EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#197: Is my mistake

„, He was injured.” The heart of Zi Di investigates fiercely. “啊,他受伤了。”紫蒂的心猛地一纠。 The substitute people are grasping the spider blade edge, breaks in the middle of these lizards, about cuts to divide. 替身手持着蜘蛛刀锋,冲入这些蜥蜴当中,左右斩劈。 It seems like Lord wound, has a great influence on him!” “看来大人身上的伤,对他而言影响很大!” Lord is fending unceasingly, can't he protect the body with battle energy?” 大人在不断闪避,难道说他并不能用斗气护体吗?” So long as hit a target by this acid liquid, Lord Zhen Jin on danger!” “只要被这酸液射中一下,针金大人就危险了!” On him is injured, but also took the death risk to clash to save us, this was Templar Knight.” “他身上受了伤,还冒着死亡风险冲过来拯救我们,这就是圣殿骑士啊。” Lord Zhen Jin......, he had not given up us as he said.” 针金大人……就像他所说的,他一直没有放弃我们。” The substitute people break in the lizard group, was besieged, many Blackiron and Bronze Rank magic beast. 替身冲入蜥蜴群中,遭受围攻,其中不乏黑铁青铜级魔兽 The looks at substitute person was surrounded and is surrounded by perils layer on layer/heavily, everyone in sand dune peak is fearful and apprehensive. 看着替身被重重包围、险象环生,沙丘顶端的所有人都是心惊胆战。 No, cannot, I probably try to find the solution this way!” “不,不能这样下去,我得想想办法!” How should I be able to help him?” “我该怎么才能帮到他?” Now we were stranded on the sand dune, can only coordinate potion with the arrow. Right, anti- spoiled potion that I make, according to the physical quality of substitute person he can certainly use!” “现在我们被困在沙丘上,只能用箭来配合药剂。没错,我制成的抗腐药剂,依照替身的身体素质他一定能用!” Thinks of here, Zi Di pulls out potion immediately, falls in the shaft, then installs the arrow. 想到这里,紫蒂立即掏出药剂,倾倒在箭杆中,然后再将箭头装回去。 Then, Zi Di chooses Bai Ya to act. 接着,紫蒂选择白芽出手。 Bai Ya projects full power, but arrow still also had more than ten steps from the substitute person. 白芽全力射出,但是箭矢距离替身仍旧还有十几步。 Quickly, shouted loudly together, reminds Lord Zhen Jin.” Zi Di directs again. “快,一起高喊,提醒针金大人。”紫蒂再次指挥。 Hears shouting loudly of people, the substitute person draws out the arrow, took potion. 听到众人的高呼,替身拔出箭头,吸食了药剂 Now, shoots these arrows.” Zi Di takes out 56 arrows from the small handbag of waist. “现在,射这些箭。”紫蒂又从腰间的小皮包中取出五六只箭头来。 After Bai Ya projects the arrow, the green thick smoke cut the in the air path to subside along with arrow slowly, formed a temporary smoke wall. 白芽射出箭后,绿色浓烟伴随着箭矢划破空中的轨迹缓缓沉降,形成了一道临时的烟墙。 Then the a stream of temporary smoke wall, the substitute person breaks through the tight encirclement smoothly, mounts the sand dune, converges with the people. 接着一道道临时烟墙,替身顺利地突破重围,登上沙丘,和众人汇合。 That flash that the substitute people reach, in the Zi Di heart surges impulsive, wants to jump into his bosom. 替身登顶的那一刹那,紫蒂心中涌起一股冲动,想要扑入他的怀中。 But next moment, Exploration Team crowded around, encircles side Zhen Jin, excited. 下一刻,探索队员们簇拥了过去,围在针金身边,一个个激动不已。 Lord!” 大人!” Lord Zhen Jin!” 针金大人!” Zi Di therefore calms down, to be startled secretly: How was my?” 紫蒂因此冷静下来,暗暗吃惊:“我这是怎么了?” From infancy to maturity, she has never had the so bold idea. 从小到大,她从未有过如此大胆的想法。 The return of substitute person, making the Exploration Team morale inspire greatly, scorpion group that later he brings in specially, is to make everyone pleasantly surprised. 替身的回归,让探索队士气大振,随后他特意引来的蝎群,更是让所有人惊喜。 