EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#201: Yearns for does not abandon

Zong Ge and the others and substitute people returned to the camp together. 鬃戈等人和替身一同回到了营地。 Zhen Jin is unsatisfactory, found Zi Di in private, is very angry: He also really thinks what oneself was Templar Knight. Added that anything fair fair, equality of treatment everyone...... provokes like this Zong Ge this group of people, haha, is simply stupid!” 针金大为不满,私下找到紫蒂,十分恼怒:“他还真以为自己的是圣殿骑士了。还说什么公正公平,平等对待所有人……就这样把鬃戈这伙人招惹进来,哈哈,简直愚不可及!” Angry of Zhen Jin exposed his timid, in the Zi Di heart disdained, persuaded with the helpless tone: Lord, the beforehand situation I have not talked clearly, the memory instills into to the substitute person time, presented very serious concern.” 针金的恼怒暴露了他的胆怯,紫蒂心中不屑,用无奈的语气劝说道:“大人,之前的情形我没有说清楚,记忆灌输给替身的时候,出现了很严重的问题。” Substitute person does this, we are not good to refute face to face. This is Lord your authority.” “替身这样做,我们也不好当面反驳。这可是大人你的权威啊。” He does this, actually also has very big advantage, this is a perfect camouflage. Now Zong Ge, believes in firmly to his status......” “他这样做,其实也有很大的好处,这是一种完美的伪装。现在就连鬃戈,都对他的身份深信不疑了……” The Zhen Jin deep sigh, was persuaded finally. 针金深深叹息,最终被劝服下来。 Regarding the decision of substitute person, Zi Di was also full of the anxiety: He extremely in filling with the Knight spirit. If these lets a wolf into the fold time, that was bad.” 对于替身的这个决定,紫蒂也是充满了忧虑:“他太过于充满骑士的精神。如果这一次是引狼入室,那就糟糕了。” Zong Ge and the others placed near the camp, the substitute person seeks potion to Zi Di, spoke frankly that must grant Zong Ge and the others. 鬃戈等人安置在了营地附近,替身向紫蒂寻求药剂,坦言要赠与鬃戈等人。 This conciliation strategy really effective? After they are getting better, will be more powerful, what to do if disadvantageous to us?” “这种怀柔策略真的有效吗?他们痊愈之后,会更加强大,万一对我们不利怎么办呢?” „Should I fudge in potion?” “我是不是应该在药剂中动手脚呢?” Zi Di has such thought that but has not acted secretly. 紫蒂有这样的念头,但始终没有私自行动。 According to me the understanding of the substitute person, he has the firm Knight belief, but is not the stodgy person. Initially accepted Lan Zao, Huang Zao and the others submitting, can be inferred.” “按照我对替身的了解,他有坚定的骑士信仰,但并非迂腐之人。当初接受蓝藻黄藻等人的臣服,就可见一斑。” He, since can receive and instruct Zong Ge and the others on own initiative, showed that he has the confidence to control the aspect.” “他既然能够主动接引鬃戈等人,证明他怀有信心能够掌控局面。” In fact, since we get rid of the scorpion group, he was different.” “事实上,自从我们摆脱蝎群,他就不一样了。” Every day at night, he almost must stand night watch, lives alone some time. He shape after familiar beastified?” “每一天夜晚,他几乎都要守夜,独处一段时间。他是在熟悉兽化后的形态吗?” Oasis time, his shapeshift Spear Scorpion, the action is free, is the achievement of practice? War Monger has also instilled into the Spear Scorpion memory to him, after the training, forms the muscle to remember, finally eliminated?” “绿洲的时候,他变身枪蝎,行动非常自如,就是练习的成果吗?还是战贩枪蝎的记忆也灌输过给他,训练后形成肌肉记忆,最后又清除掉了?” Zi Di finally chooses to believe the substitute person, will treat potion to give him. 紫蒂最终选择相信替身,将治疗药剂交给了他。 The substitute people must study the potion name by Zi Di, demanded most Bat Monkey corpses, but in fact only gave the Zi Di part. 替身以紫蒂要研究药剂的名义,索要了大部分的蝠猴尸体,但实际上只给与了紫蒂其中一部分。 Zi Di detected this secret keenly. 紫蒂敏锐地察觉到了这个秘密。 He deducted many Bat Monkey corpses in secret, what this and his does beastified have to be connected?” “他暗中扣下了许多蝠猴尸体,这和他的兽化有什么关联吗?” She experimented unceasingly, mixes thick smoke potion that restrained Bat Monkey. 