EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#194: When has the danger in his side

The injury of substitute person gradually restores, in the further exchange, Zi Di also narrated her status. 替身的伤势逐渐恢复,在进一步的交流中,紫蒂也叙述了她的身份。 Wisteria Chamber of Commerce? The name is a little familiar-sounding...... wait/etc, yes?” 紫藤商会?名字有点耳熟……等等,难道是?” The substitute people analyze the situation, is more intimate to Zi Di. 替身分析自身处境,对紫蒂更加亲近。 Zi Di watches a person's every mood, in the heart is more vigilant: „The analysis capability of substitute person wants on high compared with Zhen Jin many, I disclosed Wisteria Chamber of Commerce slightly, he has associated to so many.” 紫蒂察言观色,心中更加警惕:“替身的分析能力比针金要高上很多,我只是稍稍透露出紫藤商会,他就已经自行联想到了这么多。” Looks at his facial expression, he also quite approves regarding this type of benefit alliance. This indicated that he essentially is also the practical person!” “看他的神情,他对于这种利益联盟也相当认可。这说明他本质上也是务实的人!” Zi Di felt the pressure. 紫蒂感到了压力。 She and substitute person is together, when is together the pressure on be much bigger than with Zhen Jin. 她和替身相处,比和针金相处时的压力大得多。 The substitute people also inquired why own side does not have the direct descendant strength. 替身又询问自己身边为什么没有嫡系力量。 Zi Di then told him: Indeed one group of manpower, dispatch from the Lord family. However they were under the attack of robber in the journey, was annihilated. Meanwhile, around the Hundred Needles family territory also presented goblin and trace of ogre frequent action.” 紫蒂便告诉他:“的确是有一批人手,从大人的家族中派遣出来的。但是他们在路途中遭遇到了强盗的袭击,全军覆没了。同时,百针家族的领地周围也出现了地精食人魔频繁行动的痕迹。” The young girls have known at this moment, this is actually not the plot of competitor, but is War Monger and influence of pointed drill camp does. 少女此刻已经知道,这其实不是竞争对手的阴谋,而是战贩、尖钻这个阵营的势力做的。 But the substitute person had been misled, cold snort/hum: It seems like position the competition about Lord of the Whitesand City is very intense.” 但替身已经被误导,不禁冷哼一声:“看来关于白沙城主之位的竞争很激烈啊。” Lord. Travels together with us, there is Sacred Temple priest, named Jia Sha. He is the examination officer of this City Lord competition. He may be very also living, if we can find him, and takes to him to help, that it would be the best.” Zi Di informs existence of substitute person Jia Sha. 大人。和我们同行的,有一位圣殿牧师,名为痂沙。他就是此次城主竞争的考评官。他很可能还活着,如果我们能找到他,并带给他帮助,那就最好不过了。”紫蒂又告知替身痂沙的存在。 The injury of substitute person recovers, two people made fully the preparation, left the cave, attempted to escape again. 替身的伤势痊愈,两人做足了准备,离开山洞,再次尝试逃生。 However, they actually discovered very with amazement: The landform had the mutation. 然而,他们却十分惊讶地发现:地貌发生了异变。 Is the jungle landform, finally becomes the forest landform. 原本是丛林地貌,结果成为了森林地貌。 To a certain extent, the vast nature is nastier than fierce magic beast. 在某种程度上,广袤的自然比凶猛的魔兽更加难以对付。 The substitute people and Zi Di can only return the cave reluctantly. 替身和紫蒂只能无奈地退回山洞。 Substitute person strength is strong, even if he can use battle energy, has not helped the present difficult position.” “替身实力再强,哪怕他能动用斗气,也对现在的困境没有帮助。” Zi Di knows oneself must stand! 紫蒂知道自己必须站出来! In barbarian race skin volume has potion to help me, but I am more deficient the medicinal herb.” 