EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#200: Murders the fiance?

The substitute people rescued Zhen Jin, later broke in the camp heroically dauntlessly, almost routed the Bat Monkey group by a person of strength, saved the people. 替身救下了针金,随后英勇无畏地冲入营地,几乎以一人之力将蝠猴群击溃,拯救了众人。 The installation security, the substitute person received everyone's warm welcome, was treated as the hero to treat. 营地安全了,替身受到了所有人的热烈欢迎,被当做英雄对待。 In the heart of Zi Di besides the joy of victory, is actually particularly heavy. 紫蒂的心中除了胜利的喜悦之外,却是分外沉重。 Appearance of suddenly Zhen Jin, making her pressure multiply, lets her flurriedly. 针金的忽然出现,让她压力倍增,也让她慌乱不已。 She had planned, treats as a tool to treat the substitute person, if escapes from Monster Bewildering Island , to continue with the Hundred Needles family cooperation. Because War Monger died, she simply does not have the ability execution original plan. 她原本计划过,将替身当做一个工具对待,如果逃出迷怪岛,继续和百针家族合作。因为战贩死了,她根本没有能力执行原来的计划。 However now, experienced so many experiencing dangers, the idea of Zi Di to substitute person had had the earth-shaking change. 然而现在,经历了这么多的历险,紫蒂对替身的想法已经发生了翻天覆地的改变。 Compared with Zhen Jin, she from the heart is willing to think of the substitute person. 比起针金,她发自内心地更愿意为替身着想。 However the substitute person eventually is only a substitute person, purely depends upon her, depends upon such as in the wind Wisteria Chamber of Commerce of remaining years of life, depends upon substitute person who has not known the truth, how can resist Hundred Needles family? 然而替身终究只是替身,单纯依靠她,依靠如风中残烛的紫藤商会,依靠一个还未知晓真相的替身,怎么能抵抗得住百针家族呢? Before almost revealed the secret.” Zi Di paces in the tent, in the heart still has the lingering fear. “之前差一点就露馅了。”紫蒂在帐篷内踱步,心中犹有余悸。 In the camps the people are in the battlefield cleanup, a confused hurry. 营地中众人正在打扫战场,一片忙乱。 Waits again, he now is certainly unbearably anxious, will look on own initiative my. I must first stand firm him!” “再等等,他现在一定急不可耐,会主动来找我的。我要先稳住他!” Really, confirmed the suspicion of Zi Di, the tent is lifted, Zhen Jin bends at the waist to infiltrate rapidly. 果然,验证了紫蒂的猜想,帐篷被掀开,针金弓着腰迅速钻了进来。 Sees the purple pupil young girl, Zhen Jin reveals exaggerating smiling, the attitude is warm: My dear Zi Di, you do not have the matter, was too good! I also think that you encountered difficulty, for several days I was very sorrowful.” 看到紫眸少女,针金露出夸张的笑,态度非常热情:“我亲爱的紫蒂,你没有事,真的太好了!我还以为你遇难了,那些天我都无比悲痛。” Zhen Jin goes forward to stretch out the arms, wants to hug Zi Di. 针金上前张开双臂,就想要拥抱紫蒂 In the Zi Di heart surges immediately a dislike, she retrocedes immediately one step, pretends to look around anxiously everywhere: Lord, was seen by others carefully.” 紫蒂心中顿时一阵涌起一阵厌恶,她立即后退一步,装作紧张地四处张望:“大人,小心被别人看到。” In fact, they place in the tent, isolates the line of sight, where will be seen. 事实上,他们俩身处在帐篷里面,隔绝视线,哪里会被人看到。 Zhen Jin was rejected, immediately the complexion broke down. 针金被拒绝,顿时脸色垮了下来。 