EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#203: beastified potion

Zi Di lifts the tent quietly, worms one's way into. 紫蒂悄悄地掀开帐篷,钻了进去。 The tent is strict, dim. 帐篷严密,一片昏暗。 The substitute people lay down, have been falling into sank during the dormancy. 替身躺着,已是陷入了沉眠当中。 Zi Di calls several lightly Lord, the substitute people had not responded, rests very deadly. 紫蒂轻唤几声“大人”,替身都没有丝毫反应,睡得很死。 In the Zi Di heart sighed: He at last night fierce battle , the adventure thorough forest, chases down the remaining magic beast regiment, squeezes the physical strength and energy thoroughly. He really cannot support, therefore comes back, fell into sank the dormancy. But does not process the wound, acted unreasonably.” 紫蒂心中一叹:“他在昨夜酣战,又冒险深入森林,追杀残余的魔兽军团,彻底压榨体力、精力。他是实在支撑不住,所以一回来,就陷入了沉眠。但不处理伤口,也太乱来了。” Zi Di arrives at side the substitute person cautiously, partly kneels on the ground, the finger trembles is reaching the lower hem of substitute person slowly. 紫蒂小心翼翼地来到替身身边,半跪在地上,手指微颤着缓缓伸向替身的衣摆。 When Zi Di starts to give the substitute person to take off the clothing, her movement is becomes stabilizes. 等到紫蒂开始给替身脱下衣衫,她的动作已经是变得稳定起来。 She inflates for oneself in the heart unceasingly: Zi Di, has the courage, you can!” 她在心中不断地为自己打气:“紫蒂,鼓起勇气,你可以的!” He can brave death to chase down, can't your matter achieve?” “他能够冒死追杀,你这点事情都做不到吗?” You had made one time in any case before, in that bitter experience Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear cave.” “反正之前你已经做过一次了,就在那个遭遇猴尾棕熊的山洞中。” Now is not the first time!” “现在又不是第一次!” But must as soon as possible, the time delay for a long time, discovered possibly is bigger.” “但必须尽快,时间拖延得越久,被发现的可能就越大。” Particularly cannot be discovered by Zhen Jin, otherwise the consequence is unpredictable!” “尤其是不能被针金发现,否则后果难以预料!” Before long the time, Zi Di on the whole face sweat stain, breathes tenderly pants gets up. 不一会儿功夫,紫蒂就满脸汗渍,娇喘吁吁起来。 The substitute people fall into the deepest sleep, the entire body is heavy, Zi Di removes feels very strenuous. 替身陷入最深沉的睡眠,整个身体死沉死沉的,紫蒂搬挪的时候感到非常吃力。 Laborious at the same time, she feels a happiness and excitement from the heart, as well as Zi Di is not necessarily able to detect, at the back of exciting feeling of Zhen Jin secretly conduct. 辛苦的同时,她又感到一种发自内心的幸福和兴奋,以及一丝紫蒂都未必能察觉到的,背着针金偷偷行事的刺激感。 Well?” Got the physical exam of substitute person comprehensively, Zi Di is very surprised. “咦?”全面检查了替身的身体,紫蒂十分惊奇。 Substitute person 1 injury does not have, do not look at the surface to be blood-covered, very scary appearance, but in fact his physical condition very good. 替身身上一点伤势都没有,别看表面血糊糊的,很骇人的模样,但实际上他的身体状况非常之好。 Zi Di blinks again and again, at the scene. 紫蒂连连眨眼,愣在当场。 She associated to last night suddenly, the substitute person rejected her treatment on the grounds of time press, immediately summoned the people, finally led Zong Ge and the others to launch to chase down. 她忽然联想到昨夜,替身以时间紧迫为由拒绝了她的治疗,立即就号召众人,最终率领鬃戈等人展开追杀。 „, Hasn't he been injured?” “难道说,他并没有受伤?” Indeed, according to others narrated, he fought before, not obvious injury. Later, the military camp ignites soars to the heavens the fire, no one sees the scene that he fights.” “的确,按照其他人的叙说,他之前交手,并没有明显的受伤。之后,营寨燃起冲天大火,也没有人看到他战斗的场景。” „, After his beastified, the strength is powerful, returns safe and sound. But this does not conform to the common sense obviously, therefore he does make so the camouflage?” “如此说来,他兽化之后,战力非常强大,以至于毫发无损。