蛮族皮卷上有药剂可以帮助我,但是我缺乏许多药材。” That can only substitute with other raw materials for medicine. Is good because, I on medicinal herb has certain reserve on hand, in the medicinal herb of collection the nature has newly is close to the original formula very much.” “那就只能用其他药材进行替代。好在,我手头上的药材有一定储备,同时新采集的药材中物性有很接近原来配方的。” This is worth attempting, must attempt!” “这值得尝试,也必须尝试!” Zi Di tries an evening laboriously, by the next day, she saw the pit bottom thorough dry pink color liquid, in the heart jumps for joy. 紫蒂辛苦尝试一个晚上,到了第二天,她看到坑底彻底干涸的粉色液体,不由心中雀跃。 I succeeded!” “我成功了!” She pounds the powder these powder blocks, wrapped up with the leaf separatedly, made pink potion. 她将这些粉块捣成粉末,用树叶分开包扎,制成了粉红药剂 These medicinal powder can stay behind the trace, the bright pink color will be very conspicuous in the forest. No matter sprinkles on tree trunk, is in the stone, will stay is very long. Even if the rainstorm washout, can remain tenaciously for several days.” “这些药粉可以留下痕迹,亮粉色会在森林中十分显眼。不管是洒在树干上,还是石头上,都会停留很久。哪怕是暴雨冲刷,也能顽强残留好几天。” Had the help of pink potion, the substitute person and Zi Di almost did not need to be worried in the forest to become lost. 有了粉红药剂的帮助,替身和紫蒂几乎再也不用担心在森林中迷路了。 Two people start to make a long and wearisome journey in the forest, encountered a black leopard on the way. 两人开始在森林中长途跋涉,途中遭遇到了一头黑豹。 Pursues quickly, it might attract entire leopard group.” next moment, Zi Di shouted the reminder lowly. “快追,它说不定是要引来整个豹群。”下一刻,紫蒂低呼提醒。 You with. Without......” substitute person has not said, was broken by Zi Di. “你跟上来。如果没有……”替身还未说完,就被紫蒂打断。 You could rest assured that we have potion, can mark anywhere, converges!” Zi Di vies to answer first. “你放心,我们都有药剂,可以随地标记,进行汇合!”紫蒂抢答。 Although the substitute person in own side, will make himself safer. But the young girl is sane, knows that by some chance by leopard group surrounding, her ironclad tragic death, the substitute person is only one person, being hard guard is complete. 虽然替身在自己身边,会让自己更加安全。但少女非常理智,知道万一被豹群包围,她铁定惨死,替身毕竟只是一个人,难以护卫自己周全。 Therefore, she rather now is riskier, the fatal danger may strangle in the beginning stage. 所以,她宁愿现在冒险一些,将可能致命的危险扼杀在萌芽阶段。 The substitute people sharply pursue in the front, the young girl is trying to run behind, reduces itself as far as possible and distance of substitute person. 替身在前方急追,少女在身后尽全力奔跑,尽量缩短自己和替身的距离。 The substitute person speed is quick, quick vanished in the middle of the boundless forest. 替身速度很快,很快就消失在了茫茫森林当中。 Zi Di as if suddenly became alone one person. 紫蒂仿佛一下子又成了孤零零的一个人 The substitute people in the side fortunately, the substitute person walk away, she was hard to avoid feeling to be scared and lonely. 替身在身边的时候还好,替身一走远,她就难以避免地感受到了恐慌和孤独。 The entire forest, the innumerable trunk and branches and leaves, as if became evil existences, with terrifying malicious stare fixedly she. 整个森林,无数枝干和树叶,仿佛成了一个个邪恶的存在,怀着恐怖的恶意紧紧盯着她。 The Zi Di heartbeat is getting quicker and quicker, she discovered that oneself and this forest is such being incompatible. 紫蒂心跳越来越快,她发现自己和这片森林是如此的格格不入。 When she sees the substitute person again, this terrifying and lonely feeling dissipates suddenly. Because of running, her heartbeat is quick, but actually felt relieved at this moment completely. 当她再次看到替身的时候,这种恐怖和孤独的感觉骤然消散。因为奔跑,她心跳很快,但此刻却完全放下心来。 