她不断试验,调配出了克制蝠猴的浓烟药剂 This potion with the aid of the flame combustion, can form the thick smoke that restrains the Bat Monkey sense of smell!” “这种药剂借助火焰燃烧,就能形成克制蝠猴嗅觉的浓烟!” More profoundly studies barbarian race skin scroll, more can discover broad and profound.” “越是深入研究蛮族皮卷,越是能发现其中的博大精深。” Although on Monster Bewildering Island forbids the utilization of low rank magic and battle energy, but Zi Di has also been progressing. 虽然迷怪岛上禁止低阶的魔法斗气的运用,但是紫蒂也一直在进步。 Since the island, various dangerous situations have compelled her to do utmost, studies diligently in the barbarian race skin scroll content unceasingly. 上岛以来,各种险情逼得她竭尽心力,不断钻研蛮族皮卷中的内容。 She lacks seriously manufactures the potion tool, the medicinal herb is also at the short condition frequently. But to survive, she has to overcome the difficulties in these realities resourcefully. 她严重缺乏制作药剂的工具,药材也常常处于短缺的状态。但为了生存,她不得不想方设法地去克服这些现实中的困难。 most, she harvests is defeated. 绝大多数,她收获的都是失败。 However after massive practices, no matter is defeated succeeds, her understanding of the barbarian race skin scroll was more profound than ten times to continue before, when she has no longer limited to barbarian race is weary on potion formula. But weeds through the old to bring forth the new unceasingly, grasped many secrets in the formula later pharmacology. 然而经过大量的实践,不管是失败还是成功,她对蛮族皮卷的理解比之前深刻十倍不止,她已经不再局限于蛮族疲倦时上的药剂配方。而是不断地推陈出新,掌握了许多隐秘在配方之后的药理。 What Zi Di has not thought that she used thick smoke potion the next day. 紫蒂没有想到的是,她在第二天就用上了浓烟药剂 Went out to cut wood while substitute person, Zong Ge and the others, Foxy Blue Wolf Dog commands the Bat Monkey group to attack the camp again. 趁着替身、鬃戈等人外出伐木,蓝狗狐狼统帅着蝠猴群再次进攻营地。 Substitute people, Zong Ge and the others is constrained by the beast group that Foxy Blue Wolf Dog distributes temporarily, the Bat Monkey group has jumped into the camp. 替身、鬃戈等人被蓝狗狐狼分派出去的兽群暂时拖住,蝠猴群已经扑入营地。 Zi Di, Cang Xu and the others can only resist in advance, strongly self-help. 紫蒂苍须等人只能先行抵挡,竭力自救。 With these potion!” The critical juncture, Zi Di pulled out massive thick smoke potion. “用这些药剂!”危急关头,紫蒂掏出了大量的浓烟药剂 potion played the role, the Bat Monkey group was restrained the thick smoke, the offensive is stagnated. 药剂发挥了作用,蝠猴群受制于浓烟,攻势被凝滞。 Won the essential time, substitute person, Zong Ge and the others eradicated rapidly intercepted their beast groups, returning to the camp to kill the four directions greatly. 争取到了关键的时间,替身、鬃戈等人迅速铲除了拦截他们的兽群,回到营地大杀四方。 Beast group collapse. 兽群崩溃。 The substitute people heard the strange cry, discovered the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator after beast group. 替身听到了古怪的叫声,发现了兽群之后的黑手。 After he proposed, then with Zong Ge, the thorough forest, chased down the beast group of retreating together, attempted to eradicate the murderer/culprit. 他提议之后,便和鬃戈一同出发,深入森林,追杀溃逃的兽群,企图铲除真凶。 Zi Di and the others the battlefield cleanup, wait for in the camp. 紫蒂等人打扫战场,在营地中等待。 The substitute people and Zong Ge have not turned over. 替身、鬃戈迟迟未归。 For a long time later, Zhen Jin intrudes the Zi Di tent again secretly, on the face anxious the atmosphere. 许久之后,针金再次偷偷地闯入紫蒂帐篷,脸上惶急又气氛。 Was bad, Zong Ge has come back, but the substitute person also disappears!” “糟糕了,鬃戈已经回来,但替身还不见踪影!” Zong Ge was injured, but he brought back to a magic beast corpse, probably a python.” 