但这明显不符合常理,所以他才做出如此伪装吗?” Snort, deceives my good pain!” “哼,骗得我好苦!” Zi Di bit a tooth, felt relieved thoroughly. 紫蒂咬了一下牙,彻底放下心来。 looks at still slept soundly the substitute person, looking like the baby is equally lovable, Zi Di has an impulsion that suddenly wants to nip his cheeks. 看着仍旧熟睡中的替身,就像是婴儿一样可爱,紫蒂忽然生出一股想要咬他一口脸颊的冲动。 Therefore, you have the stratagem bravely.” “所以,你是有勇有谋的。” You have had confidence very much, therefore chases down blue wool evil wolf and magic beast regiment.” “你一直都很有把握,所以才去追杀蓝毛恶狼以及魔兽军团。” You summoned that others follow, what are actually more, wants to get rid of own suspicion? After all if your one person made like this, will make one suspect.” “你号召其他人跟着去,其实更多的是,是想摆脱自己的嫌疑吧?毕竟如果你一个人这样做成了,会让人十分怀疑的。” Harms me to be worried so much, your good-for-nothing!” “害我这么担心,你这个坏家伙!” The finger of Zi Di delimits the chest that the substitute person has revealed that the tooth is biting the lip, finally the heart is hard to take itchy, bends down fiercely, approaches the face of substitute person. 紫蒂的手指划过替身袒露的胸膛,牙齿咬着嘴唇,终于心痒难耐,猛地俯身下去,凑近替身的脸庞。 But she has not gone to nip him eventually, but kissed his superficially. 但她终究没有去咬他,而是蜻蜓点水般地吻了他一下。 After completing this movement, her whole person feels like burns. 做完这个动作之后,她整个人感觉像是烧起来。 How was my?!” She covers the cheeks subconsciously, felt that own ear nose is braving the boiling hot steam. “我这是怎么了?!”她下意识地捂住脸颊,感觉自己的耳鼻都在冒着滚烫的蒸汽。 Her heart jumps madly crazily, the exciting and happy heart raids, making her head fall into during the feeling of some wonderful dizziness slightly. 她心头疯狂乱跳,兴奋和幸福感袭来,让她的脑袋陷入某种美妙的微微眩晕的感觉当中。 Leaves the tent of substitute person to her, is blowing the evening wind, she sobers gradually. 一直到她离开替身的帐篷,吹着傍晚的风,她才渐渐清醒过来。 „Do I have to tie the buckle of clothes to him?” “我有没有给他系上衣服的扣?” Zi Di discovered oneself absolutely do not have the memory in this aspect, in just that time, her mood extremely in surges. 紫蒂发现自己完全没有这方面的记忆,在刚刚的那段时间里,她情绪太过于翻腾了。 She wants to confirm, but at this time, actually some people were close to here. 她想去确认一下,但这个时候,却是有人接近这里。 I should tie to him.” Zi Di hesitant, probably be a thief is afraid, lowered the head left here hurriedly. “我应该给他系上了。”紫蒂犹豫了一下,像是做贼般心虚起来,低着头匆忙离开了这里。 At nightfall, bonfire flame. 入夜时分,篝火燃烧起来。 People has the dinner, while harbors the extremely enthusiasm to discuss the substitute person. 众人一边吃晚餐,一边怀着极高的热情议论着替身。 People discussed that most, no longer is Templar Knight, but is God's favored knight! 人们讨论最多的,不再是圣殿骑士,而是神眷骑士 Cang Xu speculates: Actually is not strange.” 苍须更是推测起来:“其实并不奇怪。” Lord Zhen Jin is extremely outstanding cultivator, his natural talent is remarkable.” 针金大人本身就是极为优秀的修行者,他的天资非常卓越。” He has noble bloodline, is Templar Knight, offered the complete belief to Emperor Holybright.” “他拥有高贵的血脉,又是圣殿骑士,向圣明大帝奉献了全部的信仰。” These have made him in ten thousand not have one, what he is more valuable, always scrupulously follows the say/way of Knight, wipes out the bullies and helps the down-trodden, rewarding virtue and punishing vice, the attendance is small and weak, even if will sacrifice itself, does not violate the Templar Knight principle!” “这些已经让他万中无一,但他更可贵的是,始终恪守骑士之道,锄强扶弱,惩恶扬善,照顾弱小,哪怕会牺牲自己,也不违背圣殿骑士的原则!” He is heroic, fair fair, is willing to admit anybody, regards as the companion everyone, can see his broad mind, as well as pities with the benevolent natural disposition.” “他英勇无畏,公平公正,愿意接纳任何人,将所有人都视为同伴,从中就能看出他宽阔的胸襟,以及怜悯和仁慈的本性。” Such person, obtains care of gods, cannot?” “这样的人,得到神明的眷顾,难道不是应当的吗?” Then, Cang Xu also mentioned Empire invades the Wilderness Continent situation, will analyze God's favored knight to appear from the political pattern surely. 