Has the substitute person , is very good.” “有替身在,真的很好。” If my one person seeks livehood alone, perhaps will be crashed by this invisible tremendous pressure quickly?” “如果我单独一个人求生,恐怕很快就会被这种无形的巨大压力压垮吧?” The substitute people and Zi Di exchange, the news makes her be that surprised- the people named Huang Zao prays for rescue. 替身和紫蒂交流,消息让她感到意外-有一位叫做黄藻的人求救。 But after careful ponder, Zi Di responded to the substitute person: Lord, I suggested that you save him.” 但仔细思考之后,紫蒂回应替身:“大人,我建议你救下他。” Then an analysis of Zi Di, is well-organized, the specific goal, is well-founded. 接下来紫蒂的一番分析,条理清晰,目的明确,有理有据。 Must save him, at least must...... substitute person feel embarrassed facing more than ten Bronze spiders. “可是要救下他,至少得面对十几头青铜蜘蛛……”替身为难。 Lord, I have the means.” Zi Di is saying with a smile, believes me, if puts in the serious offense harvest, I will not do this.” 大人,我已经有了办法。”紫蒂笑着道,“相信我,如果付出大过收获,我是绝不会这样做的。” Good that you said. But you forgot the most important point.” The substitute people said. “你说的不错。但你忘记了最重要的一点。”替身道。 Zi Di restrains the smile hastily, sincere lowers the head: Also asked Lord to instruct.” 紫蒂连忙收敛笑容,正色垂首:“还请大人训示。” I am Templar Knight, is Knight in Knight, the help is small and weak, noble spirit of saving the sick and wounded is my creed! Even the dangerous time, I will not abandon the companion.” The substitute person loud and clear words, reverberate in the quiet forests. “我是圣殿骑士,是骑士中的骑士,帮助弱小,救死扶伤是我的信条!即便是危难时刻,我也不会抛弃同伴。”替身掷地有声的话语,在静谧的林间回荡。 Suddenly, Zi Di looks at youngster, gawked gawked. 一时间,紫蒂看着少年,愣了一愣。 If Zhen Jin oneself this saying, the Zi Di percentage hundred do not believe that also has to despise. 如果是针金本人来说这话,紫蒂百分百不信,同时心生鄙夷。 If were the substitute person just regained consciousness, spoke these words, Zi Di does not believe. 如果是替身刚刚苏醒,说了这番话,紫蒂也不会相信。 But several days ago, Zi Di and substitute person experienced the life and death together, was danger-prone, Zi Di saw with one's own eyes the substitute person to bravely step forward, to protect her resisted the Fire Poison Bee group, for she and Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear slaughtered frigidly, in cave he struggled in the life and death back and forth. 但数天前,紫蒂和替身共同经历生死,险情不断,紫蒂亲眼看到替身挺身而出,为保护她抵抗火毒蜂群,为了她和猴尾棕熊惨烈厮杀,山洞中他在生死间来回挣扎。 Perhaps he said that these words are the sincerity. He is Knight, the Knight spirit is his creed, the crude memory also reinforced his happy personal character.” “或许他说这番话是真心的。他原本就是骑士,骑士精神是他的信条,简陋的记忆也加固了他美好的品德。” If so, he is worth me trusting!” “如果是这样,那他值得我去信赖!” Thinks of here, Zi Di appears the smile: Lord, I understood.” 想到这里,紫蒂现出笑颜:“大人,我明白了。” Using combustion-supporting potion and flame-resistant potion, the substitute person fights the Blade Edge Spider group, actually discovered that Huang Zao intentionally concealed the Silver Rank Blade Edge Spider significant information. 利用助燃药剂和阻燃药剂,替身大战刀锋蜘蛛群,却发现黄藻刻意隐瞒了白银级别刀锋蜘蛛的重大情报。 Huang Zao retrieval freedom, anxious, bringing the Zi Di dagger to escape alone. 黄藻重获自由,惶急之下,带着紫蒂的匕首独自逃跑了。 Does not have the dagger cutting spider web, the substitute person to fall into the hopeless situation. 没有匕首切割蛛网,替身陷入绝境。 Zi Di was fettered by the spider web in the ground, in the heart gets angry does not hate evenly, goes all out to struggle. 紫蒂被蛛网束缚在地面上,心中怒恨不平,拼命挣扎。 