EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#196: Because of you, I start to believe the fairy tale

potion was manufactures, but actual effect, but must after the practice. 药剂是制作出来了,但实际的效果,还得经过实践检验。 After Lan Zao swallows potion, the entire face turned into the blue color immediately, both hands hold oneself nape of the neck, opens the mouth, stares the big eyes, outward vomit. 蓝藻吞下药剂之后,整个人脸立即变成了蓝色,同时双手抓住自己的脖颈,张开嘴巴,瞪大双眼,向外呕吐。 But what is uncomfortable, he cannot put out anything. 但令人难受的是,他又吐不出什么来。 Elder Brother!” Huang Zao is startled yelled. “哥哥!”黄藻惊得大叫。 Others somewhat are also surprised. 其他人也有些惊疑。 Is unimportant, this is the normal response.” Zi Di comforts everyone. “不要紧,这是正常的反应。”紫蒂宽慰大家。 Shortly , the substitute person also took potion. 不久后,替身也服用了药剂 The substitute people put out a big blood, the blood red doping blue color, especially middle also has the ice pieces of several adult thumb sizes. These ice pieces send out the rich cold air, presents the strange bluish violet color. 替身吐出一大口的鲜血,鲜血红色掺杂蓝色,尤其当中还有几块成人大拇指大小的冰块。这些冰块散发出浓郁的寒气,呈现诡异的蓝紫之色。 But in this flash, Zhen Jin actually changed the complexion. 但在这一瞬间,针金却是变了脸色。 Zi Di the heart jumps immediately, walks up hastily kindly: What having isn't right?” 紫蒂顿时心头一跳,连忙关切地走上前来:“有什么不对劲吗?” Does not have any.” The substitute people shake the head. “没有什么。”替身摇摇头。 What he as if concealed my, my does potion have some drawbacks to the beastified person?” In the Zi Di heart is sad. “他似乎隐瞒了我什么,难道我的药剂兽化人有一些弊端吗?”紫蒂心中忧愁起来。 She has to consider that the physique of substitute person beastified person, the key is, she is unable to estimate that War Monger mixes the method of beastified person. 她不是没有考虑替身兽化人的体质,关键是,她无法揣度战贩调制兽化人的手段。 War Monger is world alchemy peak, but Zi Di is only small Blackiron Rank Mage. 战贩是世间炼金的巅峰,而紫蒂只是小小的黑铁级魔法师而已。 In addition, Zi Di is also worried about a matter. 除此之外,紫蒂还担心一件事情。 That is the green grass. 那就是青草。 This discovery develops the potion by-product. 这个发现是研制药剂的副产物。 Originally mountain sheep is also a victim, the true wealth is the green grass that here grows. 原来山羊也是受害者,真正的财富是这里生长的青草。 I, when develops potion, consumed very many green grass. This fact is very difficult to hide, could deceive others, but Cang Xu had definitely guessed. Perhaps his such old scholar, has known the truth. What to do oh...... should this?” “我在研制药剂的时候,消耗了非常多的青草。这个事实很难隐藏,或许能蒙骗其他人,但是苍须肯定有所猜测。他这样的老学者,恐怕已经得知了真相。唉……这该怎么办?” Takes the feeling of potion to make the substitute person be terribly suspicious and fearful, suspected oneself can beastified , because Zi Di rescues his time, configuration had/left shapeshift potion. 服用药剂的感受让替身疑神疑鬼,更加怀疑自己能够兽化,是因为紫蒂救他的时候,无意间配置出了一种变身药剂 That night, the substitute person fell into the dream time, obtained Zhen Jin one to remember again. 当天晚上,替身陷入梦想的时候,再次得到了针金的一幕记忆。 In the morning, he found Zi Di excitedly, told her on the quiet: Good news, I to restore some memories. I felt, my strength will therefore strengthen many.” 清晨,他激动地找到紫蒂,悄悄地告诉她:“有一个好消息,我又恢复了一些记忆。我感觉,我的战力会因此增强许多。” On the face of Zi Di appears immediately happy smiling: Lord, the situation will be getting better and better.” 紫蒂的脸上顿时浮现起高兴的笑:“大人,情况会越来越好的。” You said right, I must hurry to try. First said goodbye.” The substitute people said goodbye, left in high spirits. “你说的没错,我得赶紧试试去。先告辞了。”替身告别,兴冲冲地离开。 