EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#195: The side has you, really good

The plump, Huang Zao knelt on the ground suddenly, the forehead hit the ground ruthlessly, begged for mercy on own initiative: Two Lord! I am Huang Zao, is I retreats. I made a mistake, I committed the unforgivable crime! my humble self will not revolt, must kill to hack, all handles depending on two Lord!” 扑通一声,黄藻忽然跪在了地上,额头狠狠撞击地面,主动求饶:“两位大人!我是黄藻,是我临阵溃逃。我错了,我犯下了不可饶恕的罪!小人不会反抗,要杀要剐,全凭二位大人处置!” Afterward, Lan Zao also kneels on the ground to implore the forgiveness of substitute person. 随后,蓝藻也跪在地上祈求替身的宽恕。 Cang Xu is also its argument. 苍须也为其辩解。 Zi Di looked at two brothers who kneel on the ground, sneer: This lowly spiritless my humble self, deceives Lord Zhen Jin, conceals fact that silver magic beast has, is only the one's own selfish interests. Afterward sneaks away at a critical juncture, sets at noble bloodline in the strategic place, returns evil for good! Did this scholar, you urge us to deal with leniently to such person?” 紫蒂看了一眼跪在地上的两兄弟,不禁冷笑:“这个卑贱懦弱的小人,欺瞒针金大人,隐瞒白银魔兽存在的事实,只为一己之私。随后又临阵脱逃,置高贵的血脉者于险地,恩将仇报!这位学者,你劝我们对这样的人从轻发落?” In the surface said like this, in the young girl heart actually likes completely. 表面上这样说,少女心中却满是欢喜。 This situation compared with being better that also she expects, she thinks needs to fight, can make them submit. 这个情况比她料想的还要好,她原本以为需要一战,才能让他们臣服。 Cang Xu is Lan Zao and Huang Zao this strives to treat leniently to the brothers, Lan Zao and Huang Zao voluntary are slaves. 苍须蓝藻黄藻这对兄弟争取宽大处理,蓝藻黄藻自愿为奴。 Lord.” Zi Di looks to Zhen Jin, a subordinate stance that awaits calmly the latter to decide, in the heart some worry substitute people are swayed by personal feelings. 大人。”紫蒂看向针金,一副静待后者定夺的下属姿态,心中有些担心替身意气用事。 Finally, the substitute person said like this: Cannot overestimate the person, cannot underestimate the person. These words are my Hundred Needles Clan parental instruction. Therefore, Huang Zao and Lan Zao, I am willing to you two an opportunity , hoping that you can use the loyal and real action, changes me to your views.” 结果,替身这样说道:“不可高估人,也不可低估人。这句话是我百针一族的家训。所以,黄藻蓝藻,我愿意给你们两个一次机会,希望你们能够用忠诚和切实的行动,改变我对你们的看法。” „The Sacred Temple brilliance, covers every inchs the land. The Empire colors, shelter each Empire people. Follows I, I will lead you to live am leaving here.” 圣殿的光辉,笼罩每一寸土地。帝国的军旗,庇护每一位帝国子民。跟着我,我将带领你们活着离开这里。” Zi Di relaxes. 紫蒂松了一口气。 The substitute people have not been swayed by personal feelings, pay great attention to the practical value, has the aristocrat style very much. 替身没有意气用事,注重实利,很有贵族风范。 Particularly the last few words, really look like Templar Knight......” “尤其是最后一句话,真像一位圣殿骑士啊……” People one by one partly kneels on the ground, recognized the leading status of substitute person. 众人纷纷半跪在地上,承认替身的领袖地位。 Although is false, but the substitute person had Templar Knight and aristocrat dual identities, the ease becomes the leader. Trades to be me, at all impossible to achieve in such short time this step. Oh...... I really must achieve this step, the time, energy and the price consumption, far far exceeds substitute person.” Zi Di sighed. “尽管是假的,但替身有了圣殿骑士贵族双重身份,轻而易举就成为了领袖。换做我,根本不可能在这样短的时间里做到这一步。