EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#204: I am not your princess

Zi Di knows the secret of substitute person, worries for this reason anxiously. 紫蒂知道替身的秘密,也为此担忧焦虑。 beastified and between God's favored knight these two differed was too big, once the secret exposure, definitely will trigger in an uproar, people's response was inestimable. 兽化神眷骑士这两者之间相差太大了,一旦秘密曝光,必定会引发一片哗然,众人的反应无法估计。 And Zhen Jin. He also knows this secret!” “并且还有针金在。他也知晓这个秘密!” Has saying that joining of Zhen Jin makes Zi Di feel the pressure. 不得不说,针金的加入让紫蒂倍感压力。 The conservative secret, undertakes this anxiety, lets the substitute person and Zi Di feels the suffering. 保守秘密,承担这种忧虑,让替身和紫蒂都倍感煎熬。 Finally, Zi Di sets firm resolve, uses War Monger to deliver to her beastified potion. 终于,紫蒂下定了决心,动用了战贩交予她的兽化药剂 Zi Di dilutes potion, one person puts in food and water of reserve secretly. 紫蒂药剂稀释,偷偷一个人放入储备的食物和水中。 Just started, the people ate these food and water, has not felt what difference. But as feed increases, the toxin in within the body then accumulates. 刚开始,众人吃了这些食物和水,并没有感觉什么异样。但随着进食的次数增多,体内的毒素便累加起来。 In the team starts to have the member to fall ill. 队伍里开始有成员生病。 At first, the people excessively have not paid attention. 起先,众人并没有过多关注。 But, the person of falling ill are over time getting more and more, and disease symptom is very similar, even the shipwrights got sick. 但随着时间推移,生病的人越来越多,并且疾病症状都十分相似,甚至就连船匠都得病了。 Coughs......” shipwright to lie down on the straw mat, his complexion flushed, aura is weak, the skin swollen, looks at anything one fuzziness. “咳咳咳……”船匠躺在草铺上,他面色潮红,气息虚弱,皮肤浮肿,看任何东西都一片模糊。 Very sorry, Lord, gave you...... to put to trouble.” Shipwright worn out said/tunnel. “很抱歉,诸位大人,给你们……添麻烦了。”船匠有气无力地道。 Okay the rest, do not think much, has me, will not give up anyone.” The substitute people comfort the shipwright as far as possible. “好好休息,不要多想,有我在,不会放弃任何一人。”替身尽量宽慰船匠。 Afterward, he and Zi Di and the others leaves the tent gradually. 随后,他和紫蒂等人缓步离开帐篷。 What kind of?” Hei Juan( Zhen Jin) inquired immediately, shipwright may make no mistake, what sickness did he have?” “怎么样?”黑卷(针金)立即询问,“船匠可不容有失,他到底得了什么病?” Zi Di heaves a deep sigh: I and you said many times, I am only Potionist, main attack fragrance arena Potionist, is not the doctor.” 紫蒂摇头叹息:“我和你们说了多少次了,我只是一名药剂师,主攻香水领域的药剂师,并不是医师。” Reason that I could not find the pathogenesis.” “我找不到致病的原因。” This should not be the poison, is not magic corrodes, fell ill.” “这应该不是中毒,也不是什么魔力侵蚀,就是生病了。” „If the common case, I have some assurances. But this sickness, may be very related with here environment, I am unable to start.” “如果是寻常的病例,我还有一些把握。但这种病,很可能和这里的环境有关,我无从下手。” The Zong Ge sound is low and deep: Had this sickness, not only but shipwright, several other people. I suspected that this is an infectious disease.” 鬃戈声音低沉:“得了这种病的,可不只是船匠,还有其他几个人。我怀疑这是一种传染病。” The people look changes. 众人神色微变。 Infectious disease......” substitute person is serious, sighs secretly. “传染病……”替身面色凝重,暗自叹息。 Person who these fall ill, although symptom weight, but is very similar. Can give up these people?” Tripleblade inquired the substitute person. “这些生病的人,症状虽然轻重不等,但都很相似。要放弃这些人吗?”三刀询问替身。 Gives up?” Hei Juan( Zhen Jin) shakes the head, does not have the words of shipwright, our how shipbuilding?” “放弃?”