Zi Di pretends the exciting tone hastily, explained that while deliberately thought highly saying: „After perils of the sea, I and a group of people was rushed to another on island by the ocean current am a sand beach. Lord, I have been trying to look for you for serveral days. We assign/life should not certainly! Just saw you, I almost called to break your status excitedly, but I noticed luckily Lord your vision hinted, I then sobered.” 紫蒂连忙装作激动的语气,一边解释,一边刻意地恭维道:“海难发生之后,我和一批人被海流冲到了岛上的另一处是沙滩。大人,这些天我一直在试图找寻你。我们都命不该绝!刚刚看到你,我差点激动地叫破你的身份,但幸亏我看到大人你的目光示意,我这才清醒过来。” Listened to Zi Di these words well, Zhen Jin immediately the mood, he inquired the strength of substitute person. 听了紫蒂这番话,针金顿时心情好了起来,他询问替身的实力。 Zi Di shakes the head: He is the beastified person, but the memory instills into is incomplete, I discover him to be able some beastified. As for having stronger battle efficiency, I thought that are not many.” 紫蒂摇头:“他是兽化人,但记忆灌输并不完整,我发现他能部分兽化。至于有没有更强大的战斗力,我觉得并不多。” She concealed many things, for example the substitute person can the complete earth-shaking transformation turn into silver Spear Scorpion. 她隐瞒了许多东西,比如替身能够完整地变化成一头白银枪蝎 But Zi Di also then narrated something in detail, these things irrelevant, but successfully won Zhen Jin. 紫蒂又接着详细叙述了一些事情,这些事情无关痛痒,但成功取信了针金 Zhen Jin reveals the disappointed color: Looking at it like this, he cannot fight Zong Ge.” 针金不由地流露出失望之色:“这样看来,他是斗不过鬃戈的。” Zi Di just wants to ask that who Zong Ge is, at this time outside the tent heard the sound of footsteps. 紫蒂正想问鬃戈是谁,这时帐篷外传来脚步声。 Some people came.” Zi Di is anxious immediately, immediately reminded Zhen Jin. “有人来了。”紫蒂顿时紧张起来,立即提醒针金 Zhen Jin can only terminate and short exchange of Zi Di, leaves quietly. 针金只能终止和紫蒂的短促交流,悄然离开。 Outside the tent broadcasts the Bai Ya sound: Lord Zi Di, the wounded person were concentrated. Everyone you acted, treats for them.” 帐篷外传来白芽的声音:“紫蒂大人,伤员们都被集中起来了。大家都在等您出手,为他们治疗呢。” Zi Di examines the wounded person, she saw stupor Fei She. 紫蒂去查看伤员,其中她看到了昏迷的肥舌 The young girls feel joyful, relaxes. 少女感到欣喜,也松了口气。 This Wisteria Chamber of Commerce veteran, very early follows the Zi Di father, loyal and devoted, looks after to Zi Di. 这位紫藤商会元老,很早就跟随紫蒂的父亲,忠心耿耿,对紫蒂也照顾有加。 However the perils of the sea happen, the Zi Di attempt looked for Fei She in the past, but had not found. The speed of ships water penetration is getting more and more fast, Zi Di can only lead one team of troops to be separated rapidly. 然而海难发生的时候,紫蒂尝试过去找肥舌,但没有找到。船只进水的速度越来越快,紫蒂只能带领一队人马迅速脱离。 What potion when Zi Di thinks deeply about this/should configuration, Fei She regained consciousness, sees Zi Di again, he is excited. 紫蒂思索该配置什么样的药剂时,肥舌苏醒了,再次见到紫蒂,他非常激动。 Ok , was ok quick.” Zi Di has to walk to go forward, the racket the shoulder of fatty, pays a visit Lord Zhen Jin with me together.” “好了,好了,快起来吧。”紫蒂只好走上前,拍拍胖子的肩膀,“跟我一起拜见针金大人吧。” Needle and Zhen Jin are big, Lord? Lord not, fiance?” The fat people always move away the hand fat, the facial expression doubts. “针、针金大、大人大人的未、未婚夫?”胖子肥老拿开手,神情疑惑。 