looks at he lifts the back that the curtain leaves, the smile on Zi Di face restrains rapidly. 看着他掀开门帘离开的背影,紫蒂脸上的笑容迅速收敛起来。 The substitute person action, showed that he has not had the suspicion to Zi Di. 替身如此举动,说明他并没有对紫蒂产生怀疑。 However this trust, besides letting the young girl relaxes, actually increased many complex mood. 然而这份信任,除了让少女放松之外,却是增添了许多复杂的情绪。 This memory is false, was I deceived him......” “这个记忆是假的,是我骗了他……” Before seeing through truth, he is this trusts me, spells completely all guards me, accompanies me......” “在识破真相之前,他是这样的信任我,拼尽一切地守卫我,陪伴我……” If one day, he will discover the truth in the future, how I should face him?” “如果将来有一天,他发现了真相,我该如何面对他?” Stops!” “停!” Zi Di, what are you actually thinking?” 紫蒂,你到底在想什么呢?” He is only a substitute person! A tool. Before, perhaps your life and he tied up together, but War Monger dies now, the contract does not establish.” “他只是一个替身!只是一个工具。之前,或许你的命和他绑在一起,但是现在战贩死了,契约早已经不成立了。” If he will discover in the future this secret, that executes him!” “如果将来他发现了这个秘密,那就将他处决掉!” Remember, Zi Di, you are sane, must take the larger situation into account!” “记住,紫蒂,你要理智,要以大局为重!” Zi Di had pondered own situation, has very clear plan. 紫蒂思考过自己的处境,有着非常清晰的打算。 In her opinion, her trip best result, obtains the War Monger heritage. But she has attempted, but affects to be defeated, the team wants to flee Monster Bewildering Island wholeheartedly. 在她看来,她此行最好的结果,就是获得战贩的遗产。但她尝试过了,但影响失败,队伍一心想要逃离迷怪岛 By her one person, definitely was only impossible successfully to find the center, submerged the alchemy factory. 单靠她一个人,肯定是不可能顺利找到中枢,潜入炼金工厂的。 At present is defeated does not have the opportunity on behalf of the future. If really inadequate, leaves Monster Bewildering Island, Zi Di plans and Zhen Jin same place , to continue to compete with the Whitesand City City Lord position. 目前失败并不代表将来没有机会。如果实在不成,离开迷怪岛,紫蒂还是打算和针金一起,继续竞争白沙城城主的位置。 Zhen Jin was also kept in the dark, does not know on me the matter.” 针金还被蒙在鼓里,并不知道我身上发生的事情。” Perils of the sea happen, has not come under the influence of Monster Bewildering Island environment, can still use magic and battle energy.” “海难发生的时候,并没有受到迷怪岛环境的影响,仍旧可以使用魔法斗气。” „The Zhen Jin big probability is to return alive, extremely possibly in large unit.” 针金大概率是生还下来,极可能就在大部队中。” If he tragically died, my trouble was big!” “如果他不幸遇难,我的麻烦就大了!” Zi Di before and Zhen Jin signed the engagement, this magic contract restrains both sides, cannot to each other scheme maliciously. But this contract tampered with by War Monger, changed to the same life contract of Zi Di and substitute person. After War Monger dies, the contract also expired. 紫蒂之前和针金签订了婚约,这个魔法契约约束双方,不能对彼此恶意图谋。但这个契约被战贩篡改,改成了紫蒂和替身的同命契约。战贩死后,契约也失效了。 If Zhen Jin dies of the perils of the sea, Zi Di is also living, definitely will be under the suspicion, investigation and even the settlement Hundred Needles family. 如果针金死于海难,紫蒂还活着,必然会受到百针家族的怀疑、调查乃至清算。 Even if hoodwinks using the substitute person for a while, is not the long-term plan. 就算利用替身蒙蔽一时,也绝非长久之计。 Before Zi Di, is confident , because War Monger will act in the back, the help substitute person camouflages. Now the main force did not have, by the status of substitute person beastified person, is very difficult to hoodwink the examination of Empire. 紫蒂之前有信心,是因为战贩会在背后出手,帮助替身伪装。现在主力没了,单靠替身兽化人的身份,很难蒙蔽帝国的审查。 In last night tent, Zi Di faced with the hopeless situation, the protection gave her to comfort and inspire in the off-balance substitute person silently. 