EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#198: Is he?

The volcano of distant place spout the great quantity red magma. 远处的火山喷涌出巨量的红色的岩浆。 The magma spurts old tall, the pure range estimate, at least is 800 meters. 岩浆喷得老高,单纯目测,至少有八百米。 The jet black thick smoke, camouflaged the half sky. The bright red magma rushes to the high point, starts to scatter to delimit to fall. 漆黑的浓烟,遮蔽了半边天空。鲜红的岩浆冲到最高峰,开始四溅划落。 Luckily we still in the surrounding, walk quickly.” Cang Xu urged. “幸亏我们还在外围,快走吧。”苍须催促。 Zi Di actually more walks is slower, once for a while turns the head to look behind. 紫蒂却越走越慢,时不时转头回望身后。 Before the young girls embark, thinks oneself are more unfortunate than fortunate, she and Cang Xu really escapes from the cave, the process is above the imagination smoothly. 少女出发之前,以为自己凶多吉少,她和苍须真的从山洞中逃出来,过程顺利地超乎想象。 Because all these substitute person attracted all Spear Scorpion. 这一切都因为替身将所有的枪蝎都吸引了过去。 Here is safe, then his there has danger how!” “我这里有多么安全,那么他那里就有多么的危险!” He now actually how?” “他现在究竟怎么样了?” The reason told Zi Di, the substitute person had possibly died in battle. But the sentiment hobbles her footsteps, even if the ray of hopes, she wants to wait. 理智告诉紫蒂,替身很可能已经阵亡。但感情又牵绊住她的脚步,哪怕有一丝希望,她都想要等待下去。 Even, in her mind will reappear such thought: Even if makes me see his corpse, must make me see last, making me lose heart!” 甚至,她的脑海中会浮现出这样的念头:“即便是让我看到他的尸体,也要让我见最后一眼,让我死心!” „The Lord Zhen Jin physical condition is very bad, has not eaten food, the physical strength is deficient.” 针金大人的身体状况很差,始终都没有进食,体力匮乏。” Besieges facing chasing down of scorpion group, the physical exertion will be very violent. The time is longer, his vitality is uncertainer.” “面对蝎群的追杀围攻,体力消耗会很猛烈。时间越长,他的生机就越渺茫。” Oh......” Cang Xu said with a sigh. “唉……”苍须叹息道。 In the Zi Di heart agitated, wants to berate Cang Xu to make him shut up. 紫蒂心中烦躁至极,很想喝斥苍须让他闭嘴。 Continues to wait. 继续等待。 When the young girl wants thoroughly desperate, in her field of vision presented a form. 就在少女要彻底绝望的时候,她的视野中出现了一个身影。 This form, the Zi Di impression was most profound. 这个身影,紫蒂印象最深刻不过了。 Just presented time, Zi Di somewhat suspected own whether presented the illusion. 以至于刚刚出现的时候,紫蒂都有些怀疑自己的是否出现了幻觉。 But quick, she screamed pleasantly surprised. 但很快,她惊喜地叫出声来。 Her Knight came back, happy like the stories of these concerned heroes. 她的骑士回来了,美好的如同那些有关英雄的故事。 He also brought Bai Ya.” The Zi Di feeling, the tone is complex. “他把白芽也带回来了。”紫蒂感慨,语气复杂。 This is Templar Knight!” The Cang Xu from the heart to praise sighed. “这就是圣殿骑士啊!”苍须发自内心地赞叹道。 both sides converge, Zi Di gives the substitute person therapy immediately. 双方汇合,紫蒂立即给替身疗伤。 In this process, she saw the substitute person because of the new wound that Spear Scorpion receives, detected keenly the state of mind of substitute person is completely different. 在这个过程中,她看到了替身因枪蝎而受的新伤,也敏锐地察觉到替身的精神状态完全不一样。 