黑卷(针金)摇头,“没有船匠的话,我们怎么造船呢?” In my hand too deficient tool.” Zi Di complained to the substitute person, I cannot use magic, the configuration potion technique and skill, limited very much. Now I can only some configuration simple herbal medicines, making their painful feeling reduce.” “我手中太缺乏工具了。”紫蒂向替身诉苦,“我不能动用魔法,配置药剂的手法和技巧,都很局限。现在我只能配置一些简单的草药,让他们的痛苦感受减轻一些。” The people have not suspected Zi Di. 众人都没有怀疑紫蒂 Sign that these fall ill, is actually beastified potion thorough within the body, transforms the process of human body. Because shipwright kind of person physique is relatively weak, although Zi Di dilutes potion, and takes repeatedly, the bodies of these people still somewhat could not withstand. 这些生病的迹象,其实都是兽化药剂深入体内,改造人体的过程。因为船匠这类人体质相对较弱,尽管紫蒂已经是稀释药剂,并且多次服用,这些人的身体仍旧有些承受不住。 However, in the Zi Di surface cannot find way out, actually in the heart was not worried. 不过,紫蒂表面上一筹莫展,其实心中并不担心。 All in her control. 一切都在她的掌控当中。 For serveral days, she configuration had left in view of this beastified potion antidote. 这些天,她已经配置出了针对这份兽化药剂的解药。 She will dissolve these antidotes in other potion, drinks to the person who some cannot support quickly. As the matter stands, can save the life of opposite party. 她会将这些解药溶解在其他药剂中,给一些快支撑不住的人喝下去。这样一来,就能保住对方的性命。 The infection condition is getting more and more serious, more people fell ill. 传染病情越来越严重,更多的人生病了。 Zong Ge and Hei Juan( Zhen Jin), Cang Xu and the others start to advocate that gives up these sickness, but the substitute person always insisted that leaves behind and protects these companions. He even continues to visit the sickness every day, tries the best, inspires to them. 鬃戈黑卷(针金)、苍须等人都开始主张放弃这些病患,但替身始终坚持留下并保护这些同伴。他甚至每天都持续探望病患,尽自己所能,给他们鼓舞。 Only has the Zi Di support substitute person, but in the surface she still used with the tactful tone persuasion substitute person: As far as possible do not visit these sickness, if had the disease to be bad. 唯有紫蒂支持替身,但表面上她仍旧用用委婉的语气劝说替身:尽量不要去探望这些病患,万一被染上疾病就糟糕了。 The substitute people have not listened to this suggestions. 替身并没有听取这个意见。 Disease abated, in fact, is beastified potion becomes effective, Zi Di stopped this plot promptly. “疾病”消退了,事实上,是兽化药剂生效,紫蒂及时停止了这个阴谋。 They had few people physique to be powerful, counter-balanced efficacy of potion. Also there is a few people physique emaciated, was used the antidote by Zi Di in secret, preserved the life. 他们当中有一部分人体质强大,抵消了药效。也有一部分人体质过于孱弱,被紫蒂暗中动用解药,保存了性命。 So long as I spread this medicine to direct, during can trigger many suddenly beastified.” “只要我播撒这个药引,就能触发当中许多人突然兽化。” But after beastified, these people must lose the reason, the violent disposition send greatly. Continues after some time, will die a violent death at the scene.” “但兽化之后,这些人都要失去理智,狂性大发。持续一段时间后,就会暴毙当场。” Hopes me not to need this medicine to direct.” “但愿我不会用到这个药引。” Zi Di does not want to aim at these people, she does this, but to shield substitute person. 紫蒂并不想针对这些人,她这样做,只是为了掩护替身。 Once the secret exposure of substitute person beastified, her active medication directs, lets other person beastified, thus makes the substitute person innocent, then takes advantage of opportunity to put the blame on all evils to the environment of this island. 一旦替身兽化的秘密曝光,她就能动用药引,让其他一些人兽化,从而让替身变得无辜,然后再顺势将所有的罪恶归咎到这个海岛的环境中去。 