鬃戈受伤了,但他带回了一头魔兽的尸体,像是一条巨蟒。” In Zi Di heart immediately thump. 紫蒂心中顿时咯噔一下。 In her heart worried, but must stand firm Zhen Jin: I am confident to the substitute person, his strength is not weak, will not easily be killed by magic beast.” 她心中担忧,但又要稳住针金:“我对替身有信心,他的实力不弱,不会轻易被魔兽干掉。” But he may be very plotted against by Zong Ge.” Zhen Jin frowns tightly, even more goes wild. “但他很可能被鬃戈暗算掉了。”针金紧皱眉头,越发抓狂。 If his time has not died, the smooth return, we cannot make him act again like this independently!” “如果他这一次没死,顺利归来,我们不能再让他这样自主行动了!” He thinks that who he is? Unexpectedly the thorough forest, this adventure did not have the brain solitarily.” “他以为他是谁?居然只身深入森林,这种冒险太无脑了。” We must make good use of him, making him protect our safety, displays he maximum value to come.” “我们要善用他,让他保护我们的安危,发挥出他最大的价值来。” Zi Di hidden despising of innermost feelings with every effort, she can hear, the Zhen Jin anger originates from the fear much. 紫蒂尽力隐藏内心的鄙视,她听得出来,针金的愤怒更多来源于恐惧。 However really must make Zhen Jin take what means that he cannot achieve. 然而真要让针金拿出什么办法来,他又做不到。 Zi Di said: To be honest, I hope that now the substitute person can return safely, I have thanked heaven and earth.” 紫蒂道:“说实话,我现在就希望替身能安全归来,我就已经谢天谢地了。” Zhen Jin sighed again: Oh, I also think like this.” 针金再次叹息:“唉,我也是这样想的。” Zi Di: If the substitute person were really plotted against by Zong Ge, what to do we should?” 紫蒂:“如果替身真的被鬃戈暗算,我们该怎么办?” Zhen Jin complexion one white, sighed: That was rotten to the core.” 针金脸色一白,叹息道:“那就糟糕透顶了。” Now we must confirm this situation. We must look for the Zong Ge interrogation!” Zi Di sees Zhen Jin to be irresolute, can only say own idea. “现在我们要确认这个情况。我们要去找鬃戈质问!”紫蒂针金毫无决断,只能说出自己的想法。 Now looks for Zong Ge?” Zhen Jin hesitates. “现在去找鬃戈?”针金犹豫起来。 Zi Di exhorted: If the substitute person died, Zong Ge will be certainly disadvantageous to us. He is injured now, likely in protracted time, when the injury recovers, starts to have the successful assurance to us again.” 紫蒂力劝:“如果替身死亡,鬃戈一定会对我们不利。他现在受伤,很可能在拖延时间,等到伤势痊愈,再对我们下手更有成功的把握。” We must go to pry his real situation. If the substitute person has not died, but falls into the dangerous situation, we must immediately organize the manpower, goes to rescue. Without the substitute person, our radically irresistibly Zong Ge.” “我们必须前去刺探他的真实情况。如果替身没有死,只是陷入危险境地,我们就要立即组织人手,前往救援。没有替身,我们根本无法抵抗鬃戈的。” Zhen Jin clenches the teeth, reluctantly nod: We assemble everyone, interrogated him together!” 针金咬紧牙关,勉强点头:“那我们就集结所有人,一起去质问他!” No.” Zi Di shakes the head, person were too many, instead appears us to be weak. Once causes the conflict, the scene is very difficult to control. Moreover even gathered everyone, we were not Zong Ge and the others the opponents. This expensive/noble essence inexpensive many.” “不。”紫蒂摇头,“人太多了,反而显得我们虚弱。一旦引发冲突,场面很难控制。而且就算集合了所有人,我们也不是鬃戈等人的对手。这一次贵精不贵多。” Finally, Zi Di chose Lan Zao, Hei Juan and others, found the Zong Ge interrogation on own initiative. 最终,紫蒂选择了蓝藻黑卷等数人,主动找到鬃戈质问。 Zong Ge said honestly: I have not bumped into Lord Zhen Jin all the way, the pursuit, am soon after blocked the path by python magic beast. I and it slaughtered long time, solved it.” 鬃戈坦诚道:“我一路上没有碰到针金大人,追击不久之后,就被一头巨蟒似的魔兽拦住了道路。我和它厮杀良久,才解决了它。” „Didn't you chase down the secret murderer/culprit? You abandoned your ally, Zong Ge.” The Zi Di attitude is strong, the facial expression is angry, in the heart sufficient filled to worry of substitute person. “那你就不去追杀幕后真凶了吗?