EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#193: This substitute person is priceless

The substitute people see Zi Di, he lies down on the ground, wants to speak, could not say. His throat and tongue swelling fiercely, making him be hard to pronounce, can only smile bitterly to the young girl. 替身看到紫蒂,他躺在地上,想要说话,却说不出来。他的咽喉和舌头都肿胀得厉害,让他难以发音,只能对少女苦笑。 In the Zi Di mind the train of thought like the electricity, explained immediately for oneself: Lord, fire poison manifested suddenly, beforehand potion no longer is also effective. I in configuration new potion, I can certainly be successful!” 紫蒂脑海中思绪如电,立即为自己解释道:“大人,火毒重新发作了,之前的药剂也不再管用。我正在配置药剂,我一定能够成功的!” Believes me, Lord, you may not probably give up! I can certainly save you!” “相信我,大人,你可千万不能放弃!我一定能够救活你!” The substitute people nod, but is this extremely slight movement, making him fall into the stupor again. 替身点头,但就是这个极其轻微的动作,让他再次陷入了昏迷。 Zi Di at the scene, not? Also stupor? 紫蒂楞在当场,不是吧?又昏迷了? She inspects the substitute person condition hastily, discovered that his condition is extremely bad, compared with condition that before died, but were many one breath, like returning to consciousness just before dying of person at the point of death. 她连忙检查替身状态,发现他状态极差,和之前死亡的状态相比,只是多了一口气而已,像极了临死之人的回光返照。 „Did I just guess contain errors? Hasn't War Monger arranged the method that what brings back to life?” “难道我刚刚的猜测有误?战贩并没有布置什么起死回生的手段?” Perhaps was just played dead...... I to remember that in some book seems to have recorded this case.” “或许刚刚是假死……我记得某本书中似乎记载过这种案例。” Or, War Monger indeed established the self-help method, but can the effect of this self-help also only be such degree?” “又或者,战贩的确设置了自救手段,但是这种自救的效果也只能达到这样的程度?” Hateful! Do I want to rejoice without reason one?” “可恶!难道我要空欢喜一场吗?” Zi Di clenches teeth, looks at the substitute person who will soon be dying again is not very unwilling. 紫蒂咬牙,望着即将再次死去的替身很不甘心。 Suddenly, in her mind the miraculous glow flashes. 忽然,她脑海中灵光一闪。 Wait, fire poison mostly saves in the middle of his blood, this lets his fatal reason. I arrange his poisonous blood, could lighten the burden of his body, thus saves him!” “等等,火毒大多积蓄在他的血液当中,这是让他致命的原因。我将他的毒血排出去,或许能减轻他身体的负担,从而救活他!” Naturally, this also means have the great hidden. 当然,这个办法也有重大隐患。 That is the substitute person passed through frigid battle, loses blood, if arranges the blood again, perhaps will perish because of the excessive loss of blood. 那就是替身本就经过一场惨烈的厮杀,失血很多,如果再排血,恐怕会因失血过多而亡。 But did not have the means. 但没有办法了。 Not expulsion of toxin blood, he must certainly die. Words of row, as if possibility of returning alive! 不排毒血,他肯定要死。排的话,似乎还有生还的可能! Zi Di took a deep breath, cuts open the arm blood vessel of substitute person, discharges the poisonous blood for him. 紫蒂深吸一口气,切开替身的手臂血管,为他排出毒血。 The looks at blood flows out outside the body unceasingly, Zi Di is also observing the condition of substitute person tight. 看着血液不断流出体外,紫蒂同时也在紧张地观察替身的状况。 In her mouth summoned unceasingly, from time to time opened out the eyelid of substitute person, observed his pupil. 她口中不断呼唤,时而拨开替身的眼皮,观察他的瞳孔。 „Is this?!” In a flash, the pupil of substitute person has the inexplicable change unexpectedly, turned into the pupil but actually vertical beast pupil, jet black pupil, gold color white of the eye. “这是?!”一瞬间,替身的瞳孔竟发生莫名的变化,变成了瞳孔倒竖的兽眸,漆黑的瞳孔,黄金色的眼白。 Sees such eye pupil, the Zi Di whole body cannot move, the thought also ossifies, is unable to ponder, inescapable, probably bumped into the natural enemy! 看到这样的眼眸,紫蒂浑身动弹不得,思维也僵化,无法思考,无法逃脱,像是碰到了天敌! But next moment, the pupil of substitute person changed again, got met the appearance of human eye. 下一刻,替身的瞳孔再次发生了转变,变会了人眼的模样。 