With the aid of the confusion of scorpion group manufacture, the substitute person leads the people to rush to the sand dune. 借助蝎群制造的混乱,替身率领众人冲下沙丘。 The substitute people are brandishing the spider blade edge in hand, cuts to kill the lizard that a leader blocks the way. 替身挥舞着手中的蜘蛛刀锋,斩杀一头头拦路的蜥蜴。 Throughout charged in the forefront substitute person sustains the maximum pressure, Zi Di confused in the middle of the team, is looking at the frontline substitute person, the mind always cannot help but by its attraction. 始终冲锋在最前端的替身承担了最大的压力,紫蒂混同在队伍当中,望着最前方的替身,心神总是不由自主被其吸引。 Broke through successfully, but Bai Ya actually downcast surrounding of lizard. 突围成功了,但是白芽却陷落到了蜥蜴的包围当中。 The substitute people are just about to return to the body to rescue again, Cang Xu shouted lowly: Lord, do not manage him. Does not walk, these lizards must surround.” 替身正要再次返身施救,苍须却低喝道:“大人,不要管他了。再不走,这些蜥蜴又要围拢上来。” This is also the Zi Di innermost thoughts, she does not think that the substitute person is in danger in again. 这也是紫蒂的心里话,她也不想替身再次陷入险境之中。 However, why does not know, Zi Di has not actually opened the mouth to persuade. 然而,不知道为什么,紫蒂却没有开口劝说。 Faced with the choice, the substitute person is categorical: I have said that will not discard anyone. Bai Ya is also no exception!” 面临抉择,替身斩钉截铁:“我说过,不会舍弃任何一人。白芽也不会例外!” Saw that substitute person duty-bound not to turn rushes ahead, in the Zi Di heart has very complex mood. 看到替身义无反顾地冲杀回去,紫蒂心中生出十分复杂的情绪。 She is worried for the substitute person, felt liking simultaneously. 她为替身感到担忧,又同时感到了欢喜。 For coming back with Bai Ya, is romantic like the story. 替身带着白芽回来,一切浪漫得如同故事。 The substitute people have said that will not give up anyone. 替身说过,不会放弃任何一人。 He carried out oneself commitment. 他实现了自己的承诺。 Nothing is more convincing than the practical action. 没有什么比实际行动更有说服力。 In this moment, Zi Di had clearly became aware: He has indeed accepted the transformation of War Monger, he became a beastified person. However, he was still Knight, true Knight!” 在这一刻,紫蒂有了明悟:“他的确接受过战贩的改造,他成了一个兽化人。但是,他仍旧是一位骑士,真正的骑士!” Got rid of encircling and hunting of lizard group, Exploration Team actually suffered chasing down of scorpion group quickly. 摆脱了蜥蜴群的围猎,探索队却很快遭受了蝎群的追杀。 Each time, is the substitute person bravely steps forward, launches the fierce combat with the scorpion group leader, supports the scene. 每一次,都是替身挺身而出,和蝎群头领展开激战,撑住场面。 Depends upon Lord resiliency, enough cure. Now, we cannot get rid of the scorpion group. Lord you, only then continuously and scorpion group leader battles, squeezes the energy and physical strength in body unceasingly. Each fierce combat pulls the wound, simply has not rested, does not have the time to restore.” “依靠大人本身的恢复力,足够自己治愈。只是现在,我们摆脱不了蝎群。大人你只有连续地和蝎群头领交战,不断压榨身体内的精力、体力。每一场激战又拉扯伤口,根本没有休息,也没有时间恢复。” Zi Di therapy to the substitute person, loves dearly. 紫蒂给替身疗伤,心疼不已。 Is the substitute person is battling full power, with life in the protection people, protects her. 是替身在全力作战,用生命在守护众人,守护她。 Zi Di discovered, she became implication of substitute person. 紫蒂发现,她成了替身的拖累。 According to the strength of substitute person, he can definitely discard the people, escapes alone. 按照替身的实力,他完全可以舍弃众人,独自逃生。 This way is not good, his body condition was getting more and more bad.” Zi Di lives gradually desperately, she cannot think that any means change the situation. “这样下去不行,他的身体状态越来越差了。”