EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#199: He

Is gazing after Spear Scorpion and lizard group rushes to the oasis together, Zi Di turns around to hurry back to the camp. 目送着枪蝎和蜥蜴群一起奔出绿洲,紫蒂转身赶回营地。 What she has not thought that returning to the camp soon, to have the fat ball flying fish to visit the camp. 她没有想到的是,回到营地不久之后,就有胖球飞鱼来光顾营地。 , Zi Di hit a target by the fishbone unfortunately very much. 很不幸的,紫蒂被鱼刺射中了。 „Am I dying?” Zi Di hides in the tent, anxiously and stimulates her whole body perspiration frightened. She knows that no one could help her, most can help her, only then she! “我要死了吗?”紫蒂躲在帐篷中,紧张和恐惧刺激得她浑身发汗。她知道谁也帮助不了她,最能帮助她的只有她自己! After hitting a target, gawked dull, at once, she draws out the fishbone immediately, rushes to open own handbag. 被射中后呆愣了一下,旋即,她就立即拔出鱼刺,赶忙翻开自己的皮包。 She falls bottles of potion rapidly, quick, she discovered that a blue solution to has intense solution Huan to affect violently poisonously. 她迅速倾倒一瓶瓶的药剂,很快,她发现一种淡蓝药液对剧毒有强烈的解缓作用。 Was saved!” At this moment, Zi Di rejoiced all usually prepares fully, prepared various disintoxicating potion. “得救了!”这一刻,紫蒂无不庆幸平时准备充分,备足了各种解毒药剂 Was out of danger, Zi Di pulled out many blue potion hastily, the adventure crawls the tent. 脱离了险境,紫蒂又连忙掏出更多的淡蓝药剂,冒险爬出帐篷。 Caught, this potion can alleviate the fishbone to be violently poisonous!” Zi Di threw to others blue potion respectively, Lan Zao also resulted in one bottle. “都接住了,这种药剂能够缓解鱼刺剧毒!”紫蒂将淡蓝药剂分别抛给了其他人,就连蓝藻也得了一瓶。 However, after Zi Di just threw to Lan Zao, gawked. 不过,紫蒂刚刚抛给蓝藻后,就愣了一下。 She realized suddenly, this is she eradicates the Lan Zao best opportunity. Regarding killing blood brother's Lan Zao, Zi Di does not have the favorable impression, the heart alerts very vigilantly. 她忽然意识到,这是她铲除蓝藻最好的机会。对于杀害亲弟弟的蓝藻,紫蒂毫无好感,心底十分戒备警惕。 But the substitute person has not obeyed her to eradicate the opinion of Lan Zao, has retained his life. 但替身没有听从她铲除蓝藻的意见,一直保留了他的性命。 So long as I do not save him, he might be killed under the fishbone!” After Zi Di drills into the tent, then regrets immediately. She was too just anxious, without pondering, threw to Lan Zao potion subconsciously. “只要我不去救他,他很可能就会丧命在鱼刺之下!”紫蒂钻入帐篷之后,便立即懊悔起来。她刚刚太紧张了,没有细想,就下意识地抛给了蓝藻药剂 The substitute people have not come back, the fat ball flying fish that but arrives at the camp obviously are getting more and more. 替身没有回来,但是来到营地的胖球飞鱼却明显越来越多。 Zi Di shrinks in the tent, even more is afraid. 紫蒂缩在帐篷中,越发感到恐惧。 She cannot see the flying fish, but can actually hear the flying fish to exude quack the cry, this cry is obviously getting more and more resounding, is getting more and more crowded! 她看不到飞鱼,但却能听到飞鱼发出呱呱的叫声,这种叫声明显越来越响亮,越来越密集! This way, the flying fish are getting more and more. Once I hit a target many by the fishbone, many potion could not solve the poison.” “再这样下去,飞鱼越来越多。一旦我被鱼刺射中过多,再多的药剂也解不了毒。” When the circumstance is even more dangerous, Zi Di hears the howling that Lan Zao exudes suddenly. 就在情势越发险恶的时候,紫蒂忽然听到蓝藻发出的吼叫声。 Afterward, she hears Lan Zao bellows to yell, as well as he and sound of fat ball flying fish confrontation. 随后,她又听到蓝藻的大吼大叫,以及他和胖球飞鱼交锋的响动。 Zi Di takes risk to lift a tent corner/horn, then saw the Lan Zao crazy generally, ran from own tent, arrived at the camp center, threw the stone, with fat ball flying fish confrontation. 紫蒂冒险掀开帐篷一角,便看到蓝藻疯癫了一般,从自己的帐篷里跑出来,来到营地中央,投掷石块,和胖球飞鱼交锋。 Zi Di discovered surprisedly: Lan Zao as if can distinguish the position of fat ball flying fish! 