接着,苍须又提到了帝国入侵荒野大陆的大势,从政治格局上分析出神眷骑士必定会出现的。 The Zi Di audit, the feeling is strange. 紫蒂旁听,感觉古怪。 The substitute people obviously is a beastified person, finally was boasted God's favored knight. This was very odd! Words that Cang Xu spoke, so long as does not know about the truth, basically will think that yeah, makes sense very much! 替身明明是一个兽化人,结果却被吹嘘成了神眷骑士。这就很离谱了!偏偏苍须说的话,只要不知道实情的,基本上都会觉得哎,很有道理唉! In the Zi Di heart not only likes and worries. 紫蒂心中既欢喜又担忧。 What she likes, the substitute person obtained everyone many approvals and praises. What worried is, once the truth exposition, the psychological dropping variance of people will be huger than before, by that time, how to respond that is very difficult to estimate. 她欢喜的是,替身得到了大家更多的认同和追捧。担忧的是,一旦真相暴露,众人的心理落差会比之前更加巨大,到那时,如何反应很难预估。 The substitute people regained consciousness, he drills from the tent. 替身苏醒了,他从帐篷里钻出来。 Zi Di shrank the head afraid, but substitute person all natures, makes her feel relieved gradually, suspected secretly: It seems like I indeed tied the clothing for him, but I forgot. He should not discover that I have come to his there.” 紫蒂心虚地缩了缩脑袋,但替身一切自然,又让她渐渐放下心来,暗自猜想:“看来我的确为他系上了衣裤,只是我忘记了。他应该没有发现我来过他那里。” The substitute people arrive in the middle of the crowd, receives the warm praise of people. 替身来到人群当中,受到众人的热烈称颂。 But the substitute person chose to arrive at Zong Ge, Tripleblade and Lan Zao side, took the lead personally, cheers their names. 但替身选择来到了鬃戈三刀蓝藻的身边,亲自带头,欢呼他们的名字。 The crowd is stimulated, follows the substitute person to roar jubilantly. 人群亢奋,跟随着替身咆哮欢腾。 The atmosphere is warm like the bonfire. 氛围如同篝火般热烈。 Zi Di stares at the substitute person who is raising the arm to shout loudly in the crowd, the mind drags: He is true Knight, is an absolute outstanding leader!” 紫蒂在人群中凝望着振臂高呼的替身,心神摇曳:“他是真正的骑士,也是一位绝对优秀的领袖!” Next day, the people dissected the Foxy Blue Wolf Dog corpse. 翌日,众人解剖了蓝狗狐狼的尸体。 If this wolf corpse too big value, I do not want to treat as the sacrificial offering it, offers sacrifices to give my lord, great Emperor Holybright.” After substitute person dissection, proposed that must take the wolf corpse. “如果这具狼尸没有太大的价值的话,我想将它当做祭品,献祭给我的主,伟大的圣明大帝。”替身解剖之后,提出要取走狼尸。 In tent atmosphere immediately with deep veneration. 帐篷内气氛立即肃然。 Naturally!” After responding, Cang Xu first replied. “当然!”反应过来后,苍须首先回答。 Zong Ge also agrees saying: Templar Knight, this is your spoils of war.” 鬃戈也非常同意道:“圣殿骑士,这本来就是你的战利品。” The Zi Di heart moved suddenly, associates demands bear blood to the former substitute person to her, embezzled the Bat Monkey corpse in secret, had demanded bear meat/flesh to Zong Ge and the others again. 紫蒂忽然心头一动,联想到之前替身向她索要熊血,又暗中克扣了蝠猴尸体,再向鬃戈等人索要过熊肉。 „The present is the wolf corpse...... wait/etc , only then the substitute person eats some magic beast part, can have the corresponding beastified ability?” “现在是狼尸……等等,难道说,只有替身吃掉某种魔兽的一部分,才能有相应的兽化能力吗?” This is a growth, is a stimulation? Stimulates some of he originally abilities?” “这是一种成长,还是一种刺激呢?刺激出他本来就有的能力?” He is the War Monger most satisfactory work, but these man-made magic beast are also the War Monger manufactures. Perhaps War Monger all beastified centralized on his body? After being stimulated, will stimulate the ability?” “他是战贩最得意的作品,而这些人造魔兽也都是战贩制造。