紫蒂渐生绝望,她想不到任何的办法来改变局势。 looks at substitute person and scorpion group leaders encounter, times therapy for him, Zi Di did not treat as a tool the substitute person again. 一次次看着替身和蝎群头领交锋,一次次为他疗伤,紫蒂再没有将替身当做一件工具。 Instead, she starts to feel guilty. 反而,她开始感到愧疚。 He is true Knight. I have actually been using him......” “他是一个真正的骑士。我却在一直利用他……” Zi Di said to oneself in the heart like this: I should not deceive him. If died like this, I must before, tell him the truth at the point of death!” 紫蒂在心中对自己这样说道:“我不应该欺骗他。如果就这样死去,我要在临死之前,将真相告诉他!” Although oneself are in the team the most difficult person, but the substitute person was still inspiring others continuously. 尽管自己是队伍中最艰难的人,但替身仍旧在持续不断地鼓舞他人。 So long as we are also living, many hopes.” “只要我们还活着,就有很多希望。” We maintain the hope frequently, does not give up, that before the death approached truly, hope and possibility of going on living!” “我们时刻保持希望,不自我放弃,那么在死亡真正来临之前,都还有活下去的希望和可能!” Only places hopes in external is helping and change, this is not the behavior of brave. What is more reliable is we helps oneself.” “只寄希望于外来的帮着和改变,这不是勇敢者的行为。更可靠的是我们自救。” Zi Di gazes at him quietly: He is everyone's center, without him, the entire team has certainly collapsed. He is an outstanding leader!” 紫蒂悄然注视他:“他是所有人的中心,没有他,整个队伍一定是早就崩溃了。他是一位优秀的领袖!” The substitute people ask for advice to Cang Xu, perhaps strikes to kill Spear Scorpion, can be the collapsing key. 替身向苍须讨教,或许击杀一头枪蝎,会是破局关键。 However this action is quite risky. 但是这个行动相当冒险。 The group arrive at the golden granite group to pass the night. 一行人来到金麻石群过夜。 The night wind sways the face slowly. 夜风徐徐吹拂面庞。 The moonlight sprinkles according to the desert. 月光洒照沙漠。 Zi Di asked the substitute person: Lord felt when we do begin, hunt and kill Spear Scorpion?” 紫蒂问替身:“大人觉得,我们什么时候动手,猎杀一头枪蝎?” Substitute people silent: Might as well waits to look again.” 替身沉默了一下:“不妨再等等看。” This reply makes the young girl heart jump, guessed secretly: „, Does he want to begin in the night alone?” 这个回答让少女心头一跳,暗自猜测:“难道说,他想在深夜里独自动手吗?” Before encircled the Flying Squirrel group time, his both arms thickening, definitely was again beastified.” “之前围剿飞鼠群的时候,他双臂变粗,肯定是再次兽化。” Perhaps, he has been able to control beastified this ability.” “或许,他已经能控制兽化这个能力了。” Daytime time, he cannot beastified, this cause the suspicions of others in the presence of everyone. At night here begins to be very appropriate. The golden granite group can cover many lines of sight!” “白天的时候,他不能当众兽化,这会引起其他人的猜疑。夜晚在这里动手很合适。金麻石群能遮挡很多视线!” However, by the next day, the anticipation of Zi Di failed. 然而,到了第二天,紫蒂的期待落空了。 This made her realize part of truth of: It seems like, he was unable initiative beastified! First should suffer the stimulation twice, will have the mutation. But in fact, the death was even exciting, he might not beastified. First time he and Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear fighting, never beastified.” 这让她意识到了一部分的真相:“看来,他还不能主动兽化!前两次应该都是遭受了刺激,才会发生异变。但实际上,就算是死亡刺激,他也不一定会兽化。第一次他和猴尾棕熊搏杀,就从未兽化过。” Exploration Team left the golden granite group, Spear Scorpion continued to chase down. 探索队离开了金麻石群,枪蝎们继续追杀。 