紫蒂惊奇地发现:蓝藻似乎能够分辨胖球飞鱼的位置! Sees here, the sword that she will protect oneself hastily throws to Lan Zao. But makes the similar choice with her, Cang Xu in another side tent. 看到这里,她连忙将护身的刀剑抛给蓝藻。而和她做出同样选择的,还有另一边帐篷里的苍须 Lan Zao had the weapon, immediately secured the position, with the fat ball flying fish fierce combat, attracted school of fish all attention. 蓝藻有了武器,立即稳住了阵脚,和胖球飞鱼激战,吸引了鱼群所有的注意力。 Fighting bravely of Lan Zao was Zi Di, Cang Xu and the others won the precious time, will fight successfully to delay the substitute person to go back to help. 蓝藻的奋战为紫蒂苍须等人争取到了宝贵的时间,将战斗成功拖延到了替身回援。 Zi Di also at this time, hit a target by the fishbone again. 紫蒂也在这个时候,再次被鱼刺射中。 She cannot bear call out in alarm one. 她忍不住惊呼一声。 This is the fourth time. 这已经是第四次了。 The fat ball flying fish from exploding, the fishbone snaps everywhere. The tent of palm leaf knitting cannot cover the complete fishbone. 胖球飞鱼自爆,鱼刺是四处乱射的。棕榈叶编织的帐篷并不能遮挡住全部的鱼刺。 Zi Di is calm at once, just wanted to pull out blue potion, suddenly one person rushed in her tent! 紫蒂旋即镇定下来,刚想要掏出淡蓝药剂,忽然一个人闯进了她的帐篷! Zi Di is anxious immediately, then she discovered that is the substitute person. 紫蒂顿时紧张起来,然后她发现是替身。 Her heart just about to puts down, hears the substitute person concerned voice: Makes me have a look!” 她的心刚要放下,就听到替身关切的声音:“让我看看!” Then next moment, the substitute person on grasps Zi Di, rips open an opening her apprentice cape barbarically, making Zi Di draw close to the chest the wound thoroughly and completely to expose in the substitute person at present. 然后下一刻,替身就一把抱住紫蒂,野蛮至极地将她的学徒斗篷撕开一道口子,让紫蒂贴近胸部的伤口彻底、完全地暴露在替身的眼前。 Zi Di:!!! 紫蒂:!!! She was ignorant, the whole person concentrates like the statue, wanted to pull out the blue potion movement also to stop. 她懵了,整个人凝如石像,想要掏出淡蓝药剂的动作也止住了。 Delays, on her tender and delicate skin, jet black is violently poisonous is proliferating at the visible speed. 一耽搁,她娇嫩的皮肤上,漆黑的剧毒正在以肉眼可见的速度扩散。 Substitute people anxious, captures the fishbone without hesitation, then lowers the head, closely sticks to the wound to attract with the lip fiercely! 替身大为紧张,毫不犹豫地拔掉鱼刺,然后低头,用嘴唇紧紧贴住伤口猛吸! In a flash, the Zi Di pupil shrinks fiercely, the strength of attracting absorbing the wound transmits, so intense, seems the magic attack, Zi Di in this moment even felt that own soul must be attracted to absorb. 一瞬间,紫蒂瞳孔猛缩,伤口传来的吸摄之力,是如此的强烈,好似魔法攻击,紫蒂在这一刻甚至感觉自己的灵魂都要被吸摄出去。 The shyness from young girl, as well as attacked natural resistance consciousness, making her put out a hand to push the chest of substitute person subconsciously. 来自少女的羞涩,以及被突袭的自然反抗意识,让她下意识地伸手推了替身的胸膛。 The substitute people stand one's ground steadfastly. 替身岿然不动。 She feels the chest of substitute person so hard, as if giant stone. 她感到替身的胸膛是如此的坚硬,仿佛巨石。 His arm seems like the steel construction, imprisons the young girl stubbornly in his bosom. 他的手臂又像是钢铁浇筑,将少女死死地禁锢在他的怀中。 Strong male aura seems like the ocean waves to be the same, sweeps across the Zi Di complete body and mind. 浓烈的雄性气息像是海浪一般,席卷紫蒂全部身心。 She had never been treated like this! 她从未被这样对待过! Her whole person is hardly numb, the mind is also ignorant however one piece, even pondered that did not have. 她整个人都酥麻坚硬,头脑也是懵然一片,连思考都没有了。 Her whole body anxiously. 她浑身都紧张至极。 The toe threads up, the small leather boots are rubbing in the ground in tent subconsciously. 脚趾头紧扣,小皮靴下意识地在帐篷里的地面上蹭着。 She is lying low, the eyes are looking at the tent, the space in tent so narrow and small, Zi Di felt oneself are getting more and more hot, the breath is getting more and more difficult. 