唉……我真要做到这一步,耗费的时间、精力和代价,将远远超过替身。”紫蒂感叹不已。 The team recuperation, the substitute person summoned Cang Xu alone. 队伍休整,替身单独召见了苍须 How doesn't know the leadership of substitute person?” “不知道替身的领导能力如何?” According to the information and personal observation, Zhen Jin oneself leadership is worrying.” “根据情报和亲自观察,针金本人的领导能力堪忧啊。” „It is not good, I must help his some.” “不行,我得多帮助他一些。” Zi Di does not have the means to idle, she rapidly and each member contacted initially. As the merchant, she is actually good at the human relations. 紫蒂没办法闲下来,她迅速地和每一个成员初步接触了一番。身为商人,她其实非常善于交际。 Quick, she returned to original state the entire truth. 很快,她就还原了整个事实真相。 This Cang Xu is not very simple!” When is together alone, Zi Di reminded the substitute person. “这个苍须很不简单!”在独自相处的时候,紫蒂提醒替身。 Cannot overestimate the person, cannot underestimate the person.” The substitute people are sighing, then looks after Zi Di, remembers incompletely related to me, is unable to utilize the battle energy situation, temporarily needs to keep secret.” “不可高估人,也不可低估人呐。”替身感叹着,接着关照紫蒂,“有关我记忆残缺,无法运用斗气的情况,暂时需要保密。” Zi Di nods again and again, complexion slightly austere: I understand that Lord.” 紫蒂连连点头,脸色微肃:“我明白的,大人。” She is just about to remind substitute person matter. 她正要提醒替身这个事情。 This secret, she does not want to expose. 这个秘密,她也不希望暴露出去。 The appearance of Cang Xu, making Zi Di vigilant. 苍须的出现,让紫蒂警惕。 This old scholar is a smart person, the reason of substitute person and has made Zi Di feel the pressure absolutely resourcefully, if makes Cang Xu such person know, does not have an advantage to the Zi Di hundred evils. 这个老学者绝对是个聪明人,替身的理智和机敏已经让紫蒂倍感压力,如果让苍须这样的人知晓更多,对紫蒂百害无一利。 You arrange, called in turn the Exploration Team member, I talked with them in the tent alone.” The substitute people also told Zi Di finally. “你安排一下,将探索队的成员依次叫进来,我在帐篷里和他们单独对话。”替身最后又吩咐紫蒂 This action makes the young girl stare slightly. 这个举动让少女微微一愣。 Afterward, she promise of substitute person the mouths inquired from Bai Ya and the others in-, so long as then displayed well, in the future can perhaps follow him, joined Whitesand City! Also can become Whitesand City guard badly. 随后,她从白芽等人的口中询问出的替身的许诺-只要接下来好好表现,将来或许就能跟随他,加入白沙城!最差也能成为白沙城卫兵呢。 Zi Di a little holds in high esteem to the substitute person. 紫蒂有点对替身刮目相看起来。 It seems like , he although the memory all loses, but has certain leader ability. My beforehand worry was somewhat unnecessary. Because of his original status?” “看来,他虽然记忆全失,但还是有一定的领袖能力的。我之前的担心有些多余了。难道是因为他本来的身份吗?” Zi Di starts the curious substitute person original status. 紫蒂开始好奇替身原本的身份。 Because she knows, if Zhen Jin, very big probability will not do this. 因为她知道,如果是针金,很大概率不会这样做的。 Attitude of Zhen Jin to these civilians is quite arrogant, will not lower the posture, every person receives and chitchats. He perhaps believes, these people can follow him are their luck. 针金对这些平民的态度相当傲慢,不会放下身段,每一个人都去接见和攀谈。他恐怕会认为,这些人能够追随他是他们的幸运。 In the tent, substitute person, Zi Di, Cang Xu and the others started to discuss the following action plan. 帐篷里,替身、紫蒂苍须等人开始商议接下来的行动方略。 People on hand on map merge, substitute person opens the mouth: We situated here, our goals are to return to here now.” 