昨夜的帐篷里,紫蒂面临绝境,默默守护在帐外的替身给了她安慰和鼓舞。 However to the dawn, after potion had the effect, Zi Di thoroughly has calmed down. 但是到了天明,药剂起效之后,紫蒂已经是彻底冷静下来。 In her bone flowed the blood of merchant, her father can organize Wisteria Chamber of Commerce such commercial miracle, Zi Di, no matter the talent or the day after tomorrow gradually influence, excelled in planning and choices of benefit. 她的骨子里流淌着商人的血,她的父亲能够创办出紫藤商会这样的商业奇迹,紫蒂不管是天赋还是后天熏陶,都非常擅于利益的算计和取舍。 She indeed in some moment of last night, was moved because of the protection of substitute person. 她的确在昨夜的某一刻,因为替身的守护而感动。 However affected, could not substitute the reality. 但是感动,替代不了现实啊。 The new memory enabled the substitute person to master the outstanding long-distance attack capability, the substitute person attempted to gather Cang Xu, for this reason did not hesitate to bring to light the secret of green grass. 新添的记忆让替身掌握了优秀的远程攻击能力,替身尝试招揽苍须,为此不惜挑明青草的秘密。 Finally failure. 结果还是失败了。 But the substitute person does not have achieved nothing. 但替身并非一无所获。 Cang Xu for own freedom, is willing to contribute the training method of Bursting Hoof Violent Horse cavalry to the substitute person. 苍须为了自己的自由,愿意向替身贡献出爆蹄烈马骑兵的训练方法。 Cang Xu also to the substitute person expostulation, reminded food of his team short faced with. 苍须又向替身谏言,提醒他队伍的食物面临短缺。 In order to solve this difficult problem, after the substitute person and Cang Xu discussed that before arriving at the Zi Di tent . 为了解决这个难题,替身和苍须商量了之后,独自一人来到紫蒂的帐篷前。 Zi Di has rested, for members configuration potion of entire team, the work load is too big, the working procedure was also troublesome, was exhausted she. 紫蒂早已经休息了,为整个队伍的成员们配置药剂,工作量太大,工序也非常麻烦,累坏了她。 The substitute people pace outside the tent, although the issue is serious, but the substitute person actually does not want easily to disturb Zi Di. 替身在帐篷外踱步,虽然问题严重,但替身却并不想轻易打扰紫蒂 Makes her rest well.” “就让她好好休息罢。” The substitute people are thinking like this, in the dim tent sleeps soundly Zi Di is actually gently the twitch wing of the nose, smelled the smell of substitute person, then opened the eyes slowly. 替身正这样想着,昏暗的帐篷内熟睡中的紫蒂却是轻轻抽动鼻翼,闻到了替身的气味,然后缓缓地睁开了双眼。 Is Lord?” In the tent spreads the Zi Di sound. “是大人吗?”帐篷内传出紫蒂的声音。 The substitute people just turned around to depart, hear this sound to turn around immediately: Is I, something need to discuss with you.” 替身刚转身想要离去,听到这个声音立即转身:“是我,有些事情需要和你商量。” The substitute people told Zi Di him to gather the matter of Cang Xu failure, Zi Di even more felt that Cang Xu was not very simple. 替身告诉紫蒂他招揽苍须失败的事情,紫蒂越发感觉苍须很不简单。 But raises regarding the substitute person, uses the potion disintoxicating, thus makes the mutton turn into food the idea, Zi Di spoke frankly, she does not have the means to achieve. 而对于替身提出来的,利用药剂解毒,从而让羊肉变成食物的想法,紫蒂坦言,她没有办法做到。 She can be successful, actually also many lucky ingredients. The most essential medicinal herb has consumed up, is unable to be supplemented. 她能够成功,其实也有很多侥幸的成分。最关键的药材已经消耗光了,根本无法得到补充。 Zi Di has to comfort the substitute person, could find some military supplies in the camp that before established. 紫蒂只好安慰替身,或许可以在之前建立的营地中找到一些补给品。 The substitute person disappointed facial expression is very obvious, in the Zi Di heart also loses very much. 替身失望的神情很明显,紫蒂心中也很失落。 