Zi Di then explained: Please fat be old you do not blame me, I concealed your something. These goes to Whitesand City time, is not only Hundred Needles family hits the advance party. The true intention, covers the whereabouts, escorts Whitesand City Lord Zhen Jin ahead of time. The Hundred Needles family arrangement encountered the misfortune to the Lord Zhen Jin troops in the halfway, I and Lord Zhen Jin discussed, thought this is the competitor obstructs maliciously.” 紫蒂便解释道:“还请肥老你不要怪罪我,我隐瞒了你们一些事情。这一次去白沙城,不只是为百针家族打好前站。真正的意图,是掩盖行迹,将针金大人提前护送到白沙城百针家族安排给针金大人的人马在半途遭遇了不幸,我和针金大人商量,觉得这是竞争对手恶意阻挠。” „The City Lord campaign has the time stipulation. Has not been at the scheduled time to arrive campaigns for in the city, will make Lord Zhen Jin lose points greatly. For does not make the plot of competitor work, under the pretext of me, Lord Zhen Jin conceals identity, follows in my side, mounted The Pig's Kiss.” 城主竞选是有时间规定的。没有在规定时间到达竞选城池之中,会让针金大人大大失分。为了不让竞争对手的阴谋得逞,以我为幌子,针金大人隐姓埋名,跟在我的身边,登上了猪吻号。” Original, is this.” Fei She is suddenly enlighted. “原、原来是、是这样。”肥舌恍然大悟。 Zi Di brings Fei She to see the substitute person, the substitute person in the camp, the side has many people, such as the group star arches moon/month to surround him. 紫蒂带着肥舌去见替身,替身在营地中,身边有不少人,如群星拱月般围拢着他。 Zi Di introduced: Lord. This is Fei She, is one of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce veteran. This we go to Whitesand City time, he is my assistant.” 紫蒂介绍道:“大人。这位是肥舌,是紫藤商会元老之一。这一次我们前往白沙城,他就是我的副手。” Fertilizer and Fei She pay a visit Lord.” Fat old salutes to the substitute person hastily, the whole face smiles. “肥、肥舌拜见大人。”肥老连忙向替身行礼,满脸都是笑。 Sees this, in the Zi Di heart absent-minded. 看到这一幕,紫蒂心中一阵恍惚。 She looks forward to: If he is really Zhen Jin, should good!” 她不由地憧憬起来:“如果他真的是针金,该有多好!” Pitifully he is not......” “可惜他不是……” In this moment, Zi Di is hopes on the contrary War Monger is living. Because there are him to support in the back, before replaced the plan of Zhen Jin to have the successful possibility. 在这一刻,紫蒂反倒是希望战贩活着。因为有他在背后撑腰,之前替换针金的计划才能有成功的可能。 The substitute people inquired Mu Ban their experience. 替身问询木班他们的经历。 Navigation all were very smooth, but shipwreck like this strangely outbreak. The Pig's Kiss direct disintegration two halves, but is good to be away from this island to be very near, therefore our most people escape to come ashore. We discover the captain to be missing, by first officer management......” “航行原本一切都很顺利,但船难就这样诡异地突然发生了。猪吻号直接解体两半,但好在距离这座海岛很近,所以我们大多数人都逃上了岸。我们发现船长失踪,由大副主持局面……” Mu Ban all that oneself know, informed the substitute person as far as possible. 木班将自己所知道的一切,都尽可能地告知了替身。 Zi Di is raising the heart also drops. 紫蒂提着的心也回落下来。 She discovered that she had not been suspected, although the body of captain was found, but that Zong Ge instead became the scapegoat. 她发现自己并没有被怀疑,虽然船长的尸体被找到了,但那个鬃戈反而成了替罪羊。 Meanwhile, she also knew Zhen Jin in this period of time performance. 与此同时,她也得知了针金在这段时间里的表现。 