Left the moist sultry jungle, the people climbed mountains and crossed rivers, finally arrived at the sand beach. 离开了潮湿闷热的丛林,众人一路跋涉,终于来到了沙滩。 In sand beach going forward line, the speed of team changes quick, because does not have these trees and vines to block the way again. 在沙滩上前行,队伍的速度会变快很多,因为再没有那些树木、藤蔓拦路。 But the good outlook did not last long, the weather gradually becomes unusual, heavy rain continuously. 但好景不长,天气渐渐变得异常起来,大雨连绵不断。 In order to avoid wood of shipbuilding was soaked, the team has to return to the rain forest, takes shelter from the rain with the aid of the trees vegetation. 为了避免造船的木材被浸湿,队伍只好又回到了雨林中,借助树木植被来避雨。 After pitching camp, Zi Di by starlight, secretly person in a tent that arrives at the substitute person. 安营扎寨之后,紫蒂趁着夜色,偷偷一人来到替身的帐篷里。 Lord, this is potion that I manufacture, manufactures for mother stock with a poisonous mushroom. potion has the slight toxicity, can rouse the spirit, particularly can drive out the cold to increase the taste.” 大人,这是我制作的药剂,是用一种毒蘑菇为主料制作的。药剂有轻微毒性,能振奋精神,尤其是能驱寒增味。” In fact, this is the antidote. 事实上,这是解药。 Although the physique of substitute person is very powerful, but also ate these food and water, his within the body is also saving many beastified potion. 尽管替身的体质十分强大,但同样吃了那些食物和水,他的体内也积蓄着不少的兽化药剂 The substitute people do not doubt him, at present one bright: Also can make are more? Can promote to everyone?” 替身不疑有他,眼前一亮:“还能制造更多吗?能向所有人推广吗?” Zi Di shakes the head: „Only the physical quality powerful person, can disregard this toxicity. At least must have Blackiron Rank life-level.” 紫蒂摇头:“只有身体素质强大的人,才能无视这种毒性。至少得有黑铁级生命层次。” Thank you, Zi Di.” Zhen Jin gentle said/tunnel. “谢谢你,紫蒂。”针金温柔地道。 Zi Di returns to smile. 紫蒂回以嫣然一笑。 The entire plan is implemented unusual is smooth, except for the young girl, no one knows this secret. 整个计划实施的非常顺利,除了少女,没有人知晓这个秘密。 But also has the accident/surprise. 但也有意外。 Zhen Jin found Zi Di to interrogate: That night, some people saw tent that your person went to the substitute person secretly. Did you do?” 针金找到紫蒂质问:“那天晚上,有人看到你偷偷一人去了替身的帐篷。你干什么去了?” Zi Di explained hastily. 紫蒂连忙解释一番。 Zhen Jin eye of band of light carefully examining: My fiancee, your some are not right!” 针金的目光带着审视:“我的未婚妻,你有些不对劲!” Zhen Jin shakes the head: You, so long as knows that I am Zhen Jin, that is only the fake goods. When he did not have the use value, he will welcome the death. This damn island, is not the whole world. You must remember, you are Zi Di, is President of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, is my fiancee!” 针金摇头:“你只要知道我才是针金,那个只是冒牌货。等到他没有了利用价值,他就会迎来死亡。这个该死的海岛,不是整个世界。你要记得,你是紫蒂,是紫藤商会的会主,也是我的未婚妻!” Zi Di stares the double pupil: I know! Lord Zhen Jin, what are you suspecting my?” 紫蒂微瞪双眸:“我知道啊!针金大人,你在怀疑我什么?” You put best into it.” Zhen Jin is cold the face, retreats quietly. “你好自为之。”针金冷着脸,悄然退走。 Has detected? But I must keep your life......” in Zi Di eye pupil to flash through wipe the quiet glow. Zhen Jin also ate food and water, but was used the antidote by Zi Di in secret. “有所察觉了吗?但我还得留你一命……”紫蒂眼眸中闪过一抹幽芒。针金也吃了食物和水,但被紫蒂暗中用了解药。 The team continues, they arrived at the first camp finally, however the camp is a nobody left. 队伍继续前行,他们终于来到了第一营地,然而营地已然是空无一人。 After seeing letter/believes that stays behind, the people arrive at small valley, finally with large unit convergence. 