她平躺着,双眼望着帐篷,帐篷里的空间是如此的狭小,紫蒂感觉自己越来越热,呼吸越来越困难。 Probably a long century, had seemed like only several breath. 像是过了漫长的一个世纪,又像是只是几个呼吸。 The substitute people finally the movement that stops attracting absorbs, loosened the young girl. 替身终于停止了吸摄的动作,松开了少女。 His effort has the achievement, the Zi Di wound toxin is basically attracted to absorb, has not proliferated in the body of young girl. 他的努力颇有成果,紫蒂伤口的毒素基本被吸摄出来,并没有在少女的身体里扩散。 Zi Di felt immediately oneself as if can breathe, her whole body is feeling hot, the head humming sound, the stutter said: Big, Lord, I have the medicine. Can and be able to solve this type of poison.” 紫蒂顿时感到自己似乎又能呼吸了,她浑身都在发烫,脑袋嗡嗡的,结结巴巴地说道:“大、大人,我有药的。可以、可以解这种毒。” She takes out an exquisite glass jar from the handbag, inside thinks of blue potion. 她从皮包中取出一个小巧的玻璃瓶,里面装着淡蓝药剂 The jet black violently poisonous bitter experience blue solution, dissipates immediately, the effect is very good. 漆黑的剧毒遭遇淡蓝药液,立即消散,效果很好。 Zhen Jin:...... 针金:…… Young Knight realized that own rash, the facial expression is somewhat awkward, coughs: This is good. I have a look at others.” 少年骑士意识到自己的莽撞,神情有些尴尬,咳嗽一声:“这就好。我去看看其他人。” The substitute people walked. 替身走了。 Zi Di feels the tent to be empty immediately, the complex mood probably is later tidal gushes out in her heart. 紫蒂顿时感觉帐篷空空荡荡,随后复杂的情绪像是潮水般在她心底涌出。 What did he just make to me?” “他刚刚对我做了什么?” My god!” “我的神呐!” Why haven't I and I revolted?” “我、我为什么没有反抗?” No, no, I revolted! But could not prevent him......” “不,不,我反抗了!但阻止不了他……” How he and can he this?!” “他、他怎么能这样做?!” No, he does not know that has blue potion, therefore he does not encroach intentionally my. He to save me......” “不,他不知道有淡蓝药剂,所以他不是存心来侵犯我的。他是为了救我……” Suddenly, a Zi Di train of thought confusion, forgot the camp is still suffering the attack of fat ball flying school of fish. 一时间,紫蒂思绪一片混乱,忘记了营地还在遭受着胖球飞鱼群的攻击。 The substitute people turned back in order to help friendly forces, strike to kill the fat ball flying fish, saved the camp smoothly. 替身回援,击杀了胖球飞鱼,顺利拯救了营地。 The Lan Zao injury is serious, the poison is extremely deep. 蓝藻却伤势沉重,中毒极深。 Lord, saves me......” at point of death Lan Zao, held the bottom of pants leg of substitute person, sends out weak entreaties. 大人,救救我……”弥留之际的蓝藻,抓住了替身的裤脚,发出一声声虚弱的哀求。 The substitute people asked Zi Di to help. 替身请紫蒂施以援手。 Although before Zi Di, persuaded the substitute person to remove Lan Zao, threw the potion action to regret for oneself, but she actually rescues now sincerely. 紫蒂虽然之前劝说替身除掉蓝藻,也为自己投掷药剂的举动感到后悔,但现在她却是诚心实意地去救援。 Does not have Lan Zao to delay, we definitely could not insist that the substitute person returns.” “没有蓝藻拖延,我们肯定坚持不到替身返回。” From this perspective, we were rescued one time by him.” “从这种角度来看,我们是被他救了一次。” Zi Di acts full power, configuration has potion, in addition the Bai Ya adventure attracts poisonous, makes Lan Zao be out of danger eventually. 紫蒂全力出手,配置药剂,再加上白芽冒险吸・毒,终究让蓝藻脱离险境。 The oasis recuperation several days later, four people left the oasis, climbs mountains and crosses rivers, enters the forest. 在绿洲休整数天后,四人离开了绿洲,一路跋涉,进入森林。 Because the substitute person attracts rashly poisonous matter, let Zi Di and between him were many a awkwardness. 因为替身冒然吸・毒的事情,让紫蒂和他之间多了一层尴尬。 Among two people exchanges the obvious reduction, even if there is looking at each other of look, still shifts quickly. 两人之间交流明显减少,就算有眼神的对视,也很快转移开来。 However, every looks at each other with the substitute person one time, the Zi Di metropolis/can heartbeat accelerates. 