aaaah! in despair, Zi Di heard the angry roaring sound of substitute person. “啊啊啊啊!”绝望之际,紫蒂听到了替身的怒吼声。 Her whole person was fettered by the spider web, lies down on the ground unable to move, can only go all out to raise the head, then she noticed that substitute person both hands different turned into the claw of Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. And in Blade Edge Spider unexpected, kills it. 她整个人被蛛网束缚,躺在地上动弹不得,只能拼命抬头,然后她就看到替身双手异变成了猴尾棕熊的爪子。并在刀锋蜘蛛猝不及防之下,将其杀死。 beastified! His beastified!!” Zi Di is pleasantly surprised. 兽化了!他兽化了!!”紫蒂又惊又喜。 She is not strange, the substitute person is the beastified person who War Monger transforms. 她一点都不奇怪,替身本来就是战贩改造的兽化人。 next moment, the bear claw of substitute person mutation transfers carbon grey dispersing, regains the condition of manpower. 下一刻,替身异变的熊爪转为碳灰飞散,重新恢复人手的状态。 Zi Di stares the big eyes: This can beastified also return to original state? It is not disposable beastified! No wonder War Monger said that the substitute person is his entire life most satisfactory work.” 紫蒂不禁瞪大双眼:“这种兽化还可以还原?并不是一次性的兽化!难怪战贩说替身就是他生平最得意的作品。” Was saved......” knows oneself have been out of the life crisis, the Zi Di whole body relaxed suddenly. “得救了……”知道自己已经脱离了生命危机,紫蒂陡然浑身放松下来。 But at once, her vision is also dignified: Not is quite not and wonderful!” 但旋即,她目光又凝重起来:“不、不太妙!” She thinks suddenly, the memory of substitute person is artificial, beastified is a huge flaw, with his memory and status cognition by extremely huge conflict! 她忽然想到,替身的记忆是人为的,兽化是一个巨大的破绽,和他的记忆和身份认知由极其巨大的冲突! What Zi Di is worried, this can beastified stimulate to his original memory awakens, making him realize that oneself is cheated? 紫蒂更担心的是,这种兽化会不会刺激到他本来的记忆觉醒,让他意识到自己是被蒙骗的? Zi Di lies low hastily, in situation unclear, she decides first to pretend not to know the circumstances of the matter. 紫蒂连忙平躺下来,在情况不明之下,她决定先装作不知情。 Cuts the body of killing the silver spider leader, the substitute person to sway suddenly fiercely. 斩杀了白银蜘蛛头领,替身的身躯忽然猛地摇晃了一下。 Weak, an indescribable weak transmission achieved his heart. 虚弱,一种难以描述的虚弱感传达到了他的心底。 Not only this is the deficiency in physical strength , is not only spiritual exhausted, feels like some part of background of body to pull out suddenly spatially. 这不仅是体力上的匮乏,也不仅是精神上的疲惫,感觉像是身体的某一部分底蕴被陡然掏空。 Lord, Lord Zhen Jin!” The call of Zi Di seems like from the horizon distant place transmits very much, more and more clear resounding. 大人,针金大人!”紫蒂的呼叫像是从天边很远处传来,越来越清晰响亮。 Urged by this sound, the substitute person then responded. 在这股声音的催促下,替身这才反应过来。 He returns to the body hastily, rescued Zi Di, making her retrieval the freedom. 他连忙返身,解救了紫蒂,让她重获自由。 Lord, did you awaken battle energy?!” Zi Di pretends the pleasantly surprised appearance. 大人,你觉醒斗气了?!”紫蒂装作惊喜至极的样子。 No. Was I uses the lance to hold to put on the spider web sharp.” The substitute person state of mind is very chaotic, was mistaken that Zi Di had not seen, he has not thought that concealed the beastified secret subconsciously. “没有。是我利用矛尖捅穿了蛛网。”替身心绪很乱,误以为紫蒂没有看到,他也没有多想,下意识地隐瞒了兽化的秘密。 In the Zi Di heart sinks: He concealed to me! Did he discover the truth?” 紫蒂心中一沉:“他向我隐瞒了!