或许战贩将所有的兽化都集中在了他的身上?受到刺激之后,就会激发能力?” Initially, he and Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear dying war, the frigid incomparable, final death did not have beastified. However facing Blade Edge Spider time, he actually cannot change Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear sharp claws beast. Perhaps...... was I had instilled into bear blood in the cave to him?” “当初,他和猴尾棕熊死战,惨烈无比,最终死亡都没有兽化。然而面对刀锋蜘蛛的时候,他却不能兽变出猴尾棕熊利爪。或许……是我在山洞中曾经向他灌输过熊血?” He analyzed all these. No wonder after leaving the cave, he makes a veiled attack to me repeatedly, inquiry then scene.” “他分析出了这一切。难怪离开山洞之后,他多次向我旁敲侧击,询问当时的情景。” In the mind the train of thought is in flood, Zi Di supports the decision of substitute person without hesitation: We can survive, gains the victory, was lucky the asylum of Emperor Holybright, indeed should offer sacrifices to It!” 脑海中思绪泛滥,紫蒂毫不犹豫地支持替身的决定:“我们能够存活下来,取得胜利,多亏了圣明大帝的庇护,的确应该向祂献祭!” Under substitute person's command, Exploration Team left the forest, rushes sand beach that the large unit is. 在替身的统帅下,探索队离开了森林,赶往大部队所在的沙滩。 All the way, they across the territories of innumerable many beast groups. These Blade Edge Spider, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear wait/etc, vanished mystically. 一路上,他们穿过无数许多兽群的领地。这些刀锋蜘蛛猴尾棕熊等等,都神秘地消失了。 In the team most people were guessing, peripheral must have the magic beast regiment of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog command, it tags along after unceasingly, the beast group of incorporation open country. 队伍中大多数人都在猜测,周边应当有蓝狗狐狼统帅的魔兽军团,它不断地尾随,收编野外的兽群。 Only had Zi Di to guess the truth gradually. 只有紫蒂渐渐猜测到了真相。 Is you, substitute person.” “是你吧,替身。” „If the magic beast regiment, the scale is gradually huge, not scouting that is possible we to increase, has not detected the slight trace.” “如果是魔兽军团,规模逐渐庞大,不可能我们增加的斥候,没有察觉到丝毫的痕迹。” Each night, you want the night patrol, goes out alone. Was you solved these hindrance in secret, making us return safe and sound to collect the spider web. Was you eliminated all Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear , the beastified bear claw mined secretly.” “每一个夜晚,你都要夜巡,单独外出。是你暗中解决了这些阻碍,让我们毫发无损地收集到蜘蛛网。是你消灭了所有的猴尾棕熊,又兽化熊爪偷偷挖矿。” You undertook were too many, in secret paid exceeded the imagination of others! All of us profit because of you, but the most person actually did not know!” “你承担了太多,暗中付出的超出其他人的想象!我们所有人都因你而受益,但绝大多数人却毫不自知!” Zi Di for the substitute person felt bitter and suffering, felt for this reason is admiring and proud. 紫蒂为替身感到辛酸和委屈,也为此感到钦佩和骄傲。 Under leadership of substitute person, Exploration Team, although by the pressure, climbed mountains and crossed rivers difficultly, but the personnel losses are few, the traveling schedule is generally speaking smooth. 在替身的率领下,探索队虽然饱受压力,跋涉艰苦,但减员很少,行程总体来讲非常顺利。 They in collected many commodities along the way, gradually shifted the rain forest from the forest. 他们在沿途中收集到了很多物资,逐渐从森林转移到了雨林。 Xi Suo turned to the substitute person, gave up feeling embarrassed Zong Ge. 细索投靠了替身,放弃了为难鬃戈 Zong Ge also submitted to temporarily. 鬃戈也暂时臣服了。 Entire Exploration Team is harmonious just like a body. 整个探索队融洽得宛若一体。 The concealed worry in Zi Di heart actually never reduces, instead along with time product. 紫蒂心中的隐忧却从未削减,反而伴随着时间越积越多。 I am Zhen Jin! He is the fake goods!!” Sleeps soundly Zi Di, suddenly hears outside the tent to hear the Hei Juan cry. “我才是针金!他是冒牌货!!”熟睡中的紫蒂,忽然听到帐篷外传来黑卷的叫声。 