EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#202: The sentiment moves hard to endure

Regarding for with coming back the important intelligence, the people discussed how some little time should cope with Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. 围绕着替身带回来的重要情报,众人商议了好一会儿该如何对付蓝狗狐狼 The people diverge, Zhen Jin drills into the Zi Di tent again quietly. 众人散去,针金再次悄然钻入紫蒂的帐篷。 His a lot of anger, in the conference process, the substitute person grips the hand of fiancee unexpectedly blatantly. 他一肚子火气,会议过程中,替身居然公然握住自己未婚妻的手。 This makes Zhen Jin very indignant, saw again Zi Di interrogated immediately: Told me the truth, I beautiful lovable fiancee, the substitute person hasn't he bumped you?” 这让针金十分气愤,再次见到紫蒂就立即质问:“告诉我实话,我美丽可爱的未婚妻,替身他没有碰过你吧?” In the Zi Di mind cannot help but appears, in the oasis, he for the scene that oneself take drugs. 紫蒂的脑海中不由自主地浮现出,在绿洲的时候,他替自己吸毒的情景。 But in the surface, the young girl shakes the head to deny, and reminded Zhen Jin immediately the matter of primary importance or Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. 但表面上,少女摇头否认,并且提醒针金当下最重要的事情还是蓝狗狐狼 This naturally must care that but I must care about my fiancee! Especially when other men, are in front of my, grips the hand of my fiancee personally time! I your hand, has not even pulled.” Saying, Zhen Jin asks to grab the hand of Zi Di. “这个当然是要关心的,但是我也得关心我的未婚妻!尤其是当其他男人,当着我的面,亲自握住我未婚妻的手的时候!我可是连你的手,都没有牵过呢。”说着,针金就伸手要抓住紫蒂的手。 Zi Di had not pondered with enough time, the body takes the lead to react, shrank the hand rapidly, Zhen Jin grasped spatial. 紫蒂还没有来得及思考,身体就率先做出反应,将手迅速缩了回去,针金握了一个空。 Zhen Jin is just about to be angry, at this time outside the tent broadcast the voice of substitute person: Zi Di, did you rest?” 针金正要大怒,这时帐篷外传来替身的声音:“紫蒂,你睡了吗?” Zi Di immediately anxious incomparable, this must make the substitute person discover in own tent is hiding other men, how does he think? Zi Di does not think extremely the substitute person misunderstands his anything, although in fact, she and Zhen Jin have the engagement. 紫蒂顿时紧张无比,这要让替身发现自己帐篷里藏着其他男人,他会怎么想?紫蒂极不想替身误会他什么,尽管事实上,她和针金才是有婚约的。 The Zi Di opens the mouth, silent hints Zhen Jin hastily, Zhen Jin hides in the dark corner in tent hastily. 紫蒂连忙张口,无声地示意针金,针金连忙躲进帐篷里的阴暗角落。 The substitute people enter in the tent, discovered that anxious anxious Zi Di, was mistaken she received frightening of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. 替身进入帐篷里,发现紧张焦虑的紫蒂,误以为她是受到了蓝狗狐狼的惊吓。 The substitute people sighed, embraced into Zi Di the bosom. 替身叹息一声,将紫蒂揽入怀中。 The Zi Di heart trembles immediately: Oh no, Zhen Jin also hides here, he will certainly see!” 紫蒂心头顿时一颤:“糟糕,针金还藏在这里,他一定会看到!” But the young girl has not revolted to work loose eventually. 但少女终究没有反抗挣脱。 That in substitute person arms is warm and reliable, gripped her hand when compared with before, but must be stronger. 替身怀抱里的那种温暖和可靠,比之前握住她的手时,还要更加浓烈。 Zi Di in the arms of substitute person, was happy. 