In the moment of life and death, he to be stimulated, again beastified?” “难道说在生死存亡的关头,他遭受刺激,再次兽化了?” Should be this.” “应该是这样的。” He cannot use battle energy, only then by beastified, can defeat the scorpion group!” “他不能动用斗气,只有凭借兽化,才能战胜蝎群!” Although got rid of the scorpion group, but entire Exploration Team only has the substitute person, Zi Di, Cang Xu and stupor Bai Ya four people. 虽然摆脱了蝎群,但整个探索队只剩下替身、紫蒂苍须以及昏迷的白芽四人。 Here whether is the Monster Bewildering Island central zone?” “这里是否就是迷怪岛的中心地带?” „Can the alchemy factory here?” 炼金工厂会不会在这里呢?” Zi Di has had such guess, but she has not thought explores here. 紫蒂有过这样的猜测,但她没有想过探索这里。 Here environment was too dangerous, gold magic beast Lava Giant Turtle that the volcano and terrifying of eruption magma as well as witnessed some time ago...... 这里的环境太险恶了,喷发的火山、恐怖的岩浆以及不久前亲眼目睹的黄金魔兽熔岩巨龟…… Also, she simply have no reason to persuade others to continue thoroughly. 还有,她根本没有理由劝说其他人继续深入。 She is unable really to determine, alchemy factory on conceals here. 她也无法真的确定,炼金工厂就藏在这里。 Although Cang Xu persuaded the substitute person to give up the stupor Bai Ya, but the substitute person rather shouldered, is not willing to discard the companion. 虽然苍须劝说替身放弃昏迷的白芽,但替身宁愿自己背负,也不愿舍弃同伴。 Substitute people: I had said that I will try to save everyone, will not give up anyone. This is my commitment, is my responsibility.” 替身:“我曾经说过,我会尽全力拯救所有人,不会放弃任何一人。这是我的承诺,也是我的责任。” Lord, your noble quality makes the radiant stars in nighttime sky dim!” Cang Xu from the heart said after a sigh, you were the model in Templar Knight.” 大人,您高尚的品质让夜空中的璀璨的明星都为之黯淡!”苍须发自内心地感叹道,“您就是圣殿骑士中的典范。” The substitute people are smiling bitterly shaking the head. 替身苦笑着摇了摇头。 Sees such facial expression, in the Zi Di heart even more understands clearly: My beforehand guess should be the truth, he through beastified, defeated the scorpion group. But he inevitably but therefore is worried and surprised.” 看到这样的神情,紫蒂心中越发了然:“我之前的猜测应该就是真相了,他通过兽化,战胜了蝎群。但他必然因此而苦恼和惊疑。” „The body of Templar Knight cannot have such mutation.” 圣殿骑士的身体绝不会发生这样的异变。” The vexation and suspicion of substitute person, making Zi Di also very sad. 替身的困恼和猜疑,让紫蒂也很难过。 I should tell him the truth.” “我应该告诉他真相的。” Last night time, Zi Di made the decision quietly, must tell the substitute person in the daybreak all truth. 昨晚的时候,紫蒂就悄然做出了决定,要在黎明的时候告诉替身一切真相。 However daybreak time, she also hesitates: I, if told him the truth, whether will disturb him? Make his mood chaotic complex? He must direct the scorpion group, his situation is more dangerous than us!” 但是黎明的时候,她又犹豫起来:“我如果告诉他真相,是否会干扰他呢?让他心情变得混乱复杂?他要引走蝎群,他的处境比我们还要危险!” Like this in the hesitation, she lost the opportunity. 就这样在犹豫中,她失去了机会。 I should tell him the truth! Even if he is not Zhen Jin, is not Templar Knight, he is still Knight. His original status, I also only know this point.” Zi Di decides again secretly. “我应该告诉他真相!就算他不是针金,不是圣殿骑士,他原本也是骑士。只是他原来的身份,我也只知道这一点。”紫蒂再次暗下决心。 