众人将手头上的地图合并,替身开口:“我们现在位于这里,我们的目标是回到这里。” With the proposition of large unit convergence, no one opposed. 和大部队汇合的提议,没有人反对。 The Zi Di heart sighed, in her heart to the War Monger heritage never forgot. Before, only then she and substitute person two people, but subdues such a group of people now, again made Zi Di produce the ambitiousness to the heritage. 紫蒂心头一叹,她心中对战贩的遗产还是念念不忘。之前,只有她和替身两人,但现在收服了这么一批人,再次让紫蒂对遗产产生了企图心。 Cang Xu starts to tell that his speculation, he said an astonishing suspicion- magic beast on this island man-made. 苍须开始讲述他的推测,他说出一个惊人的猜想-这个岛上的魔兽是人造的。 The substitute people are surprised , because he hears this view for the first time. 替身惊讶,是因为他第一次听到这种说法。 Zi Di is also surprised, she sizes up present old scholar, is more vigilant to him: Actually does he how know this secret? 紫蒂也惊讶,她打量眼前的老学者,对他更加警惕:他究竟怎么知道这个秘密的? Cang Xu explained slowly: „Since has entered the island, I dissected many magic beast, discovered them, although have the stable circulation, the organ organization cooperation is close, probably inborn so, but goes into seriously truly, actually their unnatural.” 苍须缓缓解释起来:“入岛以来,我解剖了很多魔兽,发现它们虽然自身有着稳定的循环,器官组织合作紧密,好像天生如此,但真正深究起来,其实它们都不自然。” The Zi Di brow wrinkles, is pondering over the Cang Xu words: unnatural?” 紫蒂眉头微皱起来,琢磨着苍须的话:“不自然?” A Cang Xu following explanation, making the people accept his suspicion gradually. 苍须接下来的一番解释,让众人渐渐接受了他的猜想。 Zi Di relaxes, Cang Xu does not know the circumstances of the matter, but defers to the speculation that his rich knowledge has. 紫蒂松了一口气,苍须并不知情,只是依照他丰富的学识产生的推测。 This old scholar very one set, is not the common aristocrat steward.” In the Zi Di heart appraises. “这个老学者很有一套,不是一般的贵族管家。”紫蒂心中评价。 Lan Zao cannot bear ask: Then who can create so many magic beast? Is which influential character in Empire? Is gods? Only then do the gods have the creation mighty force?” 蓝藻忍不住问:“那么谁能创造出这么多的魔兽呢?是帝国中哪一位大人物?难道是神明吗?只有神明才有造物的伟力吧?” The Zi Di heart moves, benefits from the speculation of Cang Xu, the people's understanding Monster Bewildering Island deepened. 紫蒂心头一动,得益于苍须的推测,众人对迷怪岛的了解加深了许多。 Zi Di will not go to explain on own initiative, because will annoy to suspect. Cang Xu is the intent outsider thing! 紫蒂不会去主动解释,因为会惹来怀疑。苍须是个意外人物! But to this step, I can push the boat along? I can definitely indicate these people, affects them to seek for the alchemy factory. So long as does not have the suspicion to me, any attempt must be is worth!” “但到了这一步,我是否可以顺水推舟呢?我完全可以点拨这些人,影响他们寻找炼金工厂。只要不对我产生怀疑,任何的尝试都应当是值得的!” Therefore she said: Mage also has the possibility. As far as I know, Legend Rank Mage can transform and operate demiplane, isn't this imitates the creation world of gods?” 于是她说:“法师也有可能。据我所知,传奇级法师就能改造和经营半位面,这不就是模仿神明的创世吗?” Cang Xu also guessed: I think: It seems like that landform mutation teleportation mechanism, likely is in this island master protect island one of the ecology measures.” 苍须又猜测:“我认为:看似地貌异变的传送机制,很可能是这座海岛主人维护岛上生态的措施之一。” Zi Di looks at Cang Xu , indicating the people again: If these ferocious beast were also transmitted, then perhaps the master of this island, to let them slaughters, chooses strongest monster. It looks like Alchemy Guild Alchemy Puppet Competition, is to cultivate the strongest life weapon?” 