All these happen was too quick, Zi Di is absent-minded, almost thinks that just had the misconception. 这一切发生的太快了,以至于紫蒂恍惚,差点以为刚刚产生了错觉。 The substitute people open the eyelid again reluctantly, all around the examination, discovers Zi Di in own side, and is drawing his blood outward. 替身再次勉强张开眼皮,察看四周,发现紫蒂就在自己身边,并且正在向外抽他的血。 Lord, I am treating for you! I draw your poisonous blood again outward, dilutes your fire poison.” 大人,我正在为你治疗!我再向外抽取你的毒血,稀释你身上的火毒。” The substitute people are silent, does not dare easily to move...... 替身默然不语,不敢轻易动弹一下…… His mind also has the intense dizziness, once the movement is slightly big, he will be struck down by this dizziness. 他的头脑还有强烈的眩晕,一旦动作稍大,他就会被这股眩晕击倒。 The substitute person calmly looks at hole top, died shortly after again. 替身静静地看着洞顶,不久后再次死亡。 Died?!” “又死了?!” Zi Di is shocked, in heart again ice-cold. 紫蒂愣住,心中再次冰冷起来。 She opens out the eyelid of substitute person, discovered that the pupil has proliferated, the heartbeat completely vanishes, just like before, died thoroughly. 她拨开替身的眼皮,发现瞳孔已经扩散,心跳完全消失,和之前一样,彻底死去。 Trades to be others, Zi Di gives up surely. 换做其他人,紫蒂必定放弃。 But she knows that the substitute person is War Monger transforms personally, is having the War Monger very big expectation, for this reason War Monger even consumed the blood of Legend Rank magic beast. 但她知道替身是战贩亲自改造出来的,寄托着战贩很大的期望,为此战贩甚至消耗了传奇级魔兽的血液。 Just the substitute person was this condition, then suddenly resurrecting...... perhaps, this time also played dead.” “刚刚替身就是这种状态,然后忽然复活……或许,这次也是假死。” However this time, Zi Di waited to be very long, did not have, when the substitute person resurrected again. 然而这一次,紫蒂等了很久,都没有等到替身再次复活。 Reactivates to only have one time?” The body of Zi Di nosing substitute person, discovers his corpse very ice-cold. “难道复活只有一次?”紫蒂查探替身的身体,发现他的尸体非常冰冷。 Excessive loss of blood? Is because I arrange the blood for him, causing him dead thoroughly?” “失血过多了吗?难道是因为我为他排血,导致他彻底死亡?” Zi Di starts to be flurried. 紫蒂开始慌乱起来。 potion in my hand, simply does not have the means dead and be reborn. Only can depend upon his life potential, he loses blood now too, I need to supplement the blood for him!” “我手中的药剂,根本没办法让人死而复生。只能依靠他本身的生命潜能,他现在失血太多了,我需要为他补充血!” Tested simply, Zi Di discovered that own blood-group and substitute person did not match completely. 简单测试了一下,紫蒂发现自己的血型和替身完全不匹配。 She saw the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear corpse, vision. 她看到了猴尾棕熊的尸体,目光一顿。 Transports bear blood to his within the body!” “将熊血输送到他的体内去!” He was transformed by War Monger, itself has Golden Queen Bee bloodline, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear is also man-made magic beast, both sides have the things in common.” “他是被战贩改造的,本身有黄金蜂后血脉,猴尾棕熊也是人造魔兽,双方有共通之处。” This is worth trying!” “这值得一试!” Meanwhile, this is also placed in the Zi Di present only means. 同时,这也是摆在紫蒂眼前的唯一的办法。 Shortly , the substitute person wakes up again. 不久后,替身再次醒来。 This time, he tightens the wrinkle frown, felt the intense pain! 这一次,他紧皱双眉,感受到了强烈的痛楚! Was effective, was effective!” Zi Di yells, in the heart is very excited. “有效了,有效了!”紫蒂不禁叫喊起来,心中无比激动。 Quick, the substitute person closed the eyes again. 很快,替身再次闭上了双眼。 Died?!” Zi Di is dumbfounded, cannot bear be indignant. “又死了?!”紫蒂傻眼,忍不住气愤起来。 Died lived, lives died? Actually do you want to make what?! 死了又活,活了又死?你究竟想做什么?! The Zi Di mood fluctuates with the life and death of substitute person unceasingly fiercely, from time to time in heaven, from time to time in hell. 紫蒂的心情随着替身的生死不断剧烈起伏,时而在天堂,时而在地狱。 The life and death of substitute person, is connected Zi Di closely whether to escape. 偏偏替身的生死,又紧密关联着紫蒂能否逃生。 Zi Di took a deep breath, inspects the physical condition of substitute person again. 