The food serious deficiency, four people return to the desert, in the hand to only have a small lizard and jumping rat. 食物严重匮乏,四人回到沙漠,手中只有一只小蜥蜴和一只跳鼠 The substitute people the precious incomparable meat will give Zi Di and Cang Xu, the Bai Ya condition changed bad, he not only continued the stupor, but also initiated the high fever. 替身将珍贵无比的肉食都让给了紫蒂苍须,白芽状况变糟糕了,他不仅持续昏迷,而且发起了高烧。 Has the sound.” The substitute person complexion sinks, you first eat, I stand guard, wild beast that may have expels or strikes to kill.” “有动静。”替身脸色微沉,“你们先吃,我去警戒,将可能存在的野兽驱逐或击杀。” The substitute people disappeared a while, hurries back. 替身消失了一会儿,又赶了回来。 He somewhat seemed to be different.” Zi Di detected keenly the substitute person had some change. “他似乎有些不一样了。”紫蒂敏锐地察觉到替身产生了某种变化。 Zi Di and Cang Xu keep the meat string not to eat, decline to the substitute person. 紫蒂苍须都留着肉串没有吃,推让给替身。 „Can you make me violate the pledge? Let my Knight glory be damaged?” The Zhen Jin facial expression becomes very solemn and respectful. “难道你们要让我违背誓言吗?让我的骑士的荣耀受损吗?”针金神情变得非常肃穆。 Zi Di and Cang Xu looks at Zhen Jin, felt that his whole body seems like braving the holy light, suddenly two people body and mind received the shake, has not made noise. 紫蒂苍须看着针金,感觉他的全身都像是在冒着圣洁的光,一时间两人身心都受到了震荡,没有出声。 Belch.” “嗝。” At this moment, Zhen Jin could not bear hit a belch. 就在这时,针金忍不住打了个饱嗝。 Cang Xu and Zi Di:??? 苍须紫蒂:??? Zi Di stares the big eyes: What did I just hear?” 紫蒂瞪大双眼:“我刚刚听到了什么?” „A belch?” “一个饱嗝?” „Did he eat to the full? Eaten what?” “他吃饱了?吃的什么?” No, is impossible. He is Knight, will not carry us to keep everything for oneself. Perhaps this is not the belch, inflation that but the stomach counter- acid comes out.” “不,不可能。他是一位骑士,不会背着我们吃独食。或许这不是饱嗝,只是肠胃反酸出来的胀气。” But if he really ate the thing,...... beastified?” “但如果他真的吃了东西,难道说……兽化?” Dawn, four people again. 天亮了,四人再次出发。 Sees the golden granite group again, the substitute person leaves the ranks ahead of time, among thorough Shi Qun: I urge to go faster return. If you have to shift, uses pink potion to mark route along the way.” 再次看到金麻石群,替身提前离队,深入石群当中:“我去去就回。如果你们不得不转移,沿途就用粉红药剂标记路线。” Shortly, he successfully returns, recounted oneself solved the lizard in Shi Qun. 不久后,他成功返回,述说自己解决了石群中的蜥蜴。 Quick, under the influence of his, Zi Di, Cang Xu and the others arrived at the battlefield. 很快,在他的引领下,紫蒂苍须等人来到了战场。 Cang Xu praised repeatedly: Lord Zhen Jin, I start to believe the guess of Lord Zi Di now.” 苍须不禁连声夸赞:“针金大人,我现在开始相信紫蒂大人的猜测了。” You perhaps, not only silver cultivation base. You under the physical strength so deficient condition, can have the so strong strength unexpectedly, this is very unusual. This lizard group at least 30 heads, you actually depend on an ordinary blade forcefully, without using battle energy, cut to kill the middle five heads, but also compelled the entire lizard group to retreat.” “您恐怕真的不只是白银修为。您在体力如此贫乏的条件下,居然还能有如此强大的战力,这点很不寻常。这支蜥蜴群至少有三十头,您却硬生生地靠着一把普通的刀,没有动用斗气,就斩杀了当中的五头,还逼得整个蜥蜴群溃逃。” ...... …… Zi Di is sizing up the battlefield quietly. 