紫蒂看着苍须,再次点拨众人:“如果这些猛兽也被传送,那么或许这座海岛的主人,是为了让它们进行厮杀,挑选出最强的怪兽。就像是炼金公会举办的炼金傀儡大赛,是想要栽培出最强的生命兵器呢?” Cang Xu smile: Lord Zi Di analysis is very reasonable, indeed also has this possibility. But I firmly believed that maintains the ecology possibly is bigger......” 苍须微笑:“紫蒂大人分析的很有道理,的确也有这种可能性。但我还是坚持认为,维持生态的可能更大一些……” The Cang Xu words are well-founded, Zi Di also thought that is very reasonable. 苍须的一番话有理有据,紫蒂也觉得很有道理。 Perhaps, the intention of this teleportation mechanism has both at the same time!” “或许,这种传送机制的用意兼而有之!” The young girls open the mouth saying: Then, the master of this island builds jungle, mountain forest, desert, snowy peak wait/etc landforms intentionally, ominous beast that also to restrain these makes, did the ecology of stable island, maintain the natural balance? But how I always felt: It is to screen one type to adapt to all circumstances, strength strongest monster!” 少女又开口道:“这么说来,这座海岛的主人之所以故意营造出丛林、山林、沙漠、雪峰等等地貌,也是为了约束这些制造出来的凶兽,稳定海岛的生态,保持自然的平衡了?但我怎么总觉得:祂是想要筛选出一种能够适应所有环境,实力最强的怪兽!” ( If some people of Lenovo beastified people, the life alchemy technique, could guess master of the island was War Monger.) (如果有人联想兽化人,生命炼金术,或许可以从中猜测到海岛之主就是战贩了。) Cang Xu then said his guess: Chaotic magic is extremely unstable, sometimes will form the explosion...... in this environment, forbade low rank magic and battle energy, protected these magic beast, maintains their stabilities, making them exist forever in world.” 苍须接着说他的猜测:“混乱的魔力是极不稳定的,有时候会形成爆炸……在这个环境中,禁止了低阶的魔法斗气,也就保护了这些魔兽,维持它们的稳定,让它们长存于世。” Zi Di holds in high esteem to Cang Xu again. 紫蒂不禁再次对苍须刮目相看。 This secret she has suspected, never expected that Cang Xu this outsider also investigates such deeply. But these, are only this old scholar with the aid of his knowledge and wisdom, achieved this step. 这个秘密她早就猜想出来了,没想到苍须这个外人也探查这么深。而这些,只是这位老学者借助他本身的学识和智慧,就做到了这一步。 Saw that the people have not sought for the intention of center, Zi Di cannot bear the opens the mouth finally: If Mr. Cang Xu speculation real, no matter that this island, all sorts of magic beast are the thing of transformation. Then on this island, has a center inevitably. You said that if we found this center, how can?” 看到众人始终没有寻找中枢的意图,紫蒂终于忍不住开口:“如果苍须先生的猜测是真的,那么不管是这座海岛,还是种种魔兽都是改造之物。那么这座海岛上,必然有一个中枢。你们说,如果我们找到这个中枢,会怎么样?” Lan Zao said hastily: „Was this too dangerous? Can transform the entire island, and makes existences of so many magic beast, we could not resist. This is brings about own destruction simply!” 蓝藻连忙道:“这太危险了吧?能够改造整座海岛,并且制造出这么多的魔兽的存在,我们根本对抗不了的。这简直是自寻死路啊!” Zi Di smiles, shakes the head slightly: In effect it is not so.” 紫蒂笑了笑,微微摇头:“其实不然。” Thinks carefully, before us analyzes, biggest possibly has two.” “诸位仔细想想,按照我们之前分析的,最大的可能有两个。” „The first possibility, the master of island went out, is not in the island. We attacked the center at this time, is completely the best time.” “第一种可能,海岛的主人外出了,并不在岛上。我们这个时候突袭中枢,完全是最佳时机。” „The second possibility, island master continuously, but It has not acted, monitors us, to play jokes upon us or and does not care about us. Once we must successfully flee this island, It to keep secret, decided however will also lend a hand to solve us.” “第二种可能,海岛主人一直都在,但祂没有出手,监视我们、戏耍我们或者并不在意我们。