紫蒂在替身的怀抱中,感到了幸福。 Fear?” The substitute people comfort in a soft voice. “害怕了么?”替身轻声安慰。 Has Lord, I do not fear.” Zi Di gentle voice said/tunnel. “有大人在,我不怕的。”紫蒂柔声地道。 At this moment, young girl her fiance, but also after the tent brain of Zhen Jin throwing, is willing to indulge in the happy hug. 这一刻,少女将她的未婚夫,还在帐篷里的针金抛之脑后,甘愿沉溺在幸福的拥抱当中。 Un, I continuously side you. First Foxy Blue Wolf Dog dies in my under foot, second also died. Third and fourth head, even if appears are more, so long as there are me, I will not make you receive their injuries. I promised you!” The Zhen Jin comfort said. “嗯,我会一直在你身边的。第一头蓝狗狐狼死在我的脚下,第二头也死了。第三头、第四头,哪怕出现更多,只要有我,我不会让你受到它们的伤害。我向你保证!”针金安慰道。 Zi Di raises head in the bosom of Zhen Jin: Lord Zhen Jin, I believe you.” 紫蒂针金的怀中仰头:“针金大人,我信你。” But at this moment, Zi Di felt some unusual hardness. 但就在这时,紫蒂感受到了某种异样的坚硬。 She the heartbeat accelerates immediately, the intense shyness, making her whole body tie tight subconsciously. 她顿时心跳加速,强烈的羞涩,让她浑身都下意识地紧绷起来。 „, Right. My this time looks for you, mainly because of some blood.” The substitute people are smiling to Zi Di. “哦,对了。我这次来找你,主要是因为一些血。”替身对紫蒂微笑着。 I need you to do secretly.” “我需要你偷偷地做。” „Before matter has the result, do not tell others.” “事情有结果之前,不要告诉其他人。” The Zi Di whole body feels hot, the heart small rabbit jumps madly, hears fuzzily: Lord, what do you want...... to make?” 紫蒂全身发烫,心头小兔子般乱跳,听得模模糊糊:“大人,你想要……做什么?” One type fearful the suspicion, appears in her mind. 一种“可怕”的猜想,在她脑海中浮现。 „Does he think?” “难道他是想?” Heavens!” 天呐!” He is a man, the thorough forest, after the life and death test, cut to kill Foxy Blue Wolf Dog difficultly. His mood needs to return to normal, he indeed needs some......, vented.” “他是一个男人,深入森林,历经生死考验,艰难斩杀了蓝狗狐狼。他的心情需要平复,他的确需要一些……嗯,发泄。” But, but however, and is not good!” “但、但但是,不、不行啊!” „, Wife was too quick! I did not have enough time to accept.” “太、太太快了!我还没有充分的时间来接受。” Wait! Zhen Jin, he also hides here.” “等等!针金,他还藏在这里呢。” Must really do this, he certainly will unable to endure patiently to jump. By that time, his anger to careless words, will expose the secret surely. I must and probably prevent this situation from happening!” “要真的这样做,他一定会忍耐不住跳出来的。到那时,他愤怒到口不择言,必定会暴露秘密。我必须、必须阻止这种情况发生!” Lord, you flowed the nosebleed.” Zi Di at present one bright, held at present the thing shift topic, broke in the tent the dangerous atmosphere. 大人,你流鼻血了。”紫蒂眼前一亮,抓住了眼前事物转移话题,打破了帐篷内危险的氛围。 „.” The substitute people also felt that the blood flows, he was awkward, listened to me saying that Zi Di, matter was not such that you thought.” “呃。”替身也感到血液流淌下来,他尴尬极了,“听我说,紫蒂,事情不是你想的那样。” A conversation, the substitute person talks clearly the true purpose in coming finally. 一番交谈,替身终于说清楚真正来意。 Zi Di puts out foul air, the lost mood gushes out in the heart unavoidably. 紫蒂吐出一口浊气,失落的情绪不免在心底涌出。 After the substitute people leave, Zhen Jin jumps immediately, the hand points at Zi Di, the whole body is trembling: You! You just added, he has not made anything to you! Said, to be honest, do not conceal me!” 