He has been acting Hei Juan, has never bravely stepped forward.” “他一直在扮演黑卷,从未挺身而出过。” He obviously is true Templar Knight, is the real Hundred Needles family sole heir, such noble status can help him obtain the support obviously. But he is so spiritless timid, has been camouflaging unexpectedly.” “他明明是真正的圣殿骑士,是货真价实的百针家族的唯一继承人,这样高贵的身份明明可以让他获得拥护。但他是如此懦弱胆怯,竟一直在伪装。” Was half-beast, the host is on the contrary fair, protected a woman.” “反倒是一个半兽人,主持公正,保护了一位弱女子。” Before saw him, he is also escaping, discarded also in the companion who in the camp fought bravely, has not taken on.” “之前见到他,他也是在逃跑,舍弃了还在营地中奋战的同伴,没有丝毫担当。” Although Zi Di is very early on contact Zhen Jin, cognition to his natural disposition, but at this moment, she still felt very disappointedly. 尽管紫蒂很早就接触针金,认知到他的本性,但此时此刻,她仍旧感到十分失望。 And laughable of satire nature. 以及讽刺性质的可笑。 True Zhen Jin is so timid, false Zhen Jin is actually one true, impeccable Knight!” “真正的针金如此怯懦,虚假的针金却是一名真正的,无可挑剔的骑士!” If the status of two people exchange, should good.” “如果两个人的身份调换一下,该有多好。” Thinks of here, in the Zi Di mind had an idea suddenly-, if I do massacre Zhen Jin? 想到这里,紫蒂的脑海中忽然产生了一个想法-如果我杀掉针金呢? This idea makes her train of thought spread rapidly. 这个想法让她的思绪迅速蔓延。 Zhen Jin now is Hei Juan, he died, no one knows the truth. The substitute people do not know that this secret, he has thought oneself are Zhen Jin. War Monger also died, on me the island is so long, has not seen the pointed drill. They certainly also more unfortunate than fortunate! Perhaps world, only then I know this secret.” 针金现在是黑卷,他死了,谁也不知道真相。替身并不知道这个秘密,他一直都以为自己是针金战贩也死了,我上岛这么久,也没有见到尖钻。他们一定也凶多吉少!恐怕世间,只有我知道这个秘密。” Killed him, this secret will be covered.” “杀了他,这个秘密就会被掩盖。” We will go to Wilderness Continent, is remote from Holybright Continent. Perhaps we could not have caught up with the competition of position of Lord of the Whitesand City, this actually also good.” “我们会去往荒野大陆,距离圣明大陆遥远。我们恐怕已经赶不上白沙城主之位的竞争了,这其实也不错。” So long as does not place high, who can care about Templar Knight status genuine and fake?” “只要不身处高位,谁会来关心一位圣殿骑士的身份真假呢?” Even some people inspect, that still inspecting the lord of a city status is more loose.” “就算有人查验,那也比查验一城之主的身份要宽松很多。” Camouflages City Lord, I am need certainly War Monger such almighty being to lend a hand to assist. However camouflages Knight, perhaps I purchase some magic item, there is a possibility of getting by under false pretences?” “伪装城主,我一定是需要战贩这样的大能出手相助。但是伪装骑士,或许我购买一些魔法道具,也有蒙混过关的可能吧?” Zi Di thinks of here, the heart trembles, felt the terrifying! 紫蒂想到这里,心头一颤,感到了恐怖! The terrifying object, is not others, but she. 恐怖的对象,不是他人,而正是她自己。 An intense feeling of guilty and guilt arise spontaneously. 一股强烈的罪恶感、愧疚感油然而生。 I...... was my? Can murder one person unexpectedly?” “我……我这是怎么了?竟是要去谋杀一个人?” Zi Di has been law-abiding. 紫蒂一直奉公守法。 She refuses to marry, no longer uses the father to give her cash, even if lives again difficultly, she has not made anything out of the ordinary. 她拒绝联姻,不再使用父亲给她的钱款,哪怕生活再艰难,她也没有做出什么出格的事情。 After Wisteria Chamber of Commerce emergency, she bore patiently a long time. For the report father's enmity, she takes risk Chamber of Commerce that took over control of could not withstand incompletely. 