然而一旦我们要成功逃离这座海岛,祂为了保密,定然还会出手解决了我们。” Therefore, with its this, might as well destroys the center.” “所以,与其这样,还不如直捣中枢。” Once smashed the center, we can stop transmitting, making the environment on island return to normal. We can utilize magic and battle energy, but these ominous beasts actually therefore collapse. This escapes to us, is extremely advantageous.” “一旦捣毁了中枢,我们就能停止传送,令岛上的环境恢复正常。我们能够运用魔法斗气,而那些凶兽却因此而崩溃。这对我们逃生,是极其有利的。” Lan Zao speechless, such a thinks, probably also right! 蓝藻哑然,这么一想,好像也对! Zi Di looks to the substitute person, double is sharp-eyed the glow to be sparkling: Lord Zhen Jin, we must go to beast race continent, strives to wield Whitesand City. If we can such magic technology, be able the lot manufacturing silver level and Gold Level magic beast. Even if these ominous beasts can only continue very short time, from exploding. You felt, this does have the big advantage to us?” 紫蒂又看向替身,双眼精芒烁烁:“针金大人,我们是要前往兽族大陆,争取执掌白沙城的。如果我们能够得到这样的魔法技术,能够批量制造出白银层次黄金层次魔兽。哪怕这些凶兽只能持续很短的时间,就会自爆。你觉得,这对我们有多大的好处?” In a flash, the substitute person palpitates with excitement. 一瞬间,替身怦然心动。 Lord.” Cang Xu is slowly typical, I do not approve of the suggestion of Lord Zi Di.” 大人。”苍须缓缓地道,“我并不赞同紫蒂大人的建议。” Cang Xu said four aspects, the logic is clear, is systematic, these words touched the substitute person thoroughly. 苍须说了四个方面,逻辑清晰,条理分明,这番话彻底打动了替身。 The substitute people pondered, nods later: „ Good of very analysis. The center was too indistinct, the risk is also too big, our strengths are insufficient, therefore the first goal is the large unit convergence, makes the sea boat to flee from this island as soon as possible. 替身思考了一下,随后点头:“分析的很好。中枢太缥缈了,风险也太大,我们的实力不足,所以第一目标是和大部队汇合,尽快制造海船逃离此岛。 Hateful!” Zi Di pinches the double fist secretly, is very unwilling. “可恶!”紫蒂暗捏双拳,很不甘心。 „Can the War Monger heritage, really just miss with me?” “难道战贩的遗产,真的要和我失之交臂?” That is a alchemy Grandmaster heritage!” “那可是一位炼金大宗师的遗产啊!” I obtain it, my life and my destiny will have the earth-shaking improvement!” “我得到它,我的人生、我的命运都将发生翻天覆地的改善!” Zi Di has no alternative, she does not have the means to say the truth. Brings to light slightly, possibly drew fire to oneself, destroyed itself. 紫蒂无可奈何,她没有办法说出真相。稍稍挑明,就可能引火烧身,毁灭了自己。 The decision has decided that the people do not have anxiously starting. 决策已定,众人却没有急着启程。 Because Cang Xu proposed hunts and kills the flock of sheep, gained a lot of food. 因为苍须提议猎杀羊群,获取大量食物。 This proposition also makes Zi Di approve, food is very important, this action difficulty is very simultaneously low, can deepen the prestige of substitute person easily. 这个提议也让紫蒂非常认可,食物很重要,同时这个行动难度很低,很容易就能加深替身的威望。 However, development not as everyone expected. 然而,事情的发展出乎所有人意料。 Because the people ate the mutton poison. 众人因为食用了羊肉中毒。 The group almost collapsed on the ground. 一行人几乎都瘫倒在了地上。 The symptom of poisoning seems cold poison, is specious. 中毒症状好似寒毒,却又似是而非。 Indistinct within, Zi Di thought of anything, but cannot grasp in the mind to flash before truly, but the miraculous glow. 隐约间,紫蒂想到了什么,但又不能真正的把握住脑海中闪现而出的这道灵光。 My time are not much!” “我的时间不多了!” Anxious, Zi Di made the choice hastily. 急切之间,紫蒂连忙做出了选择。 