The people climb mountains and cross rivers in the desert of burning hot, must withstand the scorpion group, as well as to endure patiently the brutal environment, food and water are also scarce day after day. 众人在炙热的沙漠中跋涉,既要承受蝎群,又要忍耐残酷的环境,食物和水也日渐稀少。 The situation is even more difficult, injured Bai Ya stupor. 处境越发艰难,受伤的白芽昏迷过去。 Is on the brink of under the hopeless situation, the people move restlessly anxiously, the intention, subconsciously will be frightened angry, scared and so on mood, transforms the language, lashes out at Cang Xu. 濒临绝境之下,众人躁动不安,心怀恐惧,下意识地就将愤怒、恐慌等等情绪,转化成语言,对苍须发难。 Cang Xu pointed out indifferently, the critical moment, can act as food stupor Bai Ya. 苍须冷漠地指出,关键时刻,可以将昏迷的白芽充当食物。 Your book read few, now I tell you a truth- similar can eat.” “你们书读得太少了,现在我告诉你们一个道理-同类是可以相食的。” „An insect is called the praying mantis. male mantis and female praying mantis copulation, the female praying mantis ate male mantis that night, supplemented that own nutrition, can breed the descendant smoothly.” “有一种昆虫叫做螳螂。公螳螂和母螳螂交配,当天晚上母螳螂就将公螳螂吃掉,补充自身的营养,才能更顺利地孕育出后代。” Regarding any life, most basic unit to survive and multiply. If we own survival could not guarantee, what law but also discussed that what morals?” “对于任何的生命而言,最基层的一切都是为了生存和繁衍。如果我们连自己的生存都保证不了,还谈论什么法律,什么道德呢?” These words make Zi Di frightened, the body shivers slightly. 这番话让紫蒂恐惧,以至于身躯都微微颤抖起来。 Made her frightened, was not she approves the Cang Xu words, but understands: Really must arrive at the final moment, only by doing so, can go on living! 令她恐惧的,不是她认可苍须的话,而是明白:真要到了最后关头,只有这样做,才能活下去! „Do I also want to eat...... the meat?” “难道我也要吃……肉?” Not and not!” “不、不!” By doing so, what I and do wild beast have to distinguish?” “这样做,我和野兽又有什么分别呢?” But does not eat, the opportunity of returning alive is uncertainer......” “但是不吃,生还的机会就更加渺茫……” Wait, if I accidently lost life, my corpse can by others......” “等等,如果我不幸身亡,我的尸体会不会被他人……” The Cang Xu words make Zi Di realize suddenly the future fearfulness, at this moment, the young girl will be afraid, helpless. 苍须的话让紫蒂忽然意识到未来的可怕,这一刻,少女不寒而栗,无助至极。 She looks at the substitute person subconsciously. 她下意识地将目光投向替身。 The substitute person brow tight wrinkle, the facial expression is severe: Cang Xu, please withdraw your words. Bai Ya is not a food, but is our companions. I will not allow the tragedy that the companion eats to happen.” 替身眉头紧皱,神情严厉:“苍须,请你收回你的话。白芽绝不是食物,而是我们的同伴。我绝不会允许同伴相食的惨剧发生。” In a flash, seemed to be brilliance and warm covers the body of Zi Di. 一瞬间,似乎光辉和温暖又笼罩到了紫蒂的身上。 The young girls strengthen suddenly, she pledged in the heart: Even the death, I will not eat the meat of companion! Thank you, my Knight, you protected me once again......” 少女陡然坚定起来,她在心中发誓:“就算是死,我也不会去吃同伴的肉!谢谢你,我的骑士,你又一次守护了我……” Insisting, clenches teeth to insist. 坚持,咬牙坚持。 The people went out of the desert, entered the volcano landform. 众人走出了沙漠,进入了火山地貌。 Although the environment was more dangerous, but made the people see the opportunity of coping with the scorpion group. 尽管环境更加险恶了,但却让众人看到了对付蝎群的机会。 In one very possible is in the cave of active volcano, Zi Di uses the potion corrosion hole wall, transformed ten points to help the human the battlefield. 在一个很可能是活火山的山洞中,紫蒂利用药剂腐蚀洞壁,改造出了一个十分有利于人类的战场。 In this battlefield, Exploration Team battles at risk of life, finally the casualties are serious. 