紫蒂则在悄然打量战场。 Quick, her vision congealed slightly, focuses the collision mark on golden granite, pit hole that and doubtful Spear Scorpion scorpion tail punctured. 很快,她的目光微微一凝,聚焦到了金麻石上的撞痕,以及疑似枪蝎蝎尾刺出来的石洞。 In such a short time, the effect of substitute person battlefield cleanup is actually limited. 在这么短的时间里,替身打扫战场的效果其实是有限的。 His narrated that does not have Spear Scorpion , he was beastified changes the scorpion tail, defeated the lizard group?” The Zi Di heart moves. “他的叙说中并没有枪蝎,难道说,他是兽化变出了蝎尾,击败了蜥蜴群吗?”紫蒂心头一动。 Her vision takes a fast look around everywhere, suddenly another concentrates, then the heartbeat accelerates, the cheek feels hot rapidly. 她目光四处扫视,忽然又一凝,然后心跳加速,面颊迅速发烫。 She saw the crack on substitute person buttocks place pants. 她看到了替身臀部处裤子上的破洞。 The crack is indistinct, because the substitute person places the coat, covers here motive to be obvious. 破洞隐隐约约,因为替身将上衣下摆放出来,遮挡这里的动机非常明显。 All clues to!” “一切的线索都对上了!” Wait, he hit a belch yesterday at night. If the lizard meat, according to his moral character, certainly will take carry back the share. But he does not have...... him to have the hard thing to bring up.” “等等,昨天夜晚他打了一个饱嗝。如果是蜥蜴肉,按照他的品性,一定会拿回来分享。但他没有……他有难言之隐。” His food should be golden granite!” “他的食物应该就是金麻石!” He can change the scorpion tail, perhaps can also beastified be more. After beastified, he can golden granite treat as food.” “他能变出蝎尾,恐怕还能兽化更多。兽化之后,他就能金麻石当做食物了。” But he cannot share with golden granite, because the normal person could not eat this type of thing.” “但他不能拿金麻石来分享,因为正常人是吃不了这种东西的。” Zi Di continues to ponder, recalled that last night substitute person before departure, inquires Spear Scorpion to digest food to Cang Xu specially the knowledge. 紫蒂继续思考,又回想起昨晚替身在离开之前,特意向苍须打探枪蝎消化食物的知识。 He made the preparation ahead of time, in other words, before departure, he knows oneself can beastified, turn into Spear Scorpion or Spear Scorpion part.” “他提前做了准备,也就是说,在离开之前,他就知道自己可以兽化,变成枪蝎或者枪蝎的一部分。” But he is indefinite, whether really can use golden granite as the food. Therefore, inquired Cang Xu.” “但他不确定,是否真的能够以金麻石为食。所以,才询问苍须。” This means that he can initiative beastified.” “这就意味着,他能够主动兽化了。” Perhaps is because the beastified number of times were many, lets his practice makes perfect. Also possibly time is these with the Spear Scorpion fight, the stimulation is huge, making him break through, can control the beastified ability freely!” “或许是因为兽化的次数多了,让他熟能生巧。也可能是这一次和枪蝎战斗,刺激巨大,让他突破,能够自由掌控兽化的能力了!” Guessed the secret of substitute person, in the Zi Di heart the surging tender feelings. 猜测出了替身的秘密,紫蒂心中涌起柔情。 This fool......” “这个傻瓜……” Rather oneself take risk to eat the stone, must give us the meat string.” “宁愿自己冒险吃石头,也要将肉串让给我们。” He does not certainly think beastified, because he recognized that oneself is Zhen Jin, is Templar Knight!” “他一定不想兽化吧,因为他认定自己是针金,是一位圣殿骑士!” But he has to do this, because the environment compels, to protect me......” “但是他又不得不这样做,因为环境所迫,也为了守护我……” At this moment, in the Zi Di heart gushes out impulsive again, wants to tell the substitute person the truth, wish stands side the substitute person, is holding his hand, shares all sorts of worried and worries with him. 