见到留下的信后,众人来到小山谷,终于和大部队汇合。 The substitute people lead the people, captured the leadership strongly, and later smoothly took care of the threat of underground sandworm, consolidated the authority thoroughly. 替身率领众人,强势地夺得了领导权,并且之后顺利解决了地下沙虫的威胁,彻底巩固了权威。 Bai Ya and the others dismantled half The Pig's Kiss, the shipwright designed the new ship, people turns over in full the beast group, while starts the shipbuilding. 白芽等人拆解了半截猪吻号,船匠设计出了新船,人们一边清缴兽群,一边开始造船。 How many gaps commodity does have?” The substitute people break silent, inquired. “物资方面有多少缺口?”替身打破沉默,询问道。 Shipwright reply: Mainly is ship nail. We need many irons, this aspect gap is biggest.” 船匠回答:“主要是船钉。我们需要很多的铁,这方面缺口最大。” „Are our ores not enough?” The substitute people feel the doubts, he was afraid this at that time, many shapeshift Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, mined at night unceasingly. Now their ore in hand, mostly is the substitute person one person excavation. “我们的矿石还不够多吗?”替身感到疑惑,他当时就是害怕这个,多个夜晚都变身猴尾棕熊,不断挖矿。现在他们手中的矿石,多半都是替身一个人挖掘的。 Zi Di replied: We must thank these Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, the ore is the sufficiency. However must extract the iron in ore, at present what we use being potion melts the means. potion in this aspect is far from enough.” 紫蒂回答道:“我们要感谢那些猴尾棕熊,矿石是足量的。但是要提取矿石中的铁,我们目前采用的是药剂消融的办法。这方面的药剂远远不够。” Her looks at substitute person, in the eye has the happy expression, but the substitute person had not detected. 看着替身,眼中带着笑意,但替身并没有察觉。 The shipwrights also talked about the shipbuilding time, at least needed more than half a year. 船匠又讲到造船时间,至少需要大半年。 Zhen Jin is unsatisfied about this time. 针金对这个时间也不满意。 The substitute people are also disappointed, the time of more than half a year passes by, perhaps the Lord of the Whitesand City position has decided. 替身也同样失望,大半年的时间过去,白沙城主的位置恐怕已经定夺下来了。 Zi Di in heart, helpless sighed. 紫蒂在心中无奈叹息。 Initially, she must remove the The Pig's Kiss captain, to win time. But has not thought that had the perils of the sea, reduced Monster Bewildering Island, the time drags long. And at that time, Zi Di landed time, the brain found the alchemy factory, inherits the War Monger heritage. 当初,她之所以要除掉猪吻号的船长,就是为了争取时间。但没想到发生了海难,沦落到迷怪岛,时间拖得更长了。并且当时,紫蒂登陆的时候,满脑子都是找到炼金工厂,去继承战贩的遗产。 The people work as one, the shipbuilding progress is swift and violent. 众人齐心协力,造船进展迅猛。 Zhen Jin waits till the opportunity finally, peeped at beastified of substitute person. 针金终于等到机会,窥视到了替身的兽化 He returns to small valley in a panic, seeks help from Zi Di: Now, only then you can help me!” 他仓皇地逃回小山谷,向紫蒂求助:“现在,只有你能帮我了!” In Zi Di heart thump: Came on this day finally? I have arranged luckily appropriately. Really is not good, can only sacrifice some people.” 紫蒂心中咯噔一下:“难道这一天终于来了吗?幸好我已经布置妥当了。实在不行,就只能牺牲一些人了。” But in the surface, she is staring Zhen Jin unbelievable: Lord, how can you this?! You did this were too risky, did not absoltely need. Now what we must do flees from here full power.” 但表面上,她难以置信地瞪着针金:“大人,你怎么可以这样做?!你这样做太冒险了,根本没有必要。我们现在要做的是全力逃离这里。” Zhen Jin feels very frightened, wants to clear own suspicion strongly, eliminates the substitute person to remove own intention. He uses the record truth the letter paper, threatens Zi Di. 针金感到十分恐惧,想要竭力洗清自己的嫌疑,打消掉替身除掉自己的意图。