你抛弃了你的战友,鬃戈。”紫蒂态度强硬,神情愤怒,心中充更是满了对替身的担忧。 Zong Ge ran on a bank by this saying, disgruntledly cold snort/hum. But he also knows to be in the wrong, finally gave Zi Di and the others the magic beast corpse. 鬃戈被这话挤兑住了,不悦地冷哼一声。但他也自知理亏,最终将魔兽尸体让给了紫蒂等人。 West Sun sinks, by evening. 太阳西沉,到了傍晚。 In the evening, the night had fallen. 傍晚过了,夜幕降临。 Time of waiting so long, Zi Di falls into the suffering. 等待的时间是如此的漫长,紫蒂陷入煎熬之中。 If he dies in the middle of the forest, what to do I should?” “如果他死在森林当中,我该怎么办?” No, he will not die, cannot!” “不,他不会死的,绝不会!” Calm, Zi Di. Since he has the confidence to chase down the beast group, his strength can certainly deal with the possible risk.” “冷静,紫蒂。既然他有信心追杀兽群,他的实力就一定能够应对可能出现的风险。” However, being wounded of Zong Ge, belt/bring the corpse of alligator hammer tail ran, is telling the young girl the terrifying and bad risk of this island. 然而,鬃戈的负伤,还有带回来的鳄头锤尾蚺的尸体,都在告诉少女这座海岛的恐怖和凶险。 My god, asking you to bless him, making him return safely.” “我的神啊,求求你保佑他,让他平安归来。” „The lord of great Holybright , he although is not true Templar Knight, has the indubitable Knight spirit absolutely. Asks vision that you throw down to care.” “伟大的圣明之主,他虽然不是真正的圣殿骑士,却绝对拥有无可置疑的骑士精神。求你投下眷顾的目光。” The young girls prayed to the gods. 少女向神明祈祷。 She also pledged secretly: If his these comes back time, I told him the truth!” 她又暗自发誓:“如果他这一次回来,我就告诉他真相!” She also starts to question the destiny, she thought of that divination inevitably: „Is this my destiny? In my destiny is doomed not to have Knight? Is doomed the sad life?” 她还开始质疑命运,她不可避免地想到了那一次占卜:“难道这就是我的命运?我的命运中注定没有骑士吗?注定要悲催一生吗?” When she indulges in flights of fancy, finally has the good news to pass on- substitute person came back! 就在她胡思乱想的时候,终于有好消息传过来-替身回来了! Sees the substitute person again, Zi Di is almost moved to tears. 再一次见到替身,紫蒂几乎热泪盈眶。 For with coming back the Foxy Blue Wolf Dog corpse, makes her fearful and apprehensive, is proud. 替身带回来的蓝狗狐狼的尸体,更让她心惊胆战,又倍感骄傲。 He eradicated another evil wolf!” “他铲除了又一头恶狼!” No wonder he returns late.” “难怪他这么晚才回归。” Because the situation is serious, after the substitute person returns to the camp, calls the people to discuss. 因为情况严重,替身回到营地之后,就召集众人商讨。 Zi Di protect substitute person: No, Lord Zhen Jin does is very right. Such far distance, how Lord can shoulder a heavy wolf corpse, makes a long and wearisome journey in the night forest? Lord, you by a person of strength, took care of always the threat of camp, has done very well.” 紫蒂维护替身:“不,针金大人做的很对。这么远的路程,大人怎么能背负一具沉重的狼尸,在深夜森林中长途跋涉呢?大人,你以一人之力,解决了一直以来营地的威胁,已经做得非常好了。” The most important thing is you can return safely!” The young girls added in the heart. “最重要的是你能够平安归来!”少女在心中补充道。 The substitute person looks at young girl amethyst beautiful pupil, showed a faint smile, puts out a hand to grip Zi Di to place the hand on desktop. 替身看着少女紫水晶般的美眸,微微一笑,伸手握住了紫蒂摆放在桌面上的手。 The Zi Di ice-cold hand was gripped, immediately feels a warmth. The anxious heart, seems to be stabilizing in an instant. 紫蒂冰冷的手被握住,顿时感到一阵温暖。惶急的心,似乎在刹那间安定下来。 Oh no, Zhen Jin in side!” “糟糕,针金就在身边!” At once, Zi Di realized wonderfully, does not shrink subconsciously started. 旋即,紫蒂意识到不妙,下意识地缩了一下手。 But finally, she has not shrunk reaches behind the back, but whatever Zhen Jin grips. 但最终,她还是没有缩回手,而是任凭针金握住。 This warm and reliable feeling, making her yearn for and not abandon. 这种温暖、可靠的感觉,让她留恋且不舍。
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