这一刻,紫蒂心中再次涌出一股冲动,想要告诉替身真相,想要站在替身身边,牵着他的手,和他一起分担种种的忧愁和苦恼。 However, this impulsed to the mouth, Zi Di lost the courage. 然而,这股冲动到了嘴边,紫蒂又丧失了勇气。 She can only stare at the substitute person with that pair of amethyst eye pupil, supple sound said: Lord, will ask you not to need is so risky from now on. Every so often, we can need further consideration.” 她只能用那一对紫水晶般的眼眸凝视着替身,柔声道:“大人,今后请您不必如此冒险。很多时候,我们可以从长计议。” The substitute people do not know that the present young girl has understood clearly oneself secret, he nods: Relax, I know in heart. In fact, since throwing away the scorpion group, I had a changed beyond recognition feeling. I as if broke through anything, as if no. Now I fight, the train of thought compared with before pure brightness, knew about the condition of body, was clear can achieve anything, cannot achieve anything.” 替身并不知道眼前的少女早已经洞悉了自己的秘密,他点点头:“放心吧,我心里有数。事实上,自从甩脱了蝎群之后,我就有了一种焕然一新的感觉。我似乎突破了什么,又似乎没有。现在我战斗的时候,思绪比以前更加清明,对身体的状态更加了解,清楚自己做得到什么,做不到什么。” He wants some upholstery things. 他要铺垫一些东西。 Intentionally he said is very fuzzy, must first make some impressions on person. 他故意说的很模糊,要给身边的人先留下一些印象。 In the future, after he uses the heart core solution threat, can make others not think that he grows stronger is strange and towering. 将来,他动用心核解决威胁之后,也能让其他人不觉得他变强是诡异和突兀的。 The lizard meat saves four people, had sufficient food, now four people need the make-up water. 蜥蜴肉拯救四人,有了充足的食物,现在四人需要补充水。 According to the speculation of Cang Xu, the surroundings of lizard group have certainly the large-scale water source, likely is the oasis. 按照苍须的推测,蜥蜴群的周围一定有大型水源,很可能是绿洲。 Shortly, four people discovered the oasis, and enters. 不久后,四人发现了绿洲,并进入其中。 Here, they saw Lan Zao and Huang Zao. 在这里,他们看到了蓝藻黄藻 Huang Zao had died, the whole face is pale, the whole body is broken, the blood stain and white bones make people shocking. 黄藻早已死亡,满脸惨白,浑身残破,血污和白骨让人触目惊心。 Afterward however Cang Xu and Zi Di that comes saw such scene, the footsteps stop suddenly same place. 随后而来的苍须紫蒂看到这样的情景,脚步猛然停顿在了原地。 Vomits.” “呕。” Zi Di unexpected, immediately retched one, almost puts out the acid water in stomach. 紫蒂猝不及防之下,顿时干呕了一声,差点吐出胃里的酸水。 Is I...... is I......” “是我……是我……” Was I killed him, was I killed him.” “是我害死了他,是我杀死了他。” I killed Huang Zao, I killed my younger brother.” “我杀了黄藻,我杀了我的弟弟。” I killed him, I killed me final the family member in this world!” “我杀了他,我杀了我在这个世上最后的亲人!” Lan Zao sheds bitter tears, Zi Di is also wild beast Lan Zao is afraid. 蓝藻痛哭流涕,紫蒂也为野兽般的蓝藻而感到恐惧。 At night, by bonfire. 夜晚,篝火旁。 Zi Di persuaded the substitute person: „The Huang Zao corpse we saw. Lan Zao also admitted his crime. This person was too cruel, how can we remain?” 