The reality seems like reminding her: Even food issue does not have the means solution, this team situation was still dangerous, is unable to defend oneself, but also discussed that what seeks for the center? 现实像是在提醒她:连食物问题都没有办法解决,这支队伍处境仍旧危险,自身难保,还谈什么寻找中枢呢? Just before leaving, on the face of substitute person flashes through wipes the color of hesitation, but he turns the head to inquire finally makes noise: Zi Di, the blood of that Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, were you also retaining before?” 临走之时,替身的脸上闪过一抹迟疑之色,但最终他还是转头询问出声:“紫蒂,之前那头猴尾棕熊的血,你还保留着吗?” Zi Di will be loaded with the bear blood potion bottle to give the substitute person. 紫蒂将装有熊血药剂瓶交给了替身。 It seems like the substitute person has been suspecting, oneself beastified because of shapeshift potion. But in fact, after this is he by War Monger transforms the ability.” “看来替身一直在怀疑,自己兽化是因为变身药剂。但实际上,这是他受到战贩改造后的能力。” Really hopes that he can tell me this secret, seeks my help!” “真希望他能将这个秘密告诉我,寻求我的帮助!” If the substitute person does this, that trusts Zi Di on behalf of the substitute person extremely. 如果替身这样做,那就代表替身极为信任紫蒂 The team member of detection discovered the Flying Squirrel community, after the substitute person thinks, decides to train the archer, exterminates the Flying Squirrel group, thus solves the food short crisis. 侦查的队员发现了飞鼠群落,替身深思熟虑之后,决定训练弓箭手,剿灭飞鼠群,从而解决食物短缺的危机。 „The entire team is in the life or death again the moment!” “整个队伍再次处于存亡的关头!” Won, is hopeful. The prestige of substitute person will increase, the team can survive, will possibly seek for the center in the future.” “胜利了,才有希望。替身的威望会大增,队伍能存活下去,甚至将来可能找寻到中枢。” Zi Di neglects to eat and sleep, oneself will close in the tent, is almost confined at home. 紫蒂废寝忘食,将自己关在帐篷内,几乎足不出户。 So for successive several days, she finally developed potion. 如此连续几天,她终于研制出了药剂 This potion can deceive the Flying Squirrel sense of smell. 这种药剂能够欺骗飞鼠的嗅觉。 She gives the substitute person this potion, the substitute person pleasantly surprised, grasps Zi Di excitedly. 她将这种药剂交给替身,替身非常惊喜,激动地抱住紫蒂 Zi Di body one stiff, she also never by such masculine so tight hug in bosom. 紫蒂身躯一僵,她还从未被这样的男性如此紧紧拥抱在怀中。 The clear sane mind, seemed to be melted by substitute person rich charming aura. 原本清晰理智的头脑,似乎被替身浓郁迷人的气息所融化。 Then, she hears substitute person's praise: Zi Di, my fiancee, you can always give me to be pleasantly surprised. Many thanks your support!” 然后,她又听到替身的夸赞:“紫蒂,我的未婚妻,你总是能给我惊喜。多谢你的支持!” Leaves to the substitute person, the Zi Di train of thought gradually restores. 一直到替身离开,紫蒂的思绪才逐渐恢复。 You have also been supporting the back that I......” her looks at substitute person leave, responded in the heart. “你也是一直在支持我啊……”她看着替身离开的背影,在心中回应。 In the tent is only left over her, Zi Di calms down again. 等到帐篷内只剩下她一人,紫蒂再次冷静下来。 Her putting out a hand racket oneself still some cheeks of feeling hot, reminded himself again: Awakes! Zi Di. He is only a substitute person.” 她伸手拍拍自己仍旧有些发烫的脸颊,再次提醒自己:“醒醒!紫蒂。他只是一个替身。” He concealed his beastified secret to you.” Rape Chinese “他向你隐瞒了他兽化的秘密。”油菜中文 If he will know the truth in the future, how he will treat you?” “如果将来他知道真相,他又会怎样对待你呢?” The substitute people are that calm the performance and insists on, making Zi Di hold in high esteem to it again. 替身接下来沉稳和坚持的表现,让紫蒂再次对其刮目相看。 Half has treadonned obviously spatially, must crash from the cliff, he can still be able to calm down. I cannot achieve this point absolutely!” “明明已经半只脚踏空,就要从悬崖坠落,他仍旧能沉得住气。