在这个战场中,探索队拼死激战,最终伤亡惨重。 Only is left over the substitute person, Zi Di, Bai Ya, Cang Xu, was stranded in the cave. 只剩下替身、紫蒂白芽苍须四人,被困在山洞中。 After the examination of Zi Di, the scorpion meat cannot eat, four people only have two bags of water. 经过紫蒂的检测,蝎肉并不能食用,四人仅剩下两袋水。 Does not have the means that I cannot find out any means.” The Zi Di mood collapsed. “没有办法,我想不出任何的办法。”紫蒂的情绪崩溃了。 The substitute people comfort her: Here cannot use low rank magic, always, pressed you.” 替身安慰她:“这里不能使用低阶的魔法,一直以来,都太难为你了。” No, was I am I implicated you, Lord Zhen Jin. If not for I suggested that on our not secretly this ship. Also will not reduce to this island on. Encounters the lizard and Spear Scorpion, you can definitely abandon me, seeks livehood alone.” “不,是我是我连累了你,针金大人。若不是我建议,我们不会偷偷上这条船。也就不会沦落到这座海岛上。遭遇蜥蜴和枪蝎,你完全可以抛弃我,独自求生。” At this point, Zi Di realized a point suddenly- 说到这里,紫蒂忽然意识到了一点- Her vitality is quite uncertain, but the substitute person is different. He can escape alone, he has this strength! 她的生机相当渺茫,但替身却不一样。他可以独自逃生,他有这个实力! Therefore, she opens the mouth to implore: Lord, you walk. Do not manage me again! You can leave here.” 于是,她开口祈求道:“大人,你走吧。不要再管我了!你是可以离开这里的。” Walks, the young girl has no longer regarded as the tool the substitute person, no longer treats as the beastified person him. 一路走来,少女已经不再将替身看做工具,不再将他当做兽化人。 She approved him, determination present youngster is true Knight! 她认可了他,确定眼前的少年是一位真正的骑士 Was she makes the mistake. 是她做错了。 She deceived him! 她欺骗了他! Although War Monger is the chief criminal, but she is forced. Although awakened the substitute person at that time, was chased down the adventure attempt that has no other choice but by Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. 尽管战贩是罪魁祸首,而她被迫的。尽管当时唤醒替身,是被蓝狗狐狼追杀不得已的冒险尝试。 The young girls think certainly that the substitute person removes the scorpion group, leading her to flee this island. 少女当然想替身除掉蝎群,带着她逃离这座海岛。 But the reality is not the fairy tale. 但现实到底不是童话。 I do not want to implicate you again.” “我不想再拖累你了。” Death was the result that I was doomed, why can I drag you dead together?” “死亡是我注定的结局,我何必要拖着你一起死呢?” In this series of things, you are most innocent.” “在这一系列的事情里,你是最无辜的。” Sorry, I deceived you!” “对不起,我骗了你!” The guilt in heart makes the Zi Di opens the mouth want to say that one type the impulsion that the truth makes a clean breast. 心中的愧疚让紫蒂张口欲言,有一种将真相和盘托出的冲动。 The substitute people actually show a faint smile, have meaning that is favoring to drown, covers a wisp of eye to send the silk to stroke Zi Di: You are my fiancee, I then am your Knight. Protecting you are my responsibility. I will protect, until the life end.” 替身却是微微一笑,带着一丝宠溺的意味,将紫蒂遮挡住眼睛的一缕发丝拂开:“你是我的未婚妻,我便是你的骑士。守护你是我的责任。我会守护,直到生命的尽头。” At this moment, Zi Di felt that own heart melted likely. 这一刻,紫蒂感觉自己的心像是融化了。 Zhen Jin sets firm resolve finally: I will walk, dawn time leaves. After I clash, attracts Spear Scorpion as far as possible, you seize the chance also to leave here, walks separately.” 针金最终下定了决心:“我会走的,天亮的时候就动身。我冲出去之后,尽量吸引枪蝎,你们趁机也离开这里,分头走。” The escaping plan is crude, escaping possibly extremely slightly vast, but how can also? 