替身离开之后,针金立即跳出来,手指着紫蒂,浑身发颤:“你!你刚刚还说,他没有对你做过什么!说,说实话,不要隐瞒我!” Zi Di actually has the preparation early, the performance of Zhen Jin in she was supported into the bosom by the substitute person, she has considered. 紫蒂其实早有心理准备,针金的表现早在她被替身拥入怀中,她就已经考虑到了。 I said is the truth!” Zi Di whole face tense color, but also has a been unjust grievance, Lord, how can you not believe me?” “我说的就是实话!”紫蒂满脸紧张之色,还带着一股被冤枉的委屈,“大人,你怎么可以不相信我呢?” How do you want me to believe you?!? You just in my at present, surrendered to other men!” Zhen Jin shouts. “你要我怎么相信你?!啊?你刚刚就在我的眼前,对其他男人投怀送抱!”针金嘶吼。 Was reminded by Zhen Jin, Zi Di recalled again just she by the scene that the substitute person hugged. 针金提醒,紫蒂再次回想起刚刚她被替身拥抱的情景。 As if, in substitute person arms warm also remains on her body. 似乎,替身怀抱中的温暖还残留在她的身上。 The young girl heartbeat accelerates again. 少女不禁再次心跳加速起来。 But in the surface, she lowers the sound, threatens Zhen Jin to say intentionally: Low voice, can you make him hear the sound? He is silver cultivation base, the hearing is keener than us.” 但表面上,她压低声音,故意恐吓针金道:“小声点,你要让他听到动静吗?他可是白银修为,听力比我们更加灵敏。” Zhen Jin was frightened by her, immediately lowered the sound, at once feels more humiliation. 针金被她一吓,顿时压低了声音,旋即感到倍加屈辱。 Saw that present Hei Juan wants to howl loudly, wants to vent angrily, the appearance that actually does not dare, in the Zi Di heart disdains, simultaneously pleasant sensation of retaliation. 看到眼前的黑卷想要大声吼叫,想要愤怒发泄,却又不敢的样子,紫蒂心中不屑,同时又有一股报复的快感。 She continues to threaten Zhen Jin: If makes him discover that oneself is fake, you think how he will do?” 她继续恐吓针金:“如果让他发现自己是假的,你认为他会怎么做?” Lord, you thought that he will accept this truth?” 大人,你觉得他会接受这个真相吗?” After discovering the Lord status, massacres you, then replaces you?” “还是会在发现大人的身份后,杀掉你,然后替代你呢?” Zhen Jin was daunted thoroughly. 针金被彻底吓住了。 The Zi Di following tone transfers slow, the fee/spent strength, successfully comforts it with all one's heart. 紫蒂接下来语气转缓,费尽心力,将其成功安抚。 Was perfunctory Zhen Jin, the Zi Di deep sigh, felt exhausted. 敷衍走了针金,紫蒂深深叹息,感到疲惫不已。 How should cease this situation to happen again?” “该怎么杜绝这种情况再次发生呢?” Like this are again many several times, perhaps Zhen Jin must explode!” “再这样多几次,恐怕针金就要爆炸了!” The reason told Zi Di, must restrain own act. But the sentiment keeps Zi Di from rejecting each initiative of substitute person. 理智告诉紫蒂,要收敛自己的行径。但感情却让紫蒂无法拒绝替身的每一次主动。 Zi Di for this reason worriedly. 紫蒂为此苦恼不已。 Takes coping with Foxy Blue Wolf Dog and magic beast regiment as the background, Zong Ge open and aboveboard launches the impact on the leading status of substitute person. 以对付蓝狗狐狼以及魔兽军团为背景,鬃戈堂堂正正地向替身的领袖地位发起冲击。 A competition of investigation information, launches between Zong Ge and substitute person two side troops. 一场探查情报的竞争,在鬃戈、替身两方人马之间展开。 Zong Ge is in the lead, but the substitute person took out a complete map suddenly, the information that on the map marks, wins Zong Ge and the others. 