我绝对做不到这一点!” The hunting Flying Squirrel group fights, although thrilling, many twists and turns, but the human race team wins total victories finally. 狩猎飞鼠群一战虽然惊险,有许多波折,但最终人族队伍大获全胜。 The substitute person performance is quite outstanding, particularly in finally, his arm coarsens, throws the dagger with the great strength, strikes to be killed violently the Blackiron Level Flying Squirrel leader, the graceful bearing is fearful. 替身表现极为出众,尤其是在最后,他手臂变粗,用巨力投掷匕首,将黑铁级别飞鼠头领一击毙命,风姿慑人。 Zi Di admires the War Monger alchemy attainments secretly, in the heart guessed: „Has the substitute person been able active control own body, to control the spot completely beastified?” 紫蒂暗暗佩服战贩炼金造诣,心中猜测:“难道替身已经能够主动控制自己的身体,能够完全掌控部位的兽化吗?” I somewhat was strange before, the duty that the beastified ability of substitute person and he camouflages conflicts.” “我之前还有些奇怪,替身的兽化能力和他伪装的任务相互冲突。” But looking back now, some beastified abilities can also be covert. Especially coordinates battle energy, is very difficult to detect.” “但现在看来,这种部分兽化的能力也可以非常隐蔽。尤其是配合斗气,很难让人察觉。” These wins, enhanced the prestige of substitute person enormously. 这一场大胜,极大地提高了替身的威望。 Many people in post-war openly said, wants to follow Zhen Jin. 许多人在战后公开表示,想要追随针金 Because the substitute people second beastified increases the anxiety, in the evening, he calls Zi Di, made a veiled attack again inquires then scene. 替身因为第二次兽化更增疑虑,当晚,他唤来紫蒂,再一次旁敲侧击地询问当时的情景。 What happened? Lord felt where has what hidden danger?” Zi Di inquired. “是发生了什么情况?还是大人觉得,哪里有什么隐患吗?”紫蒂询问。 She hopes that the substitute person can reveal the beastified secret to her. 她非常希望替身能够对她袒露出兽化的秘密。 But what made her disappointed was, substitute person's reply was only: Does not have any, I want to understand. The time early, tomorrow do not start. You go back to rest well.” 但令她失望的是,替身的回答只是:“没有什么,我只是想要了解一下。时候不早了,明日就要启程。你回去好好休息吧。” Transmission makes everyone unexpected. 传送发生的让所有人猝不及防。 The sand dust storm is the Death God sickle, wants to harvest life of entire team. 沙尘风暴更是死神的镰刀,想要收割整个队伍的生命 The critical juncture, Zi Di uses potion immediately, melts the big hole in the sand large in pouring, builds a basement rapidly. 危急关头,紫蒂立即动用药剂,在沙硕之中浇融出大坑,迅速营造出一个地下室来。 Substitute person, you where?” “替身,你在哪里?” Zi Di sways potion, in the night berserk sandstorm, ignites the white flame. 紫蒂又挥洒药剂,在黑夜狂暴的风沙中,燃起白色的火光。 The white fire like the mark, attracted the accumulation of peripheral many. 白火如同标记,吸引了周边很多人的聚集。 However what disappoints Zi Di is, she has not seen the substitute person. 然而让紫蒂失望的是,她始终没有见到替身。 Hides quickly, Lord Zhen Jin will certainly come!” “快躲进去吧,针金大人一定会来的!” Miss Zi Di, your position was too dangerous, quick conceals enters in the cave.” 紫蒂小姐,你这个位置太危险了,快藏进地窖里。” People are persuading, Zi Di cannot insist, can only flinch temporarily. 人们劝说着,紫蒂也坚持不住,只能暂时退缩。 Does not last forever, the tunnel that temporarily melts is not very sturdy, quick caves. 好景不长,临时融化出来的地洞很不牢靠,很快就塌陷。 Is good also has abundant potion because of Zi Di, starts the pouring to melt again, attempts to expand the space. 好在紫蒂还有充裕的药剂,再次开始浇融,企图扩大空间。 Suddenly, people, drops to the deep place. 忽然,众人脚下一空,跌落到更深处。 „Does here have the natural tunnel unexpectedly?” “这里居然有天然的地洞?” Was saved!” “得救了!” The people unceasing deep breath, the oxygen deficit was serious before. 众人不断深呼吸,之前缺氧非常严重。 