Lord, the red...... the white mushroom bottle cap......” Zi Di with the stiff finger, aims at the small handbag of waist. 大人,红色……白蘑菇瓶盖……”紫蒂用僵硬的手指,指向自己腰间的小皮包。 Zi Di opens the mouth reluctantly, Zhen Jin starts to fall red thick potion in bottle. 紫蒂勉强张开口,针金开始倾倒瓶中的红稠药剂 The potion entrance, the Zi Di heart shook fiercely, held that miraculous glow. 药剂入口,紫蒂心头猛地一震,抓住了那道灵光。 Wait! Perhaps, is that possibility?” “等等!或许,是那种可能?” Already without enough time. 已经来不及了。 next moment, her eyes turn, faints thoroughly. 下一刻,她双眼一翻,彻底昏死过去。 Is good because of following, Cang Xu reminded the substitute person before the stupor, the group hurry back to the place of hunting flock of sheep hastily. 好在接下来,苍须在昏迷之前提醒了替身,一行人连忙赶回狩猎羊群的地点。 The people get back, but also fell into flurriedly, the morale falls suddenly. 众人恢复过来,但也陷入了慌乱,士气暴跌。 The substitute people stand the stability morale, told the people: Matter is also far from the situation beyond redemption, don't forget, we also had Miss Zi Di, she was not only Mage, was ability unusual Potionist.” 替身站出来稳定士气,又告诉众人:“事情还远没有到不可收拾的地步,别忘了,我们还有紫蒂小姐,她不仅是一位魔法师,还是一位本领超凡的药剂师。” Zi Di just drank potion, actually the matter that oneself lane faints at the scene, as if forgot by the substitute person. 紫蒂刚刚喝了药剂,却把自己当场弄昏了过去的事情,似乎被替身忘记了。 However initially saw this person has many, return trip time, the person of knowing the circumstances of the matter also disseminates this matter. 不过当初看到这一幕的人有不少,回程的时候,知情的人还将此事传播。 Can she really be good? 她真的能行吗? A substitute person strength guarantee: Before we do not know that reason of poison, the diagnosis mistake is very normal. Uses potion, is always the art acts appropriately to the situation. Now knew the root, is completely two matters! How can the trivial flock of sheep surround our hands and feet? I must lead you to leave this island. Now gives up, but also too early.” 替身一力担保:“之前我们都不知道中毒的原因,诊治失误是很正常的。使用药剂,向来都是讲究对症下药。现在知道了根源,完全就是两码事了!区区羊群怎么能困住我们的手脚?诸位,我还要带领着你们离开这座海岛。现在放弃,还太早了啊。” The heart that moves in Zi Di emerges. 一股感动在紫蒂的心头涌现而出。 She made a mistake, the toxin in mutton she has not examined. Disintoxicating time, she also took a rash step. 她失误了,羊肉中的毒素她并没有检测出来。解毒的时候,她也失策了。 However in this case, the substitute person still trusted her. 但是就在这种情况下,替身仍旧信任她。 This trusted feeling, really very good...... 这种被信任的感觉,真的很好…… But substitute person who the stable will of the people, cleans up the aspect, looks like morning sun that daybreak just ascended, the sunlight is not dazzling, actually takes to the person to hope. 而稳定人心,收拾局面的替身,就像是黎明时分刚刚升腾起来的朝阳,阳光并不刺眼,却带给人希望。 It seems like flag that under the blue sky pure white castle peak that flutters against the wind, so long as sees such flag, for its attraction, was led by it inevitably. 又像是蓝天下洁白城堡顶端那迎风飘扬的旗帜,只要看到这样的旗帜,就不可避免地为其吸引,受其引领。 This makes Zi Di feel reliable again: His leadership compared with Zhen Jin.” 这让紫蒂再一次感到可靠:“他的领导能力比针金强多了。” Gets together in the tent, high-level are worried for the matter of poison. 齐聚帐篷,高层们为中毒的事情苦恼。 Zi Di holds the miraculous glow in mind, she conducted an experiment using potion at the scene, refine many finely ground particles. 紫蒂却已是抓住了脑海中的灵光,她当场运用药剂进行了一场试验,炼出了许多小颗粒。 She observes these finely ground particles carefully, the eyes shines: „, I think that I found the real reason.” 