逃生方案非常简陋,逃生的可能极其微渺,但是还能如何呢? Dawn time, I told him the truth!” “天亮的时候,我就告诉他真相!” That night, should be last night in my life, makes me enjoy this period of good time.” “这一夜,应该就是我生命中的最后一夜,就让我享受一下这段美好的时光吧。” The young girls had a small selfishness. 少女起了一个小小的私心。 Lies down in the bosom of substitute person, Zi Di goes off safely. 躺在替身的怀中,紫蒂安然睡去。 Late at night, Zi Di was awakened by noise by the Cang Xu words. 深夜,紫蒂苍须的话吵醒。 She shrinks in the arms of substitute person, has not actually opened eyes directly, but is calmly listens respectfully. 她缩在替身的怀抱中,却没有直接睁眼,而是静静聆听。 Cang Xu exhorted the substitute person to play knife and fork, increases the returning alive probability, requested that he completed oneself last wish. 苍须力劝替身饱餐一顿,增加生还概率,请求他完成自己的遗愿。 But the substitute person always rejects. 但替身始终拒绝。 Zi Di opens the eyes, pledged to Cang Xu: If I escape, will help you realize this last wish.” 紫蒂睁开双眼,对苍须承诺:“如果我逃出去,也会帮助你实现这个遗愿的。” Then, she took out several letters: In fact, I think, Bai Ya also confessed own last wish.” 然后,她取出了几封信:“事实上,我想,白芽也交代了自己的遗愿。” She hopes that the substitute person eats, strengthens own physical ability, increases the probability of returning alive. But such persuasion, all her difficulties blurt. 她希望替身去吃一些,增强自己的体能,增加生还的概率。但这样的劝说,她万难脱口。 She hopes that the substitute person turns into wild beast, breaks through bottom line, saves he himself. Meanwhile, she hopes that he always perseveres the Knight spirit and moral character, does not degenerate. 她希望替身变成一个野兽,去突破底线,拯救他自己。但同时,她又希望他始终坚守骑士的精神和品性,不去堕落。 Finally, the substitute person still shook the head: I will not treat as food!” 最终,替身仍旧摇头:“我是不会将人当做食物的!” He shifts the vision to Zi Di on, has a apology. 他将目光转移到紫蒂身上,带着一丝歉意。 Such vision, making the Zi Di instantaneous mind stable, all disappears hesitant. 这样的目光,让紫蒂瞬间心神安定,犹豫全消。 She shakes the head the smile: Lord, your I am a body, any decision that you make is my decision.” 她摇头微笑:“大人,你我是一体的,你做的任何决定都是我的决定。” ( Ps: Revision multiple, is the thoughts is mainly uncertain, hesitant was very long. After thinking deeply, decided that must write completely this recollection. From largest volume entire, this is the indispensable part, shines upon the preamble, the surface molds Zi Di, is dark molds the crucial content of substitute person. Through wild beast and Knight the speculation of status, develops the ideological depth of this volume. The preamble is mainly the speculation of substitute person, here is the speculation of Zi Di, the litigant and observer two angles, can unearth something profoundly.) (ps:修改多次,主要是心思不定,犹豫了很久。深思之后,决定还是要将这段回忆写完整。从第一大卷全篇来看,这是不可或缺的部分,也是映照前文,表面塑造紫蒂,暗里塑造替身的关键内容。通过野兽骑士的身份的思辨,拓展本卷的思想深度。前文主要是替身的思辨,这里是紫蒂的思辨,当事人、旁观者两个角度来看,能够更加深刻地挖掘一些东西。) ( Should be 12 issues renews, the actual renewal is close to 24 points, today to me is one suffers, whets. Finally chose strengthened own idea, wrote itself the work that wanted to write. The feeling feels exhausted physically and mentally, tomorrow I must rest. This book renews now, has not broken crosses. The laborious degree of actual writing must surpass «Gu Honorable person» some, I must catch one's breath.) (本来应该是12点发布更新,实际更新接近24点,今天对我而言是一场折磨,更是磨砺。最终还是选择了坚定自己的想法,写出自己想要写出的作品。感觉身心俱疲,明天我要休息一下。这本书更新到现在,还未断更过。实际写作的辛苦程度还要超出《蛊真人》一些,我要缓口气。)
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