The Cang Xu complexion is serious: This tunnel is not natural, but is the channel that wild beast walks. Reason that there is air, should be this channel goes nonstop to the ground.” 苍须却面色沉重:“这个地洞并不是天然的,而是野兽行走的通道。之所以有空气,应该是这条通道直通地面。” In the tunnel numerous beast marks are quite obvious. 地洞中众多的兽痕相当明显。 The people facial expression is imposing. 众人神情凛然。 After recuperation moment, the group start to explore cautiously. 休整片刻后,一行人小心翼翼开始探索。 They discovered green lizard. 他们发现了绿皮蜥蜴 Regarding this wild beast, before Cang Xu and the others are not strange them , the reducing desert time has encountered. 对于这种野兽,苍须等人倒不陌生他们之前沦落沙漠的时候就遭遇过。 After eliminating several green lizard along the way, the people arrived at a unique tunnel accidentally/surprisingly. 消灭了沿途的几只绿皮蜥蜴之后,众人意外地来到了一个独特的地洞。 After the identification, the people discovered, this is the nursery of lizard group, inside deposited a lot of lizard eggs. In addition, several female lizards are guarding the egg, simultaneously hatches responsibly. 辨识之后,众人发现,这是蜥蜴群的育婴室,里面存放了大量的蜥蜴蛋。除此之外,还有数只母蜥蜴看守着蛋,同时负责孵化。 Intense slaughters to launch, Zi Di ejects potion unceasingly, finally helps the companions gain the victory. 一场激烈的厮杀展开,紫蒂不断抛出药剂,最终帮助同伴们取得胜利。 They eliminated all female lizards, but the situation is more dangerous, the sound that because fights brought in the continuous majestic lizard. 他们消灭了所有的母蜥蜴,但处境更加危险,因为战斗的动静引来了源源不断的雄壮蜥蜴。 These lizards impact the nursery unceasingly, human can only depend upon nursery narrow and small cave entrance to support difficultly. 这些蜥蜴不断冲击育婴室,人类只能依靠育婴室狭小的洞口艰难支撑。 Zi Di sufficient potion, the remelt has not had a channel. 紫蒂没有充足的药剂,再融化出一条通道。 Cang Xu through the dissection, speculated that this lizard community scale is very big. 苍须更是通过解剖等,推测出这支蜥蜴群落规模很大。 Processing, has not persisted for a long time, dying again finally. 没有处理,坚持再久,最终也是死亡。 Zi Di is very unwilling. 紫蒂很不甘心。 Obviously before, the team has exterminated the Flying Squirrel group, solved food crisis, the substitute person is the authority consolidates. After a night, actually falls to so the hopeless situation. 明明之前,队伍已经剿灭了飞鼠群,解决了食物危机,替身更是权威巩固。一夜之后,却落到如此绝境。 She opens the mouth to raise the people morale, but the effect is not very good. 她开口鼓舞众人士气,但效果很不好。 She gets a sudden inspiration, tosses pink potion, sprinkles on the body of lizard: These injured lizards retreat, so long as returns to the ground, making one see, we may the support!” 她灵机一动,抛洒粉色药剂,洒在蜥蜴的身上:“这些受伤的蜥蜴撤退,只要回到地面,让人看到,我们就有可能得到支援!” This means that made the people have a hope finally, the morale stabilized. 这个办法,总算让众人有了一点希望,士气稳定下来。 Zi Di, you have not been able to give up! Opportunity.” 紫蒂,你还不能放弃!还有机会的。” Zi Di encourages itself secretly, while looks for other outlets actively. 紫蒂一边暗自鼓励自己,一边积极寻找其他出路。 After the attempt, she discovered that these lizard eggs are very good raw materials for medicine. She uses these raw materials for medicine, configuration has acid fog potion that many lizards were also unbearable. 尝试之后,她发现这些蜥蜴蛋是非常好的药材。她利用这些药材,配置出了很多蜥蜴们也难以承受的酸雾药剂 Cang Xu speculated, these green lizard will go out to look for food in early morning. 苍须推测,这些绿皮蜥蜴会在清晨的时候出去觅食。 Zi Di then uses these potion, the help people breaks through, after thrilling escaping kills, they return to the ground. 紫蒂便动用这些药剂,帮助众人突围,一番惊险的逃杀之后,他们回到地面。 However, they have not actually expected, the lizard group that goes out to hunt to look for food suffer the scorpion group to hit hard, ahead of time returned to the lair. 