,甚至还有控制天气等作用。除此之外,或许它还能潜移默化地改变海岛上的种种生命,我们同伴之所以兽化,恐怕就是这个原因。” She succeeded, no one suspects her. 她成功了,没有人怀疑她。 But in her heart actually no joy. 但她心中却无任何的喜悦。 Especially when she saw, in the deck the substitute person lowers the head the pray, saw that his face is heavy, the sad facial expression that is hard to conceal. 尤其是当她看到,甲板上替身低头祈祷,看到他一脸沉重,难以掩饰的忧愁神情。 Guilty and loves dearly simultaneous/uniform Xi, but. 愧疚和心疼齐袭而至。 Other person of beastified, you can also beastified. You were certainly worrying that was worried some own beastified, becomes berserk, loses the reason, harms others.” “其他人兽化了,你也能兽化。你一定是在担心吧,担心自己某一次兽化,变得狂暴,丧失理智,伤害其他人。” Always, in your heart was full of the doubts.” “一直以来,你的心中都充满了疑惑。” I can explain your doubts. However, but......” “我能解答你的疑惑。但是,但是……” After beastified matter, just like between Zi Di and substitute person, were many a mountain range barrier. 兽化的事情发生之后,犹如在紫蒂和替身之间,再多了一层山峦般的隔阂。 Sorry, sorry, is I harms your......” “对不起,对不起,是我害得你这样……” All because of my mistake.” “一切都是因为我的错。” Zi Di wants to protect the substitute person, but timidly is afraid to be hard to step the footsteps. 紫蒂想去呵护替身,但却胆怯心虚得难以迈动脚步。 She knows that she camouflages very well, at least at present, the substitute person has not discovered the flaw. 她知道自己伪装得很好,至少目前,替身是没有发现破绽的。 However she does not dare to go. 但是她就是不敢去。 She loves him, but each love is more like injuries time. 她爱他,但每一次的爱更像是一次次的伤害。 In the ships destruction eye, the earthquake again, all fall into certainly, as if only then choice of waiting rescue. 船只毁坏眼中,地震再次发生,一切陷入绝地,似乎只有等待救援的选择了。 Looks ground that is cracking at present, the broad rivers that forms suddenly, Zi Di is clenching teeth, says another option that she knew. 望着眼前开裂的地面,陡然形成的宽阔的河流,紫蒂咬着牙,说出了她知道的另外一个选项。 Perhaps, here also has means.” She hesitates, because she has not grasped. “或许,我这里还有一个办法。”她非常犹豫,因为她对此也没有丝毫把握。 We can go to central the region, perhaps there has the hope of returning alive!” “我们可以去最中心的地带,那里或许有生还的希望!” Still remembers content that we analyze?” “还记得我们分析出来的内容吗?” So long as we attacked and occupied the center, had the hope of escaping.” “只要我们攻占了中枢,就有逃生的希望了。” People intent moves, but was still in hesitant middle. 众人意动,但仍旧处于犹豫当中。 At this critical moment, substitute person recompounding she: In just, Emperor Holybright transmitted the enlightenment to me!” 在这个关键时刻,替身再次配合了她:“就在刚刚,圣明大帝向我传达了启示!” The substitute person hand is pointing at the rivers, made the decision. 替身手指着河流,做出了决定。 Team again. 队伍再次出发。 First goes by boat to skice, later has to come ashore. 先是一路乘船疾行,之后不得不上岸。 Hindrance numerous, eye looks at must halt in this, making Zi Di be the surprised support. 阻碍重重,眼看着就要止步于此,令紫蒂感到意外的支援到了。 Unexpectedly is Jia Sha! 竟是痂沙 They are also living. 他们还活着。 Zi Di looks after Hei Juan, cannot easily leak the identity. 紫蒂关照黑卷,不能轻易泄露身份。 But the Hei Juan surface complies, but stemming from worry of own life, explained to Jia Sha in secret all that he knows. 黑卷表面答应,但出于对自身性命的担忧,还是暗中向痂沙说明了他所知道的一切。 With the aid of the help of Jia Sha, Zi Di and people enter the alchemy factory together, has rushed to the production workshop and lava battlefield, enters Central Tower. 借助痂沙的帮助,紫蒂和众人一起进入炼金工厂,闯过生产车间、熔岩战场,进入中枢塔 Requesting reinforcements of Tower Spirit, making her extremely pleasantly surprised, almost without hesitant, she bravely steps forward, to fighting Jia Sha. 塔灵的求援,让她极其惊喜,几乎没有犹豫,她就挺身而出,对战痂沙 However finally, she fell short. 然而最终,她还是功亏一篑了。
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