No!” Zi Di crawls hastily, runs, saw that the substitute person was surrounded by the people, ties up on the cross, the surroundings have piled up the big piece firebrand. “不!”紫蒂连忙爬起来,跑出去,就看到替身被众人包围,绑在十字架上,周围已经堆积了大片干柴。 Stop!” Zi Di yelled. “住手!”紫蒂大叫。 But next moment, Hei Juan smiles cruelly, ejects torch in hand. torch crashes, immediately lit the firebrand. 下一刻,黑卷残忍一笑,抛出手中的火把火把坠落,立即点燃了干柴。 The flaming fire burns. 熊熊大火燃烧起来。 The substitute people are yelling, making Zi Di run. 替身叫喊着,让紫蒂快跑。 Zi Di runs subconsciously into the fire, her nearby flame was put out unexpectedly. 紫蒂下意识跑入火中,她附近的火焰竟然熄灭了。 The crowd was shocked. 人群惊呆了。 Afterward, in the Zi Di shadow spread frost, a broken corpse rose slowly. 随后,紫蒂的影子中蔓延出了冰霜,一个残破的尸体缓缓上升。 Father!” Zi Di shock. “父亲!”紫蒂震惊了。 My...... the daughter...... sorry, the father comes...... to protect you!” The father who Zi Di died charges into the crowd. “我的……女儿……对不起,父亲来……保护你!”紫蒂死去的父亲冲向人群。 People startled anger extremely. 众人惊怒万分。 Hei Juan is pointing at Zi Di, screamed: Dead spirit! You are dead spirit Mage, quickly, kills her, burns her!” 黑卷手指着紫蒂,尖叫起来:“亡灵!你是亡灵法师,快,杀死她,烧死她!” The Zi Di father was cut to turn by the people quickly, dismembers a body. 紫蒂父亲很快被众人砍翻,大卸八块。 The flame is also exuberant, is firing Zi Di, burns her clothes robe and hair. 火焰也重新旺盛起来,灼烧着紫蒂,将她的衣袍、头发都燃烧起来。 Desperate Zi Di ran up to the side of substitute person finally. 绝望中的紫蒂最终还是跑到了替身的身边。 She hugs him, the substitute person was sorry unceasingly: Sorry, I am not your Knight, sorry!” 她拥抱住他,替身不断抱歉:“对不起,我不是你的骑士,对不起!” Then the substitute person changed, he had beastified, changed bear head, bear claw, elder bat wing. 然后替身变了,他发生了兽化,变出了熊头、熊爪,又长者蝠翼。 Hei Juan laughs: „Did you see? Now believes that I, he is not God's favored knight, he is only a monster.” 黑卷大笑:“你们看到了吗?现在相信我了吧,他不是神眷骑士,他只是一个怪物。” No, he is not!” Zi Di is angry, refutes hoarsely. “不,他不是!”紫蒂愤怒惶恐,嘶声力竭地驳斥。 But the people are roaring: Burns him, burns him! The beast group is he brings.” 但众人都在怒吼:“烧死他,烧死他!兽群就是他引来的。” Burns this group of people!” “烧死这群狗男女!” We were deceived by them!” “我们都被他们俩骗了!” In the flame, the substitute person cries, he loses incomparably: Originally I really am a monster, rather than Zhen Jin. Zi Di, why you deceive me, why deceives me?” 火焰中,替身落下泪来,他失落无比:“原来我真的是一头怪物,而不是针金紫蒂,你为什么骗我,为什么骗我?” No! No!!” Zi Di awakens fiercely, the upper part sits up suddenly. “不!不!!”紫蒂猛地惊醒,上半身陡然坐起。 In the tent is dimmly-lighted, in camp a peace. 帐篷内光线昏暗,营地里一片安宁。 Had this similar nightmare......” Zi Di to pant for breath long time, the heartbeat was gradually gentle. “又做这种相似的噩梦了……”紫蒂喘息良久,心跳渐渐平缓下来。 I should not evade again! I should tell the substitute person all truth.” “我不应该再逃避了!我应该告诉替身一切真相。” In addition, I must do something for him.” “除此之外,我还得为他做一些事情。” Zi Di discovered potion from the handbag. 紫蒂从皮包中找出了一管药剂 potion is viscous, if carefully looked in the rocking process, but can also see that in the black strap has one to wipe the evil red glow. 药剂粘稠漆黑,如果在晃动过程中仔细看,还能看到黑油中有一抹邪恶的红芒。 She obtains from War Monger there, may not only be only the substitute person. 她从战贩那里得到的,可不仅仅只是替身。 This beastified potion is also its one. 这管兽化药剂也是其一。 Sees this potion, Zi Di also hesitated. 看到这管药剂,紫蒂又犹豫了。 She already for this reason hesitant repeatedly. 她已经为此犹豫多次。 But this time, she sets firm resolve finally: „Compared with you, others are unimportant, not?” 但这一次,她终于下定决心:“和你比起来,其他人都不重要,不是吗?”
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