然而,他们却没有料到,出去狩猎觅食的蜥蜴群遭受蝎群重击,提前回到了巢穴。 Zi Di and the others were besieged and pursued to block off, can only retreat in a sand dune peak. 紫蒂等人被围追堵截,只能退守在一个沙丘顶端。 Dependence acid fog potion, the people can only support reluctantly. 依靠酸雾药剂,众人只能勉强支撑。 The lizards encircle them, wait for Zi Di potion to exhaust. 蜥蜴们将他们团团围住,等着紫蒂药剂耗尽。 The people despair, Zi Di similarly so. 众人都绝望,紫蒂同样如此。 Bai Ya said: Lord Zhen Jin can certainly appear, saves us promptly, leading us to escape. Because only he is Templar Knight. 白芽却说:针金大人一定能够出现,及时地救下我们,带领我们逃出去。只因为他是圣殿骑士 In the Zi Di heart smiles bitterly, since the sand dust storm starts, she misses the substitute person especially. 紫蒂心中苦笑,自从沙尘风暴开始,她尤其思念替身。 Now, she does not smell on the substitute person any smell, likely, the substitute person has died in the battlefield storm. 现在,她闻不到替身身上任何的气味,很可能,替身已经死于沙场风暴之中。 But the Bai Ya naive idea made her recall the childhood fairy tale. 白芽天真的想法让她不由回想起小时候的童话。 That princess, devil and Knight fairy tale. 那个公主、恶魔骑士的童话。 devil held the princess, forcing her to marry itself. 恶魔抓住了公主,胁迫她嫁给自己。 But the little princess shakes the head: I do not want to marry you, your bad devil. My father and mother will dispatch Knight, rescues my.” 但小公主摇头:“我才不想要嫁给你呢,你这个坏恶魔。我的爸爸、妈妈会派遣骑士,来救我的。” Such fairy tale, Zi Di does not believe. 这样的童话,紫蒂早就不信了。 The brutal reality also makes her secretly small princess's courage and firmness. Although she falls into the difficult position, actually consistently maintains the hope to meet Knight to save her! 残酷的现实却也让她暗自小公主的勇气和坚定。她虽然身陷困境之中,却始终保持希望一定会骑士来救她! Fairy tale eventually is only the fairy tale.” “童话终究只是童话。” Perhaps, here was my burial ground.” “恐怕,这里就是我葬身之地了。” By the present, where my center, does not know.” “到现在,我连中枢在哪里,都不知道呢。” Hateful, father's enmity, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce......” “可恶,父亲的仇,还有紫藤商会……” However at this moment, Zi Di hears some people to shout: You quick, does that have a person?” 然而就在这时,紫蒂听到有人呼喊起来:“你们快来看,那是不是有个人?” This attracted everyone's attention immediately. 这一声立即吸引了所有人的注意。 Has one person.” “是有一个人。” Who is?” “是谁?” Could not have seen clear.” “还看不出清。” He is running to here!” “他正向我们这里跑来!” Zi Di is shocked, starts to stare. 紫蒂愣住,也开始凝望。 Cang Xu narrows the eyes: Sand dune is green lizard, this person also rushes ahead, obviously is boldness because of one's skill.” 苍须眯起双眼:“沙丘脚下都是绿皮蜥蜴,这个人还冲杀过来,明显是艺高人胆大。” Is Lord Zhen Jin, certainly is he.” Bai Ya shouts excitedly. “是针金大人,一定是他。”白芽激动地喊道。 From is getting more and more near, the people can identify the appearance of person finally. 距离越来越近,众人终于能辨认出来人的面貌。 Immediately, the cheers get up. 顿时,欢呼声起。 Is Lord, is really Lord Zhen Jin!” “是大人,果然是针金大人!” In a flash, the Zi Di heart beats rapidly, a strong mood almost must flow copiously, changes into the excited tears. 一瞬间,紫蒂心脏急速跳动,一股强烈的情绪几乎要夺眶而出,化为激动的泪水。 She resounds mother's words: My little princess, relax, you will have your Knight, he will protect your life.” 她响起母亲的话:“我的小公主啊,放心吧,你会有你的骑士,他会守护你一生。” My Knight?” Childhood Zi Di eyes flash, he where?” “我的骑士?”童年紫蒂双眼闪光,“他在哪里呢?” Un...... mother is not quite clear. What we definitely know is that he will certainly appear in your life.” “嗯……妈妈也不太清楚呢。但可以肯定的是,他一定会在你生命里出现的。” Now. 现在。 He appeared. 他出现了。
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