紫蒂劝说替身:“黄藻的尸体我们都看到了。蓝藻自己也承认了他的罪行。这种人太残忍了,我们怎么可以留呢?” I also discovered, the Lan Zao back had been as if sprayed by the acid liquid, the wound is rotten, but before being obvious, has had the care and wrap. This obviously is Huang Zao does, list Lan Zao after his wound of bearing cannot process this degree.” “我还发现,蓝藻的背后似乎被酸液喷射过,伤口已经腐烂不堪,但明显之前有过护理和包扎。这明显就是黄藻干的,单蓝藻对他的后背上的伤是处理不到这种程度的。” Huang Zao helps his Elder Brother, is the Lan Zao careful wrap. But how Lan Zao does? Such person is too fearful.” 黄藻帮助他的哥哥,为蓝藻细心包扎。但蓝藻怎么做的呢?这样的人真的太可怕。” The view of Cang Xu is different, had the dispute with Zi Di. 苍须的看法却不一样,和紫蒂产生了争执。 The substitute person facial expression struggles, is very obviously awkward. 替身神情挣扎,明显很为难。 Late at night, Zi Di dim hears substitute person's pray. 深夜,紫蒂朦朦胧胧中听到替身的祈祷。 Oh, Emperor Holybright, my God and Lord, under your sight, the world brightened and the shadows fled in a flurry. Right now, your believer and knight has fallen into the entrapment of his mind so he is confessing to you. Please let your holy light shine upon me and wash away my corrupt, hideous, vile and filthy shadows. I beg you to forgive my sinful thoughts......” 神啊,圣明大帝,我伟大的主。在祢的目光下,世界一片光明,阴影仓皇逃窜现在,祢的信徒,祢的骑士向祢忏悔,只因我陷入了心灵的泥沼求祢的灵光照我,使我的败坏、丑恶、污秽肮脏的阴影消退恳求祢赦免我在思想意念上的罪……” The long confession ended. 漫长的忏悔结束了。 The gentle night wind sways in the Young Knight ear bank. 轻柔的夜风在少年骑士的耳畔吹拂。 All in the anticipation of Zhen Jin- gods have not responded. 一切在针金的意料当中-神明没有回应。 youngster disappointed sigh. 少年怅然叹息。 Zi Di also sighed in the heart. 紫蒂也在心中叹息。 At present in other words has the truth the good time, but she does not have the courage, really does not have the courage opens the mouth. 眼前就是说出真相的好时机,但她没有勇气,真的没有勇气开口。 She is afraid very much. 她很害怕。 Before, she is afraid the substitute person to be stimulated, the beastly nature sends greatly, is disadvantageous to her. 以前,她害怕替身会受到刺激,兽性大发,对她不利。 But now, undergoes all sorts of tribulations, she was saved many times to be innumerable by him. Even if his beastly nature sent to kill itself greatly, at the worst still gave back to him the life. 但现在,经历种种磨难,她被他救了多少次已经数不清。就算是他兽性大发杀了自己,大不了也是把命还给他而已。 What she is afraid is how the substitute person to see her, she is afraid sees he thoroughly disappointed facial expression. 她害怕的是替身如何看她,她害怕看到他彻底失望的神情。 If he is not Zhen Jin, I was also not his fiancee......” “如果他不是针金,我也就不是他的未婚妻了……” Although she knows, the substitute person is not her fiance, but she hopes that he thinks is this. 尽管她知道,替身并不是她的未婚夫,但她希望他认为是这样的。 Sun raises, is new day. 太阳升起,又是新的一天。 The substitute people, Zi Di, Cang Xu start to try hard for the survival again. 替身、紫蒂苍须再次开始为生存而努力。 The substitute people hunt and explore, the Cang Xu burn clay jar, Zi Di configuration had/left expelling worm potion. 替身狩猎、探索,苍须烧制陶罐,紫蒂配置出了驱虫药剂 She sighs with emotion again: barbarian race skin Juantai was practical, on this Monster Bewildering Island, is this skin volume helps her too many be too many! 