然而,每一次和替身对视,紫蒂都会心跳加速。 The substitute people explore the way in front, the Zi Di vision always cannot help but looks at fixedly in his back, often under this gaze, the time passes fast. 替身在前面探路,紫蒂的目光总是不由自主地凝注在他的背影上,往往在这种注视下,时间过得飞快。 The climbing mountains and crossing rivers journey of suffering, under the feeling of Zi Di, actually seemed insignificant. 原本煎熬的跋涉旅程,在紫蒂的感受之下,却显得无足轻重了。 Although a day cannot speak several words with the substitute person, but in this atmosphere, Zi Di felt happily! 尽管一天和替身说不了几句话,但是就在这种氛围中,紫蒂感受到了甜蜜! Perhaps, this walks, so long as with his together, is very good.” “也许,就这样一路走下去,只要和他在一起,也很好。” In the Zi Di heart is sighing like this. 紫蒂心中这样感叹着。 However, does not last forever. 然而,好景不长。 In the thorough forest, the substitute person discovered Zong Ge and battlefield of beast group fierce combat keenly. 深入森林之中,替身敏锐地发现了鬃戈和兽群激战的战场。 Walks following the trace, they soon discovered the camp. 顺着痕迹行走,他们很快发现了营地。 „Is this?!” Sees the familiar camp, the Zi Di pupil pupil shrinks instantaneously. “这是?!”看到熟悉的营地,紫蒂瞳眸瞬间一缩。 In this camp, she with the beforehand guards were hit by another attack of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, the danger, she only then opens the wooden crate, will sink the substitute person of dormancy to tow to entrain, urgent evacuation. 就在这个营地中,她和之前的护卫们遭受到了蓝狗狐狼的又一次袭击,危难之际,她只有打开木箱,将沉眠的替身拖拽出来,紧急撤离。 The camps should be transmitted, and is suffering besieging of Bat Monkey group, the situation is not very wonderful. 营地应该是被传送过来的,并且正在遭受蝠猴群的围攻,处境很不妙。 In the discrete observation, acted Hei Juan Zhen Jin to escape from the camp. 谨慎的观察中,扮演黑卷针金从营地中逃了出来。 Sees his flash, Zi Di seems like by bolt from the blue is divided. 看到他的一瞬间,紫蒂像是被晴天霹雳劈中。 She has not thought, unexpectedly is so quick, in this place and her true fiance meet! 她没有想到,居然这么快,在这个地方和她真正的未婚夫相遇! She has not prepared. 她还没有准备好。 The Hei Juan seizing the chance hands and feet and crawling, dash to the forest beside camp. 黑卷趁机手脚并爬,向营地外的森林中飞奔。 Bronze Bat Monkey is screaming, the both wings fierce fan, catches up with Hei Juan. 青铜蝠猴尖叫着,双翅猛扇,追上黑卷 „Is he dying? He is dying!” Saw that own fiance must be killed by Bat Monkey, the Zi Di heart jumps fiercely, having a parched mouth, is the heart within grows wipes to mix with the frightened anticipation unexpectedly. “他要死了?他要死了!”看到自己的未婚夫就要被蝠猴杀死,紫蒂心头猛跳,口干舌燥,竟是心中生起一抹夹杂着恐惧的期待。 The destiny is so variable. 命运是如此无常。 Her mother died, her father died, War Monger died, but she fell in love with a substitute person. 她的母亲死了,她的父亲死了,战贩死了,而她爱上了一个替身。 Now, her fiance is also dying. 现在,她的未婚夫也要死了。 If Hei Juan died, then he is only Zhen Jin!” “如果黑卷死了,那么他就是唯一的针金!” Deceiving Empire will be very difficult, but that was the matter that the future needs to consider.” “欺瞒帝国会很难,但那是将来需要考虑的事情了。” He was dying, is not I he who begins to kill, he was killed by magic beast.” “他要死了,不是我动手杀的他,他是被魔兽杀死的。” Zi Di has not thought marrying, has not thought marries Zhen Jin. Now Zhen Jin must die in her front, she feels relaxed, felt an extrication. 紫蒂从来就没有想过联姻,没有想过嫁给针金。现在针金就要死在她的面前,她感到轻松,感到了一种解脱。 But next moment! 下一刻 gale produces from her behind, the dart is howling incisively, strikes to kill Bat Monkey, rescues Zhen Jin. 劲风从她身后产生,飞镖尖锐地呼啸着,一击杀死蝠猴,将针金救下。 The Zi Di whole face is pale, looks behind. 紫蒂满脸苍白,回望身后。 With she expects, saves the Zhen Jin person...... 和她料想的一样,救下针金的人…… Substitute person. 正是替身。
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