她仔细察看这些小颗粒,双眼发亮:“诸位,我想我找到了真正的原因。” The poison is only the superficial phenomenon, the real reason is in the mountain sheep meat is hiding frost magic. The latter is reserved under the low temperature, the people edible mutton, suffered the corrosion of this magic. 中毒只是表面现象,真正的原因是山羊肉中潜藏着冰霜魔力。后者在低温下非常内敛,众人食用羊肉,就遭受了这种魔力的侵蚀。 The weal and woe relies on one another, this type of mountain sheep meat is the value very high commodity. 福祸相依,这种山羊肉是价值很高的商品。 The purple pupil young girl flashing eyes look to the substitute person: Lord Zhen Jin, if we develop, and grasped this business, this greatly will be without doubt helpful to you. No matter competes with Lord of the Whitesand City, becomes Lord of the Whitesand City, you need so much funds. But this business looks like to your back inserts the pair of wings! It even also probably brings the support of top great aristocrat for us!” 紫眸少女目光炯炯地看向替身:“针金大人,如果我们开发,并且掌握了这门生意,这无疑将对你大有帮助。不管是竞争白沙城主,还是成为了白沙城主,你都需要大量的资金。而这项生意就像是给你的后背插上双翼!它甚至还可能为我们带来顶层大贵族的支持!” Zi Di sighed secretly: This is also only the minimum part in War Monger heritage, its value is so high. Really difficult to imagine, actually the complete heritage is the huge income!” 紫蒂暗自感叹:“这还只是战贩遗产中的极小的一部分,它的价值就已经这么高了。真的很难想象,完整的遗产究竟是何等巨大的收益!” Although found the reason, but must solve this difficult problem truly, but must depend on Zi Di. 尽管找到了原因,但真正要解决这个难题,还得靠紫蒂自己。 Others, including the substitute person and Cang Xu, cannot help. 其他人,包括替身和苍须,都帮不上忙。 Zi Di will close in the tent, alone facing this challenge. 紫蒂将自己关在帐篷里,独自面对这个挑战。 Zi Di, you can, come on!” The purple pupil young girl deep breath one breath, starts to attempt. 紫蒂,你可以的,加油!”紫眸少女深呼吸一口气,开始尝试。 Tries failure, the Zi Di quick whole body sweat. 尝试一次次失败,紫蒂很快浑身大汗。 The failure continuously appears, the success will never be, the pressure in her heart will be getting bigger and bigger. 失败不断出现,成功遥遥无期,她心中的压力越来越大。 If the solution this difficult problem, they will be stranded forever here. No matter with large unit convergence, goes to the alchemy factory to expect. 如果解决不了这个难题,他们将永远被困在这里。不管是和大部队汇合,还是前往炼金工厂都是奢望。 You must be good! Father's enmity, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce...... Zi Di, you must solve this problem!” Zi Di clenches teeth to insist. “你必须行!父亲的仇,还有紫藤商会……紫蒂,你必须解决这个问题!”紫蒂咬牙坚持。 Struggles alone late at night, Zi Di reaches movement suddenly of waist handbag. 独自奋斗到深夜,紫蒂伸向腰间皮包的动作忽然一顿。 Did not have the medicinal herb!” “没有药材了!” She seems like makes a false step, drops the abyss from the cliff. 她像是一脚踩空,从悬崖上跌落深渊。 Some little time, she looks like the statue, standing rigidly on the spot. 好一会儿,她就像是石像,僵立在原地。 This type of medicinal herb is essential, the consumption light/only, is the complete failure! 这种药材非常关键,消耗光了,就是彻底失败! Desperately and dejectedly seems like the tsunami to be the same, submerges the heart of Zi Di. 绝望和沮丧像是海啸一般,淹没紫蒂的心。 Her staggers, almost falls on the ground, almost cried. 她一个踉跄,差点跌坐在地上,差点失声痛哭。 Calm! Calm!” She urged herself in the heart like this, but the tears actually silent large share flowed. “冷静!冷静!”她在心中这样劝自己,但眼泪却无声地大股地流淌下来。 She knows that could not help itself flurriedly, started the continual deep breath. 