紫藤商会事变之后,她隐忍了很长一段时间。为了报父亲的仇,她又冒险接管了残缺不堪的商会 Afterward, she was involved in the vortex of struggle. 随后,她就卷入了斗争的漩涡。 The assassination of Luo Shi, forcing of pointed drill, making Zi Di involuntary, has to choose and Hundred Needles family marries. 螺石的刺杀,尖钻的逼迫,让紫蒂身不由己,不得不选择和百针家族联姻。 However to Monster Bewildering Island on, War Monger had a more vicious plot, forcing Zi Di to coordinate his planning. 然而到了迷怪岛上,战贩又产生了更狠毒的阴谋,逼迫紫蒂配合他的谋算。 Zi Di has to this. 紫蒂不得不这样做。 On The Pig's Kiss, War Monger died, Zi Di magic contract and engagement expired. 猪吻号上,战贩死了,紫蒂身上的魔法契约、婚约都失效了。 Perils of the sea, is not within the plan of Zi Di. 海难的发生,也不在紫蒂的计划之内。 Escaped, struggles here, she actually mixed with between Zhen Jin and substitute person two men, by suffering. 一路逃生,挣扎到了这里,她却夹杂在针金、替身两个男人之间,饱受煎熬。 The entire life first time, she produced the idea of murdering the fiance. 生平第一次,她产生了谋杀自己未婚夫的想法。 Heavens, why do I think like this?” 天呐,我为什么会这样想?” Even if Zhen Jin cannot withstand again, he essentially was still an innocent person.” “就算针金再不堪,他本质上仍旧是一个无辜的人。” „Do I for the one's own selfish interests, want to kill an innocent person unexpectedly? Zi Di, when did I become so vicious? Are you a vicious woman?” “我竟然为了一己之私,想去杀害一个无辜的人?紫蒂啊,我什么时候变得如此狠毒了?你是一个如此狠毒的女人吗?” Thought of Zi Di in crime the heart pinches out ruthlessly. 紫蒂将心中犯罪的念头狠狠掐灭。 The substitute people and people talked the moment, the shipwright has not turned over. 替身和众人交谈了片刻,船匠迟迟未归。 The circumstance is not right, the substitute person starts immediately, aids shipwright one group. 情势不对,替身立即启程,去接应船匠一行人。 In the conversation, Zi Di understood that Zong Ge strength, this makes her worry. 交谈中,紫蒂了解到了鬃戈的实力,这让她担忧不已。 Under normal condition, the substitute person should unable to resist half-beast. But if his beastified, the trouble will be beyond redemption! I must go all-out to help him.” “正常状况下,替身应该抵挡不住半兽人的。但如果他兽化,麻烦就会不可收拾!我必须尽全力帮助他。” Saw that the substitute person gave back to Zhen Jin thin sword SIlver Lightning , Zi Di persuades, making the substitute person retain this sword immediately. 看到替身将细剑银电还给针金,紫蒂立即劝说,让替身保留了这把剑。 She also successfully convinced the substitute person, joined in a substitute person trade. 她又成功地说服替身,加入替身一行当中。 Successfully rescued shipwright one group, Zi Di and Tripleblade Commander meets again, experienced fierce of Zong Ge. 成功救援了船匠一行人,紫蒂三刀团长再遇,也见识到了鬃戈的厉害。 Zi Di has not skidded the person of Tripleblade commission army corps, attempts to gather Zong Ge. 紫蒂没有撬动三刀佣兵团的人,又尝试招揽鬃戈 Zong Ge was not very simple, looked through the Zhen Jin actual situation, rejected gathering. 鬃戈很不简单,看破了针金的虚实,拒绝了招揽。 Almost, the substitute person fights with Zong Ge. 差一点,替身就和鬃戈交手。 Zi Di looks fearful and apprehensive. 紫蒂看得心惊胆战。 Finally, the substitute person makes to admit Zong Ge one group of decision unexpectedly. 最终,替身竟做出接纳鬃戈一行人的决定。 This makes the young girl worry. 这让少女更加担忧。
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