鬃戈一路领先,但替身忽然取出了一份完整地图,地图上标明的情报,完胜鬃戈等人。 Zhen Jin is worried about this, Zi Di comforted him again. 针金对此感到不安,紫蒂再次安抚住了他。 The military camp defensive war, the magic beast regiment under the directions of two Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, the offensive is fierce. 营寨防御战,魔兽军团在两头蓝狗狐狼的指挥下,攻势凶猛。 Finally the military camp was burnt down, but the magic beast regiment casualties are also serious, voluntary withdrawal. 最终营寨被烧毁,但魔兽军团也伤亡惨重,主动撤退了。 The flaming fire illuminated the curtain of night, the thick smoke camouflaged the Zi Di sense of smell, she could not feel the flavor of substitute person. 熊熊大火照亮夜幕,浓烟遮蔽了紫蒂的嗅觉,她感受不到替身的味道。 Although she and other person safe escapes battlefield, but she feels alone, worries to the condition of substitute person. 尽管她和其他人都安全脱离了战场,但她却感到孤寂,对替身的状况担忧不已。 The substitute people appeared, the whole body is bathed in blood. 替身出现了,浑身浴血。 The Zi Di tight heart just put down, raises. 紫蒂紧张的心刚放下,又提起来。 Looks at the substitute person, Zi Di knows that his injury is very serious. 一看替身,紫蒂就知道他伤势很重。 But in such a case, the substitute person still proposed goes to chase down the magic beast regiment. 但在这样的情况下,替身却仍旧提议前去追杀魔兽军团。 This was too dangerous!” Zi Di knows although, substitute person's proposition is correct incomparable, but the sentiment actually urges her to prevent the substitute person for the first time. “这太危险了!”紫蒂尽管知道,替身的提议是正确无比的,但感情却促使她第一次阻止替身。 But the substitute person is firm, summons the people, ultimately obtained the response of Lan Zao, Zong Ge and Tripleblade. 但替身坚定无比,号召众人,最终得到了蓝藻鬃戈三刀的响应。 Just before leaving, the substitute person hugs into Zi Di the bosom again. 临走时,替身将紫蒂再次搂入怀中。 Zi Di again Zhen Jin, after the brains of other person of throwing . In her heart strongly hopes, the time stops in this moment! 紫蒂再次将针金,将其他人抛之脑后。她心中强烈地希望,时间在这一刻停止! The military situation is urgent, the substitute person goes resolutely. 军情紧迫,替身毅然而去。 Zi Di worried extremely, Zhen Jin looks for her in this again quietly. 紫蒂极为担忧,偏偏针金在这个再次悄悄地找上她。 Does not want to see again you surrendered to him, you understand my meaning!” Zhen Jin warned Zi Di severely. “不希望再看到你对他投怀送抱了,你明白我的意思!”针金非常严厉地告诫紫蒂 Zi Di is impatient: Lord, please do not use such expression, I have never surrendered!” 紫蒂心头火起:“大人,请你不要用这样的措辞,我从未投怀送抱过!” I know, but you have never rejected!” “我知道,可是你从未拒绝过!” Lord, if I dodge, this was too doubtable?” Zi Di refuted, how your wish made me deal, can continue our plans? Please teach me.” 大人,如果我闪躲,这就太让人怀疑了吧?”紫蒂反驳,“你想要让我怎么应对,才能继续我们的计划?请你教我。” A Zi Di persuasion and comfort, Zhen Jin aura is finally gentle: I was rude. You is right, he is only a tool. Very easy-to-use tool. However pitifully...... his estimate did not come back.” 紫蒂一番劝说和安慰,针金终于气息平缓下来:“我失态了。你是对的,他只是一个工具。很好用的工具。不过可惜了……他这一次估计是回不来了。” Zi Di stares, at once reveals to be sad and sad. 紫蒂一愣,旋即流露出悲伤和忧愁。 She worried, she is unable to cover to reveal the true feelings. 她太担忧了,以至于她无法掩盖而流露真情。 