他利用记载真相的信笺,来威胁紫蒂 The appearance that in the Zi Di surface was threatened, stood firm Zhen Jin, in the heart has chosen to help him. 紫蒂表面上一副被威胁住的样子,稳住针金,心中早已选择帮助他。 Because she is clear: Secret exposure, the shortcoming is much more than advantage. Her beastified potion, but recovers the method.” 因为她非常清楚:“秘密曝光,弊远远大于利。她的兽化药剂,只是补救手段而已。” In the Zhen Jin heart filled in a terrified way, he interrogated Zi Di: „Should you not fall in love with him?” 针金心中充满了惶恐,他质问紫蒂:“你该不会是爱上了他吧?” Zi Di was said that denied hastily: „Does Lord, actually in your brain think what? Will I fall in love with him? A substitute person? A beastified person?” 紫蒂被说中,连忙否认:“大人,你的脑子里究竟想些什么呢?我会爱上他?一个替身?一个兽化人?” This time, Zhen Jin easily had not actually been fooled. Panic-stricken emotional stimuli his mind compared with usually pure brightness. 这一次,针金却没有被轻易唬住。惊恐的情绪刺激得他头脑比平时更加清明。 Yes, is really laughable, falls in love with a substitute person, falling in love with a beastified person...... this is really unwise, will not be the matter that Chamber of Commerce President should do.” “是啊,真是可笑,爱上一个替身,爱上一个兽化人……这真的太不明智了,绝不会是一届商会会长该干的事情。” But love...... this type of thing, but also really did not say certainly.” “但是爱情啊……这种东西,还真的说不准。” When the love became confused, in this world the sane person will also become the incurable fool!” “当爱情冲昏了头脑,这个世界上再理智的人也会成为无可救药的傻瓜!” „Very dangerous, Zi Di, your present performance makes me feel that you now are very dangerous.” “很危险啊,紫蒂,你现在的表现让我感觉到你现在很危险。” I hope that you can clearly recognize the reality.” “我希望你能够认清楚现实。” Even if you fell in love with him, among you still can only be a tragedy!” “就算你爱上了他,你们之间也只会是一场悲剧!” Thinks to look that when he knows all truth, when he knows that oneself at all is not Templar Knight, is only a base and low substitute person, when he knows person who he most loves, fiancee who he has thought that actually deceives he deepest person. What to do can he? How will he see you?” “想想看吧,当他知道一切的真相,当他知道自己根本不是圣殿骑士,只是一个卑微的替身,当他知道他最爱的人,他一直以为的未婚妻,其实是欺骗他最深的人。他会怎么办?他会怎么看你?” These words seem like a advantage arrow, hits a target Zi Di innermost feelings most deep place. 这番话像是一柄利箭,射中紫蒂内心最深处。 She breathes stagnates. 她不由呼吸一滞。 In this moment, she is suddenly enlighted: Originally most are afraid, is not the secret exposure of substitute person. But is the anxiety, once truth exposition, how the substitute person regards her. 在这一刻,她恍然大悟:原来自己最害怕的,并非替身的秘密曝光。而是忧虑一旦真相暴露,替身如何看待她。 She knows, in the mind of substitute person, she is a perfect fiancee, is with good intention, sincere concern, auxiliary a great deal. 她知道,在替身的心目中,她是一个完美的未婚妻,善解人意,真诚关切,辅助良多。 If truth exposition, substitute person disappointed? 如果真相暴露,替身会有多失望? Does she go facing him? 她又如何去面对他呢? The substitute person is true Knight, but she? 替身是一名真正的骑士,而她呢? In plot of War Monger she is the accomplice, Zhen Jin is she camouflages, the captain is she kills, the perils of the sea indirect are she initiate, beastified potion is under her...... 战贩的阴谋中她是帮凶,针金是她伪装的,船长是她杀死的,海难间接是她引发的,兽化药剂是她下的…… How will he regard real me?” “他会怎样看待真实的我?” This issue makes the young girl unable to withstand weakly, the courage in heart was blown to disperse. 这个问题让少女虚弱不堪,心中的勇气被一吹而散。 You are Knight, but I in fact...... am not your princess.” “你是一名骑士,但我实际上……不是你的公主。”
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