紫蒂深吸一口气,再次检查替身的身体状况。 She puts out foul air at once, felt relieved slightly. 她旋即又吐出一口浊气,稍稍放下心来。 Originally the substitute person these had not died time, but falls into the middle of the stupor. 原来替身这一次并没有死亡,而是陷入昏迷当中。 Now can only depend on he himself, I have achieved all that has been able to achieve!” Zi Di sighed. “现在只能靠他自己了,我已经做到了所能做到的一切!”紫蒂叹息一声。 She had the confidence to the substitute person. 她对替身产生了信心。 The confidence establishment very simple substitute person died continually can resurrect, let alone now is only the stupor? 信心的建立很简单替身连死了都能复活,更何况现在只是昏迷呢? Wait, remains unconscious while him, I must inspect him comprehensively!” “等等,趁着他昏迷不醒,我要全面检查他!” This is the best time.” “这是最佳时机。” If he returns alive to regain consciousness, opportunity that I have not done this.” “如果他生还苏醒,我就没有这样做的机会了。” Zi Di knows oneself must increase to the substitute person understood, his body was the numerous riddles, actually War Monger established how many alchemy methods? 紫蒂知道自己必须对替身增添更多了解,他的身上是重重谜团,战贩究竟设置了多少炼金的手段呢? Zi Di goes all-out to take off on the substitute person, can by the equipment and clothing that she takes off. 紫蒂尽全力脱去替身身上,能够被她脱去的装备和衣物。 When takes off the pants time, the Zi Di movement stagnates suddenly stiffly. 等到脱裤子的时候,紫蒂动作猛然僵滞。 She realized suddenly: Is she doing! 她忽然意识到:她自己在干什么! Previously, she has also never torn off young man pants on own initiative! 此前,她还从未主动拔下过一位年轻男性的裤子! I study, I to survive, I must this!” “我只是研究一下,我只是为了生存,我必须这样做!” Zi Di, come on! You can be good.” 紫蒂,加油!你能行的。” No one knows that you made anything, he fainted!” “谁都不知道你做了什么,他都昏死过去了!” Although in the heart encourages itself unceasingly, Zi Di delayed more than ten breath, this continues to act. 尽管心中不断鼓励自己,紫蒂还是拖延了十几个呼吸,这才继续行动。 When she wears the pants for the substitute person time, she reddens all over the face, the probably thoroughly ripe tomato are common, felt own whole person is burning. 等到她为替身重新穿上裤子的时候,她满脸通红,像是熟透的番茄一般,感觉自己整个人都在燃烧。 Good long while, she recovers consciousness , to continue to act. 好半天,她才缓过来,继续行动。 She cleaned the battlefield, processes the corpse of brown bear and black leopard. Also using bear blood, configuration has game potion, sprinkles near the cave, pretends to be the brown bear also living the false appearance, shocks predator that other possibly have. 她打扫了战场,将棕熊和黑豹的尸体都处理掉。又利用熊血,配置出野味药剂,洒在山洞附近,冒充棕熊还活着的假象,震慑其他可能存在的猎食者 She penetrates the cave, searched finally, discovered the impasse. 她又深入山洞,探到了最后,发现了死胡同。 Goes out to return again, she discovered pleasantly surprised the substitute person had opened the eyes. 再一次外出归来,她惊喜地发现替身已是睁开了双眼。 You awoke!” Her mind surged, walked without rest several steps, almost jumped in the bosom of substitute person. “你醒了!”她心神激荡,连走了几步,几乎扑进替身的怀中。 At the same time, she really excited, on the other hand, she is also performing with the action. 一方面,她是真的激动,另一方面,她也在用行动来表演。 Quick, she felt that the substitute person pats her shoulder with the hand, hears the voice of substitute person also becomes hoarse: I listened to you, has not given up.” 很快,她就感到替身用手拍她的肩膀,听到替身的声音也变得沙哑:“我听了你的,没有放弃。” Un!” Zi Di nods, loosens Zhen Jin, closely is no longer hugging, a pair of purple eye pupil is staring at youngster, winks. “嗯!”紫蒂点头,松开针金,不再紧紧抱着,一双紫色的眼眸盯着少年,一眨不眨。 Both eyes four pairs. 双目四对。 The Zi Di heart said: His pupil is also very normal. Beast pupil that before presented that was really only the illusion? 紫蒂心道:他的瞳孔也很正常。之前出现的兽眸,难道真的只是幻觉? In the heart analyzes, young girl while with emotions typical: Lord Zhen Jin, you are true Templar Knight!” 