The Zhen Jin vision has focused on her face: What are you thinking? Is my fiancee, you worried about him? Is worried about a substitute person, a board game piece?” 针金的目光一直聚焦在她的脸上:“你在想什么?我的未婚妻,你在担心他?担心一个替身,一个棋子?” Zi Di is angry, at this moment, she wants to refute loudly: He is not a board game piece, he is Knight, true Knight! He is much more outstanding than you, heroic and visionary, he did not fear the sacrifice, now, for we risked one's life!” 紫蒂大怒,这一刻,她很想大声地反驳:“他不是棋子,他是一名骑士,一名真正的骑士!他比你要优秀得多,英勇而富有远见,他不惧牺牲,现在正在为了我们出生入死!” Zi Di prevented itself to vent the angry desire difficultly, she stared reluctantly, on the true feelings by own face vanished difficultly. 紫蒂艰难地阻止了自己发泄愤怒的欲望,她勉强瞪眼,艰难地让自己脸上的真情消失。 Lord! Were you? I worried that he does have the mistake? If he buckle, our beforehand investments throw away carelessly. To our future influences, is very big! After all he has silver cultivation base, but Lord you are also only Blackiron.” 大人!你这是怎么了?我担心他有错吗?他如果折损了,我们之前的投入就打了水漂。对我们将来的影响,也是很大的!毕竟他有白银修为,而大人你还只是黑铁。” Intense shames the angry meaning to rush to the Zhen Jin heart immediately, making him stare to Zi Di: „„ I and I will become silver Knight sooner or later!” 一股强烈的羞恼之意顿时冲上针金心头,让他不禁瞪向紫蒂:““我、我迟早会成为白银骑士的!”” In fact, Zi Di just said these words to regret. 事实上,紫蒂刚说出这番话就已经后悔了。 She realized, she still had not controlled oneself anger, with another quite persuasive words technique, satirizes Zhen Jin. 她意识到,她仍旧没有控制住自己的怒气,以至于用另一种较为婉转的话术,来讽刺针金 She recovers hastily: Lord, your aptitude is obvious to all, gold Knight is not your end point. Sorry, I am only very anxious. If the substitute people the buckle, how we then did safeguard the security? How to flee from here?” 她连忙补救:“大人,你的资质有目共睹,黄金骑士也绝不是你的终点。对不起,我只是很紧张。替身如果折损了,我们接下来怎么保障安全?怎么逃离这里?” Really, just as she expected, Zhen Jin attention, once were involved itself to come up safely, he did not have and Zi Di earnest mood immediately. 果然,正如她所料,针金的注意力一旦被牵扯到自身安全上来,他立即就没有了和紫蒂较真的心情。 In the uneasy waiting, the time always becomes long incomparable. 在忐忑不安的等待中,时间总是变得漫长无比。 Substitute people and the others triumphal returning, making Zi Di be overjoyed. 替身等人的凯旋,让紫蒂大喜过望。 She rushes to the tent unrestrainedly, runs, arrives at the front of substitute person pantingly. 她情不自禁地奔出帐篷,一路小跑,气喘吁吁地来到替身的面前。 He is also living, good, he came back!” “他还活着,太好了,他回来了!” The young girls feel the day to thank, misses the mood and worrying about in almost to change into the tears at this moment. 少女感天谢地,思念和担忧的情绪在此刻几乎要化为泪水。 Lord!” She almost must rush to the substitute person on own initiative, grasps him on own initiative. 大人!”她差点要主动奔向替身,主动地去抱住他。 But in a flash, she thought of Zhen Jin. 但一瞬间,她想到了针金 Zhen Jin certainly in looks at!” 针金一定在看着!” She can only clench the teeth, bears forcefully difficultly, whatever in the heart the mood like tide surging forward, dashes unceasingly the dike of own innermost feelings. 她只能咬紧牙关,强行地艰难忍住,任由心中情绪如同潮水汹涌澎湃,不断地冲撞自己的内心的堤坝。
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