难道他发现了真相?” No, should not be too scared.” “不,不要太恐慌。” Perhaps he has not discovered the flaw, suddenly is hard to accept own body to have the mutation fact.” “或许他没有发现破绽,一时间难以接受自己的身体会发生异变的事实。” I must continue to pretend not to know the circumstances of the matter, if said the truth rashly, will stimulate him, likely made him make the malicious behavior.” “我还是要继续装作不知情,如果贸然说出真相,会刺激他,很可能让他做出恶意的行为。” That hateful Huang Zao ran! We must find him, tidies up him ruthlessly!” Zi Di is saying wickedly, immediately shifted the topic. “那个可恶的黄藻跑了!我们一定要找到他,狠狠地收拾他!”紫蒂恶狠狠地说着,立即转移了话题。 Wait, this is the good thing, cannot lose.” Zi Di had a liking for the corpse of silver spider. “等等,这可是好东西,千万不能丢了。”紫蒂又看上了白银蜘蛛的尸体。 The beast of substitute person changes and conceals, lets in her heart the sense of crisis sharp increase. She must grasp each to strengthen oneself opportunity. 替身的兽变和隐瞒,让她心中危机感剧增。她必须把握住每一个能增强自己的机会。 At the same time, she needs to depend upon the substitute person to protect itself, resists the Monster Bewildering Island dangerous environment. 一方面,她需要依靠替身来保护自己,对抗迷怪岛险恶的环境。 on the other hand, she also needs to be vigilant the substitute person, perhaps next moment, the substitute person sends on the beastly nature her greatly falls down! 另一方面,她也需要警惕替身,说不定下一刻,替身就兽性大发将她扑倒! Discovered own mutation, was full of the doubts for the body and mind. 发现自己异变,替身心中充满了疑惑。 All the way, he often shows the look that intertwines and is at a loss. 一路上,他时常露出纠结和迷惘的神色。 These Zi Di watch. 这些紫蒂都看在眼里。 Now this situation, the substitute person does not know my sentiment. If he confessed this secret to me, sought my help, this to me was most advantageous.” “现在这种情况,替身并不知道我之情。他如果向我坦白这个秘密,寻求我的帮助,这对我是最有利的。” Because he, since confessed to me, explained that he still trusted me, has not discovered the truth.” “因为他既然向我坦白,就说明他仍旧信任我,并没有发现真相。” He continues to conceal, basically has two situations. One type has not discovered the flaw, but is at the stage of self-doubt. Another type has started to suspect me, questioned own status.” “他继续隐瞒,基本上有两种情况。一种是没有发现破绽,只是处于自我怀疑的阶段。另一种则是已经开始怀疑我,质疑自己的身份。” Zi Di follows behind the substitute person, watches a person's every mood to him. 紫蒂跟在替身后面,对他察言观色。 The substitute people are worried, her pressure is also very big. 替身心事重重,她也压力很大。 However is good in the Zi Di observation, had not discovered that the substitute person is investigating himself vaguely or pries what information. 不过好在紫蒂观察中,并没有发现替身在隐晦地探查自己或者刺探什么情报。 This makes her feel relieved slightly. 这让她稍稍放心一些。 Lord, you looked, here has the Huang Zao trail!” Quick, Zi Di had the pleasantly surprised discovery. 大人,你看,这里有黄藻的足迹!”很快,紫蒂有了惊喜的发现。 Drawing water time, Zi Di and substitute person were surrounded by Lan Zao, Cang Xu and the others. 汲水的时候,紫蒂和替身被蓝藻苍须等人包围。 The Zi Di attitude is strong: Is you! Snort, made us catch you finally, Huang Zao.” 紫蒂态度强硬:“是你!哼,总算让我们逮到你了,黄藻。” In the heart besides the pressure, likes. 心中除了压力,还有欢喜。 one person treats side the substitute person, was too dangerous.” 一个人待在替身身边,实在太危险了。” These people come the time very much to be good!” “这些人来得时机很好!” „Side I need some people to follow, as the matter stands, even if the substitute person discovers the flaw, wants to lash out at me, were still many scruples.” “我需要一些人伴随身边,这样一来,就算替身发现破绽,想要向我发难,也多了一层顾忌。”
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