一边心中分析,少女一边动情地道:“针金大人,您是一位真正的圣殿骑士!” All these give credit to your potion.” “这一切都归功于你的药剂。” Zi Di actually shakes the head: At that time the situation was urgent, creates the potion condition is also crude. To be honest, I not grasped at that time, but spells to go all-out, I have not thought will have such effect! Perhaps......” 紫蒂却摇头:“当时情况紧急,制造药剂的条件也过于简陋。说实话,我当时毫无把握,只是拼尽全力,我并未想过会有这样的奇效!或许……” The substitute people smile: What do you want to ask? Does not need scruples.” 替身笑了笑:“你想问什么?不必顾忌。” In the Zi Di heart is very clear: Now has had a huge flaw. The matter of dying and being reborn, can attempt to conceal. But the terrifying resilience that the substitute person shows, I am not completely in line with Zhen Jin. 紫蒂心中很清楚:现在已经产生了一个巨大的破绽。死而复生的事情,可以尝试隐瞒。但替身表现出来的恐怖的恢复能力,完全和针金本人不相符。 She guessed that this very possible is the War Monger method, but the substitute person does not know War Monger, if he has the suspicion in this aspect, might suspect her body. 她猜测这很可能是战贩的手段,但是替身不知道战贩,他如果在这方面产生怀疑,很可能会怀疑到她的身上来。 Therefore, she must solve this flaw with the words technique ahead of time. 所以,她必须提前用话术解决掉这个破绽。 Under Zi Di guidance desirably, the mentality of substitute person was seriously affected by her. 紫蒂刻意的引导下,替身的思路被她严重影响。 Your guess indeed has the possibility, but I cannot reply you. Because my memory restored short several.” “你的猜测的确有可能,但是我也不能回答你。因为我的记忆只是恢复了短短几幕而已。” Lord, feeling of drinking water how?” A Zi Di face concerned with tense color. 大人,喝水的感觉如何?”紫蒂一脸关切和紧张之色。 Discovered oneself guide successful, intelligent Zi Di to quit when you're ahead, immediately shifts the topic. 发现自己引导成功,聪敏的紫蒂见好就收,立即转移话题。 „The feeling of no pain, as if as usual.” Substitute person reply. “没有什么痛楚的感觉,似乎和往常一样。”替身回答。 This is good, but also needs to observe.” “这样就好,但还需要观察。” Zi Di cared very much the condition of substitute person, now, she can only depend upon him. 紫蒂很关心替身的状态,现在,她只能依靠他。 The substitute people drink water to need to urinate. 替身喝水需要排尿。 Lord, making me help you.” Zi Di has been paying close attention to the substitute person, she is good at watching a person's every mood very much, detected the little embarrassment that youngster reveals, she clearly becomes aware. 大人,让我来帮你吧。”紫蒂一直密切关注着替身,她很善于察言观色,察觉到少年流露出的一点点窘态,她就明悟过来。 Lord, I am your fiancee, is awkward.” Zi Di also urged, in the heart said, I have looked.” 大人,我可是你的未婚妻,无须尴尬。”紫蒂又劝,心中则道,“我早就看过啦。” Well? The volume was different. Reason that because suppresses the urine......” “咦?体积不一样了。因为憋尿的原因吗……” Zi Di helped the substitute person arrange the urine smoothly, on the cheeks still ascended two groups of lovable blushing, before the volume, had the hair to turn upwards slightly, as if entire small head is braving the steam. 紫蒂帮助替身顺利地排了尿,脸颊上仍旧升腾两团可爱的红晕,额前有头发微微翘起,似乎整个小脑袋都在冒着热气。 Lord, it seems like, your injury restores at present very well. You can feel relieved that drank water. But the feed also needs to be discrete.” The healthy condition of Zi Di meeting substitute person feels happy. 大人,目前看来,你的伤势恢复得很好。你可以放心地喝水了。但进食还需要谨慎。”紫蒂会替身的健康状态感到开心。 She observes the excrement of substitute person, then collects the analysis. 她又观察替身的粪便,然后收集分析。 Lord, your recovered very well, more specifically, was extremely astonishing. Such physical quality, is not silver level can have.” 大人,你的身体恢复得很好,更准确地说,是极其惊人。这样的身体素质,绝不是白银层次能够拥有的。” Zi Di is staring at Zhen Jin, a pair of purple pupil is sending out the scorching light. 紫蒂盯着针金,一双紫眸散发着灼热的光。 She realized in this moment suddenly: Even oneself schemed the plan fail of War Monger heritage, but present youngster is War Monger before death the most satisfactory work. Profoundly studies him, may calculate the War Monger alchemy achievement! 她在这一刻忽然意识到:就算自己图谋战贩遗产的计划失败了,但眼前的这个少年就是战贩生前最得意的作品。深入地研究他,也有可能推算出战贩炼金成果!
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