她知道慌乱帮不了自己,开始连续的深呼吸。 However the deep breath does not have an effect. 但是深呼吸不起作用。 Her train of thought confusion, is hard to ponder. 她思绪一片混乱,难以思考。 At this time, she smelled on the substitute person the potion flavor. 就在这个时候,她闻到了替身身上药剂的味道。 In wharf, she to insure, sprinkled some smell potion on the body of substitute person in secret. 早在码头上,她为了保险,就暗中在替身的身上洒下了某种气味药剂 This smell only then took corresponding medicine Zi Di, can smell. 这种气味只有服用了相应的药物的紫蒂,才能够闻得到。 Zi Di was hearing this flavor, the mind horizontal calms down unexpectedly slowly. 紫蒂闻着这种味道,心灵竟缓缓地平静下来。 She knows, when oneself struggle alone, the substitute person has stood outside own tent, guards for her. 她知道,在自己独自奋斗的时候,替身一直站在自己的帐篷外,为她守卫。 Suddenly, she felt: Oneself are not lonely one person. 忽然间,她觉得:自己并不是孤单一人的。 In this hopeless situation, still the person faced with her together, joint struggle! 在这绝境当中,仍旧有一人和她共同面对,共同奋斗! He with oneself way, helping me...... spell to go all-out.” “他在用自己的方式,帮助我……拼尽全力。” He is protecting me.” “他在守护我。” He also thinks that I do not know......” “他还以为我不知道……” Although he is not true Knight, although he might look for my trouble in the future, but at this moment......” “尽管他不是一位真正的骑士,尽管他将来有可能会找我的麻烦,但此刻……” My side has you, really good.” “我的身边有你,真好。” Zi Di thorough is calm, the tears on her quietly wipe clean cheeks. 紫蒂的心情彻底平静下来,她悄然擦拭脸颊上的泪。 Also hopeful!” “还有希望!” Although the essential medicinal herb consumed up, but I can attempt to use other medicinal herb substitutions.” “虽然关键药材消耗光了,但是我可以尝试用其他药材替代。” This is the precious knowledge on barbarian race skin volume. 这是蛮族皮卷上的宝贵知识。 Zi Di not grasps, completely without the experience in this aspect, but existence of Zhen Jin gives the courage that she attempted. 紫蒂毫无把握,完全没有这方面的经验,但针金的存在给了她去尝试的勇气。 Also is failure. 又是一次次的失败。 The failure, is the failure. 失败,还是失败。 Continual failure. 连续的失败。 Zi Di does not know that failed many times, she is numb to the result of failure. When successfully approaches, she is still attempting subconsciously again. 紫蒂已经不知道失败了多少次,她对失败的结果已经麻木。以至于成功来临时,她还在下意识地去再一次尝试。 next moment, Zi Di covers to be quiet, is looking at the liquid in potion bottle, shed tears again. 下一刻,紫蒂捂住嘴,望着药剂瓶中的液体,再次落下了热泪。 Tidies up the mood, reorganizes the good correct manners discipline, she smelled smelling gently. 收拾好情绪,整理好仪容,她轻轻地嗅了嗅。 Substitute people also. 替身还在。 Outside the tent, the sunlight illuminates the East, rosy-colored clouds at dawn everywhere. 帐篷外,阳光照亮东方,朝霞漫天。 Zi Di summoned: Lord Zhen Jin, you also in?” 紫蒂呼唤道:“针金大人,你还在吗?” In.” Zhen Jin replied immediately. “在。”针金立即答道。 That please come.” “那就请进来吧。” Enters the tent, various strange smells become richer, one by one swamps into the nose of substitute person. 一进入帐篷,各种古怪的气味变得更加浓郁,纷纷涌入替身的鼻中。 But origin in his smell, actually by the Zi Di tight capture. 而来源于他的气味,却被紫蒂紧紧捕捉。 Zi Di is looking at the substitute person, holds up the glass jar in hand: Good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” 紫蒂望着替身,举起手中的玻璃瓶:“幸不辱命。” In the bottle is a azure liquid, probably sea water. The surface is calm, the deep place has turbulent undercurrent. 瓶中是一种湛蓝的液体,像是海水。表面波澜不惊,深处却有一股汹涌的潜流。
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