她再次感慨:蛮族皮卷太实用了,在这迷怪岛上,就是这个皮卷帮助她太多太多! According to the plan, Zi Di starts to build the small tent of palm leaf knitting. 按照计划,紫蒂开始搭建棕榈叶编织的小帐篷。 She partly kneels on the ground, the upper part goes inside in the tent, as if adjusts the palm leaf in inside. Her lower part stays outside, the yellowish brown small leather boots were no longer covered up by magic robe, because of the reason of posture, magic robe is sticking to the buttocks, outlined to wipe the moving curve. 她半跪在地上,上半身钻进帐篷中去,似乎在里面调整棕榈叶。她的下半身留在外面,棕黄色的小皮靴不再被魔法袍遮掩,因为姿势的原因,魔法袍紧贴着臀部,勾勒出一抹动人的曲线。 The substitute people by its attraction, were stopped to watch some little time. 替身不禁被其吸引,驻足观看了好一会儿。 He was just visiting me!” Zi Di had detected, in the heart is shy and delighted. “他刚刚在看我呢!”紫蒂有所察觉,心中羞涩又欢喜。 The substitute people leave again, Zi Di continues to build the tent, in this process, Bai Ya regained consciousness. 替身再次离开,紫蒂继续搭建帐篷,这个过程中,白芽苏醒了。 „Did you awake?” “你醒了?” Lord Zi Di, thank you......” 紫蒂大人,谢谢你……” Does not need to thank me. All are the Lord Zhen Jin merit, was he saved you. We have actually discarded you.” Zi Di told Bai Ya the details, has one type proudly with showing off of faint. “不用谢我。一切都是针金大人的功劳,是他救了你。我们其实已经将你舍弃了。”紫蒂将详情告诉了白芽,带着一种骄傲和淡淡的炫耀。 The lizard group comes to draw water, the fat ball flying school of fish appeared, caused the crisis. 蜥蜴群前来汲水,胖球飞鱼群出现,引发了危机。 Runs, returns to the camp. You stay here implicate me!” The substitute person complexion changes, shouted in a low voice. “跑,回营地。你们留在这里就是拖累我!”替身面色微变,低喝一声 Cang Xu and Zi Di turn around immediately, spell to go all-out to run. 苍须紫蒂立即转身,拼尽全力奔跑。 The substitute people killed some fat ball flying fish, then shapeshift Spear Scorpion, directs the following school of fish. 替身杀死了一些胖球飞鱼,然后变身枪蝎,将后续鱼群引走。 Where does he stand?” Stands on camp nearby steep slope, Zi Di full is anticipated and worried. “他站在哪里?”站在营地附近的高坡上,紫蒂满是期待和担忧。 Suddenly, her vision inexplicably by a silver Spear Scorpion attraction. 忽然,她的目光莫名地被一头白银枪蝎吸引。 She looks out in the lizard group that this silver Spear Scorpion is inserting runs. 她遥望着这头白银枪蝎插进奔跑的蜥蜴群中。 Spear Scorpion obviously attracted massive schools of fish, lizards one by one met misfortune. 枪蝎明显吸引了大量的鱼群,蜥蜴们纷纷落难。 Is he? Is he?” “是他吗?是他吗?” Very marvelous, Zi Di in recognized the Spear Scorpion real status instantaneously! Although before then, she has never thought the substitute person meets beastified to become complete Spear Scorpion. 很奇妙的,紫蒂在瞬间就认定了枪蝎的真实身份!尽管在此之前,她从未想过替身会兽化成一只完整的枪蝎 Zi Di is out of sorts. 紫蒂为之失神。 In her eyes, the Spear Scorpion image gradually the transformation, turned into the substitute person, he is progressing to gallop, is wearing the white armor, is grasping the carbine, maneuvers among groups in the battlefield. 在她的眼中,枪蝎的形象逐渐了转变,变成了替身,他在策马奔腾,身穿着白色铠甲,手持着骑枪,在战场上纵横捭阖。
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